West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 1 Jun 1916, p. 2

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bakery Goods [red Meats. 9922989 a Town Shoe Store '900096000090099099999”. “ch to October ’§§§¢§§§§§§§O§§§§W ALL! 6$$~56$v$6603W3 IT IN SEASON out ( PAGE THREE. Confectioner and Grocer \ SPECIALTY 500 io’XéRES IN BENTINCK TOWN- Tm. lamieson lamieson. 0 ° 3 m. be“!!! 11"" 35’ “mes-““0” . FFICE AND RESIDENCE A W. G' R" wall be 301d cheap. 0 short distance east of Knapp’s Hotel, 200d title. Apply to George Lamb ton Street. Lower Town, Durham Whitmofe; Wm, or Thomas Ofice hours from 12 to 20101001: A “â€"2--11:“n BEING LOT 53, CON. 3, E. G. R.. Gknelg, containing 100 acres: on premises are new frame barn. brick house, sheds and outbuild- ings; running stream through property: about 10 acres hard- wood bush, rest in good state of cultivation. Possession .given on Nov. lst, 1913. For further par- ticulars, apply on premises to Mrs John Staples, Rural Route No. 1. Durham, Ont. 944pdtf FORTE PART OF LOT 6 THE old skating rink site Garafraxa street, and the north part of lot Advertisements of one inch, geq'leat insertion. Over PAGE TWO. dwelling contains all modern: conveniences, is easily heated,| and Will be sold for much less. than cost, and on terms to suit essioni may be had. Any person Wishing' mation. ‘ 1101180 and 240$ f0 1’ Sale PART OF LOT 1, GARAFRAXA street, West: house and stable in good conditiong recently vacated Durham. invelling‘ For Sale Farms for Sale. DOD tage; good stone cellar; lacres of land, more of less ;’ on concession of Glenelg, 155 miles east of Durham; has a good frame barn on it. Apply to A H . ° C, . '8 acres hay, 15 acres naruwoou f the Court Of ‘ bush, rest in pasture; well fenced ; Revision for the . . . or the year 1916 W111 be: 11% acres close to town of Du:- . Glenelg f . held at the TOWDShiP Hall, on $at- l ham. On property is good orchard ; urday. the 3rd day of J 1108- 191b- at 1 frame house, stables and. Water: ’ ’ the afternoon. 0f.25§ acres in oats and. seeded with WhiCh all parties W111 please take ECIOV‘BI‘; about 8 bushels of pota- -. Hoes in, as well as a good supply . given (of other vegetables. thJS date. z ' These {properties must be sold J S BLACK\ Clerk. ‘as the prOprietor is leaving town. Dated May 15 1916- SALE AT 1.30 P M. SHARP. N TERMS._2O per cent Of pur_ chase price at time of sale; 30 per cent. in 30 days; balance secured on mortgage. An BELL For further particulars apply to WM. WALL. R BRIGHAM. I Y ‘1 “n “’I‘ A [I D D l Proprietor. Auctioneer GOOD COMFORTABLE BRICK house, conveniently located .on Garafraxa street, lately occupled ‘hv Rert 'Willis. For‘particulars - ‘fln GOOD SIX-t“ house on Queen of land; good V cellar. Apply tc Durham. R SALEâ€"1 CEMENT TILE thit, 1 cement brick machine: alf acre of gravel pit; also ump business. Business will be )ntinued as usual until sold. .pply to Geo. Whitmore, Dur- A. BELL “$23 \WM. U N DERTAKERI and Funeral Directorw For Sale or to Rent 3:2“; Dalâ€"3:135: or Thomas R.R. No. 2, Priceville. Comm of Revision Barber Shop- f door South Of V blacksmith shot). 'tb J.P. Telfo Embalming a Specialty fl‘ SMALL AIS. the town 01 uur- 13 and particulars Telford, Durham 11,18.t ROOMED BRIGK en St., South, were l we‘ll and 9:003 to Edward Walsh. 11 3o 15t£ ncn, or lose, 2530011“ for first inserti , and 10 cents for each we: one inch ande under two inches, double the above amount. Yearly rates on spplicatlon. .Next. to Swallow s RESIDENCEâ€"Next w, J‘ Lawrence’s THE LATE shark's D 253 l. 6. Hutton. ll. 0., c. M. FFICEâ€"Over J P. Telford’s office nearly opposite the Registrx' office. Resuience Second house south of Registry office on east side of Albert Street. Office Hours 9-11 a.m., 2-4 p. m.. 7-9 p. m. Telephone communica- tion between ofl'ice and residence at all hours. Arthur Gun, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OF- flce in the New Hunter Block. Ofice hours, 8 to 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. and} toB p. 1!). Special attention given to dleeaseb of women and children. Residence op- posite Presbvterian Church. Late Assistant itgy.London Ophthalmic 808 Eng, and to GolJen Sq. Throat and Nose Hos Buzz. and to Golder; Sq. Throat and Nose Hos SPECIALIST : EYE, EAR, THBQATNSL 9103:»: 0.08 BROWN L R ..,P LONDON ENG *IKADULA'IE of London. New in] York and Chicago. Diseases of Eye, Ear Nose and Throat. Will he at: the Hahn House, Juno? 17L11,Ju}} 13th and Aug 19th Hunts, 1 to .3 p.111. Office-Over D( )FFICE I flan McLean iLicensed Auctioneer for the {County of Grey. Satisfaction guar- ganteed. Terms reason-able. Dates iof sale: made at the Chronicle of- TONOR GRADUATE. UNIV 1 ty 70f Toronto. Graduate R llege Den_ta1 Stgrgeoqs ofOntano. Dentzstry m ail 1T8 Branches. UL .J “.. Holstein Conveyancer. :_ ‘A Y § Issuer of Marriage Licenses. w A153?“ . Money to loan at lowest rates 0‘“ . “9'1 and terms to suit borrower Firezmlmr lung, 1 and Life Insurance placed in thor- 1“ (Image W toughly reliable compnaies. Deeds,. In the CO \iortgages, Leases and Willsflmmdenco texoecuteci on shortest notice. All' 3‘33 Stluc ”K promptly attended to thllShEd- I ”(\nfli'nO’ J F. GRANT, D. D i 11% acres close to town of Dm- lham. On property is good orchard iframe house, stables and. Water: .254 acres in oats and. seeded with 1«:lover; about 8 bushels of pota- ltoes in, as well .as a good supply OF LAND TOWN PROPERTY The undersigned Auctioneer has been instructed to sell by Public Auction at The Hahn House, Dur- ban, on SATURDAY JUNE 10 1916 the following: Lot 3 Concession 4 Glenelg, Medical Directorv. 7Office: 13. [Frost St. Owen Sound AUCTHON SALE Many vacancies must be filled. now the demand on the MANY HAVE ENLISTED angg an!) Charles Sts., Toronto1 - vun" fully fivg-fii‘mésfigur supply. -11 _‘ Dr. w. 6. Pickering Dentist. lutlj IIVU Ulmvo vs.- vâ€"rr_d - Enter now. Open all year. Write for Catalogue. Legal ’Dz’rectorv am‘al Director’v DR. BURT. h“. iackson. 'UBLEC. COMMI Over Q )U ’13} 12 Musical ELLIOJ'I opposite the R82 Durham. Anyam .9 5 DPT,” cent. on Jewellerv Stow ICITOR J. Hunter’s sue â€" § On Tuesday evening of last :week about 50 neighbors and 611 friends assembled at the home of M Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sharp 1:0 do honor to their son, Pte. John Sharp, who enlisted. with the Grey Battalion and. was leaving for camp at Niagara. A pleasant even- ing was spent and the young sol- 380“. Idier was presented with a watch 0}; A' and the following address: “Dear '3 Hotel, John.â€"â€"Since we, your neighbors Durham and friends have learned that you have placed your name on that 'great honor roll which calls you M. across the sea, we have assembled ’3 Office here to-night to bid you farewell, legistrx- and ask you to accept thlS wrist watch before your departure. We :13 annfh 1101 OWY 1181“ leer _h£}s i'being but $1.000 insurance on the 7 Publlc ”building. 39: Durfl Born.-â€"â€"At Detroit. Mich. on May 22‘ to Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ryder 1916 Ea son, grandson to 'Mr. George ? Thompson. Portlaw, Glenelg,§ Rev. J. Dudgeon exchanged pul- or less, knits with Rev. W. W. 'Wallace of irfiiWOOC} [Jarkdale 91] Sullfiz‘ly: A“. Llsn ‘7“1 4 moun WVT‘ V“â€" We hOpe that while in a £01 land fighting the foe you Wil member your boyhood days the old red school. You are ingly giving up your pleasur life and taking up all the 1 -I‘ isters 0 being a gates V vamous their country, are mosuy in im- King’s uniform. On Friday evening Rev. Hollinrake of Owen Sound and Rev. Owen of Chatsworth, gave addresses which were filled with spiritual truth, and enjoyed by all. Rev. Mr. Hollinrake leaves the district this conference year having accepted a call to .Bartor avenue, Hamilton, his first chm-g: on entering the ministry. Re\'. Mr Owen’s time is up, and in all prob- ability he will leave the diStilJE Resolutions expressing the 1105' wishes to both these brethrm iwere passed at the closing ses \L':‘YCI sion. The chunman wr ed in the stationing which meets in Toronu bv Rev. A . E. Owen. A es on the district may Conference opens on Carlton street chmch, ~AV I!” “v â€"â€"v__ ;' A severe thunder storm passed :‘over here early on Saturday :morning, but fortunately little illamage was done in the village. ”In the country, Mr. J. T. Best’s tresidence at Saugeen Junction gwas struck, and one chimney de- finolished. A fine now barn, be- luonging to Mr. Wm. Humberson. lnear Kimberley, was struck, and Htmrned, together w‘ithnoneL horse. ”xQAD-‘xvâ€" ‘_c, a colt, several head of cattle, a \Cluantity of grain, and a number of implements. ‘Mr. Humberson was ill in bed at the time. The loss will be very heaVy, there being but $1.000 insurance on the ‘v;axxxuu.v v" ~...._ by Master John Hislop of the Valâ€" ley faVOred your corre5pondent with a nice treat of trout last week. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Thurston of Toronto were holiday visitors last week with the former’s parâ€" ents. _‘ _ __ - i A- J “‘__ ”,“O CLJLUO Mrs. John Wright and Miss 29113 5 Bentham go to movonfo this week. delegates from the W. M S and i Mission Band to the Torontof branch annual meeting. i Mrs. D. McLeOd received a let-i 1261‘ last week from England from y ‘her son. Herb. who enlisted in“ To- ‘} ro'nto. and landed safely oversea ,With his battalion. The death of one soldier from, heart fahure Occurred on the vovage, and bur- ial tO‘Ok place 3* gpa Mrs. Mark Wnson. Sm. has re- turned to Toronto for further treatment. '; Mr. E- G- Chapman. of +he R0vâ€" ‘; at Bank. Winnipeg is On suck . :fOr a few Weeks. and visiting hit; 3: parentage-re. “36:8- (Bev) McDonald ; for a Week With r81 AotOn. Mr- D- Mo'r‘avish sold car few day-8 ago to Brown of Feversham Mr- John Whitt-en of r , .10- FLESHERTON. ring; the ministry. Re. time is up, and in all he will leave the di 161's- LevJ' AverS arrived from on Monday to v‘iSit her. .. Mrs. J 03 Blackburn. ' Lev) McDonald is viqiting; veek With re‘atives at? M'n'l‘avish 301d 1}i_s FOrd THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. T) Harrison- ‘eft on Tuesday to spend a few months with her other daughter, Mrs. (BevJ Stewart, at White- churCh. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Richardson 0f Harkaway Were visitors at Mr. W. J S+ewart’8 on Ffiiday- Mr. and Mrs R. B Miner of Owen Sound were the guests of Mr. and MrS. rphurston on ThuI‘Sday and Fridav. Mr. Miller was delegate to district meet- ing- ReV- Mr MpDonald had ., mis- hap returnin? from his Rock Mms church on Sunday night. His hOrSe took fright at g. passing automo- bile. and before bpjng controlled the buggy shafts and bodv were consid‘eyflbly damaged. ' Mrs. Norfis ‘iris'i'tEa ' over the week-end with Mrs. J Parliament, 8th noncession. Pt-e. John Sharp and mother paid 9 viSit t0 (‘mliflEWOOd 1218*: \{79?k to see his Sister) MI‘S- Sin- clalr, befOre leaving fOr camp at Niagara. VPEe. T. Brady of the Bruce 53+- talion. spent the week-endl with his wife. at Mr. John Wright’s Miss Gray 0f morontO. the Wo- men’s Institute lecturer, gave an interesting addresc to a good turnout of 1adies in the town 11311 on Monday afternoon. Mr. Thos. Grainger 0f Markdzne, who had the misfortune +0 slip and break his leg last week. has the sympathy of his old friends here in his mishap. Mr. JaS. Bowes of Strathnairn. and son, Mr. W. J’. Bones of Mark- dale, were delegates to the distâ€" rict meeting: last week and \'isit( d the farmer’s dauO‘hter, Mrs. J. A. Heard. Council met May 26; members all present, minutes adOpted. J A Ferguson-Huntâ€"In refer- ence to, the communication re- ceived re the extension of the Mt. Forest. Wellington and Grey Tele- phone Co. into the township of Egremont. That Com Robb be appointed to supervise the work. Robb-Huntâ€"In reference to the POIDfllUlliCth‘iUD received from the Ontario Department of Agriculture requesting the z11‘>;'><)intmon remesentath e to the din of the board of amiculture Wm. H Rogers be 11110111 remesem Othis t()\\'1)shԤ]) director on the board of boundary counties ( under t1 Act. with _ - . -â€"-â€"- v VxluoayAL boards. The-county of Grey not having taken up the good roads system. the question was deferred until after the county council meets in June. nade Com. Hum. reported Sam Robb relmiring culvert, $1.50 John Ric-c rep. washout $150 Wes Hunt rep. washout $1.25. Wm Horsburgh lrep. washout $3, J Troup discing i road $2. W. Rogers. rep railing .50. EW. Snell. ploughing road, $1, C LHowes, taking out logs and grav- ielling con. 12, $20 Com. J A. Ferguson reportvd Peter Mutch repairing culvert on base line, con. 14, and repairing of bridge and use of timber. con. 14. $6.25 .1 that lips c W. Ferguson-Huntâ€"That Com J A. Ferguson’s report be adopted and he receive $3 com. fees â€"-Car. J. A Ferg’uéoh-Robbâ€"That Com. Hunt’s report be adopted and he receive $4.25 com fees.â€"Carried, Com. W Ferguson reported G. Pollock rep. bridge and culvert; and taking out logs in road lots 21 and 22. con. 3, $25; A Hastie, discing road. con. 18, $150; Thos. Brown. discing road, con. 18, $150: A. Lee. shovelling and breaking road. $2.50; J Tucker. shovelling 10th Sid-eroad. $1.50; R Nelson. fill- ing hole in road, lot 25, bone. 2 and 3, $1: J. Boax, taking out logs in roadfimlot 7, c_on. 18, $150._ iv'W. Ferguso-n-Huntâ€"Thait Com ’Robb’s report be adopted and he éreceive $1.50 com fees.â€"_C_arried. ‘5 Robb-J. A Fergusonâ€"That We 'now form a court of revision With the reeve in the chainâ€"Car ' The members of the court sub- scribed, to the required declaration iThere was only one appeal on .land assessment, viz., Jas McDon- iald, lot 15, con. 6 No reduction. 3 Property chanrges.â€"Th08 Yakea iassessed as owner, lot 27. con. 8: A. McIntyre, as owner, lot 24, con ,7: D. Long, as owner, lot 17, con 1153 I. M HoOper, as owner. lot 12 :CO‘D- 22; T Dingwalln as owner, lot Robb-"Hunté-That 00111. W Fer- guson’s report be adopted and he receive $4 rc_om. fees â€"_-Carri_ed. Com. Robb reported Keith and Russn-ell cutting? ice and rep. rail- ing, Russn-ell’s hill, $5.25; P Keith and G. W Robb supporting Russ- n-ell’s bridge, $2.; Bert. Young, filling washout, Arthur and Egre- mo-nt town line, $1.50; D LaWrenze spikes for Russgell’s bridge, 2§c. EGREIvIONT COUNCIL [no Ingmvay improvemen h a View to reaching 31 :nt. No agreement wa 1d a resolution Was pass the reeves of the town )ncemzed bring the matte their reSDectiVe ammo: 3 reported that the cousistmg of Messrs. A Fezguson, Robb and the joint committc 86 of on March 15 at Mt. co nfel in re gard to the ne roads betWeen the agreement was solution was pass- Ves of the town- E bring the matter respective council 6â€";V G. Keith, II: of ectorat gricul- tenant, 5. pt iot 20, con Fuirbairn, tenant, lot and 10: 20, con. 12.; A 4 Drier and J. Moore, 101 lots 2 01 21, 3 0f 21, < w. w: 49, con. 2. Names added on PULLâ€"d mum“â€" mick 111.1‘ , Lot 10, con. 7; S. Eccles, m.£1‘.s., 101. 11, con. 5; J Johns, m. Eh, lot 37, con. 3: Gr. Burrows m 1' £5, 10:. ~17, con. 2; C. Leggc, mi, lot 6, Main st w, lioistem; (x. Plume, mi'h., 10L 39, can. 3. Hunt-W Fergusonâ€"That the court 01‘ revision now muse, and the assessment roll as now :6- vised be finally passed and the assessor be paid 525 balance 01‘ salary.â€"â€"§3arried ‘ m1 _"COEI,DCn-V resumed. The reeve ‘ lie.- ' 1;}:"1‘, 33:} [JUL'LL‘Q Lhat along with Coin. hum) _ they had examined , we i)re\\ e1 x) 1 FYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH and the Russnell urlugcs, the ' Y abutment on the Weak side oi}; WEST LAhD REGULATIONS. Brewer) bridge being unucrnlined, by the water. .‘l‘he Russnell bridge a The sole head of a family, 0r 373.1? mumfl W ”Liam an "‘5‘“; it”; ’2 any male over 18 years old‘ may ition, an \vou recommen l a' d . . , . - i -s lOfl of the c0unc1l would take 1mmed1ate!hom.eStea a .quarter 9f”; _ steps to have it rebuilt. gavailable Dominion land 1n Mam- W. Ferguson-Hnntâ€"Zl‘hat the re- :toba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. DOI‘L Of RGCVB GUI‘dOD and Com. liApplicant must appear in perSOD qub :29 adopted in; téfliiedre' "at the Dominion Lands Agency or cen'e " eaCI com. e â€" ' " -. . . RObb'W- FerguSOn_Th£}t councu SUb Agency for the DIStrézt. En try ,by proxy may be ma at any as a Whole be a committee to examine these and other bridges Dominion Lands Agency (but not in the township reported. unsafe, iSubâ€"Agency). on certain CODdithDS. and if necessary advertise for! Dutie8.â€"Six months’ reside __ ‘ d . . leggillosLHngâ€"lg‘hat the reeve be I1113011 and cultivation of the land instructed to inform all pathrnast- ain each of three years. A home- '81‘8 to see that all statute 13§0risteader may live within nine miles ;be performed in thelr respectlve ‘ of his homestead on a farm of beats, otherwise return it nndone at least 30 acres, on certain couch- and it will be charged up 111 cu]- gtions. A habitable house. ,3 r1?- lector’s roll.-â€"Carr1ed gauired except Where. residence u Robb-W'. Fergusonâ€"That an or- ‘ performed _1n the vanity. --_L-+:+..+AA " W. Fergusonâ€"Huntâ€"That the reâ€" port of Reeve Gordon and Com. Robb be adopted and they re- ceive $2 each com. fees -_â€"Carried. . RObb-W. Fergusonâ€"That council as a Whole be a committee to examine these and other bridges in the township reported unsafe, and if necessary advertise for Lenders.-â€"Carried ‘ Robb-J. A Fergusonâ€"That the “33¢th may be obtained as soon ; following accounts he paid: C. as homestead patent. on certain {Ramage Son, printing, $14.10: iconditiODS. . W. A Lawrence, sheep inspector, ' A settler who has exhausted his $1: E. Smith, bolts for Mutch thomrestead right may take a par- .bridge, $3; Municipal World. sup- I chased homestead in certain Dis- 'iplies, $16.13; P Black, sheep killed 3 tricts. Price $3 00 per acre. $24.66; J W. Hunt. tile, $2.88: D.‘ Dutiesâ€"Mu“ reside six mqnflle .McQueen, re services of T. H ‘in each of three years, cultivate éDyre, liquor license act, $2: Clerk. house worth gouart-er’s salary, postage, 3556: J {$300, 4 iMcGrath, use of council room. $21 . W. W CORY; {Councillors’ pay sheet. $15.â€"Car Deputy of the Minister of the i W. Fergusonâ€"J A. Fergusonâ€" Interior. , . i.That we now adiourn, to meet on I Bâ€"Unauthorized publlcatli’)” - e June 30, for general busineSs.â€"Car i0; this advertisement Will not -D. Allan, Clerk 41166111 LhLJuv‘.wo “_-__, Robb-Huntâ€"That the move be instructed to inform all pathmast- ers to see that all statute labor be performed in their respective beats, otherwise return it undone and it will be charged up in col- lector’s roll.â€"â€"Carried lv‘uvv- Robb-XV. Fergusonâ€"That an or- der be drawn on treasurer in favor of Strathcona hospital re Wm. J Watson, for maintenance, amount- in g to $Z_9.â€"_Carried m1 , 1 T“ Robb-W. Fergusonâ€"That In- spector Sinclair’s report on sheep killed be referred back. as said report does not say definitely whether or not said sheep were in an enclosed field at time of killâ€" ingâ€"Carried _ m1 ‘1 4.1-.. pt lot 20, con. 6; J tenant, lot 20, c )1“ M), cuu. ., v- 4 1,1,0 11. 5; J JUh on. 3: Gr. Burrow con. 2; C. Legge st w, Holstem; 1,, lot 39, con. 3. Fergusonâ€"That risiou now close: COD. 1t tenants: ll 11 Are wanted to train for business posi- tions. Start now and be ready by Sept. lst. Commerce needs your help. Hard work and our splendid methods will make you fit. COME Shaw’s Business Schools, Toronto. ii. w. Shaw, President High School Graduates mmmm 1 New Prints Crums Best Rock- Fast Drills 5 Brass Goods 5 5 5 UN DERT AKIN G Mr. M. Kress has opened a shop at the rear of the furniture show room and is prepared to do all kinds of tinsmithing. Undertaking receives special attention Rugs, Oilcloths Window Shades Lace Curtains and all Household Furnishings FURNITURE EDWARD KRESS .7 Live stock I: for cultivation ditions. In certain distrmts a noun:- steader in good standing may preâ€" empt a quarter-section alongside his homestead. Price $3 00 per acre. Dutiesâ€"Six months’ residence in each of three years after earning homestead patent: ,also 50 acress extra cultxvatlon. Pre-emption M+M+ man? be obtained as soon CALL'ANDJNSPECT AT CODGlLluub. A settler who has exhausted his homestead right may take a pur- chased homestead in certain Dis- tricts. Price $3 00 per acre. Dutiesâ€"Must reside six months in each of three years, cultivate 50 acres and erect a house worth $300. m m mév TINS‘MITHIN G 1915. in Serges, Voiles and Fancy Stripes 'cértain _distric.t_s a home- . GRANT’S AND may be sfibqtituted soon certain u] 37.9 a

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