Dutiea.â€"Six months residence upon and cultivation oi the land in each of three years. A home- eteader may live within nine miles of his homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres, on certain condi- tions. A habitable house is re- quired in every case, except when midence it performed in the vicinity. . In certain districts a home- oteader in good standing may pre- empt a quarter-section along- Iide hil homestgad. Prige $3 per THE sole head of a family. or any male over 18 years old, may homestead a quarter-section of available Dominion land in Mani- toba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. The applicant must appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub-Agency tor the District. Entry by proxy may be made at the office of any Local Agent of Dominion Lands (not sub-agent), on certain conditions, "v acre. Duties.â€"-Six months resi» deuce in each 0! six years from date of homestead entry (includ- ing the time required to earn homestead patent) and 50 acres extra cultivation. The area of cultivation is subject to reduction in case of rough, scrubb or stony land after report by omestead Inspector on application for patent. Notice is hereby given that will not be responsible for debt or debts contracted in name after this dete. DAVID 'nopxms. Lot As, Con. a, w. G. 1 A homesteader who has exhaust- ad his homestead right and- cannot obtain a pre-emption may take a purchased homestead in certain districts. Price. $3 per acre. Dut- ies.-â€"Must reside six months in each 0! three years, cultivate 5_0 Durham. Oct. 9. 1913. Dzruty of the Minister the Interior. N.B.-Unanthorized publication '4! this advertisement will not be paid (onâ€"87085. 2 8 13 SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS ALL PERSONS ARE STRICTLY hrobibited from trespassing or hunting with or without dogs on lots 7 and 8 of the 5th concession of Glenelg â€"A. G. Blair, R. T. Ed- A LARGE. ROOMY DWELLING house; large enough to keep boarders: conveniently situated to all public works; newly dec- orated; cheap rent. Apply to N. McIntyre, Durham. 612 I arms fur Sula BEING 101 as. (0?. s. :«t. I THREE LOTS IN LOWER TOWN on Garatraxa street, close to the cement works. Will be sold reasonably to quick purchaser. Apply to Mrs. T. Finnegan. 1 ONE DUE THE 25th OF THIS month. and one three years old. Apply to T. C. Mc<.‘:irr. Lambton strept. 10 16 3pd GOOD FRAME BARN. SIZE 25x52. with hilt. posts. In good condi- tion. For further infurmatiun apply at The Chronicle Office. 3 LOT 9. cox. o. GLENELG. FOR 5319 cheap: small cash payment. premises are good frame hKuna Irznme barn. and outbuildings' log pig-pen: good well. Apply to Wm. McNally. Ebnrdale P.0. 6123ot! Wards Glenelg. co on premises brick house. promrty: a wood bush, cultivator). W. L} 1., adjoining corporation of aux-1am, containing 15 acres 3 mods, t‘ perches of good and, ali seeded down with tim- othy; good brick house; hard an Bolt water, barn, orchard, chedl. etc. Apply to T. Haskins, or to A. 11. Jackson, Durham. A.\AL. ticulars. Mrs. Jo Athenian-mu of one into 0! lose. 25 cent. for ï¬rst inurflon and mounts brooch onbsoowoot Insaniun than on- inch and under two inches, double the ohove am mnt. Yearly rates on applicant"). ind erect' a house worth PART 01" L01‘ 2.). cos Fï¬ov AST 11 ‘ ‘ Barn For Saw N0tice TU RENT Fur Sale. ows For Sale Native W. W. CORY. OS 1. Durham a a vote argu- can lose lots of 25th OF THIS SMALL ADS. for anv in my 4'24“ am l‘es 43m iThe school is thoroughlv equipped in iteaching ability. in chemical and elec- , trim] supplies and ï¬ttings. etc., fhl' full " Junior Leaving and Matriculation I work. vaw-w'v w» nuvu :' \gent. ' Money to Loan. Issuer of 3 “mm Licenses A general ï¬nancial ; «ms-4 transacted. ; DURHAM ONT. (Lower Town. In the matter of the Estate of John Staples, late of the Township of Glenelg in the County of Grey. Farmer. deceased. NOTICE is hereby given. pursu- ant to Ontario Statutes 1911. Cap. '26. Sec. 55, that all persons having claims against the estate of the said John Staples. who died on or about the 20th day of July A. D. 1913, are required to send by post prepaid or otherwise deliver to J. P. Telford, of the Town of Durham, Solicitor for the Adminis- tratrix, on or before the 24th day of October, 1913, their names, ad- dresses and descriptions and afull statement of particulars of their claims, and the nature of the se- curity, it any, held by them, duly certified, and that after the said day the Administratrix will pro- ceed to distribute the assets of the estate among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which she shall then have notice. THUS. ALLAN. Princi 'l and I’m- vinvial Mndel School eachmu lst (‘Bass Certiï¬cate. In the Surrogate Court of the County of Grey. .. . . , -.... uwuu uuvus uuea HUI. lhv I'm-unlut the School In past years : ugelf to accept the lowest or is n flaum'ing une. The trustees are : tender. progl‘t‘aslVe educationally and s are nor - - By order onus tu see that teachers an pupils. ' ave every advantage for .thg pr .f R' 0' DESROCHERS.‘ per presentation audgacqmstlon 0 . 30°! knowledge. D°pa"m§a‘.££ 2229312'35 mu aouunsox, 0.0., mums. lit was: Chairman. Secret-arv Dartment. Intvn‘liug Studmnts should enter at the hwgmnmg of the term if possible, Board can he obtained at reasonable rates. Dun-ham is a healthy and at- tractive tuwn. making it a most desir- able place for residence. Holstein Conveyancer. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Money to loan at lowest rates, and terms to suit borrower. Fire and Life Insurance placed in thor- oughly reliable compnaies. Deeds, Mortgages, Leases and Wills, executed on shortest notice. All work promptly attended to. Dated the lst day of October A. D. 1913. FFICEâ€"Over J. P. Telfmd's uï¬ice \’ nearly oppnsite the Registr' ntï¬ue. Resldvllce Serum] buns» smut- u! vaistry ofï¬ce on east, side of Albert Slnwt. ()mcv “nuns 9-11 8.111., 2-4 p. m.. 7-“ p. m. 'l‘elvphmw cmumunica- tiun lwiween â€like and residence at all hours. U York Anr? Chit-am. Diana 0! Eye. Ear Nose and Throat. \Vill he at. the Hahn Hmlse, July 2“ Oct. 1%). Nuvmnhpr 16. Dev. 21. Hunt's, ltuf» p.111. ()f’ï¬ve â€"()ve-r Dnnglas’ Jewellerv Store. brlYSlGlAN AND SURGEON, or 1 rice in the New Hunter Block. Uflic: was ‘6 tn 10 a. m. to 4 .p. m. and? 20$- ). m. Special attention given to diseases )f vomeu and children. Residence op ) sit - Presbvtexian Church. .Ate Assistant Roy. London Ophthalmic Hon £13.. and to 6011011 Sq Thmat and Non Hal A. H. Jackson. YOTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSION. er. Conveyancpr. c. Insurance Durham Continuation School )FFIUE J F GRANT.D.D.S.L.D 8 I ONURURADUATE. I'NI"ERSI ty of Toronto. Graduate R0} 5 ‘nllege Dental Sun-genus of Ontario. Dentistry in all its Branches FEES : 81 per month in advance ,' short distance em! of Knapp’s Howl .mb ton. Street, 141.4997 Town. Durban ‘ï¬m hours from 12 tn 3 o’clock .222 5124 WN L. R. C P.. LUNDON. ENG RADULATE of London. New NOTICE TO CREDITORS Administrétrix by her Solicitor, J. P. Telford . lamieson Jamieson. 1m: Asu RESIDENUL . Hutton. M. 0., C. Dr. W. 0. Pickering Dentist. W. J. SHARP Arthur Gun, M. D. ,‘fladim/ Directorv. Den/d! Dz’rectorr Lem! ‘Dz’reclorr. SPECIALIST : 7A3, THROAT . NOSE ELIZA STAPLES, BR. BURT. Over J J. Hunter’s Loin. Issuer of Mar- genernl ï¬nancial busi- hum 41mm! Each tender must be accompan- ied by an accepted cheque on a chartered bank, payable to the order of the Honourable the Min- iater of Public Works, equal to ten per cent. (10 p.c.\ of the amount of the tender, which will be forfeited if the person tendering decline to enter into a contract when called upon to do so, or fail to com- plete the work contracted for. If the tender be not acceJJted, the cheque will be returne . h??? ‘Department does not bind SEALED TENDERS addressed to the undersigned and endorsed “Tender for Harbour Im- provements at Thornbury. Ont." will be received at this oi- fice until 4.00 RM. on Wednesday. October 29, 1913, for the Harbour Improvements at Thornbury, Grey County, Ontario. Plans. specification and form of contract can be seen and forms of tender obtained at this Depart- ment and at the offices of J. G. Sing, Esq., District Engineer, Con- federation Life Building. Toronto, Ont.; J. H. Armstrong, Esq., Dist- rict Engineer, Midland. ()nt., and on application to the Postmaster at Thornbury, Ont. Persons tendering are notified that tenders will not be considered unless made on the printed forms supplied, and signed With their actual signatures, stating their occupations and places of resi- dence. In the case of firms, the actual signature, the nature of the occupation, and place of res- idence of each member of the firm must be given. National Lazy Liver Pills are a sure cure for Constipation. 25¢. a box. zoo perfect relief and I regret very much hat you have not made arrangements to have GIN PILLS on sale in New York and London, as I urgently recom- mend (‘nlN PILLS to friends of my age as being the one thing that does me good. E. G. WOODFORD. If ynur kidneys need help, strengthen them and keep them well with GIN I’ll.LS,â€"â€"the guaranteed cure for Weak Kidneys, Pain in the Back, Bladder Trouble and Rheumatism. 50¢. a boxâ€" 6 for $2.50â€"iuoney back if they fail to relieve. Sent on receipt of price if your dealer does not handle them. Sample hox free on request. National Prng and Chem. Co., of Canada Limited. Toronto. Insurance of All Kinds including Stock Durham The Yorkshire Insur- ance C0.. of York Eng. “Yes. He can" 31“ me tell you something you didn’t knmn But he is always careful to select some subject that you are not sufficient- ly interested in to bother about verifying his statements."â€"W;xsh- ingtdn Star Miss Maudâ€"'C'u-ffug'as the guest of Aberdeen relatives Sunday. “What a remarkable fund of infgg‘matign Bliggins has!†Mrs. Whitmore, of Glenelg, spent one day recently with her daugh- teg‘.‘ Mrs. Robt. Wells. Mr.- and" Mrs. Chas. Reay and Mr. “'m. Reay, who spent the past couple of months out west, return- ed Saturday. They speak well of the West. DII‘S. \Vhitmore. Of Glenelg. qnpn‘r so Broad Street House. London. I bought some of your GIN PILLS _tVictoria,B.C.la$§_Se tember. Imade Eï¬quiï¬es In New Yor on tiny arrival ére but was unable to obtain any information about them. Your remedy, I ï¬nd at 60 years of age, to give me Mr. G. H. Brigham and two sis- ters of Allan Park. spent Sunday with their aunt and uncle. Mr. and Mrs. E. Roseborgugh. Mr. George Adlam went to H513- over on Monday last to Work in the factory there. Mr. and Mrs. 86131). Chittick and children of Lamlash Sundayed with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Vickers. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Torry, of Mulock. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Hunt on Sunday last. Mr, and Mré. Geo. Allen and Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Aljoe of Glenelg. spent last Sunday with their par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. David Donnelly Bin Pills give them the strengfll of youth. W. JOHNSTON Sr. At §_0..._Y§ilr§-_0_f__Age THE KIDNEYS NEED HELP SAFE G R0 ["ND VICKERS. 9’?" York Eng. BEAUTIFUL EYELASHES. ~-_. “*â€" " A There is no doubt that everv 3 including SWCk normal girl, however varied her _-.-___.__w.__. interests and busy her life. is con- cerned with her looks. She Wants TON SP. to look as well as possible, and to , Ont. improve, asf ar as may be, any feature that does not come up to her standard. Some one said once. â€"â€" - » that if you suddenly asked any woman what she most desired on earth her reply would he beauty. That was said long ago, but it is just as true to-day, though since woman‘s sphere has widened greatly, and .she need no longer is addressed to depend on a husband as the sole and endorsed Way of achievmg independence. Harbour Im- Then, pale eyelashes are not be- Thornbury. coming, and it is worth while tak- ve'l at this oi- ing some trouble to improve them. n“ ‘IYAJ..-~Jâ€"â€"- 109 2' Feather beds THE DURHAI CHRONICLE v LVI LICI of a room; thugâ€"31131113†be open space on at least three sides. Sleep is nature’s season pair; the more quiet and u] the sleep, the more per: work. 1 a Turpentine is a sure extermin- ator of bedbngs. Never slaap with the face turned toward the near wall. Never have children habitually sleep with older persons. Pure air is fully as important in sleeping as'in waking hours. “One bed for one person†is the best rule for health and comfort. The best method is to use li-d. This will also tend to darken the lashes. If persisted in regu- larly every day this treatment is practicallv certain to show grati- fying results. One of the best hair growers known is pure vaseline, and it is as effective on the eyelashes as elsewhere. But it must be care- fully applied, as it will inflame the eyeballs if it gets into them. Iron rust on stoves which have not been in use in the summer can easily be removed by going over the parts with coarse sandpaper. afterwards covering,r the places with hot tallow or any warm grease. The next day wash with hot soapsuds in which there is -a liberal supply of kerosene. Fend- ers, grates and stoves can be cleaned in this manner. I Some of ’in tiers so fwhat of a . pearance. ‘quite full, giving 21 hips. it all of a garment at once to make the color uniform. Have the stuff loosely crumpled and stir down instantly With a clean wooden stick. Lift after a few minutes to air, stir down again. and finish according to directions on package of dye used. Woolens to be dyed must not be soaked or boiled, only washed quickly, rins- ed in hot water and squeezed out and put into the dye-pot hot. All lace to be dyed, should first be tacked on a strip of cloth, and al- lowed to remain on until after they have been pressed. 9'!" THE CARE OF STOVES. Dyeing is easy when you know how to go about it.‘ Use cotton or wool dyes, according to the need. But first wash stuffs very clean, Get uneven color out by soaking several hours in suds, or cream of tartar water solution, and boiling clear water, they dye while hot. Have a roomy dye-pot, drop into 6+0 BEDROOM BREVITIES. Restful sleep renews the life. Country butter can be kept sweet for a long time without a refrigerator by placing the butter in a crock and laying over it a clean. white cloth. The latter cover with a thick layer of salt. says the Ladies’ World. When butter is Wanted, fold back the cloth. cut a slice and then can»: as before until all is used. a close;fitting unilerskirt With thâ€"l nvss just below the hips, Below the Short tunics are the long. draped underskirts. develop- ed usually in soft crepe. chaxmeuse faille. brocade or chiffon. There clinging fabrics accentuate the new figure line, which calls for Usually any form of drapery calls for a soft material; but in these new tunics, which take on distended appearance, fabrics With more stiffness are uséal. such as metallic brocades ‘und taffeta silks. When soft silks or trans- parent cloths are used. the edges of the tunics are stiffened by the use of finishing hands of fur. lie ":15 or metallic cloth, some of which are used with the softest variety of wire. As the season advances the m- terest in hip draperies and tunitrs increases. according to the Dry Goods Economist. Some promin- ent manufacturers believe that the short tunic will be stronger than draperies a little later. O\V TO KEEP BUTTER SWEET Hatf Hour With "I he. House Wife 9+9 ‘- HO\V TO DYE CLOTHING. TUNIC‘S ARE IN FAVOR. mo re f Quiet and unbrolggn two or three-piece :- In others, the tunic but in single form. t! decided curve to i the tunics are arrange-:3 that the skirt has Some- more perfect its not only of re- the The manufacture of knixes, the blades of which can be folded within the handle, was introduced into Sheffield in 1650 by.Belgian workmen from the Walloon dis- trict. As a matter of fact, these knives were known by the name of “Jacte-legs," after Jacques of drive about the field. There are also some very in- structive lessons to be learned in this alfalfa field. On one part where the soil is inclined to be light and black potash is needed. and Where We have applied it is splendid strong alfalfa, and where We have not applied it the grasses are coming and the weeds. and the alfalfa is thinner on the ground. The whole field is an experiment station. and every rOd of the way around it is of inter- est. TRAVELLING ON THE MOWER.i / I would rather ride on the seat; of a mowing machine in our al- falfa field than in the finest 1111-. bolstered parlor car on the finest railway train in the world. writes Joseph E. \Ving. in The Breeders“ Gazette. There are indeed mauv- things of interest to be seen from my mower seat. Here I note the place where years back my father laid tile drains. and here again the. place where myself and my broth-' er laid them. The alfalfa is splen- ‘ did there now. Here is the place where we grubbed out a thicket of willows long ago, and here I drove the mower across the old home site, where the old house; stood when I was a little boy. ___ -__.._. v-uep v. VVtVWI. LVAU' m t“. the same will be payable at the Head Oflice in this city end it: Bunches on and after Saturday, the ï¬rst day of N ovembet. 1918. to Ihmholden of n‘eoom of 23rd of October, 1913. By onlet of the Board. Notice is hereby given thet e dividend at the rate of THIRTEEH PER CENT. PER ANNUM upon the capital stock of this Bank has been declared for the quarter ending Blot of October. 1918, end the: In fact, to be worth your salt. you ought to know all that salt is Worth to you. Use it outside more liberally than you do in. For it is easy to get into the habit of eating more salt than is good for you. If there is no other handy, salt is a good, cleanser, especially for scgatch or cut. Many women rub fine salt that has been Wetted till it is slappy into the skin of the face, sponging off with warm water. and claim that it is an immense aid to the complexion. g‘ertainly it is good 3... LL - l‘ for 'tzhe handsâ€".â€" smooth and soft If your throat “tickles" gargle with a salt solution as hot as you can bear it. Many a sore throat would be killed in the be- ginning if you did that. Even‘ when the throat is very sore, salt will help it greatly. If your (1} (3,5 are 't'ii(«1.3111115151-1 “" V“m ‘ ‘ dissohe :1 teasponnful (1f Silt in a glass of water and use it in the ’ F U R N I T U R E eye cup. opening the me and tu111- : ing it around so that the su1‘1'f1m A N D is thmoughlx bathed It is splendid tonic and réfrosher. a :U N D E R T A K I N‘ Then for tired feet a Hot salt soak, followed 13v a dash of cold water, is one of the best things you can use. Of course. you know we couldn’t get along without salt: everyone knows that. But few realize the many uses it has or its value as a daily adjunct to the toilet. Next time you feel all played out and too nervous to sleep try a salt rub. (‘ret into a Warm. not a hot. bath, lie in it for a few min- utes, then stand up and rub your- self thoroughly from neck to feet with handfuls of common cooking salt that you have dampened in a bowl. Lie down in the Warm wa- ter for a moment. then dry your- self with a soft towel. Pile off to bed after that; you won‘t be able to help sleeping. A sponge bafh in the morning in water that has a double handful of kitchen salt dissolved in it is an ex'qellent beginning to the day. ORIGIN OF POCKET KNIVES The new box coat is cut on straight lines and mum ,of them are gn en a touch of brightness by the wdiition of a gay vest. 001131 and cuffs. A wide silk girdle is frequentlv used as a finish, and a belt of leather or the same material as the COat is sometimes used. BOX cons FOR GIRLS THIS ' FALL. Among the fall styles for girls from 12 to 16 years of age is the box coat similar to one in vogue several years ago. Its revival will be an aid to mothers who find it hard to dress the daughter of that age, becomingly. If she has groWn rapidly ,it is particularly difficult to select styles adapted to her figure, which at that age lacks the graceful lines of either the grown woman or the little girl, for she is iust betWeen the two and; wears garments which will rather hide than emphasize the lines of the figure. SALT USED AS A BEXL’TIFIEK vâ€"v-"v-U Allow no harborage to insect} Is nmusumu pests anywhere about the bed, 0"; . EVERY THURSDAY MURNIN! m the apartment 1n \vhxch 1t. standsâ€"or in the entire house for at the Chronicle Printing House. Gm that matter. 3 Street. wholesome and uncomfortable. but they harbor and transit disease. Toronto, 16th Sept-unlit, 1918. other, gntiseptic if pain'rul. a Slight Liege. The GEO. P. SCHOLFIELD, For transient adun 4 Advertiï¬ng cents per line tor th. :1 Elm . tion; 3mm:- pm Hm I- qnont intuition minlon nmuuro u cords not exceeding one inn-h N. on w Advertisements without uuwiflc din. be nublhhed till forbid an I 1 hangout nu Transient notwonâ€" '14 In. "=annd.‘ "I etaâ€"50 cent. for ï¬rst insertion. 2.5 cent-a subsequent insortion. All advertuemonu ordered by Itnug be aid for in advance. Contact rates- tor sonny nivnrnumu uinhod on application to the «like -81.50 may be chargelfit’uiiii '{6 to which «war; sub-criminal in p: the number an tho addreu label and Funeral Director\; mnliuuwl to ull arrears urn PI what: of the proprietor. Subscription Rates . . UN DERTAKERE ’u‘ture Framing rm slu notza’. [HE DURHAM EHHUN Dress Goods 8; Silk new and Stylish Goods Full line uf Cutlwliv Rulws. and and White ( ups for aged {hemp}. GRANT’S AD. TINSMITHING Mr. M. Kress has upmwd a .shup at the rear of thv furnil uw hhuu room and is prt’pnl‘t‘d h) (10 rd} kinds of tinsmithing. UNDERTAKING Undertaking receives spovial uttentiu m Sunw RouMsâ€"A'exl [u S“ Bau-ber Shop. REsan r dourSuu‘lh uf \V. J, Law blacksmith shnp. and all Household Furnishings DURHAM. ONT" EDWARD KRESS “’9 will he pleased to show yuu our goods. don’t be afraid to ask to see them. A large stud; of Ludies' \\'uists. Children’s Mid- dies. Vests etc. In \Vnsh Gum‘s WP lmn Prints, Ginghams, .‘ills lins. Lint-ms. Pivquv. Bvd- fm‘d Curd. Dainty Raps. Shin-tings, Bungalow Net for (‘urlninsx Ladies Misses' :md (‘hildren’u Dresses. In \Vilsll “(unis “'1 Embalming a Specialty Em'run AND Pmmmm'u A. BELL W. IRWIN poet,“ Robert Bun Tat Cummww a any “are“. {NW «1 ’1 ll!p_o_r__yur, paya October 16, 1.013 d 90000000900000.0060. 9.9000000. oo‘ooooooOï¬ 126 I‘LHH 300 Acres 200 Acres til extra gm" nearly prim beats the \\' 300 Acres Ml “'w 16, 1913. LARGI .U : "WW l‘t‘h MUM! 8430 Acre TN" 3 Eight I « In "161‘ Tm )lcl‘. (cs 31¢ House 4| mm the prem. \Vam (ISIC