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Durham Chronicle (1867), 18 Sep 1913, p. 2

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’amers MARIE, LIAM. xpress IC “9069994 @9999. Jet: 28 [SCI If VOO§OOO 009009 v.. 99‘ BEIX BF TH SYNOPSIS 0F CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS A homesteader ad his homestead obtain a preoem pnrchaued home! dintflcta. Price. ionâ€"Must reside each 0! three y acres and erect 3300. .. AN EXCELLENT PROPERTY IN a good location in Durham. Ap- ply to 80' H. Chronicle. here. Duties.â€"-E knee in each 0 iate of homest: km: the time re tainin .l \'.'.l[('l. lm' \‘zll‘mua .inzu .l, uv pas-4 "))’.Iln‘15[llll}' lln-ir 1.» u- '2 llni'nls. xi}: :lll ('\("I;lli'_fz- Ni, :0; art- alikv. :iny lllUl't' than ni- co women. Then they «,rlifu- lLOng more ,zr'lm‘f‘nlly .inal silent- than in the early stage, 'l‘ln- 1d. cantankerous. pernickilim-s, . :11 downright Viciousness have zone. But far more than :1 (iuli. numb, driven brute remains. Your ~nthusmstic motorist will tell you must handling his car is as soul- stirring as holding the reins over 1 spirited horse. And he is about right we should judge. The mere. fact that the car is rated inani- mate counts for 'little. There is nothing more alive than a sail boatâ€"~or fuller of personal whims observed and met. wheodling, the some sort of tact, ac required to get the best . The motor “she’- s Indy.” unquestionably. M at"! not has so on thou , oecm when barn, stab! ingl. mu For fun-the: What a Eleasure t you have t e leisure and Watch the vario thev pass by. and. stu peramenta, says an! N.B.-â€"Unaut I this adve; itent. boarde to all orated )remn .U xpt a quarter-section along- ie his homestead. Price $3 per re. Duties.â€"-Six months resiâ€" pee in each or six years from ,te of homestead entry (includ- z the time required to earn 'mestead patent) and 50 acres tra cultivation. The area of itivation is subject to reduction can of rough. scrubbfi or stony nd alter report by omestead spector on application for Ad TV: HOUSE FOR SALE Farms for Sale. and } LOT 9. ( lea tron TU RENT JIGE. ROOMY DWELLING use; large enough to keep ,rders: conveniently situated all public works; newly dec- ted; cheap rent. Apply to McIntyre, Durham. 612 «tin-an 0! on. tonâ€"37035 .lf'pr S:tl0._ WM” u. HOUSES 1x DURHAM ce cottage in Lower Town Jackson. Durham. 3 '21t of the Interior mthorized Du! rertisement w ill acres Od Die 1- who has exhaust- td right and cannot :nption may take a estead in certain $3 per acre. Dut- le six months in )rme SMALL ADS. 11‘ Over no inch ind under “to tame h Mini vate worth [on icatior not b« )USB early rates on application t! 1! can" for first insertion and 10 can. for and! H i Mi )fice ()flice. nearly opposite the Regisfry nffiw Lambton 3t. Durham. Anyamoum )f numex to loan at 5 per cent. on farm orrmertv. fico until September struction pairs to t Meaford, I «3 er. Conveyanrer, c. Insurance- kgent. Money to Loan. Issuer of Mar- riage Licenses. A general financial busi- ness transacted. DURHAM ONT. (Lower Town.) Holstein Conveyancer. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Money to loan at lowest rates, and terms to suit borrower. Fire and Life Insurance placed in thor- oughly reliable compnaies. Deeds, Mortgages, Leases and Wills, executed on shortest notice. All work promptly attended to. Meaford, Grey ! Plans. specific contract can be tende; obtained ment and ‘at tlr Sing, Esq., Dist! federation Life Ont.; J. H. Am rict Engineer, 1 J. F GRANT. D. D. 8 .LD. 8. inNOR GRADUATE. UCIVERSI. ty of Tumult“. Graduate Roya ars. Jameson lamieson. \E'I-‘IC-E AND RESIDENCE V RADULATE I York And I?! Dluuel 0! Eye \Vill In» at t} ; ”(1.19. N The Department does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender. . R. C. DESROCHERS, Secretary. Department of Public Works. Ottawa, August '27, 1913. Newspapers will not be paid for this advertisement it they insert it without authority from the De- partment. 7 3 3 Running up and down ataxrs, sweeping and bending OVer mak- ing beds will not make a woman healthy or beautiful. She must get out 0! doors. walk a mile or two every day and take Chamber- lain’a Tabb“ to improve her dj- --.+inn and regulate her bowels. ing beds will not make z healthy or beautiful. S get out of doors. walk a two every day and take . lain’g Tabb“ to imvrgv ' e; A. H. Jackson. (DIARY PUBLIC. COMMISSION. l. P. Telford. ARRISTEL, SULICI’I‘OR, ETC ty of Turonto. (firadnaote ege Dental Sigrgemgs 0t Ontario. Dentistry In all Its Branches Mad [ml Directorv. Dr. w. 0. Pickering Dentist. Arthur Gun, M. D. (Du-r Dnnglns‘ Jt-wvllerv Stow Hutton. it ”A3, THROAT . NOSE 3R. 3'9th W. J. SHARP Den/a! Dz'm‘torv Lem! @z'reclorr. via! atteu'tinn gi'veu to disease and ebildren. Residence op sbvtarian Church. ll wt hwy-London ‘Jl-hthalmlc H00 Zam-Buk has now héen selvctml ‘mllm Sq Throat and Nose Hon as the balm to he carried by tho SPECIALIST: mpmbers 0f the St. John Ambu- m, THROAT nose Iancwrim. This mm propf ofggs surwrmljlty._ n\rt~4 m ‘nn U A ND SURGEON, OI" Hunter Block. ()fiice .\ .\ew a. m. to-4p.m. and? :08 DR. BURT. inch“, double the shore . Ear Non nod Throat. w Hahn ”01159. J uV'l'HlllN' 10.090. wan. By order, LON DON. ENG of London. New I. Hunter’s Jnlv it Durham ‘ Continuation School Th? Sthol 3S H (em-hing ability trim] suppliws a Juninr [.mu’il' wm-k. THUS. ALLAN Intending S'xuh beginning nf 1 Board (3w: he 1» rates. [hub 211; tmc'tive tuwn. I able place fur l't after treatment and extraction." Surely a balm that is worthy of a place in the wallet of an ambulance office1 should find a place in \our home! You may not require it to-day or next week. but as accidents dont give “a111- ing, be prepared 'Zam- Buk is compounded on the latest scientif- ic lines. It is at the same time soothing healing and antise’ptic: keeps gOod. Zam- Buk is a sure cure for skin fdiseases. eczema. piles, old sores, cuts. buins, pois- oned “wounds r ingworm, ahâ€" scesses, sprains, seal-(is. boils, ul- ‘cers, blood- -poison, etc. . 50 cents at all druggists and lstores. Refuse harmful substi- gtutes and imitations. There is inothing “Just as good.’ FEES : $1 t‘h‘t' Immt] wm. FARul'mksoS’. v.1» PP" [”1‘.‘ know 1:. d I The question often arises at cases against Indian listers or in :local option cases, as to whether the accused! was really drunk. ,Some experts believe that if a iman is able to walk he is sober .Others say that if he can count Ehis change he is all right. Others cmore tolerant still have the idea that if it-is possible for the merryâ€" imaker to move an eyelash or a ,finger he is not drunk. A former gpolice judge in 'Washington. on :the other hand, says, “When a iman takes one drink, he is that much drunk.’ -' Mr. G. \V. Pyatt. of 15 Southview Avenue. Toronto. Superintemlent of the Riverdale Division of the St. 'John Ambulance Brigade. Writes: “Both in personal use and in first-aid work I have proved Zam-Buk to be of great value. 1 have used it for the past five years, and do not believe there is any other balm to come up to it." Mr. Geo. H. Westmore. of 1227 Yonge street. Toronto. Divisional Superintendent of the St. John Ambulance Brigade. also writes: “I am pleased to report that the members of this Brigade use Zam- Buk when on public duty, and find it very useful. It is a wonderful healer. Personally. I constantly use Zam-Buk in my calling as a chiropodist. and find it very help- ful in healing sore feet, and as a dressing for corns and bunions after treatment and extraction.’_‘ The An action for $50,000 was enter- ed at Osgoode Hall last week hv J. 0. ‘Sharp, against the Meaâ€" ford Brick (To. Mr. Sharp, who is a former manager of the company. claims that he had a three-year contract with them. Of the amount claimed, $11,500 is for sal- ary, $17,000 for percentage, and the balance damages to his business reputation. ‘ MEAFORD BRICK COMPANY IS SUED FOR DAMAGES. In the matter of the estate of Jane Brown, late of the town Hf Durham in the county of (.irex'. widow. deceased. Notice is hereby gix'eu pursuant to the Revised Statutes of Ontario 1897 Chapter 1°19, that all credit- ors and others having claims against the estate of the said Jane Brown. who died on or about the 18th day of June 1913, are requirâ€" ed. on 01' before the Ltith day n! September 1913 to send by post prepaid or deliver to George l. Brown. 294 Broad street, Red Bank. New Jersev. Executor of the lust Will and Testament of the said deceased. their Christian and surnames. addresses and descrip- tions. the full particulars of their claims, the statement of their acâ€" counts and the nature of the se- curities, if any, held by them. And further take notice that af- ter 'such last mentioned date thc said Executor will proceed to dis- tribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled there- ;to. having regard only to the I>claims of which he shall then have Euotice. and that the said Executor twill not be liable for the said lsssets or any part thereof to any person or persons of Whose claima notice shall not have been re- ceived by him at the time of such distribution. ' Mod this flth‘dsy at August. .‘0 Do 11913. 294 Broad Street, Red Bank. New Jersey, Executor of the last Will and Testament of Jane ,Brown, deceased. Or. to Arnhur E. Jackson. Ambulance Brigades WHEN IS A MAN DRUNK '? ZAM- Blh KPROVED BES'I N0 I‘ICE TO CREDITORS George _VI. Bgoyn, md h i) hh‘ Hlvnil-[X‘d in vmical and (401' iH'_"-. run. f' l‘full Hy m 'ht‘rs ipfil '-. Mu. I' 1' full Matriculation HI d IKE DURB A)! CHRONICLE C. RUIN}! Adopt It It‘ H my,“ [1.111 {IN par? m l pupil: W Dr - crvt it I“ at [ht (h ll U it PRICEVILLE. For some time this noted place was not heard from; not that the residents changeq their ideas that some other place was better. and left, No! they are all here yet and doing as well as they can. every- one attendiné to his or her dut- ies. So we take the blame for not reporting for some time back. The heat of summer. we pre- sume, is past, and the drizzly. cold fall will be on in a few weeks and then‘ the necessary preparations for winter we must he kmkci “flip \\ ater in McLeod 5 mill pond is \91V 10“, and afforded OppUl- tunitx to fix the dam at the bot- tom 7 ‘ x.-â€" makes his regular rounds. and is attending to his duties well Jack Livingston is running on Arteme- sia side up the south line and down the old Durham road. Arte- mesia, while Dan McLachlin takes down Pomona line and up cont-es; sions 2 and 3, N D.R., from Thos. Davis’ to the town line. A great convenience is bestowed on all getting mail at their gates. Miss McAulayfs sale in this town on Friday. the 12th. was fairly well patronized. __.. I_L _. A‘X-Q-C 5‘01“!"â€" [JaLl Ulllupuu. We notice a lot of corn stand- ing yet, but we see it is somewhat singed with frost. So is buck- wheat. and the sooner those two parts of the harvest are attended to the better. Arch McCuaig has 17 acres of corn looking well. We notice that Thaw, by all ap- pearances, will be relieved from sufferin the penalty of the law. If it ha been a poor man who committed the deed, his bones would have been rotting in the ground years ‘ago. 7‘â€"- 2“ LLA ‘n‘l‘ EIUULI‘. J “av. .A few from here took in the la‘le exhibition in Toronto, and probâ€" ably they Will enjoy themselves at our big annual show just as much. Those that were away on their hnlidnvs are all back, or will be in ' Thos‘é that were 3‘ holidays are all back, a few days. __ f Miss Ada McLean, of Toronto, Spent some Weeks with friends at Top Cliff and Durham. Miss Sara McKinnon, of Toron- to, who spent a couple of weeks at her old home on the south line. returned Mouduy. the 15th inst. IK‘LUL lit/u A".v.-~â€"‘-J v Mr. Dan. McLean, merchant, of this town, lost a Avaluable horse lately, by running against a tree, while frightened at the sta- tion, and breaking its neck. Cold, east winds, this Monday morning,_ September 15. I _-_,__.],.Mnn s\nn‘l‘ Illull‘.‘lb, w There died at her residence near Stone’s settlement, Artemesia, on the 14th inst., Mrs. McLeod. relict of the late John McLeod, aged about 75 years. The funeral took place to Priceville cemetery on was a woman who was loved by all who formed her acquaintance. She was a devoted member of the Presbyterian church here. Rev Mr. Matheson. her pastor, offici- ated at her funeral. A patched shoe. a coarse 1ack- et. a cheap garment that you can affm-(l are. admirable. Costlv clothing for Which you are in debt to the merchant. the dress- maker and the tailor, is a badge of sham in character. The bdv or man, girl or Woman. who linS beyond his or her income, and iS always dragging a chain of debt is pitiably weak. 1"01'tunate1y these are «lays when, by the ex- ercifie of good judgment and economy, people may dress well at comparatively small expense Children should acquire a habit of caring for their clothes. of fold- ing them neatly When they take them off, or removing spots and stains and of so using their every day garments that they will look neat as long as they last. Vanity is a small, and ‘weak sort of fault, not worthy of a sensible person, but decent self-reSpect is a thing to cultivate. Meanwhile. there is no harm in a bright rib- bon, nor in a pretty_gown or a becoming tie, but we need - not emulate Our ancestors, who were aIWays snubbing their juniors lest they become self-conceited. Fisher company Will count operate the _Orillia Igcgory u "â€" v The Fisher Motor Co., of Wal- kerville, have bought out the Tudâ€" hOpe Motor Co.; 10f Orillia. and taken possession. The new com- pany will continue to operate in Orillia until they complete the program laid out by ,the Orillia factory for the present fall and coming winter. As to Whether the Filher oompainy will continue _ to TUDHQAPE mogpg p9. SELL 0L". -2 “YAI Our mail carrier, Mr Shortlgu ['SEL [SSS McLean, of Toronto, weeks with friends at EXTRAVAJ A)“ after D THE STAN ESTABLISflED 1813 DARE ROOM FOR “'EIHHNC: REFORM Luc- nlugetuwn uomlmun tie-f clares there is room for \Il'edding1 reform in this province. At the time the average young couple start out on life‘s journey they need every dollar. yet the wed- ding is made a most costly af- fair. for not only the bride's fam- ily but for the young husband who is called upon to provide a suitable home for the bride and to assume constantly increasing burdens. Why not. asks the Dominion. have a simple, quiet )k'eddilig. and let him keep in his pocket the money that is simply thrown away in an attempt to follow the custom "of what is call- ed “Society." A suitable present is in order, but why make the “happy man" dip down into a pocket none too l1ea\‘y for expen- sive presents for the bridesmaid. the maids and tnatrons of honor. the organist, the soloist. the best man, the ushers, and everybody who plays a part in the interest- ing drama. All this seems very foolish and unnecessary. â€"'hen MW in some (am food given them indigestion -Dr. Mone'a Indian Root Pills will uickly and towel put them right. y vegetable. t ey neither sil km, mkenorgripe. like harsh puma: i\ (S. Guu'd your Children's 1:: elllil by tiny. keeping a box of l ‘1'. Mum '9 Indian Root Fill: in the house. '11.. y BANK DATES 0F FALL FAIRS 1913 9F @ANADA l R. EWEN at the Chronicle Printing House. Rainfall Street. [HE DURHAM CHRONICLE Subscription Bate: . . 41.50 may be chm to which ever} ml: the numoeu cm [lu- continued to all a «mum: of the prom ‘Ptcture Framing m1 shorfg'sa , uotz'a’. Advertising Rates Quest insertion minim: manure. PM,“ «Lula. not Olmding mm inch “.00 pet manl- Advorunououu without «mam div-«minnow be. publhhod un forbid m 1 «Inn EN! new"! Tmumtnumuâ€" ‘14“. ":Fuuud.‘ "Fork .' etc â€"30 «sank for ant Santana. 25 mt. (or out «hm non! huruou . III advnrtlmenu ordarad by Manger. an“ be mid for in advance. Conflict rite! tor sunny «hurnwumnto fit niuhml on ‘mlimuinn m ilw ufl'nw E business man who customers In vanous l of Canada or clscwhctc. will find the services of this bank of invaluable assistance in collect- ing drafts, etc. Magnet Cream Separatms and A. BELL UN DERTAKER and Funeral Director The Chronicle andl Weekly Mail and Empire,i ymr The Chronicle and Weekly" Globe, 1 year" ... ...... The Chronicle and Family Herald Weekly Star lyr. The Chronicle and Weekly Witness, 1 year.. The Chronicle and Weekly Sun, 1 year ..................... The Chronicle and Farmer’s Advocate, 1 year... ...... The Chronicle and Canadian Farm, 1 year... The Chronicle and Toronto Daily News, 1 year" ... The Chronicle and Toronto Daily Star, 1 year... ... The Chronicle and Toronto Daily World. 1 year” The Chronicle and Toronto Daily Mail and Empire, 1 yr. The Chronicle and Toronto Daily Globe. 1 year" .... The Chronicle, and The Grain Growers’ Guide, Winnipeg 4.75 81.60 September 18. 1913. DURHAM. ONT. Full “[19 nf l ‘zll‘huli' and White ( ups for ‘~‘ ‘“ “‘ “- St. Marys...... ......Sept. ‘23 and 24. Tara...... m......Sept. 30. Oct. 1. Teesw ater... ....Oct 7 8e1nd 8. Ti1erton..3¢.t 10. Toronto-Can. ”Nat" Aug 23 3.8. Walters Falls ...... Sept. 16 an 17. Wiarton... .. ...Sept 23 and“ Wingham...... ......Sept. 25 und :6. Woodbridge ......... Oct. 14 and 15. IQ PCBIJIHID EVERY THURSDAY NURSINN Mr. M. Kress hag opened a shop at the rear of the furniture Show rmnn and is prepared to do all kinds uf linsmilhing. Snow knowsâ€"4%: Barlwx-Shup. Rt dum South Hf \V. blacksmith shnp. U NDERTAKING Rugs. Oilcloths Window Shades Lace Curtains and all Household furnishings lHuhâ€"wtakin FURNITURE EDWARD KRESS Embalming a Specialty Durham IHTUR AND New Clubbing Rates \V. IRWIN TINSMITHING l Tn Cllowlvur will be out a any addreu. free of pot-up, fl . $1 «Opt-r your. payable “1.an“ vhlrged if no! on paid. Th! m mbm‘rimiou is uaid is damned h ”w address label. So .mp0: db t (on I In Magnet Gasoline Engines All SIZES an" poi line for ion; 3 06qu per h minion monaun “NI one inch N without uum'iflr forbid m I flung mama noel. so ,1 'I'III‘I “‘0 In“. um "or. at ten! inn I" ll '16 AND «out Advernmneuu line fur the an! in“! Mm per line mh only. menu”. Pam-“i- receives special lic RU‘N‘S. and l .n- aged people. Next to Swallows RES!!H~IN(‘I€~â€"~I\efl IM'I’IHI"'|‘UR Ontario {\VI‘PIK AGENT u the

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