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Durham Chronicle (1867), 22 Feb 1917, p. 5

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r. 28th. 1914. I was troubled Siness, Lark of One day I saw “ Fruit-a-tives lking on air. ” emmle On Air YEARS RED ical §§§§§§O§§§§ lCIOl‘ I decided to fluort time, 1 0w I feelfine. eh everything 996.90% \i'H M CLEAN. ial size, 25c. 11d by Fruit. 18 20 to easant \V n to maSter to to to CO aster? Clerk 15 Ki 1n )W up pla- )1 ral D 888 ‘58 RCV. .l. T. Conn of .Vlarkdale was the speaker for the evening at the lite!" ary meeting of the Presbyterian Guild last week and his thoughtful and deeply interesting address on ‘Education in relation to ourselhs was a treat and highly apprec ate! Chalmer’s church hepes to be favor- ed by Mr. Conn again. Revs. Dmi- geon and McDonald, together with the pastor, took part in the service, ma apleasing duet was given by Miss Trimble and Mrs. Blackburn. Rev. Mr. Stevenson of Toronto, represent! - tive. of the Lord’s Day Allianc: spoke briefly at the close on the work of the Alliance. A Red Cross knitting tea, glven at the home of Mrs. D. McTavish, Tues- l'l'.\ LY'S February 1917. r01 NAVY IN THE WAR: LAYING NILVES 0N .\ MINE-FIELD. very detail is the Italiauguiding principle in regard to e Before the war, indeed, the thorough- -going efficiency ot he opinron of official experts, its “battle worthiness” 11 as all classes of fighting er .ft. The Italian 11am ’5 efficiency ()1111 of the departmentsin which the Italian navy has 101 vith toxpedo,submari.1e, and mining work, with which the er at work has to do. Inthe photograph, a mine- -laying ve nes on a mineâ€" -.fiel1l The mines are shown ranged along t .11 nvpr’noard at carefully charted points along: the \es<el‘s LES" I'I RTUN 0V6 L. 9. 1917 MAKE YOUR DOLLARS INDIVIDUAL oard tea, given a t THE; FRONT. THREE-YEAR FOR $21. day al'terimon last week, was wmlI patronized and was a pleasingr lune-l. tion for the ladies. $8 were rcceivml.: .-\ hale containing 146 pairs of socks' was sent to Toronto a few days ago. . A hockey match here last week lie- ‘ tween mixed teams from Dundalk and Flesherton wa.» an interesting one. The score was 11 to 7 in favor of Flesherton. On Friday evening the high school boys went to Markdale and the match with the boys of the school there resulted in a tie, 3-2:. ‘ On Friday last, Inspector Beckett prosecuted in two liquor cases heard here by Police Magistrate Creasor, of Owen Sound. John English, hotelâ€" keeper, Singhampton, charged with a breach of the Ontario Prohibition ‘l ‘6 \ct, INANCE DEPARTM ENT OTTAWA was fined $200 and costs, and J TO 51503. regard to every: h .i;.; to do with both 1heir army an' fficiency of thenaz'v was specially marked in every iness” was far above fleet’s apparent strength :11:â€" ‘s efficiency in the war with Turkey in 1912-13 surpr .avy has for yea rs shown marked progress is in every 1 which the Stz‘J-jeet, of the above illustration of an lm leâ€"laying vessel is seen under way, at work sowing her red along the sides of the vessel. All are in readiness the vessel’s con rse. w cek , w as w e :i a pleasing: func $8 were received 46 pairs of sock )1 Johnston of Osprey was taxed $10 costs for being drunk. Mrs. 'l‘hos. lutler and son, of the Valley, had a, sale of thelr farm stock, etc., last week, and have move] to town, occupying the Wilcock resi- dence. Mrs. Butler moved here for the convenience of her son and daugh- ter attending the high school. Messrs. W. McArthur and Clark‘ Mc- Millan, near Ceylon, have enlisted here with the 248th Battalion. Your correspondent has receivfld interesting letters from Sergts. Chard, E. N. Jamieson and Corp. Rev. R. C. Kerr, at Shoreham Camp, Eng-i land. All report activity in training1 for the front. A draft of 60 men had!1 gone forward to France, and more expected to go in a few days from the reserve battalion, about 2,000 Strong, made up mostly from the 147th GTCJS under Limit-Col. McFarland, and the 159th under Lieut. Col. Armstrong. At the time of writing Sergt. ('harrl had completed a course in bay'on t lighting at Shorncliffe, “here the work “as strenuous. A letter received, a few days ago by Mr. and Mrs. J. L. McMullen from ione of their sons in France, conveyed l 1 I l l l A letter received. a few days ago by Mr. and Mrs. J. L. McMullen fromI one of their sons in France, conveyed the gratifying news that there was a deep religious movement among the soldiers, many feeling the need and experiencing a spiritual awakening. Sunday was missionary day in the Methodist church, and good congrega- tions listened intently to deeply in-! teresting addreses given by Rev. ‘Mr.: Wickware, returned missionary from Africa, who gave much information respecting the natives, and work .z- mong them in the Congo, where he had labOred a number of years. Mr. Wickware spoke again at the Young People’s meeting on Monday evening and was again very interesting. l 1 Mr. Fred Lowndes, principal of the' Markdale public school, who visit'r'l over the week end with his sister, Miss Lowndes, of the school staff here presided at the pipe organ in the Me- thodist church on Sunday, and the ‘congregations were delighted with his skillful and effective playing. Mr. :Lowndes is a clever musician, and the lmusical committee of the church have lengaged him for organist and chOir leader. The Presbyterian cottage prayer meetings in the country are being of mirazui m Imam CHRONICLE. has receiv'ld (Hi h :i': attended, and also the union“ ' meetings in the village .A number from ‘the village attended at Mrs. W. J. lLevers last vs eek. and the meeting goutside will be at Mr. Jake Lever‘s I this week, Thursday evening. Miss Laura. Henry :93 last \Ve'.x( to attend the millinery opening in o1‘:‘0nto, and ta‘ .{0 her ‘formcr Sitillr . i. on at Kemptxille. ‘ Mrs. W. A. .-\rms:;-ong.: was (‘zil‘ml ; New York on Friday last hey i linoss with pneumonia of'llm‘ rum;- lit: 51;}. baby lijclzizul. WQI‘C H visited over thengii end with sister, Mrs. Albert Stewart. Miss Gladys Cornfield of TOR lsu'merly of this place. has been t: on the staff of the Harrisburg (‘mr vatory of music in the city. (‘ori‘il‘ield‘s friends here are pleasr learn of her appointment, auu congratulate her upon ner Ham-cs the musical art. Married On Saturday. li‘ebruar at the home of the bride‘s par .‘vladoc, ()nt., by the Rev. W. H. 'l‘u Mary \Villi«.,rlmiuv, (laughter M Mr Mrs. \V. A. llal'ue, to ('(ii‘p. A. ll. dizabel, l).(7..\l. 'l‘he yum); bride a member of the high svimni .J.as Bowl of Regina Visited ()1' 1w“ \\ eek end \\. ith his mem hm I». Miss Murioi Mc'l‘zu'ish \\ 21.x ho: ”com Owen Sound over the wee}; cu Mrs. J. A. Boyd 01' Markdaln :hC‘ guest of Mrs. Gen. Mitchel] for Ow days. Mr. C. B. I’erigo of D’arcy. Sas 21 member here, and 51111" roads, $10 ”:0. (m trez '{( ‘iivhnrdSLm, swan-n rv truuruzrw 1".IY‘et.i(‘S, $1; Wm. Mather, ret'mu! (30:; tax, no «I L; $1: 1:. 'I‘. Edwur 'crvices as auditor, $12.; W. .I. Lit: u, services as auditor, $12. February 10, the (‘ommil met. :4: 1 :Idjournment, all tho mwnlwrs Imam 31:3 reeve in the chair; w 'tcs of last nwnting rm! and "v-mr Ld: further communioativns road follows: Geo. Shier, re his assessment; .lolm “.eaton, re lots 94 and (15, con. .:, WT. 1.; Baines and Peckover, steel 11.1-1â€" chants, National Sanitarium, asking assistance; C. H. Burgess .‘f: ’.'o., re .‘ebentures; John Parker, list of ian".; Iiable m be solI‘ for taxes: .1. .113- !)onald, appplication for office of El:- sessor; By-lav 5651, township officers, fly-law 571), truant officers, and lay- iaw 571, aSScssor, was read three t1n1I: and passed; Messrs. l’eart. and 131:1-1; reported on the condition or me 1‘011'1 emplained of by Mr, Ross ‘ .\lclnnisâ€"â€"Turnbullâ€"â€"~That 11'1e ru- 1 1 1 nort of Messrs. l’eart and l’lack ”‘1 :ideline on concession 111 be aIlnw- 2d, and that they be paid $1 each for their services. 1»’eart-â€"-â€"13lack-~Tl1a1 the Clerk v.'r11.. to W...l Hamilton for details of 111C work near I’arhcad Mills, for wine: ‘ave of abscn< work near Barhead Mills, for will he claims pay. Michael Burke was paid $2; ”o g: tel in 1916; Geo. Shier “as rciund $1 dog tax as he had no dog; (1cm Campbell was appointed truam offi< for the south side of the townsn and Dugald McCormick was appOin: for the north side; J. A. McDon: was appointed assesor at $75. Furtl lorders on the treasurer were as f ‘ lows: The Clerk, $1.05 fees in the ' (I itch, $20 on salary; Du 3-1 cCormick, services as t!‘ officer. McInnis-Peart-That, the reeve vest in a. new stove for the hall Council adjourned to, April 7 : .xest. of Mr Tuesday night. 18> pleased to recerve )nn while. in town. "THE STOVE BXPLUDEH. Mr. Dan. Kreller had a somewhat .musuaJ experience last week. Mr. and Mrs. Kreller had been away from home on a visit, and on returning home found their water system fro- zen. A fire was lighted, however, in 1st week. 0. A. \Yats riendl y (.23.! G. Carson st vi 110 ,.\ (.‘LI‘INI‘ZLH ('(H'M'll Municipol Wu John O’Neil, worl- U S (31181.” it 1' (3C ‘ (‘onn ’l‘ho I) 111 d W G Solll‘ch 01 U of Markd with the uhow mt SH urnlmli. (tom: kml f0 ricovih ml urdu \ H IUUHH (10V been tn. on open BLACK, Cit w h l H (, '(ms in the W .109] “J,“ n making «"3 (0,, v'r} Lt of 12m 3; .l. ,\;;;- 'ice of ;... I) (”Than-5., and 1;}- Ull'hutnn“ and 13m '1; 1 1 Y f’lt’; "l\’ .' . ELSUU Ll h (I appOin LL‘J MC Dona i d 5. Further IN U Cl Ala M Kt H Enlist NOW in the 248th Battn. 0006000OOOQOOQOOOQQOQOQQQO900 OOOQOOOOOQOOQOOOOOOOOOO )1- 0000990000090000000090009090000009000000 000000000000 ‘ ..0090999999999.9.9...0.00 . v... wo¢¢¢¢§6¢949¢90++¢O§¢§§§§¢¢o+¢§¢¢¢§¢++ thc kitchen sto. (, with the rnsult that it oxploded,1hr0\\ing chunks of iron about the room, one piece through the coilin" and another through a parti- (élass.â€"â€"In Durham, at Mi mom’s Hospital, on Sunday, F 18, to Mr. and Mrs. W. A. G] 8011. to .\ ter. J.Gree FA M i E For Saleâ€"The Happy Hour the» 'J tre. Apply to A. H. Jacksrm. J u Chevrolet Garage, Durham “'ellsrm m ebruary 14. lens, a. son. (.ireenwoml.â€"-ln G uHrIer 19. to NIT Doan.~-~I Mr. and )rua - 0n nwood. a 8013 r. Kreller was standing fairly the Stove at the time, bu1 was uninjured. MN. Krell1 (i to be in the cellar.â€"â€"Hano- Bi: HP. Gasoline Engine far Sfiie “W‘” "“V ‘x '51-...- '1' THERE 13 MORE CATARRH IN 21““ M”- ‘K' " ‘ ' ' ;thia section 0! the country than 1 all other dineaael put tagether. ani , . . ifor years it was luppoaed to be Ir: i:‘-:.tim'l<. 0“ “""‘“‘"‘-“1"5’ incurable. Doctors prescribed H‘ in Mr. mm Mrs. .'leH'l.local remedies, and by constantly ifailing to cure it with local traet- iment, pronounced it incurable. Ca- 'md. in (Hench-i, on Monday taarh is 3 tlocal ditetteazfi,’ lgreatly , , . / r’m uence y conaxu na con- 1-" “’ M" “”d 31”” ”mu :ditions and therefore requires con- )0‘1. u 50“ istitutional treatment. Hall’s Ca- . . ' .( Wbmary W, ltarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. ”1 “"fl‘dm' ”'1 ’ "‘ 'gCheney 6: 00., Toledo, Ohio, ll a 3 Mrs. Hiram Dean, a dangu- f constitutional remedy, 1‘ taken in- 3ternally, and act- through the ‘ Blood on the Mucous Surface» of v.-â€"ln St. Marys, on P‘ebN-ithe System. One Hundred Dol- Mrs. Melbourne 2 lars reward is altered for any cane that Ball’s Catarrh Cure tail- to '01]. 1) Mr. and “ ““51““ ,cure. Send for circular- and teati- ’ moniall. Ea - F. J. CHENEY aco. Neda |Ohio. neâ€"The Happy Hour the" Sold b mums. ac. fly to A. H. Jackson. ; 3’; Hall’s ‘gmflv Pllll tor contine- Hp! BU RN. and win 3. Saunders, Box 2 Durham 323$? L Miss Car- ay, February A. Glass, '4 limp Jn 5031i at ATTENTION! 248th HONOR ROLL W Sold by C. F. MCGOWAN MULCOCK. ZIMMER. ERVIN. GILES. R. BOYCE. D. McILVRIDE J. LAMERSON WATCH IT GROW Xvw (mt lmx'u'nin PAGI FIVE. f~§¢¢¢¢§§§6§00 Ontario

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