’n Shoe Store VED bl ll“: of Skills? puts out at then. 99000 009999990009 R STRIP eats. not forget to I the Funds the ï¬ned, which will dodged. \IRIMi A SPECIALTY Confectioner and Grocer 99909999999909†Mills Co. 09999999999990. Ill] than in encouraging rim.â€â€" Batimore Ann- In 099909090999999 «no «nova: 18 kin urham. Ont 0.005.506.6609. ooooooooo¢¢¢.. SEASON Goods System ted Patent. Gun Me are stylish. dnr anufactured and nspevt mu‘ new I the market. Bagb Vno wan mention- 1' I were mark don- f0! A GOOD COMFORTABLE DWELL- lng. one of the most comfortable ln Durham, and one of the very best locations. There are in con- nection a couple of good bulld- lng lots, and these will be sold with the building or separately. as desired by the purchaser. The dwelling contains all modern convemences, rs easily heated, NORTH PART OF LOT 6. THE old skating rink site. Garafraxs street, and the north part of lot 5. Albert street. Apply to A. E. Jackson. 930“ THE PIERCY CORNISH FARM UTâ€™ï¬ . 13""880" a lil Lots. 31and32 Con 2 Norman- OH‘ICE AND RESID bv. containing 220 acres of 12m1 ' short distance eaatof Km 155 acres o: 3001 workable land . Lambton Street, Lower To“ ‘03 'anu bush and pastgre. Figs} I’ECQ hours from 12 tolo’clock RISING LOT 53, FON. 3, E. G. R.. Glenelz containing 100 acres: on premises are new frame barn brick house, sheds and outbuild- ings; running stream through Draperty: about 10 acres hard- wood bush. rest in good state of cultivation. Possession given on Nov. 1st. 1913. For further par- ticulars. apply on premises to FUR SALEâ€"1 CEMENT TILE OUT-i fit: 1 cement brick machine; a: MISS MAYBEE MCAULEY hump business and outfit. 31805 Pupil of Professor ° shah; half acre land. and gx-M'cl'accept a lumited E32312]: W“: pit. situzltvd on Church St. 1 V311"! DDDiIB for instruction on in? m-rml house" and lot. situated (â€Hand organ. EDQuil‘e for te m p 09' â€(‘Ol’gt‘ St Pilflt; 1 rough CLISti""â€'"""†---m,. ~---â€"â€"-â€"-â€"~.~r.--_a__. 1 ‘ lmum' on George St. “ISL.†Fm"; I. ARTHUR COOK WILL GIG-{3 4.“: __-_ l2 ll I1‘,1.K’|J ‘ v VV u- box, good as now. Will sell either separately or together. Apply to Walter Ferguson. Egremont, R. R. No. 3 Durham2p The opening of the Ontario Leg- islature is expected to take place about the end of this month or two weeks later than usual. THE PROPERTY OF THE LATE Philip Eva, in the town of Dur- ham. For terms and particulars. apply to J.P. Telford, Durham. _ A 11.18.“ LOTS 8. 9 and 10. KINCARDINE Itreet. Went. Apply to A.H. Jack- 4 1 15 U FOR SALE Jatuu~v vuvu .._-..--. class barn, 60 _by #62 and 40 buy m50 l Good frame house. all buildings good, water in both house and stables, 53 acres ploughed and ready for the spring seeding: 6 miles from Ayton, 5 from Hol- stein, 9 from Mt. Forest, 8 from Durham, 1 from church, 54 from school. This is one of the best and cheapest farms in the township of Normanby. Good reason for selling. For terms and conditions apply to R. H Fortune, Ayton. Ont. . ACRES IN BENTINCK TOWNâ€" |hip. being Lot 28, Concession 3 W. G. R.‘ will be sold cheap. good title. Apply to George Whitmore. Durham, or Thomas Davis. R.R. No. 2, Priceville, yvuvu.-.vâ€"--~, _ and will be sold for much less than cost, and on terms to suit the buyer. Immediate possession may be had. Any person wishing a good comfortable home. easily maintained and with up-to-date equipment should consult us at once. Buying in this case will be as easy as renting, and much more satisfactory. If you mean business. call at The Chronicle office and get the initial infor- if" John S't'ables, Rural Route V0. 1. Durham. Ont 944pdtf box, good u 1 either separately Apply to Wa Egremont, R. R. ham sacks free, 60 cents per bushel in ten bushel lots at barn Sample at the Chronicle Office. W. L. Dixon, lot 15, con. 22. Egre- mont. R. R. No. 1 Varney. 3pd >4 â€"â€"â€"â€"d-.â€"-â€" .on. GENERAL P years 01d; 1 Predominant Allan. lot 13 J13 â€thus; - hand five octave organ. Wi very cheap. Apply at my .1..nnn “V. .T- “ICFQddE‘n. Dwelling: For Sale iLg ‘lk‘l1IL\ \( \Ill 11 «l hmmc- “nil-1.1111. Sitn: 1(111 (m ' and organ ENQUire {Or terms-107 "t . 1 h-«w-ng. St (:1st;1 rough c1st - ,â€" .*.*____ _ mum «m Georg? St, 1 an PM I. ARTHUR COOK WILL GIVE 1 t- I.†p‘rucmars 11mm to! vocal instruction in singing ev- ‘ W Whitmm‘t Fl- tf ery Tuesday afternoon and " n .-W_â€"- evening It the home of Mrs. S. â€(11:51: PO“ ER \\DCITT11\G| F. IcComb. Pupils may apply 101:, good as new. Will 53‘}? (or appointment: to Mrs. Mc- 1th! 5. '1'}! ;-1t(l\ . m (‘JL’IVQWE'l Como at any time. 10 22“ ROOD 80W FOR to Robert Meade \ ,W â€1.9mm.“ of one man. or 10“.,25Ioonu for that hurt! . and 10 cent- for each x Mung...) Out one inch and under two inches. double the ubovo amount. Yearly rate. on application. “arms for Sale. l .0ts For Sale lot 13. con \\'.\.V'l‘l‘3†condition. Write. to W. Edwards, R AL PURPOSE MARE. 5 .d; 1 Clyde colt, from Lnant. Apply to Archie nf 12. pan. 3. Ezremont. For Sale GOOD SECONP Salt SALE-APPLY ADJUSTABLI MALL ADS. arne n my resi- 9) In 1 TENDERS FOR THE PAS’I‘URE OF the agricultural grOunds for 1916. ‘- will be received by the under- e signed up to February .19. r . J. H. Hunter, chairman of Com- ; mittee. 1 ; OFFICE FFICEâ€"-()ver .3 P. Telford’s ofï¬ce; { nearly opposite the Registr ofï¬ce. Resxdence Second house south of Registry oflice on east side of Albert Slrefg. ()fl‘lcelipuys 9-11 3.11)., 2-41). 111.. 7-9 p. m. Telephone comm-{mic} tion between ofï¬ce and residence at all hours. - York And Chicago. bloom. 0! Bye. Bar Nou and Throat. \Vill be at the Hahn House, Janu. my 15, February 19, March 18, Apxil 15. Hours, 1 to 5 p.11). Ofï¬ceâ€"«Over Douglas’ J ewellerv Store. l. P. Telford. ARRISTEIL. SOLICITOR. ETC. ()flice. nearly opposite the Registry ofï¬ce, Lambton St..Durham. Anyamount )f monev tn loan a? 5 per cent. on farm m'opertv. yl-IYSICJAN AND SURGEON, OF- ï¬ce in the New Hunter Block. Uï¬ce “mum, 8 tn 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. and? :09 o. (In. Special attention given to diseases of women and children. Residence op- aosite Presbvterian Uhurch. ty of anonto. Graduate Roya College Dental Surgeons ofOntario. Dentistry in all its Branches. an. Jamieson lamieson. OFFICE AND RESIDENCE A _ whort distance east of Knapp’s Hotel, =1g‘ml'}on Sfreet,‘__lgoqeq .qun, Durham SPECIALIST : avg, _ EAR, THROAT NOSE L R. C. P. LONDON.ENG (VRADULATE of London. New ‘I' ‘1_l_ _ , L‘ er, Conveyancer,' c. Insurance Agent. Mnney to Loan. Issuer of Mar- riage Licenses. A general ï¬nancial busi ness tramactnd. Qua Assistant Roy.London Ophthalmic Hon “2.. and to Golden Sq. Thront and Non Hos Holstein Conveyancer. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Money to loan at lowest rates, and terms to suit borrower. Fire and Life Insurance placed in thor- oughly reliable compnaies. Deeds, Mortgages, Leases and Wills, executed on shortest notice. All Work promptly attended to. Licensed Auctioneer tor the County at Grey. Satisfaction guar- anteed. Terms reasonable. Dates of sales made at the Chronicle of- (ice, or with himscn. In the surrogate court of the county of Grey. lu the matter of the estate of Robert McAdam Dargavel, late 01' the township 01' Glenelg in the cquuty of Grey, sawmfller, deceas- their names, addresses, and des- (:l'lleOllS and a full statement of particulars of their claims and the nature of the security, if any, held by them. duly certified, and that. after the said day the executors will proceed to distribute the as- sets of the estate among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice. Dated the 15th day of January, A. D. 1916. James 0. Dargavel, James W. Crawford, executors. ’ By their solicitor, J. P. Telford. NOTICE is hereby given, pur- suant to R. S. O. 1914, Cap. 121, Sec. 50, that all persons naving claims against the estate of the said UCIObel‘, to send 1 wise deli the town Licensed Auctioneer DAN MU LEAN A. H. Jackson. JO’I‘ARY PUBLIC, COMMISSION 1. G. Hutton. M. 0., J F. GRANT, D. D. s .L. n. s [ONOR GRADUATE. UNIVERSI- Notice Lu Creditors DURHAM ONT. {Lamar Town.) Ofï¬ce: 13. Frrnt Sb. Owen Sound. [em Dr. W. 0. Pickering Dentist. (la Medical Directorv. Arthur Gun, M. D. W. J. SHARP Dental Director}! Legal ‘Dz’rectorv DR. BROWN McAdam pr anon: the 3rd day of AD. 1915, are required 0' post. prepaid or otlmr- ver to J. P. Tclford of of Durham, solicitor fur ivrrs “hunted DR. BURT. Over J. t J. Hunter’s Musical b‘e m-uar address uzu' y , m, solicitor or before argax' L‘ whu Hylandâ€"Atmltrong. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong ,was the scene of a pretty wedding on Wednesday, February 2 at 1.30 When their youngest daughter Laura Adelaide, was married to Mr. Herman Masson, Hyland B. A. Sc" of Toronto, the Rev. James .Dudgeon officiating. The bride, .who was unattended was given Laway by her father and wore her travelling suit of bronze brown ,brOadcloth. With bodice of brown lchiffon, embroidered with gold; 3a small rose colored French hat, {and cOrSage bouquet of violets and :rose buds, and also wore 3 dia- mond pendant, the gift of the ‘ groom. The drama, “The Minister’s Bride.†was successfully given by! Markdale talent on Wednesday: evening of last Week. Notwith-‘ standing wheeling over rough roads there was a good turnout, many? coming a considerable distanccf to see the play, a synopsis of which was given at the beginning by Rev. Mr. McVicar. The large audience, which was comfortably, seated in the high school. auditor- ium. was repeatedly convulsed with; laughter at the humorous produc-3 tion which was very creditably; put in by Mrs. Dr. Brown and her, amateur actors. Nearly all took their parts well. but some of the. characters were specially well ren-l dered, Widow McDougal who visi-l ted the parsonage with her eight- een children to have them bap- tized, the young couple, who after? ten years courtship called to get married: Mr. Crabb, the comic and his wife; Mrs. Sharpe, with her curt retorts, and some others were‘ all taking characters. The young' minister and his bride, who were a fine looking couple, had adiffi- cult role to play. receiving for' the first time in their new home their numerous. critisizing parish- ioners. In one of the acts Mrs.' Brown sang Mother Machrac in a very pleasing manner. The play closed with a short program of solos, readings. etc.. in which nearly all took part. The stage. settings were quaint and fitting to the drama. The. proceeds were $63.00. Mr. T. A Blakcly got :1 cold bath at the planing mill a few days ago, . While engaged in clear-- The Wedding march was played by her sister, Miss Lillian Arm'- strong. The ceremony was per- formed in the drawmg room un- der a canOpy of smilax and car- nations. The library was deeora- ted with daffodils and the draw- ing room was done in pink and cream roses and Smilax. After the wedding breakfast and the congratulations of their friends. Mr. and Mrs. Hyland left on the afternoon train for their home in New York, going via Buffalo, and Detroit. The guests from out of town were;â€"Mrs. and Miss Hy- land, mother and sister of the groom, and Miss Vera Glenny, all of Toronto; Colonel E. F. Arm- strong, of Cobalt, and Miss E. Limin, of DUrham. water, and was submerged long enough to make him feel it was all up with him before he got from his perilous position. T. A. says the very dip and warming up he got reaching home had the good effect of curing a bad cold. v"--- was“ VI“. Mr. W. A. Nursey, Supt. of public libI‘IlI‘iBS, paid a Visit to the li- brary here on Tuesday of last week and gave an address in the tOWn hall in the Swelling. ‘1? ing away ice ht theurï¬â€˜iali mice, he went headlong int? the ‘rushing We Viewed with considerable. in- terest the sun eclipse last week. Which, though there was some snow in the, air could be seen most of the time very well here. At a meeting of the executive of the Methodist Sunday school a few evenings ago, Mr. H. S. White was elected superintendent, to fill the vacancy made by the re- moval of Mr. Bunt. Miss Holmes gave the Methodist Young People’s Society and the. Presbyterian Guild each a treat last week, with an instructive and deeply interesting paper on Mrs. Nellie McClung. Miss Marjory Atoheson, one of the High School students, gave a splendidly ren- dered reading from Sewing Seeds in Danny, which was apr0pos. At the annual election of offi oers of Court, Fles‘norton C. O. F the following were (-IP(V'th;â€"C~ H (39C: \Yhitfa: V‘ C. R. Silas Shunk I! A: John Boyce: J. B., W. Hawkin; S W., B. White; J W Dave Adams Pln 910nm. Dr. Bibbv. The officms elected in PR shnto Council, C ...0.CF {01 the curron ye :11, armâ€"Chief Councillor. T. A Blakoly: Vice Councillox, M13 Me Auluy; Rec01d91,\IIS. L. A. FiClmr Assistant Rec†5115. \V. P C1055 guest ‘of Mr. and Mrs. Karsu-dl. Dr. Bibby was called again to Brighton on Thurszluj. last to at- tend the funeral of his father. Who had been for many years :1 mer- chant in that place. and an official - n Birthodist church. Another of our youngmen to enlist is Mr. Cliff Blakely, who is giving up his business here for his king and country and goes this week to Owen Sound to be- come a member of the Grey Bat-- talion Band. ley come a membe1 of the Gre3 B11 ; Miss Winnie Binnie talion Band. Huang fairl3 after hex Pc Fred McTavish came home. ;.ss from Owen Sound hospital on Sat- Wedding bells are Visite Mr. Jae. “'hite, of C} as home over the week Mr. G. Cuttle, of Sulto lost ‘of Mr. and Mrs. K: ve MC'I FLESHERTON OE THE DURHAM CHRONICLE R. C.. H . J. Dud 's. Karstodl led again a) last to \V. P: Cm. Fisher; W I. Mth ." War‘ Claudx ll' Teacher W. R. W'allace visited the parental home in Normanby over the week end to bid his brother James goodbye. as the lat- ter joins the 147th Grey Battalion on Monday. 5 Lorne McNally left on Friday last for Stratford to enter the em- ploy of the G. T. R. as fireman. Lorne has had a desire for years for railroad life and being gifted with plenty of muscle and natural mechanical talents, will soon be promoted. Mrs. D. McTavish apeâ€"at part of last week with her son Fred. in Owen Sound. Mr. Chas. Stewart got a nastv blow and cut in the face last week [mm a binding pole on the wagon with which _he was hauling lumber. Mr. H. Lowi’ck, who is Visiting here from the west, took in the soldiers excursion to Durham on Friday, accompanied by his Sister- in law, Miss Agnes Henderson, and Miss Olive Henry. Mr. LoWiCk was born in Durham, and commemor- ated this visit investing in a $550 buffalo robe. which indicates the scarcity and high value now of the bison pelts. Ivan Edwards, our third eldest. left mid Monday’s storm to enlist in Owen Sound, provided he is successful in passing the medical examination. He isn’t very husky in size. but there is plenty of spunk in him. Ptes. Geo. Patton. and Harmon Hale-8. were home from Owen Sound over the Week end and Pto. Nor- man McDonald Visited his uncle Mr. Mark Wilson. ‘Tis fun to hear the February winds howl. Mast'er Kendall Bo‘yd goes to Toronto this week to take his exam in mUSic. Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Karstadt re- turned some days ago from their Visit to Indianapolis and Cincin- nati. This old township looks with pride and pleasure on the coming union on Wednesday of Mr. Percy 'Hunt and Miss Maggie May Arro w- smith. Both were born and grew up in this vicinity and are held in highest esteem. Percy has [)l‘OSIK‘I‘Gd in the west and is being heartily congratulated on winning so amiable, sweet and popular a maiden. This whole community" unites in wishing them m-pry joy and prosperity. The year 1916 will see weddings galore in old Glenelg. Several are to- take place soon and some are of considerable interest to a wide circle. We had the ill luck of losing a Valuable, ten year old mare on Thursday evening of last week, as her mate, in playful mood broke her hind leg in the barnyard. There is nothing else to do but end her Suffering‘s by a rifle ball. Polly wasn’t very big but she. was game every time and a nice driver to boot. Oh, yes, farming isn’t all sunshine. A goodly number attended the big Recruiting Demonsgration in Durham on Friday last and we’ll Venture. to say seldom have they been more closely packed in a bUilding. We congratulate the promoters on its great success. and consider most of the speakers were timely in their utterances. but we’d like to give the Bruce man a pointer or two on what would be more appropriate to speak before an audience of many nationalities. Reeve Catton of remarks. and so did Mr. W'm, Ram.- age for his song, “Tommy Atkins.†The tact and nleasantry of the chairman added much to the suc- cess ofï¬the meeting. The February meeting of our council fathers is always aha‘ppy one. Though cold Withoat, it is always cosy Within the hall antl the geniality and companionship of the officials, coupled with the clerk’s sunny humor and strong pot of tea. leaves most pleasant me- mories. The auditOrs found treas- urer Edge’s books in good shape. and in presenting their report, (-(mg‘ratulated the members on the gm; financial standing of the township and two reeve on being elected chairman of the finance committtee at the count): parlia- ment. The appointment is signifi- mnt. t0 Mrs. Ries, of Sash, Mrs. Svther- Imd. of Stratford, and Mrs. An- derson, of Niagara Falls, are at present Visiting" her sick father, Mr. C. McArthur. A snow storm is raging to-day. Monday, the worst this winter, but as we need the snow we must not complain. Our mail courier failed to make his rounds. we are pleased at report Mrs Wm. Timmins as recovering (ran her recent severe illness. is burg last week. Mr. Wm. Edwards had the mi rtune to lose a colt on Sunda Miss Katie McFarlane went 1 Ononto a couple of Weeks ag )d expects to remain for son BUNESSAN 311'. 01131193 McArthur, who has oer â€If eks, is'on the mend we relate. rta, Who winter at TRAVERSTON t her sister k the p51 mug ringing. is getting severe ill- islt Walk- som< mis- to Ol 1D id performed in the vicinity. i In certain districts 3 home- steader in good standing may pre- empt n quarter-section alongside his homestead. Price $3.00 per acre. ‘ Datumâ€"Six months’ residence in’ ench of three years after earning: homestead patent° also 50 acres: extra cultivation. Pro-emption 3 patent may be obtained as soon as homettecd patent. on certain conditions A settler who has exhausted his homestead right may take a pur- chased home-teed in certain dia- tricts Price 83.00 per acre. Duties â€"lnst reside six months in each of three vears, cultivate 50 acres and. erect a _house worth $300 vvv The area of cultivation is subject to reduction in case of rough. scrubby or stony land Live stock m be substituted for cultivation under certain conditions W W. CORY, C.M.G. Deputy of the Minister of the Interior N. 8,â€"Unauth0rized publication of this advertisement will not be odd for siosm POLITICAL CATCHWORDS Theo-lore Roosevelt’s designation of Mr. Wilson as a Byzantine lo- gothete may turn out to be anoth- er addition to the vocabulary of the 'man on the street. It has not, to be sure, the quick and easy applicâ€" ability Of hyphenated American and bi}.JP stick, but it may take its place beside Cleveland’s innocuous desue- tude. If it really takes hold it will do President Wilson more damage politically than his re-marriage. For it 'is these phrases, and not the academical ar uments. hoW- ever nicely phrase , that convmce a democracy. Any one who wants wealth or power in the Unite] States must erl'oree can some- thing. It ho-l s ood from musi: to phrases. Antf, although r0â€" formers like B.L.T. sumeeded in isolating a few and immuring them in jars, there seems to he plenty for general use. Cdnm‘l nixraSeS are, far that matter. mud almost exclusively. .Any one Who wants to be articulate beyond a small Circle of illuminuti 1.11391 emhalm his ideas in this fashimz. 7: is thought dispensed in caulk-d pills. The allopath in ideas m. s of A HIGH-CLASS SCHOOl E’ITL’OTTKK If I", â€ff';(;"r '/ " g, 'I’I .1 ' f .1" .1. , Of course Germany has won ' things, but the troublv is »m9how can’t get time In 1 'em.â€"Chicago Herald. Then enroll. Demand for stenographers and book- keepers five times the suqrply. -. This is your Opportunity. Grasp it by enrolling in the district’s best school. Information free for the asking. Write at once to Mt. Forest Business Col- lege. D. A McLachlan, presâ€" ident, G. M. Henry, principal The allopat get very far 120. IF YOU DON’T ENLIST STANDARD BANK 8 106m '"VVWUB IF’DIH‘W 1.50 may oâ€"e'hioh on the mambo: oonti'xuad I mtmn of flu Advert“! m fluent flue: ard- not a Advertiun be ouhlhhe Transient: “1â€"60 coll nbsoq non All “Iver be mid for Contact nib Fed on n SUWption Till Cluckâ€"ICLi will be 3““ to hm . . 3gdu‘u. “‘00 Of W k, 7 mar," u. . ' Jgh‘iwohnrf be 011;er if" not 30,53“! .h Tho‘.‘ cm H! acri t ' the human W "W ad on in 9nd to amt“ comimmd n. .n .....;.f.‘.“2_‘.“:°.';, 1‘0 and to Liunmwl rate. tor yur. y adveruumonu tut aid-ad «m up plicatiun to the oflioe 18 PUBLICHID VERY THURSDAY IO‘IHNG 4! the Chronicle Printing Moan, Gan Strut. somivmed to ‘11 truthâ€"3r: )0! mo of “I. proprietor. IHE DURHAM CHRUNIL‘LE and funeral Directom Pu'ture Framz_1_zg § EDWARD *’ kRESé Georgeâ€"Rambles or Wearables. I holpe it’s eaiableu. I’d rathm- have a stomach ache for a Week than be the laughing stock of [Em town for a year.â€"Life. Full lino 0f Catholic Robes. 'md White Gems for mud n "5 “"*- “"~4"~ ‘~~‘ m' DURHAM.ONT Mr. M. Kress has opened a shop at the rear of the furniture show mom and is pre â€ed to do all kinds of Linsmit ing. Undvrtaking remï¬ves special attentim) Snow Booneâ€"hie“ to Swallows â€"-vâ€"' W â€Hug". Barber Shoo: RESIDENCEâ€"Next door South of \‘V. J. Lawrence's blacksmith shop. and all Household Fur-lulu: TINSMITHING February 10. 1916 EDITOR Ax“ P Embalming a Specialty Stock=Taking â€"â€"c. L. GRANT THE Rugs. Oilcloths Window Shades L a c e Curtains THE LESSER EVIL not: measure. Yunnan-jI one inch “.00 per an“ - out Income direction. V" .d n J cumulus.“ .1 M. “:Pouud.“â€l"or8gv martian. 25 on.“ for as h RUPR-XETOB r'rv- - mid. “no" st t} e mm.