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Durham Chronicle (1867), 21 Aug 1913, p. 1

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E‘Printing Try The Chronicle 1. For All Kinds of Commercial O n sale this 3 LY HALF i a ..... . ‘ d “w. .- 7 o 3 ~ + . n -.. reported a... 332 mm: sxewron or m FOUND if ‘ o ' passed the recent examinations in . WAMP NEAR MARKDALEi mm. : N EWS ARO UN D TOWN .... mm... mm“... W S g z. ; Walk ill’ ‘ rate . 133 While in search 'of stray cattle. 0. I erv es ax , m ' (in Monday last the John McFad-l __ 3: RM “m, school supplies at The Chronicle to Jan. 1, 25c. gifvmm about :16 malls IOWe. den (an-fly came across the skel- i , 3: mg...” amd heat shock Yet. beauty motored m monthly to! Rev, B. Davis. Baptist minister. aw the road {mm their tam» 5 dozen White Lawn Blouses, greatlv ‘ . . .- . 1' - d vs M an enlOY- ‘ of Dr eville. is movin to . r ' O Luml Mdll Route N“ 3 Wm 00"“ Glam-0066!! Ian pe ' amg g mm «mile from Mark‘dale. - :E Wm... mmrations on Monday. able time with the camping party: Renfrew. Oiheh. is mien of. the glcFadde‘i reduced, WC” Inade throughOUt, fine? I . 7 r m l ‘ -\ ' " . ° 9 '. .. , . , .- . re. , , _ ’9 7‘" "”"rw ' ' S ial (1 nm laborers’ excursion ' in o ration onl 'l. vlear 's not ' ° ° ' ‘O Dec 21 . . ‘ De” ‘ y ‘ - ' ’ D uh or" 'es Iwelre motifled. and on - ~ - r :‘ \h» .l. Levine is an inmate of train twill be run direct to Wlnm- ‘ satisf.acto“,v to the Provincial “T 11;!lmoming my,” Bibbv.\ 1115611101159 thFCC quarter (1nd 1011.2: on is \ch :: Wo-llslev hospital. Toronto. peg without change over the CPU Board of Health- 9"“ ate-“'3“? of Fleshertom. accompanied b.V SICCVES . just now. ‘: '~ "W ”mm” “““Pmemf‘” R" mam.“ Durham at 8‘58 a‘ in" .i'mpr?vements have been ”com" Dr. rEma, of Markdale, visited the ‘ ” t last “)ng :: . ”Tm.” She 5.3 reported- gettmg August 25. For full partic- ‘ momma, . spot and Jound Uhe skeleton of [HOUSC‘S‘ 'lt - .. "C ' 3: Hunt: well. ulars. see 8' Macfaxlane. “moi The ‘Orargevil‘e Banner says: What appeared to have been 2 LOO - ‘ ‘ ‘ / 3 z: , ... ‘ [W 8......44‘”, .7. “mug . agent. The Arthur High school made a mum of medium size and probably I . 2 .3. u u _ _ I .00 o. _ _ (.;|l\p;l n“, months ug().! Alex. McKinnon, who was 1-9- {creditable showing at the recent 60 yew of age. They considered ‘ z: . l..__,.‘.,,.,;,i,|... film-('m-k. k; r- 3 ported last Week to have had his ' examinations. Ten pupils .out of fligt death .had taken place fully a | . g0 ” H - l . l 3 .’ wx . PI. pl. half Wily between hamnd ibeWn off at Nanaismo by 311115 passed for sec-(7:111 class certif1~ year (180M215 tlhe clothing fell into ; â€" H H _ cates. and the greater portion offpieo‘es Avihen handled. an evidence . I 3 ’ ’ DOC expl03¢ion of a bomb, is a natiVe! them nook honors, and one pupil l 'n. 1.:wl Varne)’. l ! \l‘ ll'allra'n. n" Thy-mum. rep-‘of the county of Bruce, near Port t’l- Sunlight Quay (‘0..‘ aiderable length of time. . particle of fleshi of being .13th exposed for a COD-g Elgin. and his wife Was from Du“; wuss-e?! hour )COnlnpleto examination or ; â€"___â€"___________________â€" harm We understand Mr. Neil2'f0'r first class certificate for ant- course. not a . ‘ ' ‘ ran'ce no the Faculty of Education. I was found on dhe bones. Mct‘annel is related by marl‘iilgeldnd 'motlher succeeded in 1).,85-lg'bod hzad 'd t1 la'n undiq . Bl k S Ik d D Good . . ,.. . , _ .. :. vyl en en y ‘1‘- ‘ " ac i S an I'BSS S '. . wav to Mr. McKinnon. m some "" ltlhe first hlfllf 'of the same exam- tribed. «had on a suit of bill? Sch.onliin'atilon". “’9 beaCher. Mr. Lang‘.9efge M’it‘h fitripe’d VQSt’ gray Iâ€"r the ! ford, deserves congratulation. l overcoat. iguernsey, and w001 shirt. “- blmk‘eltm~ 1’3“” “00‘1”“ New Black I’aillette Silk 36 inches - x r‘ is \x'wk giving "DP-"l2” .O .9 .6 ’§ .§ :0 9 o. - , t: 'r it: i‘ l'e z-t (-usln'nvrs. The 9O 9O .0 96 O. 90 9’ "' l‘irhtlg‘ri the “x ' 3" "' â€"...â€"_.â€".. ~ I'rl'l gl‘nmil'fi. .‘1I' T riniit y oh'u rc h Sunday 4“ . 1 i " l'l‘. .‘ m Whig: :l lN‘l'HUlHll | Harry K. Thaw. the murderer of ‘ , :E . .TI-‘,\:I.‘,';h1:;t hi::n}tti.|lut (3:: 1...;1‘.‘ WM We‘lhllagttenfleggemaxill‘qolgn{girl Stanford .‘Wihite, escaped from the boobs not much worn. There \\ as . . ' ‘ ‘ , , l A ' 3’ «l'm‘rhtur Mm Fin-hell mi‘vwng ‘ .m a» - 3 mat in. WW“ 3‘ Matteawan’ N-Y-' 0“ ‘m’m’d ‘1“ t“? 1’00“?” 9” 9‘.“ WIde made specnalh for us ever} _\an . O: ' 1‘14” ( lift-pun The ¢l¢._ l men-t. Races- Swmzmg. ‘1‘ 9 8 Sunday morning. He is reported twitlh cover. PIPE“ “10“] 1’1Ck-.l”939 ‘ ‘ ’ - . I ' ‘J 1 J l Ight rain :: 1"“ ' ", ‘1: . f ,, “when and 9‘3“” mm‘us‘ff‘mt to {have been arrested at (mm-o: comb. The coroner cons.de has on] name on it. great) lL( ucu .. uh,” “1.“. mm. im-m- .m i” tn were indulged .m. It goes \lith'Out cook. Quebec, Where he is held to 'an inquest unnecessary. so the re- “, hUV it t: W”; "1" ”it"; :"f”’:ir'“ "2;“. :f‘lZl-‘mymg' 't'hf’ftnth‘) supper “as 9" await developments. It is d-oubtJImwf as {were burned where found.‘ ‘ 2: _‘ ,‘l' M,‘ . ' ‘gjm‘ m.;,‘,l‘"-"°d 'b‘ "‘ ° an if the offence charged againSt lby Chief McCutcheon. :: 1|T,,.,;l.\.(”a.L:::,f\m.m-:nm . ( ‘1 t ‘ Rev. Dr. Irwin. hate of Mt. For- Thaw Oils extraditable, and the There 1.5 mo clue to his identity 9 O ‘ H O ‘ ' O | est lVIeUho-ilist church. has been ill" Canadian) authorities may ha"? imeiliher has any perSOn Of the com- .. \l" .lnw'p"; St'llft‘. father (if .‘ll‘H ‘ "0“]th 37P1'(’)fl'SlSUl' 0f Ne“? 'I‘egta- m0 right to detain him. They ca-D-l'mwity disappeared .mysteriously. ”’9OOOOOOO . "‘ “’3'” ”f this “m." J“! «m meant Language and Literature in “Ct do so if he holds throuzh‘ao that the cause fails to evne 0999990999 ~ H'i"l .x; MW and Inf August. at Weslev K‘ollege. Winnipeg. and transportation to a 00int outside'wmme any .suspivci-on as to who it " f Canada. If not. he mav be '.mi‘ght ,be .or the cause of death. It wt Hrzrn l Valley. He had will begin .his ‘work .at the. opening 0 a .1 llt'f'lllllllLI .hunllll ff)!‘ ”\Pl' 0f ‘tlhot" (woupge' Dr. ‘II’Wiln spent'deport-ed as am undesirable. W .certajnly 53 gruesome fl‘Dd-‘- . pzl'l'llV rm-n heart trnuhlt'.‘ his .hovhood days mealr Markdale. Though he is said to have adrmit- swam-d, ' l V. l' l. g """H‘ “H”; ”"t ”“pxm‘flwl [mad about 25 years ago we heard ted ‘hii‘s identity. We dDUbt if the'. ’-’9““ 'F'c H" ‘ " V’ ”r“ “f “"4“ " member ‘ him preach his trial sermon in the authorities have the right man. EGREMONT SCHOOL FA“! . n. \l»-thmlist phurch. :uul Methodist achlurch. He .is highly __ ' . . 1 , ‘ l “Al "l“. lh'fiH‘ Hl): "”1! l\\'(' BdlllCi-ltt’d. .h|a\,.ilng ()btaalfled his H. Vl‘he iEgl‘fimiUllt PUI‘JI bch,()()l Fair It V I C E “1: "PM" B.A.. B.D.. from Victoria Univer- "YMENEAL I“ m be lh-etlkl- art 8, S, No. 10, Egre- , ‘, . , ' ,4 7 ‘ } ‘ E‘M- l\'1:i~".irqliii+' Helmrter says: . Slty. ’ BURNSIDEâ€"STAPLES, ismont. loin Wednesdd} .. Reptem ’9’ ' v 7 A mpy of the prize list has ; \ 1.. r is nm- of the most valuable. . . ,. , , . . - . ‘- , .3 - - . Steamers ‘ ' - . “M.“ “f the farm mt \tlhel briefs '3 name hf Miss Maggie 8' McRonald Cook’s ‘ohuurch 0‘“ “rpdn’md‘afiW " titiloms rim poultrv. (Hts. harL-s. " ‘ . ' rmm- «.uvs‘, . {MP W (l . . \ . .,».. ‘ . De - , . . u . ll. \l \RHL' A . V" rt (“H-H in mm” “has been added to the list of sut. August 6. at 11.30 p.m.. “hem Mr. ‘com. potatoes. cooking. 99mm: \ H l l \ \l , I ' ’ lrwssfiil candidates at the last High Fred ’A. iB'u-rnss'ide. son of Mr. and Land lfIJOW'GI‘S ' ‘ ..~l .t H llllllt'i‘W‘SNLll'V tn szn" . , . , , g . - ' ' . ‘ - i '1. (re examination. . b . . .dJ , , , ‘ , , ~stliool lntx in Mrs 4R0 ert Burnsu e Markdale I This is to l a real Fall Fair ' v - luttrr is 'u-xm‘ found on' , , , - _. A , ’l‘hrou h laan error. hex mumt did and IAda K. lStas les. dau hter of . - . ~ .- “H'rk [:1l,l.»_” YUM l‘t' “'1'”!ng n.0t .ztpgpt’llll‘ at Uh't‘ [H‘Upt’l‘ time. llllId Mr. and Mrs. James Stag'l‘ples’ also Idlay amongst thf) Palpll: 10f_ :13:| OVVVVWWVVMVVVWVVWVW V'VV ll“! “Wk m. him ”wmmny ‘ :llthU'U‘r’Jh “b“ has experienced the. of Mzairkldale. “were united in mar- ltow‘nfihm’ and “11.1 (”u-'nfSh. M r : l‘ ' wmw - ’Mi'i \vi- gut ten rents ! sorrows of .21 defeated candidate. riage The church \V'ns profuselv Ia WaJSt amount inf mspitatmn Along ’ l ., - . . . - . ' "'ll muse ‘ . . .- ‘ ‘ ' it‘he ldiifferent hues indicated. The p .. . we lh.()pt the good he ws M h _. l decorated Mith .potted plamts and I Barred Plymouth Rock poultry : \i .Hul Mrs. lqult'l‘ returnf-d her greater WY than if ' ’3 9 ha‘ cut flowers. through the an.erget.i(-fex‘hil)it is divided into six 0135995. : ”W t” ”W Ii" learnt-(l lof «her success when efforts of Mrs. A. M. BrOWm. asv '. in reach .of which from four to fit- g P W) ~ l- - . ‘ “H SlSthi thy members of the cho'r. [xterm \prizes are no be awarded. Prevmsel} on the hour. the groom. Ln [Class I. Rousing. pepdgmg and supported by 1118 ‘brother. Wilfrid. . _ - . - - . . General Kare of (Pen. fne prizes took “us place m front of thel . . q ‘ . Q.) . . _ are QsDeCIfmd, the \alues helm: pulpit. The bride soon appeare(l.; $1.50. $1. .50c. and 25c. “-" .' l'u from a Tth hull lit-Pu zilth-nt l-P‘,(,Ivt8 «Vere l,ll},lish‘x(i. “l i ('(l [at on ‘her got (1 fortune. vii l'im- nl‘ Nix Weeks and (‘nâ€" gl‘ullllzllt‘ mgr ~ . .l 1%.. Hip n-rx much. They‘ . . ,, MUN" Hmw l.ll \':Lm'nu\'er. Ii. 1 h“ h”“"‘”‘(l"“*' “PH?“ 511553 <..lni.. WW}. 'mil ”tin-1'1"“ is not generally kll‘..'\\'ll that D D D P t )l) , . ,. ‘ -; t“ . :l ear costs $1.00 11 , ’ ' “' "" “M ““l H" “W1 “'5' l :“f‘ lHl’ Hf!" xvi)! “WHO ”n“ does given away by {her brother. (‘lar- 1: at“) l ‘ MM {J'rml‘y' “4}“, It.“ a “M g ”in. :mn‘t Til: £119)” (for it is RHPP. Who Was acting in the unâ€" In ("less ‘2. Best Pen. any number : § '- fl * HI" ’7'? \""""””""'- ”r" 5 ”‘t WI “‘5'. .H “I I; l) n ”l? avoidable absent-e .of (her father. of coo-ckerel-s or Pullets. owned by": . . l - ' ' ‘ i it / 31' - ° - i" ~"‘ * ""3 4”“1 ”"1“! ““1" If“? 9”“ ,‘15 ,! m; ' '13.”. other hm-r The bride was supported by her one .pupil. there are foul [ill/.09.. , ‘ ,. i.“ ..., \x' .1“ .l m my... ' tum ("m 7 “m" 3 tin H “Hm”, sister. Miss Annie Staples. Little ranging (from $1.50 '{0 1’50. l: . ‘ “ ‘ " ‘ ‘ "‘.. .x' U'. Z‘l'l 1X ‘: ‘ 1.â€" - - â€"° - ‘ ‘ l' 4 n. v M in l‘e'll l'; I'M- Fin-ti: l. “1‘th isn‘tlil r ‘HH' ll“, "ll('()“()"(‘ Fredrike Staples. “1909 'Of the. In Class 3. ‘Best (‘OCkPY‘Pl 01' l’lll- E: ’w 't' _v l {l . .t [I A- > , v ‘7 v . . ‘ . . l l \ l:..:' .. ..- ‘il' it'w‘ Hi Muffin-1Y4 -»l' Mu. ’l ‘ .144“; 4., ‘. ‘wr (Wilts. Munv IH-ldp, ans :1 Illl‘tt} fl-()\\Pl‘ gn]..1.pt. Ithptrp are {en prlzes. ruinglngi: : . ‘Hz' - x.) sin-ct in“ {m- U) \kl‘i .-n ' "maul " .' ' it} I .H .. it “3‘. Miss Mabel Plewes beautifully from $1 down (to 105.. 2, . . . . l .n : , l\\'Ull( PH.“ 1‘ "n )p' w’l' 2 J ' . - . -? . ’ "MW"! 1“" “”1”“ ‘t “M "‘4 lel‘rHP-f' price. :uni put it through plailedpghe \degmf 'mmgh'l L9‘ ' In \(‘lass 4. ‘Best (‘()."kf‘l‘t’l. there 'p ~ ,x=. .4 NE T" l” ‘1 H“ . 1...”, stratum" “about 1.].‘mxl‘lxm. R t ' "1an tlm t]? nup m knot are ‘15 prizes. \fro'n $1 to 100.. in I: .. ’ ‘ ~’ ~ i -â€" .t .H "-z' i l'tt"l ill ll'l'\ lily!" \ ll ill 1"l\‘”' ‘I'L‘ll‘l‘.’ 1”) Thf‘ (‘lllll'ffh \VflS fil]0(1 \Vith ill- C1181], (8th th(;n a 1111.n]l“.r (,f I'ill- : : 'w \ll lulll 1)\t‘[' tllt‘ ‘llblllgt' ll! I " _ teI‘P‘lting Sf)(’(jtat()r5. frihnfls ()f tht' 1«)()ns of lvpf-Ogniti()n. ' .. ' 5 an “Hymn,” llpz‘wry‘ 'l m- Mount Fort-st ~(‘unfetlernte IS popular bride and groom. MeSSr.“ (.1199 5 Beqt Pullet 13 rill/es lE " \l'vl'ix ;I will ln- inw't‘r-‘ilguin worrying. HP is no“ m V_ RiC’kettS and RJhPSfi Jackson cu . ' .. . ‘. . . . "‘ t . ‘ m 1 to ribbons. 7 ’ ~ . .5114 .~ lllt' ._le;:t'u all \K'llt'l'. imixl‘lill' l»! (“:msv (‘UL hlliln Hugm’m aCtOd as ushers. h” $ l: “omen S 9“" FHHSh LUSlCl' Thread . m.- \lut‘rmrm \l‘lslfl‘l .1! .l lfH} INK-"‘7 hfld m [“1‘v’nfi" During the Signing of the Wg‘h'l. (1455 ‘62 B119“ v(-(~)}:)I’ff(;r ‘hw": : “059 fine “Tight. spliced Heel and T03. .3,” “3H liz'M‘ In i» but :1 inullfl‘ (“(memi-‘I Eh“ “0” S “.15 Mrs. Brown. in splendid \.(â€",i..(,'1n-g.to )e t e um a. tie e). H u -': 9 . l WWII K unl‘h ‘10,“ “a H "Hul'di‘n lZLnll-thlr l‘JlTlle‘t' ()l] (rttll. rendered “()z pPI‘ft-‘(Tt LUVP." OP. lSIX DI‘IZBS. i. “ermsdort dye in BlaCk‘ Tan and Whlle. : w" thing will l‘v "Om-J l""""'â€"5""i”“f"~i "‘” th"_ midst “f '1‘ liberty satin with bodice and PM" three 'classes. the {Barley into llll‘t‘C-i: Special price 35g 3 pan for - ’ s . o 'â€" H 1”” Will he nu,\.td.‘gi.(l1.i;.i nl [HI-y !o()lltlf‘llll:l5-d 11:23.1 lim and allover 1309, The brides- 01113598: POttltOPS. Davies 'VVarr’m'. I: A ‘ 3 ' . . . V . . ‘ . ‘ 3 , . ' l " o}~,. {nllu'lilll'ln {x()'.\' 1)(‘._ I then nst‘nt tht [)lcture fdr ,dn\\v“1 8t millfl "VOI'P Sht'll I)i'nk (lllChPSS 831' 2'018'3895. Psmln‘rt’ Stdt‘. 2 (1113899. !: : _ .i- »1. "through the For) prf‘lsj‘ db: in. bodice and poplim of allover There lare five 'claasses under the i) ‘ | '. it quul‘? The (‘on 9“- mam as lace Both wore Panam' h' ts he d'n “M'soell'uwoun " three“ ' \- in: 1 land an MP. , e , - .- . w- . - ‘ ' , , ‘ ' d “‘ ‘ ‘3 l‘ 2 . ‘ ‘1 ' , : 9 ' ‘ ' ‘ l l L“ t “11 last wh‘vh:("”11"5-\n”'3th-‘ m his 3018 (”“1955' draped With satin. and carried under Cooking. one under Sewing ‘: Women S Sllk "059 Ill Fine gauze u' .: ll".‘l'~' ‘-‘ .. .‘clc ' . . I ‘t l him ye’l wordq 's H“ ""H’um Lu“ 4 tonic Of some pink and white roses. and lone under Flowers. ,E , 8‘ k Ill 50C [or He .1! ‘ 't ‘ - . - " " z t . l' h.” “(q-”16”" “n Sllll‘ ‘ sort. - .‘X reception ;Wat3 held at thP 'th'e 'UOm‘DPtitivOn for prizes isit we'ght9 3C 0 y z y I f): Vunrtlav evtning he!‘ A courier has not yet been re- home of Mr. and Mrs. Staples at open to School Sections 2, 3, 4, 5. E I H- . .17.” m, the hand by a a_ oeive-d for distribution of ”mail the closegof the ceremony. iny' 5. 9. 10, 12. 13 and 14. of the tOWnâ€" ’ 9 . . 1.4.“... and on Sunday moi-n- matter along rural route ho. -, It the memte rs of the (two families ship of Egremont. _“ t I Was swollen to double the is thought. however. that matters rmn‘ledma; ly 0000611118 , and ate“ NO entry fee Will be charged. All 80 5', Extra navy Rib cotton 0 . - r} .. swelling extending tn . willl be setteld 1n the course of a‘chou‘ Jmendas, were present. A rc~ exhibits m“ be in at 11 o’clock E y ‘ bed . , PM,“ On Sunday afternoon. few weeks. when operatJOTIS .wlll ehemhe luncheon ,Wass served. aftu and rjrudg-img will commence at 12 HOSE Made m we”, Price - . 25", o 3. .., .. t“ " Wq horse in the she'llbegim. This mute Starts from winch the bmde and groom and o’clock on day of e l'brition. : i “4 ‘ : 53‘: '\ M ‘3 5 1m" « b ham . 093 west to Hutton Hill. moatfod the guests motored to , d ., . if '11 7mm. he Was stung 3231” “t Dun '3 . 2 the bat' id do A special invitation is extended 0 " - :- » ' th other hand. thence north along 0011099510“ - '5 1'0“" Am 010“ 01 , . l k \ this tune it was on e t . d . the 00 all mm m whoa. war . o . , . d to W G B passing Aberdeen and acute t1 am mce young couple .. , : gm. thi- preacher proper equilib- Bemtmck w the . hm 0h; base mebed . ’0‘“ the mum-0110:1130!“ Will be provid- 0 Women . G“ M“). H.” Cm I I ’ a 3 mm and M“ him in mamtmmg went one mamas-$1)! the hale The M were elem-it and ad. J-udnel will be supplied by -. ' Price 2 I“ - - 25¢ . in the l'tbmon Sanchy nilht kinetic 9W .betwem lot! 35 ollfizhdfl. mmwt to . . h g . ”‘1‘“ the bride.“ apeodmt of -. __.._.....-- » . ' am 9 ’ O O -. up.-. -.â€"- _- "‘

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