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Durham Chronicle (1867), 17 Aug 1916, p. 5

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NORTH PART OF LOT 6, THE old skating rink site, Garafraxa street, and the north part of lot 5. Albert street. Apply. to A. E. Jackson. 9 30t£ . 'p of Bentinck in the County of rey, Widow, deceased. Notice is hereby given, pursuant persons having claims against ° - estate of the said Janet Camry ‘ the Town of Durham, solimtor r the executors, on or before the .‘ . day of September, 1916, their -:, addresses and descriptions full statement of particu- , s of their claims and the nature H the security, it any, held bv ,: ., ~.;.., dul certified, and that after .. _ - said ay the executors will H»... to distribute the assets of ‘ - estate among the parties en- LOTS a. 9 . THE PROPERTY OF THE LATE- Phjlip Eva, in the town of Dur- ham. For terms and particulars apply to J.P. Telford, Durham. . 11,18.“ ’PART OF LOT 1, GARAFRAXA street, west: house and stable in good condition: recently vacated by James Morris and now occu- pied by Hugh McLean. For par- ticulars apply to J. P Telford, Durham. 5 11M Dwellmg‘ For Sale A GOOD COMFORTABLE DWELL« inc. one of the most comfortable in Durham, and one of the very best locations. There are in con- nection a couple of good build- ing lots, and these will be sold with the building or separately. as desired by the purchaser. The dwelling contains all modern conveniences, is easily heated, and will be sold for much less than cost, and on terms to suit 3% GOOD SIX- ROOMED BRICK house on Queen St, South, xacre w: of land; good wen and good ,3“ collar. Apply to Edward Walsh. E; Dnrham.113015tf FOR SALEâ€"1 CEMENT TILE outfit, 1 cement brick machlne: hall acre of gravel pit; also pump business. Business will be continued as usual until sold. Apply to Geo. Whitmore, Dur- ‘nfit 5 lltl THE DURHAM SKATING RINK. one of the best in Western Ou- Lario, is offered for sale; agood paying prOposition; good reason for selling. Apply J. A~ Brown, Durham, ,Ontario. Advertisements of one inch or I for each subsequent insertion, double the above amount. Yea 01611015) vv- on premises are new frame barn. brick house, sheds and outbuild- ings; running stream through property: about 10 acres hard- wood bush, rest in good state of cultivation. Possession given on Nov. lat, 1913. For further par- ticulars, apply on premises to Mrs John Staples, Rural Route No. 1. Durham. Ont. 944pdtt iiiâ€"{Bet matâ€"{51" of the estate of anet Campb_ell,_ late‘pf ghe Town:- once. Buying in this case will be an easy as renting, more satisfactory. If you mean businele. call at The Chronicle office and get the initial infor- mation. 1n the Surrogate Court of the annty of Grey. U1.” 5’ , u‘u L“, u“‘ U‘LL.” it- v .â€" Itreet, West. Apply to A.B. Jack- “‘n 4 1 15 ti ACRES 1N BENTIISCK TQWN- _.___... O 1" utice i0 Creditors ouse and Lot for Sale "vâ€"vv vâ€"D led thereto, having regard onlv the claims of which they shall an have notice. )ated the 12th day of August D. 1916. Charles Lynn Grant, Neil McCannel, Executors by their Solicitor, J .P. Telford ’WOO§¢§§O§¢§§O #09? «r #9 ¢ OW“MMMM§§W Q Lots For Sale ‘ rms for Sale. Bil 1k 1'01 ' :5 a le OYSTERS AND FRUIT IN SEASON August 17, 1916. For Sale For- allfi kinds of Bakery Goods Cooked and Cured Meats. To Rent 10, KINCARDINE SMALL ADS.- E. A. ROWE’S inch or less, 25 cts. for first: insertion. and 10 cents isertion, Over one inch and under two inches, nt. Yearly rates on application. Call at f 'FFICEâ€"Over 5 P. Telford’s office ‘ nearly opposite the Registr ?oflice. ReSIdence Second house south : of Registry ofiice on east side of Albert % Street. Office Hours 9-11 a.m., 2-4 p, i m.. 7-9 p. m. Telephone communion.- ition between office and residence at E all hours. eLicenIed Auctioneer for the § County of Grey. Satisfaction guar- ianteed. Terms reasonable. Dates [of sales made at the Chronicle of- ;fic-e, or with himself. firs} iamieson lamieson. t" E‘FICE AND RESIDENCE A short distance ebdt or Knapp’ 8 Hotel, unmb ton Street Lower Town Durham Oflice hours from 12 to z o ’clock HYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OF- t'rce in the New Huntef Block. Ofice hours, 8 to 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. and? t09 3.. tn. Special attention given to disaasefi of women and children. Residence- op- oosite Presbvterian Church. EBB. B‘s‘éOWN _ L a. C. 3. LONDON ENG {‘1 RADULATE of London. New J York and Chicago. Diseases of Eye, Ear Nose and Throat. \Vill be at the Hahn House, June Nth, July 15th and Aug. 10th. Hours, 1 L0 5 p.111. ante Asalstam Roy.London Ophthalmic Hue 3112:. and to Golden Sq. Throat and Nose Hos Officeâ€"Over Douglas’ Jewellerv Store. .7" . ~ :3 ()flice. nearly opposite the Registry office. Lambton st.,Durham. Anyamoum ".t‘ monev tr. loan a? 5 p92- cent. on farm gropertv. SPECIALIST : EYE. EAR, THROAT NOSE IF GRANT D D 8-. L118 1' ONO R’ uRADUATE. UNIVER Sl- ty .. of Toronto. graduate Roya Coll ege Den_tal Slgrgeoqs or Ontano. Dentistry 111 all its Branches. L‘ G? Conveyancer, c. Insurance Agent Money to Loan. Issuer of Mar- viaze Licenses A general financial busi- (ms transacted. DURHAM ONT. (L :;w:: Town.) Holstein Conveyancer. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Money to loan at iowest rates, and terms to suit borrower. Fire and Life Insurance placed in tho:â€" oughly reliable compnaies. Deeds, Mortgages, Leases and Wills, executed on shortest notice. All work promptly attended to. THAT SPLENDID RESIDENCE prOperty in Upper Town belong- mg to the late Mrs. Wilson, will be sold on reasonable terms; contains. Xacre more or less. comfortable residence, 7 rooms: hard and soft water good bear- ; mgprchard and garden; fine sit- uation. Apply on premises. or to Thou. Ritchie or Duncan Smellie. executors. 6291:! A COMFORTABLE BRICK COT- A. H. Sackson. gong? PUBLIC, COMMISSION 3'. ARTHUR COOK WLLL GIVE vocal instruction in singing evJ, ery Tuesday afternoon and: evening at the home of Mrs. S.; F. McComb. Pupils may apply, for appointments to Mrs. Mc-. Como at any time, 10 22K; )FFXCE Thresher for Sale om: 17-30333 WHITE TRAC- Q A RRID’PEE. 1. E. Hutton. M. 0., C. tage; ood stone cellar; 7acres of more of less; on second concession of Glenelg, 1% miles east of Durham; has a good frame barn on it. Apply to A H. Jackson, Durham. 518 tion engine; McDonalf separator with stacker: and tank; all in first-class condition. Apply to O’Neil Bros” Priceville, R3. 2 For Sale or to Rent ’ Medical Directorv. Property for Sale Licensed u‘lucz‘zbneer Dr. W. {2, Pickering Dentist. 31‘: Over 5. J. Hun..cr's Daizâ€"fal Directory W. J. SHARP Legal ‘Dz’ma‘orv flan McLean DR. BURY. Confecfioner Musical 'Feiforsi. SOLICITOR. ETC i A well known young business ;man of Owen Sound, Pte. Chas. J. :Lee, who is with the Army Medi- cal Corps at Camp Borden, pre- paring for overseas service, is icoming to Durham in a few days : in an endeavor to interest young .men in the branch of the service .with which he is identified. Pte. iLee, who is a member of the dry .goods firm of W. T. Lee Sons, iLimited, enlisted last winter. He \vuil be home for several days and home to interest quite a number »of young men, and in addition he twill visit other towns in the .county. The Army Medical Corps -is unique in attracting to its strength men of all classes and :occupations, all of whom enter as iprivates. With the numerous 'drafts constantly leaving, promo- tion in the ranks is rapid, and at 'all times men are assured of con- jgenial companionship. The AMC 1also provides the older man with an opportunity of serving, and the gless arduous duties, with the com- tfortable quarters provided, and ;the interesting and humane Work ;under the Red Cross makes it parâ€" Zticularly suitable work for the man lfwho desires to do his duty but swho is not fitted for the life of .the trenches. Those who are inter- ;ested in the Army Medical Corps ishould leave their name at The gC’hro-nicle office, so that they may .see Pte. Lee when he comes I DURHAM, August; 17. [916 1-1.1! 'Wheat ........... $1 10 0 $1 10 Spring \Vheat.... 1 10 to 1 10 Milling Oat5...... 48 to 50 Feed Oats ............... 48 to 4!) Fez-1.5 .................... 1 50 to 1 6.3 Barley ..... . ............ (50 to 65 Hav ................... .. S 00 to 10 00 Barley...... Hay. ..... Butter ........ . . . Eggs ............ . Potatoes, per bag Dried Apples . . . . Flour, per mm. . . Oat-meal, put sack .. ChOp. per cwt ..... . Live Hugs, per cwt, Hides, per 1b. . . . . . ., Sheepsuns . . ....... . W001 .......... . . . . Tallow . .. ...... THERE IS MORE CATARRH IN; this section of the country than; all other diseases put tagether. ani. for years it was supposed to be; incurable. Doctors prescribed . local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure it with local traetâ€" ment, pronounced it incurable. Ca- tarrh is a local disease, greatly influenced by constitutional con- ditions and therefore requires con-' stitutional treatment. Hall’s C:.1-‘ tarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J ' Cheney Co., Toledo, Ohio, is a: constitutional remedy, is taken in-E ternally, and acts through the} Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of; the System. One Hundred Dol-‘g lars reward is offered for any case; that Hall’s Catarrh Cure fails to ' cure. Send for circulars and testim mo-nials. ‘ OF. J. CHENEY 6: C0., Toledo ; hi0. 1 Sold by Druggists, 75c. ; Hall’s Family Pills for constipa-i tion. and Funeral Director» A. BELL U N DERTAKER Pisture Frammg (m shoriw notice. JOIN ARMY MEbiC'xL CORPS “M009990009N009NOW? DURHAM Full line of Catholic Robes, and black and White Caps for aged people. Persons requiring their houses Wired for electric lights, may write to the abbve address, or leave order at The Chronicle Of- SHOW ROOMSâ€"Next to Swallow 5 Barber Shop. RESIDENCEâ€"Next door South of W. J ‘ Lawrence’s blacksmith shop. Embalming a Specialty B. Balment 789 Dupont Street, \ Toronto, Ont. Electrical Contractor THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. EVE ARKET 50 to 22 to 2335 L0 50 to 5130 15 to 2.3 M) 130 to 3 ~10 u) ) I) 00 1(3 "U ‘1) Ctttle d fee on, _ .86. 6 4 $3“! Yâ€"vvvv Hogs â€" Receipts, 45 ,;000 market 1 wer; light, $9. 80 to $10. 50; mixed, .66011 to $10 .55; heavy, $9. 45 to $10. 45; 9.99.45 to 59:60 pigs. 38.20 to ’Lu“' 1“ til-‘1‘- .,n 911 ‘A .‘A AA WMOO‘ AUGUST 15th Toronto Cattle Market Steers, choice weighty. .$S . 60 do. medium weighty. 7.75 Butchers’, choice handy 8.00 do. good ........... 7.50 do. medium ........ 7.00 do. common ........ 5.75 Butchers’ cows, choice.. 7.00 do. good ........... 6.00 do. medium ...... 5.00 Butchers’ buns, choice. . 7.00 do. medium to good. 6 25 do. bologna ........ 4.50 Feeders, 900 to 1, 000 lbs. 7.00 do. bulls ..........5.00 Stockers, 800 to 900 lbs. 6.50 do. med., 650 to 700 6.00 do. common, light... 5.50 Cutters ................ 4.5a Canners ............... 4.00 Milkers, good to choice.70.00 do. common to med..50.00 Springers ............. 55 .00 Calves, veal. good ...... 10 .00 do. medium ........ 8.00 do. common ........ 6 .00 do. common to med..! Springers ............. 5 Calves, veal, good ...... ‘ do. medium ........ do. common ........ do. grass ........... Lambs, cwt. ........... Sheep, ewes, light ...... do. heavy and bucks do. culls ........... Hogs, weighed off cars. do. fed and watered. do. f.o.b. country. . .. Toronto Grain Markets Manitoba wheatâ€"Track, ‘ 3y ports. No. 1 northern, $1.53; No. 2 northern, $1.51; No. 3 northern, $19593. Ma'nitoba oatsâ€"Track, may ports, No. 2 C.W., 55c; No. 3 CAI, 54c; extra No. 1 feed, 54:; No. 1 feed, 53c. American comâ€"NO. 3 yellow, 960, track, Toronto; Ontario wheatâ€" \To. 1 cammczci per car lot, according to freight. out. side, $1.15 to $1.17; No.2 commer cial. $1.12 to $1.14; No. 3 commercial, $1. 03 to $1. 07; (feed Wheat, 97?: to 99c; nea. wheat, 2,$1. 18 to 1.2 . Ontario oatsâ€"No. 3 v; to freights, outside, 51 Peas4-N6. 2, per carlot. $1.75 to $1.85, according to sample, $1.25 to $1.50. Manitoba flourâ€"First patents. in iute bags, $8.10; second patents, in ute bags, $7.60; strong bakers’ in jute bags, $7.40. Toronto. Ontario flour-Winter, track, Toron- to, prompt shipment, acco‘i'ding to sample, $5.50 to $5.60, in jute bags; bulk, Seaboard, $5.40 to $5.50. Millfeedâ€"Car lots, per ton deliver- ed, Montreal: Shorts, $536 to $27 ' bran, $24; good feed flour, per bag: 81. 75 to $1. 85; middlings, 27 to 1. Hayâ€"Baled, No. 1 trank, NIToronto, new, $10 to $12; car lots;N 3, $9 to $9.50; straw, $6 to $7. Butter and Cheese Markets Utica, N.Y.â€"An increase of %c in the price of cheese prevailed. Sales -~/ amounted to 3,900 boxes at a we. Iroquoisâ€"At the Iroquois Cheese Board 890 cheese were boarded; 840 colored and 50 white. Price bid on board 17%0. No sales on Board, but all. sold on curb at that price. Perthâ€"There were 700 boxes white and 406%....2colored cheese sold, prices being 17%c for white and 171/2c for colored. Fiv eboxes of butter were sold, the price being 280 per 1b. Napaneeâ€"At the Cheese Board 445 boxes white and 1,125 colorel were altered. All sold at 1714c. Cornwallâ€"Offerings on the Corn- wall Cheese Board were 2,122 boxes. 4-0/ :11 colored. The price was 1174C. Victoriaville, Queâ€"About 2,000 box- es cheese sold at 167430. Alexandriaâ€"Qt Cheese Board 936 boxes white were ofiered. All sold at 17 9-160. Pictonâ€"At Cheese Board 16 fac- tories boarded 1,355 boxes, all color ed; 1,020 sold at 17 7-160 and the balance at 17%0. MontJoli, Queâ€"At the Cheese Board 150 boxes were offered. All sold at 17%c. Toronto wholesale prices 'to trade: Butterâ€" Creamery prints, fresh. . .32 .33 Creamery, solids ...... .30 :32 Choice dairy prints. . . . .26 .28 Qdinary dairy prints. . .24 .26 Bakers’ ................ .24 .26 CheesehNew, large, 181/4c to 18%c; twins, 18%c to 19c; triplets, 1804c to 19%c; old, June 5nd September, large, 220; twins, 22340; triplets, 22%0. Poultry Live Dressed Spring broilers 220 24c 28c 300 Old fowl, lb... .- 160 18c 21c 23c Ducklings 14c 16c 30c 220 Beansâ€"Handpicked, $5; primes. 84.50; Michigan, hand-picked, $5.60; primes, $4.50 to $4.76. Eggsâ€" . Special candled (cart’s) .$ Candled, exâ€"cartons . . . . ' Honeyâ€"Comb honey, No. 1, per dozen, $2. 50 to $3; No.2 per dozen, ‘2 to $2. 40. Catt1e+Receipts, 5,300; active; flipping steers, $9.50 to $16.60; but- chers,'$7 to $9; heifers, $6 to $8.50; epws, $4 to $7.75; bulls, $5 to $7.25; flockers and feeders, $5.75 to $7.25; Itock heifers, $5.50 to $6; fresh cows en springers, $65 to $115. eelsâ€"Receipts, 13200; active and y; $4.50 to $13. zaâ€"Receipts, 12,000; active; vy and mixed, $10.65 to $10.70; - 8, $10.70; pigs, $10.10; rouxhs, to $9.35; stags. $6.50 to $7.75.. eep and lambsâ€"Receipts, 3,000; fie; lambs, $7 to $11.25; yearlinxs, to $9.50; wethers, $8 to $8.25; _ 1 $4 to $7.75; sheep, mixed, $7.75 Cettle â€"Receipta, 8,000; market cher; becves, $7 to $10.90; stockers 1d feeders, $5 to $7.85; cows and more, $5.60 to $8.35; calves, $9 to good to choice . 70. )mmon to med..50.00 s ............. 55.00 veal, good ...... 10.00 ledium ........ 8.00 ammon ........ 6 00 rass ........... 5 25 3wt. ........... 9.00 wes light ...... 8.00 eavy and bucks 5.9 ulls ........... 3.- eighed off cars.12."' 3d and v:atered.12.' Wholesaie Produce East Buffalo Cattle Chicago lee Stock 5111.}. I. handy 8. ...... 7. ...... 7. ...... 5. oice . 7. ...... 6. ...... 5. oice.. 7. good. 6 ...... 4. 00 lbs. 7. .00 00 .50 .75 .50 .00 3, 3CCOT E31 :3 m a: O (-9- O M (D O O aqm-qmmxlmaa-qcz-q-qoooo 34 to $ 28 i 90. 11.’ .00 .50 .00 90. .00 00 IN U r 11 .od' .vu .J 6.0 00 00 85 f. U the A RELIABLE AGENT In may «good tmvn and dibLliCt i11 Ont 11 in xx 11.419 \\ c ultllOf 1ep1osm1ted wwnu w 1(‘11iU""_\H’-(“ ~' 1 A Spéendid [is-{cf iiew Silesia!- tiesfmSeesen ISIB-H in Euténg the new evemearing Rasgbea’sy, St. Regis. Highest (:mnmissiuns Attractive advertis 1.” OR!) NTO ++++++¢+++++++++++++++++O§ l‘HOS. ALLAN. Principal and Pro vincial Model School Teucbei lst Glass Certificate. Intending Students should en tet' at the beginning of the term if possible. Board can be obtained at reasonable rates. Durham IS a healthy and at- tractive town. making it a most desir- able place '3.- residence. The record of the School in past years is a flatter-mg one. The trustees are progressive educationally and spare no pains to see that teachers and pupils have every advantage for the pro- per presentaticm and acquistion of knowledge. The school is thomughlv equipped ‘ ' batchingahility, in chemical and elec- trical supplies and fittings, eta. fur full Junior Leaving and Matriculation work. Durham High Sc? 001 Yonge and Charles Sts., Toronto was asked to fill more than thirty times as many positions as they had graduates during the last twelve months; . Write today fox catalogue. This col- lege 15 noted for high guide training. oooooooooooooooooooooooooo++oooooooooooooooooooooooo FALLIESN‘EGPEfiSAUGiE ELLIOT-r . . / J J/ y / uwooooooo¢o+¢¢¢oo+ooo¢oo+oooooooooooooooooooo0¢¢oo¢n w Pam: bwmco... b.2302 o I b .RAMAQE, 00990009000000000000990009 QOQQOOOMMM“M§§”O Stamped Goods “7011mm 3. complete stock now of Centre Pieces, Pin Cushions. Pillow Covers. Towels. Cushion Tops, etc. Now is the time to start your Christmas work, FEES : $1 per month Elana). o": The Variety Store What School? MOUNT PORB‘T D.A.McLACflLAN :fifi‘fi _ ‘-â€"~. J. . Pres. . {MW W 7 L52? _ \.../' ' The Fmdlxii': Nmse rie JJStlLl)]LSll\ (I 18:)â€" 0') Chairman. MN TED ”bought. We are now fairly weil stocked at old prices, but; they are moving out and goods to replace them are much higher. (Enough said). 5.3 We have some pairs of: difierent lines. mostly sm 111 sizes, selling at less than cost. ' Trunks, Su.t Cases, Club Bags, etc. Also Hosiery and Mitts at close prices. Repairing as usual. (3-8-3111 M. mam-é : matter. paid. J . F. GRANT, Secretarv in ad vance- GNT TRIO The school that shows the best results is the school most worthy of your patronge. All our graduates are placed and we had during July over 100 applications for office help which we could not fill. Our affilia- tion with Stratford and Toronto schools enables us to give you the advantages of city schools nearer your home. ' Fall term from Sep. 5. Why not write f or Journal to Uléll‘. TSOAP 3 'nm paw an nf n“, The Easy Way of 00- E inga hard day s wash 2“ â€"-â€"with Comfort Soap. g D U :2 H A M PLANENG MILLS New Prints Crums Best ZENUS CLARK DURHAM Rock-Fast Drills Dress Goods C. L. GRANT’S The undersigned begs to announce to residents of Durham and snrmundmg country. that. he has his Planning Min and Factory completed and is preparer? Lake orders fox" I -" b‘.‘ Shingles and Lath Always on Hand ..-5.,t Right Prices. Call and Inspect at. Custom Sawing Prompfli)’ At" tended T0 In Serges, Voiles and Fancy Stripes SASH, DOORS -.-- and all kinds of â€" House Fittings PAGE FIVE. FLEMING, ONTARIO m [113th organiz W system of-woz: U wrote of nerVO‘..1,~' :; v m can ever 3113-33. Elderly pt: pit because Hwy theulSEflVt’S ”Ins The time Ln {,1 Ne is when it i> M345 p.11) “I take gut I}:h u. Pierce a 1m Ttains a1 1 n m p. 111.. and *9””§§§§4++¢ Canadian Pacé Trains wi Laws. until in! A.M. HHHHfi-‘H rugpfiwwgég‘s Uhfiwfl: ”humâ€"uh! ‘ .- 5555p??? Rfé’fi‘ig‘fiffih": Liv .. .. V B. MACFARI .A N EVERY DA '1' 9.13 11.5 7) From all s ville, Semi 0f Scotia .1 EXCUR $12 From all stat west to and Weston. )1"): torch tozmd H! fiarticulars on up From all sh't imib '1 East. O\\(’H \“li 1 West and mmth flu Unless You .-1 ad:- ugpist \011 much kidney 1 I: rand thus preventing i Rl‘gyvmg more >>x The best ‘ fist neVs” is First Ai the I Anyone who ' you that science vealed any hctb 0! kidney reme hdney troubles. Afifty cen‘t ht .' , its value. bu moreeconomh Sold in Durhat Buchu an Palmettm Which contains thetm,c01n sil B79 ursi and po J. TO “'3' XV. CALL HARVES 8.10 Lv Mofitx Aug. 1 5th Aug. 1 7th TIME- 28! TO WIN WOMEE SLEEP

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