West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 22 Mar 1917, p. 7

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1917 »H-W 4- ll‘ THE PROPERTY OF THE LATE. Philip Eva, in the town of Dur- ham. For terms and particulars apply to J.P. Telford, Durham. 11,18.“ ..___â€".A-.__..-, 7.4 ___. --Fâ€"â€"â€"~â€"‘M -r_.__._~ __ .,._,â€"._, LOTS-#8: 9 and 10, KINCARDINE street. Welt. Apply to A.H. J ack- 4 1 15 tf -A- Advertisements of for Mich subsequew double the above a House and Lot for Sale PART OF LOT 1. GARAFRAXA street, west: house and stable in good conditiong recently vacated Durham. THE DURHAM SKATING RINK. one of the beat in Western 0n- tario, is offered for sale; agood paying prOposition; good reason for selling. Apply J. A. Brown, Durham, Ontario. Dig-Vb! uv-â€"â€" ~ second concession of Bentinck containing 122 acres: one mile from Durham. The land is 90d, buildings fair, Bell telephone in house, two concrete Wells, new hog house and poultry house. The farm is all Well fenced with wire and rails, with Wire and rails to implement house, bush 5. Albérfit street. Apply to Jackson. IHAT SPLENbID 323132:ch property in Upper Town belong- ing to the late Mrs. Wilson, will be sold on reasonable terms; contain: Xacre more or leas. comfortgble jemdence, 7 rooms: Errev County SOD. (*1‘100; one 351‘ stacker, dust ' Waterloo; o_ne One 14 hp. traction engine, (1‘100; one 36x48 separator, mnd- stacker, dust collecter, complete. Waterloo; one No. 3 Masseyâ€"Hal- ris Blizzard corn cutter: one wagon and tank, nearly new. Ev- erything in good order. Apply to R. J. McGilliVTay, RR, 2, Priceville vk.L‘H PART OF LOT 6, THE 1:: skating rink site, Garafraxa treet, and the nprtk} part of lgt r3000 Cords of Heading Blocks, basswood, not spli , ° .~ 5 inches and upwards in diameter. $2.25 per cord, delivered at Grand Trunk stations, Durham and H01â€" stein.â€"â€"J. N. Murdoc . 122816tf J frame barn on it. Apply to A E Jackson, Durham. 6*: ‘r-Uuflwuâ€" '- v q comfortable residence, ¢ rooms: herd and soft water; good hear- ing orchard and garden; fine sit- union. Apply on premises. or to That. Ritchie or Duncan Smeuie. ‘“‘“‘ 62%! Farms for Sale. 2 Medical Directorv. BEETS 62 AND 63 ox THE 353. Jamieson lamieson. ' .â€"<..â€"* _ ‘--‘ fiâ€"A'““‘vr"l Lots For Sale LOT 53, CON. 2 19;, containing cruises are new 1 house, sheds an! running strea Rink for Sale For Sale ,ents of one inch or less, 25 cts. for first insertion, and 10 cents hscquent insertion, Over one inch and under two inches. {hove amount. Year-1y rates on application. m Staples mm. 0. For Sale ntaining 100 acres: are new frame barn. sheds and outbuild- 1ing stream through bout 10 acres hard- rest in good state of NY for Sale nu For furtk Ont SMALL ADS. 19!? Wm. Runnings 1. N0. 1. Chatsw n Stm'r- I] t, DOPD ”iv v â€"__ __ to accept, contracts es. barns or other ‘actinn guaranteed mm Annlv to Bl V,Ollet1! Clerk 9 30a 011 f FFICE AND RESIDENCE A short distance east of Knapp’s Hotel, Lamb ton Street, Lower Town, Durham Office Hours: 2 to 5 p.m., , 7 to 8 p.m., except Sundays. FFICEâ€"Over J P. Telford’s oflice nearly opposite the Registr office. ReSIdence Second house south of Registry ofiice on east: side of Albert Street. Office Hours 9-11 a.m., 2-4 p. m.. 7-9 p. 111. Telephone C(m‘nnunicn- Lion between office and residence at all hours. EV l. P. Telford. I l ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. I . Office. nearly opposite the Registry ! nffice‘ Lambton St..Durham. Any amount ! .n' monev m loan at 5 per cent. on farm 1 oropertv L R. C. P., LONDON. ENG ‘1RADULATE of London. New 13' York and Chicago. Diseases of Eye, Bar Nos-.- and I‘broat. \Vill be at the Hahn House Dulâ€" ham, Jan. 21, Feb. 17, Mar.17 and April 21. Hours 1 to 5 p.m. Officeâ€"Over Douglas’ J ewellerv Store. 1'1 ty‘ of - Toronto. Graduate Boys College Dental Someone; of Ontario. Dentistry 111 all its Branches. DFFICE i. E. Hutton, M. D., C. M. [I trusts..- Conveyancer. issuer of Marriage Licenses. .sioney to loan at lowest rates, and terms to suit borrower. Fire and Life Insurance placed in thor- oughly reliable compnaies. Deeds, Mnrtgaoes, Leases and Wills, executed on shortest notice. All N 2 Property for bale ETHE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS ‘ for sale 100 acres of land adjoin- ing the corporation, on Durham 1 Roai: also 25 acres on Lamblon l street, With buildings; also a new brick house on Saddler street, Durham, with all modern 1 improvements.-â€"Thos. McComb‘ _ all! “..uan 91;)nnln I l SPIRELLA CORSETS STORES), Made in boned with the i Spi_rella stay, the - â€"_â€"A4-L J F. GRANT, D. D. S., L. D. S. FONOR GRADUATE. UNIVEfiSI- OTARY PUBL ?IRELLA CORSETS (NOT SOLD STORES), Made in Canada are boned with the indestructible Spirella stay, the most pliable and resilent corsetb oning the world: guaranteed not to break ' ne year of corset wear. Appointment by mail or telephone given prompt atten- tion.-â€" Irs. J. C. Nichol, Box 107. Durham. Phone 70. 10 26 assistant, Roy.London Upht-halmzc no: and to Golden Sq. Throat and Nose Boa DURI Prop” Dr. W. 0. Pickering Dentist. 1‘. FOREST BC: DA. )IcLachlan, EAR, THROAT . l‘ toe; 13. ,Frost St. Owen Sound .11 Spirella UmsetS to get 3'0 tion now. investigat Stratford Dental Director'v SChOO Legal ‘Dz’rectarv 011 the Conveyax Money to my time Journal. A. H. Jackson. DR. BEDWN SPECIALIST : Auctioneer for the f Grey. Satisfaction guar- ‘erms reaeanabie. Dates made at the Chronicle of- . ith himself. IT DR. BURT. a1 fig}; 37, Durham ' *1 _ . T l‘uuuuuru. w 'eyancer, 8‘“- Insurance Blenheim, h ’3’ to Loan. 1’38“” .Of Max} rnd when t ;. A general unanclal busx- _‘ run-.11} tn tux! Over J. J. Hunter’s your busine TH BOA-T ' NOSE w. It will pay ate the merits fluctzoneer _.___-â€". â€"- It will pax you to if connection with and Toronto Col- :fles us to offer advantages of'city rarer home. Indiâ€" truction; in positions: 3:119 Write to-day f0 BL'SP‘ESS COLLEBF‘ ~, steade; in g-oodhsâ€"tanding may {rt Ian. LA. Fleming; em pt 3. quarter-section alongsxde his homestead. Price $3 00 per acre Dutiesâ€"Six months’ residence in w¢¢¢9+oo¢wow . ‘ . each of three years after earmng *Zpa D 4. - --1 oico “' Ehomeatead patent; also 50 acres .3 :extra cultivation. Pre-emption tent may be obtained as soon homestead patent, on certain nditiona. â€"â€" -_L-......,,; m. Lower Town smoâ€"fâ€"land adjoin-E ‘ .-.\ :ion, on Durham; $QV§ t L' bl. [33:31; 435002‘; smorsm 0F CANADIAN NORTH ‘ ‘ WEST LAND BEGULA'DIONS. ‘ i The sole head 0! a family, 01‘ McComb.‘ any male over 18 years old‘ . may 21'2moihomestead a quarter-section oi >urham. . 0 1 available Dominion land in Mani- ,_______ . “toba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. â€"â€"-â€"â€"":‘T"‘=1Applicant must appear in person 9‘; YOK. ?at the Dominion Lands Agency or ‘ ' Sub-Agency for the District. En- ' ‘ gtry by proxy may be made at any ' Dominion Lands Agency (but um merits of 0m. Sub-Agency). on certain COndithDS. " , ,. Dutiea.-â€"Six months’ residence ”‘I‘WCWIOH “11h ‘ upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A home- steader may live within nine mile-z»: l1: :0 011m mums Of'cm. 1 of his homestead on a farm of ‘1‘: 1:. at least 80 acres, on certain concu- “019‘9- 111‘” tions. A habitable house is re- tion; gratin- auired except Where residence is \-, ~§ sappy performed in the vic’nity. Tivn stock may be substituted l généldll) « 1 gvuvxal 1:! 1 heux} i,dd. ltxvnâ€"yv ihfla arch 29,191 i1 ! CREDIT AUCTION SALE of Farm Stock and Implements The undm's igned At1111im1om' “ii: $111 11\ [11111111 :1111’111111 :11 Lot. 32, Con.1 3, B. G. R., Glenelg, 1111 Thursda;,».{ March 29, 195.7 1111‘ ‘1'1111(1\\'i!1§-II ' 1 gum-ml “1111111151- 11111-su 7 31:1" 11:1. 1 gvuvrzzl 11111111150 11111111 13 ,\':':‘11'.~‘ 1:111. 1 heavy draught. mare 8 years 11 1 11»\'11â€"}v'1*211'-111(1 1111}: 1 3'0111'111121 11113‘ 113' 8111111" Strand '1 cow 6 W's. “111.":111111 111111; 1 111\\ '3. \111'> 1111] 13.1111 April 13; 1 111111111'5. 111 (1111' : 133 1 i \ 1 . ‘ n llli M. KENNY, 011 Friday evening last an eldt 1mm, who gave his name us Go: ISL-(mks, was found Wandering n} the road in Dunn t..-:wnshipm-.zn home of MP. Judsan Brown. As was. acting in a). suspic‘ous man the‘ assistance 0f some ymmg Whu were at n party in thv weigh Emmi was ohminetgl. and he was :2: into custody, hx-(mzzht tn town Izwned over tn county (:(xtlsf:u)lu R Hamilton. who [Hr-wed him in the] i‘] hills and drafts. .3112.) use-pl] B 11) wn. Bank of ()mmuuz'cc. “'8. with Brooks and the «s aver to the bank. count and deposited it; to firm amount totalling $6,92 the drafts had been m w-Jv several months, and EL muniwr of iii - ; hills apparently had lievn buried 1“." some time. ‘ On Saturday. when Brooks ‘.'.‘:,vw': questioned, he explained that he was 60 years old. and that he had been living for some years with his broth“- on a. fen-1n at Blenheim-i, both being bachelors. He accounted for his possess ion of so much money by saying that he had sold some farms in the west. Apparently he was suspicious of hanks, and seemed very much annoyed that his money had been taken from him and deposited. He said he had left Blenheim with no very definite dest- ‘ination in his mind. and was, as he. thought, on his way back, but had lost his way. It was when enquiring as to his whereabouts that he aroused suspiction. 1 1 _ L 1-..--n knnn COFD fr} %-\l mnlhs‘ (nu-(lit, will 1w ginn .n'nishing z’lmwmwl jnim. w 'i‘m [WP cent. discount, will 1w mm} on“ for cash at time of 521‘ auapxuuu -u. As it would not have been safe to; admit him to start off again ”with so ‘ much cash in his possession. he was given a small amount for personal ex- penses, and arrangements made to have the bank transmit the balance to ' Blenheim. Apparently railways share. a with banks in his regard, for be pre- ferred. to walk home rather than spend money for a ticket on the train. wmis guingr wusl. ALI-l .\'l;‘ UNI". (ICI‘A’M Termszâ€"Huy, Huts. ads. and all sums ui' Live stock may be for cultivation under ditiona. In certain _distric“ “gheeâ€"filer who has exhausted ma homestead right may take a pur- chased homestead in certain Diaâ€" tricts. Price $3 00 per acre. Dutiesâ€"Must reside six months in each of three years, cultivate Proprietor h E'ertain _distric.t_s a H\'( m whn h ll \V \V THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. k w I I I Hml. lâ€"Angns t'nrnih 1H) has exhausted hie (:(mstwnlte him in [1161 [is hum? w.. teller O m bl‘lSEt‘LUlQ d the in McPHAIL, Auctions; :10 and lmnunl UH w 4N) I'm 1t certain co 1'1- 31111 \Vin IH tH U 0 D Allies Sweep 80=M§Ie from British lake Peronne, Ba= paume and 60 VESEageS Greatest Advances on West Front Since the Marneâ€"Over 900 Square Miles of France Rewon A Despatch from London Sunday reads: The German forces have been compelled to surrender nearly 1,000 square miles of conquered French territory. The British forces con- tinued their rapid advance on the heels of the enemy along a front of 45 miles, entering the German posl~ tions to a depth of ten miles in places. The important towns of Peronne, Ba~ paume, Chaulnes and Nesle were cap- tured, in addition to 60 villages. Saturday night’s report from head- quarters in France read: “Bapaume', has been occupied by our troops after stiff fighting with the German guard. i The town has been systematically pillaged by the enemy. "All private houses and public buildings alike have been destroyed and everything of value carried off or burned. Ou'r ad- vance has proceeded rapidly during the day on both banks of the Somme. South of the river we have entered the enemy’s positions on a front of about sixteen miles and occupied the villages of Fresnes, Horghy, Villers- Carbonnel, Barleux, Eterpigny, and La Maisonnette. North of the river, in addition to the town of Bapaume, mm are in possession of the village to: Le Transloy, Biefvillers. Bihucourt, iAchiet-le-Grand, Achiet-le-Pctit, Ab- ;lainzeville, Bucquoy and Essarts. We also hold Quesney Farm. 1,500 yards northeast of the last named village, :and have gained the western and Igorthwestern defences of Monchy-au- ! 018.” Advance on Front of 45 Miles The text of Sunday‘s statement roads: “We have occupied Nesle, Chaulnes and Peronne. Pressing back the enemy’s rear guards, we advanced veral miles during the past twenty- . r hours to a depth up to ten miles in places on a front of approximately forty-five miles, from south of Chaul- nes to the neighborhood of Arms. An encounter took place yesterdz-.y be- tween a patrol of eight of our air- planes and sixteen enemy machines, With the result that in twenty minutes’ fighting the hostile formation was broken up. Two German airplanes were destroyed and two others driven down damaged. All our machines re- turned.” FRENCH DRIVE 12 MILES Glorious Day For France The Official Story of the French ad- vance is told in the official reports: turday morning's report. (‘rhrorxiciizis . 0 beginning of the offensive. stated gal: north of the Ayre and between a Avre and the Oise French detach- ments continued to exert vigorous pressure on the enemy and during the night extended their progress (ill a front of 20 kilometres. The text oi Saturday night‘s statcimmt. read: “Along the whole front lietucm; At:- dechy and the (line (about; 1:3 min-s» the eneny, declining brittle. abiltl’iml- ed under the pressure of our troops powerfully and skilfully fortified lines. ; which they had held for more than . two years. Today our advance 1mm:- -, ment continued rapidly. Our ’«xth'uilt‘L‘ , guard entered Roye. pursuing an '; enemy contingent, which blew up‘ crossings and streets in the interior: ,section. North and northeast of Las- '. i signy, which we likewise occupied, we I :have reached at several points, and 1 even advanced beyond the road be- tween Boye and Noyon. In the course 01 our pursuit we made prisoners, , who have not yet been counted." 5 Take Entire German First Line ' “From the Avre to the Aisne on a trout of more than sixty kilometres the advance of our troops continued during the course of the day. North of the Avre our cavalry this morning entered Nesle and we immediately ant out patrols in the direction of the Somme. There were several en- ements with enemy rear guard de- ents, who resisted feebly. The bitants of Neale acclaimed our troops. Northeast of Lassigny we have up to the present advanced more man twenty kilometres in the direc- don of Ham. Further to the south vâ€" 'â€" our light cavalry detachments,’ mov- ing along the valley of the 013e, oc- cupied Noyon about ten o’clock this morning. Between the Oise and Sols- Bons (Aisnc sector) the entire Ger- man first line, as well as the villages of Carlepont, Morsam and Nouvron Vlngre fell into our hands. We have gained a foothold on the northern plateau of Solssons and occupied Austria Wants Armistice Despatches from Vienna say that the ' 3 German Chancellor was received Satâ€" s.i urday by the Austrian Emperor and Empress at the Laxemburg Castie, near Vienna. Political circles in Vienna, the despatch adds, are COIl- _ sidering the possibility of entering into ; negotiations with the Russian Cabinet, with a view to an armistice. Emperor Charles is very anxious about the mat- ter. The German Chancellor will leavr: Vienna Saturday night for Ber- lin and will immediately visit the Ger- man Emperor at headquarters. # I Q . o I i M [ year and a hall. . . U81. 0111' W. J. Elliott, Principal. catalogue and arrange to enter now. Open all year. 6+§¢§§§§§§§6006§¢¢§§§§§§§Q§§§§§+§§§+§§§O§OW . Q 6 ' O 0 Q ‘ ‘ O : g '1 HI: .5001)?!- yuu buy your : . '. £06 rlces Spring Slums. lhi’ more 0 0 U . , , ,‘ 7 0 § moneg )on “11! save. g 1‘: 0 C . 3 are Qtill GomgU p 5mm 3...... "ow : f .. v' Why Not You? a A Gmater Need For Food Than Men The British Government regards the mducuon of food of greater import,- Chancellor Bonar Law said, in re: questions. in the House of sponge to that the Cabinet had in- flamed the War Ofice and the Board at Agriculture that this was its view. on Front of 45 Miies 3 Beechmont, Ontâ€"“I feel it my duty ‘: to tell what Dr. Pierce’s remedies have 3 d o n e f o r m e . E When I commenced f "‘ taking them I was '2 V 1 completely run ~ .;.-;1 down. I have taken altogephpr .Ot '3" nine bottles of the - ‘ ' ‘Golden Medical: Discovery’ and ‘Favorite Prescrip- ' tion,’ to ether with the ‘ leasant Pellets’ and can truthfully say that I feel like a new woman. I would cer- tainly recommend these medicines to any one suffering as I did.’ ’â€"Mns. WM. PLUM- LEY, Beechmont, Ont. An imitation of nature’s method of re placin waste of tissue, enriching impov- erishe blood and increasing nerve force is when you take an alterative extract of herbs and roots made with pure glycer- ine, without the use of alcohol, like Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery. This vegetable medicine coaxes the digestive functions and helps in the assimilation of food, or rather takes from the food just the nutriment the blood requires Pure blood is essential to good health. Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery not only cleanses the blood of impurities, but it increases the activity of the blood- making glands, and enriches the bod with an abundant supply of pure, rich {100d It thus cures scrofula, eczema, erysipelas, boils, pimples and other eruptions that mar and scar the skin. Substantial Proof by 3 Witness. 7 Write Dr. Pierce, Invalids’ Hotel, Bufialo, N. Y., for free medical advice or for free booklet on blood. 3MB GIRL BURI'S ED TO DEATH )11 in \II. jHuI'I’ Watt Sun NEW SILKa‘ TIES LACES CORSBTS MEN’S OVERALLS SHIRTS Tim stripc-s. blue and «nteons, ..¢a¢o¢09909999909v0904iv? ll HI SOUR an‘ We have still some lines at old prices: some hosiery at tempting prices. Headquarters for Trunks. Suit Cases. Valises. Etc.; also Mitts. Gauntlets and Gloves. REPAIRING AS USUAL. Just In 1.3‘ Mollraithzlhe Down Town Shoe Store H iM x hm uul M HI ll BORN l i H I l 5 ‘V f II gi lml'n H' H lhil HIP II KIM “a! \V 11 H \\ bl l1 a (f K 3111 A. BELL iUNDERTAKER .r and Funeral Director\ iMIss M. CRYDERMAN. B. A. \ Intending Students should en ter at the beginning of the UH! 111 if possible. Board can be obtained at reasonable rates.D1uhaxnis a. he'Ethy and at- . tractive town. making it a most desir- I able. place. f’h’ residence. PLANlNG MILLS Durham High School THOS. ALLAN, Principal. lst Class Certificate, also certificate in Phyâ€" sical Culture. Subjects: Science, Mathematics, Spelling. MISS J. WEIR, B A., Queen’s Uni- versity. Specialist in Art. Subjects; Latin, Art, Literature, Composi- tion, Rea-ding, Geography, Ancient History. l‘hc Toronto University, also certificate in Physical Culture. Subjects: En- glish Grammar, French, British and Canadian History, Composi- tion, Writing. Iur The record of the School in past year“ is a flattering one. The trustees are progressive educationally and s are no pains to see that teachers an pupils have every advantage for the pro- per presentation and acquistion of knowledge. Full line of Catholic Robes, and black and white Caps for aged people. zclure memg on Show: notz'w. H. R. KOCH, DURHAM ZENUS CLARK {ch The. undersignvd bth to announce to residents of Durham and surrounding country. that he has his Planning Mill and Factory completed and is prepared to take orders fur EASTER TERM OPENS APRIL 10 has had an enormous demand for their graduates during the ..last year and a half.. .Get our catalogue and arrange to enter now. Open all year. W. J. Elliott, Principal. SHOW ROOMSâ€"~I‘ Bax her Slum I dom South of \ bl :Lcksm i th Sb 0 D Shingles and Lath Aiways on Hand At Right Prices. FEES : $1 per month Yonge 8: Chafles Sts., Toronto Embalming a Specialty ch in: Custom Sawing Promptly At- tended To on Tuesday, April 10, and merges into Summer session from July 9. No forced vaca- tion. No waste time. Come. Free catalogue. Write Shaw’s Schools, Toronto 393-7 Yonge SASH, DOORS House Fittings PAGE 7. )( and all kinds of â€" SPRING TERM OPENS Chairman . H 1i 1H m Next to Swallow s RESIDENCE-Next \V. J Law rence’s ll U _. . em ONTARIO . etc” fur full Int riculat ion m J. F. GRANT, Secretarv “zipped l and 9h :an C8

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