West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 22 Mar 1917, p. 2

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:§%++++*++++++*++++§*++*+é+++++§+++$+++§++§++§+++++é Qi‘... Q§§§§§§O 000006 0009.60.99.000‘1Jt O‘é‘ $1.. as .u There are some men who think they { have a stock of truth when they pick ' up a few chunks of cheap wisdom from.! text books and sermons. Wisdom is dear becauce it is scarce and truth is scarcer than wisdom. Therefore, says the wise man. “Buy the truth and sell it not." Truth is the resuit of picking that makes the fingers sore and the eyes ache. You have to pay for truth a. price that the wise man says is “above rubies.” Buy the truth let it cost what it may in perplexity, an- guish of soul and weariness of the flesh and when you get the vision don’t barter it for money. for influence. or even for life. \Vhat this age needs now more than any other thing is “truth.” The man with the vision of eternal things that are not moved by the little affairs of man and his baubles. Don’t take it all out on the Germans. There are lots of Huns right here in Canada, and some of them are reading these presents.” Nietsche has plenty of disciples in business and many of them subscribe to the “thirty- -nine articles” and the \Vestminster “con- fession.” The doctrine of force shines in the Devil’s saying “business is busi- ness." We heard the other day of a concern thm stole: may a competitor" clerk. then took his bookkeeper and followed up by making their victim a. ridiculous offer fox his h 1siness. The competitor was besides a. man suffer- ing with serious physical disability. STRAY SHOTS FROM SOLOMON \ V.‘-I---â€"â€"â€"_ - The Only Sure Preventive against SI'nut on Wheat, Oats and Barley, and Potato Scab. Guaranteed Full Strength. 250. AND-500. A BOTTLE From The Furniture Journal We Have a stock oi good heavy mixed special prices in ton lots. If you need Feed get our prices. A‘ The Rob Roy Cereal Mills Lo. Phones IIT’D 1073 PAGE 2. Buying Truth. Canadian Buns will be received by this Bank free of cost. Fullest information supplied 1: applying to the Manager of this Branch. y UUKHfii‘Vi BRANCH. lb, 'ZUD Managa . Day No. 4 ' Night No. '26 - WAR LOAN FORMALDEHYDE Oatmeal Millers. SUBSCRIPTIONS TO THE THIRD (FORMALIN) OF CANADA HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO vi~m+éééé%++-§°WWMW+ 4‘ CANADIAN Figure Now on that New Camera Yacation and Outing Tim: will be here before you knoxx it. and if you are the fortunâ€" ate owner Of an your pleasur bled. Buy on familiar with No doubt this business harpy called his methods “shrewd business.” but if any man ran tell the difference he- tween this sort of thing and the “thug” who holds up a pedestrain on a lonely road he is a pastmaster at the art of making)~ black white. Men who resort to these tactics are thieves at heart and would put their hands in their neighbors’ pockets if they were sure they would escape the penitentiary. “There is a way that seemeth right to a man. but the end thereof are the ways of death.” Tne fellow who does this sort of thing will get his some day. W hen you hear a man shouting you l can put itdcwn them 18 a slat loose. A man may be clever. he may have ene1 gy and may make a reputation i foi doing things but if he can t control his month he spoils it all. It is like a cow that gives a good pail of milk and l kicks it over. "Let wisdom dwell with 1 prudence.” The fellow who lacks gnmp- ! tiou may be as smart as can be but he ‘ will wind up at the scxap pile. The! world 1sf111l of failures who have not known how to keep their mouth shut. Don’t be one of those chatterers who speak first and think after. Don’t be one of those fellows who always “says what he thinks” and keeps decent people busv picking 11p the beans he spills. A 1112111s111outh is his own but .w hen he lets it 11111 a111uck he can t Pumplam If he vets. it smacked. Pruâ€" dtll‘ft‘ is lt1.e home of wisdom. The kind that (tunes fmth from under such a root is the. brand that the world sits and listens to. W'e ,all talk too much and all need to be warned that “1 pays 110 H1311? {21:2 e hefme we speak 911cc. l‘liereis .1 kind of bravery. too. that is (111 the same level. He that 'H m ready 10 in, and let, $2.00 to $20.00. y to preserve a 00' 1d accurate record mes you visit latex “ 1- and let us showy NSCO CAMERA THE mm )O( $8.8M Are will be dou- me now, become th its working and Talk Less points PPIC O mum in 3 to luck 0 v. iii 1le 2 (Rich. 9 life at 9 neverg : ‘lish 1m] ‘ 1 ‘ | 3 i 4 { Mrs. ‘ ; . } H i Lime 1‘ {KY h Pew-Hug is :111 right. in its ph'lf‘P. hut _ :1 avtbimzw huui is invites? than :L muuhy ; {mm wire!) it. 00an to kwping :L fell- ' ow out of trouble. Use your head. ‘ He ' tum: Li'uswth in his hem-L is It fool, but '3 he that walketh wiscly shnli he dial-1 ix'm'ed.“ A clear eye and e-L steady step ' fuz- :L dzmgvrnus road, and have us frmn the. fan] who ti usts to luck on u dark night" on a swamp trail. There are :1. Mt of people who zu'eluckicr than they think. for somehow Providence does wen) a: favor fools. “It; is better m be how lucky than rich,” nevertheless. his of men would be richer if they had less luck and more brains. The man in business these days who trusts to luck rides an uncertain skate. that, will land him somwr or later in the ninth. Nine-tenths 0f the faiilin-cs in life are good hearted fellows who never got down to bridling their fool- ; ish impulses. .‘“f;z»tixwth his lips is Wise.n SO also ith b‘s hands. 7 county thth this. about the last couuty battalion to be organized, should be . filled wit h Grey County men: and that the filling process be not delayed. . \Vhy the battalion may not reach the \l'rout before the crucial stage of the j war has passed, it would be folly to . wait for a big catastrophe to occur he- g fore the available men enlnisted.‘ The Ps‘ars. Parsons Recruits for 248th. (‘nptaim (3118.) Parsons who has: witiered such valuable service to the! 1~1f~fh Battalion during the past fmv! *-.'\.‘t'f‘l\‘>‘ has done an excellent service to‘ :; .msula at large during the last couple! .zi' years. in bringing before the pe0ple,; as it never was before. the necessity ofi >c‘!".’il‘.:..f and conservii g. ' 4 i‘lroughr here by the 248th Battalion. ‘ Captain Parsons has spared neither Lillie nor energy in bringing the necess- KY for the young manhood of our .,_-_;;~i_mry to come into the ranks of the (hey unit. As a county unit the 248th liabidlhfll makes a strbng appeal to every young man in the county to helptufill its ranks. It should be a matter of pride to every one in the _â€"__ L.- war is not over and many of those who predicted the end this year have alter- ed their opinions. Follow your friends uf the 147th to France by enlisting in the 2nd Grey Battalion-- the 248th. AL uuv -.J\- vvâ€"Vâ€" Many recruits are coming in at present to the 248th Battalion and it will be necessary for anyone Wishing to get into the special branches of the infantry to at least give their names into the 248th, and ask that a place be reserved for them. _ . - . ‘ . ‘ [COLL Vb“ LU Vuv-â€"-- The instruments for the bugle band, have arrived. 8 drums and 8 bugles; two machine guns are here. and now the call is for men to enter these two branches of the service. Colonel Rorke at Owen Sound last i ‘ week put a new face on the war sutu- l . . lation on the Western front, by warn- l ing the Citizens of Grey not to become 'complacent as 21 result of the good mews-coining from France. Recently we. heard of a moment in which thel erI-nians retired two miles on an} |eleven mile front. At first sight the! news is gratifying. But we must re- im-mber that the Germans have. re- tired to exc:‘llently prepared positionsi which they are prepared to defend :nosx stuLizm-nly. The Allies had made? rmuy todeliver 2t blow. At the last moment ilie‘; found that the enemy la ‘Ll \‘uithdrawn from reach to a new and perhrips stronger position. it means that men are still needed and that citizens of Grey must not my "thing- are now coming our way” and thereupon cease recruiting activi- ‘ ;_\'. Mme and more men are. needed. 5 it has been learned that all but fzibout one company of the 147th Bat- . taiiion have been sent to France. It, is up to the citizens of Grey who hold the 147th in high "regard to fill the § ranks of the 248th so that the losses of g the 147th may be made up from Grey {county The 248th when ready for i overseas will join the Eighth Reserve; and if Grey citizens Wish to see the superiority of the 147th maintained. . . they must send more men to strength- !en it, in the 2489111; Ugh-tine gbbdâ€"fi-anspor}: men are want- ed by the 248th Bantallon and anyone having special knowledge of the treat ‘1‘ L- Ani‘k+l" “,n‘ II'VV “‘6 In, \-|'- --â€"â€"v ment of yhvorses will be” doubtly wel- come in this department. The signalling equipment is due to arrive any day now, and 'Wor k in that department will be started immediate- ly. About fifty men will be required for this interesting branch. Oabtain (MI‘S.) Parsons who Spent the last week in Uwen Sound lectur- ing to different clubs and several kt "‘ QGtS after a man. The distance ty' man will put, behind him when min the averaging: Nemes1s IS on 21"“ rerords are hr-okyn when tinn- -: ck is downright astonishing. "have heen I: non/n to run 0 e 11" to so without", stopping because :0 \Vlinflllb hLUpPIuE ~rvâ€"-vâ€"--_ (may looked at. them in a way =eeme‘d to rc-veal a, knowledge of were: crimps. A preacher who 589d :1, (:Oh'n'tad audience the other and 21. good time until he inciden- mvntinned chivke’ns. when f‘Ven eacuns hegzmto look around at, m1- and shuffle their feet uneasi- w. same I-estv‘mssnew may ‘00 n0- 0011g1'ogat-inn when 3n :flznnh‘i' EU'IV 248th Battalion Notes THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. in His p: 115196 In heimu I. tking u it him.” 8: tid the “Uf 00111.39 m lad. “anvmge \ a hit smuethix' fleewhen no 1: ll: V8 (”UV IDES moral buck- 1nd the birch. 10 013 f n mer i< 41': mdson gentleman’s 1:9. whn mu did the ":1 was EPmau hands d mun 10nd )Etl'l 1T H) :(nen meetings, will be at work this .véeek in the rural sections of the iconntv. Citizens of this locality can- ‘ not afford to miss hearing her, as she Eis one of the most eloquent: woman ‘1 orators in the province. 3 Thzitafine class of men are enlist;- .ing in the 248th is evidenced by the fact, that 75pex- cent, of the recruits sent to Toronto for examination are E ;\(‘¢'t*pt€C1. ,- 4', -ELS--A-. Afiflmov I'IQ.Q H itCVl‘PLCuo Every patriotic citizen of Grey has a. (-hnnce to answer the tar and feather- ing threat made in N onnanby against the 248th recruiters there. by increas- ing their efforts to fill the ranks of the battalion in two months. Let extra. ( {fur-t be your answer to the threat. Colonel Burke says that recruiting wunditions in Grey were nevgr better and that s:â€" tisfdctory progress 18 being made. , ~ [)1‘Uuuitla. uuuxyn v .. ..v..v--‘... -__ (Yolleginte Institute, Brzmtford, and Peter at home. and one sister, (Lenore) Mrs. \Vm. Merchant of Dunkeld. The ~renmins were rmmght on Monday to 2 his old home on the 3rd concession ‘. Brant. f: om whence the funeral took {place on \Vednesday morning to the 3‘ F orrnosa Roman Catholic Church and l cemetery. The numerous floral tributes and the large turnout of friends Lest- ified to the popularitp of the deceased. -â€"\Valkert.on Times. l l s l The death of Seaman, eldest sm lam 0t Brant. whi Mmhael’s Hospital clay afternoon. fol] iliness of spinal t: Promising Career Ended The death of Mr. John Francis Seaman, eldest son of Mr. John Scan- }an ot Brant. which occurred at St. Michael’s Hospital, Toronto, on Sun- nay at'teri‘mon, following a protracted ilii‘2ess of Spinal trouble, removes an‘ eslinmble, clever ytmng man and ter-i minates an industrious, promising career. The deceased, who was in his :32nd year, vas horn near Allan Park in Bentinck. and moved with his par- ents in infancy to Brant. and after at- teiu‘ling the sepa 'ate schools in VValk- (-1 ton and Formosa, completed his ed- ucation at St. Michael’s Coilege, Tor- onto. Upon grzuiuating some six years ago, he entered the office of the O’Keefe Brewery Company. Toronto, where he rose to he one of the head members of the staff. He leaves be- sides his sex-rowing father, two brothers. James V., teacher in the Feed Oat Grades Unfit f0r ' Seed Flour and feed dealers who olfer the Feed grades of \Vestern oats should he very careful to warn farmer purchaser against using},r them for seed. The Feed grades contain outs which are frozen or otherwise unsound and not suitable for milling purposes. They usually given very low percentage of germ- inution which results in serious crop failure. The sowing of these frozen outs in past years has given the gen- PH Food Slgpply and HeEp Make Victory Sure E must unite as a Nation to SERVE â€"to SAVE and to PRODUCE. Men, women and children; the young, the middle aged and the oldâ€"all can help in the Nation’s Army of Production. VERY pound of FOOD raised, helps reduce the cost of living and adds to the Food Supply for Overseas. HON... MARTIN BURRELL, Minister. .. home must be fed. Andâ€"in spite of Germany’s murderous campaign to cut off the Ailies’ Food supply, by sinking every Ship on the High Seasâ€"an ample and unfailing flow of food to England and France must be maintained. .UR soldiers must be fed; the peeple at “2“) £37 For information on any subject relating to the Farm and Garden, write: INFORMATION BUREAU Department of Agriculture OTTAWA is evidenced by the cent, of the recrmts for examination are Dominion Department of Agriculture OTTAWA, CANADA. at work this I'Z-LUCIS' % Scan- 0 U: St. z Sun- .3. :z-wt ed 0 '98 an . o d 181- 9 ‘8 Qexmre)‘ i. Thel day t()‘ suitable usually f gel m- A'l A“ O 6 . I 4' frozen * o 9 Q 0. O This is National Serviceâ€" Not to the Farmer onlyâ€"â€" But t0 YOUâ€"to everybodyâ€"â€" This appeal is directed :95:ng rral impression that all ‘Vestern oats will not do well in Eastern Canada the first: year. Home grown seed oats of good quality is so scarce this year that farmers should be specially warned against using the Feed grades for seed. - ___._- nglr‘ .\ urn o‘I‘IY:CoA “EWIUDU uoxzsf, u..v - v--- 0' Eastern Uanada Iarmers are advised to procure local grown oats of the bes quality and clean them to thirty pounds per bushel or better if possible. Thus far not more than 100,000 bushels of No. 1 Canada Western seed oats free from wild oats are available in storage. It may be found necessary to make a grade for No. 2 seed oats con- taining not more than eight wild oats t0 the pound. This would be very much superior to the Milling or Feed grades which are foul with noxious and other weed seeds. 9§0§§§§§§§9000900090000900 0090 fiOQfiOOOOOQOOOOOOOO ‘045‘ If advertising l‘m‘onto dailies, The Above are All Made from SoundlanGEWhole’. Grains Speci 11 Reduction on Flour andFeed 1n Quantities on hand. Farmers and Stock Owners should layfiin a quan- tity of this Excellent Conditioner for Spring and Summer Feeding. Nothing equals it for Young Pigs, Calves, Etc. Makes Milcn Cows Milk and puts Horses in prime condition for seeding: in fact it makes everything golthatgit’S :fed to: also Caldwell’s Celebrated Calf Meal. junta/.23 Everything in our line at lowestgpricesfifor GasmgAllzkinds of Gram bought and sold. Sovereign Fleur Eclipse Flom Pastly Flou1 LOW Glade Flom Rolled Oats Breakfast Cereal TELEPHONE No. 8 (Night or Day) 1m help, 0th in the give The Chronicle \V’e have a quantity of the celebrated LANT a gardenâ€"small or large. Utilize your own back yard. Cultivate the vacant lots. Make them all yield food OMEN of towns can find no better or more important outlet for their energies than in -Cu1tivating a vegetable garden. Be patriotic in act as well as in thought. Molassine Meal Use every méans available-- Overlook nothing. “ AM assured that my people will re- spond to every call necessary to the suc- cess of our causeâ€"with the same indomitable ardour and devotion that have filled me with pride and gratitude since the war began.” 66 your order. It will cost mu n.) more, and we \in1 give vou 1‘1"'1n11)t, SGI‘V'iCQ. HIS MAJESTY KING GEORGE Bran, Shorts Middling‘s, Corn Chap Cracked Chicken Corn ()rimped Oats for Horses Barley and Wheat {3110p Mixed Chop it You will find relief in lam-82:24. ; It eases the burning, stings; pain, stops bleeding and bugs ease. Perseverance, with 2211's? Buk, means cure. Why net prove this ? March 22, 1917 m H LU! ex u q GLIMBED 5 ON HER Too m to Walk Upri: “med. Saved Milan's Vegetal his woman now ran fia- mnual labor. R1 W:

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