West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 28 Dec 1916, p. 7

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,â€" CONTAINING res cleared a tivation; balance, .pgsture lain and bush; the 5011 15 a 531. . loam. On a 10 TWOâ€"YEAR-OLD draught colt rising ply to Arthur Gre£ Jackson. PIJ .. as PROPfiRTY OF THE LATE ' ' the town 01 Dur- and pa rticuldra J.P. Toltord, Durham. 11,18.tt U» ”W' and“. 1 00111.!“ In" act. 01 3‘] com” 38 “8“ Apply to °°°' “ J's-Seg'istereé‘i Shorthorni Buils for Solo FROM 12 TO 14 MONTHS, ONE roan and two reds, from good} milking dams and got by Proud; champion Shorthorn heifer Canada.â€"T. J. Morrison, R.R. 1,} 21413-3; ~4“â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€" l "'" ‘l"“l 1 Durham. «M t -- o --‘ ‘. ‘ q (‘ood Farm tor Wile hutlceto 'l I‘PSDflShGI‘bETEE w. M. ($30M? m1“; FOR LL-‘ ‘nnh_| nn‘n~ 1n+fl 7 an‘q 8- con. 129 Eg- Notice is hereby given that trap- ping. shooting, hunting with hounds or dogs, or otherWiso un-spassing on Lots 62 and 63, Con. 2. Bentinck, is strictly forbidden. or wrosecutions will follow such violations 0! the lamâ€"Mina Caulgi - â€"â€"-‘ll 4 .201 COMFORTABLE BRICK COT- tage; ood stone cellar; Tacres ° on second concession o! Gleneng, 15 miles ' good Well. bud and soft water; good bear- lnc orchard and garden; line sit- untion. Applyon premises. or to Thai. Ritchie or Duncan Sineilie. ' ‘“““ 6 29“ To Mr. Patrick Malone. I hereby retract the statement maie by me to the effect that you hai stolen part of my harness. and apologize for having marl" such a statement to you. :11?! am sorry that it was made and say. that so far as I know the statement was not true. and that any insinuation reflecting on vour character and reputation are without foundatlon. WM. MORAN . o - - , ' 1 tn .â€"Mrs. J. C. IN ch01, B -' 10.. Dated mus 7th day of Oct, 1916. . Daflham. Phone ‘0} (“1026 Con and December 28, 1916. In. For Sale OYSTERS AND FRUIT IN SEASON Apoio 3') For- all kinds of Bakery Goods Cooked and Cured Meats._ . for first insertion. and M) (e flu-s .f one inch or less. 25 cts. under two inches, wnt insertion, Over one inch and mmth. Yearly rates on applicatxon‘. E. A. ROWE’S 1% 5w 4.94)â€" la - COT- . QFFICEâ€"OVer J P. Telford’s ofiice ’x I nearly opposite the Registr nflice. Resxdence Second house nounh ux Registry office on east side of Albert. n. Oflice Hours 941 3.111., 2-4 p. ‘ 'l'clephune cmumunicw mm hmwpen oflice and residence at HU'Pe luvâ€"w- Will be At {he Hahn .House, Dur- ham, Sept 16, Oct. 21, Nov. 18 and Dec 16. Hours, 1 to 5 p.m. " E'FICE AND BESLDENUL A . short distance eat of iiuapp’s HULL ash ton Street. Lower Town Bath: 1; flice hours from 1‘2 u. zo’clock M.- Ofliceâ€"‘ J P. GRANT. D‘ D. 8-.L.D. 8 HONOR GRADUATE. UNIVERSI- ty of Toronto. Gradusto Rays Yollege Dental Sqrgeona of Ontario. Dentistry m all its Branches. n A Lem! ‘Directorv. ______‘________________..__â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€" l. P. Talford. BARRISTEB, somcrron. m .- Ofiee nourly opposite the Regis‘ office. Lambton 8t..Dnrhua. Any amm )F’FICE VJ "â€" Agent. Mono! ‘0 riage Licenses. A noes transacted. DURHAM m“ FFICEâ€"Ovex' J P. nearly opposite ice. Realdence Sec {egistry office. on ea m a‘ssrabtfll Roy.LondOI Upnhuuuuw u"- -..- Golden :Sq. Throat. and. None 30». SPECIALIST : :AB. mama _ geese APO. ' . o J. AR’IBUB COOK WLLL GIVE? vocal instruction in singing ev-' ery Tuesday afternoon and avonfing at the home of Mrs. S. F. EcComb. Pupils may apply for appointments to Mrs. Mc- Como at any time. 10 22a 5' Holstein Conveyancer. '. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. 5 Money to loan at lowest rates, 13nd terms to suit borrower. Fire {and Life Insurance placed in thor- mughly reliable compnaies. Deeds, ‘Mortgages, Leases and Wills, .executed on shortest nOtice. All Work promptly attended to. Count of Grey. Satisfaction guar- antee . Terms reasonable. Dates of sales made at the Chronicle of- fice, or with himself. [£11 DULATE OI York (um Chicago. Diseases of Eye. 8‘: N EAST HALF LOT 31 AND ALL 32. ‘on. 7. Bemtinck. 139 acres: over 100 acres cleared; Well watered; good fraqxe house and ban}. Will SplrcilaC. ‘rsets ‘ ; SPIRELLA CORSETS (NOT SOLD STORES). Made in Canada are boned with the indestructible ST'Fil‘Glla stay, the {11081: pliable and resilent corsetb oning the world: guaranteed not to break or rust in one year of corset wear. Appointment by mail or telephone given prompt atten- tion.-â€"Mrs. J. C. Nichol, Box 107. Durham. Phone 70. 10 26 KUU-U Llama “vuwv w..- __ V gave good terms if required.â€" Duncan J. Clark, R. R. No. 4. Elmwood. or A. E. Jackson, Dur- ‘mm 11 2 2m LL.“ " I V‘--vâ€"â€"â€" ,â€" sale; lots 7 and 8, con. 12, Eg- remont; 200 acres good land. good buildings, bank barn 55x61 hen house 12140, good frame house: two good Wells with windmill attached; good reason for selling; proprietor is going West: possession ‘ Mar. 1, 1917. This is a_ good. farm, and will ‘câ€"AI‘M D ‘9 u bvvâ€" â€"v be Sold cheap: 2%â€" miles from Holstein. For terms, etc., apply to R. H. Fortune, Ayton. 11239 Br. W. 0. Pickering Dentist. Licensed c/luctz'oneer Dental Directorv. A. H. lacksom l3. insertion. and 10 (e nts Dan McLean Over J. J.',Hun1; For Sale Musical ”flu-v armor, , ié. lnsuraq'oe to Loun. Issuer of Mgr- A ”non! financial bgsiv London uphcnaumc . SHARP Confectioner and (iroger . (Low-r Town. Boar's 3’3 , hair ‘? â€"By iinks, Mam-e, such as I call_s_mu§§c. City Nieceâ€"I hardly thought you would appreciate it, uncle. Lumbermanâ€"Why, by ,iinks. Mame. it sounds just like my thr2e sawmills on Beaver Creek all run- ning at onceâ€"Boston Globe. Ever notice how particular a bald man is about the care of his ' A person from Elo‘ra has sent 'us an advertisement, making enâ€" quiry about a note, of which We know nothing, though the parties interested may know of it. We are asked to insert the notice, and paid for doing .so. It says: A1..- nflncvv“ nkn11+ paw. LUL 'uv‘lub __________ “A promissory note drawn about 30 years ago by a man the name of McKeown, of Proton township, payable to a man in the vicinity of Durham. Any information of him would be gladly received at Durham Furniture Co. Information wanted A Bookkeeper, and Stenograph? ecr, one quick and. accurate at fig- ures, competent to handle double entry books. Underwood operator preferred. Apply in own hand Writing, stating qualifications and .salary expected. Address, Mr. Business Man. Could you fill the bill? ‘ If not. Why not, when a course of busi- ness training will enable you to 10 so? Many such Opportunities are .going unfifiei for the lack of qualified people to fil} them. .Why WE are prepared 'to pay the highest market price for any quantity of logs, consisting of 8. L171 CUILLV :patent may b as homestead c i . E A settler w lb omestead r1 ELWI, BEECH, BIRCH. delivered at our yards. Prices made known on application. Logs Wanted \‘One 14 hp. traction engine, Wat- erloo; one 36x48 separator, Wind- stacker, dust collecter, complete. Waterloo; one No. 3 Massey-Harâ€" ris Blizzard corn cutter: one wagon and tank, nearly new. EV- erything in good order. Apply to R. J. McGillivray, RR. 2, Priceville Farm for Sale CONTAINING 100 ACRES MORE or less; all cleared except fiVe acres cedar swamp; good barn and stone stables; brick veneer. 06 house; Well Watered; 2); miles West of Durham; lots 64 and 65, 3rd 0011., Bentinck.â€"â€"Robt. Webber, Durham. 12 21 15K Thoroughbred Pedigreed Polled- Angus Bull for service. Terms, $1.50 payable at time of serviceâ€"A Crutchley, Durham. 1123 de SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTE was: Lam; 5360115111.:le The sole head of a family. or any male over 18 years old. may homestead a quarter-section 01 available Dominion land in 31am- toba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. Applicant must appear in peI‘SOu Dominion Lands Agency (but nui l‘ Sub-Agency). on certain conditions. Dutiesâ€"Six months’ residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A home- ‘ steader may live Within nine miles of his homestead on a farm oil at least 80 acres, on certain condi- tions. A habitable house is re- quired except Where residence is performed in the vicinity. . Live stock may be substituted! for cultivation under certain con-‘ ditions. . ' In certain districts 3 home- steader in good standing may pre- empt a quarter-section alongside {each of three years after'earning lhomestead patent; also 50 acres lextra cultivation. Pre-emption Lipatent may be obtained as soon , ! as homestead patent, on certain » l conditions. ‘ ‘ - - 302‘ Lumberman (at CU LI“: vau-o. A settler who has exhausted his homestead right may take a pur- chased homestead in certain Dis- tricts. Price $3 00 P?! 861:0- .1 , LLILLD. L 5““ vv vv r'â€" â€"-v_-_ Dutiesâ€"Mus reside six months in each of three yearn, - cultivate 50 acres and erect a house worth . Pres. 50 acres 81“! erect. a noun: wuxuu Arrangements have been completed, B300. . tor the construction of a large floaty W. W CORY, mg drydock at Vancouver with a. ; Deputy of the Minister \of the Federal subsidy. \. 2 Interior. The French Chamber of Deputies by , _ - - 344, to 160 last week passed a reso-.; N. B Unauthonmd publication lntion expressing confidence in the; of this advertisement will not be' ' ~ - . mad for. ‘1 16 on Government. in Its condnct of the war. 3 Bull for r»? crvice WAN'L‘ED MAPLE THE OPERA. For Sale The and BASSW'OOD Lt the opera} that’s music Iran DURHAM CHRONICLE. Limited Prin. UL UULuyL'LvayJ ucgv- v-..-- “Mr. Asquith said he was of the opina ion that he could“ serve the Govern- ment to 'better advantage outside the ' Cabinet with “the sole fobj‘ect of lend- ing such help asl can' to the new ’ Government in the .great task cen- 7 fronting them." He had advised his colleagues to exercise their own judg- i ment in the matter of joining the Cab- , inet,‘ and had' brought no pressure to bear on them. "‘Above all,” Mr. ‘As- quith continued, “I shall do whatever ; I can to facilitate the task which has ‘ fallen into other hands.” 1 There was much applause when Vis- ! count Grey said that at the beginning 1 of the war he was much struck with ithe resolute courage'of three menâ€"l Â¥Mr. Asquith, Mr. Lloyd George and ‘2 Lord Kitchener. Having passed a resolution expressing appreciation of Mr. Asquith’s services, recognizing him as leader, and offering hearty support to the new Government, the [meeting took up a discussion whether ' the Liberals should occupy seats with '1 the Opposition in the House of Com- 3 mons. Mr, Asquith said he intended Eto sit in the front Opposition bench, E but that the others could please them- --- .- fl - Herbert H. Asquith declared at the meeting of Liberals last week that he had not given up leadership of the Liberal party. The former Premier, who looked remarkably (well, said there had been a "carefully engineered campaign against him, but hezacqmt- ted Mr. Lloyd-George and his“ other associates in the retiring, Government of complicity therein. ' ‘ ‘ A c A‘-‘ Ah:n, The Roumanians who have been retreating northeast of Bucharest be- . 8‘ fore the Teutonic advance have made hie a stand to the east of Ploechti, the cha Petrograd War Office announced on _ Sunday. They assumed the offensive +4“ on the road from Ploechti to Buzeu s- and drove the Austro-German forces 4 back to the Westward. By making *- their stand here the Roumanian line g has been greatly shortened and the 4. defenders placed in a much better 4' ‘position, nearer to the Russian bases, g on the trunk railway from Caernowitz. .1. ‘f‘The fall of Bucharest is without 3. 1gmflitary significance, but I have no .§. ' desire to under-rate the fact that its oi. surrender has a considerable moral g and} political eflect," said Gen. F. B. .{Maurice, Chief Director of Military ’Operations at the British War Oifice .last’; week. “The Roumanian army is stillxintact. Reports from Germany of from 50,000 to 100,000 Roum an, prisoners must include the civi ian] ‘ er material gain of the Germans‘ around Bucharest is not as great as they expected, as the Roumanians suc-. .. ceeded in inflicting great damage on the'_ oil fields, while much corn was 1» removed. Some reasons for the Rdumanian dimculties may be sum- H, m’arized as follows: faulty organiza- ‘g. ,tion of equipment and railroads and .lack of heavy guns.” r A despatch from Petrograd last ' , week said: “The Rusky Invalid, the. ' ; military organ, in foreshadowing great ‘. "military events" in the direction of 1 ”‘ Bucharest, says that it is impossible : O 0‘ I. 3 i to allow the enemy to settle in Winter " « positions in central Roumania and on Nthe lower reaches of the Danube,~ ;, 1 which would be equivalent to sub-_ "' 1 mitting to his initiative and enabling 4. Ithe enemy to support himself on the 1, E‘rich supplies of the country for at i _ e . least five months.” i‘ +4~§°++$°§+++++ .- _â€"-.â€".. Q o“ selves. Russia to Attempt Recapturcâ€"British View of Fall BUCHAREST AND AFTER Trench Raids and- Cannon Fire on British Front Despatches on Sunday said: The present phase of the fighting along the British front may be classed as essentially impersonal by day, but in- tensely personal, not to say intimate, by night. During the short hours of the gray Winter daylight big guns back of the fighting lines hurl tons of high explosives against the German positions. With the coming of night, however, all is changed. Then men Imeet face to face and hand to hand, 'and primitive methods of mortal com- lbat come again into play. The long, ‘dark nights are ideal for trench raids . and they are Carried out by the British ‘in great numbers with the Canadians iespecially eager and resourceful. Something of a deadlock exists in the enquiry into the Canadian military hospital system owing to a request by Dr. Bruce, of Toronto, who investi- gated the system in England and made a report at the request of Sir Sam Hughes. Dr. Bruce desires the scope of the enquiry extended to include his investigations in certain directions since his original report was made. LATEST WESTERN PHASE Perley Takes New Post Sir George Perley quit the High Commissioner’s office on Monday and established his office as Overseas Minister of Militia at Argyll House, Regent Street. Col. H. B. Tremain, M.P., Hants, Nova Scotia, will be his Military Secretary. . 'To Head Research Board Dr. A. B. Macallum, Sc.D., Professor 'of Physiology and Biochemistry at the University of Toronto, was last. ‘week appointed Chairman of the Ad- visory Council on Industrial and Scien- tific Research at a salary, it is said of $10,000 a year. Two Canadians Escape , ‘- Two mOre Canadians have succeed- ed in 'escgping from Germanyâ€"No. 603,429, James Pollitt, Tunneling Com- pany,'and No. 415,967, John Vaughan. Canadian Medical Inquiry III [0 Duzcu :rman forces much better ussian bases. 1 Caernowitz. it is without t I have no fact that its arable moral d Gen. F. B. r of Military the Germans ; .3, The close connection which exists between the heart and the kidneys is well known nowadays. As soon as {Kidneys are diseased, arterial tension is Increased and the heat functions are (1188388 U]. Ulmu v; .waT . It is a. good insurance agamst risk to send 10 cents for a lar package of “Alannaâ€"the lat cover‘y of Dr. Pierce. Also ‘ ' Thh ,, AL..- risk to send 10 cents for a large trial package of “Anuric” ' cove‘ of Dr. Pierce. Also send a samp e of 'your' water. This will be examined without charge b expert chemists at Dr. Pierce’s invali 5’ Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y. When you suffer from backache, frequent or scanty urine, ' here or there, or that time to write Dr. Pierce, describe .your symptoms and get his medical opinion . I _ __L AkanMOhgnlijtJeiv free. This “\a 'â€"â€"__ constant titted, worn-out reeling, w s time to write Dr. Pierce, describe your symptoms and get his medical opinion without chargeâ€"absolume free. This "Auntie” of Doctor Pierce’s is foupd to be 37 times more active than lithia, for it dissolves uric acid in the system as hot water does sugar. Simply ask for Dr. Piercefs .Aniiric 'Iablets. _There can be no imitation. . ._--..:,.n ;a euro to as hOt W'aBBI' uuca Dub Simply ask for Dr. 'Iablets. There can be no imitation. Every ackage of “Anuric” is sure to be Dr. ierce’s. You will findthe signa- ture on the package just as you do on Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery for blood and stomach. WORRY, DESPONDENGY. Pierce’s Anuric .‘ v---â€"â€" I _ Kidney Disease is $115ch b medicai men when patients complain of ackache or suiI'er with irreguiar urination. dis- t-uroed. too frequent, scanty or painfu. passage. The general symptoms are men- matic pains or neurargia, headaches. dizz spells, irritability, despondency. wea 'ness and genera: misery. Worry is a frequent cause and sometimes a symptom of kidney disease. Thousands have testified to immediate relief from stese syfr‘ngtoms after 1181118 Dr. Pierce’s I sA..- Some bachelors hurr life as if leap year W1: < mesa sym toms Anltric Ta, lets. Chasing them. ~++4-‘ § , C. L. GRANT We wish our customers and friends A Happy and Prosperous New We Ho BEAN Big 4 Q $00000§§§§§§§§z§§§§§ EzzOzOOOOOzzOOOOQQO Wishing my many Customers a Merry Christmas and A Happy and Prus- .per0us§é New Year I remain, Yours foribusiness, C arc LOWS were A. BELL U N DERTAKER and Funeral Directorw Picture , Framing on shows no "'20:. PLANING MILLS Full line of Catholic Robes, and bla ck and white Caps for aged people. Board can be obtained at reasonable rates. ,.Dnrham 1s a healthy and at» tractive town. making it a most, desir- able place for residence. The record of the School in past years is a flatter-mg one. The trustees are progressive educationally and s are no pains to see that teachers and, pupils have every advantage for the pro- per. presentation and acquistion of : knowledge. FEES : $1 per month H. R. KOCH, ZENUS CLARK DURHAM The undersigned bugs {,0 announce to residents of Durham and surroundmg country. that he has his Planning Milland Factory completed and is prepared to take orders for EWinter Term Opens January 2nd V“ k) 115! Decide now to enter the fa. L. Shingles and Lath Always on Hand At Right Prices. $1, ELLIOT”? V I / 72/7/1 { ' ’ f This school stands Without superior in Canada. Write I i alogue. W. J. _§1liott, Principfl ~+n_ n A“!'\ ‘ Embalming a Specialty SASH, DOORS House Fittings Lustom Sawing Promptly At- tended To and all kinds of â€"- Chairman. PAGE SEV EN , Toronto, Ont. .., Quegn’}; Uni- ONTARIO in advance ’0 F0 GRANT! Secretarv TINSh Mr. M. Kress at the rear of t room and l8 P kinds of Linux Undertaking at EDWAR .r , AI he passed througn me 101 ‘ t is worth recordim Vechten was brooding in his a so did not see him. To: him a second or so, Lh1 that he had better not anon his cogitations, h: Ford Car Pr Effective August 15‘ the pricea of Furd (‘a be as follows: These prices zn‘v ;, teed against Iwmtti fore August 1 191 4. against adx ance. Tuu ring Liar 5+: Roadster - - 4 Chassis .- - 1‘ .‘ Couple’o - â€" ‘ TOWU - - - l «' St dan - - - 5". These price: are all Ford, Ontario. C. Smith Trains lane Um”. and 3.45 p.m. Trains m-rn'v :11 I) 2.3) pm)" and 8.45 g; EVERY I)A\ 1i .\1 l G. T Bell. (‘ . ii. LG- P Agent, Montreal. J. T0\\'NLR. H 'i W. C‘AIJI)I':}{. 'i‘ 'v' Canadian Pacific“ Time TaEJée Trains will :u-riw lows. until m-thur : ,,,,,, """"" Lani b.25 LV. '1 8.10 Lv. '1' 9.13 11.35 Ar. Mr. M :KI‘BSS hafi .led H at the rearof the .m nihu \_ room and Is pxep: :nml m ( kinds of tinsmithing. a 5729 me it was yet dayugn ,d the sail where it was st friend’s bonthoufie, shipp le mast and rigged it u t, up into town after a box us. He meant to cruise sound for a (is: or two, t. Buddy plenty of time a perhaps learn something it his Cousin Paige’s mo . the bargain; atterwarc ht find time to join the C: ‘oooooooooooooooo Grand Trunk Haul TIME-TAB LE Rugs. (HIPIUI‘MH Window Shzxxlwa‘ Lace (Jun-{aim and alljflousehold Furnishi TINSMlTHIN G Dealers, :3 u rh P. M. 123.07 “ P 12.17 “ (i 12:31 “ M 12. 33 “ I) 12.47 “ A 12.57 “ H 1.05 “ M I90 06 \l Cheaper Opposite the Old as If possih 19 I uish end of the pxesenl The Stock cnnsie‘ blanket-s, Wcmllvn wear. men’s pan ladies’ and gun’s . Call and get for you. lg receives. attention Q ‘10“ Mc\Villimns Durham ' Allan Park Hanover ’ Maple Hill ‘ Walkertm) 'oruni Sang yet. dayligm EXC E PT .15. H . '0 I] sun at OUT

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