West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 27 Jul 1916, p. 1

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For sale.â€" Amfly at S] ness.â€"‘ of a Ford car. All in arrears for taxes, tags, and other moneys due town are requested to settle at once and save costs.â€"G. Arrow;- smith. Mt. Forest. Monday. July 31. CW- ic Holiday. Horse races,‘ military exercises by the 153rd Bittalion, baseball, military and Highland bands. Every one come and have a good tune. Live hogs banking hours to conform those of surrounding towns, follows: 9.30 a.m. to 300 um, exâ€"4 cept Saturday, when the hours will be 9.30 am. to 1 p m. 7204 On the 12th of July, Hugh John- ston, an uncle of the editor of this paper, died at Clarksburg, and on the same day at Rocklyn a son Was born to Mr. and Mrs. Hugh On the 12th of July, Hugh John-Eghé ren ston. an uncle of the editor of this i Went 0‘ paper, died at Clarksburg, and 011.131. o'lant the same day at Rocklyn a sonlerffiaoe was born to IVII‘. and Mrs. Hughlth; :ev Johnston, the new arrival being aaltracted great-great-grandson of the de-u . . iprehml ceased. . , W111 re' Parker’s Bug Killer, for potatoes. the c which Was manufactured by Jas.lhope h R. Gun, and enjoyed such a largelhealth, sale in Durham and vicinity, hasl not be. not oeen on the market for thelheight past two years owing to the in-'l service creased cost, etc., of the ingredi- ents, but will be on “the market Mr. next year in a new style package. | ters l Cochrz Mr and Mrs. J. P. Hunter. and‘Wilsox erCISUD U3 L41» an“... .. _ o o . l Hum)», \r--- __ ' U C n d . o o _ . ..._ seball, military and H1,,hlan g one in Ford City. The health autbâ€" ‘ w , r ' ‘V ,, . . . nds. Eve 3' one come and ha” e 1 1 orities say there is no reason for . 0 end tune. :panic, bUt that parents should 0 l‘he August meeting of the Woâ€"itake piecautions to piotect then D at the children They should not allow 1‘ t , at 3 p.m. The; gested areas. or go to places ‘ ,1, pung ladies will give the pro- l where they will come into contact C 'am and an interesting time is ; with many others while there are'I l %c2ses of the malady. r sured. ‘ Commencing August 1, the Banks; We regret to learn that Pte.'; opt : Johnston Allen. Who enlisted with} Durham have decided to ad 'ihlthe 'Tlst Battalion. is not improv-' inking hours to conform W1 if as1 ing in health. and is likely to re- 1 J- \ 1 - 1 1 I lose of surrounding towns, ; >llows: 9.30 a.m. to 300 pm,» eX-lturn from England shortly. It apt Saturday, when the hours will -, will be remembered he was de- e 9.30 a.m. to 1 p m. 7204l‘tained at Halifax, where he spent some time in the hoSpital when . -l On the 12th 0f JUL" Hugh John the remainder of the battalion. ton, an uncle of the editor of this i went overseas. Later he went to: laper, died at Clarksburg, and onlErgland, but has been unable to. , , , lthe severe rheumatic trouble con-. ohnston, the new arrival being a ; tracted, we understand, during his :reat-great-grandson Of the deflipreliminary training. We learn he teased. , . . Will return and be cared for in Parker’s Bug Killer, for potatoes. the convalescent hospital. We which was manufactured by Jas.lh0pe he may be fully restored to R. Gun, and enjoyed such a largelhealth, but feel sorry he has sale in Durham and vicinity, has\ not been permitted to reach the not oeen on the market for thelheight of his ambition, and see past two years owing to the in-l service in the firing line. creased cost, etc., of the ingredi- ents, but will be on the market Mr. A. H. Jackson received let-1 ters this week from Dr. Jack Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Hunter. the latter’s sister, Mrs. A. H., at time of writing. Pte. Wilson had Jackson. left last night for BaS-'recovered from a slight shrapnel sano, Alberta. where they willlwound, but was again ready for visit Mr. Hunter’s daughter. Mrs. action. Since the letter was writ- C. McKinnon. They went by boat i ten word has been received by his from Owen Sound to Port Arthur.§parent.s in Hanover that he was and thence by train. We wishlagain wounded. He thanks Mr. tl~em an enjoyable trip. lJackson for his gifts, but intim- iates that he doesn’t smoke, and . ' L t on the eve 0f the” depar ure : that he gave the precious weed, to ‘ L . '9 ° ( f e- . from Mason Clt} Iowa, «1 ar “Somebody who dld. Mr. Jackson. well partv was Criven in honor a . , ‘ " lhavmo learned that he made a ' . d Mrs. J. C Ca er, when a b , , MI. an pp lwrong diagnosm, has decided tc ver’s' leasant evening was spent: . . . p b échange the medicine in future. Dr U. Ca e was :r‘sented with a Mrs pp r p t lCochrane’s letter speaks hopeful- souvenir spoon, and the companyl . . . gave unanimous expressions of l 1.37 Of the hlgh Spll‘lt 9f the Canad- good will to Mr. and Mrs. Capper. .1 ians, and notes particularly they who are moving to Canada to enqcheerofulness 1n gomg t0 t.h‘ - {fighting lines. To him it seems ll’l gage in lucrative employment in . . . - ',conce1vable to think of defeating 1.1- aale.-â€"A good working horse. at Smith’s Garage. galaâ€"Thriving baking busi- H. N Burnett. Durham iEtE are $11.25 to-day, was announced .derl temporary or permanent. Income bUSi- 7. three dollars per day upward. Ad- lefi' dress The Scarborough Co. of I Canada, Limited, Map Publishers, ‘ 1rney l Lasers 3 Hamilton, Ontario. ; Word was received here last .on of.week by Mr. Thos. Banks that? . had his son, Pte. George Banks. had'i 1e re-i heen wounded, and was now in ai doing 1 hospital in England. George enlist- l yied over a year ago. but had only! ’been in the firing line for a few", dog a the 3 weeks. H15 wounds, we are pleased l tgto say, are not serious. ‘ ‘ e a I . irrow-g The cases of infantile paralysis “i reported in Ontario are distri‘wted -. g as follows: Nine in Windsor. three 13”"; ; in Todmorden, one in Newmarket. .Illtfll‘y ; one in Tilbury, one in Sandwmh ti111(*’1‘:§East, one in Sandwich West, and action. Since the letter was writ- , nc ten word has been received by his DE parents in Hanover that he was r a again Wounded. He thanks 3112f“) Jackson for his gifts. but intim-g ates that he doesn’t smoke, and. that he gave the precious Weed. to m somebody Who did. Mr. Jackson. N :having learned that he made a 5! {Wrong diagnosis, has decided ton ichange the medicine in future. Dr. 8‘ lCochrane’s letter speaks hopefulâ€"LY Ely of the high spirit of the Canadsh fiians, and notes particularly their? icheerfulness in going to thezil ifighting lines. To him it seems in-1 E 'conceivable to think of defeating 1, V 1 an army that can march to the. 1‘- Ebattle line With songs and cheers C i as the Canadians do. i l l Though it seemed that the name _‘;of Berlin should be changed to ,‘zsomething else, and the name? :Kitchener was decided on by a: l , -, a small ma]or1ty of a small votew lthere is still a large number of r.‘ ithe Berlin citizens who are disâ€"l ‘satisfied With the change. From c c c t ( VLLuLuv~~- w-.. ple. Berlin by any Other name Will’ be Berlin in sentiment after the:: change iust the same as it was?! befere it. We did think the union= of Berlin and Waterloo, and givingti to both the latter name, would be» an apprOpriate change that would’ cause but little or no distur'u-' ‘ance. We can easily understand 5how citizens of Berlin, Who were, {born there, and have spent their ‘lives there can now take kindly to means let them have it, but per- sonally, We do not think the name lKitchener is the best selection lthat could be made, nor do We think it would be doing honor to our dead hero to have his name ‘ so perpetuated. The funeral of the late James Mc Auley \\ 111 take place to Dur- ham cemeter} to-morrou after- noon at tuo o’clock. It will be in ch21: ge of the Canadian Order of Z7’cmesters. â€"r ._.._....,_ .1 The tempemture in Toronto on Tuesday Was 94 in the shade. Son‘e ;of the local thermon1ete1s here pointed to 91. On Julv 3 1.01] the tempcr1ture in Toronto was 103.11, the highest ever reached since records were taken in the c1ty. On Tuesda} the thermometer in London rose to 97. which was 9:1 d to be the hottest point in Ontnio. During last Thursday’s electrical storm a hen-house belonging to Mr. J. G. Wilson \1 as struck by lightning and the building, togeth- er with about 50 hens, 1135 desâ€" troyed. The prompt action of the neighbors. and a few who Went out from town, prex ented the £318 spieading to the stable. onl} te'n ; feet aw ay. The engagement is announced «2f Mrs. Ethel Green, of Durham, Ont., Widow of the late Francis G. Green of Regina. Sask., eldest daughter A 1‘ of Mr. and Mrs. E. W Limin, of Durham. and Rev. John Morris, rector of St.‘Paul’s church, Shel- burne, eldest son of the late Ben: iamin Morris and Mrs. Morris, of Cloonee‘év Mohill, County Leitrim, Ireland. The marriage will take‘ place very quietly early in August. On Tuesday, London. Ontario ' had .. terrific rainfall, destructive lightning and consequently much loss. For about three Weeks the temperature Was intense, and dur- ing Tuesday afternoon’s deluge nearly tWo and one-half inches of rain fell in an hour and a quarter.- , Trees were blown down _ all over. the city, the telegraphs, tele- Iphones and electric power put out Tof business, cellars were flooded:- lseveral buildings were struck by lightning, but no deaths have been reported. ope] t Owen Sound meichants are 1121\- eina‘ a Dolla1 Da} spurt. and .110 Ladvertising it extensively. Thex haxe tried the scheme several times. Which shows that £01 mer Leff01ts must haxe been successful. wTimes have. come when those 11110 ...W ant business haVe to go afte1 it. erhe peeple as a rule \1 ant to know What the merchants have to offer, and then they’ll go and in- ! vestigate. We have a number of 1 chance. Why not try a Dollar DaV as an experiment? There are doz~ ‘- -- 1- l :more business if they had a l v- “--.â€"__ in}: the examiners to mark the papers more strictly than usual. which is the cause of the large number of‘failures. From the local Collegiate We are informed that only ten students out of a class of over sixty Who tried were sucâ€" cessful. These fortunate ten are therefore deserving of more thin :ordinary congratulation.” 5.! “u vâ€" v ens of articles, or combinations of: articles, in every store that couldf be sold for a dollar. The profits might be small, but on the merchâ€" ants’ shelves they are valueless and every Week brings a further depreciation in values. It is better often to sell at or below cost than to carry stock over from year to year. Let the merchant arrange a lot of bargains, make them as at- tractive as possible, fix on a Dollar Day, advertise thoroughly 1' and see What the result will be. the late James THURSDAY. fiULY 27. 1916 JAMES McAULEY. The death of Mr. Jas. McAuley which occurred about noon yes-1 terday was very unexpected, and: much sympathy is felt for the; Widow and two daughters who? mourn the death of a kind ' and indulgent husband and father. Up to Friday last the deceased was engaged in his regular work in the furniture factory When he took ill suddenly and from the Lfirst grave doubts were enterâ€" tained as to his chances for recov- l 1 l em: The ailment was difficult to diaonose but was squbse ~110nt13' discovered to be a form of 13' m- phangitis, an inflammation of the lymphatic Vessels. The tempera- ture rose rapidl3, reaching 106 on Sunday, when hope was generally abandoned. He lingered on till ’shortly after noon yesterday. when death relieved him of his sufferings. The deceased was born in Pal- merston 49 years ago on the 10th of next month. He came to Dur- ham about 25 Vears ago, and. with the exception of a couple of. years in Markdale, has been a resident ever since. '\ Twenty-three years ago ne ioined the Canadian Order of For- esters, being one of the charter members. He was also an Orange- man, and interment to-morrow af- ternoon Will be conductednnder ternoon will b society auspices. He was twice married, first to Miss Rebecca Park, who died about 15 years ago, leaving two children. ‘15; few years later,= lie married Miss Hawkins, but there. was no additional family. The deâ€" ceased was steady and industrious in his habits. upright and honest in his. dealings, and highly es- teemed in the community. To the sorrowing widow and the W0 two daughters, to whom she prov- ed an affectionate mother, we ioin the community in the general expression of sympathy. .5} iii 1313 W. J MCFARLAND KlLLED IN- STANTLY A very distressing fatality oc-‘ curred on Friday afternoon about four miles north of Markdale. in a collision between a freight train and an automobile. The occupants of the automobile were Mr. W. J. McFarland, formerly of Markdale,‘ but a resident of Toronto for the past 15 years, his eldest son, Wm. McFarland of Berkeley, 3. n’ece of the latter, and also a daughter. .Mr. McFarland was killed instant- ly, his son was severely injured, the son’s niece had a leg broken, but the daughter escaped without iniury. These are the facts as reported by the press, but the exact par- ticulars can scarcely be given. The party, it seems, Was going LO :1 summer cottage at English’s Lake. Two stories are told, one to the effect that the auto was struck broadside While attempting to cross the track in advance of the approaching train: the other says the auto had reached the track before noticing the train, and in attempting to swing into the ditch, was struck in the rear. The deceased gentleman for over 40 years conducted a gener- al store in Markdale, having start- ed there When the place was known as Cornabus. About 15 years ago he retired from business and; Went to reside in Toronto. Col. G l F. McFarland of the 147th Battal- ion, is a son, and Mrs. M. K. Rich- ardson of Flesherton is a sister. The deceased had been active in} municipal matters, being reeve of' Markdale, and at one time warden of the county. He was a Conserv- ative and a Methodist. Interment took place Monday to North Tor- onto by special train from Markdale, thence to Mount Pleas- ant cemetery. Let us have a Dollar Day. Monev to a merchant is better than de- preciating goods, and the goods in the homes of those Who need them will be better than the money. BORN. KELLY. -â€"At Toronto at Woodlawn avenue on July 24. Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Kelly son (John Foy). [8271” +++++++§++++++++¢++++ 4. .I. +++++++++++++++++++++++++*+*++* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++$++++++¢+++++§++++++++++++ FD} Notwithstanding the rapid rising of prices we are proteetinff our customers and friends as far as possible. Our bysiness is a fortunate one because of the stock carried, which is large and well selected. ' ' \Vehaxe just receixed Minothe Whlte Skll‘tS ship111ent of \Vhite Skirts 111 h/‘ “Q\ A .9. ,__ 1' Pique and Hepps. which are bound to Be 1. great deal this summer, moderately priced and ’ We ham 3 large assortment oi H O S i e r y Ladies’ Hosieh in Cashmere. Silk, Lisle and Cotton. Prices ranging from 15 to 60 cts. ’ Just to hand, a full assm’tment Men S flats of the fmnous Berkley branflfelt liabs, lu gl_c.ylb, ULK’ " 11:, U1 LLVK. WLAu V -___ hats are correct in style, quality and workman- ship. Priced at $1.00, $1.50 and $22.00. WOl‘k ShlrtS W9 Stlll have a full’rgnge of \\'01:k Shlrts an the old prlce. Lay 1n .3 mnmlv lmfnre the advance. as they are bound to H abs a supply before the advance, as they are bound to go up. Keep cool by getting a SummerUnderwear . . , ‘ ,. .. sult of om Balbnggan Underwear at $1.00 per suit. A Full Program of Splendid Floor Coverings Curtains agd Curtain Nets THE STORE OF HONEST VALUE in greys, brmmé, blues and blacks. These 4.x \“""\" n ‘\ Linoleums, Floor Oilcloth. 1 yds. Curtain Nets. in cream and ecru, 25c and 40c yd. Curtai‘n Muslin With border, 150. vav-“D ' 'â€" â€" â€"ed border, fast color, 150. White Enamelled Curtain Poles, 2 for 25c. J. 6: J. HUNTER vvvv "vvvvv vv ""mww" LADIES’ WEAR MEN’S WEAR Block and Floral Designs, in 2, 8 and 4: yds. Wide. h, in Oak and Floral designs. attings, a. good range of designs and colorings. new patterns, ' 1/ /2 and ‘2 Mina, are V15 town and vicini' deputy-princi 1 , 3 schools and Mr better known 1 .MI. Douglis 'SaSk., arriwxri will remain £0 MrS. Munro in about three we He came harm; aging New 1 flags, and th as high as 31 last Friday': referred to by Dr. LICCu icgl HPMH .[erring to which mm unnamed t Globe obj‘ name of t lieving thy alent to I the sprem (suggests ' medical 11 his plain seems but ShOUld be tagion 01‘ diseasc :1. says ThL picnics. 3 grounds. being can more rem extermin: Inf anti Cnsth The ezz-elUE magnifice 1:0 the Chan-o. . ‘. the Chateau is in comezu Tie strucmzw designed for firstâ€"class m‘ -208t Will 3%" 3 hrs. The mc ready secure the venture is thought I] work will ex‘ years, and t. bar trade W consideratim Temporary effect on IE and the we hotel are 11'] tion of a rt ditions. Pte. 1(ka Butt, is em and assistir the haying. Miss Mar this evenin Weeks in T: daughtér. , relatives the Week. visiting 1 Banks, f1 Mr. D house th 0f Lamb _tract. Mr. an Event VS Ezremm -Mr. an Eina, Sa gunt, MI MT. .‘Xl‘t Daring to stalling purchased The [I shingling on Saturd for the h! Héiéiei? 7 Mrs. Th0! Spending IcNalls' visit 11E .yer Mrs Firt )ar hi K

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