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Durham Chronicle (1867), 2 Oct 1913, p. 7

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33.~Charles P, 9 Dmprietora of [On mills, Mt m :1th on P! which u. me“ e the I unty judge .oj ‘ ingStom, 9 made judge “”3! low It Tilt ulcerated CERATED. RANT --It is M. Va] | Drug fectioner Grocer oooo.oo¢o..,. 0909990999... ravs fresh 9999999999. ASON Durham 00. rns ttes '7." Goods mtober i 069009. Indet- 5". Ulll‘ of of of ck 99‘ 1tt)»>90Obt§tfinfibowmowbmmbbmamnaunNCIalnaooi9 “Across the ocean,” replied the long-suffering mother very short- ly. - A long silence. broken 0917 -1!!- SHE SUPPOSED RIGHTLY. She was a little girl, and would ask questions. “Ma.” she began, “what does Trans-Atlantic mean?” THE ROYAl BANK OF CANADA MOU NT FOREST, 0W @ Custom Work and Repairing as usual. The Down Town Shoe Store :1. S. Moliraith #v‘v‘év‘v’é- 6606938v666336vvvfiévvéévvtivé'vvvfivv? biififiéé'? ONO n Untarin. Uur (umrs nul Elli"! Business ('n uul we assist graduate Write for on: private address. no patients in o .’ a. 1.;“35 4L1 L‘ . .1: «,1 4.: 4503, ' 'T .\' 'if) DIRKâ€"Impmdent acts or later excnsses hate broken - _ r71. ‘ 1 'x '. .tlw s m“? m ; S‘. “lb"?nver "071. .Iemaily, hysxcallyand . .m; z. I. 17¢- L.:L.. 5- m Uécd to be or sixoum be. meyou heed the angersxgnals? “’BDER Am 7: '2 :1 Vi -' '? Haw you Ioct hop“? Are you intending to mar ? Has 0, _. v v v v y . . .1 n .’._<--.. «1? luve ya; my me ,.;Hr$$? our 33W 11811100 ~ 7 .- .:' . '. -;. Wmu A: has daze farm hers 1: “2.1 do {or you. Consultatnon .. ' - 3-. " r ) E ;: mum! \‘ 11, “Wife for an hn'mqt or man FracofChauo. , , .s f rceu’ L» fiu‘ ”7) 1. Adah-Md. k’uilxv'x‘htmd." (Illustrated) 011 Diseases of Men. ‘ 'J \AflES USED WITHOUT WR'TTFN FON'ENT. PRIVATE. No tame: on -z mun. n'fl-‘x‘. Evervthmg Confidential. Queuion List and Coat of Treatment E- QR Hum: TREATMENT. Dns.KENNEDYKENNEDY VARICOSE VEINS DURED manta-o. "noun. I. . . 1-H- IDKAB aw HAS YOUR BLOOD BEEN DISEASED? 1093 . ‘silence, Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold SL. Detroit, Mich. 13 razory ll up NO mugs uszo wmaour mum consm. Confined to His Home for Weeks. *0 P0180319} are the most prevalent and most serious diseases. They up the : bluq-J ott‘ue mum and unless entirely emlicatcd from the system will cause “"Illlp.lf331£!‘3 gisarc of Mercury. It. may suppress the symptoms-our NEW hon] off Misses Ladies D'JRHAM BRANCH: s. HUGHES, Manager. U \V t for Canadian FALL TERM FROM SEPT. 2 \ MOUNT FOREST /-; 1.013 DRS. KENNEDY 8:. KENNEDY, Windaor, Ont. hrr broken lines away duwn. (‘all and hel'r. and Children's White Oxtords. now Slippers and Oxtords. regular SL7 THE TRADERS BANK OF BAMBI have given some lines of footwear notice- tn lezwe “mm-locum “Heavy work. severe straining and evil habits in youth brought on ramp M- \ ems. M lien I worked hard the aching would become s.-'.'wre,.n«l l was often laid up for a week at a time. My family i‘il}' -i..n tell me anoperatiuu was my only hopeâ€"hut I dreaded it. U'iJJ several bpeciadsi s, but soon found out all they wanted was my money. I c .mmcnccd to 1001: upon all doctorsas little better than rogur-s. One day mybuss asked me why I was of! work so much and I tell lim m ' Condition. Ileadvised me to consultDrs. Kennedy K 'innelly. as e had taken treatment from them himself and knew they Wt'l'e square and skillful. I wrote them and got Tan le Dlzrrmn TREATMENT. My pro'rress was somewhat slow and during the t? rat month‘s treatment. I was somewhat discouraged. However [continued treatment for three months longer and was reward with a ('Mhplvte cure. I cou'd only earn 312‘: a week in a machine sir gs he'nre treat ment. now i am earning 8‘21 and never loose a day. 1 Wish all suflerers knew of your valuable tmatment. HEN RY C. LOCUS'I‘. Notice To Leave 'u quit-lily help [ht'lfl mu.- pm WITH WHICH IS UNITED 'c E All letters from Canada must be addressed to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- â€" merit in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to It our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat Tintlsor offices which are for Correspondence and ,larl bUSlDCSS onlv. Address all letters as follows: ulvantages not ul’fered in any other similar schnol rs are similar to that of .‘s‘tratfurd Business College llr-gr. 'l‘nrumu. \Ve hare 9Xperienred instructors, .~ t!) high grad» pnsitinns. Fur fnllrr particulars \\'. E. “SILSUN. Principal MOU NT FOREST ONT.- WMDMT...‘ INCORPORATE D 1869 Durham .._..___ tin-ah Macfarlane. 82 C0. left “Ma, does ‘trans’ always across?” “kl Ud’U “Yes, it does; always," answered the little girl’s mother, and added sternly, “but it you ask me an- other question I shall send you straight to bed. So remember!” The second silence was complete. and lasted quite three seconds. It was broken at last by a . plaintive small voice, which commented mt pI-h 5 and 2 00. mm $1.00 Ont. NEW YORK AGENCY Cor. [Vi/lion: and Cedar Sis. we reduced fiH t) if 500 It would require a poet’s pen to depict the beauty'of these peerless. autumn days of Old Ontario. The glorious sunsets gleaming on the woodlands. the Warblings of the gathered flocks of bluebirds. the stillness and quietuz‘le of these hazy days. all combine to make this ":1 Paradise below," Congratulfitions to your scrihe of Blyth’s Corners in Winning 3rd prize on that colt. “'inners of lst and “2nd prizes must be specialiv good ones to beat his. as we counted it a beauty. Mr. and Mrs. L. Frook. of Proton. u are guests of Mr. and Mrs. John 0 Greenwood on Sundav. and too:- ‘ in the Rally Dav serxice in Zion. South Grey Show Fair was truly an «OH-timer this year. 'A My: crowd attended from this part and thoroughly enjoyed the beauty of the day and the attractiveness of Mr. John Allan and. his daughter. Mrs. W. Hastie. of Dromm‘e. spent .vome days hst week at counciIlnr H'n. E. Peart’s. Rally Day. September 25, in old Zion was a splendid success. The day was a perfect one. the church was filled. the program. aided by flag and map and blackboard was a most interesting and instructive one. The children did well. Rev. Mr Will Lawrence. of the town‘s suburbs. was the guest of R. l‘. (‘ook on Sunday. Several of our farmers have raised «their potatoes. and while all report the quality A1. they also re- port the quantity about 50 per cent. below the average. so prices will soon soar. . ’Tis .a pity there is no industry in Durham to manufacture {all apples into some saleable product. Every farmer could supply a large quantity this year. The hogs are enjoying many asackful. Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Blair holiday- large quantity this year. The hogs are enjoying many asackful. Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Blair holiday- ml in the old neighborhood lately. and Tom re-shingled part of one of his many barns. They visited at Mrs. Blair’s parental home near )Iarkdale, gas well. J. Ward’s address was singularly appropriate. and his illustrations were graphically pprtrayed apd tt-ifihg "The cbfleétion \i‘as the largest in the history of the Sun- day school Another baseball match between Markdale and Flesherton boys. played here on “'ednesday of last week. resulted in favor of the boys here. Score 21 to 19 The remains of the late Hem-y Mathewson. who died ten years ago. together with those of his wife and two daughters. were m»- moved by his son Free! from the Irwin cemetery. Toronto line. t) Flesherton cemetery last week. Mr. John Nnhn’sv woollen mill and Mr. W. H. Thurston’s residence have been shingled Ianew. At the Presbyterian Guild last week the meeting Was made sut- cially interesting and profitable by Mrs. Dr. Carter. who gave 4‘) excellent address on the Shepherl Pqnlm. which was highly 3mm»- eiated. About twentv young pmml“ spent a jolly time at a com roast in the woods near the Village one night Iaqt week. Mr. (5‘. H -Munshaw is numing bandaged head. injured by H‘VPI‘P blow at the stabie do slammed by the wind knocking p019 (IOWH on his head. Mr. W. \Vilcock, who I'Pturm n-(tently from spending some tin .? in Northern Ontario. spake at \ Imague mopting in the Methnli ohurch on Monday evening. and yawn an interesting acommt of HM (-(mtiitions and missimnrv work in 11w mining camps :of the north. The Rally Day services in we I’m-shytm'ian church on Sunday mro interesting throughout ‘ofh r'(_)!1<tr.":a'fi()11 an! S’unMr Mr. Herb. Smith is moving his familv to Markdale this week. Mr. R. J. Sprnule was in the citv on Saturday on business. Mr. and Mrs. David Strachzm. of Toronto. are moving here this week to the former Andv W'ilwm rnsidence. which we understand Mr. Strachan is buying. Mrs. J. M. Duncan has moved to the Strain residence. vacated bv Mr, and Mrs. Laird. Mrs. VanDusen will again oc nupy her own rpsidence, vamto W Mrs. Duncan. \Ir. Wm. Field is mming to M1. .109. Plakflys residence the (1!! home of the late Mrs. Geo. Best. Mrs John Osborne. \1 ho has 1mm lixing \\ 1th her daughtei M13 ‘1 J. Stewart, is returning to the \i1- 13:19 to again occupy her own residence vacated bv Mr. Field. Mrs. W. C. Hanley will reside with“ her mother. Mrs. J. H. Jamieson is moving to her mother’s residence. The adult Bible class in the Pres- byterian church re-organized and elected officers on Sunday last as follows: Teacher. Mrs. Rev. A. McVicar; President, Mrs. J. L. Mc- Mullen; Vice Prea., Mrs. A. S. Van- Dusen; Sec. Trea" Mrs. Jos. Rad- ley. Miss Malcolm arm ed on Mondav from St. Marys to take the place of Miss Bell, primary teacher, who leaves this week for the West. ’0 r. and Mrs. Herbeytlfiowe, of TRAVERSTON. FLESHERTON. baseball mate] and Fleshertt THE DURHAM CHRONICLP i Mr. Thos. Phillipa. of Osprey. and two others. had a narrow escape; ,on Saturday night last returning[ Efrom Flesherton Station in Mt, 'Phillips' auto. At the Adams hill ,they met a buggy. and in at»[ tempting to pass. the :maehine} ,swerved down an :embankmenm {colliding with a railway post and" on into the fence. The occupants’ escaped injury. but the machine. ,was badly damaged. ' Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Wright. and Mr. [Frank Duncan are in the city buying new stocks for the corner block. which is undergoing 1m- nrovements this week. Mr. and Mrs. IWrig‘ht motored to the. city. accompanied by Mr. J. A. Boyd. Miss Mabel Boyd and“ Miss Maud Richardson. 1 Bits. Archie Sinclair and little daughter. Margaret, of Teeswuter. are Visiting the farmer‘s parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Hales. Mr. Thos. Chard Was]â€" hbme from Hanover over the week end. Hon. Dr. Sproule and Mrs. Sproule drove over frum Markdale on Sunday to see their old friend. Mrs. 2W. S. Christoe. now visiting here. Mr Geo. Mitchell and son Harv]! paid relathes in the citv 2.1 shoxt ViSit last W eek. Mr. F. “'. Hickling was in the city on business last week end, Anniyemary : services in the Mr. :and Mrs. W. Kirkpatrick. of Mulmur. Visited over the week end with the farmer’s nephew and “he Rev. and Mrs. J. Dudgeon. The death of a man at Wood- stock last week. caused by :hil-J- ren coasting with hand wagons on the sidewalks. should be a lesc-un to the authorities here to stop the practice ‘on our sidewalks to en- dangering and annoying the ped- estrians. Annivemary : services in Methodist. church next Sm when Rev. John Mahan preach. Postmaster Trimble and Mr \X. Phil‘ips took in Durham last week. BLYTH‘S CORNERS. Intended for last week \Irs. Alex. leth has been for a few dass past. and is still. \‘is- iting at the BI\ th home. We are sorry to report that Mr. James McVean. Who has been ailing all summer. has become seriously ill. and very grave hopes are held out for his recovery. Communion service was held in Knox church on Sunday last. Rev. Kendall’s sermon on the occasion was considerably above the aver- age (we thought). Anniversary services. as an- nounced. were held on Sundav last at Orchard Methodist church. We were just permitted to attend the morning service and were much delighted and edified by the Mt. Forest Methodist minister. Mr. Eddy. Unable to attend the en- tertainment on Monday evening. we can’t give particulars. but pre- sume it was a grand success. as it has always been in the past. a tryifig time on the nerves aimâ€"d temper. Silo filling begins in this neigh- borhood on Thursday next. be- ginning at Mr. Alex. Smith’s. ‘Tis The monthly meeting of the Varney Grange held on Friday evening last was. contrary to ex- pectations. a fake. Grand Mas- ter Thos. McNiece was at a threshing that day. and got choked up, and Mr. Jas. Watson took quite seriously ill and could not attend. However. those with did attend didn’t spend their time in play because of the absence of the Master. but discussed at some length, First, our present system of land taxation. which. to our way of thinking. is a most unjust and glaring piece of legisâ€" lation. and tends wholly to relieVe the big land owners of paying their just amount. at the expense of the poor man. Another subject was an agitation for dividing the township into wards. as a' means of having better representation. These two important subjects wil. be brought up again at the Oc- tober meeting. to which all tht members are earnestly requeSt ‘ ‘ to attend and take part. Remem- ber the date. the first Friiev night after the full moon in each month. Much mmpathy is felt and ex: pressed for Messrs. Black 1.111 Macfarlane in their g1eat loss in the recent destructhe fi19.'."e meet \\ 1th such a misfortune mvn‘ he extremelv disheartening. an: the pluck manifested by both 1s highly commendable. 'l'hereaders of this paper will be bleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that sci- once has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh Hall’s Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally. acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the pa- tient strength by building up the constitution, and assisting nature; in doing its work The proprietors: have so much faith in its curative. powers that they offer One Hund-l red Dollars for any case that it; fails to cure 'Send {or list of tea-- timonials; ' Address FJ. CHENEY (30.. l _ Toledo, 0.: PROBABLY THE LITANY. Margot’a first appearance at Sunday school was under the wing 9f her‘Episcqpalian cough); . On 1181' return 8116 was asxeu DOW! "' . she liked Sunday school. ; Simcoe, Sept .2‘°"T°“ yeartg 32’; “It did not amount to much." ' Portsmouth emtentiary. Wi . . ted out .was her vendnct. “A man got up lashes. was t sentence me . nd read so ' . re ‘ «In to Jack Underhxll. a a . ‘rpethgng taut 0.: 3 ”9931.119... 23... ynnnvmtnd of a Ierioul \tipation. Sold b all Druggists, 75c. Take all’s Family Pills for con-; $100 REWARD $100 'was asked ho w 13y. f'.‘+‘§‘+++°r++‘r ’0' “9'4”." “'2 a"? Will ll' 0.000099099099000090099000 09900909009096909000990... +++++++++++u++++++++z ~+:.~m-.++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Ottawa, Sept. 23.-â€"-The date for the East Middlesex by-election has been fixed for Tuesday. October 21. with nominations a week earlier, October 14. Mr. W. B. Harding, of Thorndale. will act as returning officer. The Chateauguay date is Satur- day. October 11, with Anomjnations: BY-ELECTIONS ON OCTOBER :31 on October 4. :1.E.-C_â€" E-fir11bray. of Chateauguay, is the returning officer. \ The East Middlesex seat 's as made \acant by the death of Pete: Elson, Whose majority at the gen- eral election was 681. Mr Frank Glass is the Consenative nom- inee and Mr. R. G. Fisher is the Liberal. \ The (‘hateauguay seat was made vacant by the death of J P. Brown. Liberal. Mr. Brown‘s ma- jority at the eneral election was 40. The seat as never returned any person but one of that poli- tics, the majorities in recent years running as high as 420. In 1908 Mr. Brown’s majorityfias 305. a U‘VVI n; '- m._ 'v .The dates of‘ ééhdthvvfirfiéév and Earth Lanark elections were not fixed. 990090.ooooo§oooooooooo¢ooOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOO0006006000 0:. winners calm 1008 no: mmm oouuou mu IIIDIOAI. ADVISE]! mu. 3: sum run. 0mm mono '0! so 0mm“ stun GOLDEN MEDICAL DISCOVERY “BLOOD IS THICKER'THAN WATER” FALL 1913 Millinery Opening ~ W. BLACK N I run and Bras-s Castings and general Repairing. Feed boilers. Steam fitters supplies. Engines and Threshers. Sash and Doors. Planing and General Wood \Vork. mum. at the bod boayt'owgifia'm SMITH BROS” WEE! HRH! FIRE!!! YEARS, WITH LASERS. \\.f‘I‘!\"llnl; \.X 303? t;«m:10ctn40c. \\X-“4\1‘s«23v 51.2 t“ttt \VC’ TH E DURHAM FOUNDRY For “Quality” Printing Try The Chronicle L. McAULlFFE We invite you all to visit our Show, room on Tuesday and Wednesday September the Ninth and Tenth and following days. 'E\ \S' )‘cnll' (0“!) é‘l"\'111t‘ “'1‘ Has? b 3"!:A“ $1.29) (‘Kl‘l slo‘u' ‘1 l'e M‘UiLg .11 500 each. ILt put yum- mind to wm-k. see what you .. Pump as mm" as possible and pay that I van continue duiug IvusilleSs il' um “r umld uffcl \‘UU. Amung 1.. higtrpw-ed Lanterns «hivh \u emu” mm at 750 each. zmn Ante Handles, ranging m l me great prices (1 fier yuu in Lamps C”. I“. I“. 9“. .“O'N. + I“. Q". + ++ + *0 ONO ONC+ 'H “'P aim-m Markdale...... Alliaton...... ......Oct. ‘2 and 3. Arthur...... ..........Oct 8 and 9. Beeton...... ......Oct. 6 and .' Bradlord...... ...Oct. 21 and 22. Brandt..." ............Oct. ‘2 and 3. Burlington...... ... ....Oct 2. Caledonia..." .. ...Oct 9 and 10. Dundalk ...... .....n....0ct. 9 and 10. Elmval0... .... ... .... .. .-....Oct 1-8. Erin... .. ...Oct. 10 and 1.. Pavel-shun. .. .... .... ... .... ..Oct 8. Flelherton. .. ... ...Oct. 7 0nd 8. Galt...... ”.....Oct 2 and 3 Georgetown... ....Oct 1 and 2. Gorrie... ... ...Oct 4. Grand Valleym ......... "Oct: 21 and 22. Killyth. .. ... ...... ....Oct 2 and 3. Leunin ton. ...... .... ..Oct. 1-3. Lion’s cud... .... ... Oct. 8 uqd g. DATES OF FALL FAIRS I9l3 es slightly d DURHAM, ONT. . ......0ct. 2 and 3. ... ...Oct 8 1nd 9. ...Oct. 14 nod 15. 0H \l net -:-+++~:~+++

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