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Durham Chronicle (1867), 21 Aug 1913, p. 3

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\ :zust 21, 19131., 1311 11111111 ~ “Vlrlh I v \ .,. “”li‘iixr. , ‘1 H {:\.h111 . C_)NT. Iâ€"-â€"â€"-â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€"_ I. ‘1 I I)” ”- I I ' " .lnmta‘.fh~ ’ " I'I "lastly . ... '1. lilo“ ‘ ’It‘notQ‘ ”I . ‘I' "400? ' ”wrung ii Ylnfmon“ ""‘ first in”! ""f‘m'h sales .:I "when.“ ""r was. ‘I”"‘"1ione 'll "" “"‘u'wiin l IIII Fork 0 . ... ‘ .llltl Director a; l . -lil H‘ -..; Garah” _ Iliad Mon swim straight I WIlD Sis “ “3‘ Items :1?ng :r mnsonxibfiziui: ‘ ' ' ‘DO YOU KNOW says a medical authority. severely han- \ Descendants of Animals Abandoned diupped on dry ground but he can. it During Garibee Geld Bach he is a swimmer, and his way easily --â€" enough in the water. Blind 9901)" You can purchase from the C.P.R. More than mm mm wild 5°" ' generally have a keen sense of hear of from 30 to 10°. N“ ing. and they can steer themselves e Mill and van”! ll 1 in the water by sound as well as- an the interior Of British ”lab“ '0’ Iofljn‘ry mg by fight, If they gre “”de to “ "9°" brought ‘0 "3°" I swimming towards a certain point. . whistle from time to time will enab‘r tended ”910““0'1 tour of the 00‘"- , them to reach it .with unerring accuracy. - This fact has recently been proved bv "13‘1“" “6 white prospectors “4 some interesting experiments. A race Mk train freighters Vu‘“ M ‘3‘ which took place between blind met tamed animals more an“ “I. M and ordinary swimmers on a lake re- bred 1101100." said If. Bfldlflo “Th” sulted in a Victory for the former. are the NOSE!!! 0‘ 1101'"! W303! 10°“ Normal swimmers lose a good deal of on the trail by diamrafld or 411“ time in raising their heads for the pur- men during the famous gold rush in pose of keeping an eye on the win- “. Cariboo country. W“ of nlng post. This also prevents them the veriest ‘tenderfeet’ stemmed ‘0 from concentrating all their attention the 119' fields in th. “fl! 'Wl. nest on speed. of them were incompetent. and, in . .._.._..-.- * fact, utterly helpless in that vlld A remarkable photograph of the trai? county. and the home either broke of a meteor in flight was made by 8.. "‘1 0’ were abandoned what: the English soldier in india. fortune-hunters gave up the long trail. . ‘ “The horses made their feeding . r" . ta 8 grounds in the vicinity of Barkerville WI" CNN“ 00nd 5°. down. the Manor in 19 equal annual payments. interest 0°... I any of their lands at right. pritw. With F or full particulm write “one. 0.9.1:. une- Fielding - Saak. O OO§O§§OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO§OO§O 000 ”OOOOWWW sco'n' BROS. i i ~11 ereign lcur Eclipse Flour 33%”fné’ifioi‘pidl‘uffifi "g 'g'ml "S ’13.: “’31“ 1:1“ mtiir of? $23.? 6331111? 53:2"..91‘1’53'3'? w h 1 I u v r , ' r 01 stock i F‘ l Pastry Flour sncr OPEN svssv AFTERNOOI ° '9 “8 “a“ e n° " u e atele hone wire than throuxh the air. 9 ave a *0 -' ' II “II II" bands inceased. They make trolls on P hand that, we are offering til lUW Ill'icefi , for the next few weeks as WP want to 1-..- duce our stock. ll 5'01) lived lt'i’ll oi any kind call and see us at... the ()tllllli‘tll mill. . the mountains and timbered country and Rolled oa‘SI Pumps From $2 Upwarc much after the fashion of halide in 3"“9 0““. F'b" present. A river in Peru is spanned by a 200 feet in length iI,~~;IlI. Silillotfi. .‘lldllllllgs, propfl‘y ‘ttonded to. “The Indians and (“1811mm 'OI'k' wd‘e more than ing in the timbered districts. catch which 18 suspendegb from 32 ropes caC US 91'. ~ 31:11 H'il I hits-1. Mixed (‘lioi . I I I I W. D. CONNOR them with snares, such as are used made from In most cases the animals ' unnom (IlliiI), ()le (Shop. I for lynx. - ,- . I are easily broken and they are better CATARRH CANNOT BE CURED ' I for the rough country than high grade For m, Ihorses on account of their stamina by . ' ‘ ~ t reach the seat of the disease. I trails. We lost horses from our train Ca (1 in order to ln ground feed we have on lltlllil the following kinds:- Crushed Oats " Chopped Oats Chopped Barley 'sll lillh'til' (itil' IUHIIS. I M ' ° . ‘ , . ‘st , . . . . I abhlnf 0“ Barnes )le I from time to time and replaced them tional disease, an . . M: In I 1’ iihen iou reqmre FLOUR I AXIS brease and Hon: 2 with wild animals.» cure it you must talie (Internal 11.1 i I 1.1) we have the stuff on hand. I Ointment. 2:0 130 I ligffIiiiteggii; Caztgrgcts udlii‘eciE Feed Oatmeal ‘ II'” (’II'I""‘I'I‘I “I““ImmId” I S P SAUNDERS I DlAMONDS FROM THE SKY 1y on the blood and mucous sur- I O C I , ‘ h C . t I 113., Harnegsmue, I - faces Hall‘s Latarr ure 18 no a s Stones Are quack medicme. It was prescribed I \lt‘.il .tlitl Shirk l‘Ititrtl. Theory That the Preclou I ..1111' t\' IIHIs. .\lnl;i~.~irit‘ .‘lt'ill. iIHl' I ......1. of Sim-I. l‘iit'. Iâ€"â€"â€"â€"â€"~â€"â€"~â€"~â€"-â€"â€"-~~ râ€" -__._.__._.-._ ' --â€" Not Of Volcanic Origin country for years and is a regu- Mnds'oi tirain Bought at Market Price FALL TERM OPENS SEPT..Zfld. Scientific authorities are inclining 131‘ prescription. It is composed 0‘ . . ‘- At'it‘i‘d the Bert-JOHPM'S- to the belief that all diamonds came the best teams knownncombined ‘l‘t'tlill Reduction on Flour and Feed I to the earth in meteoric showers The With dthe best blood purifiers, act- ’ ELLIOTT ° h ing irectly on the mucous sur- theory is the diamond fell to the cart 1 ces The perfect combination of in Ton Lots. I Telephone No. 8 as meteoric particles at a late period of the earth’s formation Localities . . ' duces such wonderful results in where diamonds are found contain curing 'Catarrh. Send for testi- masses which have penetrated the monials free. I I JOHN M GOWANI TORONTO. ONT' earth's formation. Localities where FJ CHENEY Co Pro a Tol- t c B _ . . . . diamonds are found contain masses d ° 0 " p " est, Place tn (anada for Superior whi- e 0. . . . ‘ . ch have penetrated the earth more Sold by druggists price 75c .Busmess Education. or less deeply. I Take Hall’s Family Pills .for discoveries in the western constipation. Commence now. (‘atiilogue free. Late states, especially in Arizona. seem to‘ indicate further the heavenly originI I H I of our most brilliant stone, for over the broad plains for areas of miles 9 DATES 0F FALL FAIRS V Don t You Want a , . I) U K n A ML in diameter several thousand masses Farm ? of metallic iron have been scattered. ”“3 These masses have undoubtedly been I PLAN 1 N G M l L L S meteoric showers. LOOK “ERE‘ Not long ago an enthusiastic miner~ I â€"â€"â€"â€"_â€"â€"â€" ° I â€"â€" . aiogist, working on such a mass, cut Alliston...... ......Oct. 2 and 3. ‘...._ * 'i‘li . into. a section and found that the Arthur...... .........Oct. 8 and 9. _ . _ “ unders1gned begs to tools were injured by something hary Ayton...... ......Sept. 23 and 24. 100 Acres .‘\“I““I Listovvel. one of announce to reSIdents of dei‘ than metallic iron. He examinedI Barrie...... ...Sept. 22-24. IN'pl lI?ll'|||‘ 1" PPl'th- Extl‘it gililtld Durban) and surrounding the Bpec1men8 Chemically and SOOIII Beeton...... ...... ......OCt. 6 and 7. .iltliugx HI'I'héIHI; WM?“ 1". Sl’l‘hle- country that he has his mnounced that the meteorite con- BelWOOd ............ .. ............ Oct. 1 izwllt'. 511911)?” $hI‘M- 1.01.30. L0!" [’1' . . \I'll' d F . tgined black and transparent diu- BlYth ............ ...bept. 30, OCt. 1. . lii‘llllllt‘k. Hill “1711’s, Pill ('it‘a‘l‘t‘d. .5" d’nnlng * l (U) til/I50“? mondl BOltOD...... ...... ...Sept. 29 and 30. ..Ilwr. Vim- Stun? House. (hi-zip I completed and is prepared Again, it is claimed, that it is DOS-i Bowmanville ...... Sept. 16 and 17. 125 Acres Stillt‘h' Bloch. near to take orders for Ilble that the so-called “Volcanic' Bracebridge ......... Sept. 25 and 26. ,zlnlltlh‘ll. amml Mill. “HIP h” WHY» pipes” at the Kimberley diamond giadfofdmm -§éOEt-1261 ang fig wit-1- $351111. mines and elsewhere are not volcanic, amp 0“ --------- p - ,3“ ‘- 300 Acres Egremont. Lots 22. 23 SASH’ DOORS but “simply holes bored in the solid gruiseIE'-ii'° ~--'"°'°S"°O°t'2 2 andd 3- .I '11, t .11. II. lir. l‘It'lllsI Farm. Bar- “ and all kinds oi â€"â€" . earth, by the monstrous meteors, the. B‘tii‘lihgtgns ------- ept. 5 53‘“ 2g- -- . . House Fittings “'8” mm Wins the “1982““. ouedonu..::it"..iti:::.o'.;."5"...1'u: .. l .... “...,(1 liarm the smaller masses, disintegrating in -, ° _ 200 Acres III'II ' IIIII‘ '- - 1 1 their fall distributed diamondsI ‘Jami’bellford ----- SePt- 16 and 1'- ‘”I“ ““lI‘I I'IIII‘II'IW' lulu)” “"3”" Also a limited amount of b ..' ' I (‘hatsworth Sept. 11 and 12. -'.il'l_\' prin- naked. UHHI “’1' "(“th iron work and machine re- roadcast. I Cheslev...... ...Sept. 16 and 17. ' ‘ "l‘ m“ “I"‘l all hollow. ( I “M I Clarksburg Sept 23 and 24 eep ne "I a C . v , . ° . . . ‘ .° W . ......... . . 1 50 Acres lit‘l'llllli'k. Nilllll “f DUI' Drills. A 9““ “limited. ASk 1 C()lllng\\'00d...... ...SC’Dt 24-27. am. gnml IHIlIIlmiI‘R ”hm" aim”)- for quotations on 'your I MEASURING HAY IN STACK (.‘oldwater...... ......Sept, 18 and 19, .300 Acres (Elem-lg. near Dornot'li. next 'ol) I I (.‘ookstown ......... Sept. 30, Oct. 1. . tit-n. 'l‘wuiiilt'yIs Purl”, oWlit’l‘ in J ' IWMI Cornwall ............ Sept. 11-13. \«I. Immul “MPH. will not stit'k fOI' - For obtainin the numb r 0f t0“‘ Desboro """"""" Sept. 18 and III. ese 1" For 0“]. “III“. I” ”WWI“... (it-i hug-y, Custom Sawmg of hay in a sack, the flfst step I: Braygltolil: ............ Seat. 30. Oclt. i. 1 00 Acres l‘igl'tillltlllt. lii\\r"rl.l'.(l5 l‘lt. Promptly At- to measurf‘ the “'ldth and lellgih “.11“ Dagnilvillé..u "-"H-Se CEO 198 an d *3- :ow' IIJH ll'lllillllgfi, glitlil Still. Wk'll' Ia tape ”11". and then What-is kll’l‘VllI 7‘ y""” ...... p - . all '- ‘I _ . I _.. .I , . I' . Illt‘k 5-119 I tended To 1 _‘ . ‘ _ I DLRHALI...... ......Sept. .23 and 2i. .. 1.11. .il\ l 1. 1’ oi q . . I g as the ovmxlirow, that is. pass a taneI Elmira Sept 16 and 17 . ll l\'t' l:|.1ll\' lilllhl'(ll'l’v (Itill‘llly‘llill‘vI line from] the bOttOID (if the SiflCk (“II ElmValIém. "H" "I ' OCt 1-3' 6 ouse 41.41111mnn'NoI'Ih “Itrt ”"1 ”1' one Side over to the bottom on ill AI Frin "no” 16 '1 -' C 00 ~ . . - 1 - . ant 1.. 1- '>1‘t'\1'lltll‘_'"- \ if” ”1" ““'_ 1:111‘ t"I Z E N U S C L A R K I other Sldt‘, and divide this measuri-I Fergus ............... Sept. .34 and 27). rwll H \"”II"1.\'\‘III“”” ""“l‘h' "”"I DURHAM - . ONTARIO I glen; WIIIIIlh is IIalItI'Pdl 111;; overtlIrtI‘VI Feversham ...... ()(t 5" Bill ('11) “Y ”m 1v (I 11 w, , . . . . . f - T" ”I y r999 [10“ THU ID y i ('3 It‘llgil )' FIGSherth ...... ......OCt. 7 find 8.1 I - >> ~ F) ... I III - " I \R‘l‘ 5' “h ‘)l “()I‘l“ T() ltfil) II I the “’idth. and this by ()DE-illll'il 1’1: CIth...... _..... ...”. .__”.OCt. '2 (‘1’)(1 3.} l{t’\Iilll lgl'll'klll’l'l'\' (.ll"lll ll - _ ')..I' . , “ILLE H , ; " '“ “ “ " ------ I the overthrowâ€"«this gives you 1::- Gret'n'getownmm "flog, 1;md 3.. ‘ ‘ . ‘ ’ l» I - R I ' - number of cubic feet in the stark. to. (Erlencoe. Sept 03 and ‘21 I It . '- II I)“ ”l ‘ I" .-l ' - "7' “pp '68 . I . um - . .. . t,\.l 1.111 1111.1 .1111 t) .1 ‘LiL ‘ ‘ anoverI Grand Trunk Rallwa I course. if the stack is different \Viil'l I Godericli ,,,,,, ““089”, 17â€"1-21; ...... ‘- Lor different heights you will have t . (.ioi‘i‘ie.-...- ............ ......__.()(-t. I.‘ .:. . . _ . l TIME: TABLE I take till“? illt'abtlI'PllielllS ill Sf‘\t‘l"fl (‘rrani \villles'...... ...()(..°t. 21 and 9.2.1 -‘X ~-I I'll Ill lllll" "I\i‘\ l'IlI n OVER 55 YEARS" I ~ . - - ' I laces and obl‘ in the a1 cm "1- of 11;...- (ii‘a\'€’nlllll‘St...... Sept. 18 and 19.. ‘ '1: s - ', I.) ~l' 1 ii 1.. 1., . p‘ ‘*‘ ‘I ' 4" . .. ‘ .' EXPERIENCE I'3.1,‘,r$l::l_ I‘m" I” I'm ‘ ‘ ... u ”I - by adding :iwm together and 112.141.,» Guelph...... .. ...fiept. 16-15.. (1111- t........o.i. .. ...-“31m. ...1. I They “Ill be The Best lzier ......Au- I Trains arrive at Durham at 10.30 an by the number of iiieami'v'ncnts 11:21." . Ham11t0n...... -----.;--..---.5€iit- 15-1‘~.’- ‘ :~ I‘5’OPHM*1'=‘II‘55‘)1H“- I The “Mimi/31' of cubic feet of -' gall“??? ------ ~--159l't- 18 118d 1‘1); I EVERY DAY EXIJILPT stiximv ~ . ,.- .. . .s-i . I i' ‘.11 o s 0111...... .................. ct. .: I I ll.“ Elliott, A. E. Dull, I per ton ”3H8 (10,”.54‘. Ii“) I‘I I. III,” 1 : Huntsville-..... "Huger”. 3?, “3141 2;.‘ ,. 1 U 1’ ,3 i) 1’ 3 , . length of tom» 111.1. it has be 1-11 stat .t. t... . . .. - . ~I LI” I‘ I \Iiiiiztti'iiil I II killing m I \Vith ilCVxl‘. stacked liziv it will H I lngersollm... .....-Sept. 1" ‘Iml 1"1 "V I: I I I iabout 5‘01) cubic fret to t-quitl u ‘1. .I IEIISyth-r °°°°° q...OC't. '2 fin/Ii 2 MaCfarlal1e L0. . ,..;..§“3 I J TOWNER Depot Agent ‘ I if it has ba-«u stacked for two in 11:.» ~ {Elmardme-M- ---éei’i- 1% “"6 fly: I H.” .3.c . JAMES R. GUN. Town Agent Imonths limit 350 if} 441% rubit- LI» ' lngqton“"“ ept' 1‘ an 1““, . - ”I?“ - ' ;.I (2?” 1115:? I. I. Will equal 1‘. I011. After you have (1'! . ‘1‘?_“”.”“§tma """"""" 01'”? ‘l-II. I Druggigts al1d RI)()ksellerS - “- ' gulf; .‘II .' :.TI,"I,',I.II II ' I‘ iainvd the iaumbt'r of ('1il)I(‘.IIi'-I ’l‘m 8. ea ,L ' am ‘“ It I ‘II‘fIIII‘IZfiIl‘Ko."Il'I‘l-I»!ii.5 I . . . . the stat-1:. divide by the 1:1111111111‘ ti' l‘lstii“ elfif” "°""“SI§"-t.' g3 1111‘} 13' . . . . ' - . . v4“}.....it“:t"i,:_',.“;;;v.‘;v. Icanadla" Pacufic Railway, cubic out in a ton taking 1111...»... {fnqflni eater“ UPI-ff!" (1°33 'C.P.R. Ticket Office. l.u\ \ our Ticket Here ' II ”2.7"” ”1th” I Time Table 2 sideratim: the length of time that ifzw-I' .1111 :(a e """"""" C ' In I)‘ g» 3' . -.:':"“a_. 3;,”2r4icag‘ I hay has been W'lt'ktid . Marl.ham...... ..... ...gCt. 1-3.; Win-”mm #â€" "‘.,, . ,- 5'31... ' --...- '; " ‘ “" ' I Massey...... ept. 2.3.; _ , _ _‘ , ,1, , . , .. 33.5.15 II 1......3 I 1m.....111.u.-1.-.-..n.1 (Mm, ....mi 0. t ~~ 1: -....- Matheson...... ......Sept. 23 and murmur THOFSANUM 1'15 , . ; “(10mg 1”,") “‘3‘?” $10 i0 “F" .3 -; "I?“ .. .Igg-ifigghige’gitfdig; flows ”In“ Imam. “Imp“; . I '° and "durance f Meaford ............ Sept. 30, Oct. LI AH ‘4 RM“ ”1'?“- '\’\,"“'r~' III“ *“II’C‘L'I‘I l’f’rdm‘cl." “'0‘“. I I1 ‘l ' x \l i’ \t p M I The Roman soldiers. who limit 9.1. I D’Iidland...... ........-Sept. ‘25 and ‘20. ' F m I loitrS’ i‘xrurfiom III“ I; (I "I‘.I(IIIII]']‘("I‘H‘(I)I; IO “‘1‘” ~ 31g“? bi! .. . i“ _H, v . ... . _°l ,23‘ (‘._I ‘ i .' . ... . n ‘ i_. al‘ ..211 .1 3.‘ r) . 1' 1", ‘1 . will g00.36'8'°m'new “Nil 13. .3 132.3 LV.\\’.’ilk81'[t)ll A1311“) 10.11;)? wrondPrIIII IOIIIIQI and (IIIIIIIII d III-9 Iliiliiiimayf" sepd {9.911111 II; I Year‘s Wheat (fl-011 “‘1“ ’1‘ f “Return 'lrm East,” $18 to Wm- '..,.vio;it{‘ tifhtlfl. 625 I“ 3'». Washinlton. D-C- I3.2‘~; ”.38 .. Alilple Hi” .. 12.25 9050II :msagmglre 3:151. luggage that Vt 9'11 t] Bliltoiloo ...... ......... 6c} a.- 1.1821((1 iboI the Largest in the HISlUl'y Inipeg’ 111118 1131f-cen.t wt mile from - .- 337 7.17 “ Hanover " 12.17 9.42. f ..".'age 7 arm hand. IIT‘I'II M'l . 't'” '"S"”'t 25‘ I d 26II of Canada. Iall points east of Maclcod. Calgary Iii-I5 6.55 " Allan Pitt-k " 12.08 9.39.. on coarse hm“ 1‘ bread and sour Wilt; Mlt \f‘l‘ 011i ..... 9%) .t 173“ d lb-I , r , l or lgd'mon‘lon. 10 W'innipf’il’. . . . . . ”...”...M, I A.M. IThey were. temperate in diet aztll VeIW $321131); ...... Se er; .11 :3d 15‘ The wheat crop of 1111,; W,” 1c (loiug‘ Datesâ€"August iiiâ€"From ’ ‘ I44!) 7.10 " Durham “_. 11.51 9.19I regulaiiland 9011513“ 1“ exercise. "11 fI hiew Liskeardzm Sept. .25 and 26' the greatest ever hat-Vested 1“ all stations Kingston to Renfrew g .4.11 721 .. L‘lC‘VilliamS“ 11.44 9.09.: Spanls peasallt works every (111." ailiiI Newmarket ‘“ p ° Oct 7-’° Manitoba SaskatChPWml and ‘Al- incluive and east thereof in On... ' 4.14 7.21 " Glen “ 11.41 9.06 dances half the night. yet 9315 0.1 I . d -‘ ’ , . . l inm iab- tario. ‘ 4.24 7:11 ~~ Priceville .. 11.31 3.511 blaCk bread. onions, and watermm...I “galadtmm ......Ssept. 126 and itIs' bertaa ““15 ”Wm” “0 a. , d‘ August ”~me Toronto and z 4.40 7.50 -- Saugeen J. " 11.18 8.43 The Smyrna porter eats only a li‘t‘. 8 Value"... 332' 22nd .‘Iorers of the East to rccrmt ‘m‘ ‘West on Grand Trunk mail line to 6 One Of the BCSt 5.15 7.50 .. Toronto .. 11.15 7.50 fruit, and sour olives, yet he Wall»... 0 3I Oggggegfilg- ““““ S'epi .18 mild 1S. Iassist in harvesting the world 5 Sarnia inclusive and sou‘th thereof. 9 Investmenls m R. MACFARLANE. - Town Agent "m h‘s.‘°ad 0' ”‘9 “PM“? po""-."*°* Oshawa .'""°.".......'.Sept. 8-10. greatest bread basket I .AW‘W‘ ”-From Toronto ““1 . M The cache. fed on rice. is more af'il‘fe 0 if 61'" C. (1 Se 5-13 The Governments of the rev. horth Western Ontario. north of l D U R H A and can endure more than the 119er ttaWas ends] ana “"03? 7-9' - . vinces state that 10,000 but not including Grand Trunk i ~ i he fed on fat meat. ' Owen 0“” 0d ’ I 99‘3““? pro ' . . ILine Toronto to Burma and east of I i Three Houses for the price 0 0 AUTO REPAIRS Paisley...... ...Sept. 3: :26 it! required for fins-Toronto to Kingston, Sharbot i 2 1th) (“9 solid Stone and) BriCk . Latest GhIVlI‘Ig cup mé;{o.nu.... ......Sept. Sept 19- L . . These W1“ have to (we and Benire", indu‘nng th.‘ : ~- , . nises. ----- - ---°- ' ' - "ted - ' , 2 “W “""m‘d lemoaeled ' 3“ - For heating shaving water in a cup Priceviiie ...... .........0ct. 2 and 3- be Prim” th regmfityngincegâ€"I pos‘guembe, 3_mm Toronto ”4 i m ‘ mm” we” I“ “e“ ”Vented 3"“ ...... “'"Ms’pt' ”,"dd ’3' “I. imp securinl labor all ations in Ontario nut at but . t mimnce 0011' “kins électricity - t- ‘n ' Canadian Padflc. no‘t includinfi Grand Trunk Line a through a cord from a light socket. é , a I Tropical Stamina I

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