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Durham Chronicle (1867), 22 Mar 1917, p. 5

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il He Started r-a-tives” ha, Mom“. was a. miserable ism and Stomach @nt Dizzy Spells, I, felt wretched 1d from Rhea. rth pains in my } hands swollen. [Hit ”a tives” and did me good LY! :caszettirzg RUUBlE TIS LABRIE. >, trial size, 25¢. stpaid by Fruit. tad Bone Black .YS EARLIER MARKET K EARLIER as MANURE W 11 ALLAN 18 to 75 to me. am well p better : earlier used; it both in Ontario, X241; ID 1', 60 recom- 11 grade n otatoes to to ' that dicine h expec- 1‘ on ut gorous ivantâ€" xrtions 1 than IOWB heads um th 1-! \V h Icu- ftcr OI On- m (L h At IS 0mmw On Saturday evening last, a free address on “The horticultural pos- sibilities of a town plot” was de- livered by Mr. McNeil of \Vindsor. He congratulated the Durham socie- ty on having the most enthusiastic set of ulficers he ever met. At the remark, President Firth and Secreâ€" tary Gorsline were visibly afi‘ected. Mr. Henry Bull, father of Coun- cillor Bull, died on Tuesday at the residence of Mr. Matthew Barber, Normanby, aged 83 years 11 mos. On Tuesday evening, Rev. Mr. Taylor delivered a lecture on “That Boy of Yours,” under the auspices From The Chronicle Pile of March 25, 1897. ONTARIO FARMERS EXISTING WAR CONDITIONS DEMAND THAT YOU GIVE THE QUESTION OF SEED SPECIAL ATTENTION THIS YEAR. SEED OI“ DESIRABLE VARIETIES AIND HIGH GERMINATION POW- ER WILL BE FACTORS INFLUENCING YIELDS.. .IF YOU HAVE 20 YEARS AGO NOT SECURED YOUR SEED Let the Ontario Department of Agriculture Help You FARMERS HAVING SEED GRAIN 0R POTATOES FOR SALE may forâ€"Joiérd Samples to this ofice, stating varieties, Price and Quantity. FARMERS WISHING TO PURCHASE SEED. are aiso Invited i0 W. H. HEARST communicate with this office, st eflfort will be made to put them for sale. never better fed than now, for France cannot forget the awful lesson of 1870â€"the failure of her food supply. To this she attributed theloss of that-war. A- 1L 1 To feed the French soldiers around Verdun, more than 25,- 500,000 pounds of food a week were required. This gives a faint idea of the colossal task of feeding an army. Canada and Britain have a huge army of fighting heroes on the line ; every man ML'sT have plenty of food,in spite of a world shortage. Upon Canada’s food production all principally rely. . t of Agriculture appeals to men and boys to enlist in the farm help campaign. The Department appeals to men uni enlist in the army. Do your “bit” by helping to increase production of foodstuffs. ’lnis IS your hour or opportunity. The farmers of Ontario need the help of retired farmers, of men following no occupation (retired), of business men Who can spare a portion of their time. We appeal to all who can so arrange their ordinary afi airs to plan to help some farmer friend, particularly in seed time and harvest. . ‘ â€" ' "A“ -2 L1... I I Ln )r yxr“ ’0“ -v~ '3 G I.-\- .L.’ |~ ' . I vlLbLI‘. Confer with your county District Rep: Department of Agriculture, or write, " paign,” care Department of Agriculture Parliamant Buildinfl Minister of Agriculture March 22, 1917 O PURCHASE SEED. are aiso Invited to office, stating variety and quantity, and .m .ut them in touch with farmers having seed WRITE T0 of the W.C.T.U. Principal Allan was chairman. On Wednesday ev- ening he delivered another lecture on temperance, dealing with the subject from a scientific stand- point. The cooking of an egg in a1- cohol, and distilling the alcohol from a glass of beer, were the principal experiments. Mayor Ca1- der Was chairman. Mr. Parker’s orchestraâ€"excuse us for making no commentâ€"they’re always good. Mr. Donnelly, station master of the C. P. R. at Mount Forest, who held the position since the road first ran through died on Sunday last and was buried on Tuesday in the R. C. cemetery at Riverston. Born.â€"On the 11th inst._. the wife of Mr. T. H. Lawrence 9f :1 daughâ€" ter. he “-1, v- _- Lretired), of business men who time. We appeal to all who affairs to plan to help some seed time and harvest. strict Representative of the or write, “Farm Help Cam- Pigriculture, Toronto. District Representative,. . MARKDALE, ONT. Toronto Mrs. Clark of Varney, who has been confined to her bed for some time with 1a grippe, is improving nicely. . A new three-cent stamp will be issued next summer in honor of Her Majesty’s Diamond Jubilee. The last meeting of the Red Cross ladies was held at the home of Mrs. Jas. Haslett. A good number of ladies was present, and 26 pairs uf socks were turned in. Miss Maria Haslett furnished the meetingwith some splendid instrumental and vo- cal ecltseonsi shrdlu cmfwyp gkej cal selections. After a dainty lunch, the meeting closed with the Anthem. The collection amounted M $2.50. The next n'ieeting,r will be at. Mrs. John BICDinmltl‘s on Satur- Ltiily, March 2’1. Bornâ€"In Durham, on Sunday March 21, the Wife of Jae. LLoyd 01' a daughter. Pie. J. F. MacLeun, of the L53rcl Highlnmlers. spent, the week-end at his home here. before proceeding in Kingshm. where he will he :rnined for active service. A large number from here at- tended the sale lust'l’riduy at, Mr. ilzu-ry Alexamler’s, and some few went, even further and took in the Welbeck box social. held in the Dornoch hall. Those who attended Ihe social report a gem} time, and much of its success financially was due to the efforts of our mutual friend, Mr. Duncan McLean, who acted as chairman. The proceeds :unounted to $146. Miss McGarity had a letter last week from her brother in the trenches, thanking the ~Aberdeen Red Cross workers for the parcel of socks sent him. He gave the socks great praise, and says the men aâ€" mong whom he distributed them send their hearty appreciation to the Aberdeen knitters. We are glad to report that Mrs. John D. Clark is recovering from u severe attack of 1a grippe. Mr. Archie McLean lost, a able cow last week. BLYTH’S CORNERS We generally attach considerable importance on the direction of the wind and the general ammarunee of the weather about the time the sun crosses the equinoxial lines, which is on or about the 21st of March. For your own curiosity, keep your eye on the weather toâ€" morrow, the let. 1 Mr. Nelson Halliday left last week for the west, making the second ple, dad and mam, are the only ones left to work the farm. Just on the side, we have counted up those left to work the land on this 3rd concesâ€" sion for 11/; miles, and find there are six men, old and young, to work 1000 acres. Mr. Alex. Sharpe of Hampden hasi been around among the farmers! here and there in our locality, with his wood-cutting outfit, and it is marvellous the pile of wood he can pile up in two or three hours. We are pleased to report Miss Bella Stewart much improved in health, according to last accounts. After a lingering illness for years with lung trouble, Mr. Max Allan of Varney passed peacefully away Ln :Saturday last. The remains were 1interred in Maplewood cemetery an Monday. To the sorrowing family we extend our sympathy. Any person passing through Var- ney on Monday would certainly think Varney was some village. About 25 farmers, with their teams all loaded with fertilizer, strutting around everywhere. There will be another big day this week, when they meet to get their grass seed. A FINE STEER l Messrs. Moth-it do Son. who are!1 progressive farmers and up-toâ€"the-l minute cattle men, are putting on 1 the market one of the finest brands 1 of “baby beef” we have ever heard 1 of. It is a new cross. of an old varâ€"z iety. They aptly call it a Red Cross steer, as they are donating it to the Red Cross workers of the! Presbyterian church, of which they are mmnbers. The society highly appreciates the Splendid gift of these gentlemen, who have been liberal contributors to Red Cross and patriotic funds since the outâ€" ibreak of the war, and is going to' {give an opportunity to all to share in this generous act. The congreâ€" gation is being divided into three parts, which will be syndicated, afâ€" ter the manner of box socials. At a! Priority having been ascertained, the carcass will be sold in sections by the pound. The tongue" is reâ€" served as a token of gratitude to the highest contributor, and the heart for the donors, through whose kind generosity this privilege is possible. Get ready, everybody, for gation is Delné parts, \VhiCh W ter the manner stated time, th' ABERDEEN THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. a valuâ€" The weather still continues cold, Saturday being the stormiest day of the season. » Mr. Thos. Moore sold four head of fat cattle to Mr. Limin of Dur- ham last week, for which he re- ceived a good price. Miss Susie Halpenny returned to the city last week, after spending a couple of weeks with her parents. We extend our sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ford in the loss (if their three-months-old baby, who died on Monday, March 12. The funeral service was held in Ebenâ€" ezer church, where quite a large crowd assembled to pay their res- wet. to the bereaved parents. Mr. Irvin, el‘ near Holsteii, had «A successful sale uf eulth3«:nc lay first week. Mr. \V. ll. Watson, 01' MeWilliams, imrchz‘ised ten head of SLUCKCI'S. l A sleigh load from around her-3i attended the 1101: social held 111; Priceville 0n Fridav night anzll 11111011 :1 good time. “e hear 11111,; 0101' $600 were taken in. If truc‘ 3; this 11111 be the banner social (1. the surrounding districts. Mr. John A. McDonald, Glenelg‘si veteran assessor, made his omcial‘i round thrDugh this locality 121qu week. 1 Miss Black M Tap Cliffc was the guest of Miss Kate McFaydcn mm" Sunday. Mr. D. Edge disposed of three fut cattle to Mr. Limin of Durham un Monday for $310. Nearly 101/20. If». Mr. and Mrs. Gordon chdes ni' Dromore Visited over Um. Week-end with Mr. and Mrs. T1109. ('jrcenwomi. We extend hearty congratula- tions to Miss Irene Ritchie and MI‘. Clifford Howell, whose marriage took place on \\'ed11e.~:.(_iuy last. The bride is one of our cleverest and most estimable ynung‘ ladies. and the best wishes of the neighbmu heod Will follow her tn her new home in Durham. The Red Cross workers met at the: home of Mrs. Wm. A1300 on Friduy‘ lust. Besides the work done, :1? a-ollection of $2.25 was taken up.‘g The next meting will be held ut‘. Friday, March ‘23. We hope for :1} good attendance, as there is 5mm!"1 Important business to discuss. i Mrs. Jos. and Mrs. .‘Ias. Atkinson spent, Friday with 1"clativos at. IMI'nOCh. Miss Glenna Campbell of tum]. visited Sunday with Mrs. C. Ritchie. Miss Nina Noble 01' Hutton Hill. is staying with her sister, Mrs. John McGirr, for a few days. Miss Bernice VVhitmcre of town} Visited last week VVith her "rand-‘ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hopkin<. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Lawrence “ex-1:} 1.:iV1 11 a surprise in theii cosV home' last. hiday eVening, VVhen a num- her of friends and neighbors ga dill-1 ered to do them honor in the VVav- 1311 from the burg last week. A! neatlyâ€"worded address si‘rned by, Mr. and Mrs. W. Jacques and Mr. and Mrs. A. Lindsay, was read by‘ Mr. ..Ias Mack. and at the pr1_‘1per time a parlor clock VVas presented to Mrs. Lawrence and a set of gold cuff links to Mr. Lawrence 11y V111,} lacques. Mr. Lawrence, in behalfl of himself and his VVife made :1} suitable reply. The eVening VVa pleasantly spent. and a dainty lunch 1 Sorved by the ladies. Mr. John McDonald the aSSCSSUI‘, is going his rounds again. “12031111111011 Dunsmoor, with his gasoline 011tf1t,has been cutting \‘UOd for a number in the neigh- Syrup .......... Rexall Tasteless Cod Oil .............. Changeable Weather Brings Ccflds Rexall Emulsion Cod Liver Oil .............. .50 8: $100 Rexall HypOphosphites ..... 1.00 Rexall Beef, Iron 8: Wine.. 1.00 Rexall Catarrh Jelly ........ .25 Rexall Mentholine Balm.... .25 DARKIES’ CORNERS McWILLIAMS EDGE HILL Liver 50 $1. 00 borhood, and ‘gave the‘best of sat- Miss Smith of Bentinck was a isfaction in each case. ViSitOI‘ this “’eek \Vith Mr. and - .. m .. -1. -_ -.;-;.,-,. Mrs. Bert Smith. Miss Julia Weir 'of town visited the end of 'the week with Mr. and Mrs. Bert. Smith. Tickets Canadian Consolidated Rubber Co. Limited I - qu'u’" 3mm» Conic MX'ISL'E LEAF RUBBER ”Es-u. Largest Manufacturers of Rubber Goods in the British Empiro EXECUTIVE OFFICES - MONTREAL. P.Q. SEVEN LARGE, UP-TOâ€"DATE MANUFACTURING PLANTS IN CANADA I “SERVICE" BRANCHES AND WAREHOUSES THROUGHOUT CAN“ desired. Nothing results, but best. FORMALIN will give you greater you must use the when days are wet and “all out-doors” is sloppy, is a good pair of rubbers, rubber boots or rubber farm shoes. “JACQUES CARTIER” - “GRANBY” “MERCHANTS” - - “DAISY” “MAPLE LEAF” - “DOMINION" ()f tinv cmvs last wevk. Mrs. Robt. Bell bought a couple Brighten Up the Get hubby to help you before the spring work commences. Come and let us show you the pretty designs and colorings, and how cheaply it can he done. SAVE THE COUPONS Home this Spri: g PAGE 5. mm m.»

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