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Durham Chronicle (1867), 24 Aug 1916, p. 5

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names, addresses and descriptions and a full statement of particu- lars of their claims and the nature 0! the security, i! any, held bv them, dul certified, and that alter the said ay the executors will proceed to distribute the assets or the estate among the parties en- titled thereto, having regard onlv to the claims of which they shall then have notice. Dated the 12th day of August A.D. 1916 Charles Lynn Grant Neil McCannel,Execut01s by their Solicitor, J. P. Telford In the Surrogate Court of me annty of Grey. In the matter of the estate of Janet Campbell, late of the To Wn- ship of Bentinck in the County of GljgeridOW, deceased. Notice is hereby given, pursuant to RS 0. 1914, Cap. 121, Sec. 56, to .1: all persons having claims against the estate of the said Janet Camry bell. who died on or about the 7th dav of August, A.D 1916, are re- unired to send by post prepaid or otherwise deliver to J. P. Teliord o! the Town of Durham, solimtor for the executors, on or before the 8th day of‘ September, i916, _ their A GOOD SIX-ROOMED BRICK house on Queen St, South, Xacre at land; good well and good cellar. Apply to Edward Walsh. Durham. . 11 3o lstf PART 01“ LOT 1, GARAFRAXA street, west: house and stable in good condition: recently vacated ny James Morris and now occu- pied by Hugh McLean. For par- ticulars apply to J. P Teliord, House and Lot- for Sale THE DURHAM SKATING RINK. FOR SALEâ€"1 CEMENT TILE outfit, I cement brick machine: half acre of gravel pit; .also pump business. Business will be continued as usual until sold. Apply to Geo. Whitmore, Dur- ham- 5 11“ THE PROPERTY OF THE LATE Philip Eva, in the town of Dur- ham. For terms and particulars :pply to J.P. Telford, Durham. 11,18.ti LOTS 3, 9 and 1o,_ KINCé‘nglNE STKAYED TO THE PREMISES 01'“ the undersigned on or about Au- gust 1, a heifer. Owner may have same by paying expenses and \proving prOperty.-â€"Grut Wise, R. R No. 1, Hanover. {pd FOR 8. S NO. 13, BENTINCQK. Duties to commence alter holi- days. Apply to John Wade, sec- Retary-treasurer, Durham, R. R. -"o. 1 ‘ f llouse for Sale TWO-STOREY COTTAGE. DIS- NORTH PART OF LOT 6, THE old skating rink site. Garafraxa ntreet, and the north part of lot 5. Albert street. Apply to A. E. Jackson. 930t£ U ACRES IN BENTINCK TOWN- I-h-ip, beinz Lot 26, Concession 3 W. G. R.’ will be sold cheap: 800d title. Apply to George Whitman, Durham, or Thomas Dtvifl, R.R. N0. 2. Priceville. Durham. one of the best in Western On- tario, is offered for sale; agood paying prOposition; good reason for selling. Apply J. A. Brown, Durham, _Onta.rio. Etâ€"ireet: West. Apply to A.H, Jack- '“D- 4 1 15 tf Notice to eretiitors ing room, parlor, kitchen, wash- room and pantry down stairs; 4 bedrooms up stairs; half acre of land, with a number of bearing fruit trees: convenient to furni- ture factory: will be sold reas- onably. Apply to W J. Lauder, Durh am. 9 24:113- BING LOT 53, CON. '6, 13. G. i‘... Glenelg, containing 100 “mes: on premises are new frame barn. orick house, sheds and ontbuild- mgs; running stream through oronerty: about 10 acres hard- wood bush, rest in good state of cultivation. Possession given on Nov. lat, 1913. For further pa;- ncnlars, apply on premise: Lo Mrs John Staples, Rural Route .390. 1. Durham, Ont. 944pdtf 31w Advex list-'Inents of one invh m- 183‘s, '25 cts. for fivst insertion. and 10 cents for each .sulmcqucut insculuu, Over one inch and under two inches, double the above amount. Yearly rates on application. Teacher Wanted farms 101‘ Sale. Rink for Sale .JOtS Fur Sale August 24, 1916. For Sale To Rent Strayed SMALL ADS. 'Licenled Auctioneer for the Count of Grey. Satisfaction guar- zantoa . Terms reasonable. Dates .of sales made at the Chronicle 01‘- rfice, or with himself. THAT SPLEN DID RESIDENCE property in Upper Town belong- in: to the late Mrs. Wilson, will be sold on reasonable terms; contains Xacre more or less: comfortable residence, 7 rooms: hard and soft water; good bear- \ in: orchard and garden; fine sit- uation. Apply on premises. or to Thos. Ritchie or Duncan Smellie. executors. 629“ ONE 17-HORSE WHITE TRAC- tion engine; McDonalf separat9r ,all m Holstein Conveyancer. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Money to loan at lowest rates, and terms to suit borrower, Fire and Life Insurance placed in thor- "zughly reliable compnaies. Deeds, Mortgages, Leases and Wills, executed on shortest notice. All "sork promptly attended to. A COMFORTABLE BRICK COT- tage; ood atone cellar; 7acres of more of less; on second concession of Glenelg, 1% miles east of Durham; has a good frame barn on it. Apply to A H. Jackson, Durham. 5 18 Arthur Gun, M. D. I 5 DHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Or - l 1 609 in the New Hunter Block. Office murs 8 to 10 a. m. to 4p. m. and? ma . .. ”In Special attention given to diseases of women and children. Residence 0p- ! oosite Presbvterian Church. j. P. Telfard. ARRIS’I‘EF... SOLICITOR. ETC. Oflice, nearly opposite the Registry office. Lambton St.,IDurbam. Anyamount of monev to loan at 5 per cent. on farm oropertv. L‘ er Conveyancer Ic. lnsfirefice Agent. Money to Loan. Issuer of Mar- riage Licenses. A general financial buai- uess_trjansacted. Officeâ€"Over Douglas’ J 9. weIIeI-v Stow. J. ARTHUR COOK WLLL GIVE vocal instruction in singing ev- ery Tuesday afternoon and evening at the home of Mrs. S. F. McComb. Pupils may apply £0: appointments to Mrs. Mc- DR. BROWN L R. C. P. LONDON. ENG IVRADULATE of London. New York and Chicago. Diseases of Eye, Ear Nose and throat. \Vill be at the H 11111 House. June 17th, July 15th and Ang. IULh. Hours,1 to a p.111. OFFICE: Over J. 'JfHunter’ ty of Toronto. Graduate Roya College Dental Surgeons of Ontano Dentistry In all its Branches FFICEâ€"Over J P. Telford’s ofiice nearly opposite the Registr office. Remdence Second house south ot Registry oflice on east side of Albert Street. Office Hours 9-11 a.m., 2-4 p, 111.. 7-9 p. 111. Telephone communica- tion between office and residence at all hours. Late Assistant. Roy.London Ophthalmic H03 3132;. and to Golden Sq. Throat and Nose Hos SPECIALIST .- E‘a’i’l, EAR, THROAT short distance eat of Knapp’s Hotel, Lamb ton Street, Lu aver Town, Durham fiflice hours from 12 to .2 o’clock A. H. Jackson. (1' OTARY PUBLIC, 0031311351035- s. Jamieson 6:. Jamieson. FICE AND RESIDENCE 33. J. {:13 For Sale or to Rent I. G. Hutton, M. D., C. M. J F. GRANT, D. D. s.. L. 1). s [ONOR GRADUATE. UNIVERSI- Property for Sale Thresher for Sale DURHAM ' ONT. (Lower Town szIIScd fluctz'oner Dan McLean (Nice: 13. Frost Sr... Owen Sqnnd. Dr. W. 0. Pickering Dentist. W. J. SHARP adiw! Dz’rcdorv. Dental Dz’rectorv Legal ‘Dz’reclorr at any time. BR. BURT. Musical THROAT 8:. NOSE 10 22d chtura Frammg an sham; notice. and Funeral Director Cattle Strayed STRAYED FROM THE PREMISES. this section 0‘ the country than; Cornwallâ€"2,290 boxes of colored all other diseases put tOgether. ani‘ cheese; all sold at 18%(3. for years it was supposed to be? Pictonâ€"ls factories boarded 1,529, incurable. Doctors prescribed; all colored. All sold at 1955c. local remedies, and by constantlyi Iroquoisâ€"705 boxes colored and 40 failing to cure it With local tract-l White were offered; 505 boxes sold ment, pronounced it incurable. Ca-I on board at 18%c; balance sold on tarrh is a local disease, greatly, curb at same price. influenced by constitutional con-3 Napanee~670 boxes of white and ditions and therefore requires com; 1.160 colored were offered. All sold stitutional treatment. Hall’s 011-; at 191/30. tarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J I Mont Joli, Queâ€"100 boxes cheese Cheney 00., Toledo, Ohio, is a 801d at 17%0. constitutional remedy, is taken in-,’ St- Hyacinthe, Queâ€"900 boxes of- ternally, and acts through thg. fered. All sold at 1994c; 60 packages Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of 0‘3 butter Sold at 340. the System. One Hundred 1301-! Cowanswlle, Queâ€"11 factories of- lars reward is offered for any case: fered 772 DaCkageS 01’ butter. One that Hall’s Catarrh Cure fails to. factory sold at 341,3“: and ten factor cure. Send for circulars and testil ies at 34%0 monials. 3 Bellevilleâ€"2,095 boxes offered; 25:10 F. J. CHENEY C0., Toledo . sold 19 3-160, 1,540 at 191/130, 260 at Ohio. 3 19 1-16c; balance refused. Sold by Druggistg, 75c. l KeantVllleâ€"732 colored and 180 Hall’s Familv Pills for constipa-; Earlegsc White were oliered. All sold tion. A. BELL UNDERTAKER Mrs. Art. Hunt and children of Allan Park spent over the Week end with Mr. and Mrs. R. Lindsay. Miss May and Mr. Roy Pattersdn spent Sunday with their brother, Will, at Swinton Park. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Wilson attend- ed a party Tuesday evening at Mr. Smallman’s, in honor of Pte. Smallman, who is home for a short time. Mr. and Mrs. Alf Holstock and son of Owen Sound spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs’. Jas. McNally. Quite a number from this pert were. present at the party 'Wed- nesday evening given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Brown, Eg- remont. Mr. Harry Tolchard, Toronto Messrs Fred, Elias and Geo. l‘ol- chard, and Mr. Sydney Trout, of Chesley, visited Sunday with Mrs. C. Ritchie. _‘â€""---v Mr. and Mrs. Matti'Hooper 'visn- ed one day last Week with Mr. and Mrs. Will Jacques. \Ve extend deepest sympathy to Mrs. Nat. Whitmore and» family in this, their time of sorrow. Miss Edna Ritchie spent a few days last week in Egremont, me guest of Misses Beta and. Gertie Lawrence. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Lawrenze and daughter, Misss Reta, spent ngday with Mrs. C. Ritchie. DAVIDSON.â€"At St Thomas Wednesday. August 16, to Mr. Mrs. D G. Davidson, a son. r DURHAM, August 17.1916 Fall \Vhelt ...$1 10 0 $1 10 Spring “Cheat. .......... 1 10 Lo 1 10 Milling Odts............ :18 to 50 Feed ()1th ............... ~18 to 49 Peas .................... 1 50 to 1 65 Barley .................. 60 to 65 Hay ............ ........800t01000 Butter. ................ 25 to 25 Eggs ............... 21 1:0 24 Potatoes, per 1mg ....... 1 50 t0 1 75 Dried Apples .......... 5 to 5 Flour. percwc........:. 3 15 to 3 40 Oatnmnl, per eat-79L...” 3 25 to 3 25 Chop. per cwt ..... . . . .1 50 to 1 75 Live 1105:, per cum... ll '75 Hides, per lb ............ 15 t: 16 Sheepekins.............. 35 to 60 \Vool ................. . Tallow . .. 5m 5 Full line of Catholic Robes, and black and white Caps for aged people. of the undersigned, Gore A. Con- cession 19. Egremont, about Au- gust 12, nine 2-year-old cattle. all d‘ehorned. mostly red and spotted. Seven had pig rings in left ears, other two had wire in right ears.â€"Jas Finnegan, Dur- ham, R. R No. 3. . 1 THERE IS MORE CATARRH IN SHOW ROOMSâ€"Next to Swallows Barber Shop. RESIDENCEâ€"Next door South of W. J. Lawrence’s blacksmith shop. DURHAM MARKET Embalming a Specialty E V(!uhOo-ooooooooOO )itts............... F oooOOOoocouooooooo 00........ 00-0.... 8 ....... 00.00-aoOOOO :05, p91-1>.1g....... 1 -lpplcs o..ooooooo xwrcwc........;. 3 3!, par R:‘.t""' 3 -'\.-0000 percwt ....l logs, per C\'.'L.... perlb............ kins.... DARKIES’ CORNERS BORN. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. 21:0 150tc 51:0 315 to 325 to 150m 253 to 90. mils, on Mr. and t0 Chicago lee Stock Qtttleâ€"Receipts, 24,000; market My; beeves, $7 to $11.10; stockers d feeders, $5 to $7.80; cows and falters; $3.60 to $9.40; calves, $9 to 12.50. Hogsâ€"Receipts, 29,000; market ' er; light, $10.55 to $11.10; mixed, $1 .20 to $11.10; heavy, $10 to $11.10; rough, $10 to $10.20; pigs, $7.50 to $9.40; bulk of sales, 1$0.50 to $11. Sheepâ€"Receipts, 23,000; market Poultry Live Dressed 8 ring broilers 200 220 26c 280 0 d fowl, 1b.... 15c 16c 18c 20c Ducklings 12c 130 180 200 Potatoesâ€"Delawares, $2.00; west- erns, $1.85, out of store; in carlots, 15c less. Beansâ€"Hand-picked, $5.50; primes, $5; Michigan, hand-picked, $5.50; primes, $4.50 to $4.75. Cattleâ€"Receipts, 4,800; slow; ship- 1ng, $8.25 to $10.50; butchers, $6.75 $9; heifers, $6 to $8.25; cows, $8.75 to $7.25; bulls, $5 to $7.25; stockers find feeders, $5.75 to $7.85; heifers, 5 to $5.75; cows and springers, $50 $110. Vealsâ€"Receipts, 1,000; active and steady, $4.50 to $13. _ Hogsâ€"Receipts, 8,000 ; active; ed, $11.15 to $11.30; heavy, $11.15 $11.30; yorkers, $10.25; pigs, t 0,35; roughs, $9.75 to $10; stats, $6.50 to $8. 7heep and lambsâ€"Receipts, 3,600; _ eve and steady; lambs, $7 to $11.25; ”115111138, $5.50 to_ $9.50; wethers, $8 Creamery prints, fresh. . .33 .35 Creamery, solids ...... .311/2 .32 Choice dairy prints.... .28 .30 Ordinary dairy prints.. .26 .27 Bakers’ ................ .24 .26 Cheeseâ€"New, large, 19c to 19%0; twins, 191/40 to 19%0; triplets, 19%c to 200; old, June and September, large, 22c; old, 2254c; triplets, 22%c. Butterâ€" Creamery prints, fresh Creamery, solids Choice dairy prints.. Ordinary dairy prints Bakers’ .............. Eggsâ€" Special candled (cart’s)$ . Candled, ex-cartons . St. Hyaointhe, Queâ€"900 boxes of- fered. All sold at 19140; 60 packages of butter sold at 34c. _ Cowansville, Queâ€"11 factories of- Toronto Wholesale prices to the trade: Cornwallâ€"2,290 boxesC of colored cheese; all sold at 18% Flown-18 factories boarded 1,520, all colored. All sold at 191/3, Iroquoisâ€"705 boxes colorsecd and 40 White were offered; 505 boxes sold on board at 18%0; balance sold on curb at same price. Alexandriaâ€"817 cheese boarded; all sold at 187/80 for white and 19c for colored. Millfeed-â€"Car lots, per ton, deliven ed, Montreal: Shorts, $27; bran, $25; good feed flour, per bag, $1.80 to $1.85; middlings. 3528. Hayâ€"Ba! 3d,fl1\o 1 track, Toronto, new $10 to $12 ; car lots; No. 2, $9 to $9. 50; Straw, 96 to $7. Ontario Wheatâ€"New Wheat, No. 2, $1.25; No. 1 commercial, per cariot. according to freight outside, $1.20 to $1.22; No. 2 commercial, $1.16 to $1.18; No. 3 commercial, $1.12 to $1.14; feed wheat, 98c to $1. Ontario oats-30. 3 white, according to taunts, on.si..;, 51c to 52c. Peasâ€"~No. 2, yer carlot, $1.85 to $1.95. Ryeâ€"No. 1, new, $1.02 to $1.05. Manitoba flourâ€"First patents, in jute bags, $8.10; second patents, i.- Jute bags, $7.60; strong bakers’ in jute bags, $7.40, Toronto. Ontario flourâ€"Winter, track, Toron- to, prompt shipment, according to sample, $5.50 to $5.60, in jute bags; bulk, .seaboard, $5.40 to $5.50. Manitoba wheatâ€"Track, bay ports. No. 1 northern ,$1.6817§3; No. 2 north- ern, $1_._6§1/2; No. 3 northern, $1.631/53. vâ€"â€"â€", -1.------.; ,1 . . ._. â€""â€"’ lé' Manito’m oatsâ€"Irack, bay ports No. 2 C.\‘.'., 58c; No. 3 C.W., 570; extra No. 1 feed, 570; No. 1 feed, 560 American cornâ€"No. 1 yellow, 971/20 track, Toronto. 7 b do. common to med.. Springers ............. Calves, veal, choice. . .. do. medium ........ do. common do. grass Lambs, cwt. ........... Sheep, ewes, light ..... do. heavy and bucks do. culls ........... Hogs, weighed off cars. do. fed and watered. do. f.o.b. AUGUST 22nd Toronto Cattle Market Steers, choice weighty. .68. ‘0 to $8 do. medium weighty. 7 Butchers’, choice handy. 7. do. good ........... i do. medium, ....... 6 do. common ........ 5 Butchers’ cows, choice. 6 do. good ........... 5 do. medium ........ 5 Butchers’ bulls, choice.. 7 do. medium to good. 6 do. bologna ........ 4 Feeders, 900 to 1,000 lbs. 6 do. bulls ........... 5 6 5 5 4 3 do. med. 650 to 700 do. common, light. . . Cutters Canners do. common to med“ 50 Springers ............. 55 Calves, veal, choice. . . .11 do. medium ........ 8 do. common ........ 6 do. grass .......... 5 Lambs, cwt. ........... 9 Sheep, ewes, light ..... 7 do. heavy and bucks 5 do culls ........... J Hogs, weighed off cars. 1:2 do. fed and watered. 12 do. f.o.b. .......... 11 .60 50 ".00 .50 .40 -.60 .60 .00 .00 .25 .50. .75 .00 .00 .75 .50 .50 .75 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .50 .00 .50 .00 " .50 .75 .50 .75 .L-owazczmcz-qmm-qmchomqoom HQD-JQD IQOOO H H ooocnczmpâ€"acz-qo n40; Sun; of sales,'1$‘o.30' to $11. Sheepâ€"Receipts, 23,000; market wgr 6, $6.50 to $8; lambs ’ ‘34:) to$11.10. >vvvv'v'vvvv'vvvvwâ€"v MARKET QUOTATIQNS Butter and Cheese MarKets Toronto Grain Markets East Buffalo Cattle Wholesale Produce ........... 55 choice .11 m ........ 8 m ........ 6 .......... 5 ........... 9 light ..... 7 and bucks 5 0 tn weighty. 7. )ice handy. 7. ........... i m, ....... 6 m ........ 5. NS, choice. 6 ........... 5 , m ........ 5 34 to $ 29 #0105030: .ti) .25 .00 .50 .50 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .50 .50 .00 .50 .00 (‘0 75 00 00 OI v ' V \/ Q MOUNT FOREST“ON?. Yonge and Charles Sts., Toronto was asked to fill more than thirty times as many positions as they had graduates during the last twelve months. Wr‘i’te today for cataloqué; This col- lege is noted for high grade training. Intending Students should enter at the beginning of the term if possible. Board can be obtained at reasonable rates. Durham is a healthy and at- tractive town. making it a most desir- able place for residence. The record of the School in past years is a flattering ("n-1e. The trustees are progressive educationally and spare no pains to see that teachers and pupils have every advantage for the pro- per presentation :md acquistion of knowledge. fALLTEHM OPENS AUG. 28 )/) ELLIOTT In" 'I°~Z"§"§°~§'+~I"E°%€~+€*€«§~§€*+€*+++%+++ IIHOS.“ ALLAN, Principal and Pro vincial Model School Teacher. lst Glass CertificaLe. The school is thm-oughlv equipped: = teaching ability, in chemical and elec- trical supplies and fittings, etc., for full Junior Leaving and Matriculation work. %O*+++++é+é+++%+%+++++++++ TOQLNTO Durham High School Highest commissimxs paid. Arum-Live, advrvt ising nutttel' A Spiendid iisiof New Special- ties for Season IBIS-I7 ineluding the new everhearing Raspberry, St. Regis. In ex ery good town and district in Ontario whexe W 9 me not; represented Terri torfv reserved A RELIABLE AGENT WANTED . RAMAG‘E, #00fOOOOOOOOOQQQOOOOOOOON 99+ ST ,1. h. C FEES : $1 per mnnth in advance Buy your To do Without a business education. especially when y anyway. because if you don’t get the education you pay for it in smaller earnings and lost opportunltles. whlce more than counter- balance the actual cost in dollars and cents to get it. Why not get; your money’s worth by getting the education that is coming to you? A course in the Mount Forest Business college Will do it Write for New Journal. Fall term opens September 5. A mourn- FOREST 4. on pay for it D.A. McLACflLAN 1Q The Variety Store l. S‘ McIlraith : The Down Chaimnm‘x The anhiH Nurseries. (lustrlblzshcd 1837) School Suppfie8m flcLACfl LAN Pres. \Ve have some pairs of difierent 1i sizes, selling at less than cost. Trunks. Su.t Cases, Club Bags, etc. Mitts at close prices. Repairing as usual. but they are moving out and goo much higher. (Enough said). stocked at old p ds to replace the: [L 4g " .5" U (3-8-3111 for thegright mam J. F. GRANT, Secretarv ONTARIO NGTflN Opens on Monday. August 28th in each of Shaw’s Seven Basilica: Schools, Toronto. Free curriculum sent on request. \Vrite \V.H. Shaw, President. Yonge and Gerrard Sts., Toronto. C. L. GRANT’S Crums Best Rock-Fast Drills Dress Goods new Prints PLANiNG MILLS DURHAM ZENUS CLARK '1‘ AU UHN SESSION The undersigned begs Lo announce Lo residents of Durham and surrounding country. that he has his Planning Mill and Factory completed and is prepared to take orders for Call and Inspect at Shingles and Lath Always on Hand At Right Prices. Town Shoe Store In Serges, Voiles and. Fancy Stripes lines, mostly Custom Sawing Promptly At- tended To â€" and all kinds of â€" House Fittings u‘ r uocwear now. i cannot now be :ed at old prices, r‘3’Place them are . A. FLEMING Prin. PAGE FIVE small ONTARIO OQO§§§§¢§¢¢¢¢¢ Trains h and 3.45 p. Trains a 2.30 p.n1., . Canadian Pac Trains wii! hws, until u: fi’i’ching bind by began becau of bed_h251f a. flu £13 99W strengt Dr. P1ercejs Ann an: this IS 3 ca sad congaersqf xseases an: out and sex: Pierce for a large will prove to _ y M in eliminating most perfect kidm, of “Anuric.” You Pierce’s good Iii-121w wonderful new div the past half cem- Medical Discover}; made from roms which makes the E write Prescription 3nd “Pleasant. PelEe " Dear Mr. Editorâ€"1 'ith backache. L: CAnuric ”end have 1' my xpedlcme recen‘ pr. Pox‘erce, and it 1 1 ease the fit in such a shy flied several medici‘ h the oqu one that I feel It my dut OAmmc Tablets ” to i a Iodid. } (Signed) MBSAIM the newest discover{ 3 head of the In" SURGICAL INSTITI'N- 111088 who started m ”be, _8§iff legs, arm 8P3 mess or I In: alumna, Km: 8.10 9.13 11.5 $12.00 TO Take the new! Z'iit. routeto “Wade: 1;! Trunk Paci fi 11 xi estand quic km: 1" mpeg,b ask {In H: EVERY DA Y I: X Full particulars on RETURN at reduced farm Stations in (Hum service and lmx' 1': all principal pnizs Full pax'tic-nlsn'.~ seI‘Vice frmu (£12; CANADIAN EXHIB Anyone who kl you that science h vealed anx In me: Of kidney temedi kidney troubles. Afifty cent bow on its value. but 1 ‘ more economicaT Sold in Durham Buchu and Palmetto C4 Which contains ht Iletto, corn silk. .uvzp nrsi and potfu The timv ble is when thus prevcx Rrgyving 1m i The 13051 nevs” is durum! v.2: a. @2537; f 5605 ~31 3. u Elderly p because 1! them 33.] V05 First Ai the I Grand Tru: TIME-T Geo. B. Di [twisting the_ pe PAGE FOUR. HARVES EXCUR A. M Moii t. - seven ”I10 )l' u

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