‘ï¬iad been fighting were given a youth who never earned. a dime VOL. 49â€"NO. 2596 I NEWS AROUND TOWN I House to rentâ€"Apply at this I Miss Islay Campbell returned office. 1130 tf‘ I last week from a fortnight’s visit - Vv th her aunt, Mrs. Lennox, in Mr. Alex. Nevin, who has been ITdront') laid up for some time, met with I another accident last week, andI Mr. Elmer Hutton had his nose is again confined. to the house. I and one eye injured at the factory on Friday, by a splinter flying up and hitting him. Butter paper has nearly trebled in price since the war began. We speak of the genuine articleâ€"the For saleâ€"20 tons bran and. 20 kind we keep. tons snorts, at a low price for Mrs. Clifford Chard and son Iimmediate sale. â€"Mrs. A. Beggs 8: Master Elgin, of Weyburn. Sask., ISOD. are visiting the Misses Truax here. and other friends in W'alkerton. Cnoice of any woman’s hat. $2.98; cnildren’s for $1.29. All less Mrs- James P. Hunter Will rer Itnan cost. First floor north of post ceive on Thursday, Devember T. Ioffice7..1VL 3.7 Latimer. 302 I when Mrs. W'illiam S. Hunter will raceiye with her The Boy Scouts will give a box Isocial in the hall on December 8. Mr. J. B. Campbell, representing I A good program will be present- thc Canadian Order of Foresters. I ed. and half the proceeds will go is in town in the interests of the I to patriotic purposes. society. I Corporal W. A. Campbell of the C Vclist Depot, Toronto. Spent ova r Sunday with his parents, Mr. and I MIS ‘ 'W' Campbell He made ap- I matelials is given as the cause. plication some time ago to b eI transferred to the flying corps. .lll-T‘l hopes to be accepted shortly The Buffalo newspapers have IVir. Melbourne MacKay. who has 01 n with the J. D. Abraham (‘0 l7 ° ‘ ilar )osition in 7» L. o. L. 1192 intend holdlng 7.. h S secured a sim 1 St. Marys, and will moVe I.h:r. . - I smoker in their lodge room 0117. , hortlv. I I Monday evening, December 11. All members are requested to attend A cordial invitation extended to. ._ the death in action on 0(71777. members of other lodgesâ€"John 171:( f Forbes AmOS. her siste1 s McGirr. Secretary. 1;.~1on. who enlisted from Chathani Dr Jlmicson attended the fu- IThO Voung man W110 W3“ AbOIIt‘ZS 11 1:11 of the late H0117 77 s lef r em of age, w as born in Holstein. at Allismn on Tuesday of ldstI Mrs. Clifford Nattrass of Lind-I \‘V't-‘C‘k. Th1“ ceremony \VJS UTlthT‘ say. died SUUdQY of ptonidqinp‘ ith-'0 auspices 0f the OrangemL-zl. pti1isoning. caused by eating. Premier Hearst and 39"91‘31 1110471" ? canned tomatoes. She was '22 years ; bers of the Legislature were in Iold, and suffered for over a . flittilldance. Ivt‘eek. "‘he annual meeting of Dll'll 1m ‘7 The 177797.17 school ‘17 7715 37. now ‘If'uanch of the \Vomen’s Instituh Ipaitiallv adorned “uh eight new “ 111 be held at Mrs T Mdfi†S “1‘ pictures, purchased from amongst . Thursday. DecembL"r .7. at 2.30 pm thL collec ion shovn 777 {17.7 at \ knitting contest will be hell exhibit shown here 50111173 time {-21- whueli prizes will be given. A ‘ago. Jun-1:1 'pi‘(_)gr.'lrn is being prepared - .Ind tea will be served. A move is on to get the county of Grey to impose an additirma A Red Cross box social will l7»:- n.-ld in Clark’s school. Aberdeen. be taken at the first mceting of (NO. 10. BPDHUCkN on F1033" ‘7‘" Ithe new council in January. The; o ’ » - '- ‘r I ‘ '° enlng, December 19- A 51110.1]..1 Iare now g1V‘lng $4,000 a month I matriotit Program Will be su’C‘IV and the additional tax will bring . .infl suitable accommodation will fit up to nearly $770007 I»:- rovitled for horses. Admission ' - p . . 7 The teachers of South Grey Bar. Ladies Vvlth boxes. free. . 7 7, 7_ agreed at their last meeLiug Lo ‘:\10‘tlll\)‘djst ChurCII are giVlnzg 71::‘78tri0tic par-poses, and Secretary: social in the Sundav school roou. IGraham is anxious to have the 11f tne church on Friday evening of tnis week. The program will ' commence at 8 o’clock. and it. will I fore Christmas, ‘. :1 real treat in music. reeltaâ€"I .7911. etc. Refresnments will be rul'VCd at tne close. Everybod'. wcl some. Admission 10c. Come and enioy a social evening. be made he- tune Saturdav, while working in the furniture factory, to haVe his nose badly injured by a piece of Iboani flying up and striking him. Ch.1s.Devine of Cobourg vas IHe \V ill be laid up for a few davfs fin d $20 and costs for having an Ibut we hope he will not be seriâ€" :1‘roken package of liquor, con- IouslV disfigured. _ rary to the Provincial Temper- I ance Act. He Was in Belleville. and I offired a member of the city po- lice force a drink from a bottle. which was partially consum ad. Arâ€" rest followed, and being unable to pay the fine, he was sent to jail for three months. In a recent issue of The Owen Sound Advertiser, Reeve Catton is [mentioned as a probable candi- date for the Wardenship for 1917. This was news to Mr. Catton him- self, who claims he hasn’t the re- motest idea of seeking such honors. Something of a sensation was caused in one of the Walkerton 77739:“ V; Hd° Dean was called has- schools recently. says The Tele- .‘1 O or. .chh last Fr1day to I scope, when two youngsters who 5’39 her father, Mr. John Patterson. Who was 'Serl'ously 111. She left at once, but death occurred before arriving at her destination. The deceased was 84 years of age, and death Was the result of a generai breakdown. their choice by the teacher of tak- ing a strapping 'or fighting it out before the whole class. After some hesitation. the two young- sters got up and waded in again before the class, and; it was no fake exhibition. either. Civility doesn’t cost anything. and it generally pays big divi- dends. The business man can. have no better asset, unless it be printers’ ink, judiciously used It’s a good thing for the em- ployer of labor, and. an equally outside a shooting gallery, the good thing for the man who has editor has to paint the bride 21 to sell his services. No man buys radiant vision of blushing beauty from choice from an uncivil dealei and the groom: a rising young and no dealer prefers a boorish business man, or else disappoint or uncivil custom-er. Civility in a an expectant circle of delinquent business man needs not to be ad- subscribers. If the editor fails to vertised. The public are not slow spread a column obituary over a at finding out suchI things for prominent citizen, Who never paid themselves, and. once they learn it a grocery bill outside the justice by actual contact, they’ll not soon court, he is liable to be Waited forget it. won by some two-fisteld relative Most countrv editors know all about this. which is stolen from alt-other paper: When a girl with a face like a cream puff marries .' - Vdï¬ehcelased Withan infuriated well to hints it universally prac- ...7_anda punchineither hand. used. adV anced in price from one cent I I to two cents a copy. The mere. '1s- 7 . d cost of white paper and 0th 1 7 IV s.D1n.McA111iff has 10111011 Iwork in the furniture factory IO? 11‘ L I.1 "l I mill war tax. and action will likely promises materialize at once, so ' Mr. W. A. Glass had the misfol- ‘ DURHAM, ONT. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30,1916 0% his In he has % In I% In % m 0% he a a .4. See Mrs. J. C. Nichol’s ad. on2 A credit auction sale of farm page 7. . stock and. implements will be held Iat lot 1, concession 4, Artemesia, .3. Fresh fish for sale at all times. ' . . . ne. ev lle, on Frida , Decem- at my residence. â€"Miles Wilson. ar Pr1c 1 y I I her 8, commencing at 1 o’clock.â€"â€" I I Bring or send in your films to Hugh Hammond, Proprietor. I be developed and printed? Work The heavy snowfall of Saturday I ' - ‘ ’ treme. Photo a hsâ€"15 hotos,‘ Wlth.roads are slushy 1n the ex Ievery maize}; Call and) 5 our new WIThe mildness of the weather will stmag samples an : folders Ihelp to reduce the coal bills, which I All prices Phone 53 Ke sey Studio. [under present circumstances W111 I Ibe an important item. Lostâ€"Spring calf, all black, ex-I l d cept White head Finder will be Mr. James McGi livray an. . fam- reovanded by giving information to Iily wish to express their gratitude .. I211“... The ladies of the Red Cross VV 111 Ireavement, through the death of be at their headquarters on Wed-I a kind Wife and mother Inesday and Saturday afterno'onsI to give out Work A fire, causing damage to the extent of $2, 000, occurred Tuesday I A photograph is always appre“ night in Grace hospital Toronto. clateId at Chm-“31511133 time MakeI IThIrough the heroic efforts of the your appointment now. FifteenInurses and firemen the 115 DhOtOS Wlth each dozen Phone 68 Ipatients were removed in safety 7K8189Y Studio. and many sent to other hospitals I Mrs H Pettigrew and five (311115- ,or to their homes. Among the pa~ I ren will leave to-morrow for Ham- tients there were 16 babies and one woman, who had been operat- 7 ed. on but a few hours previous- I 1y. Much credit is given the nurses for their bravery and,‘ cool heroism ilton, where Mr. Pettigrew has a 'good position. Mr. Wm. Black, who has been somewhat indisposed for a 'n such d'stressing c'rcumstinces _ . 1 2 l l ( . ‘ 0 number of months, was forced to h .take to his bed on Tuesday, and A very successful entertainment his condition is more serious. Iwas .0'iven in the town hall last . . IThurs.da ' ni ht, when about $5“ Mr. Robt. Watt was injured a I y g V I were raised for Red Cross DUI}IOS- es. It was a local affair the L n- . . . tertainers all being Durhamit s. belng h1t 1n the face by a piece 'practicall the same voung mo )10 I from a bulsting emery wheel. I y I I . Iwho gave entertainments recently I For sale. â€"A four-vear- old colt, Iin a number of places new to“ n. gfirst-class driver; also a set team Solos were contributed by MLssrs. Iharness, a horse rake, a scufflerI I Allan Bell, H. G. Mistele. Theodore Inearly new, a wagon truck and e. IFallaise and Miss Lily Walker. I good two- seated democrat. Apply Spirited recitations VV eie given by I to Wm. Large, Durham. 7 Miss Annie Graham, and i.1â€"I I couple of days ago while at his Do you want greeting cards to house to a request, \Iiss Vv'lylie . . , h‘ C .. L "d 1 _ send to friends at Christmas? We '1Ve 1“ mu h 31311100111: ‘ r “I†ing of The Factory Chimney.’ In the absence of Rev. Mr. Hawkins, who was unavoidably absent. his splace was filled, by Rev. Mr. Moy- ‘er. who delivered a brief 11d- Wantedâ€"A. R Jackson wants .diess of a patriotic natule. Miss 100 to 200 men. women and Childrleta Ierin acted as accompanist IT?“ to pay 250- per month for a and. with Miss Middlebio, gaV c an Â¥Tobacco Fund for our own soldiers 7 inst1 umental .duet. Ml. W CaldLi ia the trenches. Kindly see. him at occupied the chair. .211] early .date. ; - I IEEI 7have some choice samples, 'an-d 'VVOle like to show them to you. Order early, so as to give plenty of time to execute them. See the beautiful Christmas cangds we are offering this vear. Remem- HOLSTEIN. I her your friends by slight to-I Rev. A.E Burrows of ioungs-I Ikens If by cards, printed and. town, Onio, spent a lew daVs 7 7. with his mother and other 1 1 1.1 :‘V’Vltll 'our names on o1der eail ' ’ t “2“ b I I ’ 3" neie last week, and p1eached ISO that we may have them for tne Presbyterian church in the Iyou on time. 7 mol ning and. in the Methodist 1n '- ‘L 111:. e veiling. I I W hi1 the e w - 0 P ople ere at church , Ml ss Ina Marsn underwent arr; in Leamington on Sundav evening my 777171077 for appendicitis Ifour barns on the edge of the 1 Tuesday. Dr. Games of Fe1gus tour“ and t‘uro garages “'ere Set - “(LS 111 attenidance. lna IS pl'()gl'\SS'~ Ipn fire by supposed enemies of ing favorably, and no serious 1e- .sults aie expected. 1t 11:1 VV hos e desire was to des- I .. .. . 0 th vl l 7 O 777 . Jonn Marsh of Knox College. 41’ .V 0 i 10 e P ace ne 01 t Toronto, and Mrs. Mes nard of barns Was the preperty of Loans IBulialo, are at tne ma w on IHUbDeI‘V a pupil of the writer’ account of their sist rlous many 3031‘s 38“), When he was full illness of mischief, but otherwise not a ISDMIIIIZSIDPnillrfeNSf‘Week t Ibad sort of boy There is no g ' S VII 11 ivilms W. .Petrie. I doubt of the fires being of an in.- Mil. Geo. Hoste'ttei is home for I cenldiary origin, and an effort is I21 time, out expects t0 continue nis Ibeing made to chase down the work before long Mrs. GesddeIs and famil r 1etur1 L-d 1.;- I;.~rpetr.-1t015. ColloidLlaolc Iprop- Mondbay alter a tho WEeeks’ V115“: with friends in Proton. Tne annual meeting of the Eg- remont Creamery Co. was held “mavâ€" perpetrators. Considerable prop- city was destroyed and as the wind was high at the time it was . 7 7 Ilas s t d. . .“n13 through most strenuous 9f“ attbnéafllgeéy gnneereaddéitsofs’ 9:221:11 Iforts that the town escaped a stock reports were read and ap- much greater loss. Armed patrol- proved. The nonashare fees were men now guard the town at again placed. at 20c. per cwt. nights, detectives are on the M853†Grier and Leitn were 31)- 7 , . , 7 pointed auditors. The election f some clues have been established. Officer‘s resulted. as follow:: AA 4 4 4 4 c 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 O c 4 4 ¢ 4 4 4 4 4 4 a 4 4 4 3 4 4 3 4 4 3 and. arrests are expected to follow. Messrs. Hhoeflin, Ferguson, Ec- : 4 < 4 4 g 4 4 5 4 4 i 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 i 4 4 i .no.’ _ cles McInnis Rice Dillon Caul- If a person 10599 money, he field and All’an. After tne business should advertise it, and an hon- of tne annual meeti was over,I est finder will then have a chance tne directors met an D. Allan I to show up. IWe had, a caller a was elected president for 1917, and 7 7 W. J. Snarp .secretar -treasurer. few days ago who “’13th to ad- Quite a liv;ely discussion took vertise money that he found but Iplace regandaing tin-e sale of the we advised delay. Any person who Ifactory, but tmose resent showed loses fifteen or twenty dollars will no inclination to repose of sucn. know. about it, and when he makes ï¬eï¬ï¬nfml 191:? massaging? gbutttxéi his 1085 kan by paying for an were manufacturpeid, Which sold for advertisement there is reason to $34 420 ..14 The manufacturer paid believe the loss genuine. We have all expenses and received $2. 80p per 7, . cw W.,t wnich amounted. to $3 021. 53. . fr quently advertised found non-as'nareholdors were charged money, and on some occasions had 20c. per cwt. and the fees amount- as many as four or five claim- ed to $128. 99. The buttermilk was ants. MIo-st, or perh’aps all of them sold at $4 per ton of butter made , and $215. 82pe was realized thereby. were fradds, and we don t want to Th e patrons received their pa ‘ see found money going into wrong emery two weeks, and were pai hands. If any one who reads this as follows for butter fat: May notice has lost a considerable $3120 per CWtJ June 15: $30. 20; . . . . - . . June 90, $31. 80; July 15, $31; July sum of money, let him adv.ert1se 31. $3120. August 15’ $35 20; Au- it “I“ as nearly as Possible 1109’: gust 31 $38.20: September 15, $40. - much he lost: give a description 20: Se pteImIber 30. $43. 20; October of the pains, the denomination of 15. $4513 .20; October. 31, 3413.20.11: . - ~ It eadncase, non-shareholders rec- . . ceivédwe’ 20¢. per cwt. less. It is “nop- . I’0 cutout next fall the factory - or+~§1+~§~§~++++oe+c~l +M+++~1o+++++iMi-MMMVMMM 4~++~M~+++++++++++++++++m~r+~r++~r++++++w+w+++r+++13-- 'm: RAINCOATS! Buyers of our Raincoats become Satisï¬ed Customers because they get the fullest measure of service and value. That 15 why you make no mistake in buying one of our Raincoats. Each garment carries our guarantee for quality of ma- terial and thoroughness of work- manship. We were lucky in securing a full range of sizes in the fOIIOWing coats: Ladies’ Poplin Guaranteed to give pelfect Raincoats service and also against. fading, which 1s one of the greatest dran- backs to poplin coats this year. Men’s Raincoats. Made from heavy ' Enâ€" glish proofing; the kind that gives pelfect satisfaction to the newer. ‘ Mantels. Our designs keep ahead. Dailv we are turnin out mantle cleatlons that actch the popular trend of the day. We keep ahead of the times. antiripating the styles that win popular favor Our range is kept up to the minute. «'1 s. F. MORLOCK THE STORE OF HONEST VALUE ï¬'flvmn. 011'.‘ 'Vflllmï¬w 4' q. q. 2 4' '1‘ 4° *1 4° 4' .g. .1. .g. 4° of: 'f 'l' 6' 'i- i- '5' 4- 4' I 4' i 33 4° i. I q. I '1' 4° 0!- I I A Stanfield’s Unshrinkable Underwear STAN FIELD S Unshrinkablc _ Underwear 1s severely tested in [the laundry before leaving the factory, and is positively guaran- teed not to shrink. Also, having been subjected to a special purify- †ing process, terminating with a washing in distilled water, Stan- ï¬eld's Unshrinkable Underwear is warranted to be absolutely pure ’ clean and sanitary. We will return the purchase price on any Stanï¬eld Unshrinkable Underwear garment that is return- ed to us failing to fulï¬l this high. standard. wwwmwwwwm Q 9 Q 'l- 4- 'l' 'l- i 4' q. q. q. 'l' 4- 'l- 'l- q. 'I' 'i- ‘l- 'l- .5. q. 'l- 'l' .g. 'l' + 'l' 'l- 'l- 'l- i 4. q. 4' 'l' + 4. O ‘2‘ 'l- 4. i- .1. + .1. + i- i: q. i- + + 'i- i: 4. '1' 'l' 'l' ‘l' 4- 4. 'l' 4' 4. ? .1. + 4. .1. 4. .3. .1. .j. + ~1' .1. '10 '1' 1i: q. 1? .g.+++++++ R b E E p p t I D D p D O .7, ’3 a. p t > b- t ' p D D t D p p. D I D p > r EMVVVV'V'IWVWVVVWW V'Y'W'V'V‘MWVVB‘ VVV-VVV Vii """WV'VWVWVWVVVV'" 0 V W V Vâ€? “V 1' V VVVVV 7."! VV V? 7' . EOVGd and put 11 - " 5' Storty-Cantlon and Xe sale in the 15 up and Women 5 Men’s :75 . o Overalls. up T P83 If“) fl :3 ' L YOL‘ ? K . Getaew-1 tains ~‘ PHCB.‘ . ++++§+¢¢+V+~»~«# WNORMANBl LOIVL‘: . GRA: as fol At the regular :..7 g manby council, hug. I the 9th inst., a 51; ..-L appeal was prLsLnt manby bianch of 1 2 Society, asking for :.:~_,-;s; the society. The laii- 3-1 natures appeared o: ' .I were:Mrs.R.H.F1111..nI E. Dietrich, Miss E. \ . Miss C. McDonald. 1‘s...- in company were: VI I HcIlvride, F. Liesm' : '..\I my, Dr J. L. EaSL-... and H. McKinnon. Shown in the following? II the council: . Barberâ€"Filsingw~f 0‘ $1, 000 be giV en <7 I Red Cross, the u; :: j '_ January 15, 191." a}; “18 taxes next «unanimously. Mr Umbach 1 itl 7 Fisher-FilsingLiâ€"I bridge at J. BL ';I‘l' .at the Old Derl: t L Barbe1 ‘7-Filsin .:1 1 tort of Dr. East 3 . present. mini LL reevie repel t1 ll I1 "eve of Arthul 11‘ and u n exalnim .marypgo reâ€" oan . ‘z‘f" the municipalitieSI 4"" n, and to 10VV L1 I “I ‘~ and recover. The by Mr. Storty at 3 -- .. The reeve also re "a. 54.77 I: a fire at Adle\:l Egremont an AI .. ’ ‘ Put of the high? dangerous It one 77. Ferguson rep‘c â€Loy. ling out .ditcl J. Hendi lb ‘ ‘. . $5,W