West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 25 Dec 1913, p. 1

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'on o 9 at- Il’ns "I in 850.00 L“|| Irv I M out“ 01‘ more COlurn, at The Chronicle office at a ream-9' unable price. We are Mao preâ€"f pared to 9Uppr all kinds 01‘ counter check books at the reguw .‘ret your The Christmas idea Was we“ ex- emplified last week when the children of the Third Book, who are presided over Mr Miss A. C. held a Christmas‘ Tree and entertainment in their schoot room. on the last day of Ichool. Each child brought 31 present. and the combined gifts contained a good and metal col- lection of handkerchicn, toys. candies. etc. To brighten their \V‘ own festive season. as well as to , bring happiness to others, the ‘ . , . of ceme gifts were boxed up and shipped to the (“hildrens’ Shelter at O‘Wen markets Sound. the express also being paid Inspet by the children. Who took up a detectiv cvilection for the purpose. This” With “I we think. is the best sample of the of Don rgai Christmas spirit we have seen inch, at [or some time. and Durham’s older ground folks might well take an example tion. 1 'h-um these children. There is suggem little question. but these children may ht will ' , ' ‘ hatival the better, in the know- [due that they have at least watch biped make the Christmas 0! the hgelesb happy, and this with no would carbonation of any immediate re-‘or so rnmerc H m at .Enn. [um I". u-w Med for a term of years nay possibly again become -nt Hf Durham. ‘ )H "1(3me 111i! _\ (~hihl’9 brown ith (-hain handle Lust DIOHMY ll is! Sunday school wil) be hair! on Admission 40c. \V t he. of Who gust. He 1 .797.83 2N1 ll‘t Wedding ig invitations. 21111! >ments, and society ial printing of all kinds. anything [mm a Visiting a three-sheet poster, in more C-olors, can be don? Shronicle office at a reas- price. We are also pre- 0 supply ali kinds of Aka-“r banks at the regu- )fli( gid vour nub a rdod week a goodly sup- has (al‘en., and those the opinion we would «en Christmas proved poor prophets. The at present good, and if the prvssv‘nt snow divine service in on Chriqtmas Dav the morning. H ; brown Rather I handle, contain- Honda}! afternoon Saunders’ shoe ahn House. Finder i hv having at the hf? Barlow )1 Sim any this 11 it whom hurc will and “'96 ousin 01 nm he Ll u ll- held 01 Mitts lound. This office. Have you paid your sub? Huntsville is agitating for a publid hospital. The Methodist Sunday school mytertainment was held in the (-hurch on Tuesday night. Advertisers are again that next Thursday is a and changes of copy 11 issue must be In our 1181 later than Monday noon ‘ insertion. Mrs. Wellington Banks, Bay, daughter of the Porter, died at her home Bay on Thursday, the We understand that hea was the cause. Mrs. Samuel Neal Wienes to thank her many friends at Hol- stein, Orchard and vicinity for the kindness shnwn her during the sickness and (103th of her late husband. John hilt-Sally. of Arkell, had the skin torn from one hand by a grain chopper. The skin was ”ranked nn again. but mortifica- The Chronicle a grain chopper. The SK stitched on again. but mo: t'mn set in and amputation {mind necessary. 113:9 urged 1331"?“ta to have theirlordinary dis‘sipations that detract ohxldren “meal”. to pass the‘from intellectual achievements. entrance exammutn‘ms before 13.‘i The presentation of diplomas and to make SilCl‘lflceS. lf n‘eceS-y. was an interesting part of the sarv. to ensure them the h‘ghm'iprogram. In the absence of In- L~ aary. pducation four sisters is a sister I‘- AA- _‘n‘ I | l 5 H ‘13 stated that 72 bodies have Myer. reonx'ered to date from the (.‘zuiudian shore of Lake Huron: All those recently recovered have been identified, except one off the Carruthers at Goderich, one off the Scott at Port Elgin, ohe off. the Scott, at Kineardine and two off th: Hydrus. ‘g , On Sunday evening last )Irs'. IHamilton Allen received a wire Efrom HOpeville announcing the ‘serious illness of her mother,. Mrs. ENen McKechnie, a lady of ' 93 years. Mr. and Mrs. Allen drove Lat watch be kept on the lakes, but taken ‘ be the body of a drowned man Dr. . no would not float more than a day the Hi PC-‘ or so in such cold weather before date i ‘it woxfld again sink. highes After the longest continuous run in the history of the plant. the cement works closed down, Tues- day. and save for a small gang of en who w'll be at work shortly a s will be in idleness till next spring. The plant started on the 22nd of last April, and has had a steady and uninterrupted run up Ito last Tuesday, the 23rd of De- cember, eight months in all. Dur- ing that time. over 250,000 barrels of cement have been made and marketed. Inspector M. B. Boyd, provincial detective, was here in connection with the mysterious disappearance postponed regular meeting Independent Order of Forâ€" will be held in their hall in Adam Groin of Ayton. died 7th inst. at the age of 54 He was ill only a few from heart trouble. follow- pleurisy and pneumonia. Be a widow, two sons and daughters, two brothers and isters. Mrs. Valentine Bauer aister of the deceased. rs are again notified Thursday is a holiday is of copy for next he in our hands not Monday noon to ensure of the late Mrs. her home in North 11y, the 11th inst. that heart trouble Neal wishes to I Friday even- 1t 8 o’clock. and general attendance is of North was THE SCHOOL CONCERT DURHAM. recitauons y Miss Mary Bar- ‘ tain‘mg and spirited were well rendered b McAlister and Miss Florence clay. The following are Winners of the Scholarships and Medals: The Scholarship givein by High School Board to the pupil taking the highest standing, Form I to Fonm II was awarded to Miss Edith Edge. The Scholarship. Form 11 to Form 111. awarded to ' Scholar- Form 11 to Form II Miss Alix Edge ships entitle each year’s tuition. and each. Miss Alix Ed ge ships entitle each winner to a $1,500, and are worth $10 nice-looking ones for as low as a‘ year’s tuition. -. hundred ”i, pupil of highest standing taken by Miss Mary Smith. » me ?” . Dr. Jamieson’s medal, awarded “Dozens of them,” gasped the the High School Entrance candi- wife, “done up in bunches like as- date in South Grey taking th9!paragus, and sold for $2.50 a highest standing, by M536 Mary what. is the matter ?Ӣ Florence Bar-‘ “A dream!” she gasped. “I have had such a horrible dream!” winners of Her husband begged her to tell‘ 1 Medals: it td him, in order that he might :lvein by ”if? comfort her. to the pupil sion she was induced to say thus: standing, Form “I thought I was walking down varded to Miss the street and I came to n-L-|-â€"ak{.n nun-ohnnfle Where there was a Reginald Campbell The produce market held here on Thursday last was well patron- ized by farmers from the adja- cent townships. and we learn from Mr. W. P. Paterson. the weigh- mastrer that day. that about four tons of turkeys. geese. ducks and chickens were disposed of to city buyers from Toronto and Hamil- ton. The prices. compared with our last Week‘s market quotation. show that local buyers have been giving good prices. considering the fluctuating state of the city market during the past few Weeks. The Chronicle last week quoted 18c. for turkeys. 12c. for geese. 120. for ducks. 11c. for chickens. and 8c. for fowl. The prices paid by the city buyers were from 18 to ‘20 for turkeys. U? to 14 for geese and l ducks. 12 to 14 for chickens. and 7 1' to 10 cents for fowl. These prices t were based on quality. and the - lowest price named in each was 1 the price generally paid. Consid- t ering Christmas time. and the ‘ e‘large city demand for fowl of all t kinds. we think our local men made a good showing. it must s be remembered also that the city e buyers had many of their orders ,- booked. knew before hand they 0 disposition they would make ”fl :9 their purchases. and were taking is no chances. a In this respect they differed w from the local buyers. who haVe to depend wholly on the commisâ€" the the 1:2 1d sion merchants. and accept lg prices when the goods reach [â€" city dealers. There was Very httlc butter of- fered, and some of it was not pur- chased. .-\ few choice lots: \vme taken, and others refused. We do not think the prices paid hon- ahould cast any serious reflection on the local buyers. and at other seasons of the year it is just. doubtful if outs-Euie buyers could afford to (10 :mV better. Detroit on Saturday. warehouse where there W as a large placard, ‘Husbandc for Sale.’ -â€" ‘5‘- Luv- “Dozens of them,” gasped the wife, “done up in bunches like as- !paragus, and sold for $2.50 a bunch" ' WHY SHE WAS CRYING. me time ago a man was :ened in the night to find his weeping uncontrollably. Iy darling!” he exchaimed, I: is the matter We ‘1' B‘ RON VAIR DEAD of ast week Mr. Swint‘m NEW M‘ANTLES . JUST ARRIVED 7i» S. F. MORLOCK There is great comfort in :1 long Coat with :1 Fur Collar. There is so large :1 portion of the win- ter which is severe and hhistery that the possession of :1 long Mantle with :1 Fur Collar is practialh' :1 necessity in every women's Complete wardrobe. We have them and they are 11111111.» spee- ially tor ourselves: thvy have sniwrior quality of Mom also snlwrior lining; and are :1.littlelonger than the ordinary Fur Jolim' (.‘oati. Any om» intending to pur- chase a, good warm coat, should see this line before selecting elsewhere. We havtr also passed into stock within this last. week 36 Ladies" New Goa-t8 ranging in price from $6.04) tn $133.00. ()nr shuwing nf Men’s and Buy (:0de and Men's and Bay’s Sui‘ interesting: {warm-u of this stnre. Old Fashioned in Wear Only Children. Satisfaction ‘ or money refum Stanfield's .pu sweater coats] that wear. .AAAALAMMM and Boys ()Ver- {UV’S 3mm is an Men, “7(me and $1.00 PER YEAR

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