West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 18 Jan 1917, p. 8

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The Farmers’ Institute will hold their annual meeting here on Fri- iday afternoon and evening This meeting is generally looked for- ward to with a great deal 05 in- .terest . Mr Sparling and family of Port- age la Prairie has been spending a week or so with J.A. Smith. They left for Windsor Wednesday. t LAa‘borut 80 per cent. of the Na- tional Service cards have been signed and returned. Miss Jennie Adams, who has been :visiting her sister, Mrs. D. Urqu- hardt, in Detroit, returned Satur- day evening of last week. “- A number from Egremont were entertained Wednesday evening at. the home of Mr. and Airs W. J. McFad- den. Miss L: ingel of Hanover visited Mrs C. Ritchxe last wcek. Another of those pleasant Red Cross Socials was held at the h ome of Mr. and MN. Sum Patterson last Thursday evening. where. the time was spent in songs. instrumental music. readings, recitation. games. Proceeds of even- ing $7.05. The anniversary services of the Methodist church will be held next Sunday morpipg and everging. Bey. 'Mrs Jas. Bruce received the sad Intelligence of the death of her" brother, John Petrie, Who resided near Calgary Mr. Petrie spent a few Weeks here last summer Another of the pioneers of the 16th concession, in the person of Mrs Aberdeen, has passed away. Sac was amongst the first settlers in that vicinity, and, lived on the old homestead until a few years ago, when she went to live with her daughter, Mrs D. Bruce, who, with her son William, are the only survivors. The funeral was held on Tuesday to Reid’s cemetery, the Rev. Dr. Marsh Bfficiating. MI'S. McGirr spent, over the week end with her parents Mr. and MP8. G. Noble Hutton Hill. _ Goo. Hostetter has again taken ‘a position as traveller for the Acme Glove Co., Montreal, his route extending West as far as Windsor. Mr Alfred Heather of the ‘Vest i renewing old friends around here. The revival services in the Meth- odist church are being fairly well attended. Miss Hind, the evange- list, is doing a good Work. We are glad to report that Mrs. A. Lindsay who WEBB under an operation Saturdgy lastLis doing well. E Mo:ver of Dfirham Will cBnduct the services throughout Elijah Smith and his mothel went to Teeswater Monday to at- tend the funeral of the late Mrs. Samuel Smith. Mr. Herb. Hunt with his sawing' The Pastor: “So G. outfit is cutting wood for Mr Robert two more little brothel Lindsay to-day, : Pollv (brightly): q Bornâ€"~Jan. 12th to Mr. and Mrs. '1‘. .g knows where the me C. xcGirr a son. from. I heard Daddy PAGE EIGHT. Darkies’ Corners FISH.â€"â€"Codfish 10c. perlb., Fresh Salmon Trout 122c.1b., Fresh Water Herring 25¢. per doz., Salt Labrador Herring 35¢, per doz. Trx, a ke rof our No.1 Lake Superior Herring. IOO-lb. keg costs $ 5.00. Cheaper than buying beef steak. 200 98 H) 49 lb 24 lb 200 Bags PINE TREE FLOUR $4.65. Not put up in less than 100 lb. sacks. This is a genuine No. 1 Flour, made from Manitoba I-Iard \‘v’heat. It makes more bread and better bread. 13 lbs. brown Sugar ........... 13 lbs Granulated Sugar ..... 5 lbs. Oatmeal...... 10 lb. pails Honey..-... .. 51b. pails Honey...... .. 101b. pails Syrup.....- .. 51b. pails Syrup .............. 51b. pails Raspberry Jam .. HOLSTEIN MR5. A. 31â€"3005 6: SON DURHAM ~ Flour, "Feed and Groceries at Bargain Prices From Saturday, January 20th to Saturday, Jan. 27th, both days inclusive bags FIVE Rusms $4.85 300 98 1b bags PURITY FLOUR $4.7 5 “ - 2.50 49 lb “ 2.45 g; 1'25 24- lb “ 1.25 Every Bag guaranteed good. Makes More Bread and Better Bread p.111. The afternoon train from Tor- onto leaves at 4.15 p.m. instead of 5 o’clock, and is due here at 9.15. The 151:. of February Will see the commencement of a non-commis- sioned officers training class for 248th Battalion, now being organ- i"ed in Grey county. This is an op- portunity for every man to take the non-commissioned officers’ training. Each man who enlists with the 248th Battalion will be eligible for this class. Training previous to the opening of the class Will stand you in good stead when the test comes. It must not be said of the 248th that every ency holds the key to promotion in the 248th Battalion. “So God has sen brothers. Polly?” Pollv (brigh‘t‘ly): "Yes, and Mr. Eric Kelly of Montreal is visiting his parents in town. Miss Nan Gun has returned to Toronto, after spending ,a month with her mother here. Changes in the Uralli Trunk ser- vice Went into effect this Week. Thefast train service has been discontinued. but there is still a through train leaving here at 7.05 am. and reaching Toronto at 11.55. The morning train leaving Toron- to at 6.30 a.m. is due here at 11.22. The afternoon train leaves Durham at 3.45 and reaches Toronto at 8.20 The last CW0 days’ storm" has: filled up the roads and made thei trains late, 1 Dr. Hector J. McArthur, after a year’s post graduate work in in- ternal medecine and surgery, has opened an office in Omaha. Neâ€" braska. He is a brother of Mrs J. C. Nichol of this place. Subsm'ibera will do well to rush in renewals now While the price remains at a dollar a year. We Will have to go up in price, and only a very short notice will be given when the change is decided on. No reductions .will be given to subscribers taking more than one paper. Each and every yearly subscription will be a dollar a year-till the advanced rate of $1.50 is announced. 1 00 $1. 00 .25 1.40 INSIDE INFORMATION 03) LOCAL NEWS 61b5, Corn Meal .................. 2lbs. No. 1 Valencia Raisins 211b. pkgs. Seeded Raisins 2lbs. Prunes... - 4lbs. dried Peaches ............... 5lbs. cooking Onions ......... lllbs common White Beans... 2 tins Pork and Beans.-. .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 1. 00 .25 1’ es, money’s 71V Q91? an ” and He coming : Mr. W'ill. McFadden and Mr. John {Lawrence Sr. are having new furn- iaces installed in their homes by Mr. 5 Harding of Durham. Other agencies are at work to st0p the importation of liquor Into Ontario than the temperance boosters. An ex change has heard of the case of one lady in its place of abode-Who had ordered a case of the needful, and duly received the consignment. When 'opened it contained four bricks instead of four bottles. Another worthy soul also of the female sex received the bottles all right but on drawing the corks found they contained nothing stronger than water. True it is that hope deferred maketh the heart sick but imagine these disappointments. The first meeting of the ladies for Red Cross sewing for 1917 was held on Wedndsday at the home of Mrs. John Collier. About 30 ladies were present and made 3 shirts and 5 hospital shlrts and also knit a pair of socks. Collection amounted to $5.00. Mrs. Jas: Staples has returned to her home in Markdale after acouple of weeks faithful nursing at the home of her son Fred. Mr. J as. Firth of Durham was visit- ingrforfia. few days with rglatjveg here. Miss Maggie Edge visited for a coyple oi: dayiwitb frigands at; Latqna. Mr. Chas. Cotton was in Markdale on_ Eridqy. MP. James Hamilton of Saskatoon is visiting his brother Dave and other friends. Seely Bros, unloaded a. car of brick at Mc‘Villiam’s last week which was shipped by Mr. Wright of Proton Station for the new residence they intend to build next summer. . The weather continues mild with Just enough snow for sleighing. Mr. and Hrs. Thomas Whitmore of Fort Frances returned to thier home last Week after spending a. month with Mr. ‘Vhitmore’s parents and other friends. Mr. James Seeley, of W’oodstock, is visiting his brother 5 he: 9, L. O. L. No. 1192 purpose holding a Royal Arch meeting on Mondgav night January the 22nd. _.__ .- Ans. A We are sorry to report: the illness of Master Murray Guthrie at the home of Mr. Philip Lawrence. Mr. McGregor, representing the Walkerton Egg and Dairy Company. was around one day last week solici- ting patrons for winter and also for next summer. Mr. Philip Lawrence had a new gas- oline engire installed last week fm pumping water and other convenien- ces. Mr. Ralp hHarrison disposed of his driver lately to M1. W. p.R Watson and he bought another from Mr'. J. Scott of DI'OIIJOI'B. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Watson and family, and also Miss Hazel Dennet spent one evening last week with Mr. and Mrs. \V. R. Watson. TERMS: CASH OR PRODUCE McWilliams Edge Hill m Imam moment “ha of agenuine No.1 Black Tea... 3lbs. Red Rose Tea, mixed, black, or green ......... :2 tins Salmon ..................... 1 tin c_h<_)ice red Sockeye 21b. tins Baking Powder ...... Salmon...... .. XWWWWK § Large Sales Small Profits 5 These are Blended Fleurs, made from Manitoba and Ontario Wheat. A good all round Flour for Bread or Pastry use 100 981b bags MILVERT’ NJEWEL $4. 50 49 lb 2. 25 2-1-lb “ 1.15 Fresh Groceries Arriving Every Week Women’s Dongola Blucher $3 IO Women’s Chrome Tan 2.50 Our stock is very large and our prices are before the advance. We have a number of Rugs left, in the newest designs in the neates‘: patterns, and 1n the nicest Oriental shades, bhavinor 11 the appearance of the Eastern Rug as, but a great deal cheaper. 3 x 3 yds. $14.00 3 X 3; yds. 15.50 3 X 4 yds ' 17.50 McKEBHNIES’ WEEKLY NEWS. Buy before the advance in price, which is sure to come 1 00 .25 .21 .25 See our new Wallpaper. We { designs in the neatest patterns. Iquart bottle Maple Sy1up 26118 Tomato Soup... 1qt.bott. unfermentei W'ine 21bs. loose Dates ............... 3 cans Old Dutch Cleanser... 7large size pkgs. Gold Dust 10 tins Maple Leaf Corn ......... 10 tins Maple Leaf Peas ......... Boots and Shoes RUGS 250 98 lb bags AYTON ENCORE $4.50 49 lb “ 2.25 24 1b “ 1.15 25 1.00 1.00 .22 .25 .25 have the newest 3 tins Moody’s Electric Hand Cleanser .................. 7 bars Borax Soap ............... 6 bars Comfort or Sunlight 6 pkgs. Am-monia...... 31b6, Ludella Tea, black, green or mixed ......... rior ht, as we bouo‘ht ~ January 18, 1917. 1.00 .25 in $1.00 Thriving 1 sale â€"â€"H. Bu! See MI last pag Four pan for $1.00.â€"l The offi Allen. Cons West Simc Harry Lat tish enterta.‘ 000 in the E Buffalo 3 Mrs. \V. I on! W h I) will is \u V-lS ing close a ridor leadi in the Tom suspicion t act was ab The. civic but thinkin nal machin taste or ha Detectives courageous the offendi and with 9 up tenderl the police moving th contained than water, subsided. 1 the Torontq hysterics .01 whiskey bd in CO for Ian’s nesuay, Admissi boxe prea fled in tho 3‘ Sunday. ani at Z \I ficc stoir tlc ula home dress )I POSS VOL. 5 1U on “(’1 ed Sock 1 Satur< NE Ul whiske \Vll and

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