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Durham Chronicle (1867), 21 Aug 1913, p. 4

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has-.41 ‘ .. Glenn. fore any'hing else." grily. about going. Miss Ellis. otherwise you , is s specie could arrange it. use. and i can see there was a special with water. Inaon why you wanted to be off duty renewed. the par-slalom ant walla un- wise ELLIS, nuns Put liar Duty Before Asylum Else. \ 3y RCIALIE G. MENDEL. Nurse Eliis rushed up the boardlnxi loise 5 til. a, burst into the little hall l. down and exclaimed to her room- i ti My typhoid case is no "il'a'tahf «1 -. iared mi." Vi. l'mo discharged and in. nu (Lirnwtt nas asked me to cele- f brute fr." freedom from the tyranny of a ct'anlv patient by going to the ‘heater with him this evening. that. jolly" bone for a good timeâ€"especially With (Henn" "Well, vou certainly deserve it aft-1 er the strenuous siege you have had,” answered Sue Darrow as she pinned her cuffs in her nurse's costume. “I only hope you manage to leave before another call comes for you. such a popular little nurse that you are always in demand.” “If the superintendent of the hospi- tal, the assistant. superintendent and all the dovtors took sick I would re- fuse to go on duty tonight.” exclaimed Madge as she. combed her long golden hair. “This is the fourth evening Glenn and l have made arrangements to spend together and every time I‘ve had a “hurry mll’ at the last minute. Fate could Hit. he 80 Spoil ’lllrs’ anticipated again " ‘lOO‘llin- grasped hm" night deity tomorrow your lack ' lost (is? .‘ lIlE in it»: bwotnttit :w'llil't‘ hat gave a imp; li’hl ring. at it and " . 'i .~‘iltl defiantly: "I won't? I won" ' Another and an-‘ lull: dear," said Sue, as she s'iir case to import. for ”Have. a good time, and you can tell me all about rem l'fllis finished dress- white. Madge start-l .lf‘~'.\0"' l" other l'i’i‘." and then she grahbwd the ro‘rmywr 'l.'1~' «'(illml, “\Vell'l” ”This i. Hr turns." came the an- swer " ‘ .w an emeri'cncy opera- tion at v.1.- .wwz-‘tal that l wish you '4 report -: H once 'l ~l ("1" ‘ “might. «lot-tor,” fzillf‘r‘m] Madge "l". :mnwsvb‘ta (lo-t one of the other :i'l‘s‘ "\Vha'K ‘l it ‘ You're. not rein-Lag me’.’ Come, ionic, girl. You are the. W30 Saw It to. Amaze»: ‘ Madge Glenn. ‘or this case. l'll rt: lf‘lil'lt' lti twvt'fi ,. .7 ”(r l 59:11. Hrs .i.;i ri imprint." ' - nm’ swarm-if. Tins. ' 'no- you haven't. bet-at “if: '. " s' a sttnuinn.‘ llajv' or .1; l'_ l .s :,..‘/"1..‘£ 41),")r' I i am \M't'n "‘il, luv lv ‘1 ‘ . I i 'iiis om- mcning for. 1" -. ‘ 1 at l l . '1‘ .- ‘- will disappointed," ralll .- .â€"~ .' at ’ w ii'in: up the receiw-T.‘ .\l.'i‘ l"‘A'.'l in the low rt)ckit;'.;l h i" . a. good cry. Then shill ll \ ' ~ - -t‘l.< (10' called lir. Burma; i. l . v:1;1t she had ('hatifl'i‘ll n. : thit she was rt-ad‘.’ to; ‘ ‘l’IlSQ. HP aris'.to-z'mi.; -. w - wt; were too loyal 3! "Ti“ = ' ' 4 ‘i.'. me.” i T‘s“ ' 3.:1nud to Glenn. “lt'~il lmgl to k. up our cit-l 53's i \‘1 dreadfully sorry. :‘iil‘l Other s. -‘= 1 and--â€"" i “Mad. inswut'o ll' Glenn. i:'- l digit.” il‘ . ‘.\ It't iiStr'n m a. l'i'if'~<‘:.. You flan '. gut to fit) with i ”l mnlgil'- .‘ . the otin tirirsi- i"; the Wot . ’ :‘zulit-uio...~ that \mel can’t hat»- oin- etching together.” i ”I can". ‘i’mna Don't. urge the anV more. if 3"”: do I'll cry in llTS-il 3-1 wattle. le‘. 2') and take some (Wei else." care to go with." “You know you are the only one I“ "It's as it'd for the as for you,’ But a nurse's duty comes bml “I see it. does." answered Glenn an. "You really don't care enough Goad-bye.” Madge quickly changed her new Isn't. , l'm just. aching in every‘ you?” ing her to his mother's side. “M: “Mother, this is Madge, the deer little gar Minis dseaaso-fie cgutting is about i , 't t on about.” Jone, lain of ti ry weat er con- girl I have w" ten 0 y tinlues, lhiaulimg will be got through ""01 “Hill! lthilifi week. 0“?ng ‘l’lO the (lil‘y weather the straw is short and the British unkind as to, steels she got confused and ‘throwntothegroundbyatruc fear she is seriously injured. As y we have not been able to locate son. She is as fine as aiplece of Dreso den china and you are Just the girl , to pet and take charge of the fright.- ened. lonesome little body.” g the morning she was better. The operation was a dangerous one. ' Through the long, hard night the pa young t'. life hun on a thread. But in llokfiing evangelistic services in m q g Varney for tibe lat two or three weeks, left on fitmoday .monning. Rev. acid Mrs. 'Ward spent last week awaiting acquaintances in pleasant Miss Illis sought her‘couch for a well- earned rest when released from duty. She awoke after a refreshing sleep 'and hrstened to her patient’s bed. side, his arms clasped about the :fragile little old lady, who was con- tentedly stroking his hair. young man looked familiar. ; ment, Madge saw it. was'Glenn! . As Madge stood in the l l I The In amaze dOOl’Wfly lThen, turning to Madge. I” added, 5 “Dr. Burns told me that your all . and devoted attention did as much to 1 save my mother’s life as the opera. ' tlon. Madge. I can't ”We” my 31'3“ Columbia, iaifteir Spending a month with his daughter, and visiting his brute like me. who so cruelly reproach- many iold friends and acquaintan- ces about .here, left on Monday 01; 21.171! . ed you for doing your duty? How you must despise me.” i sleeve. dearest mother in the world." “Then let her be your mother, too." ‘ "You need Allain filled 1li1is pulpit in Vickers a mother‘s love, and I need yours.” begged Glenn fervently. (Copyright, lfll‘l. by W. G. Phapman.) .2.‘£T“f‘...i2.f1.i‘.’.’.‘i coon AND EVIL EMANATIONS All of Us Constantly Sending Out Thoughts According to OurChar- acter and Nature. Man is like the wireless telegraph. He is constantly sages of peace and power, of harmony or discord, friend thoughts or enemy thoughts from him with lightning speed in every direction, and they arouse in others qualities like themselves. We. are all wircless mental stations, and are all sensitive to the things to which we. have made ourselves akin by our thoughts and life, If we ha ve developed the coarser side of ourselves, living an animal life. we are sensitive to the animal vibrations and influences that come to us; in pro- portion as we. have educated the brute out of ourselves do we become sensi- tive to the rays of good. Many of us have not. yet learned to protect, Olll‘n‘t‘llT‘S from the conflicting currents of radiated thought from oth- ers that, are playing all about us. ' Thought obeys a law as inexorable as . that of mathematics. No love can re- turn in exchange for a hatred thought; : but, if your thought. is freighted with _ love, love will come back to meet. its To have friends we must show friendly. To be loved, we own. ourselves must love if the God within youâ€"the ineffabie spirit of love. of charityâ€"speaks to a |lt: but. it’ you fling out diabolical 88-. 4 tanic forces they will arouse and call out. the devil l ‘ hatred, jealousy, envyâ€" from the victim of your thought radia- tion. Good will come out to meet good, evil in response to evil; hatred comes out to meet hatred, love to meet love. twcause they are affinities. aâ€"Orison chtt Marden in the Nau- tilus Magazine. ‘1 The Lost Wurz. Gregory is the kindest hearted per- son in the. world. and always ready to 'do a good turn for anybody. be it friend or stranger. The other day be because there. was no vacant seat, when a dignified old man rose, indi- tains a cated the. place he left with a courteous . home _ '3 Young and other l Markdale, More 0 l bow and got out at Forty-second street. Gregory accepted the seat. tude. What can you think of a selfish “I don’t exactly despise you,” mur- plpa‘qum ’ mured Madge. putting her hand on his “And I think you have the sen ding out mes- These messages are flying vâ€"â€"â€".~.â€"._._- : man. although he. may be a, criminal’ . lilll‘ll'hlk tt) ‘ the (iod will come out of him to meet 1 ‘l'l‘Nt' , '(‘lirotiic l l I l l l i â€"â€" i l ' was in a Third avenue car, standing in...“ $931113”). thelxd flor nearly 50 but. hardly had taken it when he no-l ticcd a neat. package on the floor. With a bound he was up and after the i rphuwday afternoon last The car had . m.s,s started, but the old man looked around matches ibetween departing passenger. at sound of the shouting and Gregoryi Kimberley clubs let fly the. parcel; the paper slipped off, a long string of link sausages sailed through the air and lassoed the old gentleman's silk hat, dangling over his face, which grew purple. with rage. In Gregory felt himself seized by a strong clutch and a wall broke Upon the car. lamented her lost treasure. “You throw ond mine Wurz!” she cried over and over; mine echt Ger- man Wurz I take mine daughter once! Ach, where ist now mine Wurz al- ready?”â€"New York Times. Fatal to the Piano. Unless well seasoned beforehand. a piano, however well made. will go all to pieces in the tropics. At one of the largest London piano houses there i “<ka 1 room kept heated to a l lrectmtly visited his parents at Fevensham. mud other high temperature, in which instru- ments intended for hot climates are white suit. and hat for her nurse’s baked for about a month before being costume and was waiting'at the win- dow when Dr. Burns drove up. sent abroad. Insects do much damage to pianos l the same moment the kind-hearted”n as a stout German womanlwcck. [fine new stone basement. I lJohn “fright. an. :extontsive limpnovements which will i l 'VARNEY. Romano. of Toronto. vimthig her brothers. caliber of 'London. and ‘his eon, lame, and Write, s nt last tweak witih Mr: and Mrs. m. R. and" Nelson ’Eden. and him last week. Mr. lJlolm Watson. Mountain, and Misses inhyte mud Ymmg. ladies wiho have Berlin. They report a visit. and were delighted with the A young man kneeled at the bed- appearance bf tihe beautiful town. We understand our blacksmith, Mr. Master Rob..iClark, of your tow , is putting in the harvest with H. Mr. Robt. Gadd. Thais bought Robins’ ihouse Wilkiutworn' . The most of 'th-e mail boxes for Glenn glanced 119- He went 0"" to our rural mail delivery route are i her, grasped both her hands. and 103* in position, but nothing doing yet. Our harvest will soon be over grain lmostly light. Mr. tRobt. Watson. of this may home to the coast. will ‘visit his family and sister in New Ontario and. iSeskatcfncWan on his return trip. Rev. Mr. Ward preached very acceptably llill .Drotnmrc ain't Kn l.\' churches ’last Sunday. while Mr and Orchard. Mail carrier Mc(‘abe does a little horse [ruling on the side. We suppose the has to. to help. out on lthe miserable salary the gou- crnunont ‘pays no the men who do the roal work. The fellows wlri work tmostly in the hot air busi- ness tat Ottawa will see that the most of the salaries come their way. ___§_.â€"_ NOT A TWINGE OF R H E U M A TI 5 M r.........o.."".é.......1.... 1.... .1... SINCE TAKING RHEUMA “I suffered from Rheumatism for six years: tried different doctors with mo relief. I saw your all- vertiscmont and decided to try RHEUMA. I (have taken three bottles and aim entirely free from the disease. I was so bad I could not sleep nights; now I sleep well 'l'l’l imy kidneys work perfectly."â€" P. WV. Miller. (‘atawisam Pa. “For fourteen months I was so liftilly afflicted with Hhmnnatisrn that 'much of the timc l was oblig- cd to usc a cane. I used one hot- tle of RHEUMA and THE CANE IS IN THE CORNER NOW. No one could be happier t“) be rid of the pain. swollen knees and bully swollen ankles, I certainly belieyc there is :no remedy for the disease like HHlZUh‘I.-\,"~~Mrs. Danicl S, Knox- Severance. N.Y.. Aug. 8. ’12. Macfarl'mc (‘o, guarantcc cure Hhcumatism. Lumbag‘o. Sciatica. Arthritis. Neuralgia and Kitincy money hack-wand only bottle. :lisefiSc or ‘0 cents :1 ........_.¢_._.... F L ESHE HTO N. Announcement is made at tilt-n- licim. Ont. 0f the engagement («1' Bird "Mae. daughter or Mr. and Mrs. James Kimlrcc. to Mr. H. White. it'it'incipal of the High school There. The marriage will take iplacet his month. The Methodist Sinday school piC~ nicked. on the agricultural grounds on Wednesday afternoon of last “'(‘Ni and an 91130571“? time “33511111 tleft for the city on Saturday’phew, Master Jack Aikeznhead. of has i to spent at this annual. which Mrs. Dr. .Sproulc. who re- love yet for the old school picnic. with Mrs. friends Welcome visitors _\ ears. for a short time .in the evening. There Was the agricultu ral- gro un-ds to wit- two interesting baseball Dundalk and and Flesherton and Kimberley girls. In the for- mer. Kimberley won on a score of 15 ito 16 iamld in the latter Flesher- ton igirl-s were the winners. score 18 ibo .5. Mr. James (.‘onnfield. whose ill-dings nvcre badly wrecked by the :windstorm last spring, had a large ibarn successfully raised last The building is set on a late 1-8 undergoing The residence here lof the add igreatly , to its a pearance. The moof .is‘ being raise two feet ‘by mew brickwork added to the l walls. Mr. Emerson Bellamy has re- turned from Aurora and is now employed as special agent for the Chosen Friends. The societ here will doubtless be benefited y his Dr. 'E. .W. Paul, of Toronto, wiho relatives here, is an enthusiastic bowler, and flu won many prizes on the green. At 'libe big bowling tourâ€" mment in five city lat week the “You’re a treasure. little girl,” he, in tropical conntrlu- T0 “‘9 "‘7 Dr. mad the honor of winning the “l have a daughter of my own til dust has collected on the mfacs and walls across Q-M . - laid. grasring her hand in his big: ants the casters 0: the Plum are Ontario Cu placed in little metal saucers filled also anti But unless this is often cabinet of dive! knives and forks. .1. B. W for his rink. which hm’ to a handsome 1h ement Ils announced. of I «235...... datum of; no. two been) l l t l l i and Not the Plant. lHlS lillil Prominent $09k Proud To The only preparation that has proved good when others failed. Easily applied. Cheaper and better than Paris Green. No water to carry. blood for Cabbage Plants, "Berry Bushes and 'I‘tuii- me as well as the Potato Plants. Now is the time to apply it. when the plants are appearing as lilo preparation kills the Beetleas well as the late Bug. The only preparation that. is a fertilizer as well .-.'.- insectimde. MADE ANII SOLD ONLY BY Hâ€"â€" _ _-.. *w-H GUN’S DRUG STORE DURHAM G.T.R. Town Ticket Agent “If You Get It at Gun’s It's Good." nairmmv ace-nu r30 ATLANTIC Avn.. MoxrREAL. MARCH Isl. 13,12 “For years, I suffered from Rlict. matism, being unable to work for wcci.. at a time and spent litlllill‘“ on doctor’s medicines, besides receiving treatment at Notre Dame Hospital Where I was informed that I was incur- able. I was discouraged when a friend advised me to try “ Fruit-a-tivcs”. After using three packages. I felt relieved and continued until I had used five packages when a complete cure was the result after cars of duc- toring failed. I consi er “Fruit-a- tivcs’ awonderful remedy. You are at liberty to use this testimonial to prove to others the good that “Fruit-a-tives” has done me” TIMOTHY McGRATiI. 50¢. a box. 6 for $2.50â€"trial size,.25c. l At dealers or from Fruit-actives Limited, Ottawa. C(V"(!-.1. ..., As there has been a change in lllt' iii in we invite cverv pct-son who intend~ making purchase to conic and obtain an idea lion cheap we are going to 51‘“ for the tll‘Xl :1‘:= days. I] This Advertisement is Genuine As We are reducing our stock of l" until one ill make room for a new Mm. \V. Hill 'of Markzlalc and Miss Mabel Munsduuv of this place. were :‘ioiined in wedlock, {e\', W. T. Hallmm. B.A.. performed the ceremony. The young couple left on a trip to ‘the coast. The bride Was very highly t-stccmel hcrc. one of the most popular young ladies in town. \Vc join a large circle of fricintl-s in wishing hcr much happiness, Mr. and .Mrs. Joseph SHIPMENT 0!“ Fl' RN] I‘l' If E Blackburn , The Preparation that Kills the Potato Bug celebrated their silver wt-tltiinu' quietly on Friday la'ts't. but wt-i'c L h 0 the it-ecipionts of numerous cot.â€" ena an an C eC nle gratulations and some handsome gifts from their friends, l The cam H‘l‘S. wcll lainnw Willi a... § the rum and wind. returned from. . ........‘.............”””‘*"9’9990060669e the lHollantl lakcs on Friday and. -_ re )ort. a s ilontlitl holiday. We , .‘ . tchdcr our thanks to the party for blmlo} Murray. iii-tirawtm. :..1.w ; . the treat of Sliecklcil trout sent us. Mr. "Ed. Buntliain. will .13.; 1 ti. ll'li‘li‘il .‘I'm’n l’Lg. .. g. , l lllr. Frank ('010. Who recently daughter, or Toronto. :tl‘c on two \il‘inil‘ u,‘ 1"lif‘l 3-. . _.\ ,,, visited his l‘iaronts here. is another “"‘Plis 1101“le Willi ll‘ii‘mlb llt'l'c. ”JIM-l l._\' 11 l-fl-i'lx' 'i’ ‘ .11: ‘- Flcshcrton boy. who. by faithful MI‘S- 53180” 01 (l‘l'Hlill ('ih- 1““ ”"2 “WW“ I!- . .M I application lhas climbed thc ladder Mitllu 'Who “or on an t-xt...;.i..i 3111.". «in L..; 11‘ i .. . of nuccess until he has arrived at l VlSil rwith her ln'otlwr. ‘lr. \\ " I . a lucrative position of rcsponsilnlâ€" 5hiU‘l’~ “Nil Ulhcr 1-. liTllH-S. li'ii .1 i ' itv. and trust. For three years 1101‘?“ '0” lUl’S‘lil}'-_ .â€"â€"‘_ , H .. , 51C ,3, S )(Il'i (BI)I’(VI'1I' HSLBI' llalUyll \\ l'l 'lll. ll .1 ll- , , . :‘i‘ub ‘ht his bun u; nt . ‘ ,1 ; ‘ f 3] ,f l ‘_‘ , g A \ast amount of lll health is til the Studebaker automobilc 'Lml. '8 )0“ 4 "1mm". "'i'fl.‘ due to impaired digestion When . . '« - . l t usual 'll 1'. (Was. Stewart's. .. ' - ' ' f w mks at Pontldt. MIC“. “1 ll the stomach fails to perform its l . .. now 'lit‘f’f’lnlt‘ manager of the comâ€"l Mr. Roy “:illacc. of l row“ 15 functions properly the whole sys- liany’s extensive new works Ill i 0;" “1 imhdu“. “3‘ h Mk; “MW: "H l tom l’wcomcs ‘lf‘l"t')"(’ll -\ icw .Qouth Bend lntli‘nm 3‘5“” /.1-;‘rc. doses ‘ - d h‘ ‘ I " ‘ ‘ . . . , ._ . .. . . .. of (liamln-ilain r lab e ' h‘l‘lé’i'lilS Of hll‘fi. llill'l'y \\ u'ul, hIibS Allllit' \\ il.‘t)(‘i. sir lil pull '1“ YOU “0in 'lll‘it’V \Vxll”? who has l);Pt“.ll ain inv'tliil l‘” “m" l Of '13“ \W‘ k “Ml f'm'l" “‘ “H" on your (limisnou .'l‘ ii‘mr'ite tour ' ’ v,. .v 4' ') ')‘ a. V ,‘f h. ' d l P: ‘ -' tlmt. \H to please l to sex lltl (.m-t l (.lt). ‘ ) . ll\(’f‘ an‘l ch‘ulalc you." miwcls, on- again for a short ilrnc (in l‘l'l- Mr. Edgar .olnnson. and Miss lirclv doing away w'tu tint nus- (’3‘. diftl‘l’ll'OUll in (‘:l]"' ill lll'l' RObl-llSOll. lUf Slilfi'lll’l'. VlSltt‘il UVPI' (arable feeling (iu'e l0 faultv di- a. as a' ‘6 '. . , ' l ’ il ’l ‘ s “'7 ‘ O a ' - friend. Mrs. ‘1). Mr l.i\}iSll.. llifl Mile]. 4. .llll 33th Mi. .nint ..i . gustion. Try it. Many others I ' ‘ a a -' ‘ ) ' 5‘ â€" l ’ ,t J ' U 'b ' r . ' “I“ .[‘O J. fwd“ 1', int )t i. is tutti i 1(00 \ (till 0'... lil ll i. lit 9. } . t1;i\ l‘ been permanently curedâ€" illg u] Sl}l()l) :{t I)X‘11"t’\'llll‘. \\ lll'l't' .‘() ‘ I{P\,. LIP. .BlC‘ l(..'ll- l‘l'tl] I‘lll.(l nill'lll‘ \l'l|\' ll()t \(,1] ..) l:(,! S:‘l(a i)\' all i ," i I l i l l l i ,. _ a large crowd on iMosndraV from a pleasant tiip .up on [the lakes. in which they were tom- Mm. John Brown. last week. is visiting .her will Visit .a day each week. to : last tweek invigorated by his cater to the residents of that holiday. and his pcoplc were again place. [pleased to‘sec him in his own Miss Laura Henry. Miss ('lf'i'a l pulpit on Sunday. Duncan and Miss Flossie (.‘aswclli Miss Jennie Allu’nlu-Hl (lt‘Ill'd‘b. and neâ€" attetnd the Fall millinery Toronto. are visiting Mrs, 11m..- opeiniings. ' ling talld M'I‘S. Vi .» .>‘\. Armstrong. ‘ Mr. Tom (.‘ihiard. Miss Elva Lever,‘ A small fire at Hc9\'e Mc'I anal. s N . Miss Havel Alton. Miss AddaiblaCkamth 'Shol' caused some ex- atlona Wright and Miss Annie McMillanjcitemcnt «for a short limo on from left am Monday to attend Model'Monday. Sparks from the chitu- . . . «41001 at Hanol'er. ncy ignited the roof and a dan- x l ltlon WDr and Mrs. (‘artcr returned on geroues looking firc was going: before it was extinguished, Mr. \T. J. Fisher and J. L. Mc- Donald were at Meaford on Monâ€" day attending the civic holiday EXPANSION YEAR ed Iby Dr. and Mrs. Wdhamm Of New Livestock Department Duendial k. In the absence of the pastor. (1.55- !‘3095- . Everything in Acriculturc beansiniz communion at Mt. Zion Mr. S. W. Sloain. of Mt. Albert. ’ Exhibits by the Provinces Was in town (on Monday and gmc and Thistlegc. Mr. Hutson. pastor 115 1a pleasant can, on the Eugenia circuit. preached in the Methodist church here on Sunday ~(aloft-ping. Ills friend. in, Hill. ta chief of the Iroquois tribe, accompanied ’him. amil sang two well rendered solos. Dr. and Mrs. R. H. Henderson. and little son Ivan. of Toronto. visited over the week end with Mr. amid .Mrs. Blackburn. on their wedtlin ,9: an m v ersar y . Mr. Jeffrey Jacques. of Yellow Grra-ss. Sack” is ion a short ViSll’. with his sister, Mrs. Billimer, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert (famâ€" paginc. of Chicago. visited the fonmer’s grandparents. Mr. and lixhibits by Dominion Government Mrs. "1‘. Grainger, of Markdalc. inhibit“ by Foreign Countries Visited ifor a week with old. A098 0f Manufactures f I‘ienodis .h-ere, , '-â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"____._ 1 MAGNIFICENT m EXHIBIT ) i Paintings from Germany, Britain. United States and Canada Educational Exhibits (‘adet Review Japanese Fireworks Canada‘s Biggest Dog Show America’s Greatest Cat Show -â€"-e- “I was cured of diarrhoea by one dose of Chamberlain’s Colic, Chol- era and Diarrhoea Remedy,” writes M. E. Gebhardrt, Oriole, Pa. There is nothing better. For sale by all dealers. “;1‘11361‘01‘5“ Miss lIzit .ASiheinhurst. of Toronto, friend, Miss Lulu The Musical Surya-lag The Musical Ride Deanna, AUG. 131913 ‘ 1161. Fall Wheat.........,..$ 93 (.08 93 Millers} Johm Thistlewaiite and S ring Wheat.......... 93 to 93 Auto-Polo Matches children have returned from a filing Oats ....... 38 to 38' Circus and Hippodrome few weeks" visit tin Toronto. Feed Oats ..... ..... 34 to 35 Roman Chariot Mr. and mm. Mines 'Ilhistlewaitc Peumwm... .. . 85 to ml mums m visited over the week and with Barley............ ...... 50 to 50 m fluent-dam Stayner. ' Hay............ ........1300to15(l} GnflWflchu-alval Hit. and MN. J. *W. Tucker, of Butter. [8 to 18 lilSl Mnrbdalewpaidius a pleasant visit gggsbag “112:: 513 GUARDS BAND ontFnida eventin last. omwes. per Dr. aid inn. *ebster, of Tor- Dried Apples 4m 4 8“"“°M'me-oa onto ZWiho are hoBda'yrlng at Flour.percwt.......... 200cc 8m Delphi summer resort. motored Oatmeal. per aacL.... 240m 210 hemmflaburday for a short Chop. cwt..........110to is vidt trim the latter’a parents, Live ogs. per cwt.... 9 75 to 9 75 la.mdmuK.Riohardaou Hide-tribu-m-mu 7:: “to I ‘III.....'......... w j oaooo'asoeooaoosoeoco “h a y W gs’oioos'ooogvosoooaca- " .h ‘ ‘ .Mooob-oooooasoooooeoso “~=‘ :‘ . ’. f“,"°°0$!000_.0-q : ~ .' devote: ".' .;.f.‘.,,..w..,' .. .: -' ‘u _ . 1: ”.6: according to a i. . -le I Cct. my ago all.“ . O. and leat‘nctl from tl . 5. “cm. Though r"'.lt".lll\‘ “pt. have been marl", lix “and chemists, it l1... l. . “bit: to improve the- i , , “Pink Dr. Morsc's It “,1, You know us. Vou afford to -â€"- go back on i this money-back-rl-rwb \V“ lil‘nv-‘i‘ 3,. ,_ lwst L..... , . Till!" pl. L“. . . manual... from 1:, ....__,, from. .~ 11""-'-l"‘-“ \li- Delia-v rirl. ski": \\ ... ‘1‘ l . l the” t1. ‘ ' BTt‘llir'. "i we “ii-t :4 will ' “'t- (11.3; ' Isn't :91..- Just .«-‘ doing YTv flCllHii l" and ill" , . other or." ‘ ' - ‘ CAI» tow -‘ -‘ ' . .. . 1 \«n; ( .i.i . . .iloi ‘1 ll (1'. .SI 231.6 A: ”l, \] :Iill1 KilliMliltia . \li'liiihi i- -1 ‘ .\I' 1‘,‘l‘-Al ' “cat ‘ l‘wn1v..tut., ~ A «t‘llll‘. .129 “1'. ll Illl 'dlly \‘l ”l it "- ! gt; p [ .ifi', l if "ill 3 '

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