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Durham Chronicle (1867), 28 Aug 1913, p. 6

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got than. ad contflnin lint mo! 3-“ an :4 c: % B O 8; 2g. 03 H Tourist tickets st reduced rates. good to return until November 30 sr_e__ugv op ssle__to shove resorts. THE MOST POPULAR AND ONLY DIRECT LINE REACHING ALL SUMMER RESORTS IN HIGH~ LANDS OF ONTARIO. Including Munkoka Lakel. Lakc of Bays, Algonquin Park. M8831" etawan and French River, Georg- Ian Bay, Timagami and Kawurtha Lekee. Excellent train service viz? Grand Trunk Rulwny to and from nbgve reeorte. +++++++++++++++++++++++y+Â¥ +++++++++++++++++++++++++ .24 6 Switches A goud upportunity for ladies tn h we. Hair-Gum‘s made to 0rd? Hair-Dressing Shampooing M ~ shooting hsh.” he explained. “But there . C n ,. lcomes Oleson with his boat’s crew. “ dkmt m B Hinws 0 Pg - He’s an old warhorse when he get. (1h) SPHII‘UN, President Itarted See mm banging the boys. l .. ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ . ‘ ‘ . ‘ ‘ . ‘ ‘ ‘ 0 They don’t pull fast enough for him.” “‘ ‘ ‘ “And now what’s to be done?” she â€"-â€"- â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"-â€"~' uked. ‘Y'ou ve treed your game. but ‘ you can't keep it treed." “No. but I can teach them a lesson." BIG 4 , Sheldon walked over to the big bell. ' “It is all rlght." he replled to her Calder’s B'OCk - gesture of protest. “My boys are prac- _ tlcally all bushmen. while these chaps "e sells Che ap are salt water men. and there’ a no love losthemeen them. You watch the i “TbeY're gone up the Baleeuna. H St) \'.\l'.\'l‘ln.\' mlcuring Opened in Miss L. McAuliffe’s Millinery Store C. H. Caswell Thousands of ambitious young peopeare being instructed in bear homes by our Home Study Dept. You may finish at Coil- ege if you desire. Pay when- ever you wish. Thirty Years’ Exverience. Largest trainers in Canada. Enter any day. Punitiuns guaranteed. If you wish to save board and learn while you earn, write for partic- uiars. 1:: Spring Prints are now In HOME STUDY Hair-Dressing Parlor W. H. BEA N The Bl¢4 Llnd Seal!) yds. 1013327 ins. wide .%c pr 0 ‘.’ O 0 "fix: 0 ‘ ‘ 'm ‘ ‘ .75c ° Bangs and Fringe. each. Floor oil cloth 301: per square yard. Table oil cloth 45 inchs wide 250 yd wide Inc y'ard Bed comforters from 51.9 .s) to $5 Call and see them Twilled sheeting 2yds. wideZécyd. Heavy bleached shagging 2 yaqu Lace Curtains Puffs 6H Treatments Massaging Pi n -( Nix-ls l. m) 1.!” 1.5)“ handful: ct pebbles and chunks o! coral rock. And the aeventy- -flvo lusty cannibal: clung atolcally to their tree I porches. enduring the rain of missile. ' lad snarling down promises of venge- afternoon. Then Sheldon run-road the t plantation hand. with an afternoon’- | Joan. who had gone into the bunga- low, tossed down a strip of white calico. in which old 'l‘elepasse was promptly wrapped. and he stood forth. ; resplendent and purified. withal he still spat and strangled from the soap- 5 ends with which Noa Noah had gargled l his throat. The house boys were directed to fetch handcuds end. one by one. the L008! runaway: were hauled down out of . their trees and made test. Sheldon ironed them in pairs and run a steel chain threat!) the link. of the trout. 0080001! was then a lecture for Men m‘ntinoue coiduct and locked up for the l “Tambo! Tambo!” shrieked the can- nibals from the trees. appalled at so awful a desecration. as they saw their chief tumbled into the tub and the sacred dirt rubbed and caused from his body. The Tabltians. back from their asu- lng and grinning at the bedlam of the compound. entered Into the Joke. “Ugh. he‘s too dirty. I‘d rather give him a bath. Here you. Adamo Adam, give this devil a wash. Soap and water! Fill that washtub. Urntlrl. run and fetch ’m scrub brush." “Eh, you old Iconndrel." he added, turning to the old chief. who sat gib- berlng 1n impotent rage at the foot of the Iteps. “Now bead belong you bang ’m too. Come on. Miss Lack- land. bang ’11) just once. It will be the crowning indignity." I lot warm “I’ll I-l- t tad on 'em,"1 tall. I aim) era's my are! are you going t. L‘PWUM “There'll be wars for forty years on Halalta on account of this," Sheldon laughed. “But I fancy old Telepaue will never again attempt to rush a plantation. “Ten fathom: will be deep enough (or them to work in." Sheldon and u they walked back to the compound. Here a eatnrnalia had broken loo-e. [he war songs and dances were more “restrained. and from abuee the plan- tltion blacks had turned to peltinc their helpleee toes with pieces or wood. ‘--“_“_ - srd on 'em,” he chattered. “D-d-dssh t all. I always g-get t-fsver when ere's any excitement. W-w-wh-whst are you going to do?" yather up the guns first of all." nder Sheldon’s direction the house boys and gang bosses collected the scattered arms and piled them in a heap on the veranda. The modern Etudes, stolen from Lnnga. Sheldon set do. the Snider: he smashed into Meats, the pile of spears. clubs and tomahawke he presented to Joan. Down on the beach he built a bon- Ire out or the contents of the canoe? his blacks smashing. breaking sn looting everything they laid hand: on. The canoes themselves. splintered and brokon. filled with sand and "cor“... bowldau. were towed out to ten fath- om; of water and sunk 1: hold the m8 ho mrfiéavfi; co wu ghastly blue. hi: teeth clicked d chattered. and the violent sun- I a through which he walked could not warm “I’ll I-t- t on and k-k-keep t tsry enemies. The skipper of the Flibberty Gibbet arrived in the thick or it. in the first throes of oncoming rover. staggering as he walked and shivering so severely that he could He rang a general call. and by the time the 200 laborers trooped into the compound Satan was once more penned in the living room. complaining to high heaven at his abominable treatment The plantation hands were dancing war dances around the base of every tree and filling the air with than and vituperation of their heredi- CHAPTER 11. an. uoaosn m In. nan. HE put her fingers lnto h. month. and Sheldon winced n he saw her blow. like a boy, a sharp. impedons whistle. the can she always used for her sailors and that always made him wince. Adventure ‘_ JACK Lona on "What name?“ she asked lightly when Sheldon sat down to dinner. He looked at her and smiled. but It was a very wan and wistful amllo. “My word,” aha went on. “One bl; fella talk. Bun he go down-talk-talk: aun he come npâ€"talk-talk; all the tuna talk-talk. What name that fella talk- talk 7” “0h. nothing much." H. mm his ahonldara. “They won trying to buy Bounce. that was all.” ' “Don't lat a. hoe. about it.” aha m unummb twang techs-maize. Pal-t At dinner no word was dropped that zave a hint of their errand The con- rersation was on general topics. but Joan could not help noticing the troubled, absent expression that occa- sionally came into Sheldon's eyes. Aft- er coffee she left them. and at mid- night, from across the compound. she could hear the low murmur ot their voices and see glowing the fiery ends of their cigars. Up early herself. she found they had already departed on another tramp over the plantation. “What you think?" she asked Vla- burl. ”Sheldon marster he go along finish short time little bit." was the sn- ever. “What do you think?” she asked Orn- an. “Sheldon muster his fella walk ~v-vuu 1 But Joan decided that tney were men i of importance in the Solomons and tion and or its accounts was or sinis- teij significance. “What fella man them tfiJ'fâ€"ella?” she queried. “Big fella marster avong white man." was the extent of his description. H! STOOD FORTH RESPLENDENT AND PURIFIED. house; look ’11) grass land; look 'm river; look 'm whaleboatâ€"my word, plenty big fella look ’11) too much." “My word." quoth Lalapem. “plenty walk about. plenty look 'm. Look '1!) She watched Sheldon'closel'y when he arrived and divined that he was not see them he must. and so pressing was the need that he led the two men Into the stnfly office. Later tn the afternoon. she asked Lalaperu where they had gone. tree; look ’m ground belong tree; look ‘10 all fella bridge; look ‘m copra The elder one. Morgan, was a huge man. hronwd and mustache-d, with a deep bass voice and an almost gutteral speech, and the other. Ralf. was slight and edeminate, with nervous hands and watery washed out gray eyes. They seemed awkward and constrain- 90 in her preoem-e. and she caught first one and then the other looking at he! with secret mnriosity. She felt that they were weighing her. appraising hei‘ and for the first time the anomalous position she occupied on Berande sank sharply home to her. On the other hand. they puzzled her. Sheldon was back In the plantation superintendlng the building of a bridge when the schooner Malakuln ran In close and dropped anchor Joan watch- ed the taking In of sail and the swing. lug out o! the boat with a sailor’s Inter- est. and herself met the two men who rame ashore. emptying their sunken canoes of the sand and rocks. It was twilight when they embarked and paddled away with a few broken paddles. A breeze had sprung up, and the Flibberty Gibbet had already sailed for Lunga to return the runaways. A Romance of The South Seas an. ”to. by some a Soul: I’ll. by tho Hue-Illa- Conn. m DUku 4‘ PW: “‘3 CHAPTER XII. Tn more or YOUTH. HE nodded her head ruetully. ”That's what I wanted to say. but It sounds difl'erent on your up. It sounds as though you meant It yourself and that you meant It became of me. Well. I am coluxtobed. [Atmoboyonr put-that and you'll no no rattlo tho dry bone. at the Solomon. Contact. I’ve rattled nun already.” ’ “The difference? Why. all the dif- terence in the world. In the case of Pari-Suiay you would he on an inde- g pendent venture. You could turn can- : nibal for all i could interfere in the ‘ matter. But on Berande you would he l my partner. and then i would he re- Iaponaible. And of course i couldn’t it you. as my partner. to be skip- per of a recruiter. 1 tell you. the thing is what i would not permit any sister , or wire of mine"- “But you are a woman just the same.” he began. ”and there are cer- tain conventions. certain decencies"â€" She sprang up and stamped her foot. “Do you know what I’d like to say?" she demanded. “Yes.” he smiled. “You’d like to 88!. ‘D- petticoats!’ " “Mine was a business proposition. not a marriage proposal." she later- rupted. coldly angry. “I wonder it somewhere In this world there is one man who could accept me for a com- rade." “Besides. it's all fldlbuloué." he held on steadily. “Think of the situation. A man and a woman. both young. partners on an Isolated plantation. Why. the only practical way out would be that I’d have to marry you”- “But I’m not going to be your Wife. thank goodnessâ€"only your partner." “Certainly. We would save the cost or a skipper. Under an agreement you would be credited with a manager’s salary and l with a captain’s. It’s quite simple. Besides, it you won't let me be your partner 1 shall buy Parl-Sulay. get a much smaller vessel and run her myself. So what is the diflerence?” “And thisâ€"er-this schooner"-â€" Shel- don changed his mind and stopped. “Yes. go on." “You won't be angry?” be queried. “No. no; this is business. Go on." “Youâ€"erâ€"you would run her your- self? Be the captain. in short. and go recruiting on Malaita?” “You know I sailed here all the way from Tahiti in order to become a plant- er,” she tnslsted. “You know what my plans were. Now I’ve changed them, that’s all. .I’d rather be a part owner of Berande and get my returns in three years, than break ground on Pa’ri-Sulay and wait seven years." He looked at her with good natured amusement. He held up his hand in protest. but she waived it aside. “I may manage to freight a cargo back as well. At any rate. the schooner will take over the Jessie’s business. i'm going to become a partner in Berande to the extent of my bag of sovereignsâ€"i've got over fifteen hun- dred of them, you know. We’ll draw up an agreement right nowâ€"that is. with your permission. and i know you won't refuse it." “You were muddlers, the pair of you. without doubt. But you needn’t sell to Morgan and Raff. I shall go down to Sydney on the next steamer. and I'll come back in a secondhand schoon- er. I should be able to buy one for $5,000 or $6.000"- “My. how cheap labor does 'mount up! Thirty-six hundred pounds. 818.- 000. Just for a lot of cannlhaisl Yet the place is good security. You could go down to Sydney and raise the mon- Cy." rations down there. They’ve been taken in too often. But I do hate to give the place upâ€"~more for Hughle’s sake, I swear. than my own. He was bound up in it. We were running slowly behind. but with the Jessie we hoped to muddle through in some fashion." ,trlnee overâ€"emalt' bllie. you know. Then. too. thirty ot the boys dnieh ,their time next week and their hal- ‘ancee will average £10 each. But what in the need of bothering you head with it? Really. you know”- "What in Berande worth-fight now?" “Whatever Morgan and um are willing to pay for it." A glance at iher hurt expression deolded him. l “Hughie and l have sunk 58.000 in l it and our time. it in a good prop- ; erty and worth more than that. But llt has three years to run before its I return: begin to come in. That is why i Hughie and l engaged ln trading and ‘ irecrniting. The Jessie and our sta- ‘ "The thieves!” she cried. much do you need to carry rande for three years?’ Joan on. “Two hundred boy.- at £6 a yet means {3.600- that's the main item." non: came very near to paying the running expenses of Berande." “And Morgan and Rat! oflered you what?" “A thousand pounds clear after my mg all bills." 1n the pause that followed ho ; seemed to debate. not so much whether he would tell her. to how to begin to tell her. .. tom. “ten me; 89.81063. 1 may 01 able to help. to-to suggest some- thing." In the muse that mun-mu h. 'fc. more than you hove. over and and I m do you owe!" pounds and a few llt- hula. you know. I of the boy. finish week and their ha!- 139 £10 each But 96 of bothering your eally. you know”â€" Ind am an A glance at z decided him. 0 look £3000 in z , a good prop- 0 no that. But 3 run before ii: 0 1. That iawhy z ln trading and O and our sta- : to paying the 6 rande." : fl oflered you : o o o o o 4» 9 ear after pay. cried. ”Bow carry on Be- Joan hurried member that. But that was the trohh; She val not a man. and where would she so, and what would happen to her? "If she were a man. I'd bundle he! at! the plantation. root and crop, whaleboat. Tahitian sailors. elgns. and all.” be said to tumult after she had left the room. She stopped. appalled. His face had gone red and white with such abrupt- ness as to startle her. He was pa.- tentiy very angry. She sipped the last or her cotfee, and arose. saying: “I’ll wait until you are in a better temper before taking up the discussion again. That is what’s the matter with you. You get angry too easily. Will you come swimming? The tide is jun right” “If you think i came to the Solo- mons to get married," she began wrathtully. “Well. there are better men in Ha wail, that’s all. Really, you know. the way you harp on that one string would lead an unprejudiced listener to conclude that you are pmâ€" rient minded"- “SUppose we do become partners on Beraude." he said. “either I’ll fall In love with you or you with me. Pro- piuquity is dangerous. you know. In fact, it is propiuquity that usually gives the facet to the logic of youth." “No: decidedly not. But there you are again. worrying about what idiot. and the generally evil minded will think of you. i should have thought you had learned selt reliance on B.- rande. instead or needing to lean upon the moral support or every whisky guzzling. worthless south sea vaga- bond." He smiled and said: “Yes, that is the worst of it. You are unanswerable. Yours ls the logic of youth. and no man can answer that. The facts of life have no place in' the logic of youth. Youth must try to live according to its logic. The facts always smash youth’s logic, and they usually smash youth’s heart. too. It’s like platonic friendships and-and all such things; they are all right in theory, but ‘ they won't work in practice. I l “But do you realize that I would looked upon as the most foolish 1. anapes in the south sea- It I tool young girl like you in with me [I on Beraude?” be asked. sea: I can't call any farther; therefore : I remain here. And a planter I shall certainly be. Do you want me for a partner?” "I Wish you were more adaptable." Joan retorted. “You have more pro conceived notions than any man I ever met. Why in the name of common sense. in the name ofâ€"tair play. can't you get it into your head that i am diflerent from the women you have known and treat me accordingly? You surely ought to know 1 am diflerent. l sailed my own schooner hereâ€"skip- per. it you please. I came here to make my living. You know that; 1'" . told you often enough. It was dad's plan, and l’m carrying it out. Just as you are trying to carry out your" Hughle’s plan. Dad started to sail and sail until he could and the proper islands for planting. He died. and I sailed and sailed until i arrived here. 3 Well," she shrugged her shoulders,. “the schooner is at the bottom of the . “But that is nothing to the rattling they are going to get.” she assured him as he rose and took her hand. “Good night. And do. do give me a rational decision in the morning." O‘OOOOQO‘OOQOOO¢§O§O§§¢OO4€ OOOQOOOQOQOOOOOOOOOOOQO : O69 Q received such a dressinfi down in my life. If any one had ever told me that I’d be a party even to the present situationâ€" Yes. I confess you have rattled my dry bones pretty consider- ably." E. A. ROWE : An) quantity 0! wool wanted for which I will pay p: ice in either Cash or Trade. “'9 have in Stock Manuals, and Tweeds : Ready Made Clothing Prints. Ginghams, Flannclettes and all other Dry Goods OYSTERS AND FRUIT IN SEASON WOOL WANTED .. SCOTT, Garafraxa Street. Durham The Central Drug Store :: Durham Durham ‘IISIII'RIICC Dress Goods 8; Silk new and Stylish Goods GRANT’S AD. The place to buy your School Books and School Supplies An Up-to-date Stock of all School needs New Goods and New Prices A huge stock of Ladies’ \Vuists. Children’s Mid~ dies. Vests etc. show you our goods. don’t be afraid to ask to see them. In \Vash Goods we have. Piian, Ginghains. Mus- lins, Linens. Picque. Bed- furd Cord. Dainty Raps. Shiitings, Bungalow Net fm Curtains. Lndies’ . JOH NSTON Sr. The Lowest Ever are always fresh Phone No. Confectioner and Grocer August 23 the highest Wdte {or our 9'" 913 DURHM cor. Michigan 3335.." he 00

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