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Durham Chronicle (1867), 27 Jan 1916, p. 2

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in Patent. (had Ma- y are stylish. dot is manufactured and and inspect our new bat on the market. all kinds of Skin ?” Mrs out o! a..." WaShington Post. the little Johnny Per- I ran around here in hers a few years 3.0 no! the Rev. Jamel and (or some time has position in the City gton. We congratulate mania e, and wish him es: -â€"E. Chronicle. fleman. engaging a new >1 suppose I can write to remployer for your char- nted w. Slut or Dmt Durham, ()nt. on! (‘aws which sel PAIIING A SPECIAL" VY MIXED leed get our and Doors MA “I" ono of the Assistant At- nerals in the Deput- 1stice. Mrs. Walker gave xter as a wedding (in. of silver presented to »d_1_msband by the Grid- râ€"I am sorry to say in, 0 last two gentlemen I ’ nth died in my service. oooooo~booooboooo 60099909999...” EW CHAFFEUR ERA g System oooooooooooooooo n Shoe Store {andz’fi Ice and Club 8:31 999999999999..... R STRIP 'Goods eats. Confectioner and Grocer Mills Co. SEASON 00'” «none. I l'llli" 'OOOOOOQOOOM 111 A GOOD COMFORTABLE DWELL- lng. one of the most comfortable in Durham, and one of the very best locations. There are in con- nection a couple of good build: ing lots, and these will be sold with the building or separately. as desired by the purchaser. The dwelling contains all modern conveniences, is easily heated, and will be sold for much less than cost, and on terms to suit the buyer. Immediate possession may be had. Any person Wishing a good comfortable home. easily maintained and with up-to-date equipment should consult us at once. Buying in this case will be as easy as renting, and much more satisfactory. If you mean business. call at The Chronicle office and get the initial infor- NORTH PART OF LOT 6, THE old skating rink site. Garafraxa street, and the nprtl} part 0! lat BEING LOT 53, CON. 3. E. G. R.. Glenelg. containing 100 acres: on premises are new frame barn. brick house, sheds and outbuild- ings: running stream through oronerty: about 10 acres hard- wood bush. rest in good state of cultivation. Possession given on Nov. lot, 1913. For further par- ticulara. annly on premises to In John Staples, Rural Route No. l. Durham. Ont. 944ndt1 BANNER OATS FOR SALEâ€"IM- proved by hand selection for 14 years. From prize-winning field in South Grey competition. Price 75 cents per bushel, f.o.b.. Dur- ham sacks free, 60 cents per bushel in ten bushel lots at barn Sample at the Chronicle Office. W. L. Dixon, lot 15, con. 22, Egre- mont. R. R. No. 1 Varney. 3nd THE PROPERTY or THE LATE Philip Eva, in the town of Dur- ham. For terms and particulars apply to J.P. Telford, Durham. 11,18.“ FOR SALEâ€"A GOOD SECOND noo|l -II 1-513ng POWER AND CVTTING _- i “‘ years old; 1 Clyde colt, (rpm Predominant. Apply to Archie Allan, lot 13. con. 3. Egremont. LOTS 8, 9_ and 10._ KINQQ‘RDINE WANTEDâ€"To PURCHASE small house centrally 10 Apply to Box” Durham. FAMILI'ES WAN_TED_ F912 KNIT- THOROUGHBRED POLLED-ANG- us. A. Crutchley, Durham. 204pd STEEL CURBS: ADJUSTABLE from five feet to fourteen (not, two and a halt feet deep, in good condition. Write. call, or phone, to W. Edwards, R. R. No. Anna-‘4 HE PIERCY COBNISH FARM Lots. 31 and 32.. Con. 2, Norman- by, containing 220 acres of lani, 106 acres oi gooi workable land balance bush and pasture. First class barn, 60 by 62, and 40 by 50 Good frame house. all buildings good, water in both house and stables, 53 acres ploughed and ready for the spring seeding: b miles from Ayton, 5 from Hol- stein, 9 from Mt. Forest, 8 from Durham, 1 from church, 54 from school. This is one of the best and cheapest farms in the township of Normanby. Good reason for selling. For terms and conditions apply to R. H' Fortune. Ayton, Ont. Doris. aged 12, was alone in the house. when a visitOr called- to see her mother. Doris smiled hospitably as she held the door Open wide. "Oh. Mrs. Browne,” she said brightly. “mother will be pleased: she hOped you’d come this alter- D ACRES IN BENTINCK TOWN- .hip. being Lot 26, Conceasfion 3 W. G. R.‘ will be Iold cheap: good title. Apply to George Whitmore. Durham. or Thomas Davis. RH. No. 2. Priceville. 3 18“ BI'Aibért street. Apply to Jackson. 1 ‘ICII’ Jutll “.v‘ cw- “Oh, no,” answ-ered' Doris just as brightly: “she has gone out shop- ping, and won’t be home till late to-night!”â€"St. Louis Post Des- patch. 1100“!” Mrs. Browne beamed at the Warmth of the welcome. “Is that so, dear?” she asked. eith mation. U1‘ U‘wu o hand five oétav; vol-Eat). Will sell very cheap. Apply at my resi- dence. W. J. McFadden. t1 Glenwilliams. Apply to W Egremont, R. R )OX Advertisements of one incn, or leee,|25loen for first ineerti , and 10 out. for each "qua Lt ineerfion. Our one inch an under two incbee, double the “on emount. Yearly rue. on application. Dwelling: For Sale Silo Curbs for Sale Farms for Sale. THEY DON’T SPEAK NOW Bull for Service , good an im- separately Pribevill 3-. ,1th Fur Sale \VANTED For Sale now. Will 5811 My or together. Walter Ferguson. R. No. 3 Durham2p SMALL ADS. 1â€"Ocatei, 1213pd 9 30H FFIOEâ€"Over J P. Telford’o omce nearly opposite the Registr office. Reeldence Second house south of Registry office on east side of Albert Street. Office Hours 9-11 3.11)., 2-4 p. 111.. 7-9 p. 111. Telephone communica tion between office and residence at all hours. U York .{ud Chicago. Diseases 0! Bye, Bar No» and Throat. \Vill he at the Hahn House, Janu- ary 15, February 19, March 18, Ap1i115. Hours, 1 to 5 p.111. FFICE AND RESIDENCE A short distance out of Kmpp’s Bowl. Lamb ton Street, Lower Town. Durham ()fieo hours from 12 to 2 o’clock vâ€"wâ€" vv -â€" â€"-- â€" ‘m Officeâ€"Over Dougfas’ J ewellerv Store. l flee in the New Hunter Block. 0606 nonre,8tolOn. m. to4 .m.end7to9 o. In. S peeul attention ven to diseases of women and children. Residence op. ooeite Preehvterian Church. J F. GRANT, D. D. 8 .L.D. B ONOR GRADUATE. UNIVERSI- ty of Toronto. Graduate Boys College Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Dentistryflin all its Branches. SPECIALIST : EYE,” __EAR,_ THROAT nose J. P. Telford. ARRISTEI., SOLICITOR. ETC. ()fice. nearly opposite the Registry office. Lambton St..Durham. Auyamount )f monev tn loan a? 5 pm- cent. on farm oropertv. DR. BURT. Ono Aaaiotsnt Roy.London Ophtnumlo Ho: ‘13:. and to Golden Sq. Throut 5nd Nose Ho. OFFICE Holstein Conveymcer. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Money to loan at lowest rates, and terms to suit borrower. Fire and Life Insurance placed in thor- oughly reliable companies. Deeds, Mortgages, Leases and Wills, executed on shortest notice. All work promptly attended to. Pupil of Professor Konold, will accept a lumited number of pupils for instruction on piano and organ. EnQuire for terms. 107 HYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OF- flee m the New Hunter Block. Ufice t.‘ er. Conveyancer. 8m. Insurance Agent. Money to Loan. Issuer of Mar- riage Licenses. A general financial busi- ness transacted. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Grey. Satisfaction guar- anteed. Terms reasonable. Dates 01 sales made at the Chronicle of- tice, or_with himself. I. ARTHUR COOK WILL GIVE vocal instruction in singing ev- ery Tuesday afternoon and evening at the home of Mrs. S. In the surrogate court at the county of Grey. In the matter of the estate of Robert McAdam Dargavel, late of the township of Glenelg in the county of Grey, sawmfller, deceas- ed. NOTICE is hereby given, pur-T suant to R. S. D. 1914, Cap. 121, Sec.l 56, that all persons having claims against the estate of the said‘ Robert McAdam Dargavel, who died on or about the 3rd day 01 October, AD. 1915, are required to send by post prepaid or other-‘ wise deliver to J. P. Teltord of the town 01 Durham, solicitor for the executors, on or before the 12th day 01 February, AD. 1916, their names, addresses, and des- criptions and a lull statement at particulars of their claims and the nature of the security, it an , held by them, duly: certified, an that, _ A- _ --_L-_- 0n. lamioson I; lamieson. alter the said day the executors '0‘“! will proceed to distribute the an- , “$31 a1 sets of the estate among the partiel' anther entitled thereto, hav 3 regard chang only to the claim- 01 which they gram. shall then have notice. Dated the 15th day of January, A. D. 1916. - James O. Dargavel, James W. of the undersigned, Lot 30, Con. 1 Sullivan, a pair of white faced yearling steers, dehorned and marked with a' “V" on the right hip. Any information leading to their recovery will be suitably rewarded. James Vuey, Doro noch. 3pd Licensed Auctioneer DAN MC LEAN I. 6. Hutton. M. 0., 0. A. H. Jackson. JOTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSION. F. Icéomb. Pupils may apply (or appointments to Mrl. Mc- Como at any time. 1022M L R. C. P., LONDON. ENG RADULA'I'E of London. New Notice to Creditors DURHAM ONT. (Lower Town.) MISS MAYDEE McAULEY Office; 13. Front St. Owen Sound. Dr. W. C. Pickering Dentist. Medical Directorv . Arthur Sun. I. D Dental Direclorv W. J. SHARP Legal ‘Dz’rectorv DR. BROWN Over J. t J. Hunter’s 8T RAYED Musical One share of United States Steel preferred was the prize at each of the six tables of Mrs. Elbert H. ‘Gary’s bridge party at her Fifth avenue residence last Saturday. It iis thought likely that this Will not ,be regarded as necessarily a pre- cedent for the givers of bridge parties in general, if it should be . so regarded it might have the dire {result of materially reducin the lumber of such parties.â€" pring- (field Republican. WHAT THE PRESS IS SAYING Has every member of parliament of military age enlisted? is the question asked by a leading Eng- lish paper. Not unfair is the ques- tion. Those who seek political leadership and all that political leadership means should not be the last to don the uniform in the hour of the country’s danger.â€"St. John Globe. - ‘ A local contemporary last even- 1112 expressed great wonder that Sir Wilfred Laurier .made no refer- ence to the question of the ex- tension of the life of the parlia- ment in his speech in the House on Monday. The wonder was so great that Sir Robert Borden made no mention of the matter.â€"Hamil- ton Times. Germany may, as reported, hone for a separate peace with France and Russia, but both the French and the Russians have. stood for too much at Hunnish hands to let up now, or any time until German militarism is wiped completely out. â€"Calgary Ne‘Ns-TEIGg‘ram. SEND A NOTE We should not discriminate. Those Mexican bandits should re- ceive one of our most adroitly phrased notesâ€"Cincinnati Times- Star. Germany if adding to the su- premacy of the British navy. Very little is said about it, but there is no- doubt that a large number of her “U” boats have been cap- tured and are now being used by the British. This is scarcely what the kaiser and Von Tirpitz cOunted uponâ€"Kingston Standard. AH. TRUE! l It’s a mighty hard matter for? a man to hold onto his religious' principles when he plants his footl on a smooth bit of ice on the' sidewalk that the beautiful has obscured.â€"St. Catherines Journals i Ontario Liberalism should be proud of the service which its own ,Hon. G. P. Graham rendered to the .munici‘palities between Toromto‘ and Kingston. The position to these municipalities were reduced ‘by the “Liberal and progressive statesmanship” of Hon. G. P. Gra- ham oan be contrasted with the :nosition to which the Hydro-Elec- itric municipalities have been exal- ted by the support Which the Con- servative party gave to the “Tory” ;Adam Beck. The contrast will . supply. true and genuine Liberals 'with reason to believe that the so-called Liberal party in provin- cial and Federal politics should I‘either change its leadership or change its nameâ€"Toronto Tele- Compulsory war service of mon- ey has in the British Empire preâ€" ceded compulsory service of life All the money has not been taken â€"yet. But as the War goes on, the money of the peOple, particularly of the wealthy, will be called upon iust as extremely as need be.â€"-Ot- tawa Journal. THAT MEXICAN POLICY The Sad effects of a {ensign 1’0]- icy of moral suasion, unaccompan- ied by a certain promise of force, have been noted for some time in the relations between the, United States and Mexico. The careless- mess with *which Mexican bandits treat American citizens is a tra- dition.â€"-â€"Montreal Mail. NO CHANGE President Wilson announces that his Mexican policy remains the same. As is the case in his attit- ude regarding submarine outrages the president’s diplomatic barom- eter stands at “no change..”â€"Galt Reporter. Peterboro pays $18 per h.p. for electric energy developed almost within the limits of the munici- pality. « ' To'i'onto pays \ $14 per 11.1). for electric energy developed eighty- six miles from the limits of the municipality._ . A AA A .‘ Peterboro is the victim of the “Liberal” policies of Hon. G. P. Graham, who permitted every wa- ter power between Toronto and Cornwall to be tied up in favor of the Seymour Power Co. Toronto is the beneficiary of the “Conservative” policies of Sir Ada-m Beck, whose leadership brought the energies of Niagara power to every municipality within the Hydro-Electric zone: GERMANY HELPING BRITAIN THE ORIGINAL METHOD Katherine and Margaret found themselves seated next each other at a dinner party and immediate- ly became confidential. “Molly told me that you told her that secret I told you not to tell her!” whispered Margaret. “Oh. isn’t she a mean thing!" gasped KathErine. “Why, I told her not to tell yon!” 111 Everybddy’s. ”Cl llv- yv -v“ 4... “Well,” returned 'Margaret. “I told her I wouldn’t tell you she told: ‘me, am don’t tell her I did.”â€" MONEY CONSCRIPTED TIME FOR A CHANGE STEEL BRIDGE PRIZE TWO WONDERS BASELESS HOPES A QUESTION THE DURHAM CHRONICLE ' Oraâ€"age; N. J., clubwomen will ;ha‘ve fifteen lessons in cooking gan‘q hogssholg mapagement. ! War College strategists pick- iLewes. Del., as the weak point in $the Atlantic coast, and sumzest measures for defence. Michigan’s population is 3.035.148. Wheeling, W. Va., now has 42,000 po'pulation. Clevelanders own more than 2.5,- 000 automobiles. Washington, D. C., last year recorded 4,191 marriages. United States last year produced 267,400,000 barrels of oil. Seattle will this year con- siderably expand its school system. Richmond Daily Virginian be- comes national organ of Prohibi- tiqn party: Mrs. John Board r‘écentl); found $1,800 hidden in an old house in Po_in_t_ Pleasant, W. Va. Dellas, T3x., is to have this year a new union passenger station, cqsting_ 911 _told $5,990,000. Miss'Marizanna' 'Urbanbwicz has become Mrs. Vladvslawis Guruszd- o-\x_rs__l=;izx_k, a_t ‘Passaic, N. J. The Virginia Legislature exten- ded an invitation to President Wilson to address a joint session of that body. Billy Sunday is éominfz to But- falo to conduct an e\ ang elistic campgign in April and Max, 191.. Prelitfiinary ifiquiry of thE' ex- plosion on board the E-2 appears to_abso_l_\:e the Edison battery. Republicans in the Nevaork Legislature expect to cut $6,000,000 fr9r_n t‘he Gm'grnor’s b_udget. Lieutenant-Commander Owen Horace Oakley. U.S.N,, died at Mansion House in Brooklyn of pneumonia. Dr. W. A. Backensto'e has return- ed to. Allentown, ‘Pa., after 10 years spent as a missionary in South Africa. Edward P-innette, Brooklyn. at- tempted suicide in 3 Portland h0- tel by shooting himsvlf in the right breast. Denver must fight claims to its site made by heirs of a Maryland man who think they can prove to it. o “Billy” Friday of Brooklyn will marry on an evangzlistic campaign in one of th? Philadelphia. Pa. churches. General Carranza pledges prompt vengeance in Santa Ysabel murder- ers. Flight of Americans to the border grows. To. (701111“911‘9 a man to Judas Is- cario't is libelous, according to the decision of the Wisconsin Su- preme Court. Sister Vincent has disappeared fmm the Com qnt of St. Joseph Villa, two miles from Cheltenham. 11911‘ Philadolnhia. Samuel D. Haynes. paroled lifn nrisoner, has erected a $10,000 flat building in Detroit as a monu- ment of his redemption. Surgeon-General " Blue’s re-ap- rnintment to a second term as head of the Puhlir' Health Service has been confirmed by the Senate. George H. Fink. 40, esnahed to- d'w with $17,000 of thp pay roll of the Hercules Bugrrv (30.. Evansvilltx Ind.. was captured later at Boon- \'il]9. Ind. Th» attack on the Potrolite by an Austrian submarine. \Vashingtnn reports. will be madr1 tho basis for another note from the State De- partment. Since the 1"-r0hihiti0n MW went into effect, January 1. there have been seven deaths from alcoholism in Seattle. according to the Coron- er’s records. 'V “v- ‘â€" Enormous foreign trade last year exceeding $5,350,000,000, amounted to only a little over one per cent, of the total business done in the United States during 1915. John J. Wise, of New York City. vestigate complaints against the State Banking Department. A \oluntary wage incrpaso of 25 cents a dav was granth to 25000 mine and smplting employ es in Butte, Anaconda and Great Falls. Mont. Three bodies have been recover- pd from the Victor II. a large gasoline passenger launch. which napsized off Point Defiance, Wash. in a heavy wind. _ ‘0 ‘7 Theodore Hetzler has been elecâ€" ted president of the Fifth avenue Punk of New York, in which he, started to. work tW3nty-five years ago as a messenger. o- 'w John McGraW, Democratic Na- tional Committeeman from West Virginia and Charles Durbin, hresâ€" ident of the closed Grafton Bank. were indicted on felony charges. An auxiliary police court for women offenders was given a trial in L06 Angeles with only women permitted to attend as spectators and male witnesses ex- eluded. VIM uucamaa w vr Three years ago hubby kissed her and “went to lodge” saying he might be coming back, says Read- ing. Pa., woman suing for divorce. He has never come back. Presmvent Wilson has decided that the time for the organization of “the manufacturing resources of the country for the public ser- vice in cue of emergency” has come. Woonsocket Worsted Company. the Samoeet Worsted Company and the Guerin Spinning Company have granted 750 employee of their mills a five per pent increase. -â€"â€" When Thomas Mott Osborn e, (or-- mer Warden of Sing Sing, is placed on trial in the Supreme Court it will be for perjury, and all other charges will be dropped. An injunction, which prohibits railroads in West Virginia from permitting passengers to carry labelled into'xicants as personal baggage, was upheld by the Su- preme Court of Appeals. Being Leap Year Flushing bach- elors are hoping the ladies will be barred from Business Associa- tion banquet on Februarv 29. which Will be hard to do because the as- smiation has a woman member. The home of Ben B. Johnson, news OF THE:U.S.A. The sole head of a family. or anv male over 18 years old. may homestead a quarter-section of available Dominion land in Mani- toba. Saskatchewan, or Alberta. Applicant must appear in pet-non at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub-Agency for the District. Entry by proxy may be made at my Dominion Lands Agency (but not Sub-Agency). on certain condi- Dutiesâ€"Six months’ reaidence anon and cultivation of the land to each 0! three yearn. A home- Iteader may live within nine miles of his homestead on a farm of at lent 80 acres, on certain condi- tions. A habitable house is re- united except where reaidence is performed in the vicinity. SYNOPSIS 0F CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS In certain district: '3 home- cteuder in good standing may pre- empt a quarter-section alongside big homeatgod. Price $3.00 per acre. Dutieswâ€"Six montha" feaiae'née' in each of three years after earning homestecd patent also 50 acres extn cultivation. Pre-emptlon patent may be obtained as soon as homestead patent. on certain conditions A settler who has exhausted his homestead right may take a pur- chased homestead in certain dis- tricts Price $3.00 per acre. Duties â€"Must reside six months in each of three vears, cultivate 50 acres and erect a _house worth $300 The area of cultivation is subject to reduction in case of rough. scrubby or stony land Live stock mav be substituted for cultivation under certain conditions W W. CORY. C.M.G. Beauty of the Minister of the Interior N. B,â€"Unauth0rized publication of this advertisement will not be oaid for 81061:: Gives its students a training that carries with it the stamp of “Superiority.” Write to-day for large catalo ue. Right now there is a great emand for our grad- uates. 69QOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOQOOOOOO i; Shaw’s Business Schools? John Ken; QOOOOQQQOOOOOOOQQOOOOQOO6 8‘ president of the American Base- ball League, in Chicago, was en- tered by burglars. A Russian sable cape and an evening gown belong- ing to Mrs. Johnson were stolen. A $60,000,000 corporation for the manufacturer and sale of arms and munitions was launched when papers incorpOrating the Reming- ton Arms Union 'Metallic Cartâ€" ridge Corporation of Bridgeport were filled.- A Laneashire weaver recently iomed the army, and, after being at IPlvlmouth thnoe months, was al- lowed home on a week’s furlough. Vuiting his old rectory, he wu encountered by the genial head ofmthe timr with a _ smile, andâ€" “I hope they made a- (mi of you?” The soldier replied; Toronto. Canada. give thorough courses which lead to good sal- gu'ied office appointments. Free catalogue. explains. Enter any time. \V. H. Shaw. President. Head Office: Yonge and Gerrard Streets. Toronto. D. A. McLACflI.AN President. MOUNT FOREST BUSINESS COLLEGE I! you wish to enter Business is the We have all graduates in positions, superior ('(mnvci- ions, exclusive and special courses, a demand for grud- uates three times our supply. These features mean your suc- cess, and make our school a LEADER Write to-day for full information inf ree cata- logue before deciding. NEW YEAR TERM FROM A HIGH-CLASS SCHOOL THE BEST SCHOOL TO ATTEND MORE PORTABLE SHAPE IO? '0 1.1. srnunakh BANK WW?” TORONTO, ONT. JAN. 3, 1916. III. DURHAM BRAN BUD C/H. SAVINGS BANK at all Branches. G. M. HENRY, Princlpnl. Bficient and Prompt Sen-vie. in every Department sump“... Tn Clnomcu will be neat to en eddxeeeJl-eeoi poehge Rete- . .31 per h' upoydfloillldmc. 41.50 my beoher‘ed if‘ not no no“. The 5 o whieh ever) wheat tion in peid to denoted the number on the ed teen lnbel. Ne pope!" continued to ell em ere paid. exoept e! de option of the proprietor. Ad'fl'fidfl‘ For ti-nnelen t ed venue-en In. oente pet line for the In! fillet" Rete- . ~tion: been“ prune“ other elect insertion minnen meeeuhe. mu mule not exceeding one inch “.00 wen-no “vet-cinema“ without epeciflc direction. will be published ml forbid u d alerted eonâ€"u Tnneieetneneeeâ€"“Ltn. “ :Feunl." “For . tor-50 eelte fer In! harden. 25 on.“ for ea in nbeeq neat, aeertion. Alledvertieelnenu ordered by “ream Inn be unit] for in edunoe. Contact retee for yeer.y edvemee-elu fl! ntehed on eppliontion to the emoe. I8 PUBLICHID VERY THURSDAY HORN!” 4! the Chronicle Printing Noun, Oar-fun “rent. [HE DURHAM EHHHNICLE and Funeral Director‘ Future Frammg (m shark's A. BELL U N DERTAKER “What! A strange man wal of! with'my um rout? Why. have_ any/mayo 09 ‘9'. _Al ___ “Aw'll boll yo’ what they’ve done air. The ’vo ta'on th’ hump 0! mi back uni put it on mi chat. and it’l a lot out» to wry nae-v.”- London Antwan. .‘u ‘v W (*V 'vâ€" “That my ha. buâ€"tvthe other tel- low hu his land on it.” Full line of ( )atzholic Robes. and black and while (Jews for aged people. DURHAM. ONT. Mr. M. Kress has opened a shop at the rear of the furniture show room and is pre ared to do I.“ kinds of tinsmit ing. Undertaking receives special anemic m UN DERT AKIN G “FURNITURE gun}? Rxxmsâ€"S'ext‘ to Swallow s Burbex'Shup. REBIDENCi:ޢ:k£ door South of \V. J. Lawrence’s blacksmith shop. and all Household Furnishings TINSMITHIN G EDWARD KRESS Emma AND vammn Embalming a Specialty Stock=Takin g â€"c. L. GRANT THE January 27, 1916. Rugs, Oilcloths Window Shades L a c e Curtains . IRWIN AND walksd

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