West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 27 Jul 1916, p. 7

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GERMAN CEITXCS 0F GERMANY In our opinion. the greatest dan- ger to-day to the present Prus- sianized German Government at has drop!)e Wittkowski. He is . spoken of German 1y : ‘Germany is responsible the war, . . lor is unreasonable if he for t . and the Chancel-‘- ts the All’es to make apeacel pec based on ‘the situation on the map’ They Will not do that agree All the belligerents mnst to a peace lute sovereignty with an international ag rm military questions - - ° VLA-nnnirinng‘ July 27, 1916. t has .been insistent nnationâ€"Kari Licbknecht. 1g more waspish was ever 1n the German Parliament I. the greatest dan- ' imperial Chancellor, was speaa- mg. and said: "We could have ha :he present Prusâ€" ‘ all We wanted, by peaceful lanl'.l Q, " 3 Government at "our enemies chose war: 2 Deputy LlCLiintvChIâ€"Lt was you; who chose War. (Uproar. Cries oi t 3 Germany itself. it . _ . , 'Ruifianl' 'Scoundrel 1’ and ‘Uut 1 'ession of independ- .. . , , , mth mm! 1 _ Phat opinion has “‘1‘ The Chancellorâ€"1n Belgium Lirer- l ient in the south. many can no longer give chr the“ d blemish race tog prised, therefore, LO long-oppresse Laumzanon. 3 tly published pam- Liebkn e exitâ€"Hypocrisy! ich Wilhelm Forster ’l'he Chancellorâ€"W e Want ne1gh-1 . _..-:n nnf nnife against US clothes, fabrics like common soaps do. 50.. a bar at all Grocers. ‘1 for 2e1- about peace.- Of course, the Government’s oiâ€" ficial organ, the “Norddeutsc‘ne Allgemeine Zeitung” of ,Berlin, says concerning the “Vorwarts’” manifesto : _ L- - mnmv undeSIr- who W111 worn; h- them, for our? then you Will ' you fell “POD 2 The me m0r3 9‘ vuvw fiI‘St step to heme ' Incidents of - undesu- [‘he man- d as war of Ger- ‘2 GLENGARRY’S Hm“ I}? Early Days 0f Chisholms, the ‘McLennans, the C23: erons, the McMillans, the McLe-s: and the McLeods. Many of the chi factors of the Hudson Bay Comm" settled in the county, including Hon. John McGillivmy; Duncan " eron, John MacDonald, Hugh Mcfli‘ and David ThompSon. The first I": byterian church in ’thc county ' founded at Williamstown in the L mer of 1787 under the organiza 10:1 the Rev. John Bethune. can lay claim to no little distinction. U. In the "10’s, H.R.H. the Duke of Con- “74816110?“ . . . . . _ .01 Lornetto naught Visited the district, gomg by.‘ rte. dos V LuG Luau over the rapids. The news that he! ' would probably visit Pembroke, was comp , a . . ame 1“ + vvg'v: . . received with high Oglee. Tic ”0 1 ‘ Mr. Arthur was then 1n the midst of wnat was Mrs. 13‘. then considered a “howling wilder- Young, of .~ the former ness,” but the T 'w'n Council decided ‘ p \- that the welcome given to His Roy-3.1 fi 3511613 hAOI High ~1 1d b . 1 ‘ a o~- “WK and ‘ neSS blou e ? r038. 011k“ - 1'! «“1153 K31 ders were therefore given that candles, i Visited MI the only means of illumination at that ‘ Week. time, should be placed in every win , i‘ Mlssmcal a, ‘ 1 mm on dow, to hunt up. the town . cation. The town of Pembroke, Ontario, 0 one said ! iormer’s mOIner, lVLL'b. Du111\ a“. a stone through it. And n ‘ Flesherton high school has again anything to us, either. ' . ,, ‘ ror admission to Normal. l‘he eeably surprised at the “brilliancy :following were successful: Allil‘lc of the welcome given him. It is said , Allen, Emily Acheson, Marjory that His Royal Highness went for an ‘ Acheson, Bessie McVicar, Shirley early morning stroll down by thctMQI‘I‘ay, Ruth Hargrave, and Alice =W1nters. 'Vena Finley passed for; river, unaccompanied. When about to; _,entrance to Model. return, he was suddenly accosted by" Mr. and Mrs. G. Collinson and 'a stranger, who seized him by thfiMiss Collinson, of Ceylon, leave arm. The stranger, who turned outithis Week to Visit the former’s daughters at Saskatoon, and sons 1 to be the town poet, pulled out a . in Mo‘ntana ; manuscript, and read an original poem l Mrs. Harpell of Toronto is visu- on the subject of His Royal Highness ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John 1 visit. It is said the Duke enjoyed the Bellamy. incident immensely.” ' . PEMBEQE’EE’S TOWN PBE "'1 3 Swatch C Ontario 5 V ‘f',- Duke of Connaugh'F’s 5 .~.. to Town Marriedâ€"At Elm street Metnoâ€" dist church, Toronto, on J uly 19 by Rev. E. R. Meredith, Mr. Wm. H. Muler of Thorn'bury, to Mlss Ella. .J. Long of Honeywood, the bride was a milliner here me past few seasons, and was apopuâ€" lar young lady in the village. rm: {young couple will reslde m ; Urangevrlle. 133’: I Atâ€"the meeting of Masonm mirerous 11193“ Grand Lodge at London laa~ hxg ‘. spee y wees. a rearrangement 01 (us.â€" mynms. C ncus was made by wmcn UCUI‘ELuJ ”berg? R. 30. 9A disappears and ‘ Urey, Au welje waters « AYYA“ flan \vpp hev. Mr \‘v‘augn u}. Uuug.;.; prcacncu m In: ulctnudisl; cuuu,“ 0n bunuay 1D CXCDJUgU UL lJULngs...) wun L118 pastor. .Lvilss buyu u; bizuKuaxe premaeu eu'lcwnuy at; me organ emu nas been engagku . w supply uunng the auscuw oi .‘zlrs. White, on holidays Mr. h. Emma 01 Markaaie gave a 3111c“- uldly rendered solo at the mormhg serx'xce, and 13/1155 'l'rlmule sang m we evening wun ner usual gopd ‘8116CE. The .t’reabyteman anu [bupust pastors were 11) their own "puuxltb‘, and rye se1-\'1ces Were mâ€" L‘cmbung, notwnnstanaing we ' great neat. “Ur. undjvlrs. bred Murmy an“ mum “Wm.-. .ms. a. neuuerson, of 'l'oromo Pte. Everett Hr ucwmpameu by 31155 Jiul‘lcl nuns: sisters, motored wru, 91‘ Wmmpeg, mOEurgq ”w“ the Misses Ben] the Cay and V’lSlted over the We“; Visit Old friends. cud Wun remuves here. Mr?» GBO- WiCk Mr. 1". Gr. Karstedt lust a vam- the past three W an.‘ 110m “5,; week, an amm‘u Mrs. Wes Breen, 'Wthll me had recently been un'cr- tIVES, has gone cu $200 101', A KICK from auumer Torqnto and De ‘ turn1ng_to her h: l .D‘ “11¢.“41‘5~ {‘rtd “1911.9.3'. 5.1““ ”3:21; Everett Henry, mower auug .\.LLb. a. nenuerbon, 01 Loromo, . ' d t Lucknow and; accumpameu by Russ numel nam- sxstersi.m0t0§eenr 9 remained, to E Luru, u}; Wmmpeg, moron-u 11am tile. mlfisfsiends 3 3 the cxty and Vlsltcd over me We“; " 133.50 Geor Wicléens who visited cud wun remuves here. i ' ' ’ - . '. Mr 1" Cr .tiarstedt lust a nu ‘ the past three weeks av1t?h1:£r.l and O o o L ' LA- 3“, ‘ . Wes Breen an O Q) (:â€" dwn.‘ 110155;: man; WEEK, 21!.) 2111111141 tgkl’fisés has gone ,tO ViSit friends 11] \V ,_‘ . . 7 . ' - _. ._ 3 . u" q_ afghanfoi?“Ae‘g‘ifé‘i-rsieinfitgtr "rewrote: Dgtmgt-nbci‘iziwi‘ , ._’,_,, .,. ,4, ,, .,_J_ . , turning 0 er om 1 t 1'“; Harold Mitchell and C‘ 41 'holidaymg among her 01 men S 1 ' ' ' ' ' n' " ‘here. ' 1m,- LLUbSlcy were name Irom N1“ Mr. M, K, Richardson accom: "Ugawpbuuw Uu Nul‘ adj-5’ “3th panied the remains of the late V2. 'lLtéL'WQCK?’ We” “1“} "1”“? ““1”” J. McFarland,.taken to Toron o ilegu mg “1111 tneu.‘ Lauuuun, y--L by special tram on ‘M ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ Mow- Mitchell and Mr. R. J. Sproafg _ Mount Zion churcn garden puny were among . - ' ' ‘ Jasu week; was a grcuc uthLLubu, the funeral serV1ce at ‘1 h» In-r-DHITS- 1nc1uu1ne.‘ 310 lot a before leavmg. Mount Zion churcn garden puny 11151 \VecK was a grcuc 1111-1111,, ‘Lne 1kce1pts, memumg $10 1u1' 1-1 'quut 50111, amuunung to @115. 1'1 \ baseman Lumen but.“ (.611 r1c511u1LUu and frown bLutiou 3111's 11 as \1 U11 'by the 101'111Ul.A wood. pl‘ugl' 1111 ‘Was 1endered, and 1111'. rind \\ (was .01 00101211011 \1 as cnu1rmu11. i Pte. dos, Hardy 1mm Lump LN:â€" iden, and Mrs. hardy, Visited _ the ,Iormer’s b1‘other-1n-1a'w, Mr. nah-y Patton, 4th line, last Week end, acâ€" ‘companieu by Mr. Patton’s euusm. Mr. Arthur mutton 01 Dammm. ‘ Mrs. b‘. N. Leeder and 31155 Young, of London, accompanied the farmer’s mother, Mrs. diunus ‘b‘isher, home from Londun 145'. ‘chk and made a short visit. 1 Miss Kate Bradley 01' Toronto 'V'Lsited Mrs. McKinnon the pasL : Week. -. , Mrs. J. Mills and little caugh- ter of Montreal, are visiting the Iormer’s mother, Mrs. Sullivan. ‘ Flesherton high school has again a good record in the recent exam. 'ror admission to Normal. l‘he :following were successful: Allll'lc lAllen, Emily Acheson, Ellarjory lAcheson, Bessie Mc'Vicar, Shirley 'Murray, Ruth Hargrave, and Alice :Winters. 'Yena Finley passed for 1' ami. l betton on Deuumy. Miss Celia VanDusen returned to Toronto on Monday, after vac-anon with her mother here. sts Bertha_Whi’§e yieited the - “Ham. «4» IumnmmuummImmvummunmmumimm1muuummmmunmmnnmummwmum .531“ weeks with her sister at Blakely was at Cor- Friday visiting nis by his brotherâ€"1n-law, Whrewell, of Griffin, ‘2 barn was demolished a his crop destroyed by which caused great Fortunately, Mr. Whe\ dence was not in the ' Whirlwind. “ 31:... 33' 111.5 Lu. I Whyewell, of Griffin, has . barn was demolished and muc . 8. his cr0p destroyed by ' lone Lulu and Aleda Wthh caused great . usand Islands Fortunately, Mr. Whewell’s resiâ€" ,‘Tho dence was not in the path of the‘down the St. Lav whirlwind. l his Wife over the week end .11; : Mr. John Wright‘s. Mrs. Wes Breen and daughters,“ - not be cured by Ida and Adele, accompanied her sister-in-law, Mrs. Get‘)1‘ge" . ‘Y*2_1-Ano vicifpd frlends at Harâ€" ;1)ort10n Of the e :nna “MAX" [0 CUIT Pte. T. Brady of Lionhead joined '1 E l i Idâ€"gand Adele, accomI her sister-in-law, Mrs Wickens, visited friends riston. _. - . 5 n".A-‘ adex-I Miss Nichol of visiting Mrs" J other friends. T1 rom :1 Revision in the town hall on Mon- . aday. The Court of Revision of the Sir. W. a. corporation of this Villagé of ' ’ Flesherton reduced the assessment '_ of the Park HOuse' property from $1,700, against which an but ihe action {one way to cure i ness and that is by a constitution- a1 remedy. Catarrhal Deafness is ' d by an inflamed condition of Icause the mucous lining of the Eustach- Lian tub-e. When this tube is in- :ilamed you have a rumbling ;sound or imperfect hearing, and I when it is entirely closed. Deafness | ‘is the result. Unless the inflamma- .‘gtion can be reduced and this tube restored to its normal condition .Ehearing will be destroyed for "ever. Many cases of deafness are a, gcaused by Catarrh, Which is an in- Siflam-ed condition of the mucou: surfaces. Hall’s Catarrh Cur: .. 1acts through the blood on the mu 1‘ 1.1-4 n'vc+o"1 l estored to its nor ‘ ' " destroyed for .. . Many cases of deafness are :aused by Catarrh, which is an inâ€" flamed condition of the mucous surfaces. Hall’s Catarrh Cure acts through the blood on the mu- lars for any case Deafness that cannot be cured by Hall‘s Catarrh Cure. Circulars free. All druggists. 75c. F. J. CHENEY 8: C0., Toledo, 0. JTalcums c g a owes” sutherland held Cou in the town hall on 3 Court of Bevigion Q rt of Mon- f the of A large \ a1 letv to select from from 150 to 500. A1501 1b. boxes. 250. .lkerton. “VD- 'â€" Islandswand 51 St. Lawrence. For the particular. PAGE SEVEN. VanDusen of he former 8 S. VanDuaeD. and M_isses Agent, Durham little 9‘ James 1 two old pi}! the coming warn the ‘- CHAPTEI Desmond. 3 wounces I ders the "”1 ‘homecomi n .: keeper 31“" Frederic's WS- F3 Brood': gated by father CO!“ magnifi”t ma L \‘di 0 lien. is <3 Bani ab. 1 : CHAPTIC changes in husband > ma L} ditt rmystery 0 first W iffit like of hi. pearances edc. remv stories a!" known 0V I momem old men 1; many, his ( canic em'. ‘ to subd; to glare i‘ ‘ happened '3 I-tremble. Some .m‘ “Have I ther, Fra The you in a gest a. wail of ted out ‘(In th‘ hate me done? 4 “Hush ously. “Hear laughed : “Why sh God, 1’11 11 wouldn * he treats actually ‘ do hate 1 was in 'I there jug go on. I rushed u away, m couch an} sobbing 1 The 0 power 0 words 01} out towa‘ into the{ their be( them. I that it 1 The 4 looked 1 There 3 commisl For a. :1 ing hi crosse timo r4 iac “H

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