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Durham Chronicle (1867), 6 Nov 1913, p. 2

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The Annual Meeting of the shove society will be held in the New Library on Friday, .Novem- her 7, at 8 pm” for the election ol_olg§cerp end other business. W. W. CORY . 0Imty of the Minister the Interior. ; N.B.-Unauthoriled publication; J! this advertilement will not be paid (onâ€"31085. 2813} obtlin a pro-emption may take a purchaocd homeotead in certain diatricto. Price, $3 per acre. Dut- ioI.-Mnlt mlde six months in «ch 0! three years, cultivate 50 acres and erect a home worth In certain districts a homeâ€"l Iteader in good etanding may pre- empt a quarter-section along-‘ eide hie homeetead. Price 83 per; acre. Dutiee.-Six months reIi-g dance in each 0! Ii: year. from! date 0! homestead entry (includ-[ ing the time required to earn; homestead patent) and 50 acres; extra cultivation. The area on cultivation is subject to reduction~ in case of rough. scrubb or stony! [and alter report by omeetead: Impector on application for! patent. I Durham Horticultural Society â€"-"r "Kaglzwj SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS Notice is hereby given that will not be responsible for a] debt or debts contracted in u nune uten- this date. DAVID HOPKINS, Lot 48, Can. 3, W. G. R.. on the 2nd concession of Bentinck: Samuel Langrill. lot 61; Alexander Hopkins, lot 60; Robert HopkinS, lot 59: Wm. Scarf, lots 57 and 55: Thomas Lawrence, lots 55 and 56: Matthew Campbell, lot 54; Thos. Millikan, lot 53; Alexander Hop-‘ kins, lot .52. Dogs found on these‘ lots are liable to be shot. This! notice stands good for five vparg.‘ All persons are strictly prohib- ited from trespassing, fishing, trapping or hunting, with or without dogs, on the foliowing lots A... AL. A, A LARGE. ROOMY DWELLING house; large enough to keep noarriers: conveniently situated to all public works; newly dec- orated; cheap rent. Apply to N. McIntyre, Durham. 612 ONE DUE THE 25th OF THIS month. and acne three years old. Apply to T. QMcGirr, Lambton street. 1016 3nd LOT 9. CON. 6. GLENELG. FOR THE EAST HALVES OF LOTS 51 and 52. Concession 3, E. G. R.. ‘xlenolg: 100 acres; about (Smiles from Durham. by good gravel road. Easy terms to the right man: title perfect. Apply 0" the promises to Adam Weir, or to J. P. Telford. Durham. 8143m mNG LOT 53. CON. 3, E. G. 8.. kally containing 100 acres: on uremia: are new frame barn. brick house. sheds and outbuild- inzl; tunning C.tream through Property: about 10 acres hard- Wood bush, rest in good state of cultivation. Possession given on NOV. lst. 1913. For further par-j ticulars. apph’ on promises to; Mrs. John Staples. :ural Route! No. 1. Durham. Ont 0440(1th sale cheap: small cash payment. balance secured by mortgage. On premises are good frame houaa frame barn. and outbuildings- log pig-pen: good Well. Apply to Wm. McNaHy, Ebordale P.O. 6123ot! Over “L ADS incn or to... 25 cents for first inuniol our imh and under two inch Ymrly ratn on application. oice to H unters Cows For Sale Farms for Sale. Notice TU RENT .. 9, 1918. cgnus; pmjrn, good for five years. Will kindly at- l w my: "- u. OIIHKI' " HOW do we do it; éE-t a : Holstein Conveyancer, 5W9“: we have made ape S , Inauerot Marriage Licenses. f rarllgements With the b‘ r' :' Money to loan at lowest rates, ’ Titan ‘Weekly, by “’ch G. P».- and terms to suit borrower Fire 11 Ope to Increase our C BentinclrJaUd Life Insurance laced in. r- even attamed at a sacr mughly reliable comppnaiea. Dtelegsnreg‘ular rates. 10969d,5101't88898. Leases and Wills,! We might inform our ‘ ‘executed on shortest notice. All that ’Ithe Weekly Mail an fwr’rk promptly attended to. “’W‘l!’ rrght away, PUbliSh that 1 for any in zny 4 '34 tf “on December 1, 1913.; rent reas- onable. Apply on premises to Wm. John-ton. 3r. 116t! Notice ALL PERSONS ARE STRICTLY prohibited from trespassing or hunting, with or without dogs on Lots 62 and 63, Concession 2: Bentinck.â€"-T. C. Cauldwell. 64 WM. F ROUHARSON. D.D.. ""‘J trm'tive tuwn. making it a mo: ahle place fur residence. The recordnf the School in pa: ia a flattering one. The trust pmg ressn'e. educationally and : ains to see that teachers an ave every advantage for t per presentation and, acquis knowledge. Irillt‘. ALLAN, Principal and vim'ial Mmlel Schonl Teacher. Class ( vl'tificnle. beginning of the term if pas Bunrdcanbe obtainpd at Mun“ THUS. A” VilH‘inl Mud 'l'he- srhnnl is thnrunghlv 9qu teaching ahilitv , in chemical a II It a] supplies and fittings, etc. Junim [waving and Matt-i wmk. ferent departments, men who may grow quickly into better than common laborer’s pay. Enquire! for particulars and send qualifica-g tions to the Collingwood Shim‘ 3 building Co., Collingwood Ont. 4‘ FEES : $1 per month in Durham Continuation School ' 7 ' """u 'V’CIII'.” Meant. Money to L 7M8 Licenses. A 3. mass transacted, DURHAM ONT 1. P. Telford. ' r f ARRISTEL, SULICITOR. ETC 1 . ()flice. nearly opposite the Regisfry' office. Lambton 3t..Durham. Anyamoum . n munev to Man at 5 per cent. on farm O’Brnflrhr ampertv. _ _ v -v - v “JUUL‘ ty of Toronto. (glradugto Roya -‘Iollago Dental Surgeons of Ontano. Dentistry in all its Branches. ()mccvâ€"Over Douglas’ Jewellerv Stem»- * Jackson. \YOTARY PUBLIC COMMISSION 9' Con In. .. "vuYey’F'mP' C. lnsunrm House for Rent (V RADULATE of I York And Chicago Discuss 0! Eye. Bar B \Vill “P at the H: 2” 0M. 19. Nnvmu Hunt's. 1 m5 n.m- )l' 5103 um 415.913th Roy 50‘. and to Gallon them the New Hunter Block Office murs 8 I0 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. and 7 2.0% 3. m. Special attention given to disaaw~2 3!” women and children Residence up I )osite Presbvterian Church. ‘ PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON m i i v ,. ’FFICE ~Over J. P. Telford’s office \ nearly opposite the Registry office. Residence Second bnuse south ut Registry office on east side of Albert Street. Office Hollis 9-11 21,111., 2-4 p. 11).. 7-9 p. m. Telephone cmnmunicn» [inn between Oflir'e and residence at all hnm's. {ONOR GRADUATE. UNI‘ «A3 fnnoAT NOSE w, me vrl'ul __ a: . 13m WN rates on application. 1. 6. Hutton, M. D., C ___ Mr. Neil Igack was assisting A. . ‘ . . " ;G. Blair to i the trenches f are. Jameson Jameson. 3 “r (thewaterâ€"pipes to be laid from i-‘i‘ICB AND RESIDENCE A'hisnewly-drilled well into the shurt distance and of Kuapp’s Hotel: home and to the barn- unb tun Street, Lower TOWn, Durham, Miss Katie DOddS and her broth- t;..ahl)hf§ from 12m ln'clock er Will. of Rprkplnv mm.” ‘1. Dr. Legal ‘Dz'redon’ (fha ll'flltll). Den/a1 Directory Arthur Gun, M. D. Madiral Directorv . nt Roy. London Uphthalmxc Hos )«pllen Sq. Throat and N0“ 803 SPECIALIST: 2 the Hahn Hume, July November 16. Dev. 2], p.m. . SHARP DR. BURT. IUUI In past, years The trufiees are .LONDON.ENG "V' 9 UU. ‘nsur‘nce Loan. Issuer of Mar~ Renata] financial busi- . (Lower Town.) Ear Nose .nd Throat V and spare no {3, etc" fur full i Matriculation : my and at- a most desir- ‘. RAMAGE Secretm'v ad Vance equipped in met at the I possible. reasonable London. N Insurance '1'”- lat, r-“ A SORRY FLIGHT. ! Police court cases often contair Y3better sermons than the average ,pulpit can provide. The pathos n’and pity of the shady side of this e.humdrum World are often shown 3 A recent case in Detroit. where 4 Mrs. Mary Griffin sued her hus- - band :for non-support. serves to ' illustrate the. case very clearly. The woman hasa family of seven children, and states that if she could only have $5 a Week she lwould be able to keep them. as she lworks hard herself. Here is an I extract from the report of the ,.nroceedings: Griffin denied that ”he. drank mOre than “a couple 'ofl '{drinks a wee',” until his Wife. ileaning forward ‘ ° :voice trembling. her thin ' I face , flushed, accused him: “Joe Grif- .; fin, .you know that’s not so ,ed day and night to :and for you. Yes. I did. :Joe, don’t deny it, it’s fyou know it. You know how I starved myself for meat so. I could have it to put in your . llunch box, don’t yo‘u, Joe, and . lthfp how YOU’d come hnmn A-....I-m . 581”; â€"vâ€"--CI.’ U; l ren have been held Nine years? Hardly. of a drunken man re the street is bad enou the misery and shame Luucn 00x, don’t you, JOE; and then how you’d come home drunk?’ If the man in the case could pos- Insurance _ "J , yuuzlfill a new serial story ,by Conan Doyle, “The Poison Belt.” which is equal to the best from the pen of that gifted Writer. Send or bying all orders to I Weekly Mail and Empire {till January 1, 1915, for $1.75 'rangements "with the big Metro- politan *Weekly, by Which both of us hnnn fn :nn_---_ - .. ” __- _--- v. “u at. [.116 08211)- .ning of a big offer. ‘ f We now submit a similar ad- .‘vantage to everyone within the zone of our possible circulation. 1 ° ° .- .We Wlll me our paper and The ’ Empire from now Readers Are Requested to Emulate" His Example. ,early subscriber. He gets the big' end of the stick by sending or} bringing in his order at the begin- ning of a big offer. , i .l On Wednesday of last Week. at. Nth-e home of her uncle. Mr. John McKechnie of the 11th concession. ‘;Miss Sarah Flora McArthur was ,wedded to Mr. Archie McLean. of lBentinck, the ceremony being per- ,fformed by the Rev. N. McC‘aus- ‘land. of the Baptist church. Dur- ;ham. in the presence of a few near relatives and close friends. ,‘The bride is one of Glenelg’s most ,ipopular daughters and has‘ taken {a very active and prominent p.13 [in the work of the Sunday school ‘and the church Of the Baptists .on that line. At social gathering-s. ,‘picnics. barn raisings. feasts. she ihas been a ready helper and lead- 'er :and her sunny ways \von her :‘hosts of friends. who unite in 'wishing her and her handsome ihuhhy every joy in the fine. old home. _ _ ,,.-.,.,.t.mnr young farmer Inf the 10th concession. to M' {Sadie YOUDR‘. eldest daughter of {councillor Young. The ceremony ’over. they took the train for 'Toronto. and after 5 ' days .with relatives, have , led. and are easily settled. The [fair bride is a clever homemaker. a talented maiden. and the best wishes of ‘a Wide circle of friends land associates are being extended ito them. lin. a pmgressive young of the 10th concession. to Mis; Sadie Young. eldest daughter 0 councillor Young. The n..m.m.,m in Will. of Berkeley, spent first of the week at gr Firth’s at Zion’s 'Corners. SJ 'grown into a Winsome mai _ n-“ll\§!lll a] . Firth’s at Zion’s 'Corners. She has e 'grOWn into a Winsome maiden. ‘ Most of our farmers are in a Reav. quandary 'to know what to ‘1“l'1‘nrf‘v with their lousy SWede turnips. and? Anyone who was late in sowing Mrs- escaped the pest. . , wife . A ‘happfi: unmn took “12100 :n fhn‘ . ’? ‘I‘RAVERS’I‘ONa i Intended for last week. q A happy Hallowe’en! Pumpk'ns .are scarce hereabou-ts. so mag'c lights and tempting pies will be :a rarity. ’ Miss Jessie Peters leaves fur 'Tornnto on Friday to spend he ,winter there. of All Kinds including Stock lack of anyâ€" G 11919}! Mere otfier term ury, muuuy 01 seven child; been held ? Hardly, The THE EARLY BIRD use very clearly.I a family of seven ates that if she! 1393 often contain than the average ide. The pathos shady Side of this are often shown st to the ease and 3 so apparent in 1ds. who unite in and \her handsome jov in the fine. 01d web 'of the Baptists family \‘i At social gathering-s. PMS. Mr. raisings. feasts, she 0f Glenel; 3d." helper and lead- Mr. :and MW Ways Won hm. couple of ds. Who unite in H‘mm'er =1 and :her_ handsome' Mrs, J0] UP circulation sacrifice of THE DURHAM CHRONICLE grandpa AL" |la‘a Born.â€"At New Liskeard, on Sun- day, October 26, to Mr. and Mrs. Jae. , Armstrong, a daughter. granddaughter to Mrs. Pedlar of this place. Mrs. Howard Armstrong of Tor- onto was the guest of Mrs. W. A. Mrs. J. H. Jamieson of this place has again leased her farm on the 8th concession to er. Dave Genoa. the f()_r:r_ne_r ‘tenant. Mrs. W. Kelleher of Toronto vis- ited her cousin. Mrs. P. Quigg, last week. Mrs. Kelleher re- turned recently from a visit to the place of her birth in Ireland. and had much that Was interesting to relate respecting the scenes of he_r_ childhood. paid a short visit last week. from outside points are Herb. Smith, Frank Whitmore, Ashley Faxvcett, Rnht. McMullen, Jack Cairns. Jasper and Robt. Stuart. and Hugh Smith, cook. Rev. .W. A. Sinclair of Rocklyn paid his parents here a short vi§it last week. Mrs Sulln'hn, 1 -- ...-u\.lll("l Ut‘fll. mamtained fairly V " ' Mrs. W'. A. Armstrong and daughters entertained about 30 young people masquerade party ' Mrs. R. H. Goldhawk ' s the the _--. \Au-‘lo \,u11. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. All 01;: Sundayed with M] David Dmmelly. Mr. and Mrs. Roy V guests of Mr. and Vickers of town. Sunda Mr. and Mrs. Herb H ed the Laidlaw-King ‘ Hanover last week. Miss Maud Cuff spel giving With relatiqu .' annver after spend-; ’eeks with' _ rry. ' . Ted Vickers of Durham. were guests in this vicin-f Rock Mills I Mrs. Reay was ,wife and mother :ready to lend a time of trouble. much missed in t In religion. she England. Rev. W ficiated at house torment took pla afternoon to D To the sorrowing family We extem sympathy. I It is our ad duty to chronicle the death of Mrs. John ‘Reay. who was fatally injured by coming into collision with ' 28. The unfortunate Woman The deceased lady was 49 years of age, and 2-8 years ago was married to Mr. John Reay. - n I who survives. together with sewn; children. as {oll'n'sr Mrs. Grit! “'ise. Mrs. Roy Viekers. H'irrv.‘ George. Annie. Myrtle and Fred- die. at home. besides an aged mother. She also leaves two sisâ€"j ters. Martha Torry. and Mrs. Pre’i‘ Rely. and three hmrhm-c run“ It is Intended for ffichaxdsqq of ' Forontn 'Marshal] u ul llCtl of her 81.8}91‘. Mrs. beginning of this Mrs. ‘Ben _(‘0uttts .‘L- -1 Cuff spent Thanks- relatives in Toronto. “Wing husband extend our ( by ti); talent e pastor, -39"- A place last Saturdav to Durham cemeten". ,A".: A -- . - at his old home (3‘99. éllen of VICKER S. . 8aneg Vlâ€"tzist Pf Durham guuL. Hunt attend- g “odding in latt'er’g last Week “11”)“ ()n earnestly 'ickers wen. DIPS. Ted and Mrs prgd: brothers. John: . and “'illiam Thursdav 1 and deepest the eur, and par. 1‘ .Another vagrant mud-turtle dxsc-overed on a farm of an. T W0 n THE POORHOUSE. The poorhouse. naked. grim and bare. stands in a valley luW; and ' most of us are headed there as ; fast as we can go. The paupers sit behind the gate. a solemn ‘ thing to see, and there all pa- ! tiently they wait. and Wait for you and me. We come. We come. 0] ’ sad-eyed wrecks. we‘re coming ' with a Will! We’re all in debt up ' to our necks. and going deeperi ' still! We’re buying things We. ' can’t afford. and mock the old-' time way of salting doWn a littlei hoard against the rainy day. No' more afoot the poor man roams: in : gorgeous car he scoots! We‘ve; mortgages upon our homes. our; furniture, our boots. We’ve ban- ished all the ancient cares. Wed paint the country red. We live like. drunken millionaires and never; look ahead. The paupers. on the poorhouse lawns are waiting in a group; they know We’ll all be; there anon to share their cabbage: soup; they see us in our costly garb. and say, “Their course' is brief: 3% see the. harbinger-s that harb of bankruptcy and grief." Be patient. paupers. for a span, ye friendless men and dames! We‘re coming. blithely as .we 'can. to - join you in your games!â€"Walt“ Mason. W a S fin The aDDI‘OaChing Session of Dom- inion Parliament will see the in- 1* auguration of the new parcel post in . inhone message to the local merch- % ant will bring an article by the ,next mail and will save many trips v to town. r I 1 The Chronicle has arranged with lThe Toronto Daily World to club " the two publications, and those :1 subscribing now will receive both .papers until the lst of January, 11915, for less than the price of. - one year’s subscription. These two 1 papers will be mailed to you to the llst January, 1915, for $3.50. Sends f your subscription order in now and; ‘take advantage of the longer; L, period. ( We have also arranged with The "World to include The Sunday ,World, the big five-section, week- end newspaper, printed in colors. ,and with a very handsomely got- ‘ ten up illustrated section. This 1 will be clubbed with The Chronicle for 01.75 additional. Thus for $5.25 ‘ Week-end newspaper, The Sundayi World. The entire three for $5.25. l The extension of the routes has wonderfully the number of newspapt and many rural resident: merly did not take any all now subscribe for bc local Weekly paper an newspaper as well. “MARKED” " an a farm at Govern- not long ago. Carved nsxon of the rural mail! Full lineoanLhnli Wonderfully increased . and white (ups fm r of newspaper readers. , '“ rural residents who for-1‘ Embalmlng i not take any paper at m ana mock the 01d- Ilting doWn a little the rainv day. No poor man roams: in he scoots! We‘ve MUD-TIYRTLES the name . B} In vestigatjon take any paper both their and a daily Was KingstSEfth' pmved the carving to have done 28 AND o U NDERTAKIN Dress Goods 8; Silk new and Stylish Goods GRANT’S AD. v \‘II"F " qmt inaefltou minion ”H‘J~ . not exceeding one in”.- Ldvortioomoms without Ohm" be published till forbid u I I‘mnsioat nonconâ€" 'L« an. " Fo auxâ€"50 cent. for first face subsequent innortion. Allodyemnemonts ordomd In f Advertising : Bates . the number on the addru continued to 3" arm” 0 mum of the proprietur. -- -”-. II. he mid for in up Subscription THE an)" Full line Offll'fnthnlit Huh Prints. (iinghams, Mus- lins. Linens. Pivque. Bed- furd Cord. Dainty Raps. Shirt i ngs, Bungalow Net for (Tm-wins. Ladies' Misses' and Children's Dresses. Rates In \VnSh (fund At the Chronicle Printing Haul Street. SHOW HunMS'â€"vit t. Barber-Shop. REMIN- dom‘ South nf \V. J blacksmith shop. ca’ViDR to have In Band previously, '1" WI!) cred about {01: I" °m81__habttatiox “I... n- Em'ruu mm P I rate:- tor yany ad‘s.- application b the om”. afraid to ask to '1 Mi Vanco‘ Novena her W“ found n85. d Ind Gun. rim iol; We ha \' KRESS “H a Ill no ‘ t4 ) '08 0U {90- ' “' | L bunlhl { ‘5" in H ' Snap n‘i“‘jk§ .t MW“ |g§_ ("1' den. K‘ $33M- Aore‘ PFC ARGI‘ 1913. luv-r mm“! pru Acre s Bo Fi m (‘umdl 61! P933. u! at \V ( 11 u n agrin the SC \\ Three Canadian ()rt \\l HI ‘2‘ Jim w W \V ‘ House ("3 MUM umfurt 50:1“. Yul} ‘ Ill wet. Ham D. Agent “mired Ham“ atil

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