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Durham Chronicle (1867), 27 Jul 1916, p. 8

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+++++v+++§ neVI an, with color- or, 150. .AAAAAAAAAAAAA VALUE ishing ets OC les, ‘2 for 25 re. 01' desxgn ++++++++++++ . 25c and and >>_ THE EXAMSE -. - Mrs. N. McKechnie is. spendino a‘ 4 The followmg are the names or - , .- . . ° , mandates for Lower School ex- few da3s v, 1th friends at Elmxnoodni :ninations, who have passed in Pte. John McIlraith of Toronto: b..- count." 01: Grey: _ is home for a time. )1 .L. Acheson, E. Acheson, M. â€" . .c‘neson, A. Allen, M. J. Agnew, K. Miss Inno Davidson of Aurora. 13 1. Bell, )1. Beckett, R. P. Brown, 3-). visiting friends in town. ‘ ;:»ll.x:ny. L. R. Campbell (honors . . . ‘ . . L‘;xswell, L. Diebel, B. M. DID-S- MISS Annie McCreary IS spend- , A. Farrow, V. M. Grant, A. mg a couple of Weeks With Mrs.‘ {-{Q-imbecker, M. Heimbecker, A. 3- All-en. ' H ”Hilton: W- C: Henry, filigr- Mr. Wm. Sirrs of Unity, 815k,- ;'1‘~"~1‘ E- V- Heshp, 0° h' “lam“? is spending a few days in town; Henry, R. J. G. Johnstonyi- :: and vicinitv ‘ 1.3115911, S. A. Kelsey, A. n. .u. ‘ ' ~° figk. O. M. Langley, M. Lemon. 13- Misses Margaret and Annie Mc- McMillan, M. D. Macintyre. H- Kenzie visited Dornoch frierds a, Big-«do, B. 7IN llalcl‘\'icar_.‘sbi\1\lii'- for a Week or so. ‘ - . IV fan ton. b. .J. C- “ilfix 31.1310059, A. L. Oldflclil. Mr. Geo. McLeish of Toronto, {)gu‘x‘is. R. E. Roche, M. L. Reil- visited a ,feW days. last Week \Vlth 21;. A.’ Robertson, R. M. Sar- Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton Allen. I )1. R. Stewart. D. L. Shan- LIN» "l. .‘.L A.‘ - . . ‘ . Mrs. Wm. DowlinO' of Edmonton ‘ _ r ‘ \‘. LSC‘ 1-“ ‘ " o u I o b '- 31- M- Sl’eus’ ) ' IS V'lSltlng her brother, Mr. Jenn .- 7 ' ‘gtcl'abcz‘zxn -:. -.. . . '- ~ 1 P 3.31139” C ‘1 Wallace. MacKenme, and other friends. ”All. .ko " 1- ' ‘ ' . PAGE EIGHT. DURHAMâ€"S. Abranar gmder. ‘1’. Anderson, W. A armu W. Brunt. C. Buss R. Helwig. H. Howard, Klzxges. M. U. Knech1 Lzmge. L. Sieling, E. “'eigel, C. “leis, J. W \Ve-ndorf, V. Zinn. Walters Firth, U. Henry, A. a, . J'ickson. Gr. Matthews, - . Matth- ews, E. Neely, L Potts, F. Ritchie. F. Rowe (H), R. .Shaw, M. Wailase DUXDALKâ€"J. P. Bolger, L. E Colgan, M. Dunn, H. G. Irving. R Little (H), E. D. Lums, . . ‘ ‘ "n“ n M, Metherai, te :mding refully Eals to )t be e ”XYTONâ€"S- c N. Easton (H), singer 13.)) JLD ty, and then ‘ .tv as a whole examination They are all school PuPfls and ‘ this Liters, 3- A. Yourex. . ,fi. Mrs. Holly HaWs is suffering fifty-four. names 1“,. t; from a slight sunstroke, re eived. county. Wlth elght 33.111111)? in the intense heat of Tues y. a. 45 far as We are able to nut. is not a high record Mr. John Hewitt, Who has baen mst Show either a small seriously ill for the past couple of didate’i‘s, inadequate weeks, is reported on‘the mend. -:' uf em . . .' .t ,‘n nV\ IIvik‘Illl' (1X21.11‘r-:-1- __ _ _ -- A A u .‘s It I M. Knox, 15. McIn UH Ri hmdsog, M. 11’ LOWER SLHUUL lyn Sharp, Willet Snell, )Icngrrie. a--.“ madal for highest eyer. have one M Mam Smith Arithmetic ENTRANCE LAD \ugy 'â€"" Maeintyre (H), M. Mills, V- L Scott, A. Stews Waugh. Bell, Swinton following is the list of sun- I candidates at the recent School Entrance exam at the Centres named. Ina- .c 77 ltE 111, 21 mtio 5 after D355] which the." Show Earth 11 was the 01 - showing Irom our u poor, comparatively, 1 lg judgment on the - must comparb the 'p of Durham with the p of other centres in 1nd then compare L5 :1 whole with ot in the province. Dart 9r occasions did well W. ges were taken as nay do so on this oc seems that only four {3.- 111. and two others v int-inn Of one subject er ll . ' -‘ 1 L- 5- Miss Edith Tunstead of Dayton. honinm Howard MW‘Q‘” Ohio. and Mr. Chas. Tunstead of 11(11‘.1t Susie Kelsev. T1105“ New York. are Visiting their a one 911‘11iect to 121K“ 0:2 mother. Mrs. Blackburn. - r 11111 . . ‘v Sm1th kAI‘t“ an M» Hiram hpnn had h1s hand 1n- W alter: 5. Abraham, J. :XHQS2 OI . L. Morrison, V. Ritchie. rz. M. Smith. RES l LTS Wéppler Alles, E. Hannam McInnes, A. Ben-- D. M. Richardfon, )u .1il WI, VVhltEy A ‘ Weber, W eish au pt~ RUMOTIONS Durk in Vthe S, Boett- , MC- McMfl- [DC )ut .1 m Mrs. Archie Burnett of.“ Hopeville is visiting Mrs. H. Allen. Mrs. Jas. Bell of Oakville, Man. is visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. Morris- on and other friends around town. Mr. Thos. Daniel, two daughters, and Miss Caswell, are spending a few weeks with friends at Bur- lington Beach. Mrs. Harold H. W335 and litLie son, Jack, of Walkerville, are hol- idaying with Mrs. John Crutchley and Mrs. George Moore. Mrs. Mistele. bride of Mr. H G‘ Mistele. manager of the Royi Bank arrived here Monday, and WU welcome her as a citizen. Mr. and Mrs. McCannel, Mr. and Mrs. John Morrison, and Mrs. Jus. Bell of Oakville, - Man, visited Dornoch friends on Tuesday. Mr. Hiram Dean had his hand in- tured in the furniture factory and is forced to take a holiday for a couple of Weeks at least. on Miss Kathleen Grant, who has been in Edmonton for the past three years, is visiting the par- ental home here, and expects to remain a couple of months. Mr. James Smith of Toronto vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. Jos. A. Brown last week, and returned on Mon- day, accompanied by Miss Margar- et Brown, who will remain tor some time in the city. Mr. Jas. Tait of Toronto, who returned from the front last )0- vember Wounded and unfit for further service is Visiting his uncles Messrs. Hugh and George McDonald and other relatives. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bean, was exceedingly ill .on Sat- urday and Sunday. There was ev- ery indication of appendicitis, out a change for the better on Monday brought hope and comfort to the distressed parents. Mr. J. H. Nichol, chief of the el- ectrical power house in Montreal, visited his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Pagan, over Sunday. Mr. Nichol has been in the same position since the electric railways began operation in Montreal 22 years ago. Watch That 332: Each time a man 11:5 ‘ "I head experiences 9. sud- temperature, wait is heating and cooiing of 1:1: causes the hair to drop on run. It is very seldom C \ A. L go bald earl', for th their hats, but L;‘..~._.‘ son why men go b._-.1:‘: so often wear their 1*. to the head. an.» fi- \ Emp.-:3 L, '33» .. ., .. l c m The credit 0:. “11.21.15; 1 V 3-7“: .- is given to 51-1111“ \'.-‘3:<:- Emperor of China. 236".) 1;.(3. .>".1:;:i:_'_.; the Greeks .4".:"';;"..‘.:f,={.1':â€"--'.'3~1-~“'ZE 13.43.- is the fir;.. .71 C) :“€::1'..;; 1' 1; not until AD. 4?0, hometer, that it see 3311 to be cultivated in Euroze, the first eggs being then brought from India by some monks. Where “Fatty” Wins “Good News For Fat Men” is the title of a little pamphlet issued by the Japanese Dr. Hikada. Dr. Hikada says that, contrary to the amoral 09311; ion, the thinner a man gee mare germs he has on his skin. , 3701’- age' healthy man has 4,000 to?!” to a square inch, but fat men have 30 per cent. fewer than the lean. There are about two hundred (118-. tinct varieties of mosquitoes. In near- 1': every instance the males are the onect they symbolize an ideal; condition of martial felicity to which, §Lmebua -w â€"- _ - indeed, is necessary to her existence. It has a determinative influence on the 'sex of her offspring. Fed on a fauna- ceous or fruit diet, she languishes and PERSG’M ‘ LD. 430, however, that it a. b V Qv- § '1' 1‘. "fie .a-- 0 ani. .â€",-~,: ,‘J. LAbaVor.~ .- .Q '3- 1.. B. L. v; ‘ comfort to the The Chronicle got to Work last'. meek and Wrote out and mailed 16; accounts of persons in arrears on! subscriptions. Of the 16 selected; 14 were from Manitoba and two from Saskatchewan. We billed. them at a dollar a 3ear all round, notwithstanding the fact that according to our standing announcement of rates we might :have asked a dollar and a half ' from each one in arrears. The total amount came to the neat little sum of $138, a sum that would help us out ver}. nicelv at this season of the year if We had it. Think of sixteen subscribers in the Wheat growing nrovinces of Manitoba and Saskatchewan. Drov- inces that boast of their human": crops. Think of them. We say. arrli then wonder Why they should fail: to pay a paltry subscription of 3% dollar a year to the paper that. has been everlasting boosting the; possibilities of our great Western heritage No doubt the country s all right Just as good as We say it is, perhaps, or even better. vet the people have evidently fallen into habits of carelessness. inrlik ference or neglect, to allow their subscriptions to go unpaid so lOflf". We have only picked out six- teen, but We believe we have three or four times as many in the great west who are equally delin- ouent. For Weeks. now we will be hear-i ing of the bumper crops, and thei hundreds of millions of bushelsl the golden west will furnish for‘: the feeding of the people. Many in the west are getting richon the generous yield of a most product-l ive soil. We are glad to think they: are doing well, but our enjoyment" over their prosperity would be; much more complete if they would i remember the unpaid subscriptions ‘ and let us have a prompt remit- tance. There are some who never fail to pay promptly, some who are not quite so prompt, but they pay some time. Some never pay, and some, after taking the paper for years, are evidently ashamed to do the dirty Work themselves, but have the post- master to say it is “refused.” '1. ‘_-_ It is a strange world, and it has many strange people. What a my it would be to get that $138 durâ€" ingr the next few days. We would respectfully ask those who have not already remitted to do so LO- day. RIGHT FROM THE 'l‘RENCHESj We were pleased to have a let- ter from Corp. Stedman. It - was dated in Flanders on the 4th of July, and reached our sanctum on the 24th. Twenty days on the iour- ney is not a bad. record in war time. As many of our readers knew Stedman‘ during hisc two 13 Anti ISLICVV ULC‘umuu uu--..° __ years on The Chronicle staff, and having met some of the boys from town, we quote a few extracts. At the time of Writing, he and the others were Well, but since then a. telegram here announzed the wounding of the Geo. Banks mentioned. Hesgys in part: ‘--..3 :m liltilLlULJ‘vuo “V de â€" ._ 1; “Well, at last I have arrived inl this land of shot and shell, or thel hell of the World, for that it cer-' tainly is, but I am not going to‘ say much about it. You have, no. was all split up, and I- lai’ided. in this country almost at once. Il am in the best of health, and have! no cause to complain. We have a'] good time, and all kinds of sport' back of the firing line. I could1 write you a letter of some length if it were possible to get it through, but our news has to :be very limited, as you know. When I landed in my new Battal- ion I thought I knew no one, but to my surprise, some one stopped and started to look me over, and so we looked at each other. You can guess what hap- pened, as it turned out to be Jack LWeir, and then, of co'urse. I found A n‘ _ _‘J Lfi‘yvn Tk3+ SEND IT TG-DAY Some of our farmers are through haying, but the big majority have still a considerable amount to stow away. The hay crop is a bumper one and the quality never surpassed. If our Western farmers could see the exceptionally fine fields of fall wheat along the con- cession roads, now about readv for the binder, they would surelv conclude that old Ontario is not to be discounted yet as a Wheat country} country. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Watson, also I Willie Watson, of Detroit, are " a Week’s holidda .,‘t “5w -â€"â€" â€" Barn raisings ty nowadays in casion-ally a n Mr. Con. Becke W. IRWIN, Publisher . BLYTH’S CORNERS. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. 3raised a couple of Weeks ago. Mr 1 'Con. Baetz Was the framer, and’ {everything Went like clockwork ' ‘Mr. Mike Burke of Glenelg, who i formerly owned the farm now oc- fcupied by Mr. Becker, could no doubt recall many pleasant mem- ories of happy days spent in and ‘around the old barn. DARKIES’ CORNERS. Mrs. J. W. Cushnie of Toronto spent Saturday with Mrs. C. Ritchie. Mr. and Mrs. Will Atkinson spent Sunday evening With Mr. and Mrs Ben Coutts Vickers. Mrs. Jos. Atkinson is spending 1 fmv davs with her daughter Mrs. Mr. Philip Weltz of the gravel raised a mammoth straw shed last Tuesday. The framework or timber, rather, was somewhat complicated, and after striving manfully until after nine o-clock at night to put it up, they got beat With the purlines and rafters. However, bright and early next morning, about 25 men renewed ‘the attack and completed the structure, which is 30x60 feet. ' '. The young people of Knox ,church purpose holding a picnic ', at Wilder’s Lake on Saturday afâ€" 'ternoon next. No doubt an enjoy- able time is in store for all who can attend. We are sorry to report MF- Mr. and Mrs. A. W Hunt spent9 Adam Keller, St: a former “351" Sundav With Mr. and Mrs. Robert' dentin this locality, but now of‘ Lindsav. j Ayton, as being critically ill with ‘Last Week’s Budget. , small chances 101‘ recovery. . ' Miss Tilly Cain of Walkerton is1 Mr. and Mrs. Bert McNiece, \x'no viSiting With Mr. and Mrs. Robert‘ have been spending part of their Lindsay and other friends. honeymoon With the former’s par- Misses May and Eliza Patterson ents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McNiece. spent the Week end in Toronto left on their return West a few and Niagara. days ago. Mrs. Jas. Hopkins Mrs. C Ritch- Mr. John McNiece left at the ie Messrs. Murray and YVill Ritchie same time for his place of business spent Tuesday evening with Mr. The monthly meeting 0f the and Mrs. Philip Lawrence Egre- Varney Grange on Friday night mont. was a tame affair. Even the secâ€" ' Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Lindsay and ,retary was conspicuous by his family spent Sunday with Mr. and " absence. About three tons Of LIrs, A, W. Hunt Allan Park :twine has been purchased h" Mr. and Mrs. John McGirr Spent Zthe members. Sunday in town. i l , __ ._- ¢++¢++¢¢o¢¢+++++o+o+¢¢¢+++o+++a b17696.» ¢¢§§9¢§O§§§§§§§ t W. J. REID President a. m.num,awm., . O O §§§§§§§§§§§§¢§§MOO§OQ #000 §+§§§§§§§§§§O§§§§§§§#00000 Art. Music, Agriculture and Amusements A FINE OOMBINATION A'l‘ LONDO‘X‘S EXHIBITION A Real Live Program of Attractions TWIce Daily Two Speed Events Daily FIRE\VO.{KS EVERY NIGHT New Proc 0 C ss Building '5‘ PEG I AL EXCU RSI ON DA YS September 8th to 16th P1ize Lists,Ent1_v F111 111s and all I11f111111atim1 110111 the Semetenv 'n Drnnidpnt A. M. HUNT, Secretary WESTERN ONTAR10’S POPULAR EXHIBH’EON LONDON, ONTARIO ‘vai and Mrs. John McGirr 3isit- ed SundJy with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Noble Bentinck. Mr. and Mrs. A. W Hunt spent ’ Sunda3 With Mr. and Mrs. RObEIt Lindsa3. â€"â€" -- __ u Mrs. Jos. Atkinson is spending 1 few days with her daughtel l\1rs. Jos. Patterson at Dornoch. M‘ss Bessie W'ebber of Bentmck and Miss L. Diegel of Hanover spent Sugdjay Wi_t_h‘_Mrs. C. ‘Ritchle‘ [w'_- vâ€" " ‘Mr. 353 Mrs. Neil McMillan ~ f Swint;.n Park visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Neil McCannelf. The Red Cross Workers met at the home of Mrs. John Bell Thurs- day last. In spite of the hot weather 14 ladies Were present. The collection amounted to $1.00. “v Vv--'-‘â€"vâ€" “â€"â€"â€"_ ‘Mrs. Cardwell of Toronto {'isited last Week with her cousin Mrs. John McGirr. Every Bui'ding Full of Exhibits DARKIES’ CORNERS. , 1916 §§§§z§§§§§§§§§§¢000060600 See the Display Lad ies’ House Dresses §§§§§§§§§§§Q§§§§§§O§§§O#00 July 27, 1916. In South Window Prices TheJ.D. Company

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