West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 13 Nov 1913, p. 2

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In can 0! rough, acrubb or stony? Inn “to: report by omestead? application for ' natont. THE sole head of a any male over 18 yea: homestead a uarter available Domin on Ian toba, Saskatchewan 1 The applicant must person at the Dam” cgllar. excellent garden. Passes-I .; rent reas- 7 - Apply on premises to". Wm. Johnston. sr. 116M. ALL PERSONS ARE STRICTLY , * . prohibited from trespassing 0.“ 333;;y:omfign.?sau lawn”? we“ N‘ss9‘" hunting, with or without dogs. rims Li . A l6 - - on Lots 62 and 63, Concession 2. nosstranuctod. xenon "we“. bu" Bentinck.â€"-T. C Bentinck. Durham. Oct. 9. 1913. 109 and an enons are strictly prohib- ited mm trespassing, iishing,. trapping or hunting, With ‘ Without dogs, on the followmg lots on the 2nd concession of Bentinck: Samuel Langrill, lot 61; Hopkins. lot 60; Robert Hopkirw,’ lot 59' Wm. Scarf, lots 57 and 55:1 Thomas Lawrence, lots 65 and 56: Matthew Campbell, lot .54; Thos. Millikan, lot 53; Alexander Hop- kins, lot 52. Dogs iound on these lots are liable to be shot. This notice stands good {or five years. 0 llousv for P out Ol' house; large enough to ice V..3'.'if_.'3£'”"s” 0'0" ‘hnnd boarders. conveniently situate “‘“””’“‘“‘â€" * - ,to all public works; newly dec- JR. BRL WN outed. cheap rent Apply to R. C P LONDON ' ' ! ONE DUE THE 25th OF THIS’ month, and one three years out] Apply to T. C. McGirr, Lambton street. 10 16 3pd â€"_ All w 55'1“}‘58'1‘ (j? LOT 28 t d IfeterdCfickburn. It sprea - 0 an urne enrv Carroll’s res are t an 00 steamers are m shel- ’d- - ' , . .. ’ Collmgwood Shim; tel: between the Son and Whitefishflezncxihe:“shillagfjgglecgfizgsIEyke (“”3“ {building Co., Collingwood Out. 4 Pomt- f . 0F CANADIAN NORTH; l . ,7 , For the alleged non-delivery o {\Hâ€"\ (TGOIge Tracey, Aged 52 3 (30d 3 teleg'am sent from MiSSIOU IND REGULATIONS- ; Idea 9‘“ 0‘ Halifax, was killed bv ’Texas to {desor last Februan head of a family on Durham tram while accompanying a young , ‘ wer 18 years old, may; Woman home I" 1838 he Won the a quarter-section off ; C. J. Netting demands $10,001 0 . Americoan [balk-milé running chamfi 3311:1322: in a . I ominion land in Mani-5. contlnuatlon SChOOl Imonshlp. [Detroit‘ Itchewan or Alberta.’ rant must ‘ , 3 0119 appmnted in 1118 stead Telegraphers‘ Ungggqed M t)“ Roddick famlly has cared for the - :THUS ALI AN Punuml and Pro | 'llght for 60 years. On certain conditions fvinual Mndvl Whoa! 'I'encher. lat Track-laying on the : months reindence; . . ’JH."; 00d brick house; an! so t water. barn. orchard,J nhedo. etc. Apply to T. Baskins, ; or to A. H. Jackson, Durham. f I n..-“ â€"_ BEING LOT 53 Cox. 3, E. Glenelgu containing 100 A- â€"__ , -r..'1 rdfll U1" LOT 28, CON. 1 W. U IL. adjoining corporation of Durham. containing 15 acres 3 mods. t‘ perches of good and, an seeded down with tim- ONU'; 800d brick hnnucw L.._A inzs; running stream through property: about 10 acres hard- wood bush, rest in good state of cultivation. Possession given on Nov. Ist, 1013. For further par- ticulars. :‘pply on premiers to Mrs. John Staples. Rural Route. No. 1. Durham, Ont. sum/m: K Notice to Hunters . .. \.. uuuwweu. 64 Aotice Elizabeth Acton, hav- own accord left mv ereby. warn all merch-, fibers that I will not-‘; Lble for or pay any}; I she may incur. c lst. 1913. I THEODORE ACTON. 9 Hanover P. O. u ‘3 hatch! given Nut l('(‘ Notice ‘I'Wn COWS For Sale John McFarlane. . , c. Insurance West Nissouri. Was Money :0 Loan. .Inssuorpf Mare nn---â€"- " nng 10" acres: new fr'tme barn. is and out build- that l for any in lnv A tower to Over one inch and amount: fatty rate: 1' prqsentwtion 0‘ â€" .â€".â€"â€".'_ my 4 Lem! 'Dz'rectm, x ._ ‘ n '_l- - ““w Money Pnaiea. Deeds“ Huron and Wills, i Noven '17 -;a.-__a . . ' A.“ 1' Otta“' ROUHARSON. 0.1)., Chairman. 4‘24” F 8 U York and (31) mum: 0! Bye. \Vill he at th. :5, (hi. I”, N( Hunrs. l tnS n.m e- [IVO‘JL' y mg one. The trustee a educationally and s hers an pn y adwmtage for the lbmon and acquisition 1. P. Talford " ‘ ARRISTEI. sompwéu. em: ; ’ “$06- Ilflnfl‘v "an--. w- -v .uu narrower. Fire} Voting 0!) the (.‘ana rile Insurance placed in thor- l 8009 Act II) Welland, y reliable compnaiea. Deeds,LHur0n has been post ages, Leaneo and Wills, f November 24, as annou; :ed on shortest notice. ' All Ottawa last week. to J promptly attended to. I ; Humberto California. was taken to Mantra . on Sunday with Mao-f “A-A ‘ ‘ ‘ umce, near! i. Lambton $t., Durham. “not? ‘5 ' y opposite Ehe A 25 co , nta for first insertion VAV, U l ticein the New miner Block mute, 8 to {U a. m.. to CE 4p.m.an(!7 : 5 m. Special attpntion given to (1mm ( FFICE «Over . office. Residence 0! Registry nflicpc Slreet. Uflichn. m.. 7-” p. m. Tele tinn hetwm‘n nfi‘im all human. . making it residence. unnum- at ABCBDSIOD, endorsed the appeal. 3 ‘UK 3, Was conVicted of hav.’ 9 Schnol in , - ' . , . w - 'who held him up and got $35. 8.! Railway is a. ;f;}onl;}lllley :Lléegeiieagg: Duffy :gets three. {noDFhSE .Clar‘k, ment 101‘ auth .t teachers an pupils; Who attempted ‘ orltv to constrfict a ranch rallway from Haveloc . on ° smcxde 1 1a)] “111 the C. P , . via Campbellfmd. t0 Vintage for the 1-. 9 etammed bV d doctor ICobourg and Brighton. I and acquistiou of; S k' . ' v pea mg at the 59th annner- Am“, n..-“ 'fsar Se! vicaes Of St Thomasq ._S.peaklng at Minnp month In Mhance- Qburch, Hamrlfnn rullcl "'zftpetitignea to V‘s-{Ihkrbit a a.....__. . _ 7......“ ion y-laW. 1. G. Hutton, l. 0., C. II. I ‘ ‘ ,5Short hits of live news PPICE -UVt'l' .i. P. 'l‘vlfin'd’s nf’fice Severe K3193 3 Nearly uppusiw the Registry and blizzards were ex!” Hue. . Heudence 39mm; mum, south the west the first of thc Registry UfliCPUII east side 0f Albert ‘ I'Pet. 0me HOURS 9-” a.lu., 2'11). General Bramwell B‘ - 7‘” P. m. Telephmw cmnmunicn- WW“ 3 hParty Welonm I" ll fl ....... .a .wm 12 to 4 o’clock -rfifi . .J.SHARp o’ "I'llilu‘vllf' (,[lt‘ neglstliy anc Residence Hemmd hnuse south the istry nflicv on east. side of Albert ()fficv Hmus 9-H a.lu., 2- 1 p. P- "I. Telephone cmnmunicn- 0?" {Wren ”Hire and residence at mm 3'“. "may T} Arthur Gummfl. D.” 2314 DB. BURT. -lLlly and at- a most desir- of London , Durham? CQIPOUI‘g town Anyammim! M. on farm‘ RESIDENCE A 563;? ties. It is not expect: ernment will next the report of the cation Commission educatlon 18 a D] Prof. RobeM-m‘ -1 . . _ Ottawa Canadian . ' ‘} van to (Menace dav fa Residence 09- ‘ ~ V II" Flanagan; Of the 1 D 'JA. Dllffy, night (Inn-".47-.-- . A --_ A , . Superioi' on Saturday ' More than 50 ste .amers are i ter between the 800 and WJ Point. another zone ' “'.‘-“‘ expected that the ill next sessioq act The French fruit crop, except for apples and grapes. the average. and in demand. is much below Canadian fruit is General Bramwell Booth ceived a hparty welcome at nipeg On behalf of the west A nine-yea r-old stealing letters SHORT BITS 0F LIVE NEWS i post office. Shortb its of liw ‘, Counsel for 38 Hindus. tive candidate for thefd ' l Legislature. in the bye- or East Middle-sex. money, at Ad- 60 v- probabilix" .9 been d by ”12) ’ OHS a :Boddi k I C .nght for 60 year} experianced in of the Week boy from ' ---I-\.u admitted the G. T. R Inger-sol] 9 at “'in. est people so lung. had a may 1ty of 800, and could have b Detroit Imore. but it was too easy, a James Roddick. keeper of the 8.0"“? “if”? (careless. ”‘me th Gull Light, near Cobourg‘ 1m “me, t 9 1’4““ been disml c. , .« . - Day. Saints, \Vi 'ssed, and Samuel Nich- Elf”; _b§hef that certam m n“. ,.. >118 appointed in 1“». -e- . __ THE ”UREA! CHRONICLE. the lakes local ’0’)..- .' A corporation ($1300.000, Was nines: .for the es in the: NM before )t [Or 1083 N e pean “’3 V bra k freighn eman’s The National (.‘ intends to apply ‘ ,l’ the. council to fade pouring gasoline 1 11 gas engine at t} te coal hoist at 811 er Marti let the '“W u. (11 there is not “Y 0f the Capt. Cole, arriving at Q announces a herring Which 1‘9- nominated for Min- Ivaaed the churches of with an appeal for as- ) stop or at least lessen ,ng loss of life on the eastern Canada. Rev. J. Randolph Edwal Halifax. shot him: way Waiting room A gale. with rzu'r thunder. tied up ’the ViOihiftr n‘ 13-. ; Goderich. ' . 95;; held at cm" no MM "Ill! '8 PI'BIJSHEU : - Cobourz, 6n Pills thmly thing: that m III M... was killed on a level crossing “SHA \' MW!” 4! the Chronicle Printing Hm, 39 l '2 Stlm‘t, ; Fire in the stable? at Anplebv 9c 00!. near Oakville. cause $6.000 DURHAM° () loss one night last week : the numlm On H.» .mm. v. *, I ‘ \l] . . . continued h. all‘arn cm 4;. ,. ,, n” \‘xgatmn Hi mtum ut H10 prupru tut , l the Vimmty of Fort \Vllllam. : . . F . . Advertmng ';" "W,“ tr 4 v o . . (“I 3 ’5 1' I '. Th? V‘ hith." ]ur,\' 1n the (-1.90 of Rat“ - Hun. 32...“! ,..v ' StOQ(l (;amhlp. thp T()r(,nt() la.)()r Illell' insulmn "HIH‘HA ”Max“ . loader. disarm-pod “rd". ""1 "M'N‘dmu «um 2...: h . Advertmunwntrs “nhum ”mm. 4 v ‘. H DPIHIhliRIINI annhi ~.~ A “ m. [)8\ 19. fl)l‘!)1§‘¥"l\' (1f IUE'UH~ ’I‘Nnawatmnuws: L: a}... 1 u.“ ; m t“. has 1’99!) .‘lUIHHHN‘d (lmmty IJRFV ‘ v ’ Ollt {N1 “3000"” fut "In! msflrlum _ n.1, . . 7) . . ' 7 ‘ “ ‘ ' ill muqmml inwrti n, Chltf of pump at Edmnntun, “Enclosed please nnd SUP tor “Inch ) ‘ . Majnr John ('lzn'k. mm nf Rmml- kdev send mea 'm’s oldest \‘ V ; " " AHmh'erum l” .“1 l‘ '4‘! h. , ”OX ()f (I1.\ I’ILLb' as 1‘ b“ uni-l 4'..-” _ ‘ H (H: g y. ' . ‘ (i ‘ {091 the! Y â€"---- ‘ (‘IHZPHS. IQ (if‘fld_ LT“: I out ‘VRQ }IIIDV’\ .‘ r-â€" A “' 98-§tb0un(l G Hill. at night légt' DOStponed gll'lfi making from $12 to $18 ’ .,. queuec firemen Wore week on piece work Ipecial train to Chateau the citV. We know miles distant. only 10 beats that. She savs she can a Woodshed had been ,a dollar per day eat-3y. V , I S ndav was a stormy day. HM" und Grand Trunk Rall- first bed] blizzard train ran , into an of the season.‘ . were atherin the stock and crashed Into :1 Farmers g g out of the woods where they had at Baden. due to 3 taken mhpnpr 0...: _ A.- negligence. Week a go ‘ t at intend visitin Toronf [8t have $200 be 2 ' nadra is ultra v next session of Parliament. The 1, with a stock of people are mos? an ' ' organized m Wm- men our postman Mr. Mc(‘ah9 1s 3 manpfa mous far it] ipen 19 who benefit very much M’ Brldgeport. of the it 810W their appreciation in .l (.‘0. which left more sub tantial nay (hm words on SO aoutv in! in sax'n .. o...’-‘ the' By}: county La: formm-j ." of "DPOinted at Edmtmton Magistratp' CH of anon Messrs. Stanlev incorporating A llan hxa \‘e 2 rr ”Migatinn ~t VViHianL in the case TOI‘Ontn In] ( 'i I'mer appointed succeeding retired, "‘I (IKK 1 on Fri: Ildl in}, Sample box free if tioning this paper. you write us, men. Natioznl Drug 1nd Chem. CO. . of Cnnnrl- 13...“-.1 - “'umv D ’8 Ski pper d’ and got the ' leaveu all Was a grand Dlace, but they were ' dreadful lone- some, as the Globe paper Was not 1'8. but H“... Wen: fla;nl.:___ - . 1 - - uuu 138.99, “’9 had have arrived home Saskatchewan..moth looking Mr. :Bean. Woods had a 8] match :at his place on Th . .-,.. u nurl‘! first real blizzard of Farmers were gatherin match :at his 'placéwnn '1 and a large number were We have no details at H at present. Such events rare occurrence now. } Your Traverston man 8| glrls making from $12 to Week on piece work in fam so good that if I an GIN PILLS, the house seems t« wrong somehow. Kindly send return mail. " RICHARD IL ' ny trouble m GIN PILLS in your neigllbq wfitc direct to us, enclosing the fetailgrice. 50¢. a box, a {M c. ' 3 your "Cigllbox'h write direct to us, . “t8“ price, 50C. 8 box we will 5” your order ' . at. the S1316 time 059;}:0 -.... AI-- CORNER (TONCER NS "”5. ”an a majm‘-. could have had! .. . and] less. About that! " Day Saints, with‘f certain of the ; At“ communicate H t...’1 ‘ m rarnamem. Th? nos? anxious for it. Btman. Mr. Mc(‘ ahe is to it. H9 tells us thp heginning to full} rural mail. and mam1 benefit xerv much by n nmâ€"â€"A‘ ._ .u‘ulls conclusiveli; that subscriber to The ~ John S'Ipifih, MP. who. handle; GYN is no other remedy in the world cnn-:€-I.I-- -h I .- Was a £53m! dreadful lone- paper Was not 1’!" \t IalMJll I" d wav than “only is sometimes h ft him The labor m’m: so acute in t in sax? a trip considerable. f a (.‘onseMII atiVe _--- at that I can me of them in t 50 good that if 5. the house see . .m JnurSday' '91‘ were [)1'esent.1 [Is at the affair}, events are 0f? )W. 1 man speaks of' $19 tn 1'” ____»‘ Toronto and hung (If Archie’ , _'\'\UMD_’.' Ruben-Shop. . door South of \ blacksmith shnp. name Show don’t Him-k. MU .n'ro ». Hm- an- H Acres 5 m. a den. gomd Mm. $3.3m. ‘hWâ€"‘fi_ Embalmgi a Specialty 'tcture Framing ("7 $110 mike. them. SHO w Roastsâ€"N 0x1 ankA- (VI o“ i! m a like] ‘1‘ p. MEN, mad. ““2" a" \ ' 1 anhave maIIV as and $00“ “if - About Spring 2) "VV _ Gen. Twmnh-y Klimt, ‘19qu (u w} 'g good \nu\«\'n\g.~. ‘ fly prirv askml, lam" O "19 \\‘PM a“ hnHuw '9 Am. BvIHim-k. f t. good buildings, uh. .‘OI‘CC (Hmwlg. u "‘ - ‘- p. "““' ~ A gr 1.3, 1913. ”'YvI-pu- _ quick” umertam our : mvouunn m pmbnhay [ mm: M rscuy «madam L «M hue. “Moot “mu Putt-mp men thruu magnum. wnhouu O All! (All. )5! loll ndwnw‘ o! l d‘. ’.|.h') yullwl‘ n! N‘ mm c 1““ V _, .__4.-IAII| o ”MIMI | "k’ ,_-M.-a .m {ml‘ 0 bfl‘o‘“ flotuL". tic B Scici’iiith ,.. ‘ H all“ I‘lmmnum. \m fair huildings. gum! i. very dump fur qu‘ '9 many (“hm-(hwy ( nd sumv North \Vm exclungv. Yuu «r» If if vuu buy wnhnm Canadian '[ nuns 10"“. u" Gh’udg: _ “W” nevontcen ‘hul my. Welch u Mic Gmt E m Nevin“ 4A“ B. G‘ M’l H m an I'M ' .( "e‘ K ‘fil‘|ifi. Jmun‘ . _ I’M ! ir r . r. Luv-m Hound "IO..." 5‘0“" sold adv humid?“ “.“d 08“ “ ad Illanu‘?“ L. N"! ‘ ‘\ “mm *1 i: MN tim‘ mum A“ Durham ”(AV ““3 “FHA St (mt ‘hc price In an. PUT Dom! 0WD!" ll‘ NIH QIM mly sah UH . fair l1 ing mt lfinnn u n I) “em “‘0‘ muw l’nu \\

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