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Durham Chronicle (1867), 25 Dec 1913, p. 3

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:mNG LOT 53. (ON. 3. Ii. 41'. BRICK HOL’SI râ€" Dany Globo. “In..." 4.70 The Chronicle. and e Grain Groverl’ Guide. Winnipeg $1.60 SYNOPSIS 0F CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS THE sole head of a family. or; any male over 18 years old. may: homestead a quarter-section ofh available Dominion land in Mani-i toba, Saskatchewan or Alberta; The applicant must appear in; person at the Dominion Lands; Agency or Sub-Agency for the: District. 'Entry by proxy may be. made at the office of any Local- Agent of Dominion Lands (not cub-agent). on certain conditions,; A an: of countedEiters was' roan d up near Lavaltrie, Que-' hoe. Sixv meats have been made. dgtea Duties.â€"‘ix months residence upon and cultivation o! the land in each of three years. A home- steader may live within nine miles of his homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres, on certain condi- tions. A habitable house is re- quired in every case, except when residence is performed in the Vicinity. In certain districts a home- steader in good standing may pre- empt a quarter-section along- side his homestead. Price $3 per acre. Duties.-â€"Six months resi- dence in each of six years from date 0! homestead entry (includ- ing the time required to earn homestead patent) and 50 acres extra cultivation. The area of cultivation is subject to reduction in case of rough, scrubb or stony isnd after report by omestead inspector on application for W. W. CORY. Deruty of the Minister 0 the Interior. N.B.â€"Unauthorizcd publication 9! this advertilement will not be Dlid (Ohâ€"37085. 2 8 13 A homesteader who has exhaust- ed his homestead right and cannot obtain a Dre-eruption may take a purchased homeltead in certain districts. Price. $3 per acre. Dut- m-Muat reside nix months in each of three years, cultivate 50 acres and erect a houae worth Impec patent $0.11!. containing ”amines are no“ ”Ck house. ahC‘lS :I "I; running fwtl't ”petty: about 10 food bush. reqt in ; «Inflation. Posm-S‘wi 'NOV. lst. HITS. For ticulars. upplx rm Mtl. John Staph.» N0. 1. Durham. ()u? OD FIVE-ROOMED HOUSE. well located; good garden and hen pen. Rent reasonablo. Ap- DIV to Ed. Welsh. Durham. Iheda or to COD ‘ ‘RAYED FROM MY PREMISES. 0t 35. con. '2, W. G. 8., Bentinck, m or about Nov. 28.1913, 21 white brood sow. Any informa- :ion leading to her whereabouts will be thankfully received.â€" Archie M. MacLean, R. R. No. 2, Durham. 1 H DMD'OIt Insert in! Advertisements ZOO Farms fur San. New Clubbing Rates Straycd YE!) FROM MY eme tion llnllst.‘ to Rent E. ROOMY DWELLING large enough to keep «:2 conveniently situated Juhlic work‘s: newly dec- choap rent. Apply to -4- jcle calit in me matter 01 reg re the drawing up fisheries treat{I be- mm the bite-d â€"â€"-.â€" SMALL ADS. Determined r terms. An ) John Wilm ur Sah- sheds and ring stream bout 10 ac rest in 200 Possvssilm 13. For fm pply on P" Staples. {u and Family 'eekly Star lyr. Ind Weekly ear und Weekly pin, 1 .year ...... $1.72 good garde: house and inst outsi AND FIVE AER of one inc» 0! In: and Weekly year ......... Id Toronto [Dd Weekly 1 Toronto your... Toronto pire, 1 yr. Toronto Toronto acres hard- znod state of 50:) 23W?!) on 'armer'l men or less. 25 canton to: first i' union and 10cm" fur each Hwy one inch and under two inches. double the ahuw mumlnt. Yearly rates on applic,-tmn.3 .nadian fx 1'3 18 1t pdtf to 0U ut‘mzl throu M sell at on the ‘2 13 13t ICI'C‘S 4'24“ (J ’2.“ 1.90 2.56 .M 3.75 1.7 l.9( 4.75 4.75 M- will to 'Mr. Chas. Lawrence is houhe. to spend Christmas with his par- tents. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Law- .rence. . All creditors of the said Estate Tare hereby required to file with |me. on or before the 27th day of jDecember, 1913, particulars of their sclaims, duly proved by affidavit, :with such vouchers as the nature 'of the case may admit, after which 3d-ate_1 will proceed to distribute ,the assets of the said Estate, hav- ing regard to those claims only of ;which I shall then have received ‘ notice. 3 JAS. P. LANGLEY, F.C.A., Trustee, McKinnon Building. i ‘ er. Conveyanuer. c. lnsuranw : \ng. Money tn Imam. Issuer 0t Mar ‘ Chum License» A general financial busi ‘ l9!” transacted. ? DURHAM ONT. (Lower Town.) nm'1 HI I‘t‘giSII'V “may: SIN-rt. Ufiic'v [h m.. 7-“ p. m. Tel (inn In-{wm‘n um all honors. 05“" Annual": ‘13.. and (04}. 2!) () Hnill's Miss Hattie Lawrence. teacher. of Markdale. is spending the hol- idpys with her parents here. Mr. Geo. Herd' of Gleneiâ€"g Visited recently with his sister, Mrs. W. G. MeCulloch. We wish Mr. Editor and readers a Merry (‘hristmas Toronto. December 9. 1913. Mr. and Mrs. David Donnellv. and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Allen, of Glenelg, were guests of relatives in Hanover last week. Mr. Wilson. teacher here, re- turned to his home in Hanover to spgnd _t4he C_hristmas holidays. NOTICE is hereby .given that the above-named insolvent has made an Assignment of his Estate to me for the benefit of his cred- itors under and pursuant to the provisions of the Assignments and Preferences Act, 10 Edward VII. ('hapter 64. and Amendments thereto. .~\ met-ting of the Creditors of the said Insolvent will be held at my office, McKinnon Building. Toronto, on Thursday, the 18th day of December, 1913, at 3 o’clock p.m., for the pu_rpose of receiving Mr. Russell Bailey of Hanover. Sqqdayfied in tllia yicinitx. Mr. "Spence Hopkins 6! Mulock is engaged with Mr. H. W. Hunt at present. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Falkingham of Durham spent Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. E. Rose- _‘ ._ - â€" - _ - um Holstein Conveyancer. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Money to loan at lowest rates. and terms to suit borrower. Fire and Life Insurance placed in thor- oughly reliable compnaies. Deeds. Mortgages, Leases and Wills, executed on shortest notice. All work promptly attended to. a statement of his affairs, for the appointing of Inspectors and fix- ing their remuneration, and for the ordering of the affairs of the Estate generally. In the matter of Hugh Allan Mc- Kechnie, of the Village of Price- vill_e. Merchant, Insolvent. Mr. ‘Fred Reay has sold his farm to Mr. Chas. Reay, 0; Hanover. "bizâ€"nâ€" 35; Liirih'is'téfi ii; Edit-1' his farm to Mr. Robt. Johnston. ’ shurt distance can! of Knapp”! Hotel, mmb ton Street, Luser Toun. Durham nhce hours from 12 to 3 o'clock cuts n tn :0 5. us., to 4p. m. and“ a :09 . m. bpamal attention mum to disease:- .vumeu and children. Residence 0p omit-- Presbvteriar Church H U Office, nearly opposite the Regis‘ry )"fice. Lambhm 13t..Durham. Anyamoum :t' umnev to loan at 5 per cent. on farm )rnpertv. ars. lamieson Jameson. 31"Hl‘h ASL? RESIDENCE. A ‘RADI'I QHYSIUJAN AN l) SURGEON, or fire in the New Human“ Block. ()flice 3. B Hutton, I ank 4m] “himuzn Diseases 0' Eye. Bar Note and Throat \ViH M- rat the: Hahn Hmnsv. . ()M. I“. Ncn'muhm' I“. [)t‘('. A. H. Jackson. j c «1me PUBLIC. 00313118510)? FFH'I‘J --var J. P. 'l'elfm'd's nflicv Hem fly nppusite the Registry "r. Hvsulmwt- Sm'und house sumh vai‘t I". “Hi“? nu vast, side (If Albert. ARRISTEL, SULICI'I‘OR, E'I‘U NOTICE TO CREDITORS it't‘) Dr. N. B. Pickerin Gentist. Med [cal Dtr aria/v Arthur Gun, M. u. ()vo-r Dunglas’ .lewellerv Stow “C J.SHARP an! RH} London (nehtrumu'u H05 HMlh-n Sq Throat and Now Hm SPECIALIST: v:, THROAT NOSE Lem! ‘Dz’reclor :2 )mlal [)z'ractorv l. P. Telford. AT VICKERS. l‘lUHl.‘ U l‘vlvphmw U {60¢ BUR}. ill DON EN( .JOlldCYi New ll I}. nll‘a, 2‘4 cmumuni H'Hitli‘lufv H .ll lnlv AI at .. . - ' aid 2.50 each I Mr. Albert Coolf. and his 318:1? :ferlfegsionsof dogs :Man, of Maple H111, spent ,. e killing sheep. under. 'week-end among the folloumgwrders. kindred familleti: 1:1108' Ga???" Bv-law No. 280, f0: tWOOd' W' J' Greenwood. N '11 'ymuhicipal elections, :Cook, T. Glencross. J. Me- a y !passed. The onlv 01 land your “Pike’s home. Albert ls.laat vear are: John B (a hustler. . - '- ’. W. Cobur -' Mrs. Louis Frook of Protoxi'gizigig: 113,,and J. Mc drove her mom” 0"” to ”‘9- Old’Clerk Division 5. 1 home on. Saturday and remamedlturniho Officers will over untll liondafi'. ' . .bOOkS hon DOmin'ltion A week ago Saturday .“ hlle MP" were 11 16-inch tile G. Timmins was coming home.\:0pmanlw for culver‘ from Durham, a couple of bags line - of chop fell off his load \VhllP’ T Wilson. G. Lane coming up the. hill at the Dar-iPhilp pathmasterq. w key‘s ('(H'NE‘I‘. When he wasore-i ectixielv $2.75. $2 1 placing them. his team took frightisvork done in their re: and ran away. the Wheelmassmgfbeats lover his leg. They ran into a, The financial stat telephone post in front of thplroad and {”10“th m} !Staples firm and were caught'ohdered to be printed Itherp, The fulani'llg ThurSda'vgc-Ollnts. amounting to {one Of th“ team. 2' fine. $2.00 mare.3 Paid on motion of L ,died fivm internal injuries .re-f FerO‘uson. iceived. Mr. 'l‘immins is reoo\'m'1nB" 17:7.gusonâ€"Roliliâ€"Tl'i :from a badly bruised 1095' . 'vacate the chair and i ,rhe sail Iwu-s came To the Rob-{Lnthian take his plflf' Ison home on Friday li'lsl 0f the; The dormitV-remw t! death of the bright little daughter f(')”()Willg3 I 40f Mlfi ”nil Mrs. Goo. May. in Tor-3 To the Reevv. Mr. J(: onto. She was over r: .y'em' and- ”f the Township < a half old. and was sick only 3‘ We as vom' Board “'ppk frnyn r'OHVHISiOHS. fr)]]()\\'(‘d ‘ . ‘ - utes adopted. The report of the M.O.H. was read. also the report of the secretary of the local board. which sho‘ed the work that had been done during the year. Said reports were adopted by council. The sanitary .in- spector presented his hill for three days’ services amounting to $9. and 50c. for burying a dead an- imal. On motion of Robb and Mc- Robb._t_he account was naid Seldom has there been a mom Saul-stirring and deeply impreas- ixe sermon in Zion than that de- livered by Re\. W. \V. Prudham on_ #Sunday last. they are legally entitled to pay any damages. Robbâ€"Lothlanâ€"That J Caul- field be refunded $1 dog.tax, be- ing 31} errgr.â€"-Carried. spent $13.70 in his dix'ieioh "mzihd $1.50 commxsmon fees were paid. $21.75, and wire fences, 833; com- mission fees 33. Com. McRobb showed he had expendeg $84.44 on roads, chiefly week from r-nm'ul bv meningitis. ' pl me on Mrmrhv. abouts sympathize parents. caused by an inflamed condition of the lining of the Eustachian Tube, When this tube is inflamed, you have a rumbling sound or im- perfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed, Deafness is the re- sult, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube res- tored to its normal condition, hear- ing will be destroyed forever: ninc cases out of ten are caused by Ca- tarrh, which is nothing but an in- flamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dol- lars for any case of Deafness caus- ed by Catarrh that cannot be cured bv Ball’s Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. I". J. CHENEY 00., Toledo, 0. Sold 1) druggists, 75c. Take all’s amily Pills for con- -A.2_ _ L. Lothian;iԤ'rg;;5;l|â€"I;hat Pinder be refunded $6.30 assessment-Carried. -'- \- “C The road erm in detail. Pom, ’ having spent $24 ined and passed fence for S. Wil $38.75 and $3.50 comfimias‘ion feeé Com. Fe}guson re rted having a???” $13.70 in his 'vision- and TRAVERSTON. (‘row ded out last W ‘ek. ’Tis delightful weather fm \\ mk- ing in the Woods the past fen weeks Take 3 stipation. DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED by local applications, as they can- not reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by con- stitutional remedies. Deafness is Mr. Ban Walden and Mnrkdalo. wm'o glwsts of Mrs. John 0. Greenwood 0f the WPPk. After five years' residence in Dakota and Alberta. Mr. Herb. Peters arrived in Durham from Calgary 011 Thursday eVoning‘ of last week and gave his kindred and sisters a genuine qnmn-im. Ho was 0110 of t} in the bygone ye: from his manly ap mgch more so now Mr. {obt. Milhurn was able to be out on Sunday among,r his rela- tives. the Pear-t families. A few from this neighborhood attended the big Sunday school convention in Durham last Friday and were deeply grateful for the kindly hospitality of the town folk and much impressed with the subjects so ably discussed by the va_r_ious speakers. n J. McEache}n.t" mad reporgs were all : and gave his kindred ms a genuine surprise. one of the popular boys rgone years. and judging manly appearance will he bunt Was paid. damages from orts Were all given . Lothian reported '26. and had exam- .d _155 rods of wire \V_ Mrurfm'lane of Th9 funeral took and many hm'v- a with the young into council for Peckover, and Ind DURHAM CHRONICLE. error- in 80?] the 9 quJ J. Wilson. G. Lane and W. J. 'as 1-0-5Phill’, Dathmasters. Were paid res- frigmipectivelv $2.75. $9. and $1 for . z - - . , )assmg! Work done 1n thelr respectne road ltO a I beats. h ' The financial statement was ' t 9 read and 1d t d t 1 900 .,- “pg caught L t, 0D 9_~ .m‘n ._~- _(_)[)1.. , min- thiee flow- and first the 0f ; By-law No. 280, for conducting ‘municipal elections, etc., was passed. The only changes from ' lagt. year are; Jghr} Brmgn. 7D,R.O.. 'oruerea to be printed. Sundry acâ€" icounts. amounting to $275.13 were !paid on motion of Lothinn and Ferguson. Fergusonâ€"Robbâ€"That the reeve vacate the chair and deputy-reeve :Lothian take his placeâ€"Carried. f The deputy-reeVe then read the ' following: {To the Reeve. Mr. John R. Philp. i of the Township of Egremont. We as your Board of Fellow- Workers. are desirous of express- ,ing our feeling of gratitude to Iyou for the kind. courteous and gable manner in which you hmw «presided over the affairs of this itownship. Kindly accept our ithanks. From your Fellow (‘oun- icillors. our good friend thought that making the Lord’s House a house of merchandize was going beyond the bounds of raising funds to support the church, and in reality it’s not much short of being a fact. Priceville is honored by one of its young girls, Miss Myrie Mc- Lean, Winning the gold medal at the Owen Sound_Coll_eg;iate. “ALA. n- Otto Konold only threshed on Friday last, the 19th inst. Otto has a new kind of ‘oata, which he priz- es very much. A ’numher from here took in the Durham Fair last Thursday, and report the fair a good one. Teachers will be hanging up their knapsacks for a week or “Success to the members of Van- ity Fair, Which goes by the name of St. AndreW’s Bazaar. May Wisdom’s good counsel he never denied, May honor and virtue stand firm by her side. I reverently thought of the old house of prayer To which our forefathers did of- ten repair; - But change [would persuade me ’twas sacred no more. Yet embalmed in my heart lies the temple of yore.” This is all We can memorize of the poem. which was a long one. too. In the time the old kirk of some 75 years ago was in use, there were no such things as con- certs, tea meetings, box socials etc., but time has‘changed. So â€"-- IV'V‘...“ Vll‘y A“ x. 5 LL. Robt. Shortreed and D. McLach- lin .are regular in attending to thear rogtes u} de_livel_'ingmgil. ALA. _ 7 "WV-J IIVUULVI\â€". Meggrs. Mcfinis and Swzmstnn were paid $2.50 each for the ap- prehension of dogs suspected of killing sheep. under the rceve‘s orders. were 11 16-inch tile supiylied Normanhy for culvert on line. We were just reading that lengthy poem on church bazaars and box socials. and it contains a lot of good ideas. It just brought to our memory a poem a near friend of the writer Wrote long years ago. about a church bazaar which was held in the new church when the old one was abandoned. It ran like this: Council made a grantâ€"'of â€"$775_:00 to be expended on Proton town liq-e as soon as possible. The annual entertainment of our Sunday school will be held in the Presbyterian church on Wednes- dav eventing. December '24. when a good time is expected. passed for wire fences $68 45: (1; mission fees $5. 'J‘he reeve replied in his gentleâ€" manly way. expressing his pleas- me of presiding over the deliber- ations of the council. when such harmony prevailed. and made Special mention of the source of strength ‘that both treasurer and Mr. McLeod is getting along fairly well with his new.mill, and hopes it will be in running order bv .the middle of January. We were just reading that lengthy poem on church bazaars 0 Council settled )‘ith P.V. truss-f tees as per agreement, $119.55. saidi agreement to_continue for 1914. § Special mention of the sour strength that both treasure: clerk had been to him. Council then rose. "I'l"'"' Some way. it doesn’t look as if it was so near Christmas and New Ye_ars, but it’s a fact 31] the same. Business places are busy, each place attending to its particular class of merchandise. ditching. and had expended and wâ€".- ‘r 0111‘ town .like every 0t}1(?11)la(:(: of its kind is making p19p:11:1ti0n in some way 01' :111oti1er.to colo- biape the coming holidays. 1913 will soon be numbered with the past. The years are fast roll- ing by. and it shows that time is fast drawing to a close with a large number of the inhabitants of this world. The weary travellers who have trod this earth for four of seeing the close of 1914. In giving a backward look as far as the lst of January. 1913. up to the present 19th of December. we find many changes. loss of life and pmperty. Old. young and middle- aged all alike shared the same bv being cut off as cumberers of the earth. So. on this Christmas and New Years morn, there will be sorrow in many homes, while there may be gladness in others by .having friends with them to share at their Christmas and New Year’s festivities. In this town. many have passed away since the closing year came in. and sad recollections of the past will be brought to their memory; but the living must pass on as time per- mits them and the world goes on heedless of all these_happenings. PRICEVILLE printed. Sundry ‘ac Coburn, Poll Clerk J. McLachlan. Poll 5. Deputy Re- Will get their ntion day. There l'nirs of this accept our Fellow (“oun- Allan. (‘lerk plied to on town ‘ Misses Mary Edge and Maggie Firth, who are teaching at Dray- Iton and Lloydtown, are home for : th_e_ holid_ay_s_. 3 Miss Emma Ritchie has passed ;the examination at Hanover Model school, and ,is now qualified Etontakgonargegot a school. Mr. and "Mrs. Thos. Firth of Lindsay are spending the Christ- my vacqfior} i1; thi_s neighborhood Mrs. C. H. VMâ€"bf'fét is spending this week in Durham with her mggher, MES. D. Greenwood. -â€"'v w-- Mr. Clifford Howell of Sudbury is visiting at Mr. Thos. Ritchie‘s. Mrs. C. Williams is \‘isitjng friends in Toronto. This is honest advice for you who are run doun and sickâ€"don‘t (lope with alcoholic “ton1cs " \Vc are backing this advice with our personal guarantee of satisfaction to you, or your money back. There are a lot of so-callwl “tonics” on the market that do H- u 1.1\\11-1 blacksmith shop. â€"â€"-â€"-- ...___.... â€"~ --._ 4‘, ’W‘. ‘ “m ‘5‘ , FURNITURE Ah“ Rexall Olive Oil Emulsionâ€"king of the celebrated Hexall Remedies is for treedom from sickness of you and your family. Pleasant- tastingâ€"unlike the (30d liver oil preparations. you’ll he as enthusi- astic about it as we are when you have noted its strengthening. in- vigorating, building-up. diScaSPâ€" preventing effects. If it does not help you. your money will be givâ€" en back to you Without argument. Sold in this community only at our storeâ€"The Rexall Storeâ€"one of more th‘am 7,000 leading drug stores in the United States. Can- ada and Great Britain-Madeirâ€" lane '00., Durham, Ont. There are a lot of SU-(félllt‘tl “tonics” on the market that do not depend for their shortâ€"lived popularity on any real merit they possess, but for the fact that the alcohol in most of them and the dangerous or habit-forming drugs in some of them give a few mo- ments’ exhilaration and liveliness after a dose is taken. After a while, even this effect ceases to take place, and the unfortunate patient, Worse Off than before. turns for relief to something else. [I THE Don’t dOpe yourself “ith such ' stuff. Take real medicine that . will do vou good, that will supply to vour s3 stem the strengthening ' disease-relieving, andi tdisease-I resisting ingredients needs. Take Rexall Olive Oil iEmulsion and get well and keep well. It is!‘ a real blood and nene-food nudi- cine. It contains no alcohol nor any other dangerous or habit-f forming drugs, but is made 011-; tirelv from ingredients needed to; build up the strength and health- of__the aiiling. ‘ g | DON’T DOPE WITH ALCOHOLIC “TONICS” You who are Weak and run- down, and you who are apparent-4 ly well now, but are liable to suf- fer from various cold-weather ailments, use Rexull Olive Oil Emulsion to get and keep Well and strong. For the tired-out. run- down nervous, emar-iated or de- bilitatedâ€"the convalecsingâ€"grow- ing childrenâ€"aged peopleâ€"it is a sensible aid to renewal strength. better spirits, glowing health. CO ten days, which to them will pear shorter than the rest 1 days. Wishing the Editor and assist- ants a pleasant Christmas and a prosperous New Year. we will ad- journ for this week. anacmm mum: Absolutely nothmg con Scor'r’s EMULsxox to pl]! rich the blood to overcon of for much sickness and suffer- ing because its quality ster- mines our resistive pouer. \’\ 1th poor blood 1113 me lz111- guid, susceptible to colds 111‘" natu :11 CIICI‘Q‘, and a111l11itio11 and the gradual decline of strength makes l11o111pt and careful treatment necessm) Dun-15 (11 alcohol cannot 11 1al1e blood and must be a1oidecl. Sc1‘1‘1"1"s 1121111511111 is nature's grandest blood-maker because so caretullyprecu l :1 t e 5 without 1 quickly increase: of the blond. stn Poor Blood - . r :J ES Responsiue Our school closed foraâ€"thév'fibii: l s wholesomc medical nourialmlent )r 01 H D I ‘ ' .IULmux’ tn purify mm. mâ€" md to OVt-Hwnu- M It is tnhilx 11m 1.- J ILIIt \‘ .Hid \‘HIH’ 11:.1 Ill "..' 1‘; k Y ‘1 \“i‘i hl HI- 1 (it:- EDGE HILL. hgestcd that it assimi- tnxing digestion and s the red coxjpuscles r‘engthcns the organs ,1 Upbuilds the whole com D?! I 1 ap- of the h is enjoying the vacation at home near Don-noel)- home near Dornoch. We Web the editor, Chronicle readers Christmas. days on Friday, and ’ For transient Ich-HIM- AdVOl’tillng cents per line for liu- h: Bate. - tion; 8 cents per lilir «au- quent insertion minion measure. i'm‘. cords. not exceeding one inch $4.00 Dr! Advertisements without "memo (lin‘rti be nuhlished till forbid an 1 charged um» Trsnsieut notwesâ€" ‘L( In. ":Found.' 'Fu etaâ€"50 cents for first insertion. 2!. camp: 9 subsequent insertion. hm’ ' Tau CHRONICLE will 1.. Ba pt‘on ‘ny ‘ddreflfl. {’0‘0‘ 01 llnsl Batu . . ¢1«nperyur.payam.-n.. â€"31.50 may be rimmed if not on paid. '1 to which ever) rubm-rimion in- paid mm the autumn cm the address him]. In. ,._ continued to all armars are paid. «3“,. mmrm of the proprietor. ‘ vâ€"vv‘ CV. niahed on application ”advertisements ¢ b0 Mid for in ldt.uoe .Cpngmct rates for ‘ Funeral Director 18 PUBLISHED AVERY THURSDAY MURNIM At the Chronicle Printing HOUSr, (,‘a, Street. zcture Framing on $11 ”wire. [HE DURHAM EHHBN Full line 0f “.‘lylxllhlil and white ()aps fm' WISHING all] my ("US- tmners n Mvrry Christmas and unwind-- ing tn them a (furdiul Invitation to visit my store for Christnms pur- chases. GRANT’S AD. Mr. M. Kl‘ess has opened a shup at the rear of the furnil ure show room and is prepared in (In all kinds of tmsmithing. Undertaking receives special attentic m SHOW Rmms Barber Shop. dom' Smith M DURHAM. ONT and C. L. GRANT EDWARD KRESS Embalming a Specialty ‘Jnl’ruR AND PHHI'IH Rugs, Oilcloths Window Shades L ac e Curtains all Household l'urnislnngs TINSMITHING South Hf \\ smith shnp. «mm for business (7. L. GRANT December 25 ondeml hy au- yur-S‘ Niven-luau" to the oflice. 2U”. Next “EH Miss Mortley HI \\ 0am]: her fin“ \V \‘H‘ At‘ and M‘ su K“ \\' ms!” i the Few"

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