A special meeting of the town council was held on Monday. The mayor was in the chair and all the members were prelent eXcept Cuuncillol' M3¢.K§.v' .- A . On motion 0! Mr. Catton, sec- onded bi Mr. Lloyd. it was re- solved t at no action be taken in regard to a crossing being built opponte Mrs. GreenWood’s on ï¬rm-89 street. It was moved by Mr. Catton and seconded by Mr. Kress that the Library Board be paid 75 on ac- Count of grant due July next, pro- viding the Library Board issue a cheque to cover all electric light wacounts now due.-Carried. ‘ A resolution was carried o1: mo- tion Messrs. Saunders and Coch- I'Hlt' that the motion giving frw' dhc oi town hall for patriotic pur- hui-H'S bt: 1'L‘.)Cilidt’d. ‘ I Dc palu Int 11 opposite Ml George street suppli¢-s.-L‘urneu. Moved by Mr. C by Mr. Liuyd, that be paid fur Hydro wchmx €61.53 zmuEmza 7.552ch .7 that: Mann mouy IStt'l' of that p12 Hum-r was serve 311-. and Mrs. D0! latter being the The High School Entrance ca- Mnina'ion if fixed for June 21, 32 .md 23, and the Public Scnool graduation from June 16 to 23. ac- ..rdimg to a curcular issued by the Education Department. The circular says: Any candi- tlate who is found copying from another or allowing another to copy from him, or who brings into the examination room any book, note or paper having any reference to the subject on which he is writing, shall be required by the presiding officer to leave the mom, and his paper and the pap- ers of all the guilty parties snall be cancelled. An appeal against the standing â€1‘ any candidate will bejconsider- :' “-sl.i\ IIH Mov e It lt‘aSt awning Malcolm Reid. 11 SUCCCSSlul wr- mvr on thu seventh line of at. Vincent. died from injuries caused by falling from a horse. He lanes a widow, three sons and («mr daughters. Mr. James Bartley 0! Owen Snund was fuund dead in a tool- imuse on Tuesday of last week. He was 69 vearl of aka. a relident of Owen Sound for 45 years. for- A_I-- .. omudr hand [or the C. P. merl)‘ 1Q issigned Barrister H. G. Tucker 0! Owen Sound received a message on Saturday informing him that his son, Pte. Gordon Tucker. had been killed in France. Pte. Tucker is the first native. born Owen Sound- er. who went with Capt. George )chauchlan. to be reported killed He was '20 years of age. The skeleton of a child was found last week in the attic of a rough cast storev and a half house at 106 Third avenue. East. occupied bv Wm. Sloan for the past year. and for the previous six vears by John Wakefield. One of Sloan’s children found an alarm clock in perfect running order. and this aroused Sloan's curiosity to make a further investigation of of the premises. which led him to the attic where the skeleton was discovered. When the remains were placed there is s mystery. and Will likely remain so. but the matter will be investigated. Sloan works in a chair tactory and is a )1 At ()yen, Alberta, on Wednesday nrch 29, the marriage tuuk place Mr. William H. Brown of L0- rna, Sash, to Miss Martha Mc- Jhull, daughter of Mr. J. H. Mc- ihun ul' Hanover, Ont., the cere- Jny being performed by Rev. ‘urge E. bteele, Methodist min- ;er of that place. The Wedding nm-r was served at the home of The Town Council EN'I‘RASW .\l Il( rrnu di 3d» the pill xt H .ppeal against the standing candidate will be consider- the entrance board it made It one week before the rc- g of the High and Continu- nhools. Sahnder 21" {'{iféfhlmd tor' the c retired for the ant Heart failure is t 9 c2 ll If gh SLhUOl Entranct- ex- u if ï¬xed for June 21, £2 md the Public ScnUUI lt ' Mr. Catton, seconue 'd, that Chas. Saundex Hydro labor at th Mrs. GreenWUUd’s -. u Sound ng C(m‘ \Villiam esday 0-11.23 ll‘G fl time-table Brant. seconded that J Whittak- wight on Hvdru a message on nine him that his 3 Tucker. had been . Pte. Tucker is born Owen Sound- with Capt._Qeorgje W \MISATIUNS 3 another 10 Who brings m room an)’ r having any bject on which be required by tley of OW en lead in a two}- of last Week 329. a rt‘Oidem [‘l 11 the m() 11‘ me} .0 his ma! is mama; M )1 ll u-ithmetic 11DOsitH ll‘( ) 1' (1 It Lx|( {\Sloan Perha s the best hand a man and is a can hol in the game of lite is the Armv pth' of Iome good woman. the on winner of the piano in the J. D. Abraham contest, which clused re.- cently. Miss Douglas is the young- est daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Douglas, Durham. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Robertson returned Tuesday night from Ma- sun City. Iowa, where theV spent th¢ [rust eight or nine months with their daughter, Mrs. G. A. Snflth. Mr. Donald McGillivray of Elm- Wuud, is visiting at Mr. Neil 31c Lei-u n’s. Mrs. Wm. Crawford returned on Saturday from Pinkerton. where sht' spent the past three months with her brother, Mr. John Mc- 'l‘m-r. and family. l) Mr. W. ‘zilder is in Ottnva, and will attend a meeting to con- sider the question of conscription in some form. 311's HOPKINSâ€"MCCASLIN.-At the residence of the bride’s parents, by Rev. E. S. Moyer, on Tuesday. April 11, Mr. Thomas J. HOpkins .tu Clara, daughter 0_f Mr. and DII;S. Henry MCC The Thornbury RevieW-Heraldo conducted for the past two or three years by Mr. A. R Fawcett, who also owns the Burks Falls Arrow. was sold recently to Mr. J. H. Irwin, a former owner Mr. Fawcett’s son, who had the man- agement of The Arrow, has en- listed for service, and Mr. Faw- cett, Sr., felt. the work of running three offices. in Thornbur)’. Clarksburg and Burks Falls, was an overtax on his energies. and decided to dispose of part of his holdings. He will returr with his family to Burks F3118 about the first of May and devote his time to The Arrow. We have knoWn Mr. l-Knvevtt since boyhood. and a1- '\\'.l}'5 considered him a good en- terprising newspaper man of wide :md Vil‘it‘d oxiicriences. We don‘t know anything’ about that man. luvin. who succeeds him, but can VHHCh for his good name. “Miss May Urquhart of TUrnntO s visiting her grandparents, Mr and Mrs. Whelan. \1 )1 His Ptv :Iltt MISS GLA DYS DOUGLAS 53 Dorothy bent is visiting her 1 G00 .\Villou2hby ’d from mmto. 11‘ and family. . C H. Oyns and J Hug - and David Thompson, Sound. were in town . PERSONAL aslin, both of Bentinck. MARRIED. TO-MORROW Mahan and daughter Regina, are visiting Mr. and Mus. .\' "111) {t with â€"Edga-r A. Guest. in Ottjwa, and nt re visn'm; md Mrs. W otin has 1‘ Ha (lmut and al- good en- [1 Of Widv of over .1 nd E At the Teachers’ Convention in T Durham last fall it was resolved that each teacher contribute one ,' day’s salary to the Canadian Pat- iriotic Fund. The following list . contains the names of those who ' have complied with the resolution, !and the amount contributed My ieach: Contributions by South Grey Teachers to the Can. Pat. Fund Miss L. Brown...... Miss H. McKee...... Miss A. McGirr...... Miss E. Scott...... Miss M. Mortley...... Miss B. Reid...... Miss A. Clark...... Miss L. Nie1‘gurt...... Miss E. Wilson...... M11. P. Mcb‘achern...... Miss B. F. Urquhart ......... M1. C. \\ McLellun ......... \Iiss M.M'.11111... . \Ir. \eil McEdchern ......... M1. R. L N(11..so11 Miss S. Kelsey......n Miss T. Gillis...... Miss T. Mitchell... Mr. D. T \Vright ............ Mr. \' W Campbell, PHSI, Miss F. Renwick Miss M. Kitto... Mrs. 1‘e1101d... Miss Ottman... Miss Wilson...... . ,- Miss Zin11...... .. Miss Muter..---. .. Miss Schaefer-..... Miss Kuehner...... . Miss Burgess Miss Clark...... Miss DIrs. Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss M. Kitto. "1‘elf01d...... Ottman... Wilson...... . Zinn...... Mater"... . Schaefer-..... Kuehner...... Bmgess“ Clark... Wright Mr. \IcFadden. Mr. J. A Ila gees-E.- Mr. G. H McKee....'.. Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss E. J. Hussey-... M. Nesbitt ...... E. Benton"... . E. Duncan.._... M. Kerr ......... I A. Martin ...... A. Pvtty ...... M. McKenzie... Miss A. Petty ...... . Miss M. McKenzie... Mr. N. Campbell... Mr. J'. A Graham.... Miss J. Weir... Miss \Ic Alistvm ...... Miss A. C. McKenzie \Iiss M. Cryderman Miss L. Walker...... Miss R. Murphy ...... Miss C. E. Hznmm'- Mr. T. Patterson ..... Miss V. Crawford... Mr. S. F Hunter ...... Mr. J. H Brown ...... Mr. W. L Dixon ...... Miss Zeta Black: Mr. Morrison Smith Miss A. Gun-..-.. Miss E. L. Ball ...... L. Brown...... H. McKee...... A. McGirr...... E. Scott...... M. Mortley...... ant-zed paint, the supreme pamt achievement of Canada. It .ought to be your paint this seasop. Get acquainted With the label, which is always white . a nd gold on Q black. "‘ B. B. Genuine \Vhite Lead makes RWH “ENGLISH†PAINT the “sure pgzre" paint, g1 mg an increased cmering cap- acity and vital enduring and protective power. “ENGLISH" PAINT from us. We carry agood assortment. Don't waste time and money on unguaranteed brands. The makers and agents stand be- htnd evegcan‘qf Paint. Buy B-H “ English" $2 50 3.50 '3 00 .5 00 2 50 '2 50 3 00 .5 13 5 00 3 00 .5 00 3 00 3 00 2 50 4 00 'S 25 I 00 10 00 3 00 3 ‘25 .5 00 3 00 '2 50 2 50 2 50 3 50 5 00 9 00 3 00 3 00 2 90 4 00 .3 00 3 0H ’2 2 a 3 (H) 00 00 0 Toronto. April 4. 1910. Thus. Allan, Esq.. Sec -Treas. South Grey Teachers†Association, Durham, Ont. Dear Sinâ€"I beg to acknow- ledge, with thanks. receipt of your letter of the lst instant t2» our treasurer, enclosing cheque fay $287.43, being one day’s salarv contributed by the teachers of South Grey towards the Red (‘ross fund. I have much pleasure in enclosing herewith official re- ceipt. and would ask you to ac- cept and convey to those interest- ed in this generous contribution the hearty thanks of our Execu- tive Committee for their generos- ity and kind assistance in our work. Pte. Geo. Blyth of Shalluw LAKP. a signaller With the 34th Buttulimu enlisting at Hepworth, was killed in action on the 16th of March. Rev. Mr. Mullowney, . minister of Owen Sound, w: seated with :1 purse of g< fore leaving for Tm'zmtu t :1 course of instructinn 211m itary lines, to fit him for h ins when he goes ()Vf‘X‘St‘ diziplain. He will he uhson The persons \vhv. store in Yummy n are known. If t}? (roads, or pzlv far not be prosecuted Miss E. McFarlane ......... Miss O. E. Evans...... Mr. I. J Halpenny... Mr. G. McEachern...... Miss M. A. Burgeoss.......... Miss J. Gemmel. Miss M. Leesonu ... Miss M. E. Robertsun... . Miss M. Martin... . Miss E. M. Fletcher...... . Miss C. Mackay...... . Miss L. Woolvertun...... , Miss M. Aldcorn.-.... Miss A. K. W'ismer...m Miss J. Wylie... . .. Mr. P. ROSS...... 311‘. P. Brown...--. Miss E. Purvis..-.-. . Miss B. Cummins.-.-.. Miss R. B1'.’1df()1‘d__.-.. , Miss E. (‘1. 310(2111‘it1--_-_. , 31155 V. .\lj(1t‘...-.- )11'.’1‘..~\ll:1n.-. . ___.. Yours truly, B. S. MacInnos. Hon. Rc‘cnrding‘ Secretary M RS. J A M} th< S u re m H Durham, Ont. )l(1 must \ pre- 275 300: 050! 300i 300. 300 300 43 For Sale by O 0 00000009006. 9909909. 90900. 000000000000... o {7000. .0900 O INTERNATIONAL STOCK 90013 0609069004000»900‘00009909 The ANY a farmer who would like to raise his calves is prevented by the amount of milk neces- sary to feed them. By raising them he could Select the best of the S'LOCk at the standard of mill; or beef of his herd, solves the problem for bin}. It is a scien- tiï¬c pr: ration which. mixed with skim- milk, ta '5 the place of milk and supplies to the calf every fond elementihutii needs. By its use the farmer is enabled to misc his mix-cs and sell his cream or lmttrr. and its cm! isu trifle compared to the value of the whole milk that the calf Would otherwise Special Prices on F \Ve havczzl stock of Yellnw Cum on hand that we are selling at $1.50 per 100 lbsin ton lots. “'0 haw :1 good stock of UK at following prices in “Chieftain" Corn Fe: Ground Fechhe 1t Oat Shorts If you want I“ I. m up :mdtget 1-1: pl‘lC‘PS \lixed Grain m'iovs for any LI' éverywht‘ ’iclntyre, the'm L H bf valuable Every ounce of every pound, of all the white base in every can of 3-H “ENGLISH†PAINT contains: 70% of Brandram's B. B. Genuine White LeadJnd 30%Pure Oxide of Zinc , This proportion 33 is absolutely uniform always. Hardware Me. HI per To COMPANY, LIMH'ED, TORONTO CAN. WEEKâ€"IL? “a." Feed m) h a 066 000* OQQOOOQOQâ€â€˜OO H1 1H Don't buy no- tfl you have found out all about this paint. “Made to Endurc†is the title of our B-H “ENG- LISH" Paint Booklet; given away for the asking. We have a copy for yon. also complete folders. We have a lot more to say about B-H “English" Paint. Read out later nnnounce- menu. (Ii! \\ sacks included whivh we are nfl‘erin ’th mticms color t" 10:“ [Dr-Sets \ where M DURHAM CH The suite DuflflC the past 1 .093. we have Mm â€out. to far :l\\": “a “-9 two years 4' N‘"° so far. “1- I. very 90"“ "WW“ man to Rpt H" .vnt' W??? E '9“- and this â€ted in full together wit} .‘v‘nflf’. 511‘“ t.“ to square d to put ‘ht â€ads for ('01 'm be charm costï¬ inourrm It would 1: It would ! campaigl pmc Em! 01‘}; fit (it: if on! I? below VOIt means to make n lowing dt ." “Voltâ€"â€" Electronu Ierence o raised to electro m 3.31.17 w! current 0 v mistanm F. WhiCh den-er of With nnv an EMF thlt of r derives i1 Italian «- We hm don’t ask haven’t t Daniell a Faraday 'OWS \Vh: trical Sh: there's it “Esme“!!! kliï¬latim lound its “atutvs. businps, 00 the \‘u “ed. irn: .flllitv (n ‘0ch Th “I Valtu “no (01‘ (‘ kindred “the busi (DI 70 nici Ind i8} 801m PATRYOTY Q N DURHAM. APRIL l! :0 were hi! and this a‘ d in full p 1191‘ “1â€! . n29. Shnulr 6! progress IRWIN. Editor and respons. \K