West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 13 Jul 1916, p. 2

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iinary Soap reseekers c ursions fight or Day) Ltwe ue hTIN SEASON lecueerrteeecem ALL! mat of all kinds of Skins?“ Lhe Slippers out of them.’ H lkery Goods ed Meats. $‘6'5‘vv‘660 #633333‘6 oooown oo§o§+oo «ow maul 0909 Town Shoe Store iiimmnu A SPECIALTY wo¢¢¢¢§§§§¢+§ fiectioner 3 Grocer .1. Gun Me Lylish. dur- 1c tured and Ct 0111‘ new marke ?§§9§¢§§§§§ avaG LOTâ€" 53, CON. 3.. ~,- . . 1.- 031enelg, containing ‘ are new frame barn. brick house, 3 .d lugs; running stream through. Drooerty: about 10 acres hard- wood bush, rest in good state of cultivaton. Possession ' Nov lst2 1913. For furthey par- Advertisements of one inon, or less, insertion. Over one in a- 1?. 36116113 _.-â€" â€" â€"---â€"â€"â€"~--»â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"--'â€"*""k â€"""--’"‘-â€" . . _ .â€"-_. - . V . ACRES IN BEXTINCK 'IOWNԤ DI‘S. Jamleson lamleson. ‘dresses Rev. Mr Dudgeon andEWIOD at the Dominion Gay Unwra- : ‘Re'v, Mr. Madden also gave good ’ “(101) match to the local Red Cross ' . be' ‘ Lot 26, Concession 3 ‘ shxp. mg BFICE AND RESIDENCE Aladdresses, dmany others took SOCietY, Which very much appreci- W. G. R.‘ will be , sold cheapi‘ . , . . . . good title. Apply to George“ buggy ggigfiéfixfeiffiwf’gfifihgnart 1n the ‘ cussions The offi- ates the contmbutlon [or the .nd Whitmore, Durham, 01' Thomas!‘ Oflice hours from 12 tOZo’clock ‘cers elected were: Rev. W. Madâ€",of thelr Work den. DreSLdent: J 1. Graham. 1 Mr A. Munshaw’s friends .were Davis. R.R. No. 2, Priceville. .. ‘ ‘ . . . n 1.--“-.. II n P M ,Vlce-pre31dent: H Graham}, secre~ pleased to see him able to emoy a Dwelling For 5am new GOOD PAGE TWO. __...__..â€" Apply on pr mises. or F0 gthe i6 Duncan Smellle- 1. are b4 6 '29tf i We’ve July 1, four Leices and three lambs, Information viVing bell attached whereabouts will be suitably reâ€" \ Warded -â€"â€"Geo. 4. Bentinck â€"â€"â€"â€"--'"""'â€"'â€"_â€"_*-’-,.../ concessio east 05 frame b3 Durham; rn on it. Ap “fight-gm 131)" to frame barn Jackson, D SMALL ADS. Sheep LCSt: ncn, or less, 25 cents for first inserti . and 10 cents for each vet one inch and under two inches. double the above amount. Yearly rates on applicatlon. comfortable of the very are in (2013‘ wood bufld- ' L‘ 51‘ Vvuv KINCARDINE Agent, Mane;- r to A.E. Jack-\riage Licenses. 4 1 15 ti 1 mass transacted. “ITL‘U A 3,1 RESIDENCE ICK COT- ; 1r; 7 acres )0 on second ? 11/5. miles; .q a good i. .__.â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"~, DB. BROWN on- L R. c. P., LONDON ENG d- .‘1 RADULATE of London. New 91y. - York a: 0 Chicago. Diseases of Eye, Ear Nose and Throat. “'ill be at; the chn House, June ted, 14th, Jll‘nv luhand AIlff.1‘)t/h. less . HMUI 1 130:) p.11). i OFFICEâ€"Over 3) P. Telford’s office ‘ nearly opposite the Registr- ‘ ofiice. ReSIdence Second house south ; of Registry oflice on east side of Albert '3 Street. Office Hours 9-11 a.m., 2-4 p. _ -_ “A-‘m‘l‘. Dbl-CCU. Vb“ “V“-w _ __ m.. 7-9 p. 111. Telephone communion- tion between ofiice and residence at all hours. ,,____.â€"-â€" J'Vvluvuvv ~vvwâ€"â€"â€"__ >f Registry oflice on east side of Albert of the Mt Zion pe0ple. figs}; at Toronto where he had it??? pogcefi‘lfiifiongéligg‘u‘l’uiagf .Charged With uttering . sedi- ‘ been living for some time The re- Pan between ofiice and residence at tious language to a recruiting ' mains were brought here on Mon- .1 officer, Mr Ed. Graham, of Eu- '. day and taken to Maxwell for bur- ‘111 hours. A-.___...._....-- 311911313: W58 before Mr J. L Mc-‘ial The deceased. who was 821 Arthur Bun M D. Wuden7‘c‘11 P., m the town hall on years of age, was born in the‘ 9 - 9 nes ay evening of last week ‘county of York He was one of the HYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OF- After hearing the. evidence thelearly settlers in Osprey and for ties in the New Hunter Block. omce‘lfnaglstrate committed the accused many years conducted the well- 50‘33’8 to 1.0 3' m- .to 4.9"“- and? “09 01 trial at Owen Sound, but bail'known Osprey woollen mill He 9. :11. Special attention given 130 diseases was accepted Crown Attorney l was a Methodist in religion and a of women and children. Res: ence op- D-Vre prosecuted and Mr P Mc-‘man hi hl res ected for his posits Presbyterian Lhurch. Cullough Was - ' _ ; . g y .1 p Mala“: d. D counsel lor the sterling integrity One son, Albert use 1r. Graham 18 a respect- in Los Angeles‘ and one daughter. DR BURT. ed resident of the tow '- * ' . . nsln) and 9 OS. H nde son. of Rob Roy Late. Assistant Roy.London Ophthalmic Hos . Influx friends sympathize 1 With gig-i; hime 1‘ , and to Golden §q. Throat and Nose Hos :hlm 1n the trouble into Which llc Among the soldiers home ove gl'i’ECU‘l-IST: *has unhapplly fallen the week-end were: Sergt J. Le- -“ ”.“WH __._.â€"-_-- . rd“- VL‘ 'JLV \" ‘-5--â€"â€" _ _., H. W of Toronto. Graduate Roya u‘ollege Deny-v11 Surgeons of Ontano. Dentlstry m ail its Branches. Officeâ€"Over Douglas’ J 9 wellerv Store. ‘aJ. ARTHUR COOK WILL GIVE '= vocal instruction in singing ev- ; ery Tuesday afternoon and g evening at the home of Mrs. S. ‘. F. McComb. Pupils may apply '3 for appointments to Mrs. Mc- . Como at any time. 10 22tf Liconned Auctioneer for the Count of Grey. Satisfaction guarâ€" antee . Terms reasonable. Dates of sales made at the Chronicle of- Holstein Conveyancer. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Money to loan at lowest rates, “nd terms to suit borrower. Fire and Life Insurance placed in thor- oughly reliable compnaies. Deeds, Mortgages, Leases and Wills, executed on shortest notice. All work promptly attended to. 011mb; PLAYING SAFE. O’Tooleâ€"Phwat’s the matter that ye didn’t spake to Mulligan lust now? Have ye quarrelled‘? : O’Brienâ€"That we have not. ;That’s the insurance av our friend- : ship. . O’Tooleâ€"Phwat do ye mane? : O’Brienâ€"Sure, it’s this way. Mul- ‘gligan an’ I are that devoted to .Wan another that we can’t bear ithe idea of a quarrel; an’ as we Eare both moighty quick tempered :We’ve resolved not to spake to St: Picture Frammg notice. Licensed u‘luctz'onegr I'll. '. '5 IIIV‘I- w 13. Frost St. Owen Sound. Machine Oil, Harness OL’, Axie Grease and Bob! Ointment, go to S, P. SAUNDERS Embalming. a Specialty Dan McLean . J. SHARP ’lhe Harnessmakér Next to Swallow s- RESIDENCEâ€"Next w_ J‘ Lawrence’s $710171"? 1 The annual convention of Arte- mesia, Markdale and Flesherton Sunday School Association was held at Mt Zion Methodist church on Wednesday of last week Mr. The Baptist Sunday school held the annual picnic last week at Mr Stafford’s bush, 4th line, and had an enjoyable drive and afternoon outing Mr Albert Blackburn, 4th line, had a barn raising last Week and with block and tackle all \cht up successfully and safely Mr Beamish of Dundalk has been at work here tor some (mm with his well-drilling outfit, aid in wells sunk for Messrs Boyd. Sinclair and Henry,u goud how 01‘ water was secured at 77 feet, U6 feet and 35 ieet The receipts of the Dominion day celeoration here were $30761. Rev M1. McDonald 131eached tne annual sermon to the 1th line L O. L at Rock Mills Baptist'mhumh on Sunday evening Two Flesherton young men, Corp Tom Chard and L.-L‘orp J LeGard, non-commissioned officers of the Grey Battalion‘ qualified as sergeants at their recent exa’m- inations A very impressive memorial ser- 1;}: vice was held in the Methodist '0, church on Sunday night in mem- v, ory of the late Lieut Arnold R Thurston, and the deep feeling P felt for the bereft was shown by cc the large congregation which i'ill- 1y: ed the church From ii Tim. ivz7. K the pastor preached an earnest. consoling sermon, in the course of C which fitting reference was made (f to the brave young soldier, who ' at the call of duty laid down his 5 life in the service of his Kin},r ind 3 country, and now fills a hero's grave He had also by his beautiful 3 snirit and exemplary Christian life r among his fellows honored his 'God,. kept the faith, the old, old 1 faith. taught at his mother’s knee. and there was therefore laid ‘ up for him a crown of righteous- ‘ Miness In the din of battle his last ' letters home gave the comforting . assurance of his abiding faith and trust in his Savior, which di5pellcd ;the fear of death The voluntary r by the organist and two touching _ quartettes added to the impressâ€" ',iveness of the service The Boy} Scouts attended in a body, under‘ t command of Scout Master C J.‘. E Bellamy and Capt C. N Richard-i son The church was beautifullvl ;, ‘ decorated with flowers Â¥ -’. The home of Mr and. Mrs. Root 3 1Cook of Ceylon was visited m" l ideath on Sunday morning, when,; Pitheir youngest daughter, .[VIISS‘ OLClara, passed peacefully awav it}! I'lter a lingering illness Miss Cook; e lwas born "at Ceylon 33 years ago , d 3 She was a member of the Methoâ€" OEdist church, a clever and very '97 ighly esteemed young \vomi‘n z'sister.. Who have the sympathy of ‘ any friends in their bereave- lment The funeral took place to 'Flesherton cemetery on Tuesday 3 . afternoon FLESHERTOI“ THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. Mr W. H Mohan, a traveller for a London firm, whose home is at North Bay, took suddenl': very ill at the MunshaW House last week, but ‘unger the care of Dr vvâ€"-â€", Carter and Nurse Jamieson, he was able to leave for home on Monday The Flesherton baseball girls‘l have donated their prize of $7, Won at the Dominion gia_y qelgbra- 5. Word was received here on Sat-l urday of the death of Mr Richard‘ 1 Heron at Toronto‘ where he had {been living for some time The reâ€"' ‘mains were brought here on Mon- . day and taken to Maxwell for bur- ,ial The deceased. Who was 82 years of age, Was born in the ‘, county of York He Was one of the :‘early settlers in Osprey and for . many years conducted the well- L'known Osprey woollen rhill He ‘_.J A Mr A. Munshaw’s friends were pleased to see him able to enioy a drive out last week Without ill effects Among the soldiers home over the Week-end were: Sergt J. Le- Gard and Ptes Cliff Blakely. and John Sharp, from Camp Borden. Ptes Harold Mitchell and Charlie Crossley from Niagara. and Ptes R Cargo and W. Goldhawk. from Hamilton The Boy Scouts have got their new uniforms and look quite natty in their khaki dress Mr. Oshwell Whitten, mother, sister and two children, of Toron- to‘ are on a motoring holiday: :111d Visiting old friends. here. “JD” .\ I‘l‘l \JD 1"“ .1; “IA -A-v.- Dr. Thos Henderson. wife little daughter of Toronto on theil annual holiday for :1 W eeks at D1. IvIurra_ys - 7‘ L \‘VCCAD 1-“---- Miss Lulu Mitchell of! 1:01“ W1l-' liam school staff is home £01 hc1 As Vacation. ‘ l _ _ n1 ‘ A .__â€".-‘l. '9 'lSlL Lllcu' auu _ The Boy Scouts have. got their: Mr. w. J Bailey of \Vlnnlpeg, m‘ iew uniforms and look quite natty ; remitting renewal subscription. n their khaki dress ‘ 'encloses the following skit t0°ex-ic 311'. OShW’Cll Whitten, m()tller’!press appreciation Of “the httleut sister and txvo children, of Toron-‘country paper from his ol’ home} . :0‘ are on a motoring holiday ruid . town: '3 :isitinsr old friends here. ‘When the evenin’ shade is fallin’g Dr. Thos Henderson. wife ardf at the endin’ of the day. l little daughter. Of TOI‘ODCO. are ' A1], a teller rests from labor 5310'; on their annual holiday for {l feWe kin’ at his pipe 03 clay, ‘ Weeks at D13 MUI‘I‘aY’S ' lThere’s nothin’ does him so much* Miss Lulu Mitchell of! Fort Wil-‘ goodi be fortune up or down E from 2 liam school staff. is home for her As the little country paper ‘ his 01’ home town. ,1 vacation. . Miss Lowndes left last week to It ain’t a thing 0’ beauty, an” its holiday With her parents at the; print ain’t always clean, i MGthOdiSt parsonage, Bright. 'But it straightens out his temper- IVII‘S. Fred Breen, Wife of Judgci when a feller’s feelin’ mean l Breen of Cadillac, Fiiclr, is home‘lt takes the Wrinkles Off his {5120‘ for an extended visit with her an’ brushes off the frown. 1 parents, IVII‘. and th‘s. \V Tri1nole.|That little :ountry paper from his: Miss Celia VanDusen is home; 01: home town. from Toronto for two Weeks’aholi-‘It tells of all the parties, ana the ‘ balls of Pumpkin Row. (lav. . Mrs. (Dr.l Ottewell and son Jack. 'V’Bout who spent Shnday with his and Miss Maud Reid, of Toronto = girl, an’ hOW the crops’ll grow are Visitors at Mr. W. Wilzock’s HOW it keeps a fener ,posted Mrs. J. D Clarke and daughter, ‘_ ’bout who’s up an’ {'th is Miss DorothXL of Ottawa. are; down, " '1 A‘L‘A“ â€"-- A Anusn‘an,’ “OTWPY‘ frOlIl ilis WEEK U11 '6]. LU}. bun-h»- ._._-- The young teachers, ex-puplls of 5 the High school here, who have; been engaged for the coming year are: Miss Dell Thurston at, Proton Station, Miss Kate Wil-i cock at Ceylon, Miss Annie Mc-_ Millan at Durham Road. and Miss, Kate McMillan at Harkaway. , Mr and Mrs. Armstrong and Mrs Clarke and daughter, motored to Creemore on Sunday, Mrs. Ed. Thompson and little daughter, of Toronto, are visiting Mrs. Phillips; . 1' _._1:,\ \anvzq Of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Norma m Meafortl are visiting the furmor’s mother. Mrs. W. J White. Mrs. Bulmer has recovered frrzm her ilk-1.35.5 with pneumonia. Mr." Malcolm McDonald. who was' fire ranging up north‘ returned ‘ home on Saturday on account of: t poor health. ‘ mm"; 1.5m been received here t0-. 'lv<~-â€" Word has been recei day from Toronto of at noon of Mr. Wm.. '1 former resident of 1 Artemesia. . The rem. brought here for bu] Very Useful on Smaller Limbs in Orchards g t 1 Double cutter shears used in or- chard pruning give good satisfaction‘i: when used upon limbs smaller than‘: three inches in diameter. When care j is taken to cut through the bark all around the, branches to be removed, the wounds heal.over much better than when the growing layer of bark and young wood is crushed by being squeezed from opposite sides without Lying cut around firstfl One caution is necessary in using this implement: ‘v‘hen making cuts of forking limbs, . it is necessary to avoid bearing down because the main branch to be left is likely to split and a heavy load* of fruit the following summer is al- to lift when making such cuts. It is a good plan always to cut 01! the branch a foot or so beyond the point where LL- a bvv‘r '- the crotch is, arid then to remove the stub with a second out. THOSE PRUNING SHEARS .‘VL w. .l of his sister, Sarah, late Thos. Wallaze. a for burial. v N'L \â€" “wt Peppers can be stuffed with .11- most anything that is well scason- ed and savory. Twice as much oil as vinegar should be used in a Roquefort cheese salad dressing Green peppers, stuffed with fresh green corn and baked. make a good luncheon dish You can almost keep the mem- bers of a family Well by having: proper food for them 0 0‘1 ‘J‘vK-r'_ . Never ;Warm the baby’s milk u'1-{ til immediately before the Chlldi takes it Asparagus prepared as usual onj buttered toast and with grated-2 cheese scattered over it is often A: pleasant change. i Mashed summer squash should? always have a pinch of sugar stirred in with the butter, pepper and salt used for seasoning. A brilliant polish may be given to brass door fixtures, ornaments, etc“ by Washing them in alum and lye. Make a solution by boiling an ounce of alum in a pint of lye and Wash the articles in it. It is impossible to keep the smk from getting greasy at times. When this is the case scour it With some paraffin oil and then wash it well with hot soda water. Finally rinse the sink “with plenty of cold water EST' of Winnipeg, in .1 subscription Ving skit to ex- of “the little 13m his 01’ home SYNOPSIS 0F CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS. l i 1 The sole head of a family, or 1 any male over 18 years old. may 1 homestead a quarter-section o! '3 available Dominion land in Mani- i toba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. Applicant must appear in person ‘ lat the Dominion Lands Agency or ' Sub-Agency for the District. En- try by proxy may be made at any Dominion Lands Agency (but not Sub-Agency). on certain conditions. Duties.-Six months’ residence upon and cultivation o! the land in each of three years. A home- steader may live within nine miles of his homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres, _on_certain condi- u- H" -v vv w'â€"-_ tions. A habitable house is re- quired except where residence is performed in the vicinity. -‘I: ‘- .‘AA Mu Li}: MUPENS AUG. 23 C1 IUmeu l“ wv v w-- Live stock may b "snbstituted for. cultivation under certain con- In certain districts a home- steader in good standing may pre- empt a quarter-section alongside his homestead. Price $3 00 get: acne UID uvmv-VVuv-v _ -___ Dutiesâ€"Six months’ residence in each of three years after earning homestead patent: also 50 acress extra cultivation. Pre-emption patent may be obtained as soon as homestead patent, on certain ! conditions. ‘ - , ,_L-J L:- CU HUILIUHD. A settler who has exhausted his ‘homestead right may take a pur- '. chased homestead in certain Dis- ' tricts. Price $3 00 per acre. 3 Dutiesâ€"Must reside six months :in each of three years. cultivate 250 acres and erec't a house worth 2 $300. cc. «9 nnnv @UVVO W. W CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. N. Bâ€"Umuthorized publication of this advertisement will not be paid for. 4 1 16 6m smk aYomze and Charles Sts.. Toronto was ‘. asked to fill more thzm thirty times as ‘ O 0 4 many posmons as they had graduates : during the. last twelve months. ‘ VVvite today for catalogue. This col- Hege is noted for high grade training. Nowopen in Shaw‘s Business Schools, Toronto. continues until August 28th, when Fall Term begins. No vacations Enter anytime. Free catalogue. Write W. 21. Shaw. President. 99§§+§§§§§§§§§§§¢§§§§+§§ #0 July 13. 1916 SUMMER SESSION Of this year’s class have been un- usually successful in preparing for and obtaining positions. Ask them about in. Fall term opens Sept. 5. W'hy not write for mount forest Business (Zollcgc Call and Inspect at In Seroes, \ oiles and Fancy Stripes Prin

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