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Durham Chronicle (1867), 14 Aug 1913, p. 5

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“! WM.“ “Ally Rill.‘ ,‘I I . \ a -. ilii lilctol‘)’. '. Muzzy; llii-ll ....... There were 12 later-manta in Greenwood cemetery, Owen Sounu,l l during the month of July. com- managers? ND ABOUT US cts to Daublng on of Tar‘ ,. lrish Guards Band am ”3‘3 Band at the Can- pared with 14 for the correspond-3, Francs Obje ‘ clonal Exhibition it looks in! though last year. The average' or Pitch “lotion age was 28 years. 2 months. .â€" -â€"""" prevailing at present for Dave General Long Misreprflflnfiâ€" ‘ Fe“ ”in“ by I Noted Swimmer Childiet‘. of Far North Ossassd lays“ out Gon- -â€" "Ode! 0' Remus l0 DNW’ Hope But Gradually KW Ai.cr Years of Work yczir in music. 103 .years Old. f the marking of 8 Saturday last i of identification is that the coal tar or pitch lab is made use of has a on the wool not only as been made on. John Wilkinson. died of erysipel-as .on at the Royal ,Alexandria hospitaln the reason Edmonton. He was born in Ire- . solution wl: land in 1310.. came to Canada in 1 Lerlous (mt; "1 $1" 1815 With his settled in s where the mark h in York. now 'l'oron ill-wilt was fatally crush- ~lt‘\2ili)i' at the Motor- London. on last neck. \Vt'l't’ illlt rnem- '. . h h t . . pat thiong t e cleansing process a ,_ ~. i-ui'n fly i'lll. Di.'lll5i)ll. to: bathing '.n :i piil'lic‘ Mackenzie Rebellion. Was a v t - , ‘ . l-' 4‘ a ' .. I ‘1 v s ‘ | . o .nilt .\r .iiilig ruining ' ll;;r(;l atth z\:)l..!lr.‘la§.{st(') l.;£t 80f ):earso that (11118. 311011 W001 brings a (18‘ ' -‘ ‘ “ r ' ° creased price. The National Society ‘1 through torians who 'lllJl‘l ltt Ullt‘ oi the tWo, , it ”it'll U'l (ll‘t' Titanic \a'h’é‘ll Everybody’s 0.0108 it. Doing W113" . . ., .m.,l.."“.‘.'“*;ft..::.v ' W... m». ... u i... 22:25:53? secessionist W . Vi llmli .ii Soiilliwrliptdll. l‘lng- be healthy. wealthy “a wise you’d malady, wt or scab. The Chamberi soldiers, r. l’i'oiaV. - better get into the ranks. has been supposed If some one tOld you that that dsii- of a color composed of linseed Oll., of turpentine and Prussian t0 make repa 'l""‘l l’l'i‘HllVlt'l'lilll (‘lllll'i'll. Who‘d germs. now (In! 1'“). ",‘HH Jigs.“ . 35‘,“ if}: push it away in fear and disgust. and marking on nose, forehead or nap ;I,f,‘.n;,';,, “ A ”Mi at you nonchalantly shoo on the of the neck. lihem and said: ' k W E germy fly that is crawling around its -â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"-'â€"' l Will (“Sill ‘ ' ~ J. l.:l:llll, of Toronto. \l'él-‘llcrllst and WW; I‘llyanth: 3/81 :Iml'w of inviting l'i. Jw'I‘here’s dan er in tha is. There’s ' g l p 1 OLD ONTARIO’S ROADS W .1... , ll~ . i .. r 5v r! - l‘w death“ that fly 8"“ mm! ' lbody of General Braddock. I shot and apparently dr .. sh.) d A 'l “l I” t i“ Watch your homes. Burn the any him 1 am 'l‘om Fassett." After time. He advises that time be taken cidedly 80' ‘ necessary rubbish and waste as soon In the. organized counties of old. awhile 8mm bones WP", found WM? for the rescuer to remove the outer, M“ 8013‘?“ “'33 “me?!“ regarding as possible. Keep scrupulously clean, Ontario there are 50,000 miles Of road.‘ ped in a silken scarf. Th9}, were clothing. ltbhe priva‘lllng customs of the if“): a report made by MM; ldentifird by Fassett and others as? Take Th“ ‘° Think lilil‘t 2:35: :ii’siiil‘nigsraiiigorinfwilciie' he British General.‘, While this is being done, the res-l polygamy and worse, while an utter perty charac- ft m! i'liamin-l'liiin’s (I ‘ivii ' l His oldest son died last year at 79 of Agriculture lpointed to do the work contains " lfollowing: It has been but this is even 3 General in to, sparing in who all of Ziil' It hit fo' traffic llc- , .,,.,., :use analine colors, . ' ‘ "" : worse, since the colors do not merely )‘lil'li fl (‘luilgid Wlth tin- ‘ SWAT 'EM! 1301] the fleece, but, gctuflly dye iLBder an imputation ' l” 1 mail “4%! mm" 1 ‘v ,__, " Other means are not lacking, notably , to have been images" that of tattooing the ear of the sheep. eray a typical Britis a small metallic plate can be, as is done with; find of Jami- zit Siiiillury ' penitentiary. i speaking of files. are you a mom f Perhaps inoculated with essence ckly you would blue or s l.. Yillc. Ul'giliill‘li in l)i\i- according to l‘i'ii ol' (liarrllm-a by one. Mclli-an of the Highways l olir'. (Cliole‘ Don’t dump dirt; " WNWS cleansing fires. 0 destroy it with he of the easiest 1* "ll \\. A. ll l)l.il'l°l10c:i Remedy. partment of the lir‘llillll‘ili. Oriole. Pa. 'l'hcro’ '5'”: nix-troy, p0,. 3.1“, by an}. 33:: 1:11:30 :ggflwtth: iiiigrfiieagfiiga ment, A classification would be ap-u, a great " l number of the pests a little reward at prox matel) “5 follows. l known and recently it was dPCllii-tl v, '1‘ t y H H. ”mm”. fl. 1.“, the end of the summer, and you wonr. 1' Trunk roads connecting ; to erect a monument to lil‘adiluck‘sllf the accident occurs in running: . . I"li"'l ll'li 'li'i'lili l l‘) lb" need to buy any Bthky paper or 901.0“ ‘ the lalge i.O\VaIl8 and 2 0 n ‘memory. ‘iwater. and ”1p dro‘nning person 13‘ This “8‘9 the only direCl. attempt ma. c.5325; disengaging ’5 O m e. H” La" 3...... ”113385525 Titer ‘he.i“““"““.*‘“i’““’li”:§.f.;°.fl‘f.3“;';“‘€fr ‘ifimfillbeneii‘; “.5 '.‘H i; ”g, ‘ “A“... 5 ' ‘ ' are eow e s o Wlere A - ' «5i ‘1‘“); I“: m: Jim/Viv Flies ”0 prolific. Each 09° you hi i roads ................. 6,000 mile The story bassett 901d about the he has disappeared on the aggumpuon’ returned to them, but a gradual change ' means the death of its hundreds o! p (a) Main township roads 25,000 miles Battleoi Monongahela, 111 which Brad- 1 that the body has drifted down. Start came over them from observing the ‘sloil-ii. wiiu \\(l'l .ii llli'il‘ll descendants. You do many harder . lb) Scioniiary township dockiell,.lla51‘i()t been recognized by. above the spot, and go down under habits of the missionaries and lind- w pcl'i'wl'lmni in tin- Fcn- things to prevent disease- Why 00. . roads ................. 16,500 miles the historians, but there h? every rpa'.water with the current, saving every i son's Bay i‘onlpally officials at Fort lwn. lllt'il Friday lilhi take this in hand early in the season 1 The roads described as trunk roads son to belleve that it “3 the .most, ounce of strength. l McPherson, as well as the lndians .. on» iron .i i'l'LLi'l‘lr“ :. and not run any risk? Begin your are, with (hp exception of a few con- authentic account or. that strickeni On locating the. victim, seize him who were now largely (‘llrisilanised. ‘ “‘4'“ H" "H" 'l Fill” swattlng now.â€"â€"Isabel Woodman Whit. nccting linkg‘ among the most impor- field. Braddock, as might have becn . by the hair or by the clothing at the l and the grosresi practices died out in Coos County Democrat. , tant of the county roads. Main town- expected of.a soldier Who had 1.9091qu 1 b30k 0‘ lht‘ “Wk. 01‘ by the. upper arm. l with in“ “35““? 0f ”‘9 ”1d" gener- \l ‘ , \li.l:ilc:'i-n. “4i ,3. -a- i ship roads comprise principally the illolthtiils tgfiingnrip 11ndeurtORe'offin‘g‘: "4 and propel yourself to the surface with ations. During the latter part of this ». .l mu: \li'irili-m-n. tiYLil Bast Drugs Nssdsd. it concession roads on which numerous in bi? fdlund Jhirrinsei‘f 8;“.de “g nhdownward strokes ”f the ”99 all“ and period an immigration from Alaska \\' \ MM‘H‘IWH K} .. Be sure that all drugs and chemicals farms from and which converge mm] toglead a mixed force of Colonials End leg drives. llo not run the risk of look place oi some members of an- . t» .m ,.,, 5”...“ ,,H l“:-.« used in killing files are trash and Du”: ' and create the traffic of trunk .01. coun-l English ”00109; against the! Indians and pushing iroln the bottom unless ab- 10ther il‘llw. and while now they no \. ..\ ,. » -r .i-xr. otherwise results may not be ”mug, ty roads. Sccondary township roads\ the French ‘ Braddock seemed tol solutely sure of a footing, for many ilongcr iiniliod theirlminoralities be- to?! l include the little travelled connecting realize that. the methods in which he swimmers have been drowned by sink- fore ihc iihllc. within their own vil- ' iroads. . ’; ing in the mud or by becoming en- lages iliiy became more degraded than i sun. \\ illit“l l'l 'ien‘ww an? bhls men dhad 31680 (111119?1 were tangled ill the weeds. Once on ilielcver. " l til" it!” “1" WWW“ SWAT ’ no est 5‘1“" to 9 enemy e was surface it. rigquires little extra efi'ol‘tl When iln- next serious attcin i to l Mill Hill lll‘wll "it in the . i PIONEER OF MONTREAL about to meet, bill he 331d ‘0 Washing- to tow an unconscious person to show. i ('llristianize these people was iilade \ l” a”!!! "l “WWW“ I”. l ton, “The British soldier has been The victim should be turned face up-lin 1892 by Rev. lsaac i). Stringer. of ii 21'n-l "l 'llt', glllii l’i-li'f‘ is Swat! 8W.“ 8W!" Recalls Long Past Eventg of Big Clty’g taught to tight Shoulder to ShOUldel‘. ward as soon as possible, l\\’y(-lifie Ol't‘illegi’. Toronto. he found . ii. Im-r lli lllllt‘. Though the weather be cold or hot. ‘ History ‘ I cannot at this time alter this‘ Co-operation Helps la dimpum m (‘Olllt'llil mm which had . ' . ' or '~'lâ€" In tho suntpr thorain ______. method. We will do our duty, and If th t b ' stint“ M1511”, with by his ”“4“?“th r cincm. Morin” mun” You must it im again. ‘ Mr. Charles A. Gregory of Montreal,‘ fight as best we can.” So he went' hi )1: .Diâ€"‘liillll .01 e. resiued I'QlPidlal‘tO any great extent This “a“ the . ‘ Whit“ .i\q().ll:'L1i1|J‘ l"H ll.“ 80 Swat! Swat! Swat! although nearing ninety years of age, into the battle as alamb to the slaugll- , ms tsiieâ€"(hilti‘or ‘it s a sampllex Influirflappalling rpm“ which mmmm wi'h *‘l'l‘li i~"l'iin‘~. l l imonlnt‘ A whack for each germ he’s cot. ’lltts the. reputation 0f being the best ter. Concealed in the woods, the h‘fl a .1”: aslore, an H “‘0'“: iInchâ€"Christian “ch".imiim “ ow iv" v . . . . . i . , , . . . , ,1 method is in: the exhausted (mo in ‘ ‘ ‘ “ ’5‘” . lo ”M ill'iss:i‘_ti' l'lq'! ThOUKh has only 0: flY. banjo player ill Lanadas lnCldentallyl (“ans 9101““ Q“ the Brll‘Sh ”0095 ‘33 place one or l)')iil hands on tr P SW) . lto have (all the livilplw. r‘l'onl .h‘ul 1.‘ l‘» I” “My“ ”mw.:l_; You must help him to die. l he has a fund of reminiscenses Of What! the score, Willi" they themselves Sim den of tho swi'llmer “.310 wili ’g"...‘,.,‘."'_ 1 onward from li'li in twenty-inc Snips. X ,1“: apt .Hfl,‘ ,.=._ So Swat! Swat! Swat! $15 now m. inggogt city in the Domin-l fered hardly any losses. The British ly feel th‘“ weight ’ Another flood I a yi-ar i'l'il;:~¢d in 1}“. Arctic. mid on . i“ Jill ‘ll‘ill‘l‘l‘ l8 ti ti 8 ti lion. could not even see the” enemies. but method is to turn. on the ll'icltglll‘i-.g ‘0 ““9"“ ill“ (1‘19“73." liarsi'd illP \i‘lll' . Tails ou’§::illed ganho‘. bloomin’ ‘0‘. l Mr. Gregory faintly recalls the burn-ll with fatal courage stood their ground. heath the rescued one and supporting ‘. ter in thw harbor at iii‘l‘Si'lle‘. island, ' H" ' " “7‘ Bye they house or horse. ‘ mg or m" Parliament buildings, Midi and refused to retreat from the want him ill the 'dl'lllS swim to shore with i The “Trail“ "W“ 0f illi‘l‘“ Sl‘lllt ““3 i‘ ll. wk-wl‘ l' s. They b‘v. germ'. of course. i the rotiili igging Of Lord Elglll f‘ble 03.2”“? Of fire that ringed thrill me feet. I {about forty mi ii. and ilt'l'llf’l‘ officers , >4...“ " ,l",""‘"~"" 80 Swat! Swat! Swat! illll‘ough the streets of the city He', "1' “ashington and his colonials‘ The subdning of a frantic struvglerl nor men 5"”“d 1"“ “”“sm” ”wm' - .. mum. ivz-i oi il'.ll"\ i first journeyed to Montreal on a tralnl fought “llll more knowledge, and can be don“ with safet . onl' in :1 i ,_‘, selves ulidvr any restraint in tlii-ir - \ ‘.\ iii-r .l..ll No matter what else is forgot. , from St. John m Lapralrie, which Wasl therefore with better results, but Brad- hind ' “6 ‘d r ‘ld b l 3) l' i )3 relations Wm) HM] Egmmm “ ““l'wm' 1. i” 120“?“ ,fihfhne‘fihbgf“ be bounding I‘ pulled by horsesâ€"~a wooden railwai'.l (1001‘ ”his“ ‘0 take shelter, and. ac- wrist and iliiJun snizunggrafighgdb) 63:. _ W H w d -. .D“ k 1 l‘ * V ' ””45 "‘l“ A” You 3:.tasw:tr ugwrfi' Swat! fin fame-the only one in the world“‘ cording to old Fassett, it was plain' arm ’of m“ rescuer should then\ 1;“: M \i' 'a owe ‘m' , ‘m _ . i ! . it was understood at the time. 1 that unless some. desperate move were thrown mm. his neck and the forearm . r. hmak' ' , ”H" “.1 9mm" ““3 "S,”bfih‘. a. Swirl «if, Swatl Swat! Swat! Almost his first experience in Mon-f “1868.th whole command .would be under his chin. In ,this position he 7 :ftzib‘il E‘Pilfiu'lflll‘rlllf .“l‘llll” I‘ll“, “fr-‘1" 3‘" I :lifi'l'lljliiilii‘vl ' "‘.,‘\ ' Relolcs at each one that you've got. : iroal was thc exeiution of tweliel amtl‘ihllated. ' 53. he hconceived the cannot Wm, the swimmer witn both i, turned llllttldarllltillViii‘g “‘)“(‘1‘1;:' 1‘; (12’3“? ' .. x“ H, W h cutting ,.~i- For each fly that you kill sodlers on F‘ctihers “91¢“.th fimqli no on o woun ing is General, ”1.311118, and his head is kept above! ken men WOW”) and (.mm'wn ln . i l‘ v Unix- :i i'rm- Makes some bacmus 'u’ I of the TEDt‘lllUllJa fact which is stamll-s order that‘ the command would d9. water. “'3‘” "‘1" arm in“ competent l addition in xiii: *hc oif‘nmrs and um" _ .i» '] “11”.”qu l. A”: ‘3‘? So Swat! Swat! Swat! led on his mpmmy' but the details of; scend to (olonel Viashlngton, who swimmer H” easily make his w“). l not 0an h ‘ “ms” my ll 3 . . .i l‘ljtgi'l‘ .. . "fl“ ”' ‘ ' 1‘ which he was so young he does not! would order a retreat. :ashore. l the worii 0ft”)? Missioiinh’u: £31531 . p. .luillg Him-ix, Don’ts remember. ll.» recalls. however, thatl Killed by a Friend l Choking May be Necessary and bf‘lltlltd the teaching oi the mls- - ‘ his father told llllll all about the cm‘ Fassett fired at Braddock, with thei Mr Handlei advises seizing a strug-l sionaries. ' i . .2‘ . ‘51:: 5‘“. m Till“ ‘“ “9 cm me?iii‘ffi’éi‘"§dhi?dit‘dil‘iobfi‘i‘l'“l“ ”W“ b“ ”‘9 “‘m‘“ “d “m” ‘ V9" W” "h“ M“ "’ m“ . l. ii i.’,‘ . ’ ‘ , - '..°. 3 ‘ ' ,, ' .- s . r . , . magic .. may. . m... in: 3:: 51L“:8lii§§h§ : its“; L'l’iilltfifi. 2.2:: ,l L “null”. W .11.”ng (,.t" DON'T permit thsm nsar your band‘s; Ssouoctesggiwizrih t liaising? make him loose his hold It is 1111- “ men which were. established. Finally if“ iilv «l. (““80 ‘. food, especially milk. 3V hi :t b . . . th 3 9 C; portant to notice that while roughness ' in 1906 Mr. “lllltakPI‘ was forced to 1 HQ. Nott ”I 1" mph. DON’T buy foodstuff whsr. thus “55).". ““8108 e remnant 0 ‘may be necessary in order to breaklleave Herschel island. and in doing , ‘ m. M "l, h “MS fliss ars tolerated. e expe 1‘10“ safely 011i Of the am'; a drowning man‘s grip, once he is ‘ so he left the service books with t‘ s ‘ 1 DON'T havs feeding places buscade. bill the life 0‘ the brave ashore he should be handled With the ‘ headsman oi lilo lslard. who with its ,,. \\ M NH ‘ Hummui whsrs flies can load thsm- General “'33 sacrificed. At WavfihlnS-iutmos-t gentleness. On no accountI young klllSlllHl alone had shown any .,« “H mm,” i “H“,WHU.-. solves with dejections from ty- tons orders the bOdY was buried in*should he be raised by the feet in ' signs of conversion. and this inrn . l m». pm «MN m». informs. phoid or dysentorio patients. the road. and the little force wasiorder to let. me water run out of lilsl promised m hold services every sun. ‘ country. 7 1m, l”.(.-Hi,,nt'] DON'T allow your {Hilts and marChed across ll 383“] and agalnlmouth. This practice is almost (‘Pr-l day for those who would comm, Like ’ \ H ,. H Hill ”I. mum”- ”ll. in order that all “'80? 0f the Brave“ tain to result in death or lasting lib; go man} other cases who‘re pw~ é , i~ “M “mm!” H mm“. n._\ . might be concealed from the lndians.ljury, have been mum-,1 (m ”on. H...“ . . Hr lefi tint it was an it- DO,N,T “i m” crawl cvsr th. 80 successful was this move that; â€"--'â€"â€"“‘""" sources the rcsuli was sniisfac'olw ill l n' nil in . '3'”? Twyl‘ and swarm “PO" later on Washington himself was un-\ lnaenlous Spiders the highest Wyn-p... for H”). mmfm, ‘ "'p" ‘ ° ' ‘ """mg ”m” able to Wat" 1t. and nobody but 1°88“ The Royal Society of Great Britain l ed the serviccs wiihoul a breal: r ~ sett knew precisely where Braddock was receil.iy entertained by a dis-i six years with only occasional \‘lhl'fi eller with an account; from inissimnlt‘ws in that lllln More than one h years after his death, parents. . ‘l°~ fought in the : the hair, but all that which is beinziGeneml madam“ “'9 °° ‘ and will somewhat alter th of Fr c iv s-ti ated an e n e 8 lWilfrid Powell, formation conce 'spoken, ignorant and stubborn. brought out by and not by the Indians, as, of Commerce advises the employmenti lin 1804, when a gang of men began} person than to know how to near Uniontown, a nearby l the remains of t Provincial Govern-l and later on WP”. had been buried. mg Accidents A person has to learn to "Vim by The first attempt at Christi-mans undred and “ft! SEttlllg into the W t Bl. ikln ‘ facts concernlnt out. At the same this; thgge sir; cc:- lllc Eskimos at Herschel island. where mins to “Elli. tain truths that the average man would “39!, ‘chzef settlements are '3"‘,"cl' econception not likcly teach himself even if he in“ wanid‘wn m “'0 by Rex. “' of is British Gene!” spent much of his 5mm time in the Bompas, “ho ‘3'" became Blllloll Thackeray and other hls- wan-r. An observance of these rules the dumps" ”f Mackensie aw": “" have dealt with him. Mr. will not teach a man to swim, but M," 0' ”3- “Wish”, "“0 h“ M the British Consul- they will teach a swimmer to save a “offing in ill}: Mmkensie Rivdsrmdit- Philadelphia, has been un- Inon-swiiiimer who falls into the water, "kt since 13"“ -lt would be i 3” his efforts to unearth in- and they may teach him to save his i to find a more degraded 990913 :1. 11 life when through an excess of ”he”? to whom “‘3 Bompas “’91“- . found they were addicted to lying. rnlng this commander, ow t 'dit' he find hi in repl ) 8 mself in the stealing and stabbing. “They prac- utch of somebod ' be is attem tin 3 p g itised heathen dances. songs and con- luring, Spens and charms. Their ro- will not break the l “‘1 crate grip that a terrified drown- id on “‘3 very crude. being VIN man takes of anyone who ven- 1;" 0‘ 3 Spirit Of "ll. related to ltures within his reach. and the fear :2 tlmd death, amenable to “morn fact l that both the victim and the would-be “‘6'. and a less definits ides : at rescuer will both be dr N 99"“. in relation with the sun. :doubt deterred many A. regard! their d'O‘iMu If. swimmer from attempting a rescue. quuwtgzl: as fallow:l :3; (friend. r It is related that It is scarce less important to know care We - 0 am ‘how to safely approach a drowning “d spend 8 night in his pit” and irs in the Braddock Road swim. this is exactly like life with the b Pa. an old man says L. De B. Handley, a noted sWim- itimos. The difficulty you would have cottage a roached Mr. Handley says it crawling 0“ wriggling into the It! “Be carefu‘ip 01' You mt . through 8. hole only lar‘e enough {a ’ would-be rescuer to remember is that. was 9‘39“? my 00-“ with their houses. As to the habits of your rb the bones of the bravest? at th t t f sec d lost is' .. e on se a ew on s saw. When questioned'not important. been re- companions, the advantage would stored after having been under water probably be on the side 0’ the pigs and the safety of the position de- 0‘ these years has rested un- that now appears cl From Thack- to rescue. Mere strength gallantry, but rough 31118 the most interesting Mr. Powell is th illed by one of his own borers, he continued, “Righ are digging is the do his thinking. 80 that ., disregard of life and pro he strikes the water he. '5‘ terized them. Improved Their Habits undcr' cuer should by the time knows exactly what he is going to do. 5‘ reinterred oak tree. The spot is still, tinguislied trav of a spider living in Australia whic‘. makes its habitation along the sr-a-l "f the “wk" l to on. Villlilli’ of Ki'iiga2;.ili. Influence of Missions Till”. \‘.I ' . will it! ______.___â€"_â€"â€"â€"- Montreal's Narrow Streets \\'hcn Bishop String: r in Lllzi lilil'iillilllltl .' il\\i'fl ‘Hll'lll to Hill Illullili lul i" if :1 “JUN ltl'll iii llgt , ‘ v,‘ r A h _ i v v . . ‘ . 1.. . H rim- mrk, \Hn-n tin-r CLsANLINESS is next to god- 133} Louis Jxaberge. Chief Medical‘léet369: his}? andd lioni “Stair mark-s. { MS “arms, 1km”. had M,” m, - , .. i ”P i'.. H'gii‘q \i-gitiil it.” Illness, and self preservation cer of ealth of that city. The‘ ll w en t 9 ll e s n ler mines g change Hm! “M Hmw m” ”I“ “A. iii l‘lillii llilil illlt' lllul is the first law of nature. Thsrc- Streets are too narrow, and do 00i- are covered With water' lnswad Of i fives was astoundlllfi. lii- iciliii lLlr"l ‘ “ll"Hâ€"I (U ill-I“. ll “Tl“ ’0" WV” "‘0 flyl let enough sunlight reach the ground deserting them, however, the spiders no “mg” ”UHF“ hm Wyn“ w. . , : . . , , O _ . .. i. l for the prmalence of good health, who the difnulty b) means . i close only to “a?“ but m 1mm“ M W” The sun is a good decomposing force. 1y woven sheets of silk. which tin-Y taught ”w“. '1‘}... firv l)2i“';‘ a‘”" If it is allowed to shine on the ground stretch ox er the entrances, henna . mes“ pmm“: “Wk ‘ {W {.30 '51". ‘~ f . the heat. penetrates several feet and Wthh they manage to retain sniln-w‘nt , and WM, meow,” by S. \.,“I..A7 in the night it evaporates and breaks 811‘ 00 MW lhfi’m 31)”? dug”)? “9 ; and in U... ”m. reprint» nu; ‘ 9' s nier c . ~ ‘ - . th) remain ,u g ‘Lbll'tf’cll il“-‘1l'lli‘ (llrisliallr. ‘ ll- 5 $18.00 Plus half cent per milefron a mscbeod. Ualgtry or Edmonton to CHARLES RICHARD SHANE l of Waterloo, Iowa, a “91 per cent pure" baby. He was weighed, mea sured and examined, and his ancesc try delved into before a number of learned scientists gave it as their opinion thta he lacked only nine points of perfection. The up all the putrescen M” t vegetable mat- time “1th our narrow Street's this An idea of the Illai‘Vi‘lillir « n: M” i l which had taken plume \iill l~ Birds That Change Their Food ter. cannot be done. It is certainly a most serious problem for us to face. It it is well known amorg naturalists i when it is “and m“. m, ,. I... , l cannot be remedied without the spend- that while many birds are «xi-li1s.\-~i.\' had been heard m 1m. V, .ii.‘ {WM ing of much money.” flesh-eaters. few are exclils‘ix‘i‘.) “Ml" ‘ this the last murder his 5.. n ‘ _______â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€"-- mrians, The latter Beck at (" H.112,“ , , A} W ,. Automobile Cruiser of food. not because 0‘ n" ham!“ fiveyeaigsoggofagi ‘(ii'dhiliii‘unherahvs The Italian army has adopted a but mm (llOlPe and this (hour. ‘5 Mtici e ceased: polygamy Es aba‘i- “ ,, nearly always exermsed “hen thi} air .5 . , , . , . ,, .. cruiser of the desert. an armored di th . oung All gardener.3 do and .les WWW!) Hm llm automobile carrying seven men and fee “in telr )arrowb 3-9 ordinarir mkly bath has become all institu- two guns, one on top in g revolving know 3’ spt the cat insects 1’; tion. besides daily washing, and iii tune," ' vesewlw' 3" y 0 pm of their foul igloos, they have 01 913”“ well ventilated huts, with three to ' . t times the air space aflorded by M the old dwellings. while the doors .no for producing potash lo a o .n into a passage filled win in feldspar .or any other dog. burgive access to the free air. containinfi potassium b! n is interesting to note that Dr. Wil- n an electric furnace has ”n. “gamut surgeon to the R.N.“’, d by 3 Swedish scientist. If” “,5 mt he doe. not consider "" more than 2 per cent. of the Eskimos Keeps tbs Nails Nico are mbercular. an extraordinarily idering the weanli-

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