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Durham Chronicle (1867), 2 Oct 1913, p. 2

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m0 LOT 9. CON. 13, GLENELG. ‘7 miles from Markdale. con- taining 100 acres; 45 acres clear- 0d and in good state of cult:- vation; balance mixed bush: Well fenced and well watered: com- Iortable frame house. frame barn, stable and other build- ingl. Wlll sell cheap for cash. For further particul'lrs. apply 10 Mrs. Joseph Sproule. Durham. AOG‘I '31)“) LOT .53. (.‘ON. Glenelg. containmg on premises are new brick house, shevls a 1112!; running strc prowrty: about 10 wood bush. rest in s cultivation. Possessi Nov. lst, 1013. For THE EAST HALVES OF LOTS 51 and 52. Concession 3, E. G. R.. Glenelg; 100 acres: about 3miles from Durham. by good gravel road. Easy terms to the right mam: title perfect. Apply On the premises to Adam Weir. or to J. P. Telfogd. Durham. “43m m ’. CON. 6. GLENELG. FOR 3310 cheap: small cash payment. balance secured by mortgage. On premises are good frame house frame barn. and outbuildings- log pig-pen: good well. Apply to Wm. McNally, Ebordale P,0, 61230 t! ‘r‘m‘ mug. “A l 1.? GRANT, D. D.S.L ns. safawfixiwmffiéiiéflmfllél'BEAN-g {mm GRADUATE. UNIVERSI- Ono nit? COttafle m 1‘0““. 10“ n. ty of Toronto. Graduate Roya ...A. H Jackson. Durham. 3 ‘21th Collage Dental Sllrgenns OfOntario. â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€""â€"__ â€" -- i Dentistry In all its Branches. T0 RENT A LARGE. ROOMY DWELLING house; large enough to keep boarders: conveniently situated to all public works; newly dec- orated; cheap rent. Apply to N. McIntyre, Durham. 612 SYNOPSIS 0F CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS THE sole head of a family. or my mule over 18 years old, may homestead a quarter-section of nvailable Dominion land in Mani- toba. Saskatchewan or Alberta. The applicapt gust .appear in â€"â€"-.â€".‘- ALL PERSONS ARE STRICTLY brohibited from trespassing or hunting with or without dogs on lots 7 and 8 of the 5th concession of Glenelg -â€"A. G. Blair, R. T. Ed- wards l 10 2 4 nonon at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub-Agency for the District. Entry by proxy may be made at the office of any Local A cut of Dominion Lands (not on agent), on certain conditions, Datum-Six months reaidence upon 9nd. cpltivation o!‘ the land LA“A_ 'rv- -â€"‘- ‘ in each of three _years. A home- eteeder may live within nine miles 0! his homeetead on a 'farm of at but 80 acres, on certain condi- tions. A habitable house is re- Quired in every case, exce t when Incidence is performed n the vicinity. ' ---â€"--' ' empt a quarter-section along- aide hia homestead. Price $3 per om. Duties.â€"Six months reai- deuce in each 01 six years from date of homestead entry (includ- ing the time required to earn homeltead patent) and 50 acres oatra cultivation. The area of cultivation is apbiect to reduction in cue of rough, scrubbé or stony had after report omestead lupector on application for patopt. ‘ A _-L- I.-- -_L_--_L A homestesder who has exhaust- ed his homestead right and cannot obtain a pre-emptiou may take a purchased homestead in certain districts. Price. $3 per acre. Dut- ies.-Must reside six months in each of three years, cultivate so sores and erect a house worth W. W. CORY. Defuty of the Minister 0 the Interior. N.B.-Umntborized publication 3! this advertinement will not be Paid Ionâ€"87085. . 9813 Coffee pots and tea pots in which borax water is boiled two at thteo times a week are puri- fied end entirely freed from nag.” tut: or odor. ‘ sale cheap: I balance secul A Bttle muriatic acid aidded to the tinting water after a blue and visits mag-o mg in __”mbbgd huh-o. and w colon 'ES'i PART OF LOT '25, CON. 1 W. u R” adjoining corporation of Durham. containing 15 acres 3 mods, t perches of good Sand, ah seeded down with tim- othy; ood brick house; hard and so t water, barn, orchard, shedl. etc. Apply to T. Haskins, or to A. H. Jackson, Durham. A “I L, N EXCELLENT PROPERTY IN 3 good location in Durham. Ap- ply to 30' N. Chronicle. Admin-on. «I no inch. cabana-u inurflon Over HOUSE FOR SALE Farms for Sale. HOUSEHOLD HELPS. ‘Fur Sale. l?<;llll(l Notice Possessirm 1 3. For fun no inch. or lo... 25 «no for hot insertion and 10 cents for each 1: 079: etc inch and under two inch”. double the above amount. Yearly ates on applicatmn. strea SMALL ADS. 201) 5' will help to 911M Route ‘ {wit} 424 U ): Inf Special attention “it )t women and children. unite Presbvterian Church L. R. C P.. LONDON ENG WRADULATE of London. New I ank 4nd Chicago. mun" ot Bye. Eu No» and Throat. \Vill he at, the Hahn Hump, July 2” ()l'[. I“. Nnvmnher 16. Dec. 2]. Hunt's. l tn?» p.11). 7A3, THROAT nose ¢Hr Assistant Roy.London Ophthalmic Hos Bag. and to Gallon Sq. Throat and Nose Hos firs. lamieson Jamieson. )FFICE AND RESIDENCE A shurt distance out of Kuapp’s Hotel, umb ton Street, Lower Town. Durban.- Ofbce hours from 12 N, .2 o'clock OHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OF- 1 rice in the New Hunter Block. Oflice wrap 95 to 10 a. m., to 4 p. m. and? 2.09 ). m. Spm-ial attention given to diseases .f wumau and children. Residence op- (mic-94 )ver [)uuglas’ Jewellerv Storm D (mice. nearl'y opposite the Registry office. Lambton $t..Durham. Anyamount )f monev to loan at 5 per cent. on farm omnertv. Holstein Conveyancer. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Money to loan at lowest rates, and terms to suit borrower. Fire and Life Insurance placed in thor- oughly reliable compnaies. Deeds, Mortgages, Leases and Wills, executed on shortest notice. All work promptly attended to. .‘ er, Convoyancer. 8w. Insurance Agent. Money to Loan. [33110: of Mar- riage Licenses. A general financial busi- ness transacted. In the matter of the Estate of John Staples, late of the Township of Glenelg in the County of Grey. Farmer, deceased. NOTICE is hereby :given. pursu-y ant to Ontario Statutes 1911. Cap] '26. Sec. 55, that all persons having; claims against the estate of the! said John Staples, who died on or_ about the 20th day of July A. DJ 1913, are required to send by post? prepaid or otherwise deliver to! J. P. Telford, of the Town of! Durham, Solicitor for the Adminis» tratrix, on or before the 24th dav of October. 1913, their names, ad-i dresses and descriptions and afull. statement of particulars of their; claims, and the nature of the 59-1 curity, if any, held by them, du‘n certified, and that after the said. day [the Administratrix will pro- ceed to distribute the assets of the estate among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which she shall then! have notice. A. H. Jackson. OTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSION- er, Conveyancpr, 8L9. lusgrgpce l. 6. Hutton, The schonl is thumughlv equipped in teaching ability. in chemical and elec- trical supplies and fittings, etc., for full J uninr Leaving and Matriculation Work. 'FFKCE THUS. ALLAN, Principal md Pm- ‘ \ int ial Model SC 11001 Teachel. lstr . Class C ertificale. ‘ Intending Stm‘lents should enter at. the beginning of the term if possible. Board canhe obtained at reasonable rates. Durham is a healthy and at- tractivetmvu. making it a most desir- able place for residence. The. record of the School in past years is a flattering one. The trustees are progresswe educationally and are no gains to see that teachersan pupils ave every advantage, for the pr- r presentation mdfiwquiation of nowledge. Dated the lat day of October A. D. 1913. In the Surrogate Court of the Tounty of Grey. .Durham Continuation School J. P. Telford. ARRIS’I‘EL, somcmoal ETC DURHAM ONT. (Lower Town.) FEES : 81 per month in advance NOTICE TO CREDITORS Medical Directorv. Dr. W. 0. Pickering Dentist. Arthur Gun. ELIZA STAPLES, Administratrix by her Solicitor, J. P. Telford Den/d! Dz’rectorv W. J. SHARP JR. BPCWN Lem! ‘Dz’reclorv. SPECIALIST .- DR. BURT. ()ver .1 J. Hunter’~ HtS. flwam finnnd Class I.-â€"Fi-el'd Grains. Fall wheat. whiteâ€"J.W. Blyth, A. Edge. W. Grahlmann. Fall Wheat, redâ€"D. Edge. M. Barber. T. McGirr. Spring wheatâ€"W. Ramage. Buckwheatâ€"G. Ritchie. Oats. short whiteâ€"H. Grasby. \V, Ramage_. ‘1' I" _- _ i- \ __- v -_ __ IUWII-wa v u Oats. long Whiteâ€"W. Grahlmann J. W. Blyth. M Barber. Oats. blackâ€"W. Rama e. Barley, 6-r0wedâ€"D. dge. M. Barber. Blyth. Peas. small whiteâ€"D. Edge. T. McGirr. M. Barber. Timothy seedâ€"G. Ritchie. Mc- Girr. D. Edge. , 12 ears cornâ€"A. Edge, W. L. Dixon. T. Binnie. White beansâ€"Dixon, Binnie. C011. field grainsâ€"J. \V. Blyth. Grain in sheafâ€"W. Ramage. Potatoes, whiteâ€"W. L. Dixon, D Edge. W. Scarf. â€"-a " ' . . v .uaurer. m§§;?t§f’31f"§;hifif‘x°m “.Grahl- Punchworkâ€"Mrs. Savage. Mrs. Coll. Potatoesâ€"Smith, T. Lauder. Maurer. Swede turnipsâ€"Dixofi, Scarf. I ' Children’s Work. Turnips. a.0.k.â€"Scarf. ‘ Mangels, 10113 redâ€"Scarf, D. Mc- Dressed Dollâ€"Mrs. Savlge. Ilvride. I Crochet in Cottonâ€"Mrs. Savage. Field Carrotsâ€"Dixon. T. Petty. f Fancyworkâ€"Mrs. Savage. Sugar beetsâ€"Petty, Scarf. a Darning on Stockingsâ€"Mrs. Sav- Ensilage cornâ€"Dixon, M. Barber. age, Mrs. Anderson. (3011. field rootsâ€"Scarf. ? Buttonholesâ€"MrS. Anderson. MI‘S Savage. . "1““ III~Vegetables. ; Tea Biscuitsâ€"J. W. Mather. t Loaf from Eclipse Flourâ€"G. Rit- ichie, T. McGirr. l Loaf from Sovereign Flourâ€" Blyth, R. Barber. * Buns-Mather. Mrs. Bradwin. 1 Tartsâ€"A. McDonald. Blyth. I 1 Apple pieâ€"A. McDonald, Mrs. Anderson. Pumpkin Pieâ€"Mather, Harvey. Lemon Pieâ€"Blyth. Harvey. Pie, a.o.k.â€"A. McDonald, Mrs. . Anderson. 1 I ! Fruit Cakeâ€"Bradwin. Blyth. : Light (.‘ake-Bradwin, A. Me- lDonald. ' I Coll. Pastryâ€"Mather. ‘ Canned Fruitâ€"J. Vollet, .M. ,Barber. 1 Wine, home-madeâ€"Mrs. Ander- 'son. L. Harris. i Mixed Picklesâ€"McIlraith. M. gBarber. . Maple Syrupâ€"Binnie. Grrahlmann. { Honey, strainedâ€"M. Barber. , Crabapple Jellyâ€"Mrs. Anderson. McIlraith. Smith. Carrots, longâ€"Petty, NV. Grahl- mann. Carrots, shorthornâ€"Lang, R. Farquharson. Parsnips-Lang, Grierson. Celery, whiteâ€"Lang, Smith. Radish. winterâ€"Smith. Grierson. Radish. summerâ€"Scarf, Binnie. Peppersâ€"Harvey. Tomatoes. redâ€"Smith. Blyth. Coll. Tomatoesâ€"Smith. Beets. longâ€"Grierson, Smith. Beets. turnipâ€"Binnie, Smith. Onions, from seed-(irierson, T. McGirr. Onions. silver skinâ€"McGirr. Onions, potatoâ€"McGirr, Petty. Onions. from Dutch setsâ€"Ha" Petty. Table squashâ€"411's. Blackburn, W. Ramage. Bush Squashâ€"Grierson, Black- ,burn. Table Turnipsâ€"Scarf. D. Edge. l Sweet Cornâ€"Smith, Harvey. I Yellor or green Flesh Melonsâ€"â€" ‘Blackburn, | “'atermelonsâ€"Grierson. ‘ Citronsâ€"Grierson. Ramage. Butter, in prinvtsâ€"D. Edge, W. Baker, M. Barber. Butter, moderately saltedâ€"Mrs. Anderson, Smith. Home-made Cheeseâ€"Blyth. Class Vâ€"Miscellaneous. Breadâ€"Mrs. Bradwin. Grahlmann Brown Breadâ€"M. Barber, R. Barber. Class IVâ€"Dairy Products. Tinnet Butterâ€"Binnie. D. Edge. Grahlmann. Crock Butterâ€"Mrs. Anderson. Binnie, A: Edge. Raspberry Jellyâ€"M. Barber, R Barber. Quilt. cottonâ€"Bradwin. Quilt. woollenâ€"Petty. Mrs. Maur- er. , Quilt. silk crazy work. commonâ€" Maurer. Bed Spread. knittedâ€"Maurer. Bed Spread. embroideredâ€"M. Barber. Mrs. Hay. Rag Matâ€"Bradwin. Petty. Woollen Matâ€"Maurer. Knitting Men’s Socks. Mrs. Anderson. Knitting Women’s fineâ€"Miss L. Harris. Men‘s Mitts. fineâ€"Mrs. Maurer. Women‘s Mitts. fineâ€"Mrs. Maur- er. Ladies” Underwearâ€"Mrs. Savage Mrs. Blackburn. Mrs. Towner high- ly recommended. coarseâ€" Buttonholesâ€"Mrs. Anderson, W. Ramage. , Laundry Bagâ€"Mrs. Hay, Mrs.‘ Maurer. Fancy Towelsâ€"Mrs. Hay, Mm." Towner. . ' Work Apronâ€"Mrs. Anderson." Mrs. Maurer. Slippers. knittedâ€"Mrs. Black- burn, T. McGirr. Slippers. crochetâ€"T. McGirr. Mrs. Maurer. Five Maurer- o’clock Tea Cloth-puts Stockings. Ilraitb. Lang. Coll. Begonias, McDonald. Coll. Coleusâ€"Petty. Blackburn. (‘oll. Cactiâ€"Blackburn. (‘oll. Foliage Plantsâ€"H. McDon- ald. Lang. Double Geranium. burn. A. McDonald. Double Geranium. any other kind â€"Lang. H. McDonald. Single Greranium, whiteâ€"Petty. Single Geranium. a.o.k.â€"Pett_v, A McDonald. Tricolor Geraniumâ€"H. McDonald. Howard McDonald. ; Ivy Geranium, plain leafâ€"Lang. Ivy Geranium, vanâ€"Blackburn, H. McDonald. Pelargonium Geraniumâ€"Lang. Oleanderâ€"Petty, McIlraith. Ivyâ€"Petty. Hugh McDonald. Rexâ€"Lang, H. whiteâ€"Black- Hibiscusâ€"Harvev, Lang. ' Amarylis-D. Edge, Lang. Single Fuchsiaâ€"A. . McDonald. Blackburn. ‘* Abutilonâ€"Petty. [ Calceolariaâ€"H. McDonald, How- ard McDonald. 3 Tuberoseâ€"Lang. ; Heliotropeâ€"Petty, .Ilraith. l Hanging Basketâ€"Lang. Petty. Five o’clock Tea Cloth-q-Mrs Maurer. ’ Tea Cloth, in White silkâ€"Mm. Hay, Mrs. Blackburn. Centre-piece, in White silk-Mrs. Maurer. Table Doylies, in colored silkâ€" Mrs. Maurer. Sideboard Scarf, colored silkâ€" Mgs._ Maurgr,_~Mrs_. Savage“ Tray Cloth, in colored Brgdwin, Mrs. Savgge. _ Centre-piece, colared Bradwin, Miss Harris. SOUTH GRE‘ PRIZE LIST 011. Vegetablesâ€"Lang. Petty. auliflowerâ€"Lang. abbage, earlyâ€"Lang. abbage. winterâ€"Lang, Grierson abbage, redâ€"TH. Binnie, J. M Class IIâ€"Fieléd Roots Class 6â€"Ladies’ “'ork . Log Cabinâ€"Binnie. . cottonâ€"Bradwin. . woollenâ€"Petty, Mrs DURBAI CHRONICLE silkâ€"Mrs. silkâ€"Mrs. Tea Cosy y. emb. â€"Mrs. Mam-er. Tea Cosv, aonâ€"Miss Harris. Sofa Cushion. emb â€"â€"Mrs. Maurer. Sofa Cushion. laceâ€"Mrs ToWner. lincuchion. emb â€"Mrs. Maurer. l-‘incushion. laceâ€"Mrs \Iaurer. 'l'oElet Setâ€"Mrs Maurer. Crochet Table matsâ€"Mrs Black- burn Mrs Maurer. Si1i1twaist. emb â€"Mr9. Hay. Mrs. Saxage Shadow Embroideryâ€"W P11111320 Wallochin Embâ€"W. Fauntlge. Mrs. Blackburn. Eyelet Emhâ€"Mrs. Savage. Mrs. Towner. Pillow Shams. emb.-â€"-Mrs. M' urer. Pillow Shams. a.0.k.â€"Mrs. Brad- \Vnrkhag. frnCyâ€"Mrs. Savage Mrs. Blackburn. Drawnworkâ€"Mrs. Maurer. Mrs. Towner. ~ Tattingâ€"Mrs. Savage. Mrs. Bradwin. Netting-Mrs. Towner. Battenlmrg Laceâ€"Mrs. Townpr. Mrs. Maurer. Point Laceâ€"â€"Mrs. Maurer. Knitted Laceâ€"Mrs. Savage, Mrs. Maurer. Win 0"““-‘r Punclmmk -â€".Mrs Savage. Mrs. Mame-1 .9. \Vriting. 2nd Classâ€"Josephine McNab, Velvey Reay. Marguerite Whiteford. Vera Reay. vll Table i ty. ! nnn Writing, 3rd (‘lassésusie Adlam May Davis. Marguerite Newell Mary Turnbull. \Vriting, 4th Classâ€"David Wid- ‘H. L. brown ‘ rut-yer Edna Ritchie, Lena Alice. Grasby. Henâ€"(1 Elsie McLean. ; S. P. Hamburg Writing. N. B. C., Owen Soundâ€" â€"Lang, 1 and ‘2. Edna “€332 1 Hamburg hen. (.‘011. Fall Applesâ€"T. H. Binnie Mrs. Blackburn. D. Edge. (.‘011. Winter AppleséA. Edge. T. H. Binnie. Apples. Alexandersâ€"Mrs. Black- burn; Colverts, J. W. Mather. J. 8: J. Hunter; Duchess, A. Anderson, A. McLean; Russets, J.W. Mather. Blyth.: Kings. W. A. Livingston. D Edge; Manns. Livingston; Spies. Mather. Binnie; McIntosh Red. Blyth: Ribston Pippin. Hunter. R. Barber; Greening, A. Edge; Spit- zenburg, D. Edge; .Snow, Mather. R. Barber; Wealthy. Mather. \V. Scarf; Ben Davis. Livingston. A. Edge; Talman SWeet. Mather Blyth: Standard. any other kind. D. Edge. 'C'. Lang: Crab. Blyth. '1‘. McGirr. Plums. Lombardâ€"N. Harvey: Yellow E gm Harxev; Pond’s Seed- lingr .Harx 9y; anv other kind D. Edge. J. J. Hunter; Winter Pears M. Barber. Hunter; . r”all Pears. Mc- Lean. Hunter; Coll. Grapes. Farqu- harson. (e‘oll. hothouse plants. '20 varie-f Buff Plymouth Rock, tiesâ€"Lang. (Grasby. - (foll. House Plants. '20 var.â€"' S. C. White Leghorn, Blackburn. Petty. Connor. Pulletâ€"Connor Coll. Plants. 12 vanâ€"McIlraith.‘ R. C. White Leghorn, Hugh McDonald. Grasby‘hl and ‘2. Pull, Coll. Plants. 6 van-Howard Mc- Donald. Lang. Coll. S. Geraniums-Petty. Poll. D. Geraniumsâ€"Petty, A. McDonald. Coll. Scented Geraniumsâ€"Harvev Coll. Begonias, floweringâ€"Mc- Ilraith. Lang. Coll. ngonias, Rexâ€"Lang, H. Class XIIâ€"Cut Flowers. Display, open airâ€"Blackburn, Petty. Bouquet, large, any flowersâ€"H. McDonald, Grahlmann. Bouquet, hand, house flowers- McIlraith, H McDonald Table Ornimentâ€"Blacirburn, Pet- Ir” Dressed Dollâ€"Mrs. SaVilge. (.‘rochet in Cottonâ€"Mrs. Savage. Fancyworkâ€"Mrs. Savage. Darning on $tockingsâ€"Mrs. Sav- Map of Countyâ€"Margaret New- Coll. Class VIIIâ€"Fine Arts. Special for Children Class XIâ€"Plants. Class Xâ€"Fruit. 1 Hunter, H, ' Light Brahma. cockâ€"Connor, ‘HarVey. Henâ€"Harvey. Connor. 3 I axk Brahma. henâ€"Har\'ev.1. ‘2 ! Barred Plvmouth Rock cockâ€" Connor. Henâ€"Connor S. C. White Leghorn. cockâ€"Con- nor Haney. Henâ€"Connor Harâ€" VGY. B. C. DAVID. Liniments and plasters won’t cure Lame Back â€"â€" be- cause they never reach the part that is causing the pain. The \VIIHIC trouble is with the Kidney!» and ymi must cure the Kidneys in order to stop the pain. GIN PILLS Cure weak, sick, stmined Kidneys asnuthiiig else will. GIN PILLS drive amiythe pain every time~0r yourmmieyprompllyrefunded ,A,4_1- I..-“ if R. C. “’hite Leghorn. cockâ€" Grasby. Henâ€"Grasby, 1 and 2. S. C .Brown Leghorn. cockâ€"Con- nor. Grrasby. Henâ€"Grasby, Connor R. C. Brown Leghorn, cockâ€" Grasby. Henâ€"Grasby, 1 and 2. S. P. Hamburg, (jockâ€"Lang. Hen Otping‘ton cock. a.O.V.â€"Lang. Hen-Lang. ‘_ I, Hambu’rg hen, a.o.\'.-â€"Grasby. Rhode Island Red. cockâ€"Vollett, Langu __A_ n -- Blah}: Minorca, cock-Vallett. Henâ€"A. McDonald. Vollett. Cochin, cockâ€"Connor, Lang Henâ€"Connor. Lang. , Bantam, a.o.\'. cockâ€"Harvey Henâ€"Harvey. C -\ Ancona, cockâ€"Lang, 1 and 2 Hepâ€"Lang, 1 and 2, (_ Black Spanish, cockâ€"Harvey. Henâ€"Hary'py, 1_ and 2. _ C White Wfindotte. cockâ€"‘Voneu Hay. Hepâ€"Hay, Volle_tt._ Houdon: cockâ€"Connor, Lang. Henâ€"Lang. Cwonnor - St L. Wyandétte. cockâ€"Kinnee, 1 and 2. Hen-Kinnee. 1 and Q. Light Brahma, câ€"ockerelâ€"Connor. 1 and 2. Pulletâ€"Connor. Buff Wyandotte, henâ€"Grasby, 1 and 2. Game, cockâ€"Harvey. Henâ€"Har- vey. 1 and 2. White Plymouth Rock. 'cuckerelâ€" Connor, 1 and 2. Pulletâ€"Connor, 1 and 2. 5 Grasby, 1 and 2. 1 and 12. S. C. Brown L Connor, (Errasby. Grasby. R. 1C. Brown Leghorn, cockerelâ€" Grasby. 1 and 2. Pulletâ€"Grasby 1 and 2. S. S. Hamburg, cockm‘elâ€"Lang, 1 and 2. Palletâ€"Lang. 1 and 2. Black Spanish, cockerelâ€"Harvey 1 and 2. Pulletâ€"Harvey, 1 and 2. White Wyandotte. cockerelâ€"Vol- lett. Hay. Pulletâ€"Vollett, 1 and 2. S. L. Wj'yandoge, cock'erelâ€"Kin- “.‘n nee, 1 and"). Puile'tv-J and 2. Buff Wyandotte pulle 1 and 2. . Game, cockerelâ€"Harvvy. 2. Pulletâ€"Harvey, 1 and 2 Cochin, Cockerelâ€"Connor. letâ€"Connor. Bantam, cockerelâ€"Harvey letâ€"Hat vey. Marigoldsâ€"Petty. Lang. Phlox Drimmondiâ€"Lang. Phlox Perennialâ€"Lang. Single Petuniasâ€"R. Farquharson. Snapdragonsâ€"Lang. Zinniasâ€"Petty. Notice is hereby given that a dividend at the rate of THIRTEEN PER CENT. PER ANN UM upon the capital stock of this Bank has been declared for: the quarter ending 3lst of October, 1913, and that the same will be payable at the Head Ofice in this city end its Class XIVâ€"Chickens. Class XIIIâ€"Poultry. Continued O F CANADA Quarterly Dividend Notice No. 92 Leghorn, cockerelâ€" v. Palletâ€"Connor. on mac 3. urn, cockerelâ€" mur, Lang. xorn, cockerelâ€" Pulletâ€"Grasby, 9t â€"Grasby, cockerelâ€" and At the Chronicle Printing House. Gunman 8treet. Subscription T" Cwmm: mu b. any lddl‘fllfl. {NW 01 .. Rate: .b - 01‘l’per,\‘vnr~lw.valvlr~.: 41.50 muy oohnrged fl not no pam_ ‘ to which over) subscriutiou iF mm m «1.. flu- adclrenn lulu-l '\. . ,I‘ continuum to all armru are MM ,1, «Mum of the proprietor. ° IHE DURHAM EHHUNIELE ° ' For transient mix-In Advent-mg can" W m... m H“. 3‘“. : ' Lion; 3 (‘Q‘II‘H‘ pp] :1I'I‘q quent- insertion mimon nneamn-p 5 0.1113, not exceeding mm mm H m. Advertisements without “DI‘I‘ifir m, be published till fury-Id In I. «Jun and u Triuaiout nonou- 'Luu. ' ‘ianm comâ€"50 00th for first insenfiou. :37. m oubaeq nont inurtion. “1“!qu ordered I)" a... . _ ho mid for in “mm“. ’ ”"2” mn“ Contact “to! for youny “Iver“...WM.” , Ilahod on sppliatfion to the (mice n: and Funeral Directorw UN DERTAKER Magnet Cream Sepa_ratms and Picture Frammg (m shnran notice. Western Canada has the smile that won’t come off: 31 “IV Times. Full line of Catholic Rulws. and m-‘"‘\ and White Caps for aged pwyplv. ”wmm‘m ‘- DURHAM. ONT Colonist Excursions Sept. 25 to Oct. l0, inclusiw Vancouver. 8. C. Los Angeles. L' Victoria. B.C. San lbicgu. L'a Nelson. 8. C. San Francisco Prince Rupert, B. C. Mexico City. 5 Portland, Ore. Seattle. Wash Proportionaw low mum tn mum points in Arizona. British Columbia c‘mofllll. COIOMO. Idaho. Montana Mexico. New nexaco. Oregon. Nmada Texas, Ulll, Washington and W) 0min); Full particular“. berth l'vsle'ut :- w.- etc., from any Grand Trunk .\-.~ .m' James R. Gun. (3in Pnssvngm' 1? Ticket Agent. Plume ll. Jnhn Town'er. Statiml Th 3w! .\;;‘ Phone 18. THE WEST’S FAMOUS Sm! } TlN‘MITHING Mr. M. Kress has opened a shop at the rear of the furniture sln m room and is prepared m (in .1}? kinds of tinsmithing. Undertaking woeives spwi.=‘. amen! i« m U NDERTAKIN G Snow Ramsâ€"Next tn Swn'xlm Babel-Shop. REmuENru .\'. door South of \V. J. lmfi'rm .. blacksmith shop. In Punususn nvsav runaway mmxm ONE-WAY SECOND-CLAS‘S ONLY WILL BE IS t Rugs, Oilcloths Window Shades Lace Curtains and all Household Furnishings FURNITURE ' AN“ EDITOR AND Puumu mu m Embalming a Special!) Durham rum all stations in Unm at very low rates tn: A. BELL '. P. SCHOLFIELD. W. IRWIN Magnet Gasoline Engines Ml SIZES AND October a, 1913‘ Lo: Angclcs. Cal. San Diego. Cal. San Franciscu. Cal Ontario AGENT 'ooooooooooooooo 00000660000900.0090 What About is pri Don’t Wu “3 Farm 3 won 5 100 Acres the hvsl furl: ~ buildings. .w phulw. Shul‘ ll). Bentiw‘k. timber. I’iw' 1 85 Acres Haunpth II -._- undel$v"' extra gm nearly pl ‘w beats H!" ‘\' 1 .0 Aarcs ham. KW“ 800 Acres Mr. (hm. 'l‘u West, hunt; a dollar in '1 ‘00 Acres Forest l'ni: watm-wl. \ «'I I bRVe I tins and Lu 0:- 0x yourself i HJLMILIE' Bran {IND}: del l M Car 1 flavour r ckly “5‘ vumrm ‘ “Gilli-Inc; com (me. ( LARGE 5‘ Patents Wm: Sufi-Mam!- "On 01 (Almdu‘ 1 ‘ .1] DOWN“; ‘ mm $.99 M llouscs lot the ._ Two are mlid Mn: t IUOIIM'U lo‘lnnu I'OOIIIS finlid H 1k “0331.1th III: ”I”! M. guod h .n-c‘ Eight LOOK HER “a good Frame last he. sold (HI JOHN All Ki scum mauve»- DURH 0V

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