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Durham Chronicle (1867), 17 Aug 1916, p. 3

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A Rnthenian convention at Saska- hcn at 500 delegates sent a message 1' 91° D“: 0‘ 901198“? 9!! 130119». FOURTH OFFENSIVE OPENS IN BALKANS udon Friday night do . 5 ~ the Greco- Serbian frontier, he “lied trOOps from 8310mm am- . a» . and the high ground nearby. o attacks are believed here to be ‘ ; .. aries or a. t ottendvo ' d purpose: to clear Serbia. of y invaders and to bring oumania “to the war on the side 0 the En- : A heavy battle 1: racing t ‘ {3‘ the Bulgarians. ”dating“ have captured tha on of, - wB'erlin, for the first time in weeks. mention the Balkans, reporting the mac of “sham attacks.” A great ery engagement is under way, no- ' g to a despatch from the Central ewe to-night. French, British and rbians are taking part in the new campaign. according to word from the flout, A! ..1t 120 .000 Serbians, con- utituting t e eorganized army, are at the from. Gen. Sarrall has been ap- poinzod (‘c-;:;;:ander-in-chief of all the allied I'mrr'ns at Feloniki. Gen. Cor- doumer 1:21.; taken command of the Frugal: L.‘ ,;.,',.:2 The i211"01":3.nce attached in London to the r offensive is indicated in a long a: 3 Be written by Col. Ashmead Bartlett, who was Oflcial Observer for the entire press of Britain during Gallipoli. t‘oi. Bartlett says: “The Bulgarians. oven assisted by the rem- nants or‘ 1110 Turkish army, are not strong ("“59me to resiSt an offensive from SZ‘.;’)Z‘.--Li and at the same time hold off :11: :3-ressz re of half a million Roumanians I'm“). the north. I see no reason why Roumania should not throw pomcon bridges across the Danube in 13.19. There is no formid- fible position between the river and 80113 whim could not easily be turned." GORITZ BRIDGEHEAD TAKEN BY ITALIANS The Auszrians launched a series of heavy (".i‘tfill'. attacks on Monday in an effort 1:) check the eastward ad- vance of rm Italians along the Isonzo front. M? were repulsed. On the Carso Pia *: v :11 the Italians pierced a strong llilc or hostile entrenchments Fortress City and Defending Peaks, Key to Trieste FalIâ€"-Vlctors Push on Fast vancing army. After a ter- rific bat”... «15.31 has been con 11- ous sine? 3“.“i:_1.‘.y. and in which Austrians have lost 10,000 men in ,moners alone. the Goritz bridgehead was stormed by the Italians this 3. Moon. The Austrians fell back boron the Isonzo. kn subjected to conpiderable tune by the Turks. The firms]: distributed in man 0 Angora. region and 3 d, They also an in m clothing, and M flood 002m “1017 of bread and mm. . 5E Kut Prisoners Abused London 1-1;.)0I‘ted on W: Central \e ‘5 says that it 1 “undeniabic mthority” ”Tug prisoner? frogn» Kutm ht" Gorman casualties during I ,go- Mn; to a table compiled in on Friday from German casualty lisil 3 ed 122,540, bringing the mud ' once the commencement of , “1', taken from the same scum, to; ”35.177- Londo: m and the high ground nogrby. attacks are believed here to be aries of a. ‘ t often-{Yo 0,000 men 0 have been at Salonikl. The drive has 010 d purpose: to_ 9109.: Barbi: 0t m «than Flu-st Pruneâ€"Ala} to more Serbia, Decide ileum. -Bulg)fla Need. Teuton -'~‘. .gmania’s Chance August 17, 1916. émd to bring oumama on the side 0 the En- 01th. CANADIAN PRISONERS ABUSED IN GERMANY London despatchea on Sunday said: t rejoicing young Canadians were inc uded in a party of exchanged wounded who arrived here three days go, The names are: Private M. E. eagles, Trenton, Ontario, Second Battalion; Vernon Hughes, Vancouver, 29th; Alexander B. Clarke, Calgary, 10th; D'Arcy Latimer, Ottawa Dis- trict, 2nd; He y James, Verdun, Montreal, 13th ; red Higgins, eastern Ontario, 29th; Arthur Ward, Moose Jaw, 5th; and Jack Mackey, believed to belong to the 19th. Eight Exohpngod Victims Deocrlbo Prison Conditionoâ€"F‘ood Bad, Medical Treatment Nll With the exception, in the case of Vernon Hughes, all of them were wounded and made prisoners in the second battle of Ypres. They make the most bitter complaints about the supply and quality of the food and against the medical treatment in prison camps. “We should have starv- ed long ago,” they say, “had it not been for the parcels received from the Canadian Red Cross. When we asked for more the Commander would tell us Britain was entirely respon- sible because they refused to allow the supply to come into Germany. The Awful Menu Two men who came from Minden Camp said that there was occasionally a variation in the menu, but there the usual rations were a cup of so-called coffee and a lump of brown bread for breakfast, horse beans and some vege- table; a mixture of four potatoes and gravy made with powder for dinner, with a piece of horse flesh thrown in once or twice a week, while in the evening they have raw herrings and tea and what they had left was served out to them in the morning. Canadians and British soldiers have consistently refused to work for the enemy in munitions factories and mines. One Canadian, Harry Ho- garth, a well known athlete, is under- going a second term of imprisonment for refusing to do any kind of work for the Germans. He refuses even the salute of the commanding and camp officers. and when any of them speak to him he turns his head the other way in disgust. :‘:~".':::>( :10 Change of bandages or (irr'v'i‘lg of any kind. henry 3:1 mes, Montreal, said: “I had no sooner reached Paderborn Camp than they stole my two gold rings 9.21;: much. I made several protests, ‘zut H was no use.” Earlier in the STANISLAU FALLS: LEMBERG MENACED London reported on Friday: Stanis- lsu, next to Lemberz the most im- ortant railway city in 0311018, has anon to the Russians. Gen. Letchit- zky’s army. which has been hammer- ing at the city’s gates for more than a week, captured its objective yesterday in a swift dash across the River Cleans Bystritza. The Austrian War 0600 in its statement to-night as. s: “We evacuated Stanislau withou a fltht." The garrison and the army A. B. Clarke of Calgary, who was at Senelager said they had one meal a. day for several weeks and that con- sisted of rye bread and soup. Both Clarke, who has a leg taken off just below the knee, and Heagles, whose hip had been blown off. complain very bitterly against the hospital treat- me at. For days at a stretch they re- var. he said, the Germans made a. fuss over the Canadians, more especially it they happened to be of French (16- bcent, but seeing that pampering was :‘utiLe they turned' upon what they once courted. which had been defending the city’s mum approaches escaped. Fleeing northwards along the StanislswLom- be Railway, the Teuton forces are h pursued in the direction of ~ \ another important railway town fifteen miles to the north. Swift Advance Bncircles . don despatches on Monday said: * semi-circle formed by the Bus- Iiln army chain in Galicia from Brody to Stanislaw has been drawn 10 miles closer to Lemberg during the last 24 hours. The Muscovite forces drove the Teuton defenders from the great- er part of their positions on the four great streams which formed the main natural obstacles on the road to Lem- berg from the southeast: the Sereth, Strips, Koropiec and Zlota Lipa. Fighting desperate rearguard actions, the Austro-German troops are rapidly retreating on the Whole front. As a. result of yesterday’s and to-day’s fight- ing the two southern “gates" of Lem- ‘oerg, Halicz and Brzenair. are now in the range of the Russian; artillery. Meanwhile the Russian lei: Wing, fitting in conjunction with Lrtchitzky, resumed its drive against th" Teuton Carpathian forces and captured Re- iaytn, their main base, according to afiicial admission to-night. Simul- taneously the Russians scored farther headway in the northeaSt of the Crown land in the Sereth Valley. capturing two fortified positions. The Galician capital is now threatened by the Rus- aian Sereth army, less than fifty miles away. and by Letchitzky's forces now bombarding Halicz, siXty miles to the south. Auetrlans Evacuate Great Gallolln Hallway Centre to Letchltzky'c Armyâ€"Hallo: Next Resistance Stiffened Lor don despatches on - "‘ues da} said: Capturing the town of Zboroff, on :he Strypa. General Sakharoff, com- manding t‘ e right wing of the Rus- sian armies in Galicia, to-day‘pushed LliS lines within forty-nine miles of Lemberg, the Austrian Crown land's capital. At the same time the Rus- sian left wing, commanded by General betchiteky, cloning in on the fortified "alive? city of Helicz, took Tuto- baby. one than thirteen miles north;- east of its objective. The town III taken “in spite of ten-me 9m fire, ” to-night’s omcinl statement says. Along the whole mile front on which the Car's tree are pu. hing the Teutons back towfi Lembem the developments of the . twenty-four hours showed a 00131 ' mammals of the Austrian FEUD HELD OVER. A couple of Kentuckians meeting in a feud district, accOrding to an exchange, one asked the other- “Look here, Bill, what did you shoot at me for? I ain’t got no t L" Lake, Wilfrid ‘ ‘ giltlaon, .‘lr’ e Lake, Wm. ace, am a : Efiéiia§°§1mo LaidlaW, A. N. Ne“, Gem-3"? Wells, Alex. 0 Newell, LEWIS W J Edwards Ivan Lauder, W. A. . eir, * . ’ Nuhol, John C. W J hn 0 Elwdge, Vern-on Lauder, T. A. Nichol, Wilfrid Wain 0 W. N 3' Ewen’ 3°“ gem, % 53 Nichol C W Whi§3°§iéx » eeso r ’ ° , 3.1 F Lindsgv}, E. G. m°h°13°°v N081 White, B J. : Lindsay, R G. Willis, Stanley 9 Falkingham, Wm. 5 Lloyd. George 0 Willie, B. H. § Eluker, Ray Lloyd, J. A. Wolfe, Capt. C. I. : Findlay, Alex Lloyd, Anson . Wright, J : Findlay, Murray Lucas. J N Dyna, C. H. Wylie, W. J'. 9 §O§§§§§¢f§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§OOOOQOQOOOOOOOOOONNW 00OO§§§§§§§§§§§§§§M§§§§§§§§§§¢§§§§§§§¢§§§W§ No warping, bulging or breaking at the centre of heat- the strain is taken up by the two-piece fire-pot with permits no ashes to cling or clog. Let me show you the special features of the 811mm that help to effect that economy in fuel for which it is notgl. For Sale by - J. H. Harding Adair, John Adair, Robin Allan. Lient: '1‘. Allen, Johnston Ayott, Bert Baaham, A. Baker, Richard Bell, Alex. Blyth, Cecil Bolger, John Borthwick. David Box, Fred Bryon, J. C. Brown, R Bryon, Percy Bunce, Frank Bailey, Michael Bailey, J Bailey, T gaker, Chris. 132191“, 9920120 Catton, Victor Calder, Roy Campbell, W A. Campbell, G W. Carey, James Chislett, Charle- Clark, Campbell Colville, John Cove, A. Corkill. Joseph Connolly, Arthur Coutts, James Corbett, Fred Cross, Roy ‘ Cross, J H. Crawford, Chas. Daniel, Percy Darby, Wm. Darling, C. H. Derby, John Davis, J A. Davis, Percy Davis, Cecil Dewar, A. C. Dodsworth. H W. Donaldson, Alex. Dunbar; Lachlan Dyre, A Eccles, Roy Edwards, Elmo Edwards, Ivan Elvidge, Vernon Ewen, Robt Farm iabo iafi g;§« THI DURHAM CHRONICLE. «marvel with you!” “You had a feud with Ben Walker, didn’t ye?” “But Ben’s dead.” “Well, I’m his executor.” Gadd, Wm. Glover, E. Goleby, Wm. Grigsby, Frank Grigsby, «B. Gray, H Grant, Brock Greenwood. J. W. Grundy, Wm Grierson, Nathan Gun, Dr. A. Gun, Gordon Gun, Cecil This list is intended to contain the names 0! recruits from Durham and vicinity, also those whose homes are here. Adâ€" ditions will be made from week to week and our readers will please assist in keeping the list correct by furnishing the names of any_ who may have been omitted or advising o! Eiiora in spelling or‘ot'herwise Hazen, G. C. Hazen, R. Havens, Ed. Havens, Chas. Hamlet, Joseph Hartford, S. J. Hazen, Wm. Hillis, Sam. Hoy, Murray Hopkins, W J. Hunt, R. Hughes, Jesse Irwin, Duncan Kelly, Fred Keith, Robert Knhley, W. H. Kress, George Kress, Lieut. E Durham and District {mansions WINNIPEG Going Trip West Return Trip East WINNIPEG Going Dates August 1 7 and 31 or Renfrgw. also from Main Line Eat of Sud- bury to. but not induci- hag-North Bay. August 19 and September 2 From Toronto-Sudbury. Line and East. but. not' tnclpdirgg Smigh'a Etna Fxom Toronto. ¢l3° West and South thereof Further particulars tron: Canadian Pacific Ticket Agents. 0: W 8. Howard. District Passages Agent. Toronto Honor Roll 53mm $18.00 FROM Q10 -forâ€"â€" OQQOQQOOOOOQOOOOOQQOMQOO OOQ§§§§§§§§§+§§WQ WQOQQOQOOQOOOQMWOQQO0409999QOOOOQQOQ-OOOQMQOQ OONO§§§§§§§O§§§§§§§W§OOO#6006006 6600060900990990” Marshall, C. A. Mountain, Lorne Munroe, Wm. Morton, Wesley Mather, T L. Matheson, L Mort, A Murray, George McAlister, '1‘. W. McAlister, W. W. McAsey, F M. McComb, Archie McComb Alex. Me Connell, Harold McDonald, John C. McDonald, H. H McDonald. John McDonald. Thos McDonald Norman M Farlane, David B. McFadden, J R. McGirr, Wm. McGirr, E J. MzGillivgay, Neil McIlraith. Frank McIlraith, J. H. McKeown, J. J. MacKay, Frank McMillan, N J”. McKinnon, Hector McKechnie, H C. McMahon, J McNally, Stanley McNally, Cecil Newell, Lewis Ni:hol, John C. Nichol, Wilfrid Nichol, C W. Nicholson, Noel The Above aregAll Made from Sound and Whole Grains Special Reduction 0n Flour and Feed in Quantities The ONTARIO WIND ENGINE and PUMP COMPANY Manufacture the t ; Cheapest and the Best P u m p i n g Outfit 0Zn§ the Market. . m. mm. anaflxfl.fl - “E. The People’s Mills on hand. Farmers and Stock Owners should lay in a. quan- tity of this Excellent Conditioner for Spring and Summer Feeding. Nothing equals it for Young Pigs, Calves, Etc. Makes Milcn Cows Milk and puts Horses in prime condition for seeding: in fact it makes everything go that, it’s fed to; also Caldwell’s Celebratedflalf Meal. Everything in our line at; lowest pricesflfor Cash. All kinds of Gram bought and sold. Sovereign Flour Eclipse Flour Pastry Flour Low Grade Flour Rolled Oats Breakfast Cereal MC TELEPHONE No. 8 (Night or We have a. quantity of the celebrated Molassine Meal W. D. Connor Durham - 0n 5‘83. Bran, Shorts Middlings, Corn Chop Cracked Chicken Corn Crimped Oats for Horses Barley and Wheat Chop Mixed Chop Saunders, Mack Saunders, Alli-ta Scheuermmm V; Smith, J. Fred. Smith, Andrew Smith. Andrew Stedman, John Stewart, Thos. Stewart, Corp Standen, S. -"â€"â€"-â€"c’ Petty, Ramagg 9h.“- 0- Torry, Fred Thompson, David Thompson, Walter Thomas. J E. Pinkerton, l". Pinkerton. John I. Pollock. E Past, J A. Vollett, James Vollett, gamlcfl Vollett; Warmington. Joseph Wall, James Watson, Ferguson Watson, J Wallace, James Wells, Alex. Weir, J Weir, John Whitmore, W. N. White, Alex White, E J'. Willis, Stanley Willis, B. H. Wolfe, Capt. c. 3. Wright, J Wylie, W. J'. Said“ by PAGE THREE. Ontario ‘Kolng over our 1] it; the land or u Inns, betWocn .,91rates ri’x‘ors. :1 m it Would I); figmlld only dew tom here are [m E“!!! systems of ‘ time destroyed ; at in this district g‘ul‘e two rivers t] ‘ n is summseé ~ as these rij . courses it Rte it definit we; -'. owing to! “4'“ runs the 121 fly tent E There at He had \‘L‘I' his mother. her death 9 very freque He was dist and to know It was necow half way. H here, and Ir work, 3?- Th 1009.1 ”0:17:07: Spend ninr- (hair with: mics. His 13: llWays, arid he was fnrre Mr. Gt’mr‘fz’ Hanover P Been uncomimt: up in the blue, ‘ bursting around am my patients c ;; capitals to-day Sooner put them {our hospital \x'u Quite a numb From persona bminess relatiur ed we must add .respect. W'e foul honorable in on: floss, having ye stance where h‘ mentation. '. Mitchell 35 Ww this was W. J honor and respe 'He had 111:. indiV but Who is the" [er in some rm} Considering hiQ liberal in his 2; never a man t charities. Tu E1 if! to 'gi) to (id = y a few mile :Ihle trenches, th He was editor this paper till when he sold 01 owner. During 1 he bought the accord, and for serving his 1e:1c acknowledgcd t 'cleanest and be Ontario. Hc Conservative. :11 the Masonic 0rd Able to go Elleâ€"k #W days, and _tj ales. Y estex d3 Turk aeroplane five minutes. a l {or tat. It Ccrl fives. T terd a 7. “'8 hl‘s’u ; commuuchu T. Little, w in hospim a work mm L Dr. repum: . ences auu .,. Eng his letu; IBIVES in SRICZV. how we escapei rained lead and “D an iDLECLa_‘.; the Tommics, 1.3 When the L1}: “ L3 I“ looked 10: L: Diane camc bomb or W and at the tire of the depot wiLh I few dofla Ind ammuz; yards of u WhiCh Wu: trout leg: Lori; lint experiean, “y I have Wan line. At the 11:1 Shah‘tal, Londoz m. Egr game I “ ed with throat only on the W1 his death that ] pital for treatn came suddenly. W may of_ u iifl abbut 54 }‘ married. mad. I suppos ', Moving off. i the already. I fisherton and x . y is gottir It respects to ”tier 3 long made hast from 3 that x were k1 l a news Loucks, 1 _years P5 PAGE 86V er; the Hm anxiou FLESE even; OB! had

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