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Durham Chronicle (1867), 1 Jun 1916, p. 7

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A CROP T0 EXPERIMENT WITH Oohmnbh Rpcords are perf In durabmgGy. The tremendous Columbia mphophone Co any has had to enlarge RI 0 Factory In order to increase ’ costs to such an exam that can now buy all $1.00 19411091 Daub“ Dino Records for 3nd I $1 ‘ 81.26. We with! s maintain“. Ronnie. to ”‘01“! at. tho sumo. , 1916. For sale by - J. SNELL A5213. might be a substitute for clover, and that it could not be a substitute for alfalfa, it may be used to very good advantage in taking the place of alfalfa. , Oi ’ ° ' ‘ but as course, 1t 18 a re feed. than com- conditions he might be \able to use sweet clov . It should not be alIOWed do woody, should used to very 2‘5 taking the place course, it is a such. gFOWS mor eiV erâ€"I sav The Voice in the Rec that the Water in my faucet is , ’t use it muddV “3.0.39 “1-4- To {1- rilev‘? IIIUUu v Water Offiée Clerk The Voiceâ€"No! T Boston Globe THE CITY WATER 1:415 it riley‘? This is Kelly - Fit Any Durham The Real Albanians. South of Valona lies the only part of Albania where the people call them- selves Albanians, or something like it. It is said, according to Sir Charles Eliot, that the names A-rboeri and Ar- boerec are applied to this region and its inhabitants. The natives of the rest of the country know what is meant‘ when Turks speak of Arnauts and Ell-11 ropeans of Albanians, but they do not use this name themselves, preferring to be called Shkyipetar, which means eagle men. Northern Albanians are also generally known as Ghegs, southern Albanians as Tosks, but these names are considered not quite complimentary. Telegrams In 1767. Telegraphing by semaphore was in- vented by Richard Lovell Edgeworth in 1767 and was first regularly estab- lished by the French military authori- ties in 1794. The system was intro- duced into England the following year by Lord George Murray, and by its means the admiralty was placed within a few minutes of Portsmouth or Ply- The apparatus consisted of month. top of towers shutters placed on the built on commanding sites at intervals of from five to ten miles. Greenwich .time at 1 o’clock daily was passed from ‘ London to Portsmouth and acknowl- edged commonly within three-quarters of a minute in clear weather.-â€"London l 2 . 1 Mirror. Bread Leavened With Snow. ' The use of fresh dry snow as a leay- § ening agent is not new, but the way in l V erc which it acts seems to be misunder- l , stood to some extent. The popular ex- ‘ T1 "inal volume thus ex- 10 ‘1 'i thnes its 0115 i ugh Steam is formed -London Telegraph- wasp-Exchange- incident was recalled: One afternoon late in Josh was driving slowly town when an acquammnc the fall Unde toward the e excitedly 'led him. plete success.” On the British front, General Haig says the struggle has been continuous, and that there have been many sharp munications, and all such damage had to be repaired promptly under fire and at night. He adds: “Ever-present threats cause a more constant strain than any other form of warfare.” Sixty Little Battles There were 60 local actions during the period under review, some of Which, says General Haig, “although ‘” A ‘cvnfi n7] " LLLVLL, Mud w .â€" individually insignificant in a war on i such an immense scale, would havei been cons1dered worthy of a separate 1 despatch under different conditions”: mention of raids, or “cutting out par- ties,” which have been made at least two or three times a week against ’the enemy lines. Reassuringly he says: “The sick rate has been con- sistently low. There has been no serious epidemic, and enteric fever, the bane of armies in the past, has almost entirely disappeared owing to preventative measures energetically carried out.” Verdun Eats lip The aggregate German losses before ' Verdun are set at about 350,000 by: The Petit Parisien. The Echo de Paris i states that the minimum German loss- es east of the Meuse alone during were about 11,000. Af- rt '* 'fioation of the figures the French lost one-third of this num- ber in the lighting of Fort Douaumont and the Haudremont quarries. Re- liable information reached Paris on Sunday that between May 20 and 25 the Germans employed seven divisions , on both banks of the Meuse. Two of these were transferred from Flanders and two others from the Somme re- gion. Hon. Col. {lison fore Fuse Under E. F. B. Johnston’s cross- examination Monday afternoon Col. J. Wesley Allison admitted that one one occasion Gen. Sfr Sam Hughes had .told him to accept small commissibns ‘on all business be negotiated for countries other than Canada. Mr. Johnston asked what remuneraion he had received or expected to receive from General Hughes, and Col. Allison Ihotly retorted “not a penny.” Col. ..u_-..:.. A‘ranf mmmination was re- Allison-’evvdirect examination was sumed after illness and finished Monday. Donald Machlaster, in a discussion ' on American securities in the House of Commons on Monday, stated that great fears prevailed in Canada that control of the great national railway, the C.P.R., night pass into‘ American hands by their acquiring the com- pany’s shares. Reginald McKenna, replying, said that he undertook, when the subject of the purchase of dollar securities was discussed, not to include any Canadian shares in the govern- ment purchase scheme, except with the approval of the Canadian Govern- ment. “We are therefore doing nothing with these shares," he added, “because the Dominion Government does not wish us to do so." Rebel Sultan Ruined defeat of some 3,000 troow of All Dinar, Sultan of Darfur, by Col. Kel- ley’s force. The. fight took place at El Fa'sher. The British losses are given as five men killed and 23 wound- , ed, while the losses to ‘the Sultan’s 1-”le “‘V vanâ€"â€" - - tan, whose attitude toward danese- Government for a 1 has been truculent, is re] have fled with a. small numl followers. now being organised was ma b Minister of Militia in Ottawa. night. The services of the best a - 'able wounded officers have already been secured by General Hughes, who Is a firm believer m tins plan. Gernza: Hughes on James J. Hill, the railway magnate, who was born and efiucated near Guelph, Ontario. died on Monday. I American Hold on C.P.R ans Lose 350,000 Commissions Again Witness Be- Commission 'humfier _ at his “V” - a 'râ€""" - O o A buttercup .servmce 18 to be new in the churcn here next Sunday, the church to. be beautified with flowers, buttercups, etc. The Dastor will speak to the children on “What the Buttercup Teaches.” Rev. W. W. Wylie of Durnun was a visitor at the parsonage Several .from here attended the lecture in the Crawford Metnoqlst Several from here attended tne purpose. lecture in the Crawford. Methodist church last Friday night, in the I interests of the Bible Society. 1 the lecture very? MAN AND THE SKIRT. . , 't bee last week an . iAt her “padded hips” he‘ll gape. good use of ’it, :3 238281;? “1:33 '.When it flares and flounces wide. land would be favorable for such xHer “balloon dress” he’ll deride. a purpose. 3 When it closely, tightly clings, ‘ Next Wednesday, June 7, there ‘Then he saysâ€"the rudest things, is to be a very interesting pro- j When divided with a slit, gram given in the church under .How a glimpse will start his wit! the auspices of the Ladies’ Mis- lWhen it shrinks towards the knees, sion Circle, commencing at 8 p.m. ‘He makes PUbliC all he $098. A good time is anticipated. Freeâ€" iYet his money he Will blow will offering: on behalf of Foreign On a skirtless girlie show, Missions. Come, and \velCOmQ, ~When he doesn’t have to pay The editor’s remarks re Thrift What’s he kick for; anyWay? ' ' ‘ ' ”u Mn ' â€"â€"Frederick Moxon, in Judge \' ()1‘\' ' v.‘ V5-7 'vâ€"â€"â€"__ A good time is anticipated. Free- i xet ma ugv'uw uv. Will offering on behalf of Foreign :0“ a skirtless girlie show, Missions. Come, and welcome. lWhen he doesn’t have to pay The editor’s remarks re Thrift lWhat’S he 11101.: f0r§ anyway ‘? in last week’s issue were Very 1 â€"â€"Freder1-ck Moxon, in Judge. timely, and We trust that the wise \ Words will be heeded and acted‘ m u on. But What e' l- at n can . ‘ p "p ‘1 ‘1 1" I'GENEROUS PROPERTY OWNER We give of the following: One of. the “clan” Went to. a store 1‘0: “We have an offer of $25000 in: buy a hat, for \Vthh he had to [that property you paid $300 {013‘ pay $2.50, a hat that the buyer “Sell it,” said he could obtain in the old: “But 1 think if we wait a fe\ country for '60c. Again. he was 'Weeks we can get more for it charged $4.50 for a pair 0f bOOtSa' “No, I think I prefer to sell which he could buy in England for don’t care to make all the, moner 352-50. Where (1098 the 130k or 'I’m willing to let the other it“ .thrift manifest itself as being 1“L‘--10W make a. little if hé can " M 'sponsible for the above difference ; . . in the cost of articles in the tWU ; E‘s countries? Not being good it: problems myself, I, pass this an ‘State of Ohio, City of Toledo ; Lucas County, 58. to the editor. ' Frank J. Cheney makes as t _ :; E113 that he is senior partner of i ’ firm of F. J. Cheney 8: C0,. dni 'E JnTT . ‘ ' ° ' m 1' qpnntn HELPS. busmess 1n the City of 1010' ioca may oe useu w mien.-. on..-» soups. Uncooked fats, such as olive oil. butter and cream, are more easily digested than cooked. A child’s 10-cent washboard IS a convenience in the bathroom fur 1Washing out small articles. r Allow two level teaspoonsful (:1 ;baking powder to each cup ml iflour when no eggs are used. ‘ Rice, if washed in hot Water 13‘;- l _ stead of cold, is much more quick ly cleansed and freed from al ' starch and dirt. To remove mildew fro Wet the part W1th water, OI‘D when the finest and newest styie from a pin-curl to a a hibited. should see THE DORE) rn starch, arrow root or tap- may be used to thicken cream HOUSEHOLD HELPS. MULOCK. Transformations, Window Screens Windows may be opened to desired height, free of all obstruction, While screen remains in place; Best and cheapest, because they last and can be reâ€"wired at any time. “Every Bald Man” 3W from See us for Mill and Carpenter work. C. J. Furber 6: Co. Monday, June nth SNW’ENb TOUPEE. It isza benefit to the appmmnr-e and a. protection to the health. .ch 0111) “f Ball’s Catarrh Cure is taken m- 'e used. ternally and acts through the )t Water m- Blood on the Mucous Surfaces. of more quick- the Svstem. Send for testimoniafi ./ from all free; F. J. CHENEY 8: C0,. To'wdo 0. 30111 by all druggists. 75c. Ball’s Family Pills for Constihnt- Pnnm ‘1 hp}! To Suit Requirements 'est hairgoods creations in every :1 complete head-dress will be ex Half or Full Sections b, with i09- Pompadours, Switches Waves, etc 111K soap sprinkle with salt and place in the sun; repeat sev- eral times until spots have been completely removed. may be SllUCu an“ “cu“.-.d _._v_ for a luncheon dish. , Dry staples used daily in the kitchen should..i£ possible, be kept in glass jars or bottles where they Will retain their flavor and freshness twice as long. The Wide-mouthed preserve jars are a handy to purpose. MAN AND THE SKIRT. ' ’5 narrow long and flat.‘ $21-$11} 1:: says shé’s “like a slat.’ When it shows a curvmg shape, At her “padded hips” hell gape. 3 '.de W , ' ares and flounccs .xu , #heg‘lt,.'f‘lA_ Anace” hn’n dp'rldpg “We have an offer of $25000 fur that property you paid $300 for." “Sell it.” “But I think if we wait a few Weeks we can get more for it.“ “No, I think I prefer to sell. I don’t care to make all the money; 'I’m Willing to let the other fel- Ilow make a. little if he can." County and State aforesaid, : that said firm will pay the s of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS each and every case of Catn that cannot be cured by the usc HALL’S CATARRH CIT FRANK J. CHEN Sworn to before me and s1 cribed in my presence. this day of December. A. D. 1886. A GLEAS-ON. (Seal) N0tar}’ Pu “An Invitation” “Dorenwend Hahn Hotel, mesh Wire, and madeltofit. s extendeu ‘ 1nd gentle: Hair Goods” Reinâ€"émber the day, display of Durham hgajigffice End Showrooms} 105 Yonge Street. Torohto Dorenwend’s '93 “a- IPAGE SEVEN. at OD 6’11 REMEMBER fl. 2mm Monday, June 12th ()ix) ‘9 of operati ot the b‘ mg of legi: or aiding 0 seat that tenerally we! ‘8 t Jonah!“ : progress; employmem diers but I Grace E. K Railway Offaais to Stzmul , SAW “ SAFE A realistig m the interests 01 ment was disp fitted car at N President Bur: C.P.R. officials. The film MRS What i York Central Li at a railroad 31: carelessnes:z «In less of his wii Mend, Jim Ste‘ Sttety Firm. (-0 Stating awful worse to gum] gamble in any an) realistically no at the Safety Stevens takt-s the shopman w 30! wearing losing a finge buzz saw witlu man being 1‘! between movi: being killed v flcularly imprt collision due LI In order to Movement in cured a copy to moving pk -â€" â€" â€"‘ HO theretm lad other in Ilong the lim Railway. Seaman Su r- pres: Runs EGG requ bli his leg film Dow institut to!

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