Shingles for sale.â€"Apply to J.N. Murdock. Live hogs are $11.75 to-day, drop of 25c. since last week. garage. The Rev. Mr ~Bice of London is erecting a cottage on the beach inst north of Mr. Wm Hunter’s cottage.â€"Kincardine Reporter Boarders Wantedâ€"Apply to Miss E. Edwards. at residence recently vacated by Harry Falconer, Elgin street, near Baptist church. 3p For sale.â€"One sufrey, good IS new, may be seen at Smith’s Pte. Smallman. Who recently re- turned from the trenches, was m town a few days ago. We under- stand he is medically unfit for trench life. and has received an honorable discharge. Mrs. J C. Queen of Egremnnt underwent an operation by Dr. Groves of Fergus, for some in- Ward trouble, but is ‘er cm ermr nicely under the care of Nurse Mr. Nathaniel Whitmore died Monday at his home in Glenelg. on the Durham rand. about three miles east of town. He was 76 years of age and ill oan a short; time. An obituary is promised for next issue. ...J-. _u _-, The morning train on the C ...P'i’. runs to the Union Station, while the afternOon train runs to West; Toronto and North Toronto. The morning train from Toronto leaves North Toronto and West Toronto. 1 While the afternoon train leav e51 Union Stationâ€"R. Macfarlane,i tow n agent. 1' Mr. Haggard Cochrane, \\ ho has been engaged with the Standard‘ Oil Company for some years, was present at the funeral of nis uncle, Mr. Robert Cochrane, on Sunday. He is a son of the late Adam Cochrane, and had, We un- derstand, the honor of being born in this town, in the residence now occupied by Dr. J amieson The Mount Forest Business Col- lege gix es superior training the same as given in the Cential Business College, Stratford, and the Elliott Business College, Tor- onto. The principal, L A. Fleming. was for four years Vice-principal of the Stratford school, so thlt all students this year will be as- sured careful and competent in- struction in the different branches. Mr. and Mrs. James Donald of Souris. Mam. were in town last week as guests of Mr. and Mrs E’l. Burnett. Jr. Mrs Donald, who is better known here by her maiden name of Mary Collett, was on her Way east with her husband to visit some of his relatives in New Brunswick, and took a side trip to visit some friends in Hanover and Durham. Mrs Donald is well and favorably known here. rard trouble, but is 'recovormr icely under the care of Nurse 'eckiel. also of Fergus. Rev. and Mr. Morris arrived here Friday evening, after their honey- moon trip from Sarnia to Duluth and return, on the Neuronic. On returning, they spent a week on the St. Clair river before nomina- here to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Limin. Mr. Morris Spent Sunday in charge‘of his congrega- tion at Shelburne. On Monday he reioined Mrs. Morris here, and will spend a few days with his old parishioners, who will gladly ex- tend 'felicitations. Mr. Hugh McDonald of Bentinck,i had a close call on Saturday? night. While coming east with hisl two sisters, the horse became; frightened at an auto While going down Hutton Hill on the east side. The auto Was driven by Fred Laidlaw. On meeting the horse the auto was slowed dOWn, and stalled part Way up the hill. The fright- ened animal became fractious and as one of the lines broke, the driver lost control, and the three occupants were pitched out on the roadside. Mr MCDonald was cut considerably about the head. which required. several stitches. The sisters sustained very little inimy, beyond a shaking up. Mr McDonald was taken to Dr. Hut- toh’s office by Mr. Albert Noble. who happened to be near with his auto. « . . . . ,. VOL. 49â€"NO. 2582 3"»;EWS AROUND TOWN For sale.â€"The Happy Hour thea- tre will be sold cheap ,to a quick purchaser.â€"App1y to Geo. W11- loughby, Durham. 824tf Kincardinve’s tax rate this year is 35.8 mills on the dollar Miss Emma Edwards has taken up residence in the Harry Falcon- er residence and intends to keep boarders. Rev. C. S. G. Boone, of the First Baptist church,‘ Saginaw, Mich. will preach in the Baptist church here next Sunday morning. His subject will be, “The Greatest Question of Modern Times.†We congratulate Miss Marguer- ite Hutton, who succeeded in her examination and was awarded professional standing for a second class teachers’ certificate. Mrs. Jas Fuller, and son Llovd of Phoenix, Arizona, are visiting at the home of her mother. Mrs. Caswell, Bentinck. They will spend the summer and fall with friends around“ Durham, Kincardine, God- erich and Chicago. A recent casualty list contains the name of Pte. Easton Gordon Burgess. of the 42nd Battalion. who was seriously wounded in the trenches. He is the son of Mr Thos. S Burgess of Southampton. and a brother of Mrs. John A Graham of town. Of the 35 who Went west by the C. P. R. last Week we have secured. the following list of names: E. Mead, A. McDonald, T. Reay. W. Clark ,Mrs. W. Clark. J. G. Banks. F. Torry, F. Cuff. R. Trafford. ‘I‘. J. Flannigan. W. Bailey, C. Honess. A. Lunney, W. Noble, Mrs. W'. No- ble, H. Noble, W. Langrill, F. Twamley, E. Boyce, A. Everett. A. Noble, J. Keller, B. Barber, H. Bar- ber, J. Bogle, D. Wade, G. Thompâ€" son. ‘ Dr. Cul‘Bertson of Dauphin is. spending a few days with rela~. tives and friends in this locality-.; He came east by boat from Port Arthur to Sarnia, and previous to. his arrival here on Saturday night‘ has Visited in Toronto, Meaiord‘ and Owen Sound. On returning. he intenus to take the.boat at Col- lingwood. He reports good crops? in the Dauphin district, and has? the Opinion they are good gener-! ally in the Wes... , i flL‘ Uillllt‘ euSL 0y coat Irom 1’ort| An interesting feature in con- Arthur to Sarnia, ' 39d previous Winection With our South Grey fair his arrival here on Saturday n1ght:will be the exhibit of agricultural has visited in Toronto, Meaiord ‘ products to be made bythe Dom- and Owen Sound. On returning. he inion experimental farms. ‘We intenus to take theboat at Col- have been advised by the sec- lingwood. He reports good cropsfretary that a request has ]ust in the Dauphin district, and has Tbeen received for a large reser- the Opinion they are good generflvation of table space, on which to ally 1n the Wes... , i'disp-lay the products from. the All the hotels in South Grewvarious Dominion experimental have made application for Stand‘_3stations throughout the different ard licenses The cost of ~ the liâ€" D-rovinces. A demonstrator will be a . I ’ ' O o o cense is a dollar a year, which ; present to explain the conditions ’ ° - ~ uestions. To see grants certain monopolies that Will a and to answer all q assist hotel men in the furnishing;the productions rhomldOtieer i333 of a-commodation at What shouldlOf the Dominion S 0‘1 Drove a fair remuneration. Tneé'eStmg and IEStE‘UCtgf’ :Swvhillnaesed public may expect to pay more forg'drav‘fmg car. or bos . n so accommodation than they did un-gth‘e information to e glve der license, and the dollar-a-day l freely. rates are practically at. an end. At; % present priCes of provisions it ‘sI AL impossible to live on the old rates} PERSON Three parties from here mo- tored over to Camp Borden on Tuesday to Witness the presenta- tion of the colors to the 147th Grey County Battalion. Reeve Cor- dingley of Shallow Lake, warden of the county ,made the presenta- tion, and short speeches were deâ€" livered by _C. 8. Cameron ,M.P.P. F. W. McCurdy ,acting minister of! militia, and others. Mr. McCUrdy! took the salute on the march past. which was well executed bV the1 battalion, who are now in the pink? of condition and likelv to go 0V er- seas soon. While there the visitors were: treated to an exhibition of What a Canp Borden sandstorm is like, and When the thing was over, no regrets were expressed or encores heard. The camp is with- out doubt the biggest and best equipped. in Canada, and apart from the sand. is a most suitable location. It is high and dry, the streets are being paved,'there are .shower baths, and. the best of water. The day was a most pleas- ant and profitable one to the vis- itors, who had. the freedom of the camp, and Were also served with dinner and supper by the battal- ion. A trip to Camp Borden is worth While to any one who has never been there l Just make up your mind to this: deceit loses to skill always in the tong run. Women are queer, but whenever they meet an old friend they don’t insist on rushing in somewhere and buying her a drink. Special fares and dates to For- onto Exhibition over C. P R. are. as follows: $2.25 on all trains Aue gust 30 and morning train August 31, good to return September 1: also all local trains September 6 and morning train September 7, good to return on all trains Sen- tember 8. $3.00 any train August 26 to September 9, . iflClUSlVO. good for five days, including date of sale. but in no case to exceed September 11. War tax extra. For further particulars, see R. Macfar- lane, town agent. Through coaches to Toronto, August 29 to Septem- ber 9 on morning trains. We congratulate Mr. W'm Bogle of Varney and Miss Clara Ritchie of Durham. who were marriefl last Saturday afternoon at the Presbyterian manse in Mt. Forest bv Rev. Mr Cooper. The bride 18 a daughter of Mrs. Samuel Ritchie, and for the past two or three vears has been the prompt. obliging and efficient operator at at the central telephone office. She was the recipient of many costly and baeutiful wedding gifts, as tokens of the esteem in which she was held generally, and we are quite sure she has a host of friends who join us in extending felicitations. The young couple have taken up housekeeping on the groom’s farm at. Varney. Mr. John Hewitt, who was sor seriously ill, is recovering. 3 Mrs. C Rudolph of Hanover u 15: in town Monday. Messrs. W A. Heughan and Geo. Smith left Saturday‘aftern-oon for Disley, Sask. Miss Annie Aljoe Was in Strat- ford the greater part of last Week. Misses Janet Marshall and Grace Petty spent the Week end in Hano- V'er. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Stewart of Buffalo are guests of Mr. and. Mrs. John McCoskery. , Messrs. Alex Hildebrandt and Melvin Greig are visiting friends at Toronto. Mr. Eric Kelly of the Standard Bank, Montreal, is holidaying at his home here. Miss Amy Kelly returned last Week from a few Weeks’ visit With friends in Quebec. Miss May Young has gone to ‘v‘acant .seat at we mummy“ uuuuuu Stratford, where she.will train for The funeral 11001: 91338 to Dur- a nurse. _ 1.11am cemetery on, Sunday, the Rev. ' . . . . ‘Mr. Whaley havinsg returned from 5 Adam Robertson 18 VlSltlDQ‘ 3] . ] oli 1a to ;1 resent an :1 gï¬iï¬ggï¬fa’ MIS' (DN Burnett 'R't officiéte at the obsequies, Where - . ' ‘ he paid. high tribute to the ch ar- Misses Laura and Edith McKen- ' meter of the deceased. DURHAM, ONT. THURSDAY, AUGUST 24. [916 WW0. zie are visiting Mr. and, Mrs Thos. Little, near Hanover. Mrs. David Jackson, who has been .in England for several months, returned to town last Week. Mr. J Levine, and daughters Tillie and Sadie, are visiting his daughter, Mrs. Davidson, at St Thomas. Miss Lena Ritchie has returned to Teeâ€"swater, after Spending a couple of weeks in town with her mother, Mrs. S Ritchie. Mrs. T C. Ritchie and baby, of the Rocky, accompanied by her sister, Miss Mariorie Hewitt, has gone on a visit to Detroit. Mrs. Ross Young and children. Ruth and Kathleen, of Hanover, spent the Week-end with Mrs. Jas. Livingston. Mrs. Gilbert McKechnie returned Saturday, after Visiting a couple of Weeks with friends in Toronto and Hamilton. ‘ ’ Mr. A D. Gun, of the Canadian Bank of Commerce at Watson. Sask., is spending a couple of. weeks holidaying with his mother at the old home. Mrs. David Kinn’ee Went to '1 or- onto Monday to consult an eye specialist. She will remain a month or so with her daughters before returmn g. Miss Rita Irwin returned Friday from Sauble Beach, Where she en- ioyed a COUple of Weeks’ camp- ing with Rev. and Mrs Moyer and family. Mr. and Mrs J. J. Hurley, have returned to their home at St. Jo- seph, Mo., after spending a couple of Weeks with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W J. Hewitt. They re- turned by way of Niagara Falls, and wiil also visit the former’s sister in Detroit. OBITUARY ROBERT COCHRANE It falls to our lot this week to chronicle the death of a pioneer of this locality, in the person of Mr. Robert Cochrane, who died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. S F. Morlock, after an illness of five or six Weeks’ duration. He was born in Englesham, Scot- land, 'in April, 1833, and when quite'young came to this countrv with his parents and settled in Hamilton for a time. Some time later he entered apprenticeship to the printing trade with a paper in Dundas, but left the work after a couple of years and. came with his parents to Durham. In 1854 when the foundry was being built, the deceased assisted in hauling stone for the building, and shortly afterward moved to! Bruce county and purchased al farm in what was then a wilder- ness, near the present Village of Paisley. He kept “bach†for a time, but soon decided it was not well for man to live alone, and. about 1856 he married Janet Hunter, daughter of the late Alexander Hunter, and they lived on the Bruce farm for a few years before returning to Durham and settling again on the farm near Varney. This, it seems, was about 50 years ago, and. they remained on the Varney farm till they mov- ied to Durham some 20 years ago. The family consisted of two sons and four daughters, Alexa, in the West, Unsworth, who died about 12 years ago in Edmonton, Mrs. Robt Gray of Fort William, Mrs. S F. Morlock and. Kate, of Durham, and Jean, Who died about 18 years ago. Mrs Cochrane died here, a couple of years after moving to town. The deceased Was a devoted member of the Presbyterian church, and up to the time of his illness "he Was a regular attend- ant at the morning service. In politics he Was a Liberal, but apart from the exercise of his franchise, took very little part in political questions. He was manv years a member of the town council and his death leaves a vacant seat at the municipal board. ‘Qï¬t‘ï¬ï¬a '3 A 9"- ~- ‘ 1‘. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++§+++++++§++++¢++++++++ m+++4~++++++++++++++++++4 +++++++++++++M+++++++++++ K>VDDDE>E>>KIPP>DO ODgt>EP>>tb>>?:>>>b Think that many of Europe’s most extensive in- dustries have been closed altogether for lack of material, while others are only producing a. small pcrtion of their former output. Are you in readiness to meet the daily jncreasing scarcity of Dry Goods 2’ Thoughtful people will avoid later disappointâ€" ments bylaying in their supply of merchan- dise while it can yet be had at reasonable prices. We were lucky in securing our winter Underwear at the old priceâ€"85c, $1.00. 55125. This Un- derwear was bought early before the advance, which enables us to offer it to our customers at the 01d price. A Full Program of Bargainsï¬ï¬ Spring ' Home-Furnishing Another large shipment of all-wool Serge Skirts in blacks and Davies. These skirts are guar- anteed by the makers for style, ï¬t and work- manship. Come in and see them. Splendid Floor Coverings Curtains and Curtain Nets S. F. MORLOCK THE STORE OF HONEST VALUE Linoleums, Block and Floral Designs in '2, 3 and 43ds. “ide. Floor Oilcloth no“ patterns, in 1, 11/ _‘Zand yds. Stair Oilcloth, in Oak and Floral designs. Rugs and Mattings, a good range of designs and colorings. Curtain Nets, in _cream and ecru,25c and 400 yd. Curtain Muslin with border, 15c. Special Curta‘it} Sc‘rim’in pregam, yith color- Lace Curtains, 500 to $3.50 pr. Readiness will win ed border, fast color; 150. White Enamelled Curtain Poles, 2 for 250. J. 8: J. HUNTER Underwear for Men Ladies Wool Skirts $1.00: PER YEAR “l lL’l \ \' Provincial 3.} (A: ~ Govez'nuu. ;; demands nickel indus- flied, It'd 111$ llti-‘ 0Ԡsteel ' Which. 3'7? Plants Ontario 3nd Pe contlnu the Bri in the 12_:‘ [ï¬ned 11 which v. over in . “OILS to» were 1113' a! ï¬ery} Th0 British goo cr 400 :sar ‘ mile non.:«. “no: agï¬ '1 dance. 1 ' < noon. T Maurepa: the mo: sector. British 11. north of want of the Briti ing the . said: G of Fran mbate items 1 won a d a brill 12 Maurepa F mans T“? chine @1133 flnne t! The 'I m att slopes. ( ooooooooo Land west Fun the s a ‘. loan. accon lent issued‘ a the dest‘ oncial reu PAGE S candid ' for 1 Sunday 3? rer 83, 00 nnchine Ontario .t Libe Aron