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Durham Chronicle (1867), 27 Jul 1916, p. 3

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Train_s1ea.ve Du: ham at a .U') a. m. , Trains armve at Durham at 11.20am). 2.3()p..m .. and8.45p. m. EVERY DAY EXCEPT SU .\DA.Y G. T. Bell. C . E. Hmning, . GP. Agent, D. P. Agent, ' - Toronto. Canadian Pacific Time Tabie Trains Will am 1 ,ws, until 111'”? 9.x 5.31. 9 ()7 " Priceville 17 “ Git-n “ BhfiVilliams 33 “ Durham ' 3 Allan Park 7.01 “ Hanover " " ~~ Maple Hm ~~ M3 5.3.; f O my . N. pd HH 0* p... C'. "'3 I. r-‘v-‘bâ€"l . “WWW a). I 8.10__Lv 9.13 11.85) - ATTRACTIVE TRI?S The school is thorm teaching ability, in trical supplieSfmd fi 1‘ Junior Leavmg ¢ work. J. TOW'XER. \V. CALDER. .L 1l\l\.>- vincial Model School item-um 'Class Certlficzue. The record of the School in past years * ~ “m The trustees are Leaves Toronto 1:5; cent Sunday. and 2 M uskokz-L \thu‘f. [made at )‘Illsknku koka. La. '95. Lea IV. v v _. _ Leaves Toronto 12.0] p.m. daily, ex- cept Sunday. and 2.05 gum. daily. for Muskokz-L \thu'f. Connections are made at Muskoku \thu‘f for Mus- koka. Lakes. Leave Toronto 10.15 £1.11). daily except Sunday, and 2.05 21.11"). daily for Huntsville, points on Lake of Bays. Equipment, the finest. min fiartichla‘r‘s'on zip-pin 'cation to Agents J Ill? ’7’ ave Du ham at 7.0:: 2 Maganetawa' 'I'emagami - il arrive and depart as to?- Irthex notice?- _\ 1' . Toronto Toronto >1 is thoroughlv equipped: m. militv, in chemical and elec- and fittings, etc“ for full DMatriculation certain 'r low I gagâ€"gee!) J Glen 31c“. illiams Dm ham Allan P uk HitflOVt‘l )Iaple H1“ \Vulkertou Priceville Ll Depot Agent Town Agent- T 0 rates. wnh Lake of Bays Algonquin Park Kawartha Lakes wan River .mi. etc. ~‘L tickets now on ans in Onta- :tnti with H hex'al n+11Q I] .u'. 11- 0‘ 21.11», my» 84 ! NOTE: Folks in town an counties are delighted with they have obtained by using “ the newest discovery of Dr. is head of the IXVALIDS’ SURGICAL ISSTITUTE, in Br .I Those who‘started the day V â€"“M Dear Mr. Editorâ€"I wish to tell you} hen emf-1 of a recent experience I had w iering from backache, weak back, rheu- , matism, drOpsy, and congestion of the- kidneys. I tried a new medicine called ‘ “Anuric,” which has cpvered by Di} Piircez 10, .‘VUU- 1.1qu years. This medicine acted upon me'. _ in a wonderful manner. I never have Text of the Les: taken any medicine so helpful in such l quick time. 1 do wish anvone m need Memory ven of such a remedy would give it a trial. T - (Signed) G. H. HERE. ‘1 pit; 3'8: they have obtained byusing . . the newest discovery of Dr. Pierce, who 3 is head of the IXVALIDS’ HOTEL and SURGICAL ISSTITUTE, in Buffalo, N. . l Those who started the day with a backâ€" . ache, stiff legs, arms and muscles, and an aching head (worn out before the ' day began because they were in and out i of bed half a dozen times at night) are apnremating Dr. Pierce’s Anuric Tablets. that this is a certain uric acid solvent and conquers headache, kidney and bladder diseases and rheumatism, if you’ve never used the “Anuric.” cut this out and send ten cents to Doctor Pierce for a large sample package. This ' will prove to .you that “Anuric” is ' thirty-seven tlmes more active than ’ uric ac1dâ€"-and the a fect kidney and bladder cor- : rector. If you are a sufferer, go to your l, best druggist and ask for a 50-cent box ,. .. A __--..:n r: Vnn run n0 I'lSk for Dl_'. U“ “'4 00v. 3 this out and send ten Pierce for a large samp.‘ will prove to you 1;! thirty-.sev‘ep .times In - _.. .44.”, n. ”9“.” .""". . . . mm m ehmmetmg unc acmâ€"ano. we most perfect; kldney and bladder cor- rector. Ifoyou are a. sufferer, best drugglst and as the past. half century Icr Medical Discovery" wplc . Favomte Prescrxpmon ” biood pure, his “ and “Pleasant Pellets” t-.. "vno‘z mnmen h makes the -M-fl A negro came to the vicar of a fashionable church in New York and said he Wanted to join. The parson replied: “We don’t have any colored members in our church. It is not a piebald church.” “Well,” said the negro, “I asked de Lord and He said: ‘Sambo,’ says ’13, ‘you go and join dat church. It’s de best church for you.’ And so here I am.” ' “Well,” replied the vicar, “I‘m .sorry, but We can’t accept you.” rrowful, i “I say, pastor, iwhat you said d He shook with iyour church, an; ‘a ' He said, ‘I knew What laffm’. 1.1 Lnnflnn Rambo. I’ve been ties for Season HHS-l1 “ including the new everbearing’ \ RaspbemI, SLBegis. \A Splendid Usmt New Special-1 In every good town and (115' Ontario Where \\ e are not repre Territoxyreserved for the rig Highest commissions paid. Attractive advertising matter. HAD EXPECTED IT. Geo. B. Dingma“ Druggist STEM 81 WELUNHUN Central Drug Score R. Town Ticket Agency The Fonthill Nurseries. p (Established 1834) , town and district in; one as He wiJ “eare not represented i right of way _4‘. Cans right man - i I ON 1" ABN Lesson now We are to have thr ' s ' ' ee studie in \ own household, and not for sale. men the letter to th Cor’ h' ' - . . 9 other a few we:l's 1:112; lagsfiewgtiaz {six or eight fowls W111 suffice. Care- . ‘ p S I fully chosen, these should yield a 1 4 4 4 4 4 tell us of the churwh in th" 0 - l . L lb a°e and l thousand or more eggs each year, in- how’ we should 1" o ' . od . and therefor thei‘eqrdf’lomfiflf ldividual birds of good strain laying‘ - e be “ u res ,OP" t to | fully 200 eggs each in twelve months. be most helpful. May the Spirit speak The run may be quite a small af.‘ . to our hearts. 8‘ ‘thl : ' - . . t d . P Ob. we." who 15 as fair. You don’t need a large Wired-up . socm e Wlth aul 1n this epistle, was henyard Give them reasonable room one of the rulers of the synadom Wh - ' 5 ° e o ‘ and make them work; that’s the mot- was privileved to suffer sham ubli - 'l a e p c :to of the modern hen keeper. For 13' for Christ’s sake 1 1- Act xviii (’ ’ s ’ ‘ half a dozen fOWIS, a combined house 17). The church of God at Corin : th l and run of six feet by four is quite} meant the company of sinners who had 3. . become saints by believing the good 3 large enough: . news concerning Jesus Christ and re-‘. the roof should proiect well. oyer ceiving Him as their Saviour. ‘2 the front, to keep off rain. The 1ns1de How great sinners they had been is l of the hen house should all be gone seen in chapter vi, 9, 10; but, being ‘ over with lime wash, applied hot, at purchased with precious blood, they \ least twice a year, choosing a sunny‘ were now in Christ Jesus. saints. wash- 3 “drying" day for the operation. 1 ed, sanctified and justified, W holly b)”; The last thing you have to attend the grace Of God, apart from anyuner- i to in the housing line is the arrange- , :cfsr 32113258)? ,$:1;s “gerez-ihv‘gd 1131; { merits in: the hen-s laying. For this l With two of the top i ves admirably. l l 2 tne cross ot Christ. which is the men ,1 01.1 156 bo“ er of God ('1, 13)_ Christ Jesus was pieces knocked out, so. V made unto them. as He is to all be- -._ M“: "“ l = 5" rnof‘V‘ “CV; for tile V my- 'â€" .â€" tell us of the church in this age and how we should live to glorify God, and therefore these studies ought to be most helpful. May the Spirit speak to our hearts. Sosthenes. who is as- sociated with Paul in this epistle, was muuc uuv‘.’ -___. ‘ Iievers, wisdom and righteousness and '. sanctification and redemption (i. ‘2. l. c. i 30), for all that Christ is before God . He makes His redeemed to be. As He 1 is/so are we in this world (I John iv, 1 17). which may mean that as He is\ before God so He makes His people! to be ereii While we remain in these ‘ mortal bodies. There is another truth 1 in this, and that is that as the world ' regards and treats Him we must ex- pect the same, for we are here for Him, in His name, as His witnesses. Although the standing before God in Christ of every saved sinner is so abo solutely perfect, yet in these mortal bodies we are weakness itself, so that he had to reprove these believers as tl being carnal because of their envying v and strife and factions. standing for r] this or that teacher instead of glorying h in the Lord alone (i, ‘29, 31; iii, 1-7, 21- ,1 23; Isa. ii, ‘22). lecause of their un- worthy conduct some were weak and sickly and some were dying, forgetting that if we would judge ourselves we 1 might escape much chastening of the , Lord (chapter xi, 30-32). We must ex- pect trials, but we shall never have more than He will give us grace to bear (chapter 3, 13). and we should be careful not to bring unnecessary trials upon ourselves. The wisdom of this world and every arm of flesh we must persistently turn away from. and, though we may be foolish and weak and base and of no account in the eyes of the world, yet if fully yielded to , Christ He will be glorified in us. Apart I from Him we are nothing and can do j nothing, but we can do all things > through Christ, who strengtheneth us : (xv, 10; John v, 5; Phil. iv, 13). r. Probably the greatest reason why I our Christian experience does not t' measure up to our standing. why we y are not as to our daily life what we : ought to be, is because we fail to grasp O by faith what we really are in Christ, : and, not seeing the fullness which is 0 already ours in Him, we try to attain to 2 it by our own efforts. If we only knew â€" .n-Q‘An‘fl {a Ito ”J v“- vv-â€"â€" . by believing what is written what is l ‘ , , . ccrprcrmal value as saw time the hope of His calling and. what the ‘ “ _ ' 1- (ls-es not include pulpwood, riches of the glory of His “inheritance '- ’- , - - and pole material nor ‘ v-Vu \o, 5.\- o O 3 in the saints and what is the exceeding ~ 9 . . - a? ti;';;'r.~e1‘ of any description, a1. 1 d d 4 4 4 4 4 4 .. .~ -3 tl.'JL‘.._JA1 L-.A.J (Eph. i, 18, 19), we would live better "we commercial value. The Com- lives because of what we really are in Christ before God. Next to the assur- |l #335133 ance of what we are now because of l‘uwn an H15. £1915th work. there 15 nothing :0 ' resources of Canada, which, when‘ (T . . - purifying, separating, uplifting, as t .e ‘ completed, Will furnish the ba31s for a knowledge Of what we Shall be at H18 ‘ more accurate estimate of the amount‘ coming (I John iii, 1-3). Note what is l , ‘ , . , ‘ written in this epistle concerning it in ‘ of timber m the various sections of ~ 0 V _ ' + v. . chapters i, 7: iv, 5; “,2; xi, 26; xv, {Itne country than has pievmusly been. 23-51; xvi, 22, and may the thought l, Practice-«ole. M of fellowship with Him in His king-l i Japs Conserve Forests dom and glory make us more gladly willing to have fellowship with Him 1 Japan exports more timber products- now in humiliation and sufiering l than it imports. Corea and parts 01‘‘ ‘3 (I John 1, 3; Phil. in. 10). He is pleas- 3, China and Europe, Australia and the l, ed toncall US ‘laborers together filth 3 United Kingdom consume most of the ' .Hlm. $1131 Ftet 11% doesdltt 31:1, wofrkgigs “ lumber exported, although the United .m us. 0 ° W” an ”o 0 0 , States takes large quantities of oak. good pleasure (chapter iii, 9; Phil. 11, '1 The large timbers used in Japan 13; Heb. xiii, 20, 21. we are bouoht 's ‘ b“ ‘ ) ° come from the Pacific Northwest of; l with a price, even the precious blood : ; of Christ, that we may be temples of l Canada. Conservation methods work the Holy Spirit, who worketh in each ‘; successfully in Japan and complete n; one as He will when He can have the E reforesting 01' denuded areas can be i right of way in us (chapter vi, 19, 20; ‘ accomplished in from 80 to 100 years. n; xii, 7-11). ‘ Reforesting was commenced in Japan ‘ ‘he 0119‘ only foundation is Jesus 1 about 30 years ago and the system is . nhrief the sure foundation (chapter iii. \ now nearly complete. greatness of His power toward us , - ”w“ 1123.5 undoubtedly a very‘ I 1‘..- 5‘4 J of Conservation is engaged\ investigation of the forest‘ 1 1 !.â€"Third Quarter. July 30, 1916. xii, 7-11). 2| The one- only foundation is Jesus; 00 ‘ Christ, the sure foundation (chapter in, 11; Isa. xxviii, 16; I Pet. ii, 6), all else being as sand, a refuge of lies (Matt. vii, 26, 27; Isa. xxviii, 17). But we‘ may be safely on this foundation and 1 yet so build, so live, that the building, the daily life, not being acceptable to 1 God, shall not be approved in that day. ' ; but rejected and the believer suffer ir- reparable loss and find himself just barely savedâ€"saved as by fire (chapter iii. 12-15). This was evidently what Paul had in mind when he spoke of denying self that his service might not be disapproved or rejected (chapter ix, 25.27, R. V.). We may not judge others till the evidence is all in, but we may and should judge 'ourselves al- ways by the question: Will He :9- .'prove? Is this of the Lord? . an. I Cor. i, 18, to ii. 5. as, i, 22-24â€"Golden 14â€"Commentary Pra- D. M. Stearns. ' vi, 11; aved bS'E: the pow ‘ sus was E P 0 all be- E ness and (i. 2. l. C. E 1 For ' When E995 ‘smallest backyard will be k 1 enough for the purpose. 1 In the first place, of course, yo 1 only keep hens to supply eggs for your 3 own household, and not for s . k‘tsix or eight fowls will suffice. fully chosen, these should yield a gthousand or more eggs each year, in- |::--:A“n1 hirdg of good strain laying u will l 3 e e V ~.A.--..vâ€"_ _ The ”best and next year, you birds and buy on, always renewing half the number To avoid trouble with the yearly. neighbors, do not buy a cocke star: .; gm; pullets and three 0 1 '. ~ second season. Tnenu: o o O cheapest method is to three pullets, and so rel; he’s ornamental, but not necessary. Next, as to the diet of hens. Fork their breakfast give them soft mash, warm and mixed to a crumbly state. This mixture may consist of house-,- hold scraps, scalded bran, and sharps. The scraps should be well minced. When Hens Sneeze A word as to the most common ail- ment to which hens are subject. the common cold. When the birds begin “ to sneeze, and have a watery die- 8 10 be is ate of potash. in the water. Should cha- powders, and rge at the eyes, give them roup put a little permangan- of Gram hough JOHN M GOWAN 90 O O O 9' O é . O O O 0 O O WOO.“ l “How about Banana Skins ?” â€"â€" OUR SHOES embi- tal, and Dongola, on the latest. model lasts. II l‘lleeS L‘lllc“ \-\’\\ D L'J 115‘ r.--‘ for seeding: in fact It make:- :tls0 Caldwell’s Celeln' Everything in our lin Q g 8 “Did you know that they can ma 7. l O l. s everything go that 1. s in: u ztted Calf Meal. 9 at. lowest pricesfior (“m-1‘1. All kinds 6 ¢ 0 § t and sold. 2 £- 0' O Q 0 O 9 HONE No. 8 (Night or Day) ke Shoes out of all kinds of Skins?" “They make Slippers out of them." athers. made in Patent. Gun Me They are stylish, dur- manufactured and ace all the good 1e is you suspect anything more serious, - , st it is “.1...“ an d more economical to able and handsome shoes. ho better footwear is they are priced according to quality. Come in and inspect our new g Shoes. Best on the market. (1, destroy the IR -.;.,:. eading. fowl, to prevent 61186386‘ Military Lasts in Men’s workin ‘ \Ve have just received a ship ment of Suit Cases and Cluh Bags. _. -_ Am... <21 .m +n QR Eli Hard to Estimate upon an mvesug resources of Can completed, will fu more accurate 951 of timber in the the country than practicable. Z'-.‘:..'3-.I‘<~2d billion feet, .53. to LOVE? an area. ‘m 590,000 acres. ."x he'd“ phorus, which is excellent for th\ brain. It is a curious tact,,by the way, that the frequent eating of fish affects the size of the eyes. Among native tribes who live very largely on a fish diet, it will be found that their eyes are much smaller than is the case with meat eaters. cording to R. H. Campbell, direc-l] n ‘71:: main-10m Forestry Branch, 1 J5 v-ov -J w 121.13 supply of commercial tim- , been variously estimated to t fine hundred and seven ‘ '«»»H§\e\.¢a 1 {rod 1:1“- on fget board measure, .'\ t V ~7»s'. 0“ to c:;.'3- axes. of approximately "‘1“ acres This estimate of '_.J ’Uv ' and area refers only to tim- ‘71.“‘31‘Clal 1alue as saw time 1” does not include pulpwood, -. and pole material nor ti::1?'\<%1‘ of any description, al- .. c undoubtedly a very " “‘"ercial value. The Com- b-a‘ .ources of :lCanada, which, when npletedm lfurnish the basis for a :re accurate estimate of the amount timber in the various sections of e country than has p eviously been If a man falls into the water and splashes. a shark will _wa.it until he ready; now for the strains for this “in- farming are white or anconas, or white n At U r. (‘9 re \3 ‘. But Task ‘3 Belne mpted splashln‘ 1 9 The Above are All Made from Special Reduction on Flor OUR SHOES embrace all the good leathers. made in Patent Gun Me tal, and Dongola. on the latest model lasts. They are stylish. dur- able and handsome shoes. No better footwear is manufactured and 9 O 9 they are priced according to quality. Come in and inspect our new : Military Lasts in Men’s \Vorking Shoes. Best on the market. 3 Q 1‘ Q Q G 0: O 0 We have just received a shipment of Suit Cases and Club Bags. prices ranging from $1.40 to $35.50. Also we have stocked a line of Chi ldreu's School Cases which sell REPAIRING A SPECIALTY at 60C. 1. S. Mcllraith : The Down Town Shoe Store §§§§§§§§¢§§§Q§§Q¢ A», _,, 3 0O+§§§§oo¢§¢++o¢+§+§ooo¢¢++¢+++§o¢ OUR SHOES embrace all the gooa lean. tal, and Dongola, on the latest mode 603 9101011 Flour Echpse 1*10u1‘ P351313 Flour L033 Grade 1*10ur Rolled Oats ‘ Breakfast 181981 For “'9 have a quantity F'armers and Stock Owners should 1 Excellent Copdjtioner for Spring Al“l~ p;de . A. ROWE’S 7 Bran, Shorts Middlings, ' Corn Chop Cracked Chicken Corn ur Crimped Oats for Horses Barley and Wheat- Chop 1.} Mixed Chop Made from Sound and Whole Grains on Flour and Feed in Quantities of the celebrated Shorts Confectioner and Grocer fiCBES IN BE IMP, being L01; :7. G. R.° will Advertisements for each Sllhsm; double the iih(s\‘ NORTH PAP. '1‘ O dd skating rim street. and the ‘. Albert EtrL‘L‘t. J‘ckson. 37813812, . 0011131! 03 premxses 31:9 bri¢k house, sane - - rum'nng: $66113“ a‘flnlzi wood bush. re»: cultivation. P05 ‘l"‘ ) RSV. lat; malars. GKKH) SEVI u. one ()1 [116 in Durham, an nectipl} a CO“ conveniencvs. LOTS r: ‘ â€"'g-00d (3011191 muntaincd 1?“ equipment 53' once. BU\ng ‘ “ egay as 3‘5 more satisf ac business. can oflice and "9 nation. house: 0 THE D HE P} Philip upmr' Hons“ PART OF U Street, WCS‘. good condi by James I pied bF 3“ ticulars :19 Durham. street Dnrh am. A COMFOR‘ tage; goo 0! land. :11 concession east of 1 frame bar Jackson, 1 THAT SP prOperty in: to m be sold contains : comfortali hard and ing 0112111 nation. A Thea. Bi . executors John Star] 1. Durham. To whom i LJOhn 1 Durham in IndrP ovi warn mer Renerall} first apxge or by am" My writte: For I BEN; 1m. an 31

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