West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 28 Aug 1913, p. 8

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g Large Sales BRING YOUR BUTTER AND EGGS Buys " Button Tan (fall Button “ Button . . Gunmetal Bluc 7909069099909. 660090090900 Dong. Blm 690 Departmental Store Satin Calf Blue Pate-m Oxfords We've got thirty-eight Men’s Suits that are marked 8.50, 10.00, and 12.00’ nothing wrong with them at all. They’re worth the money. Good Tweeds and Worsteds and a lot of choice patterns. Most all the sizes here too, but only some sizes in each pattern. We're up against a problem. All the new suits for fall are invoiced and on the we, y. We have'nt a place to put them, so we’re going to make a place. Today we open the greatest Suit Sale ever attempted. We’re going to sell every one of these 38 suits in a few days They’ve got to go. That's all there is to it. Mr. Mani Do you want to save Five Dollars on your next Suit'.’ You can’t make money any faster. Come to-day, we’ll prove it to you. For Men we have a gum! strong Shoe for $1 value and one we knmv will keel) the tent dr 75 shoe is. very essential for ’comfort and good health. We invite all to call at our store and examine for themselves our Show specially adapted for this purpose. We have two lines of Ladies' Shoes, one a heavy Calfskin Shoe with Standard Screws and fully pegged at $2.15, the other shoe is somewhat lightel but. a very serviceable shoe wit-hm reach of all at $l.75. Blue Dull Top Ladies Several Other Lines at Special Prices Geta Twelve dollar Suit for Get a Ten Dollar Suit for 8 1.25 1.35) :8 1.50 e (0 put them, so we’re going to make a place. Suit Sale ever attempted. We’re going to sell 1 a few days They’ve got to go. That's all you want to save Five Dollars on your next -- n‘_ __ °) 9' -od IU Men’s Patent Blue H °‘ Tan Calf Skin. , These two lines are Special Values. Men’s Dong. Blue Boys Patent Blue “ Chrome Bim- " Heavy Split gum] value .. Gunmetal Blue. Dpnble \Ve Guarantee a flood Fit. 0 flIGHEST CASH PRICES ‘6 "no. Double E. \Vidth. .. a 800d Fit and Satisfaction V (1 00d y 0;: welted and very 2. 89 1.49 m DURHAI CHRONICLE .15) 0‘!) H) “I performed the autopsi," answprnd tho young doctoraâ€"Chicago Bump“: 3 The last doctor on the witness stand ‘was a young hospital interns. He . testified that instead of shrunken liver 'the dead woman had an abnormally ; enlarged liver. 5 “Do you mean to sit there on the. ' stand and swear that this woman had tan enlarged liver when all those emi- nent authorities have sworn her liver , was wasted and shrunken ?" demanded 3 a lawyer. “I do,” replied the young doctor. “How comes it you set yourself np against these eminent practitioners-â€" you, a young squirt of a doctor with no practice and only a few months out i of 3 medical school? How do you; know this woman had an enlarged .N ”'1’?" thundered the lawyer. . _ OWNOOOOOOOOOO They all testified they had examined the woman professionally, and the con- sensus of opinion was that the dead woman had sufl'ered from an affection of the liver which caused that organ to shrink materially. Inside Information. Various doctors, among them many specialists, were called as witncs.~+s in a case in a San Francisco com-t. with a View to ascertaining what killed a woman whose death was in question in an insurance litigation. There is also a growing modern Turkish literature which aims to fos- ter Turkish patriotism and love for the Osmanli language. Several illus- trated magazines are published regu- larly. Excellent new editions, well illustrated, of some of the Turkish classics are also published to retain the interest in these works. Standard works of European litera- ture are being translated into Turkish, and modern popular novels, principally French. have a large scale. ()f purely American literature little has been translated, but the American de- tective stories are finding great fa- vor among Turkish youth. i An interesting guide to the ten- tdency of modern Turkish ideas and ithought may be had from a perusal ; of the lists of new publications in the [Turkish language. One will at once ‘ gobserve the large number of transla- 1 tlons and adaptations of European scl- ' g' entlflc and literary work and books of . ; a popular nature. There are treatises ' gon medicine. surgery, law, chemistry, Q ' physics, military science and even ae- ‘5 ronautics. There are also a large; I number of independent publications ; iby Turkish authors on these and oth- ger modern topics. Text books for f . use in Turkish schools are prepared to ‘ meet the needs of a modernized cur- 1» riculum. Instead of merely reading; the fables and historical stories the, modern Turkish schoolboy uses , graded reading books prepared in ac- : cordance with the latest pedagogic' ideas. TURKS ADOPT MODERN IDEAS Nineteen Boys Tweed Suits to fit little boys of 7’ years° RegUIarz 0-50 3-00. -L§O. ()1] SHIP fifiix‘ This includes our entire stock. and 24.00. Think this over choice of any of these made 1 Boys Tweed Suits 990 tnese ' 0. _ made to vour 1 a) best mi . . ueasure. mmmgs. Thisi f , . S or R. Mm-fm-l‘ane. Town Ham esvvkerg Homeseekers’ Excursions Winnipeg and return $35.00 “”10!“ I’Uilllr' ill l’l‘lnnn'linn A SERVICE PERFECTED BY STUDIED EFFORT AND HEARS 0F CHRONICLE Fastest and Most Luxurious of Steamers PORT MCNICOLL, SAULT STE. MARIE PORT ARTHUR. FORT WILLIAM. GREAT LAKES SERVICE Other Luxurious Steau 91's, Mondays. \V'e¢ines~da3's, and Th HI‘SdflVb‘. Leaving Tuesdays and Sat- urgays. TORONTOTOWINNIPEG 57 HOURS Regular ValllPS at 18. 00, 20. ()0. 21. 00 Gentlemen. Your in your “lemme. ings. This is fin ['01an In Proportion. Return Train Leaves Turuum 2.00 pan Full Pamticqus from any C. Excursions Each Tuesday Until Oct. 28 , 4.50, on sale this week «mix Agent. 15:: Edmonton and return $43.00 Return Limit Two Mon Leaves Toronto Daily. US (wept Friday and Sunday.12.4.‘ noon, arrives at Ship 5 Sidt 3.55 p. In. Parlor (farts, First class Coaches. Steamship Express [1 Limit; Two Mon hs. . each Tuesday until in P.R. Ag. nt. "‘5’. Station Age” A“Rust EXI’ERIEACI OOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOO 090000990 .9.9..99.§90.9§099.....QQQA v0.9 900‘ v. v........ 99...... 7Q... 0600‘ 7.. v.. .Q. v. VOL. 46â€"N0 \l H rain socie‘ .V.‘ \\‘

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