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Durham Chronicle (1867), 28 Dec 1916, p. 1

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Mrs. Matthew Barber of Nor- manby has been knitting socks for the soldiers. Several pairs have been sent to the front, and have DOIdJODbt given comfort to the boys in the trenches. It is her custom to enclose a note in the socks sent, giving her name and address. Recently she received a thankful acknowledgement from Pte. A. Howell, of Salonica, who was then in the Canadian Hospital. thanking her for the comforting gift. This is the second acknow- ledgment received by Mrs. Barber. and dhe feels delighted to think someone is receiving comfort from )the result of. her efforts. Neither knows the other, and there was nothim in the brief note to say " i!» the recipient manor where he R. M. Dickey. B.A., general seer:- tary of the Reading Camp Associ- ation. will speak on the work of the association in the Bapti5t church on Sunday eviening next. The home of James Wilson caused some excitement last week. People passing thought it afire. but investigation found he had purchased a new Aladdin lamp from W. R. Cox. Durham. l The ladies of South Line, Bent- inck Red Cross Sewing Circle met at the home of Mrs A. Derby on Tuesday afternoon and packed four bales of Red Cross supplies. sending them to the head office, Toronto, to be forwarded over- seas They contained. the follow- ing articles: 12 feather pillows, 9 pairs socks, 27 wash cloths, 1 an- tograph quilt, 8 comfort bags. All material was purchased: with their monthly contributions. They have also sent $15 to the British Red Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Petty, of g Broderick, Sask., who have been? west for a number of years, are visiting friends at Varney and vi- cinity. We had a pleasant call from him a few days ago, and were pleased to see him well and enjoying prosperity. Mr. and Mrs. !R. J. Allan and daughter, of Crichton, Sask., are visiting friends in Varney and kiciuity. Mr. Wm. Guthrie, Mrs. Guthrie, and son, Murray, of Conrad, Mon- tana, are visiting friends in town and vicinity. Mr. Guthrie left the blacksmithing business here about eleven yaers ago. and this is his first trip back. He reports success and prosperity in the west. For the past seven years he has been en- gaged in farming. . Mr. Chas. Farquharson of Agin- court has been successful in pass- ing‘ his professional medical exam- ination. Miss Annie/Cross of Hanover is visiting her aunt, Mrs. J. Living- ston. ° " Mr. and. Mrs David M.cCrie of Saskatchewan Landing, Sask., are Spending the Winter in town. From an exchange we learn that Rev. Dr. Marsh has resigned the pastorate of the Presbyterian churches at Holstein and Fairbairn. Many banks are obliged to em- ploy girls, but in Toronto they are not satisfactory, because they talk too much. Seventeen turkeys were stolen from a farmer near Shallow Lake on Viadnesday night of last week. At present prices it was abig loss For .sale.â€"Young pigs, three months old. Apply to J. A. Brown. Bunessan. Good upholsterers Wanted; movâ€" ing expenses allowed. Apply Kin- Jel Bec' (30., Limited, Stratford. Mr. Sandy McDonald has return- ed from a three months’ visit in the West. Lie-ut. Harper Kress has been transferred to the 110th Battalion and is still in England. With this issue we complete 20 years as publisher of The Chron- icle. Capt. Cecil Wolfe, who was for some time at Salonica, is now in England. Learn to write it “1917.” VOL. 49â€"NO. 2599 NEWS AROUND TOWN Dr. Jamieson, Speaker of the 9 by 1 Legislature, says a Toronto dies-Eh“; patch, announces that in order to 3m effect an economy -in provincial m: expenditures it has been decided;y.w not to issue the usual Christmas‘i-but remembrances in the form of afare club bag or suit case filled with' M1 useful utensils to members of the irigh legislature, deputy ministers of t we; departments, king’s printer, clerk Ag of the House, :sergeant-at-arms. nod and members of the parliamentary here press gallery. This will end. a cus- with tom which has been in force for that nearly a score of years. About 130 abo: individuals were recipients of the 9 he a govermnent’s remembrance, 013m, whom 112 are members of the le- to t gislature. As the cost of each prea- hr 13 ent averages about $20, a saving 0! $2,600 Will bemie. exp< Mr. John Harbottle and. daugh- ter, Ida, of Sault Ste. Marie, Unt., are visiting friends in town after an absence of seven years. Mr. Harbottle IS spending a week or two with his parents, Mr. and. Mrs. Geo. Harbottle of Kimberley, now over 80 years of age, and.“ in good health. John is quite taken up with the energy of the 800. We regret to learn that Con Knapp LS seriously ill, with poor chances of recovery, having been stricken with paralysis a couple of months ago. One side is completely para- lysed. Mr. Harbottle is looking well, in fact, we never saw mm look better At the close of the nominations Friday night, a spirited address was made by Lieut. Kelly of the 248th Battalion. soliciting as- sistance in recruiting. He spent considerable time in the trenches and came home to Markdale al- most a wreck, but, we are pleased to learn he is making good pro- gress toward recovery. He is a son of Mr. Jae. Kelly of the Revere House in Markdale, and is now rendering What assistance he can in the formation of the new bat- talion. Subscribers will do Well to rush in renewals now While the price remains at a dollar a year. We will have to go up in price, and only a very short notice will be given When the change is decided on. No reductions .Will be given to subscribers taking more than one paper. Each and. every yearly subscription will be a dollar a year till the advanced rate of $1. 50 is announced. Sergt. W. A. Campbell of the cy- cle corps, applied. recently for his discharge from the Canadian milâ€" itary service in order to take a position with the Royal Naval Air Service. We learn his discharge has been granted; and that he ex- pects to go overseas shortly to enter his course of training. \- Meat stolenâ€"On Thursday night of last week about ten dolhw’ worth of meat was stolen from my woods-hed. The party was seen- and is known, and Will be prosecuted if the meat is not returned. or paid for. I don’t Wish to expose any person unless I have t0.â€"-W. J. Lamerson, upper toivn. Only a few ladies’ hats left. selling below coat at $2.49, child- ren’s. $1. Young ladiea’ tame made to onder for 81.50. Call first door north-of post office.â€"M. A. Lati- mer 212 The Ladies’ Aid of Trinitv church Will hold a 10c. tea in Calder’s store on Saturday after- noon, January 5, from 3.30 to 7.30 Promeds in aid of Red Cross. E'vv‘ eryboxdy invited. Wanted.-â€"A. E. Jackson wants 100 to 200 men. Women and child- ren to pay 25c. per month for 3 Tobacco Fund for our own soldiers in the trenches. Kindly see' him at an early date. Cross. A good program is being prepared. Admission 25c. and 15c. Ladies bringing boxes, free. A box social will be held.- at Hut- ton Hill'school on Friday, Decem- ber 29 Proceeds in aid of Bed House to rentâ€"Apply at this office. 11 3,0 tf Now is the time to renew, and we advise our readers to act promptly before the rate goes up. Air |N1\ After the usual congratulations , all sat down to a sumptuous re- past, after which the evening was Spent in :games and, social chat. 1' The numerous and. costly pres- ents showed the esteem in which the young couple were held . by their many friends. The bride’s travelling suit was of navy blue serge, with black silk velvet hat with white plume. The young couple will leave in a cou- ple of months for- their home in ,Loreburn, Saskatchewan, where the !groom is engaged. in business. Mrs. Allinghgml went to Coun- right to Visit her mother, and. speni Christmas at her old home. Mrs. Geo. Barton, now over 30 yams. is we” in as we write, .and: but little hopes of her reco very are entertained. here Tueaiay evening, he met with quite an accident. It seems that he looked. for. his wife to .go aboand also, and not finding 119:, he attempted. to get off. In so do- The municipal pot is boiling over in Egremont. T. Gondon and: J. Mc- Arthur are contesting the reeve- ship, and. ten are. in the field for a .seat at the council table. The po- lice village trustees were elected by acclamation, Messrs. Nicholson, Irvin and Roberts being the only As one of the Late Perry Pen- nock’s sons was boaniing the tram hug, the stumbled and fell heavny to the ground. His side was baci- ly torn, but no serious results are expected. ‘ Mrs. Pennock, of this village.I received the sad news of the ac-E cidental death of her son, Perry I in Toronto, on Friday of last weekf It appears he was Operating ani elevator in a coal shed, and was! caught in the cowgged gearing of the hoist. He was instantly crush- ed to death. The remains were brought here for interment, which; took place to Reid’s cemetery on? Tuesday, Rev. Dr. Marsh officiat- ing. He leaves his aged mother, one sister, Mrs. Sills of Bay City, his wife, four sons and one daugh- tecr to mourn his loss. One son 15 now in the trenches in France, one has returned from the front, an-i other son is in training, and. one son is on the police force in Torâ€"- onto. Perry was born here over 40 years ago, grew to manhood farmed, for a time near Rob Roy, Glenelg, thence going to Toronto. where he met his tragic death. I ”We voice the sentiments of th‘: neighborhood in wishing them : long and happy wedded life. Rev. W. J. Hunt and family of Norval spent the Week with friends here. Editor Seim and family of Brad ford are the guests of Mr. an; Mrs. Wm. Hunt. Mr. Jas. Ibbott of Hamilton spent Christmas with his parents at the parsonage. Messrs. Buller and Brebner were in Thamesville over the holiday. Misses Adams and Ross went to Detriot on Saturday. Promptly at .six o’clock, to the strains of Lohengrin’s Bridal Cho- rus, played. by Miss Margaret Edge, cousin of the bride, the bride, car- rying a bouquet of ferns and lilies of the valley, and, leaning on the arm of her brother. Arthur, en- tered the parlor and took her place beside the groom under an arch of evergreens, trimmed. with tinsel and White bells, and there the Rev. Mr. Whaley tied the knot that,madle them man and wife. The young couple Were unattend- The bride looked charming, dressed in White silk trimmed with silk lace and. pearl trimming. The groom’s gift to the bride was a pearl brooch, and. to the organist a gold; brooch with settings. EDGEâ€"KER N BY. A quiet but pretty wedding was solemnizezd at the home of Mrs. Robert Edge, Edge Hill, on Wed- nesday, December 27, when her only daughter, Lena Moore. was united to- the man of 'her choice, Mr. Isaac Lorne Kerney, of Lore- burn, Saskatchewan. DURHAM. ONT. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 28. '9'6 HOLSTEIN HYMENEAL “Hold. on a minute. I don’t .want one of those things.” “Why not?” “By keeping all those tools sep- arate it is imph-saible for my line- .ibandtohoaemore than one at a time. ”â€"Birmingham Age-Herald. “I have here,” said the agent, “; utensil that no housekeeper ca' affond to be without)! . “What is it?” asked the woman at the fiduo'o'r. for positions in the council. The candidates are: T. Brown, R. Caul- field, J. A. Fenguaon, W. Ferguson M. Hooper, C. Hunt, A. Hunter, N. McDougall, J. W. Reid and G. Swansbom. ~ “11:23 a combined corkscrew, can- opener,’ pocket knife, screw driver tack hammer, glass cutter, and.â€"” For the council, there were 18 nominees, but of these only 11 {have decided to enter the conâ€" test. T.he ballot will contain the following names, and. the electors will have to! make the selection of six: .1". 0'. Adams, G. Furneaux, J. Firth, Sr., J. F. Gran-t, Ed. Kress, the others were in by acclamation. BENTINCK. In Bentinck, five councillors were nominated: A. Derby, F. Shewell, J. McDougall, A. C. Mc- Do’nabd. and W. Hodgson. Messrs. Derby and Hodgson resigned and ur, and. ten ' aspirants are running For the reev‘eship, there were four nominees: H. Metealfe, Wm. Lunney, S. Putherbough and. R Brigham. Mr. Brigham resigned. and the other three are left to fight it out. Trustees were re-electexd‘ by‘ ac- clamation as follows: J. 'P. Hunter. H. Allen, and: R. Alice. There will be four in the field for the deputy-reeveship: H. Brigham, Jas. Turnbull, G. Fischer and. C. Em-pke. There will be an election in Glenelg, but the personnel of the council will not be changed very much, as only two new members will be in the contest. Mr. Archie McCuaig will Oppose Mr. Thomas Nichol for the reeveship, and Mr. Malcom Black will run for the .council. The candidates will be: In Egrem-o-nt, Reeve Gordon will be opposed by ex-Reev;e McArth- G. Kress, J as. Lloyd, Jas. Matthews Geo. M'cKec'hnie, S. P. Saunders, and T. R. Whelan. ‘ For ReeveL-T. Nic‘hiol and, A. Mc- Cuaig. For the Councilâ€"M. Black, M. McInnes, G. Peart, T. Turnbull and J. Young. Messrs. A. S. Hunter and W. Laildlaw were nominated for the may-oralty, but as Mr. Hunter de- cided not to .stand, Mr. Laidhw Went in by acclamatioin. For the reeveship, Messrs. Cat- ton and Calder were the nominees but Mr. Catto-n dropped out and the office Went to Mr. CaLder. The nominations were held on Friday last, and in town there was a large number of nominees. PTE. HARRY McGEAGH of Hano- ver, killed in action November 18. Pte. McGeagh was the army chum and bedfellow of the late Sex-gt. Caldwell A. Marshall of this place. Both made the supreme sacrifice on the same day. THE NOMINATIONS SAFETY IN NUMBERS EGREM'ON T. GLENELG. DURHAM. “WA“MA“ A. ’MWHAAMAAAAI g Stanfield’s i Unshrinkable i Underwear $1.00 PER YEAR Next Sunday is Anni An excellent programme wa by the pupils which consisted following numbers: 1. The Allied National Ant’m mllaiae being sung in Fr: the students of the school i During the evening a shield the Flea ermn pupils in the fieldday with the Markdale was unveiled by Maurice the President of the Athletic Mon. An Honor Roll wh mined the names of 25 pupils pupils of the school who are c cervioe was unveiled by Miss Acheson who gave an appropr splendidln rendered reading. The annual commencemnet e' of Flesherbon High School W on Friday evening last 'I‘ auditorium was filled to it. s studying French 2 A physical 12 50in 3 A yaznd dfilln _by U 4 piano solo by Muriel Leg song b the High School boys “Our ifh School Girls" com] Principa Whine i6 A Play “Which is \Vhich” brought Ll tuinment to a closg. The Pupil and Miss D. Wilson and H. F. Thurston and H. Chapmanl exhibition of acting. During q ing the certificates and diplo presented b0 the successful on the different examinauo Lower School.18 in number. MerDonald Pastor of th Church The Middle School ' riculatlon 10 in number hein' M ’were. Miss Acheson. 'Mi‘ss; ed b Mr R. G. Holland Pri‘ the ublic School. Silver Medi by the School Board Were by Ir J. S. McMillan Lo Mis Vicar. who obtained the hig her of marks in the inspectm High School Entrance and Allen who obtained the high ing in __fo_r_m 1 promotion ex- I Ir Holland presented {3 dd 00 Miss Ina. Latidlaw and 11' gave the pupil obtaining 1.1 Bténding in the Normal lint: Lower 8011001 exmn. I't’>})t‘4"1 Miss ELM 1.14.3211 1'1 1\ 111 Toronto on a huliddy am 1 mother and sistet W111, 11:1x' but are improx~ ing. W. H. and S H 1:1;111113:11 Bemphill were :11 \\ him 11 week attending 11w 1mm” MP8 ThOS. Miller :11: 1~711- me who died SUddPD1V 02] T'kl‘sd in her tb.Ve~1l. Th“ 111*1‘ ‘ the last Of a 101‘}: 1‘ \111 11111 brother and six sisze: ~ xx 121) Ireland 0V?!“ 0“ yen! s .'1 '1) ; ages were a~ fella“ s. \\ 11 Who died at Laskay 1121211 5‘ Blackburn 87.3112“ .105. MrsJas. Hemphill 8‘15 died m; Mrs R. Hendmsan 813 ' Mrs John Spee. 85 11 have M“ T1108. M11181 ‘5" :11 1 Mr J. W. McKee 4th. Iii 8!? with with a severe atta (heitis on Friday last and hours it. was fem ed he wn undergo an operation. Ac better came and under Dr 9 potassium! nurse th I'OVing though very 6 Red Cross here had Banner on Saturday the p over $52.00 . Mr. W. fangily are moving into t readence this week. At the Annual elm-1 inn 01 L0 L. N0883h~ld in thv U; “08y Ian on 7th. inst thr were elected W. M. G. H. (a Geo. Stewart; Ch 1p. W. 380.3%. THF \Vright: Fin White. Treas Geo Snel 18. Sargent; Lect A Ha B- Whittaker. , Arteuiism Council 11 1d session on Friday last c108 business of the year which fully done. We belime thl cil Will 811 be In the field tion and up to th1s d4 W938 Enlist in. “3. Her husband is fighting f. and security at home. Are we PAGE EIGHT. FLESHE {TON A QUEST THE CA

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