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Durham Chronicle (1867), 2 Nov 1916, p. 8

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rrles ma- ork- Effect gainst draw- :ome thev “Vice nake our purify- With a D23 H V that; We r the ++++++++++ LUE rear 15 price lkable 'etum- high En- 3rfect .AAAAMMAA Llaran- R YEAR 2'8 IS 'wvvmfl avmfilr Stan- pure, 1H m feed by p; . W’ild oats . as pig 2mm when so u relished by them when . The up-Lo no 80 em; seeds are mill and p1. . mating Uii" heap. T3. juices am: . rather than his grain ‘z machines 2 vg steaming or boiling. 1; 98d fine enough to de- - germination or boiled .«cd. The smaller seeds, .:,ustard are also good . -u, and when cooked are ,imais which will not eat '.'.5 flue threshing machines gued that these smaller . in a heap under the for at threshing by esti- mber oi bushels in the .:a.rmer might pay two this dockings, so left e to separate it from 3 shipping. Threshing ...;id be so equipped With i»;:rade wheat, as to run ' . yeens or through a simi- '..0 “Ju;;;' ‘3” from_ eleva- When Motor Misses It motor persists in missing when only a. light load is being carried, be- !ore resorting to adjustments of the carburetor ::';,- making spark gap 9. little wider. presuming, of course, that the magneto is being used. On the other hand, if the motor misses when there is a heavy load on bOard, it may possibly be obviated by closing the spark gap slightly. :or, and bus. the screenings and small and broke-z. grain, running the good into wagon boxes tor the granary or W. I: the machine does not do a clean j:=2 men the farmer should certainly .4 rate himself at home be- Fowls are obliged to throw on much of the waste of the body through the hmgs. they do not sweat 1n the sense that do other animals. but instead breathe several times faster than sweating animals when heated. To keep In good health a hen requires nearhv seven times the amount of fresh air in proportion to its size as does a is infectious. It does not always oon- the following' dues to thrift Men frequently save more when money 15 fight and thOi 1 mare rising 5 yrs., 2 horses outlook 18 uncertain than they do grising 5 years, 1 mare rising 4 when money is plentiful and the {n.gyears, 1 bread mare 11 yrs. old can assured. Today the podzmim foal, 1 spring filly, 2 young here 1. the existence 01 szcows, due, 7 cows supposed in good times, dependent largely upon!calf, 1 pedigreed Durham cow in war 023m. ;Peace will bring a Jolt, ; calf, 1 pedigreed Durham bull 2 How on: .1: will be. none can tell. lyrs. old, 3 heifers 2 yrs. old, 3 go: :3 we say what favorable too-«steers 2 yrs. old, 7 young cattle, m renege the depression which Zyearling, 7 spring calves, 1 thor- mic” eomithfith t”the strain 01 econoqfoughbred Durham bull calf, 2 marines-26mm? hots mahogbrood sows supposed in farrow, 6 mymé‘:.3am beet m ahéstore pigs 5 mos. old, 20 young w ales: 11a otiam nglgs 2 mos. old, 1 pedigreed umflh n , II! M 8‘0 334‘ ? Yorkshire boar, 7 ewes, 1 ram, 30 g: muff-fpgflt; an d ”Md ; hens, 1 thoroughbred. Rock roos- n 3 DIOBDexln'y Which may be u ' ter‘ 2 geese, 1 gander, 2 sets - only ,bob-sleighs, 2 Wagons almost new mated by Lile advent of peace. The and tin ,1 land. roller almost new 1 new ° ”nu” con no to furnish 9"" i Massey-Harris cultivator: 1 Mas- m of a: im I - - ponetion 0‘ many um . sey-Harris binder, 1 mower, 1 new m armies and. to the extent: . . this -. gpea harvester, 1 .disc harrOW, 2 that G-Lme “'3' our flJ“um“;sulky rakes, one new, 1 seed ‘1‘!» word< of Sir Charles Mil 1”23.drill, .1 spring-tooth h-arrow, 2 w “ml-95,, U3 “The Means of Waisets iron harrows, . 1 2â€"furrow me apply to M as m a.“ ‘ riding plow, 2 walking plows, 1 yr .: :scuffler, 1 turnip pulper, 2 hay mg peopl._: --.:10 not understand Miracks, 1 top buggy, 1 cutter, 1 1 stoneboat, 3 sets by the {1121: me.- of their personal ex, ”democrat, twhiffletrees, 2 neckyokes, 3 rain We ..-.:.V may be determining. whether :2 jzorrorg of the mgctibarrelspl wheelbarrow, 1 cream 'iseparator, Standard, 1 sugar ket- are to by : longed or the blessings 1 set team harness, 2 sets -ww“. of peace 2:. mipated. There does not i tie. 3mm to . - as yet any general oftplough harness, 1 set single har- eqnate .,_,;nition of the special to- ? ness, 6 collars, 1 wire stretcher. sponsiblli‘j ur the right use of mania quantity of fence wire, 1 fan- earnings ; ...-_-hing to those whose'ming mill, 1 2,0001b. weigh scale, prosperity - ends upon the continued I 1 grindstone, 2 ladders, 4 iron orifice of Lire and limb by them’ beds with springs and mattresses, renew-con: _:;1en in the field. It is;1 kitchen cabinet, 1 Maxwell surely a .1 thing to ask of mo’ge:cliu1'xi. about 50 tons of hay, ‘10 17320 are ;- .mined from joining the : colonies of bees. scythes, forks, 11881195 T ’. y the disabilities of age. fchains, and a host of other 0! infirm..; sex to make some sad i articles. . rifice tor ‘. :9 who are fighting the' 323.195 f'::‘ 3.1? 11. Sacrifice! let ii SALE AT 12.30 SHARP. " it 2'”; 1.5â€"â€" ' (he only 9 Mtge fi62?:26§:,,perha ; Termsâ€"Hay. and all sums of $10 . . rma under- Dash: over that amount Old ogstoms Explained . side there 9' mger of t .2 good reason nowadays . - or ‘other ornament on a. Wald be confined, as it :he left side; but in the . nary man had to be pre ‘ c for his life there was reason for this custom. long plumes took the as ornaments for hats, ..:d been on the r";ht . ,uld have been seri us it getting in the way of team drawf. :; pays freight on 53111 to the ten; 9.2.1 elevator, and the gives it aw; , . Those who get it must consider 1; : .zluable as they insure it I noted son-a,- Lime ago that my insur ence com pan 5 report showed an item $29,000 paid; ‘or loss on screenings by fire at tez' 319.1. How many others were on :1» risk? These screenings (dockings, :23. treated and used for horse. good times, dependent may upon my orders. Peace will mm; a jolt, ”MousitMMnanemteu. m can we say what tenor-able tac- ggu will relieve the depression which man come with the strain of econoq mic Musz.ment. Thane but! make my ingeratlve. Yet m “V w the; patriotism be undoubted. Meless many Canadians an aid- 11' the energy by th mm in. my 11.9 profits and dug m a ploepex’.:_y which may be only around by Lize advent of peace. The rude returns continue to furnish m m of th importation at many um WIT zwcicles and, to the amen; side there runger of me sword m wordu .4: sn- Ohadea Addie. in} NI address 0:1“Tho Means of Wu Mafia cwlytoOamdaaamnnhaq wtheL‘rizv‘lZ- ngdomwhenhgml There is almost as much difference between different tamflies 9: 59131115 of me prosperity which war has brought :0 the American continent. Prosperity in infections. It does not always can- dnce to thrift Men frequently save more when money is tight and the outlook is uncertain than they do when money is plentiful and the Inâ€" mro assured. Today the positions hem is the existence of temporary CANADA MUST ECONOMIZE $-Em-“ baween the (Instant breeds of fowla. Tm nature. receive with some allowanoe the praise or con- iemnation of any breed. To decrease the number of acci- dents a Fr;mch city is building a. street with a. separate roadway for each kind of tramc, motor, home and foot. Economy is not being practised ex- {8113117er in_ Cangda. We are sharing Solidified alcohol in the cube form is coming into use in Germany for cooking and other purposes for which small amounts of heat are sufficient. A cooking utensil on the double boiler principle has been patented in which the inner and outer sections are permanently attached together. Depression Will Come With Peaceâ€"- Economy Imperative An Englishman has invented combs {0 be sewed to women's hats to hold mam 1:12:99th .uze use or 91;... PAGE EIGHT. Why Fowls Need 80 Much Alr SC. SEMNG GRAIN .i thus causing the over- .1 death of their wearer. or run it through an 2;: a good cleaner, and ings as stock feed. :pens‘ 1 1 horse 9 yrs. old, 1 colt rising 1 year, 1 colt rising 3 yrs, 7cows isupposed in calf, 1 farrow cow, 6 steers rising 3 yrs., 2 heifers ris- ing '2 yrs., ‘7 steers rising 2 yrs, 1 Polled-Angus bull rising 2 yrs., 6 spring calves, 1 sow, with Spigs 3 weeks old, 3 sows. supposed in !pig, 1 sow, 7 pigs 6 weeks old. ‘1 thoroughbred Tamworth boar, 2 :store pigs, 4 pigs 8 weeks old. i Everything must be sold, as the proprietor does not care to winter the stock. SALE AT ONE O’CLOCK, SHARP The undersigned Auctioneer has been instructed to sell by Public Auction at Lots 2 and 3 of 10', in the Township of Egremont, one mile north of Orchard, known as the‘Saniuel Nealai'grm, on THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9. 1916 Credit Auction Sale OF FARM STOCK. The uniersigned Auctioneer has been instructed. to sell by public auction at Springbank Farm, Mcâ€" Williams, on FRIDAY. NOV. 10, 1916, the following: Termsâ€"Hay. and all sums of $10 and under. cash; over that amount 11 months’ credit Will be given on approved ~ioint notes. Six per cent. discount allowed off for cash. DR. J. A. BRETT, D. McPHAIL, Proprietor. Auctioneer. of Farm Stock and Implements. HUL1\~V Ulau511u7 .- D__ _ r, old. 1 colt, 7 cows supposed in calf. 1 farrow cow, 9 calves. a head 1-yr.-old heifers and steers, 1 Polled-Angus bull rising 2 yrs. 1 brood sow due to pig, 5 pigs 4 mos. old, a number of hens. geese. turkeys and guineas, 1 Masseyâ€" Harris binder, 1 McCormick mow- er, 1 rake, 10ft; 1 .drill, 12-hoes. Peter Hamilton, nearly new; 1 cultivator, Peter Hamilton, new; 1 lumber wagon, nearly new; 1 set lmh-sleigh5, 1 double plow, Crown 1 Cockshutt plow, 1 grain grindâ€" er, 1 set spring-tooth harrows, 1 Terms.â€"Any time up to twelve nir'ulths’ credit Will be given on approved ioint notes bearing in- terest at 6 per cent. 1 mare 12 yrs. 010. supp-uacu u. foal, 1 mare 6 yrs. old. supposed in £031: 1 horse, 4 yrs. old, heavy draught; 1 gelding 1 yr. ,-_,_A : of Farm Stock and. Implements. To be ”held. on Lot 3, Con. 1 SD. R.. Bentmck, on WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 15, 1916, at 1 O’clock sharp. the followLng: 1 mare 12 yrs. old. supposed in foal. 1 mare 6 yrs. old. supposed .1 \‘ubsavvâ€"v __ lumber wagon, nearly new; 1 set l;(')l“,-Sl€ighs, 1 double plow, Crown 1 Cockshutt plow, 1 grain grind- er, 1 set spring-tooth harrows. 1 wagon box, 1 stock rack.~ 1 hay rack, 1 fanning mill, 1 turnip oulper. platform scales, 2.000 lbs. new: cream separators, Standard Magnet and. Melotte; turnip sower, 2 sets double harness, 1 scuffler. 1 sugar kettle, 1 coal heater, 1 Daisy churn, 1 sickle grinder. 1 155 hp. Gilson gas engine, aquan- tity of hay and lumber; forks, length of time up to 12 months on furnishing approved joint notes bearing 6 per cent. per an- num interest. The annual meeting of the above society will be held in the public library on Tuesday, November I. at 7.30 n.m. Members and friends are respectfully invited to attend Also take notice that the follow- ing premiums will be given to members nf__the current year: No. ‘ ‘7‘ fl GII‘;‘A\ IHL [HUI nu: uiua ..... members of the current year: No. 1. hyacinth bulbs: No.2, tulip of the Secretary, members can have one of these premiums. JOHN MORRISON, C. FIRTH, President. Secretary. Credit Auction Sale EDW’ ARD ROBT. BB Credit Auction Sale A. V’VAT‘SON1 Proprietor. RD HOPKINS, Proprietor BRIGHAM, Auctioneer. of Farm Stock, Implements The undersigned Auctioneer will sell by public auction at the prem- ises of the undersigned, Lot 60' Con. 1, S. D. R, Bentinck, on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 22 1916, at 1 o’clock sharp, the fol- lowing Stock, Implements, Etc.: - _ -__ v- u- “was- vv “5‘ on, road cart, cutter, nearly new: wagon box, stock pack, hay rack disc harrow, set bob-sleighs, fan- ning nill, turnip pulper, set iron harro-Ws, set ad-ouble harness, set driving harness, 2 sets double- trees, 5 horse collars, Standard crean~ separator, heating stove, buffalo robe, new, quantity hav and grain, horse blanket, grain bags, forks, chains, shovels, etc. Terms.â€"Sums of $5 and under, cash: over that amount any length of time Will be given on furnishing approved joint notes bearing in- terest at 6 per cent. per annum. MOOSEâ€"November 1 to No- vember 15, inclusive. In some of the Northern Districts of Ontario, including Timagami, the open sea- son is from November 1 to No- vember 30. inclusive. DEERâ€"November 1 to Novem- ber 15, inclusive. ROY VICKERS. 'R. BRIGHAM. Write for copy of “Playgrounds â€"-The Haunts of Fish and Game” giving Game Laws, Hunting Regu- lations, etc., to W. Calder, Durham Agt. Phone 29 EAST HALF LOT' 31 AND ALL 32. Con. 7. Bentinck. 139 acres: over 100 acres cleared; Well watered; good frame house and barn. Will gave good. terms if required.â€" Duncan J. Clark, R. R. No. 4. Elmwood, or A. H. Jackson, Dur- Home of the £86 Beer Moose OPEN SEASONS HIM MUS UP BNIAHID Canada ham. P1 oprietor. For Sale Union Station, Toronto. C. E. HORNING, TB! DURHAM \JHRONICLB. Auctioneer. 1122m Etc. A quiet but pretty wedding took place on October 25 at four o’clock at tne home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Torry, wnen their youngest daughter, Lillian Jane, was united son of Mr. and. Mrs. Crippe of Owen Sound. None but the imme- diate friends of tne contracting parties were present. Tne cere- mony was performed. by tne Rev. Mr. Wnaley of Durham. The bride was given away by 'a’er father, and was becomingly dressed in a gown of White silk, trimmed with pink rosebuds. Sue carried a shower bouquet of bridal roses and maidenhair fern. After con- gratulations and best wishes, all sat down to a dainty supper. The young couple will take up resi- xdence in Han-over. Born.-â€"On Wednesday, October 25, to Mr. and. Mrs. Thos. Morrison, a son. 4"§~§~'§-+°§"§"§~§"§°++.§"§"§°+'i"§"§'+Ԥ~°§'++°§° +++++++¢+++§é%+é+§$$¢+é+¢%é+++$+$¢é+é¢é¢++$+++§++++é Summer is Over and Winter is Coming Now is the Time to Think of YourNew FallHat Lambton Street CRIPPEâ€"TORRY. TRY EDGE HILL. This year our stock is :arger than ever before. Owing to careful and.‘ import buying we are able to offer you Fall Millinery this season cheaper than we have been able to sell it for years. nu THE Paris Miifiénery Parlor HYMENEAL MRS. T. H. MCCLOCKLIN Jame} One Door West of Standard Bank pleasant holiday at the parental home. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Moffat and Mr. John Moffat of Narva. Bruce county, spent a couple of [days with frionds here. Miss Kate McFayden is visiting friends in Toronto. The telephone Was installed in the homes of Messrs. Thos. Ritchie any Agthu; Edge, 9;) Thursdgy. One of the most successful Red Cross sewing bees yet held in this Vicinity was that of Mrs. Adam Anderson on Thursday. Several of Mrs. Andersons’ neighbors from the 4th concession were present. and altogether, 29 ladies were at work. A dozen shirts were made and. three pairs of socks knit. The collection amounted to $4.40. Our Sunday scuhdol has closed'for the season. The average attend- anpe this year has been 23. Farm for Sale, or Rent for 5 Years 100 ACRES ON 7th CONCESSION township of Bentinck, 70 acres cleared: soil, clay loam; brick house, 7-roomed, and good cel- lar: barn 40’x60’ on stone walls and cement floored, stab.es be- neath: first-class water' half mile to church and. school° rural telephone; no reasonable offer reiectei, as owner has no need of farm; terms, $1,000 down and balance to suit purchaser. Apply to Rev. B. J. Currie, South Woodslee, Ont. 123 {This Offer is good 0 Efor a few days only. 9 : Get your names on § § Eour list to-day. 5 5c Epays the bill. o6++§o¢ooooooo+¢++oo¢++o++ Abraham Agts. for Standard Patterns Nomember 2, 1916. The J. D. Company $1.65 : All for 556. >000

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