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Durham Chronicle (1867), 16 Oct 1913, p. 7

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99999 'tioner firocer H ....... October 16 99.9.. In might U undi‘late ' lillinP ball" VDS delihentoq' a partn Pioicing ' with her Mice 1rd P homely P beauty They Women '| man’. 31 W8 .Va heave. hav- ['8 an!) stump} ")2 in ’tlitic H K hallo! If nan U1 las Mr 19 THE ROYAL BANK OF BA‘fiADA Uctobe mum N. 1.0.. m 3473‘ BM .9. 1’ Ov‘védii' »tkwttot)wtt»$®fi»009%DQ33QORBQKNRNCanananfli m. :‘a :7 thief Ranger 0 V Explains Rates lliwussing a letter complaining of v change of have! charged to mem- 1's wlm juined the Inde- ndent Order l"¢.n-v.~tr~rs pl'inr to 13$ . Mr. Steven- ”. [llt',.~'llpl‘t’lllt‘ Chief ranger, states m1 it is Impossible to legislate for «liviellml cams. ”\Vhile it. is most 'gv-uuhlv." he said. that it was annual-V tn place any additional bur- ':|~ upun our sn-(ntllt’d old members, . nthm'coul'se was open unlet, We 1 0“ ',‘.A__ Pt l'utluhit'." he mud. Emu u WM i-s.~;ll'\' tn place any additional bur- ~ upun our sn-(ntiit’d old members, nthm'course was open unieh We 1- tn allnw in)!“ society to drift ifito "-18:45 lmnkruRu-y and resulting in iidatiun. That there will be isolat-l individual cases where hardship. i l'r‘sllit. we have no doubt. and I'll it dues as the result of this action 1 mil' attentiun shall he brought. to ’h raiser. we will endeavor to allevi~ - the» same through nur betwvolenh uh. It. wiil ik‘ nevossau'y, however, li WV ahuuld he made aware ut’ them mum uther means than by anonyo ms lrtters. pen val ntc O : fl I" o 3 d o ‘3 r m 3 n a m u 3 3 3 m 9 u c a c E 6*35 -4 :r cu C3 O i :3 -l c: 2 :3 an :r O ‘ CD 60 0-.- Q q (D f’ 90 3 2.. :7 91 '4- :13" 36v? ~. Inr it thv puhiio generally 3 '!n~ [I Htil NU Ul‘t'\\'1i\iid jmn tht’i 'I .Hi In ('nm'eul th truth would 9 ~ \:.m d. ilishcnvst.’ 2 :A ~ \VJ,“ tlw View uf the Dominion .1 sum. (Ii-pm'tuwm. In a com- '. Minn im'c-ived from the superin- :.1 1' insurance with reference. 1w ~ituatiun he said; It is to be !- V: that ”w prnvisinns 0f the act ‘ ~~ 2'! at llw lust session of the Dom- .wH i’nriizuuent Wiii be adopted by .~ mpwuw Council and the full re- ‘ w tic‘tivi nuy provided for, so that n :z-rxfte-run further changes in the 1 MN will be necessary. If this is done mi tin-assets are carefully mv «‘mi guarded. thfl order for all time \n mid he on a sognd “Mild“ basis. This is what tho act. was intended to rU'cmupiiuh and union “Ii! 0.3.. ‘3 taken by the nupnmem‘ tho glider no new mambo" 9‘ 0: mixed to unit. with an WI . stitution.” ‘; .' ' :. In r_____ 'V‘Vvu-v, -__ _ _ w'm» w- vwmg m in and women are properly trained for H!!-‘HP~H mvn an- rmxlizinq this fact, and cunsequently - ~ . Hi all. ta» plam- uur m'aulu'ttes in high-class sitiutinns. They :x \vhure- thny aw plmeeil lie-cause they are prep wed for responsible \Vlwn \‘Uil rwnumher thwt this College i-s connected with the ll llihinms (‘nilegm Stu-at fun]. and the Ellintt Business COllege. In. tw.» uf thu hwt institutions in the province, ymi will not be «ml wlw We ”hf sin such goal ”units. Ask our students and grad- Wh it w » lllVP ilu'lP for than. and they will say “More than anyone mlol lun- .lmw." Graduate from this College and we will no the ,.-h ml n.‘ Hi it"lVY. ll N rzxrl..\l.\'l.\'u. I View of the comments that are 5 made with reference tn the legis- n enacted by the Forestets at their ll supreme. court meeting, it is W that the public should under- l that what was done. was necess- The situation was that the In mlent Order of Foresters showed 1 an actuarial valuation to have a ' ared with ing 2.5 million dob, all (Tented by the inadequate con- ’ tilOHS of the members who joined .(wiety before 1899. The members joined utter that date paid higher a of assessment which have proved vlt‘l‘tt to provide for the benefits niwd them in tull, and in addition tplus nf $1,725.0tll, one million of l. llls been transferred to lessen mnlwns of the smcalld old mem~ and to that extent permitted :hst'ssntefl'xi against them than -3 otherwise have been necessary.” . ....ri u\ h:ll‘ hfieu (.8.an t0 p.‘1,.. - v A vs ut’ trust. Buumvw Int-n are run a nu nhl» Ln plan». mu' grammars whurv Hwy are placed because ti ‘ l . 16, 1913. ll Ladies Slippers and Oxiords. Misses and Children‘s 9W. , I.“ ll ”I I“ (.1. "\¢\. "dollz'us defici- so-called old 1‘ “ullld have gassed away. '1 111 1111.11 1113 wmnl receive the mum of the-i1 insumnce and the 1. \ wnuld haw been loaded on 1111 llllK'lS Whu mined after 19. 1\ v paid higher rates uno sufllci- 1-». I11 additiun it, would be no. I f: u [.1li8hox1est, to continue to m w members undo-1' thew con- DURHAM BRANC “'e have given some I r store. To quickly hell PM- is very little price It! U THE mums BANK or mm her broken lines hen-9. WITH WHICH IS UNITED , given some lines MOU NT FOREST ONT.‘ mconponnyco was ‘5 White Oxiords. now :19 lines of footwear native tn leav‘e help them out prices are reduced till 9 left. I \V regular $1.73 and ” 00 now $1.00 it" S. HUGH ES, Manager. ‘)‘~.l‘o that there were two alternatives to be pursued; First to enact legislatlon to make the society sound and protect the membership and the public from the t-nnsequences that would follow failure to enact such legislation. Second, to stop soliciting new business, new members, and gointo liquidation. (‘onsidei'ing all the interests involved We deemed it our duty to endeavor to secure the passage of the legislation complained of, and having sue-ceded We feel, notwithstanding the criticisms that are being made. that We simply dist'harged our duty to our society and . to the public.” - ' ' ..--\.l Cn‘lntr wag LU LIIL‘ til! llllw. ="1‘hat criticism would follow was foreseen as indicated by a statement made by the actuary of the Dominion insurance department to the Minister of Finance, from which the following quotation is taken: The deficiency to be made good is-an actual cash (10,-: ficiency. 'l‘his something cannot be created out ot nothing. Hence in the working out of any scheme there will be fierce oppomtion from those who believe they are entitled to receive something for nothing. The. method films“ to carry into effect the re-ad- justment does not require any mem- ber to increase his cash payments to ,the ordei. One hundred and sixty ' thousand members have been paying adequate rates and are not atfected by this legislation.” .Léanrâ€"CZ _/J1_..<_._C/ fizcmx - v’. D n <3 ‘ V-- Alter the Inspection of s’tallions had been completed last fall it Was found that there were quite a number of Stallion owners who, through not up- preciating the value of the Act, or through lack of information did not have their Stallions presented for in- spection when the li‘ispectors were on their routes in the fall. A supple- mentary inspection was held in April to inspect Stallions owned by such men. This made the inspection very thorough. hut, besides causing addi- ltionnl expense, it in some cases, caus- ed considerable delay in having the Enrolment Certificates issued To overcome the necessity of a seeond inspection for the. .sensun of 1914 it was decided at a meeting of the Stal- , . In _'.__l k...:‘ :II tho {'(l L'Ullb'llltlwluu “‘1.-.’ -_ .â€" Enrolnwnt (‘ertificntes issued 'l‘o Iovert-ounce the necessity of a. woundl I“naipection for the .seztson of 1914 it‘ was decided at a uzeetmg of the Stal- lion Enrolment Board held in thP Secretary’s Ufl’ire, Parliament Build- ings, Toronto, on Monday, Sept. 22nd, , that there Would only he one Inspec- :tion of Stallions‘dnring the vear en - ”mg July Slat, 1914, wfiich Inspection will commence about February 17th, .1914. The Inspectors will vlsnt each H-hallinn nwner at his stable, provided Stallion owner that he makes tion to ngt‘gec 1011. lllv .n-v v..- Stallion 01V 111:1 at his stable, plovided that he makes :Vpplicatiuu 1'01 mspec Lion to the Secretary. R. \V. \V ade, on or before Februaxy lst. 1914. It was in the commercial room, and the, talk had turned to hens. “Talk- ing of hens.” remarknd the American, "reminds me of an old hen my dad had on the farm out in Dakota. She would hatch out anything from a ten- nis-ball to a lemon. Why, one day am out nn a niece of ice and_ hatgbed ldlAlJl\I.V s‘v-J. ..\. - _ _ _ '1‘ H E UNTARIU STA LLIUN ACT FUR TH E SEASON" OF 1914 she sat. on a piece 0! out two quarts of but doesn’t cmn_e up to a had “[1 Ln" [arm lulu an. ;,.-_-,____ f wmxld hatch out anythmg from n Len- 3 One “f the oldest, settlers of Arran ni+ball W a 19"“0'” , W by, (""3 day: 3 departed this life on October 3rd, in 3119 SM 011 '1 piece “f ice and” hatchea ' the erson of Francis Hmumell at the out two quarts of but water: ”That ‘ resi 91100 of Harry' Daley 10th con. doesn’t cmne up to a clubjooted hen Eld. Deceased was“) years old. He my 01d mother once had. remarked was born in Farmanagh County, [re- the Irishman. They had been feed- land and was 18 years old when he ing her by mistake on saw dust 19‘ came to Canada. He settled first in stead of oatmeal. W'ell, ear, she land Tecumsh Township, Simcoe County, "'9”? egisand 9“ 0“ thumand when but. moved to ArmnTownnlfip in the they haw ed, b08011“. 839190. f: :2: Pioneer days. His wife predece NEW YORK AGENCY Cor. William and Cedar .5 all and A GOOD HEX. see if you 1' 50c ‘ bitetz~\\'mteloru -- Luau. L‘Ul‘mnu ; Scuuxk be allowed to to remove a c u. ivm from 101 20. 001:.9xand 10, u, m '29, cums. 9 and 10. ! Hullnâ€"-â€"Baelzâ€"-'l‘bat any person or {pt‘I'Nblls unviug over the new Aytoa Q steel m-idge taster than a. walk \\ 111 me § pmaw‘uted according to lawâ€"Ctrrwd. i \thrfwrd -- General. â€" Th2“. after 5 hemmg a. complaint, from Mr. Biasmg E w duxnge to ins properly by water. l that Ulla cuuncu Lake uu action, and I that. Mr. Blasmg may call on the 3 [UWHanP Engineer 11' he deems it au- l HanMin-~Ca1'rled. II‘I , __ L:".‘ ‘ \ Ian-”Its V.-. - -..._. Winlet’u1°dâ€"-Hulinâ€"-â€"'1‘halcouncilloss V Bael'l. and u‘ebert be instructed to see '5 Mr. Henry Mae:~ re repairing road, at 1: late 2‘) and 21, cull. 8, damaged by fire ( 1mm road fence being burnt. ‘. ”lillll“\VlilterI’tl-F-Tllilt councillul ‘ f Baetz be instructed to take lluwn the 8 Wing bridge and remove balance uf- tlle old bridge which hate been l't‘pizwcll by the new alet‘l bridge. The wire lrum the swing bridge Is to be. sold at the auction sale ut Mr. H. H. r‘urtune, ‘ A.» ton. on Thursday, 001. loucill'l'lt‘tl. . HulmwBaetzâ€"fi'l’hat the following ; ‘ accunnts be paid: i Henry B. BUCKBI‘. 65 loads gravel $2.75 ti. alebe, making and painting bl'lls for new steel bridge . . . . . . . ...... MM :1. .\ cUnnalll. 86 uads gravel ..... 4.3” Henry Struader, half cost. of 17 posts . l‘ur railing on [own line of Garrick and ‘ Annuanby ..... . ................. 2.6.3 .Uuuncil meetmm~ at. date ... . . . . . .14.“! Win. Sliuwn, to pay parties repairing road nn town line Egrelnoht and bur. ,nmlmy, our share ............... HAM lJuhl. liol’ermehl, lUli loads gras el and L- 1.00 for Use UI road ............ . . .0550 .1 n. t’etzcld, to pay par ties repairing l. tWU culverts, lot 71, con. A and t5 6.00 E. l’clznld, 97 loads gravel and 1.0“ lur l :nae nI' “NHL... .. .. “5.60 , Henry Ford, 2.5 loads gravel. 1.00 lur. .illst.‘ 0! road, timber Wink. etc. at D. helluphf’a‘ bl‘ltlgt’ .................. 5.75 b Cunrad Fischer, making cement tin, ’ Lu pay parties .................... 14.2..) ’ Mrs. \Valsn, half year's salary (bal- ’ ance) caretaker 'l'p. Hall . . . . ...... 5.00 t A. Blaaing, '2. lambs and 1 sheep Killeu thirds nf which 1"..11553 ’ by (lugs, $173 p Umnnnssioners letting and inspeclnlg ) jubs: b Reeve $5.”), Hulln $1.25, Bactz $5JM, i w mum-a saw, total. . .. . . ..... m 2.3 ' llenry Schilling Lu pay partiee renmv- : lug WUUd jam at lots 2” and 21, cull. ’ l7.............. ....16.50 I ll. Kalil 9 26 inch cement tile for road, " II In his 5 and U, con. 7 .............. 1+.1u‘ “w..-" Manuel Krqu 5 luads gravel and .35 BVen a. daSS‘W Jf plck plough ......... 5.7.) hquan! than th Jacob Fischer on account of tillmg m appraaclles at Kuehler's budge. £00.00 ; DGPfBCt A. Wittlg 138 loads gravel ........ 6M) ; J. Zettler to pay parties rcpau-lug' and th« winter maul, Darrick and Norumnb, 1 well, 21 our share..,... ...,,,,,.._,. Hum») holdinl H. \Veltz tu pay parties keeping up that th winter roald on wwn iliue Darrick and ‘ Nurumuby ..... . . . . . .............. 5.90 ‘ Ed. Kester repairing grader, iwu, S en, .............. ”10.8.31 Wing \Vlndum Glebe to pay parties opening s Hardy channel and filling m washum, and l returni railing eta. lot 6. was. 13mm 14 102.5.) . las-t ni Fred Gerber ll pusts uml 24” teat. rail~ g throng ingl'nrlwldge, lut ll, cons. 13 and ll ing‘ a 5.5.3' hands OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO tile mid 1. U!) fm 1epai1ing Ay tim inidge” 00... o u-.. ..I.. n I; “‘1’. ‘1- .“0v 1). 1".schc.l'd1'a§vilxg plank from Aytou to lot. '55, cans. 7 and 8.... . . . '1'5‘). .1. J. Halpcnny gram. Lu Agricultural ' Sammy .......... .. ......... WM; Henry \Veruer Lu pay purues wpzm- ing hill. lot. 5. con. 6 .............. H. Funun, repairing bridge, lut 22. cons. 13':th 18 ........ ...,....2.UU N. Carson. 5d loads graVel and Work 1912 .......... .. ...2£.5.’; The cmmcil adjourned tu meet in the 'l‘mx'lhhip Hall, Ayum, on Thurs- day, anenmer ltfith, at 1” dclmrk mm. fur general business. ‘ I I I I) 1"‘n""'I.‘ l ‘I '4‘ 'Il" \Vhilethe prospects are that uwnt 3 will be higher in price than ever [ms winter, C tuned goods me much luwer nmv than they have been for 501119 time. thanks w the guod amps and imlepemlmucmmvrs. (JUL-u is selling at three. cans for 2.3 cents in place ml 10 cent-a straight,nud peas at three in- stead uf two cans. as was the case last year. Toumtoes are being sold at tWomtns fur 25 rents, in place of 15 cents each. Salmun will alsu he [chenpew this year, the pack having ‘I'l __ bl..\ -\.||IV "1Il‘k NORMANB'Y COUNCIL bl‘lIL-J \ Iv- --- -‘-_, ' ‘ ‘ chenpe" this year, the pack hu ln-eu very gund. \Vheu the new p arrives m Nuvember, the guns ut best salmon will retail, it 15 expel M21) to 2-l cent: in place of :28 u cvntsaslms been the case tor s‘ time. Prunes, the staple hugâ€"111‘ house dish. will be out of Sight year. the local grulcers state, the . _..-L .- l.‘.x.n | axiom ‘\ :henpe" this year, the pack having been very gund. \Vheu the new park arrives lll Nuveuiber, the cans ut' the best Minion will retail, it is expected M21) to 2-l cent: in place. of 28 to 30 centsaslms been the case for same time. Prunes, the. staple [mending house dish. will be out of sight this year. the local grucers state, the ml- vance in price to the wholesalers being almost double that of last year. Ap‘ plea are not plentiful or of very guml quality. but other fruits will he plt'lltn ifll‘."“0. 5. sun. M EA lf‘O R D (lA M BLE RS SENT- A number of the young men of; the town who have recently been; given to the doubtful pleasure of; gambling were brought before thei Magistrate on Tuesday afternoon and l much to their chagrin made to [my a pretty stiff fine. The proprietors of the premises wherein the get-rich-l quick artists were engaged in their Works wereulso requested. to contri- bute towards the municipal exchequer ‘ the authorities feeling that such praC- l tices should be stmuped out beforel l 0 gaining a foothold in our midst. M it- ‘ r‘)!.. ("A NN El) GUUDS CHEAPER NUNAGENARIAN’S DEATH to [my panties repauriug 5, lot. 71, can. A and t5 6.00 97 loads gravel and 1.00 kw . .5155) 3810mm gravex. . . . . . . .u.w: to pay parties rcpzuriug Garrick and Norumnb, j .......,,.,,.._,_ HAHN} ) pay pan-ties keeping up L on wwn iliue Darrick and ‘ r repairing grader, iwu, 1 ........ 10.8.3 ~ '19? repairing grader, u-ou, ~--- ~* , ,,10.8.3‘~ Wingham, Oct. 7.-â€"â€"While Andrew; :be (,0 pay parties opening 5 Hardy of Turnberry township Was ' l filling in washout. :uidil‘eturning home from W'ingham lot 6. cons. l3 and 14 102.5.) . last night he Was accidentally shot i ' 11 posts and 24” teet. rail~ 2 through the neck, the bullet be-: ge, lot U, cons. l3 and 14 ing a 22-calibre rifle in the ....................... 5.5.1 hands of two young boys. who 'luuds gravel for ceuwm; were hunting at the time. Mr. for repairing washout at } Hardy was rendered unconscious {e...... ...\...4.m for a time through shock. The irawiug plank from Aymn wound is not serious. however. An - ..... 3-: - -......1.;u) investigation is being made. 99990909 090099900 R. H. Fua'rl'xu. THE DURHAM CHRONICLP ”ID "55" rp‘vâ€"‘vâ€" . ’ Heleaves a family of and three sons.--Ubesley 35, Biut'l. 355”“ .10 :0) y panties trunn- ZU and ’1, Lou. ”16.50 “14.40 Cm: 1m. 'eip Prof If you suffer from 'any form 0*: Rheumatism. remember th .xt BHEUMA goes to Work quickly m remove the cause. not simply to relieve the distress. Many years‘ use has demonstrfied that it goes‘ to the seat of the disease and eh] pels the poisonous matterfihroagiy the natural channels-«he kidneys. bowels, liver and skin. ‘ â€"- L ...... 1‘ “For many years I was troun-t led with Rheumatism. also wilhi Bright’s Disease of the Kidheys, I suffered awfully. Tried mam, advertised remedies. After using! your remarkable proparationl RHEUMA, 1 was fully cure-1."-â€"â€"‘ Prof. C. J. Budlong. Sound View.1 Cofin. . ,RHEUMA is guaranteed by Mar--i félrlane a bottle When a man thinks enough of‘ one woman to offer her his heart and hand and places the marria el ring upon her finger, what bri efi is so skeptical as to doubt his assertion of love and his devotionl for all time to come? He takes her from her home folk. where she has been tenderly cared forâ€"where the affection which has been lavished upon her is staunch and true. He leads her through the portal of marriage into an un- known world. \She can never again cross the bridge to care- free maidvenhood. He has led her into a strange path. where her feet may encounter roses growing by the roadside or stumble up against brambles. I_:..,l A: Lnalxonfl uglllllfil. Ulaau ------ There is another kind of husband -â€"those whose affections wane al- most with the honeymoon. The} woo and wed without the earneSI deliberation which, binding them- selves unto another life, should deâ€" mand. The result is two souls with divided thoughts and bowsâ€"â€" two hearts that are drifting apart. Anh“ All might yet be Well if eacn} strove valiantly to overcome this, chouding of love’s star. It is the. nature of wives to be faithful and; to cling to the man to whom they- have sworn allegiance at the altari realization that his heart has been slipping by slow degrees from} them. Aye, they cleave to him. even after the discovery that the husband is by far a different than than the lover‘ whom they thought perfection. ' , It behooves the young woman ' and the man to choose wisely and CHOOSING A film: PARTNER. Hany Rittenger. pmprietur nf the Neusmdt hotel that supplied liquor or. Sunday Septmnher 7th t0 \Vcrner anuwr nf (hash-y, was fined $551) and cnsts, in all 75 57) for infract inn of the Liqnm- Licence Act. License Inspect. . or Allun was put in the lmx and swm'e ‘ that Rittmlger was pruprietm' and as ‘. there was plenty uf proof that liquor l h ad lwen purrlmsvd at his horrl nu ;Suml:t.\'. he was convicted by Magis- l trate Ryan of Aytnn an nld mam 82 ‘1 years Ulll with ll) years' experience «on i the Mngiateriul ll9n7‘h.'-Cllt‘$l9y Enter- prise. Ev‘Coflvwho sell it at 50c. SHOT THROUGH NECK. (‘UH'I‘ H l M $70..» 69“ if“ 'ea‘qh : .3. sASE‘; 9 hieved of : Leuma § 91' U-‘flflg p 11211.1()..1 (' lllt- . 'â€" 1'} \ H’Wm 31V Murâ€" VriuforafruM'fWM“ +‘*++++v+?v++é Q 'i‘ ++++++++++++++++++++++++v+e “ 00000OOOOOOOOOOOOOQQOOOOOO00009009006096090090000969 A GOLDEN MEDICAL WHIUI II“ uwu in I‘m”! nuvvvu [VI vv“ v -- - . - ’ be obtained of 0103an data! tablet form. as well as liquid, and can everywhere or by mail by sending 50 cents in 1: address RN. Pierce. M. 0., Buffalo. N.Y. 00000000 000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000 fliflfifi ‘ Crushed Oats Oat Feed THE COMMON SENSE MEDICAL ADV! :abookotlmmhm Donut-cloth- WWW‘M’ “ “‘“m' IchLVW \‘\' l“) were awakenvd from our slmnbers on the mum. ing nf September 17th. to 536 um- immense stock ul valuable hardware destroyed by fire. “'9 are still awake and are filling up as quickly as pnssiblv. the urge store an tho- nppmite aide uf the street. with at far superinr stock uf Silverware. Hardware, Ennuwlware. av‘d 'l‘iuware. While all this is gaming on. we are ofiering an imuwxm- stnckuf sliglnly damaged gouds at half their value, such as; “Hwy \Vire. Stone Hammers. Spades and Shnveis. C‘mw Ban-s. Carriage Bolts, \Vhimetwe Howks. humming Axum Lnumnu l‘luins. Trace (Mains. Breast (‘huppiug Axes. Loggmg i‘lnins, Trax'e l‘hzuns. Dl‘t'asL Strap Chains, Heavy and Light Hinges and other allitflt‘i tun numerous to memiun. “'9 are well supplied with new and second-hand Stoves and [{angus. Du not furget that we are still handling the vale hunted Happy Thought Ramge. We have a good stock of Feed on hand that we are offering at low prices for the next few weeks as we want to re- duce our stock. If you need feed of any kind call and see us at. the oatmeal mill. lu gmuud feed “9. haxe on hand the folioWillg‘ kinds: - A Human Match Factoq FREE FIRE! FIRE! v++++++++++>>++ . ++...+++++++++++.I++++++++ H Chopped Barley I Feed Oatmeal: DISCOVERY Chopped Oats GIVE!

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