West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 6 Nov 1913, p. 3

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\RD nsmi T’S AD. In Mt nu ‘ "‘3 3' Specialty H IRWIN Ill- Prawns-'1 {l M7):\' m up DP! "f 1'5“ ”semen. flame" wooo IS VALUABLE X About Spring? ores c083 anadian Pacific Railway Time Table ~ . ‘ ll._" .“.|"' “.u|ll ~ ': n, Wt’h’but-(.':'J«'V"8. ix 1- 8.39- _ hree a *3 (LL Mica: , "W "NM .~ _. w. .m mum). D. C 6, 1913. T he Right Wax to ’curin the VVeekwâ€"a \ sc Comfort Soap 0m by' which 48 n11 “0 moved. She was 33 19‘" and had been in poor 5“” 91'". hard J. TOWNER Dewt mm B. GUN. T One of the 383‘ Investmeafi 5“ Houses l0! >§ i‘t B ’C”av U“ the I“ be l“ w i“ arriv .31 further N UL ll‘ III! leave Durham [.V. \V d Frau“ Listovvel. one of rth. Extra gnond water m Slahlv. ell). Lot 30. Con. yes, 8“ Pictured. 20 -Hnuse. Cheap ||n()t)t .....o‘.OO.“ \Vl “(HEY 1'0 LEN!) Hannvel‘ Allan Park h B‘OI’k9 little hi! 5;. W ”hunch. 6 Mu r the‘ price of one Stone and Brick mundeh’d hunsesA. l A"? n hunt a Pun?“ Ill - and depart noticez~ w... .“W‘ 111181 Fau'm. Ba! nu Ht \Vllt rton AI Hill " LII hinY1 {fig patch“. 5‘ (:0. "can. fit m1 H d mty hm land fn ut fair f wing lm yil. w Farm wort h '1‘ «3th alt Dm Agent ’vn A20" SUNDAY Dufi'. . P. A80“- Toront- .‘l M H UH HS m.. 30‘ PLANING MILLS Good Substitutes Found Vanishing Oak of Over 1,200 wood-using Ontario contributed the bulletin on this industry Forestry Branch. Ottawa different kinds 0! Wood these industries. ‘ -__-.. n The buhetin sno poverty of Ontario more Valuable wm half of the thirty-t used are obtained outside sources and The undersigned beg: announce to rvsidents Durham and sun-(mm cuunu'y. that be has Planning Mill and PM: vmuplvtvd and is per Lu take order Of more) Intern-m ; sumer 0f wond-produ lights thrown on the f Iututlng (-hvap home the expensive foreign tests made of their ties havo demonstrai Always on Hand At Right Prices. fished the IPA: 1:1 L ‘ ' w: 11 known player‘ with Nevfl‘e Poster of: . Golf Hub and \V@ of Newton Green Golf Club _' muld not play from Forest ‘ 'borough over Woodland Heather. over several *steep hills. a. bout eight miles, in 360 distance of 3 strokes. The teat, however w“ w- complished in 184 strokes without the a--. M a single ball. Two play fr. 011-983 5A5“, DOORS -_ and all kinds M "- House Fittings loss of A Belgian 11“ (or cutting me oxygen-acetylene hydrogen ‘1‘ p" ustom Sawing Promptl." At' tended T“ )YI' ignvd begs to rvsidents of surrmlndlng t he has his Freak poâ€"â€" tod-using industries in uted the data for an industry issg‘ed by the uubstancel. md For Rapld'Y' of Ontario ‘5 Gctf Games Thirty-tour are used by rm] laboratories (of Pro- at the Polytechnic I s undertook m1 to Littlestone- about thirty-aw as . They actua’W per in 1.087 strokes, can (. vil’e Foster 0! ma Weekly Post. Mr. W. A. merly of Binton, Warwick: Canada as a land of am the man willing to work. his son and two dough positions all together in fruit district. Here ls ‘ about it: Even wminfi value asents BU‘UUL It. . $10.20 per wees 0 each per week; hours per day. Here we work ten hours per day and six days per week. and I must say that l have worked a lot harder and l ’for my $4.00, with 8 cents stopped for 'lnsurance, than I do out here for $10.20 and nothing stopped. I must also say that there is plenty of work out here for anybody who will work; and good pay. We could have had five or six places at the offices in less ‘ han an hour, but we would take only 0-1.“; gn-n U'DVItbdflthat “v38 to be all atisfied 86‘ leoflv “u“ -_ also say that-there is plenty out here for anybody who w and good pay. We could 1 five or six places at the office than an hour, but we would ‘ what we wantedâ€"that was together. We like it and a well. CANADA’S BEST ASSET England, but let me tell you they are wrong altogether. All that is wanted out here is steady men who will keep on working steadily for their ten hours. During the time I have been here 1. have not had a solitary word of corn- it plaint made to me; therefore, you see :the different-e between Canada and ‘9 England again. i “it is a splendid country, far more ;so than England. We are close to ‘Lake Ontario. the largest lake in li“anada. and I must say it is grand. " You think you hve a large fruit ’coun T; try in England, but you only want to H see it round here. between Lake On- tario and Lake Erie, to know what a ifrnit country is like. ‘ “No man need fear coming out to \ l H'annda. for he can have work in less lands if he I? than two hours lafter he 5.. liktn.” "3K It“ ”Mm, Ontario leads among the provinces rt\'-fi‘~‘*" as having the greatest percentage of pfua‘w-iperuons fin» years of age and over 1mg.» 1 t reading and writing. 0f rrlw Eastern provinces Quebec has the areatest proportionate ln- .. the past ten years in the. ,â€" : who can read and write. That the educathmal standard of the British Immigrant has improved in recent oodlandu , . vears ts evidenced by the fact that hllls. a . . _ m 350 thelr proportion of tlllterates ls smut. It method 9" and is fairly level for all the to the provinces. being highest for both ._.. sexes in Manitoba. Not Knox n For Years But a Rarity An oldâ€"timer street noticed pavement. __ F ‘Aii old~timwr pissing along a Raging g worketh no ill to ",5 "a meet notwuipan "'i1.n}’“0rni on title 5 not conformed to this ‘ ‘ 1. 1'). ' (r t > . ‘ {mums-mt. rouuutis a. simt (is itrausflgurod by the rem .ztnce, it 3“ suddenly dawned on him! - . . , - » aminds. proving the good that it “as something out of the or- bl rd "rfect will of (‘ Cinary and St'i'z‘t'd with the happy 3 9‘“ 1": H ‘1 thought that it might bo one of a few } 1'2. “L 0" a ‘l t‘ “l“ of the only survivors of the species '. the Lord Jesus Chm“ 3“ in the West. he returned and trans- provision 7”? ”19 ““311 lusts (Rom. xiii. 14L It torred it to a nearby lawn. Passing as His redeemed. “Not 1 up the street a littie further, however. several earthworms, and; (Lesson verses 7-9; Gal. he noticed their presem'o in the district struck xv, 1o; [1 Cor. iv. 10. 11; ,‘ ,11A th€nn ‘ A ("-an (“fl‘lCU‘tY “"tb t , LU. ‘5 their presenve in the UlSU‘lCL sum“ , v . him as a wry remarkable thing. l A great dimculty with believers gen- This gentleman had been a resident l orally Is the judging of others; the de- . Saskatchewan for fine” years or sire and attempt to put others right more. During ‘a large part of that while we are not right ourselves: the time he had been engaged in agricul- fancied bean) in another's eye with tural pursuits, and in all that time , he did not remember having seen such only a mote in 0‘" ovm. Id a worm in any part of the Province. It would be well for us K we W0“ Several other residents reported hav- ing seen a few fishworms lately. lsomething whit-h they neVer saw be- :fore. ‘ Earthworms inhabit nearly all parts ed; more occupied with to whom alone i . -L.. H...“ “mm mp frozen regions whom we have to (in. . 4--.: ne n'hncl more (verse 13). but to search and try ourselves until we get more right with ed and spirit till God; more self enmti Him Witt 10115. of high latitudes and altitudes. dry ‘sandy soils and portions of the North Amerk an prairies. It is recognized by to the present they iand why they should be getting com- I‘mon is not known. One reason given .ls that the climate is becoming milder. FISHWJ'T7MS H Like E‘verything E|se They Dust For many years the world has been baffled by the problem of where the pins go that - . ‘ ' of millions by the pint factories. But the pl‘oblem'seems to have been solved at last. A Paris scientist, Din. Xavier, has been experimenting on pins. hairpins, and needles by the simple process of watching a few. He states that they practically disappear into thin air. by changing into ferrous l oxide, a brownish rust that soon blows away in dust. An ordinary hairpin took only 154 days to blow away. A steel nib lasted just under fifteen months. A common ipin tool; eighteen months to vanish. 'A polished steel needle defied the. 'ravages of the atmosphere longest, taking two and a halt ears to disapear. , So the reason why the world is not . a foot deep in the pins it buys is. it :‘seems. exactly the same which makes . an iron surface scale off when eltposed for a long time to the atmOSphere without the protection of paint. i i i U Sewers Like Thu BrIton Who Writes Ham taking two nuu So the reasm a foot deep in seems, exactly an iron surface for a long tin without the pr: l lltl'c I Big Land Owners were. a ‘ h member of the judgment in 1 Cor. til. 11-15. and t a Mr. Umhwalte. a ' f w a British House of Commons, during the . thought of the possllnllty 0 a a ted l a to be burned. even debate on the Rural Cottages Bill. l lite. 0f work gm? an intpresting table of the little though we ourselves be saved. should patches ct land held by membfim 0‘ . lead us to try every the: House of Lords. Here it is: ‘ “on. W‘“ lt 9‘91“ the Lord? 28 Dukes held 4.000.000 acres. i beside us on our wt! 31 zlurquesscs hold 1 500,000 acres. ' ”mega Chm doth m"" 19'. Bar‘s hold 5,862,090 acres. 5 That " my 1... upon an all M .1. 2:0 Viscounts and _ Barons hold l “but than. an m arm!” 3.784.000 acre't. _- A- AAA AAA -A.‘ Education in Canada Ontario leads among the 13 having the greatest perce‘ to the Birmingham Mr. W. A. Starch, for- n. Warwickahire, praises two daughters secured “1. -n ’fi Tn the Niagara is what he says Ldld 15.000009 um- Not Now ‘Lesson VLâ€"Fourth Quart”, For SUNDAY SCHOOL. End In THE lNTERNATlONAL SERIES. that 1n the first epistle the w: uw ‘l‘t’lll. ‘III. I. v-. will «hunters of this epistle the way ners is very plainly se . follows the special l<rziel portion (chap- ters 9 to ill. and then from chapter 12 We have the life that should be lived by the redeemed. the life of love which worketh no ill to his neighbor. a life' but not vonl‘nrmed to this 9V” age, transfignred by the renewing of our minds. proving the good and 3009M.- able and perfect will of (led (Rom. xii. r 1, 2: xiii. 10). a life making manifest - the Lord Jesus Christ and making no provision fur the flesh to fulfill its lusts (Rum xiii. Hi. It must ever be. as His redeemed. “Nut 1. but Christ.” 11' nnnnn vxxl'uuk‘ 7-9: (33‘. ii. 2“; ‘ C0!- we must give account auu ill. “mm- ‘ judgment seat we must stand as His ; I redeemed ones to give account of our- ; selves as His stewards (verses 10-12; I '- Pet. iv. 10; 1 Cor. iv. ll. This brings up the whole question of i salvation and service. We are justl-E fled freely by His grace. through the j redemption that is in Christ Jesus But ; We are saved to serve the living and is true God. while we wait for His Son ‘ from heaven. and for the kingdom of 2’ God. whirl) is not meat and drink. but ‘ righteousness and peace and joy in the ‘ . Holy Ghost, manifesting in our lives day by day something of that right- eousness and peace and joy (Verses 17. 18; Rom iii. 24'. 1 Times i. U-lm. There is no comielunatiun to them that are in Christ Jesus. and we shall not come into judgment for our sins. i because they are blotted out and shall 3 not be remembered (Ruin. viii. 1; John 5 iv, 24; lsa. xiiii. 25:: but the judg- ’ meht seat of Christ. mentioned only in verse 10 and Il Cor v. 10. is for he- lievers. saved people. to give arconht of their service. their stewardship and to receive their appointments in His kingdom. that they may come with '. Him to jUdge the nations and to reign with Him while lie shall sah vi things unto Himself (1 Cor. vi. 2: xv. ii 23-28). We must distinguish between I l l l l. 'H' the three judgments yet future; that "i for believers only when we meet 0‘“ lgment of "" Lord in the air; then the ju. the natlons with reference to their treatment of Israel. when He shall for believers um) u.“ Lord in the air; then t the nations with reference to tiwir treatment of Israel, when He shall come in His glory, bringing: His saints with Him. at which time lsruei shall be saved as a nation. and the devil shall he bound for :1 thousand years (Matt. xxv, 31; Rev. XX). both of these he beginning of the judgments at t thousand years; then at the end of the thousand years. the great white throne tor the rest of the dead who took no part in the first resurrection (Rev. xx». Not seeing the differe thwe three judgments. we are con- stantly hearing and reading of the great white throne before which all must appear, which is most unscrip- turai and misleading a The judgment of our [3 the first at these. for judgment beâ€" .. gins at the house of God (1 Pet. tv. 3 “Ti. and onty the redeem there. There is much iight upon this i ' judgment In 1 Cor. tit. 11-15. and the 1 ' thought of the possibility of n wanted 1 to be burned. «at ' 1 ' though we onrseivee be on he judgment of thought}! the possihimy life. of works to be I though we oursetves be 1 lead us to try everything I" vu- be wen for us if we would ot to judge one another any 2 13). but to search and try util we get more right with self emptied and spirit fill- occupied with Him with have to (in. to whom alone give account and at whose seat we must stand as His mes to give account of our- Iin stewards (verses 10-12; I Q 9 5.0 a.“ our store. there is Having taken implvnwnts fur patronage. “'9. [my heafure exam a full line of DAN CUPID KNOWS nu NATIONAL LINES. A .gay Lothario living in St. Patrick’s Ward. became smitten with a young lady residing with her parents on Oliver street. The parents did not ve him any en-. a courting, and bin to call or: \VP are here [It service, courtenw a superior line M (N) much in aski: Vnu aw in mm] c We have Otlu-r hl'UkH' “"95 Meiotte Cream Sepa' (’l .90 +++++++v+ if. 9 '1 here tn satisfy you courtmms trealn. 911“ w line of mau'hinery, h in :u-king you to 101 in lwvd Hf :my Hf Hm A full ;Ill(‘ ( en m‘vr In" I" for ‘}‘i§ vicini'y “'9 } :u‘f' a fail I land. Yma mm purchaw f any of tlwir hmds :u rig 5‘}: dawn. tlw balance in pay-‘Invuts. interest 0‘ I’m- full particulars Rabb 59’ COX H H lino of Repairs fn‘ (Sm-kshmt Implem 01' ”)9 Agency f‘” KNOWS NO Agents ll!‘ st.” In? 5‘ c O‘r.‘ ’r.. your demands and with Lent and fair prives. mgflh wry, W? feel we are not re to look us up when in town ._ It is a qneiuun once can interfere in â€"Guelph Hercury. .d we x-uliPlt a ma and fan! k and M3008. c,p,R. Lands ulars writt mm: at. present istle. fairly brimming (n‘el‘ “nu; Daddy was waiting at the the postman called. and .the H Lb? “have line «if es. “’3 also carry .++++¢+++*++*+++++ aways on and ll kantford Gasoline \V 00d | with prmnpt mgpthP!‘ with not requesting n town whemt‘!‘ M or not. Wizh “Inim‘ )O‘OOQ 0Ver with

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