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Durham Chronicle (1867), 25 May 1916, p. 2

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.E m CANADA o¢o¢++¢§§§¢§§+§+§ MRI-M nn'a-lhgkul. in PACIFIC fiwuhfl 36363363J633fl‘31 LL! ursions c}: t. October of all kinds of Skins?” Slippers out of them.” ht §§§§§§§§§§§§§¢§§§§§OO ””99”. “”00... ©9909§§§9M§§§M ery Goods 1 Meats. own Shoe Store REPAIRING A SPECIALTY IN SEASON Soap means? ” ~~not just 50$ PAGE THREE. 988 tfit 999W}: Confectioner and Grocer llS L. Gun Me ylish, dur- ctured and :1: our new which sell :u'ket. b Bags wNG LOT 53, CON. 3,’ E. G. R.. Gtenelg‘, containing 100 acres: on premises are new frame barn. brick house, sheds and outbuild- ings; running stream through‘ property: about 10 acres hard-‘ wood bush, rest in good state of cultivation. Possession .ziVen on Nov. lst, 1913. For further par- ticulars, apply on premises to Mrs John Staples, Rural Route No. 1. Durham, Ont. 944pdtf Advortiaomants sequent in" Jackson. once. Buying in this case will be a easy as renting, and much more satisfactory. If you mean businels. call at The Chronicle office and get the initial inforâ€" PAGE TWO. LOTS 8, 9 and 10, KINCI street, West. Apply to AI. J9”: A _ FOR SALEâ€"1 CEMENT outfit, 1 cement brick :1 half acre of gravel pi pump business. Business continued as usual unti? Apply to Geo. Whitmore ham. THE Farms for Sale. nation. .P. Telford, Durham. 11,18.“ â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" llnuse and Lot for Sale % PART OF LOT 1, GARAFRAXA' street, West: house and stable in i good condition: recently vacated by James Morris and now occu-l pied by Hugh McLean. For part ticulars apply to J. P Telford, Durham. 5 lltf ___‘ A Court of ReV151on 101' L town of Durham will be held the town hall, Durham, on Mond evening, May 29, at 8 o’clock. . interested Will govern themseh accordingly. W. B. VOLLET, Clerk. Court of Revision FIE DURHAM SKATING RINK. one of the best in Western On- tario, is offered for sale; agood paying preposition; good reason for selling. Apply J. A. Brown, Durham, Ontario. _‘ v' Township of Glenelg, 1916. The first sitting of the Cohrt of Revision for the Townslnp of Glenelg for the year 1916 Wlll be held at the Township Hall, on Sat- urday. the 3rd day of June. 1916. at 2 o’clock in the afternoon, of which all parties Will please take notice. . - . . __ _..:11 kt; onven GOOD COMFORTABLE BRICK house, conveniently located on Garafraxa street, lately occupied by Bert Willis. For particulars apply to .J. P Telford. 5253 _# ..â€"- n COMFORTABLE BRICK COT- tacre; good stone cellar; “(acres of land, more of less; on second concession of Glenelg, 15 miles east of Durham; has a good frame barn on it. Apply to A E. Jackson, Durham. 518 ___________________._â€"â€"-â€" A. BELL U N DERTAKER Funeral Directors» Future F rammg notice. v, __ 11.11.3323. 2, 'Pricevine. ants of one mm, or less, 251%)“; for first ineerti , and 10 cents for each insertion. Over one inch ends under two inches. double the above amount. Yearly ratee on spplioetxon. A Embalming a Specialty For Sale )f grave} Pit3,.3150" 3. er, Conveyancen c. Insurance .ness. Busmess W111 be Agent. _ Money to Loan. Issuer of Max:- as usual until sold. maze Lxcenses. A general financial bus:- . . 0 3 ur- ness transacted. G90 Whltm 1" D ‘ DURHAM ONTJLowerTown.) v__â€"â€"â€"--_._~â€".â€"4 To Rent SMALL ADS. KINCARDINE r to AH. Jack- 4 1 15 tf Next to Swmgw'g on 31107185 given . l " _ 'w" ' - ‘ The best method to exterminate DPS. lam'em’n ' lanfleSOn. lilies is to prevent their breeding. OFFICE AND RESIDENCE A‘Houseâ€"flies breed in decaying or short distance east 0f Kmpp’s Hotel. decomposing vegetable and animal Lamb ton Sgreet,A_Lofel_‘ ‘To‘wn. W11“! matter and in excrement.” Stable l. 6. Hutton, M. 0., c. M. OFFICEâ€"Over I) P. Telford’s omce nearly opposite the Registrv office. ReSIdence Second house south of Registry oflice on east side of Albert Street. Ofice Hours 9-11 a.m., 2-4 p. m.. 7-9 p. 111. Telephone communica- tion between office and residence at all hours. HYSICIAN AND SURGEON, 0F- fice in the New Hunter Block. Office hour3,8 to 10 a; m. to 4p. m. and? :09 p. :11. Special attention given to diseases of women and children. Residence op- oosite Presbvterian Church. Late Assistant Eo:v:London Ophthalmic Hos E112: and to Golden Sq. Throat and Nose Hos SPECIALIST. EYE, EAR, THROAT . NOSE ‘-L r\__‘_ GAO-“A DR. BROWN L R. c. P., L0ND0N.ENG NRADULATE of London. New ‘J York Msd Chicago. Diseases of Eye, Ear Nose and Throat. \Vill be at the Hahn House, June 17th, July 15th and Aug. 19th. Hours, 1 to 53 p.111. . ‘3 NOUARY PUBLIC, COMMISSION hm“ n 1n .or Insurance Officeâ€"Over Don 0'las’ J ewellerv Store. V.' v -â€" ty of ’Iv‘ggnjco. Gradtlajze Roya College Dental Sqrgeons of Ontano. Dentistry 1n all its Branches. OFFICE: l. P. Telford. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Office. nearly opposite the Registry office, Lambton St..Durham. Anyamount of monev tr: ioan 3+ 5 pm: cent. on farm omnertv. J. ARTHUR COOK WILL GIVE'; vocal instruction in singing ev-T ery Tuesday afternoon and: evening at the home of Mrs. S.: F. McComb. Pupils may apply for appointments to Mrs. Mc-E Comb at any time. 10 22tf‘; Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Grey. Satisfaction guar- anteed. Terms reasonable. Dates of sales made at the Chronicle of- fice, or with himself. J F. GRANT, D. D. S-.L D. S FONOR GRADUATE. UNIVERSI- Holstein Conveyancer. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Money to loan at lowest rates, and terms to suit borrower. Fire and Life Insurance placed in thor- oughly reliable compnaies. Deeds, Mortgages, Leases and Wills, executed on shortest notice. All work promptly attended to. I |in Belgium whom the Germans re- liuse to feed has inspired this‘ lnotable artist to his finest effort.’ i The misery of the millions now! {holding tightly to her breast an Liniant in a shawl. Around the lchild is clasped the mother’s hand ‘-â€"a hand which spells starvation. In the woman’s face there is the {infinite sorrow of motherhood, driven to despair by . German in- humanity, and the pitiful, helpless yearning to relieye the child’s lsuffering. ' -. u~g1 Louis Raemaekers, the famous Dutch cartoonist has generously drawn for the National Committee for Relief in Belgium one of the most remarkable and certainly the most heartrending of all the “War Posters.” Medical Directorv. lug. ‘ f the child‘ 2 RETALIATION. But it is in the face 0 that Raemaekers has told the full‘ HOSt‘eSS-Pl‘ay, don’t 2? yet, Mr. Basso. I Want you to smg some- horror of the tragedy of Belgium. thing The staring terror in the eyes that; Mr. Basso-'-You must'ex-cuse me lock up at the mother makes one ; It is very-late, and 1 should dig- shudder and turn away. to think ,yturb the neighbors. . , what might have been In England. ~ Hostessâ€"Never mind the neigh- With remorseless realism Baemae- bors. They deserve it Thev poi- kers, in this infant 0‘ pain, hafisoned our dog yesterday.â€"Tit- visualized to the world the infamy lBitS' { . 4‘ . ' 70mg;â€" 13. 'Frost St. Owen Sound. of Germany. ‘ The poster, which is artistically reproduced, has this larconic heading: “In Belgium.” Under- neath appears the one word “HelpJ’ Any reader of this paper can secure a copy of, the poster tree of cost by sending a post- card to the Hon. Secretary, Na- tional Committee for Relief in Belgium,‘ Trafalgar Buildings, Tra- falgar Square, London, Mgland. Arthur Gun, Dr. W. 0. Pickering A RAEMAEKERS POSTER. Licensed- cfluctioneer Dental Directorv. Legal ‘Dz'rectorv A. H. Jackson. W. J. SHARP DR. BURT. Dan McLean Musical Insurance _ {refuse is especially attractive to :them. In )cities this should be stored in dark fly-proof recepta- ce cles and. should be regularly re- rv moved. within six days in summer. th Farm manure should. also be re- ert moved. within the same time and p. either spread. on the fields or stor- i :a- ed at 'a distance of not less than a at quarter mile from a‘house of dwell- ing. Manure piles may be treated â€"" with borax, using three-fifths of a! pound. to every ten cubic feet of DF- manure. Scatter the ldry borax lice princrpally around the sides and :09 edges of the pile and wash in with ,338 water. ‘C -. op- Kitchen refus is a faVOrite breeding place for flies, and great care should be taken to keep gar- bage cans tightly covered. The Hos contents should be buried or burnt 308 iat once, if possible. No refuse gshould be left exposed If it cannot SElbe disposed of at once it should ‘be sprinkled with borax. as des- W‘cx‘ibed above, or with chloride of ’ lime. ‘ â€"â€" House flies are mow recognized 1 as most dangerous carriers of the germs of such diseases as typhoid :‘fever, infantile diarrhoea‘ tubercu- '. losis, etc. From filth and decaving materials. they carry infection to the home and. to the food Which l. We eat. l. THE HOUSE FLY DANGER V‘Vindows and doors should be screened to keep flies out of the home. Milk and other foods should be covered with muslin ‘or other netting. It is especially important to keep flies out of sick rooms and to prevent the spread of disease by this means. At Wisdom’s font she loves to d1ink;k She knows each line old Bronning W rote. 1 She speaks of Darwin’s Missmg Link { a As though it VV e1e he1 last Vear’s coat. She knows Walt Whitman th1ou0'h and through, And Shelly ’5 lines she dVV ells upon She’s VeiV fond of Hamlet, too. And reads it to he1 husband John. {Her husband John can talk all day About the ten-round fight he “seen.” He loves to watch the Giants plav And takes a baseball magazine. He callaHags_Wagner “Good old ‘nl Dutch,” . LHas known McGraW and all his ' men, =. '< And heican tell you juét how much Mike Donlin hit in nineteen-ten. She’s read about 01d Milton’s iife, Why Burns was fond of getting tight And just Why By 1011 left his Wifeâ€"â€" She says it served the lady right. Her husband_ ‘John just hangs around, 3 And blissfully the days are spent, Because they_ have no common ground ‘. On which to base an argument. ‘-'.â€"William F. Kirk, in Louisxllle Herald. /’ z DO IT NOW. E nail brush and then rinse on “it.“ It with pleasure you are viewing ‘L'scalding water. - _ .‘ any \V‘Obk a man is doing‘ 3- Almost 311 vegetables. except If you like him, or you love him. ibeans, should be cooked in as lit- tell him now. .. ' ' l tle water as possible; then tms Don’t Withold your approbation til' i water thickened with butter, the parson makes oration l l cream, and the t1niest amount Of A As he lies with snowv lilies 0- . -, ! flour . ., e} Illa ° ' brOW. : I . The unused doorway makes an For 'no matter how you shout it, :effective bookcase. The ((1100r . he won’t really care about it, ‘should be locked and treate as : He \Von’t know ’how 'manv tear- . the back of the case. Shelves can, i drops you have shed; ' 1be set in the entire door soace or 2 i1! you think some praise is due I the lower half. : him, now’s the time to Slip itl A fruit idlyâ€"apples, bananas to him, V c ' .» land pineapple chopped and put? For he cannot read his tombstone l into a {Oundation Qf gelatlne: ; when he’s dead! - strawberry juice and hot Water”: . makes a delicious salad. served More than fame and more than i on lettuce leaves. , ‘ money, is the comment kind? An excellent cleaner for painted and sunny, *’ lpurfaces is made as follows: Two ilAnd the hearty, warm approval Of l quarts of hot water, two table- . a. friend, 6' -. ' l spoonsful of turpentine, a pint of sFor 1tg1vies to life a savor, and it i skim milk, and, enough soap t0 makes you stronger, braver, I make a weak suds. And gives you heart and spirit to; Always take the idraughts off the end. : .~ ' l the kitchen range when you have If he earns your praiseâ€"bestow it; ‘ finished cooking a meal, thereby if you like him, let him know it saving fuel . Let the words of true encourage- Olives and English walnuts | ment be said; ground together and moistened Do 'not wait till life is over and with mayonnaise make a good he’s underneath the clover, sandwich. ' , For he cannot read his tombstone Orange peels thoroughly drle. . I when he’s dead. '3 then put on a bed of coals, W11] A __,__ Ain‘l‘“ CANADIAN PACIFIC GREAT . LAKES STEAMSHIP SERVICE.- Canadian ‘Pacific Steamship sails. from Owen Sound. 11 o’clock p. m- eaCh Wednesday for Sault Ste Marie, Port Arthur, and. Fort Wil- liam. Connecting train leaves Tor-. onto 5.25 p m. Full particulars, res- .ervations. etc., from any Canadian Pacific ticket agent; or W. B Howard. District Passenger {Agent Toronto. THE END OF THE TRAIN. Mrs Nora‘h Mulva’ney one dav met her friend. Mrs Bridget Carr; who had. in her arms her-twelfth child “Arrah‘ now, Bridget,” said ”No- rah, “an’ there ye are 'wid another little Carr in; you1:_arms ”' 1.1 81V vwâ€" __ J _ “Another ‘it is, Mrs Mulvaney,” repliedl her friend. “an’ it’s me that’s hopin’ ’ 1:15 the , caboose â€" American Druggist _ ‘HER HUSBAND JOHN. TEE DURHAM CHRONICLE. To roll a jelly cake successfully the edges should be pared off. i- I A table of weights and measures ,typewritten and framed under lglass, should be hung in every ‘ kitchen. 1 The systematic brushing of the i'hair every night will do mu'-h ”toward keeping the scalp and hair I 3 clean. % Wash colored silks in cold wa-â€" ;ter and a moderate amount of gsoap. Do not rub the soap directly '; on the fabric. ‘ A good dessert is made with ba- ‘snanas put through the potato ricer land sliced orange and pineapple ladded. _~mn“n Muffins, biscuits 7 and griddle cakes are appropriate supper dishes. . Melingues should have long, slow cooking, if they are not to fall. Warm water and a good white soap can be used for cleaning al- most any carpet. After an electric iron is overâ€" heated it will require more current to make it hot. until tender and then put through the collander. It should be dress- ed with drawn butter. soap. Do not run tne soup uncut“, If the apple you bite is bitten. 3n the fabric. . A good dessert is made with ba- Would the battle you fight be ricer fitten ‘? - - nanas put through the potato . and sliced orange and pineapple And if a young cat is a kitten. Tihen would ‘a young rat be 3 added. When making tomato or asparaâ€" - ritten‘.’ 2118 soup a few grains 0f baking If a person who spends is " soda. should be added to the cook- . ed vegetableS. f Wouldpgnciitglrrslgfi who lends le .. , . . - ) : Tooth powder 1‘5 9308119“ or lendthrift? cleaning iewelry. Rub it on with a , _ . nail brush and then rinse off with If drlgllf‘lgiqrgoo much makes a " 1,- SflVlflg 1tum. Olives and English walnuts ground together and moistened with mayonnaise make a good sandwich. . Orange peels thoroughly dried. Orange peels tn then put on a bed shoot forth spikes ed flames. HOUSEHOLD HELPS. a can ts all Grocers. £3»?- The inducements offered with common soaps cannot make up for the purity of Sunlight Soap. It costs US more to make pure soap. But it costs YOU less to use it, for Sunlight pays for itself in the clothes it saves. It does not wear and rub the fabrics as common soaps do. of manVâ€"color- U cork in If a female ‘duke is a duchess, Would a female spook be a spuchess‘? I -' And if a male goose is a gander, Then would a male moose be a mander‘? 5,, If water you freeze is. frozen. Is the maiden you squeeze, then. squozen? . , If a thing you, break is broken. Would a thing that you take be token? 4’ ‘ If the plural of child W'ould the plural Wildren? r If a number of cows are cattle. Would a number of Tbows be battle? a”. If a man (W‘hq makes plays is playwright, \ Would a man who makes hay be a haywright‘? \ If a person who fails is afailure, Would a person who quails be a ritten 1’ If a person who spends is a spendthrift, ’ Would a person who lends be a lendthrift? . If drinking too much makes a drunkard. ' ‘Would thinking too much make a thunkard? r But Why pile on the confusion? Still, I’d like to ask in conclusion: .1]? a chap from New :York’s a New MY HEART’S IN THE HIGHLANDS. My heart’s in the Highlands, mv heart is not here; Mv heart’s in the Highlands 3- chasing the deer; Chasing the wild deer, and fol- lowing the roe‘ My heart’s in the Highlands Wher- ever I go. Farewell to the Highlands, fare- well to the North, The birth-place of valor, the counâ€" try of worth; Wherever I Wander, Wherever I rove, ’ The hills of the Highlands forever I love. Farewell to the mountains high covered with snow: Farewell to the straths and green valleys below; Farewell to the forests and wild- hanging woods; Farewell to the torrents and loud- pouring floods. Mv heart’s in the Highlands, mv heart is not here; My heart’s in the Highlands 9.- chasing the deer; Ch {Sing the wild deer, and fol- lowing the roe, ; Mv heart’s in the Highlands wher- $5, 000 guarantee of parity with even cake of Sunlight Soap WHY NOT ‘? ever I go. be children 'of \x ild be Robert Burns Meat and Prompt SEW!“ Are wanted to train for business posi- tions. Start now and be ready by Sept. ist. Commerce needs your help. Hard work and our splendid methods will make you fit. COME Shaw’s Business Schools, Toronto, ii. W. Show, President High School Graduates mmmm UN DERT AKIN G Mr. M. Kress has opened a shop at the rear of the furniture show room and is prepared to do all kinds of tinsmithing. Undertaking receives special attention Rugs, Oilcloths Window Shades Lace Curtains and all Household Furnishings SYNOPSIS 0F CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS. New Prints The sole head of a family, or any male over 18 years old, may homestead a quarter-section of available Dominion land in Mani- toba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. Applicant must appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub-Agency for the District. En- try by proxy may be made at any Dominion Lands Agency (but not Sub-Agency). on certain conditions. Crums Best Rock-Fast Drills Dress Goods Duties.â€"Six months’ residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A home- steader may live Within nine miles of his homestead on a farm of at least 30. acres, on certain condi- tions. A habitable house is re- quired except Where residence is performed _in the yicimty. - -__1a-‘-:4-n-+AA EDWARD KRESS ‘JCLLULLLLUVI. an v-.- ._-__-__U, Live stock may be substituted for cultivation under certain con- ditions. In certain districts a home- steader in good standing may pre- empt a quarter-section alongside his homestead. Price $3 00 per acre. Dutiesâ€"Six months’ residence in each of three years after earning homestead patent: also 50 acress extra cultivation. Pre-emption patent may be obtained as soon as homestead patent, on certain CALL AND INSPECT AT “A“settler who has exhausted ms homestead right may take a pur- chased homestead in certain Dis- tricts. Price $3 00 per acre. Dutiesâ€"Must reside six months in each of three years, cultivate 50 acres and erect a house worth covv. 1" ' W. W CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. . . N B â€"Unauthorized publication of this advertisement will not be "=4 'M 41166111 paid for. May 25, 1916. . L. GRANT’S TINS‘MITHIN G in Serges, Voiles and Fancy Stripes THE has exhausted his

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