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Durham Chronicle (1867), 14 Sep 1916, p. 7

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:;CRES IN BENTLECK mwx- amNG LOT 53, COX. 3. TWO-STOREY COTTAGE. DIN- ing room, parlor, kitchen, wash- room and pantry down stairs; 4 bedrooms up stairs; half acre of land, with a number of bearing fruit trees: convenient to furni- ture factory: will be sold reas- onably. Apply to W J. Lauder, Durham. 9 '24 4p have same by paying expepses and proving property.â€"â€"L5rrat Wise, R. R No. 1, Hanover. THE PROPERTY Philip Eva, in 1 ham. For term .pply to J.P. ‘ DOTS 8, 9 and 10, KINCARDINE v â€"â€" ___, ship, being Lot 26, Concession 3 W. G. 83 will be sold cheap: good title. Apply to George Whitman, Durham, or Thomas Davis, R.R. N0. 2, Priceville. THE DURHAM SKATING RINK. one of the best in Western Ou- tario, is offered for sale; agood paying preposition; good reason for selling. Apply J. A. Brown, Durham, Ontario. Advertiwments of one inch or less, 5 for Pach :u‘nsequcnt insertion, 0v double the above amount. Yearly r: house and Lot for Sale -Vv- ulenelg, contaiumg 10v acres: on premises are new frame barn. mick house, sheds and outbuild- wgs; running stream through preperty: about 10 acres hard- wood bush, rest in good state of cultivation. Possession given on Nov. lat, 1913. For further par- ticulars, apply on premises to Mrs John Staples, Rural Route 30. 1. Durham. Ont. Qilpdti Jackson. In the Surrogate Court of annty of Grey. A A i In the matter of the estate of Janet Campbell, late of the Town- ahip of Bentinck in the County of Ggeytwiclow, deceased. Notice is hereby given, pursuant to R.S O 1914, Cap. 121, Sec. 56, tn .t all persons having claims against the estate of the said Janet Camo~ bell. who died on or about the 7th dav of August, AD 1916, are re- onired to send by post prepaid or otherwise deliver to J. P. Tellord of the Town of Durham, solicztor [or the executors, on or before the 8th day o_£_ September, 1.916, their names, addresses and descriptions and a lull statement of particu- lars of their claims and the nature 0! the security, it any, held bv them, duly certified, and that alter the said day the executors wili proceed to distribute the assets of the estate among the parties en- titled thereto, having regard onlv to the claims of which they shall then have notice. GOOD SIX-ROOMED BRICK house on Queen St, South, xacre or land; good well and good cellar. Apply ‘to Edward Walsh. Durham- 11 30 1512f iicularé appâ€"1y 50 BARRED ROCK COCKERELS and 50 White Rock cockerels for sale at $1.00 each.â€"Wm. Macdon- ald, Durham. 8 31 6 A mice {0 L reuitors - 0000094 E- A- ROWE : st‘efiizzz: 0000090000 WO0M0000000000 9 06590 Lots For Sale [muse for bale arms for Sale. Charles Lynn Grant Neil McCannel, Executors by their Solicitor, J. P. Telford 74w {erels for Sale Rink for Sale September 14, 1916. DPERTY OF THE LATE. Eva, in the town of Dur- i‘or terms and particular: to J.P. Telford, Durham. 11.18.13 OYSTERS AND FRUIT IN SEASON 1301‘ Sale Smraved TO THE PREMISES OE resigned on or about Au- To Rent For all kinds of Bakery Goods Gookeu and Cured Meats. SMALL ADS. E. A. RGWE’S Yearly rates on application. or less, “.5 cts. for first insertion, and 10 cents on, Over one inch and under two inches, m; ia'ihâ€"ieson 6L Jamieson. «JBFICE AND RESIDENCE 3. short distance ewt of Knapp’ 5 Hotel Ldflb ton Street Lower Town Durham- Office hours from 12 to 2 0 ’clock all hours. Arthur Gun, M. D. pHYSICMN AND SURGEON. OF- L (ice in the New Hunter Block. Office h"’12‘5, ‘5 to 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. and '2' 1.09 o. tn. Special attention given to diseases of women end ehildlg‘en. 1LResidenL-eb op- UL 'V uwvu “â€"w -_,,_ O aosito Presbvtenan Church. Law Aasxstant Roy.L< 322:. and to Golden Sq. DB. BROWN L. R. C. P., LONDON. ENG "1 RADULATE of London. New U York and Chicago. Diseases of Eye, Ear Nose and throat. Will be at the Hahn House, Dur- ham, Sept 16, Oct. 21, Nov. 18 and Dec. 16. Hours, 1 to 5 p.m. W I Officeâ€"Over Douglas’ J ewellerv Store. US FIUE J F. GRANT, D. D. S-. L. D. S } ‘ONOR GRADUATE. UNIVERSI- ty of Toronto. Graduate Roya College Dental Snrgeons of Ontario. Dentistry 1n all its Branches. l. P. Telford. [gARRISTEIH SOLICITOR. ETC. 1 . Ofice. nearly opposite the Registry ofhce. Lambton St..Durham. Anyamount of monev tn loan at 5 per cent. on farm propertv. LV Ver, Conveyancer, I c. Insurance Agent. . Money to Loan. Issuer of Mar- riage Llcenses. A general financial bus:- ness transacted. DURHAM ONT. (Lower Town.) Holstein Conveyancer. l Issuer of Marriage Licenses.l Money to loan at lowest rates,‘ {and terms to suit borrower. Firel and Life Insurance placed in thor-l oughly reliable compnaies. Deeds,l Mortgages, Leases and Wills,‘_ executed on shortest notice. Alli Work promptly attended to. l J. ARTHUR COOK WLLL GIVE vocal instruction in singing ev- ery Tuesday afternoon and evening at the home of Mrs. S. F. McComb. Pupils may apply for appointments to Mrs. Mc- Com-o at any time. 19 22tf 5. G. Hutton. A COMFORTABLE BRICK COTâ€" tage; ood stone cellar; 7acres o! more of lens; on second concession of Glenelg, 1% miles east of Durham; has a good frame barn on it. Apply to A E. Jackson, Durham. 518 A. H. Jackson. ROTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSION Bandsmen Wanted THAT SPLBN DID RESIDENCE property in Upper Town belong- ‘ in: to the late Mn. Wilson, will ! be sold on reasonable terms;' contain: xacre more or less- 3 comicrtable residence, 7 roomeu lard and salt water; good near- \ in: orchard and garden; tine sit- uation. Apply on premises. or to Thou. Ritchie or Duncan Smellie. AA‘VA BATTALION ABOUT TO GO Overseas wants good bandsmcn and buglers. Transportation Lur- nished. Apply 147th Battahon Camp Bonden, Ont. - 313 For Sale or to Rent executors. , -nll, ---.--.-- v- Office: 13. Frost SS. Medical Dz‘reclorv. Property for Sale Dr. W. 0. Pickering Dentist. Lz‘cmsed u‘lucflaneer SPECIALIST .- EAR, THBQATQJNOSE Denial Directorv. Legal ‘Dz’rectorv DR. BURT. Roy.London Ophthalmic Boa ien Sq. Throat and Nose Hoe Over J. J. Hunter’b Musical '9 Iva-V‘ TSYNOPsm OF CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS. The sole head of a family, or any male over 18 years old. my homestead a quarter-section of available Dominion land in Mani- toba, Saskatchewan or AlbertaJ Applicant must appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub-Agency for the District. En- try by proxy may be made at any Dominion Lands Agency (but not Sub-Agency). on certain conditions. Dutiesâ€"Six months’ residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A home- steader may live within nine miles of his homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres, on certain condi- tions. A habitable house is re- quired except where residence is performed in the vicinity. Live stock may be substituted for cultivation under certain con- ditions. In certain districts 3 home- steader in good standing may pre- empt a quarter-section alongside his homestead. Price $3 00 per acre Dutiesâ€"Six months’ residence in each of three years after earning Lhomestead patent; also 50 acres iextra cultivation. Pre-emption Epatent may be obtained as soon .as homestead patent, on certain 3 conditions. - u 7_‘ â€"-â€"-LAA L:- A settler who has exhausted his homestead right may take a pur- chased homestead in certain Dis- tricts. Price $3 00 per acre. Dutiesâ€"Must reside six months in each of three years, cultivate 50 acres and erect a house worth $300. m m nnnv The undersigned auctioneer has been instructed to sell by public auction at the home of the propri- etor, Park street, Durham, on Saturday, September 16, 1916, at 2 o’clock, sharp, the following: 1 team Clyde mares, one 7 and one 3 years old, 1 cow 7 v old, 1 buggy nearly new, 1 wag- â€" -â€"â€"An““v “o‘l’ Ul .L 1:, .. ' on, 1 set bob-sleighs nearly new, 1 horse-rake nearly new, 1 mow er nearly new, 1 set iron harrows nearly new, 1 cutter; a quantity of hay and feed oats, cut green: a quantity of inch lumber, scantling and joists; 10 cords or more, good 1 d _-L Anssk‘o 1‘3"â€" quanllLy U1 111911 Aunnawvâ€"I .V _ and ioists; 10 cords or more, good‘ dry hardwood, 1 set double har-l ness, 1 set single harness, 1 cream separator, 1 Maxwell churn No 3, nearly new, 1 wood cook-‘ stove, 1 box stove. 1 fanning mill and bag filler nearly new; other? articles too numerous to mention ‘.- Termsâ€"All sums of $10 and un-. der, gash; over that amount, 8 months’ credit on approved joint' notes, bearing interest at 6 per; cent. 1 WM. WALL. D. McPHAIL, t pmnriptor Auctioneer [ Municipality ofthe Town of Dur ham in the County of Grey V‘QV‘i-v :DLbUJth' at Durfiaifi the 25%}; day or 3 uAugust, 1916. ‘ 'W. B VOLLET, i Clerk of Durham pea] “AA“ :- yawâ€"WV- Electors are called upon to exâ€" amine the said list and if any omissions or an Y other errors are found therein, o take immediate proceedings to have the said errors corrected according to law. Farm and [Village Property for Sale IN TOWNSHIP OF BENTINCKâ€" (1\ Lot 61, ND R., composed. Of town lots and about 47% acres of land on which is good hewed 109; house; (2)_L0t_ 60, SD R., 40 acres“, (,‘redit Auction Sale VOTERS LIST 1916 For the Durham Public School. duties to commence October 1, 1916. Apply, stating salary, to J. P. Telfor-d, Chairman P. S. B. “V“U‘V; \-1 -vv vv, ~U- -v has-neat brick house with good! stone cellar and frame cook shed. good barn, about 30’x50’ on stone underground stable, with con-! crete floor throughout, hen-‘ house at one end and root cellar at upper side, pump at door and never-failing spring about the middle of the farm; (3) Store‘ and dwelling house and one acre: of land, good cellar, good pump, and never-failing beautiful Spring Water at door, comfort- able stable: (4) 1 acre of land :11 orchard, With frame barn. Offerâ€" ed en bloc for $4,100.00, or sep" arated to Slllt purchaser. $1,000 down, balance under mortgage at 5 per cent. per annum ADPIY to J. W. Vi-ckers, or A. H. 30k: A _l 01 .Mre. Wilkinsâ€"Did Fussleigh take bus misfortune like a man? Mrs. Williamsâ€"Precisely. He blamed it all on his wife. Caretaker Wanted son, Durham. Proprietor THE WAY OF MAN. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. Of 8 family, 01' 9 7tf16 Black is White Continued from page 6. that the Hindu was not there. 'He had.‘ in a measure, proved his own cause; his emotions were genuinely his own and not the outgrowth of an influence for good exercised over him by the Brahmin. He began what he was pleased to term a systematic analysis of his emc- tions covering the entire evening, all the while regarding the couple in the orchestra chairs with a gaze unswerv- ing in its fidelity to the sensation that now controlled himâ€"a sensation oi impending peril. All at once he slunk farther back into the shadow, a guilty flush mount- ing to his cheek. Yvonne had turned and was staring rather fixedly in his direction. Despite the knowledge that he was quite completely concealed by the intervening group of loungers, he sustained a distinct shock. He had the uncanny feeiing that she was look. ing directly into his eyes. She had turned abruptly. as if some one had called out to attract her attention and she had obeyed the sudden impulse A moment later her calmly impersonal gaze suept on, taking in the sections to he: right 1nd the balcony, and then went back to her husband’s face. Frederic was many minutes in re covering from the eifects of the queei shock he had received. He could not get it out of his head that she knew he was there, that she actually turned in answer to the call of his mind. She had not searched for him; on the con. trary, she directed her gaze instantly to the spot where he stood concealed. Actuated by a certain sense of guilt he decided to leave the theater as soon as the curtain went up on the next act, which was to be the last. In- stead of doing so, however, he lin- gered to the end of the play, secure in his consciencelcss espionage. It had come to him that if he met them in front of the theater as they came out he could invite them to join him at supper in one of the nearby restau- rants. The idea pleased him. He coddled it until it became a sensation. When James Brood and his wife reached the sidewalk they found him there, directly in their path, as they wedged their way to the curb to await the automobile. He was smiling frankly, wistfully. There was an hon- est gladness in his fine, boyish face and an eager light in his eyes. He no longer had the sense of guilt in his soul. It had been a passing qualm, and he felt regenerated for having ex- perienced it, even so briefly. Some- how it had purged his soul of the one lingering doubt as to the sincerity 01 his impulses. “Helio!” he said, planting himseli squarely in front of them. There was a momentary tableau. He was vividly aware of the fact that Yvonne had shrunk back in alarm, and that a swift look of fear leaped into her surprised eyes. bne drew closer to Brood’s sideâ€"or was it the jostling of the crowd that made it seem to be so? He realized then that she had not seen him in the theater. Her surprise was genuine. It was not much short of consternation, a fact that he re« alized with a sudden sinking of the heart. Then his eyes went quickly to his father’s face. James Brood was re- garding him with a cold, significant smile, as one who understands and despises. “They told me you were here,” fa]. tered Frederic, the words rushing hur- riedly through his lips, “and I thought we might run in somewhere and have a. bite to eat. Iâ€"I want to tell you about Lydia and myself and whatâ€"” The carriage man bawled a number in his ear and jerked open the door of a limousine that had just pulled up the the curb. Without a word, James Brood hand- ed his wife into the car and then turned to the chauffeur. “Home,” he said, and, Without so much as a glance at Frederic, stepped Inside. The door was slammed and the car slid out into the maelstrom. Yvonne had sunk back into a corner, huddled down as it suddenly deprived of all her strength. Frederic «p.11- her face as the car moved away. She was staring at him with wide- -open, re. proachful eyes, as if to say: ‘,011 “‘1 it have you done? What a fool you are!” For a s cond or two he stood as it petrified. Then everything went 1ed before him, a wicked red that blinded him. He staggered as if from a. blow in the face. “My God!” slipped from his stiff lips, and tears leaped to his eyesâ€" tears of supreme mortification. Like a. beaten dog he slunk away, feeling himself pierced by the pitying gaze at every mortal in the street. Butter has gone to 40 pound at Goderich. 3+. _ v _ _ For conclusive evidence as to the identity of the party or parties1 Who made theft of the following: from my premises: Aylmer iron pump, Windmill force; also, in July, new Deering pony binder and pitman and all chains, some pulleys, 13 gliards, neckyokes and *numerous other bolts and connec- étions. The proprietor is sorry to {cast a reflection on the good Mam-e of the neighborhood, but ,means to discover the culprit. HUGH CAMPBELL, Prop. R. R. No. 2, Priceville. 8 91£3Dd 20.00 Hewar cents J A RELIABLE AGENT YE ANTED In every good town and distlict in Ontariu “hem me me not nepxesemed Territoryl-e.~ex-\'H! for the right mam Highest commisaimm paid. Att1m:tive advvrtising matter. A Spiendid Listof New Special- ties for Seasnnélfillfi- I7 including the new everbearing Raspberry St. Regis. TOR“ NTO The» school is thoroughlv equipped: teaching ability, in chemical and elec- trical supplies and fittings. etc, for full Junior Leaving and Matriculation work. Durham High School l‘HOS. ALLAN, Principal and Pro} vincia] Model School Teacher lst Class Certificate. Intending Students should enter at the beginning of the uerm if possible. Board can be obtained at reasonable rates. Durham IS a healthy and at- tractive town. making it a most desir- able place for residence. The record of the School in past years is a flattering one. The trustees are progresswe educationally and spare no pains to see that teachers and pupils have every advantage for the pro- ‘ oer presentation and acquistion of 1 knowledge. FEES : $1 per month in advance H. R. KOCH, J. F. GRANT, Chairman. Secretarv STEM 51 WEUNETUN and Funeral Directorw A. BELL U N DERTAKER chture Framing me 5120712 notice. Full line of Catholic Robes, and black and White Caps for aged people. §§§§z§§z§§§ zOOQOOOOOQOQOOOQOQQOOOO00 SHOW ROOMSâ€"Next L0 Swallows Barber Shop. RESIDENCEâ€"Next door South of \V. J} Lawrence’s blacksmith shop. The 1 nnthiH \msmies. (lwt: thli .-luâ€" d 1837) Embalming a Specialty Chairman. (3-8-3111 UNTARIO CANADA'S PUPUlAR BUSINESS SCHUDL ZENUS CLARK New Prints DURHAM Crums Best Rock-Fast Drills Dress Goods The nmlexsigned begs to announce to residents of Durham and surrounding country. that he has his Planning Mill and Factory completed and is prepared to take. orders for Shingles and Lath Always on Hand At Right Prices. Custom Sawing Promptly At- tended To Call and Inspect at . L. GRANT’S SASH,DOORS House Fittings In Serges, Voiles and Fancy Stripes and all kinds of â€" PAGE SEVEN. ONTARIO .. Those pi i0 Ford , 011 L ai' These pric 168d 3 gain :51 IOre August lgmnst adv Ford C §‘§§§¢¢¢¢¢ R. MAC-I Canadéa 6999999006 '. Smitl Dealers. )WS E V ER ‘; PAGE 8‘. ll' OG( The and skin glowi Pen

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