West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 21 Aug 1913, p. 6

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* Toberculosis Threatens .. i i . a! [mic air, sunshine and . about all the roll-bu! ’l f a i 31 f" P‘“”§ “‘5. g, l e i HOME STUDY . 2‘. l _. Thousands ot'atllliitinlls young i 3 i peopeare being instructed in :7“ heir lilllllv~ by our Home Study if Dept.f Ymi tinny t'iniph at (gull- l CHAPTER XX. ege i you iesire. ay w eti- . 3:. o-Vet' you \Vl~il. 'l‘llil'ty Yeitl's' i AS BFTWEEN ‘ “‘1' AND ‘ wow ' ' i‘lelPl‘lt‘til'H. Largest trainers T was Satan’s inexhaustible chef” in Vanilla. i‘lnter any day. and good spirits that 1130“ im- ‘ Pliililllll~ guaranteed. It yml " pressed them. H]. teeth seemed .2 _ win. to .aw board and lrttl'“ l perpetually to ache with desire. film" 'V w “I It Wu” “'1. WNW 3 and in lieu of black legs he husked the I H" cocoanuts that fell from the trees in \o \ \c \‘i'lH\' i the compound. kept the enclosure clear ’ . . . - . l of intruding hens. and made a hostile \\ .lll-w'l lllil l)’l\|!ll‘\\ ( lillt‘gc‘ h i acquaintance with every boss boy w o “if” ‘l’ll'll'llN. l’lt‘~llll'lil came to report. 9 Christian Young sailed away in the . “““““““““. Minerva. carrying an invitation (that ~ would be delivered nobody knew When) to 'l‘onlniy Jones to drop in at Berande o . l the next tltne he was passing. ”What are your plans when you get to Sydney?” Sheldon asked that night at dinner. “First l‘ve heard that l’m going to Sydney." Joan retorted. “i suppose you've received information. by hush telegraph, that that third assistant on- . derstrapper and ex-sailorman at 'I‘ulagi ' is going to deport me as an undesirable immigrant." . “Oh, no, nothing of the sort. 1 assure ; BIG 4 Calder’s Block 5'. ' lie Sells Chtap - -â€". -â€".â€"A< W-......-.~.- _.7 __ Lace Curtains ‘..l\ 54.137 iii» : - l" \\lli-‘ ,J:H‘[ll. 1" 7.3. you." Sheldon began with awkward .- 7" l ”” haste. fearful of having offended. l , “f’ . . l W ‘ though he knew not how. “i was just ... h ' "" ' "“ wondering. that was all. You see. with ‘2" the loss of the schooner and-and all the restâ€"you understandâ€"i was think- . 'i‘wilio-il dim-tin: log that ifâ€"aâ€"if-hang it all. until .! 3““- ‘Vllll'3-"Vi'll- you could communicate with your Howl \‘i ilii‘ill'ilt‘ii mas. my agents It Sydney COUld .d. .hwe'llili: 2 yards eance you a loan. temporary 3°“ '9‘. mil»- le will '5’ I'd be only too glad and all the Ho-il plantar-term put, you know. The proper"- ‘l.'_'..') in $5 Mich. l‘lml Hll "lulll 3"" lilllii But his Jaw dropped and he regarded her irritably and with apprehension. / _ .. . “What is the matter?" he demanded. l' " "l” "p o‘""" with a show of heat. “What have I l lllll‘ Hll i'!lllll if! u. now?" i . iiia'lis “llil' 3.34 ytl “Certainly not the unexpect " she did quietly. “Merely ignored me in your ordinary. everyday. man god. su- parlor fashion. Naturally it counted tor nothing, my telling you that I had no idea of going to Sydney. Go to Sydney 1 must. because you. in your " W. H. B E A N superior wisdom. have so decreed." . She paused and looked at him cull» The Big 4 sully, as though he were some strange ' breed of animal. "'â€"'â€""‘“ “Of course i am grateful for your efler of assistance; but even that is us For that We Spring Prints are now in . (all and see them 0999 Q §§§§§O§§Q§QQOOQO ‘ ’ "" salve to wounded pride. 1 “"‘ '\""""""""" .“ "‘ W“ ; matter. it is no more than one white : i’"':"‘."';':,“HQ',”1|‘..j'firtfifrfl‘i‘ii;m : man should expect from another. : , . :mrwq 8"” ' : wpgrecked ttitliajriners are) lalwaly‘: _ . p a ong e r way. u y 2 NOTICE E urticular mariner doesn’t need any 9 i, 5}...“ \ gamut . help. Furthermore. this mariner is i : 'l‘l'l Jillll‘ \' llillLf ill-ti . “at 301112: to Sydney' thank you.” , . ..,.. yum.“ p... ,, ,. : “But what do you intend to do?" : _, M: ~.l ii i; \\'.. : “Find some spot where i shall 5‘ "l “l“. \" ith" '-~\ : a i. n, 'i. - I ',._ : ccape the indignity of being patron- : ‘~.\ it .: i o lead and bossed by the superior sex.” 9 i . i. .1 i .i : “Come now, that is putting it a bit : ul' l' . ' 9 too strongly." Sheldon laughed, but . ' "'l’ - t the strain in his voice destroyed the : ‘ H \l e eflect of spontaneity. “You know , : yourself how impossible the situation ooooooooooooeeoeeeeeeeeoee b‘” “‘1 know nothing of the sort. sir. And if it is impossible. well. haven’t i achieved it?" ...... .......... eeeeee """ ‘ “But it cannot continue. Really”- . “Oh. yes. it can. Having achieved ”(Uta Drestdng‘ it. I can go on achieving it. i intend ' -‘ to remain in the Solomons, but not on ,‘l‘i thus Berande. Tomorrow 1 am going to take the whaleboat over to Pari- Sulay. l was talking with Captain \l is ‘ ‘ Young about it. He says there are at ‘ ., least four niiialrcd acres. and every \ \l‘ill' foot or it chill for planting. First. I'll buy 'ln- l\'..’lilll; ticxt. get forty or ‘ i lift) l'lwl'l 1» .':.«i start clearing and ‘ planting - .«l Til lli" unit- time I’ll run up .‘i bungalow; .‘lllll ilil'll you'll ‘ lw reimwl of my t'!iillflt'l‘.l>‘f~'illg pres- etiw no"; 'lwzi'l «at. that it isli t." . “l. is c.:.t»i:‘i‘:i~.~‘:i.*,:. he said bluntly. ' + “lint Mill t‘l-tllw to see my point 0! " , view. so there is no use. in discussing it. Now pmas‘e turret all about it and con- sider me at your service concerning :- .. thisâ€"this prop-ct of yours Suppose ~ I: \ " ‘ ’ i ’ lo the ClsV'o'l'llIlli‘lli sells you l’ni'l-Sultty at ‘ f , N a pound an acre. clearing will cost you C: at least £4 moreâ€"~that is. £5 for 400 acres. or. say, $10,000. Have you that much?" ”No; i haven't quite $8.000." “Then here's another way of looking at it: You'll need. as you said. at least fifty boys. Not counting premiums. their wages are $30 a year." "1 Pay my Tahitians $15 a month.” she interpolated, “They won‘t do on straight plantation work» But to return. The wages of I .Ae'.-.e . C. H. Caswcll Q's-v... . . . , . o ' , ’ . , .0 0‘. «I. 0.. 0.. 0‘s 0.. 9.. are ‘0‘ o.‘+0:0 0.0++‘:‘+9.00}e 0:0 :eoze. . THE MOST POPULAR AND oxu' DIRECT LINE REACHING ALL suntan RESORTS IN HIGH- .. maps or ONTARIO. 6 Including Muskoka Lakes, Lake fifty 905" 98Gb year Will come to £300 ‘ i of Bays, Algonquin Park, Magan-, --that 18. 81.500. Very well. It will be .' a etawan and French River. Georg-l seven years before your trees begin to ' a if"): Bayhl‘mfiigzzmi arind Kawarthai bear. Seven times 81,500 is 810.500- a es. xce en tr a service via' more than you possess and all eaten o On d ’I‘ru ' ' m1" . f .boge mtg..Railw.y t0 and tram, .p by m. m" V.“ “m no Tourist tickets at reduced rates, hood to return until November 30 are now on sale to above resorts. Write for illustrated folders “1 time tables tsilin you how to “let sued. thermandeon snout-urn 5 rates. to C attain“ a. g. . silo. snail I add .. , VTV’4WI‘J‘ " I. .k-‘ ..... in. 3“ m DUh-m.‘ CHRONICLE Let partner in some other plantation. me buy it in Berande?" “Heaven torbidi" he cried in such genuine dismay that she broke into hearty laughter. “There. i won’t tease you. Really. you know. l'm not accustomed to forcing my presence where it is not desired. Yet as you said yourself. it was impossible for me to go away. so i had to stay. You wouldn't let me go to Tulagi. You compelled me to force myself upon you. But i won’t buy in as partner with any one. ['11 buy l’ari-Sulay. but l'll put only ten boys on it and clear slowly. Also. [’11 invest in some old ketch and take out a trading license. For that mat- ter. 1'“ go recruiting on llialaita.” She looked for protest and found it in Sheldon's clenched hand and in every line of his clean cut face. “Go ahead and say it." she chal- lenged. "Please don’t mind me. l’m â€"l'm getting used to it. you know. Really i am." “i wish i were a woman so as to tell you how preposterously insane and impossible it is." be blurted out. “Better than that. you are a man. So there is nothing to prevent your telling me. for l demand to be con- ‘ sidered as a man. i didn't come down here to trail my woman’s skirts ' over the Solomons. Please forget that 1 am accidentally anything else than . a man with a man’s living to make.” l “l have told you." he began stifliy. : “that recruiting on Malaita is impos- s sible for a woman and that is all i care to sayâ€"or dare." “And Itell you. in turn. that it is nothing of the sort. 1 am a naviga- tor. and that is more than your Solo- mons captains are. And i am a sea- man-a better seaman than you. when it comes right down to it and you know it. i can shoot. 1 am not a fool. i can take care of myself." Sheldon made a hopeless gesture. “That’s right." she rattled on. “Wash your hands of me. But as Von used to say. “You Just watch my smokel' [sup- pose you've been accustomed to Jane Eyres all your life. That’s why you don’t understand me. Come on. Satan: let's leave him to his old music." He watched her morosely and with- out intention of speaking. till he saw her take a ride from the stand. exam- ine the magazine and start for the door. “Where are you going?" be asked peremptorily. “As between man and woman." she answered. “it would be too terriblyâ€"or â€"indecent for you to tell me why i shouldn't go alligatoring. Good night. Sleep well." He shut off the phonograph with a snap, started toward the door after her. then abruptly flung himself into a chair. “You’re hoping a 'gator catches me. aren’t you ?" she called from the veran- da. and as she went down the steps her rippling laughter drifted tantaliz- ingiy back through the wide doorway. The next day Sheldon was left all alone. .ioan had gone exploring i’ari- Sniay and was not to he expected back until the late afternoon. The loss of the Jessie had hit iterande severely. Not alone was his capital depicted by the amount of her value, but. her earn- i::_:;.. were no longer to be reckoned on. and it was her earnings that largely laid the running expenses of the pan tatlon. “i’oor old litighle." he tnutteiml aloud once. ”I’m glad you didn't live to see it, Olll man What a cropper. what a crOpper." Between squalls the it‘lihberty Gibbet ran into anchorage. and her Skipper, i’ete ()leson (brother to the Uieson o; the .lesslei. :iiiclcnt, grizmml, wild- eyed. emaciated by fever. (imam-ll his weary frame up the veranda steps and collapsed in a steamer chair. \\'lii.~l~;cy and soda kept him going while he made report and turned in his tll't'tiiilils "You're rotten with fever." Sheldon said. “Why don‘t you run down to Sydney for a blow of decent climate?" The old skipper shook his head. "I can't. i've been in the islands too long. l’d die. The lever comes out worse down there." “Kill or cure." Sheldon counselled. “it’s straight kill for me. i tried it three years ago. The cool weather put me on my back before i landed. They carried me ashore and into hos. pital. i was unconscious one stretch for two weeks. After that the doctors sent me back to the islandsâ€"said u was the only thing that would save me. Well. i'm still alive. But I’m too soaked with fever. A month in Australia would finish me." He declined to sleep ashore. took an i at sight of Juan at the steering oar. standing erect and swaying her strength to it as she resisted the pres- sures that tended to throw the craft broadside in the surf. Ber 'i‘ahltians leaped out and rushed the boat high up the beach. and she led her bizarre following through the gate of the com- pound. “lovely. perfectly lovely-Pari- Sulay.” she pauted. “i shall buy it. 1‘" write to the commissioner tonight. And the site for the bungalowâ€"i‘vo selected it alreadyâ€"is wonderful. You must come over some day and advise me. You won't mind my staying here until i can get settled? Wasn‘t that squall beautiful! And I suppose l’m late for dinner. 1']! run and get clean and be with you in a minute.” “Do you know. Ila) never going to squabble with you again." he an- nounced. when they were seated. “Squahblei” was the retort. “it's such a sordid word. it sounds cheap and nasty. I think it‘s much nicer to quarrel." “Call it what you please. but we won't do it any more. will we?" He cleared his throat nervously. for her eyes advertised the immediate begin- ning of hostilities. “i beg your par- don." be hurried on. “i should have spoken for myself. What i mean is that l refuse to quarrel. You have the most horrible way. without uttering a word. of making me play the fool. Why. l began with the kindliest in- tentions. and here i am now"- "Making nasty remarks.’ she com- pleted for him. "it's the war you have of catching me up." he complained ”Why i never said a word. 1 was merely sitting here. being sweetly \ “lr‘s STRAIGHT KILL son an." lured on by promises of peace on earth and all the rest of it. when sud- denly you begin to caU me names." “Hardly that. i am sure." “Well. you said i was horrible. or which is the same thing. I wish my bungalow were up. l’d move tomor- row." But her twitching was more uncomfortable than ever. being made so by her laughter “i was only teasing you. Injun. And if you don’t laugh me That‘s right. laugh. But don’t"â€" she added in alarm. "don‘t. it it hurts you. You look as though you had a toothache. There. there: don‘t say it. You know you promised not to quar- rel. while l have the privilege or go- ing on being as hateful as i please. And to begin with. there’s the Min- berty Gibbet. i didn‘t know she was so large a cutter. But she's in dis- graceful condition." “Her skipper‘s bad with fever." Sheldon explained. ”And he had to drop his mate off to take hold of things at Ugi--that's where I lost Us- car. my trader And you know what Ful't of sailors the niggcrs are." She nodded her head judicially and he asked tor a second helping of tinned beef, not because he was nun- gry. but because he wanted to watch her slim. tirm lingers. they were brown Willi tan and looked er- ee-ting h novisii Then. and without el‘inrt. [he ('(illl't’lit came to him. Yes, that was it. He had stumbled upon the clew to her tantalizing personality. The lingers. stlnhurned and boyish. told the story. He had tried to treat with her as a woman when she was not a woman. She was a mere girl. and a boyish girl at that. with suno' bbrned fingers that delighted in doing what hoys' lingers did, with a body and muscles that liked swimming and . violent endeavor of all sorts. with a mind that was daring but that dared no farther than boys’ adventures and that delighted in rifles and revolvers. Stetson hats and a sexless camara-i derie with men. _ ; Somehow. as he pondered and watch- l ed her. it seemed as if he sat in church at home listening to the choir boy! chanting. She reminded him of these boys. or their voices. rather. The same sexless quality was there. in the body ' of her she was a woman. in the mind “What name belong ’00?” of her she had not grown up. She “Ms Am» he said had not been exposed to ripening is- fineness Of that IOI'L 8M DIG Md 0. W0 “ck b0” [b3 Nd no” in :- Von. her fathc. net!" 0'“ hospital. The other one had died. mother. ' going cruising on the F‘lihberty some ‘ day. even if i have to run away with . hPr," that i had a horrible way about me. ‘. Idon finally lips belied her. words. and the next moment the man l 7 paper from under his belt and passed Honest ‘ l'll ' suspect Y0“ 01’ being in a temper With "the fellow who took Packard's place. «M ~ ‘ """‘"""° l August ‘21- MB. ' ooeweweeeweeeweeooem 0690””OOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOQQ Q O O I O O o : Any quantity of wool wanted for which I will pay the highest . price in either Cash or Trade. ‘ \Ve have in Stock :1 good assortment of Yarns. Blanket» Manuela, and Tweeds : Ready Made Clothing Prints. Ginghams. Flannelettes and all other Dry Goods 5 i l Our Groceries and Teas are always fresh S. SCOTT, Garafraxa Street. Durham 06000999090009090.0090... OҤO§O“OOOO§“OQOOO eeeee ~ Q 0".eoeoeeeoooeoeeeeeeeeeeeeee O O O O 0 ¢. 9 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O l Q O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 § 9 O O O O O O Q Q 9 O O O O O 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O ‘ Call at E. A. ROWE’S For all kinds of Bakery Goods Cooked and Cured Meats. OYSTERS AND FRUIT IN E. A. ROWE : SEASON Confectioner and Grocer eveOOQOQOOOQOOOQOOOOOOQOQOO O O O O O O 6 O O O O 0 § § 0 O O Q 0 9 9 5 Q 0 ¢ A O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O a O O O O l l trail her nursery. From what she had told him her seminary days had been an exile. devoted to study and to cease- less longing for the wild riding and 3 swimming of Hawaii. A boy's train. ing and a boy's point of view! ‘ Well. there was only one thing for ‘ him to do. He must meet her on ha own basis of boyhood and not make the mistake of treating her as a wo- man. He wondered if he could love the woman she would be when her nature aWoke. and he wondered if he i could love her just as she was and ‘ himself wake her up. After all. whee- ever it was. she had come to fill quite a large place in his life. as he had dis. covered that afternoon while scanning the sea between the squalls. Then he ' remembered the accounts of Berande and the crapper that was coming and Central Drug Store Now Don’t Forget That We ll.l\‘t‘ a tall lair .. RubberGoodgnl l-H'I }' k.t ~i Filling Prescriptions - only one of nut- Senna] Sin-m allies. it'll is i'llillll‘l'. \on hm it and when “‘1‘ lliiVl‘ il~ lilo lit‘st ill. its Lilltl ill lili‘ lli ll iv? Hill'lll‘t'svlli Silll'n' ill Hui \Valt: ll‘lllli‘h “'i‘l't‘ lllfilit' i‘X'lli‘~~l\ tor our 'l't'tttic :lllll i~ iiillV " scowled. _ ,, , e‘l" ‘ Hillii‘t‘ti till' thl \ t';ll'.~, \l‘l CHAPTER X. llial (Ullll'lil lll‘llg Muir l‘ l:ll('lli‘l l Mil i smsaoaraon noucuaa. l “"""-‘ "”"' HELDON became aware that she \Vc «'ll\\’:i\'.~ ll‘.ill .‘ililll'h'. n. \\ wi- are lllll‘l‘ :ilicml llidii l‘\t'l. names and prim.» «lont lupin to tell our i'iiblwiwlolX. Phone No. 3 i was speaking. . “I beg pardon." he said. i “What’s that you were say- ; mg?" 2 “You weren‘t listening to a word l I knew it.” she chided. “l was saying ‘that the condition of the il‘libberty ' Gibbet was disgraceful. and that to- morrow. when you‘ve told the skipper and not hurt his feelings i am going The Central Drug to take my men out and give her an St N D h ; overhauling. We'll scrub her bottom ore es "r am . too. Why. there’s whiskers on her saw it l‘m copper four inches long. i when she rolled. Don't forget. The Yorkshire Insur- ance Co..ol York Eng. 'nsurancc at in ka~ ititiudiiig Sloth While at their coflee on the veranda Satan raised a commotion in the com- pound near the beach gate. and Shel- rescued a mauled and frightened black and dragged him on the porch for interrogation. The black drew a scrap of note- Sr. Ont w. JOHNSTON Durham it over. Sheldon scanned it hurriedly. "it's from Boucher.“ he explained. I-I-tâ€"â€"â€"â€" i'ackard was the one i told you about who was killed by his boat’s crew. lie AD ways that Port Adams crowd is out- ' titty of them, in big canoesâ€"mud camp- in: on his beach. They've killed half a dozen of his pigs already and seem be looking for trouble. And he'l afraid they may Connect with the iif- l tccn runaways from Lunga." ' "In which case?" she queried. GRANTS It) Dress Goods Silk ”In which case Bil'y l’ape will be 5 new and SWIISh 600‘“ trinipelli-d to send iloucher’s successor. li's l’:l[w'8 station. you know. i wtsh . i knew what to do. idon’t like to leave l. ’ you here alone." i ' . .. _ “Take me along. then." ; ._. __ l He smiled and shook his head. "'l'hcti you‘d better take my men i along." she iidVlSt‘ll. “'l‘iiey're good ‘ shots. and they're not afraid of any- tiiing---cxccpt Utatnl. and he’s afraid i of ghosts." i The big bell was rung. and tiftv black boys carried the wlialeboat down to the water. l‘he regular boat‘s crew manned her. and Siziliiiiare and three other Tahitians, belted with cartridges and armed with rifles. silt tn the stem sheets. where Sheldon stood at the steering our. “My. 1 wish I could go with you." Joan said wistfully as the boat shoved off. “I'm as good as a man.‘ she urged. “You really are needed here." he re- plied. ”There's that Lungs crowd: they might reach the coast right here. and. with both of an absent. rush the plantation. lioodby. We'll get back in the morning some time. it’s only twelve miles." When Joan started to return to the house she was compelled to pan among the boat carriers. and one of 5 them stepped up to her. in the dub i iii.-. \ . ‘.' i. '. i 'i‘ \\‘ this « ..s..i.. ~. m; i , . ‘ I ' b lli‘\‘ \ A": e 0'; \\'« ‘ll' \\ \\lii i..- ‘ \ ill! in l; ' l .\i-!l ll.”- ui,‘,l}\. in- lililll .illlltlltl.i ktll llll'll. \“f M ness she could not make him out. “What name?" she asked sharply. l rememberedhimasoneottu! Continued on page 7. ...ooooaooaaoeeeoeoeeeeeoe t Capital Authorisat- Capiial Paul V; Rebpm l .nn.‘ Total Assets

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