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Durham Chronicle (1867), 29 Mar 1917, p. 7

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llows to- {1131' to- Play rom 1917. ittle 6T8, VOU not lI' NORTH PART OF LOT 6, THE old skating rink site, Garafraxa street, and the north part of lot 5. Albert street. Apply to A. E. Jackson. 9 30d :5EING LOT 53, CON. 3, E. G. 3.. Glenelg, containing 100 acres: AA ‘â€"A_.‘.\ DOTS 8. 9 street. W Ion. THE DURHAM SKATING RINK. one of the beat in Western Ou- tario, is offered for sale; agood paying prOposition; good reason [or selling. Apply J. A Brown, Durham, Ontario. Advertisements of one inch or less, 25 cts. for first insertion, and 10 cents for each subsequent insertlon, Over one inch and under two inches, double the above amount. Yearly rates onZapplication. Property for Sale be sold on reasonable terms; eontninl {acre more or less- comlortAble residence, 7 rooms: bud and soft water; good bear- ing orchard and gal-deg; fine sit- u‘VUV-n, on premises are new frame barn. brick house. sheds and outbuild- ings; running stream through property: about 10 acres hard- wood bush, rest in good state of cultivation. Possession giVen on Nov. lst, 1913. For further par- ticulars, apply on premises to first John Staples, Rural Route .\0. 1, Durham. Ont. 944pdtf “8 -‘.v-â€"â€"vâ€"_ Philip Eva, in the town of Dur- ham. For terms and particulars apply to J.P. Telford, Durham. 11,18.“ CO} For Sale or to Rent One 14 h.p. traction engine, Watâ€"i erloo; one 36x48 separator, wind-E stacker, dust collecter, complete; Waterloo; one No. 3 Massey-Hap; ris Blizzard corn cutter: one} wagon and tank, nearly new. Ev-g erythjng in good order. Apply toi P .T McGillivray, RR. 2, Priceville ‘ _.....â€"..__-.___.-. HOUSE MOVING I am m-emred to accept contracts fur mnving houses. barns or other builc'lings. Satisfactitm guaranteed, and prim‘s Illndt‘l'iltf‘. Apply to Wm. Runnings, R. R. No. '1. Chatsworth nr Phone to Store at Dornoch) mr Phone 3 1:3 6tpd executors. Applications will be received my the undersigned up to April 2nd, ,t'nr position of constable, caretaker of town hall, sanitary inspector and c'Hllf‘CtOI‘ Of all taxes etc. c" 1" 17-11-; ONTAINING 100 ACRES MORE or less; all cleared except five acres cedar swamp; good barn FOR SALE BY AUCTION Mrs. Wm. Falkingham will offer fur fine by pubhc aucfiun at her I'vsidence in Durham on Saturday, tin"7fln du}'«df.\priL svvoral art}- (‘low‘ M hunwhuld gonds. consisting nt' bmls. bedding. chairs. sewing ma- «Wxnun :nui snvvrul nfher artkfl0§. InfighanL Aucfionâ€" 'l‘erl'ms (-:1.<h.~â€"â€"-R. 3 '29 2 Farms for Sale. FOR SALE OR TO RENT The second and third Divisions of Int [6. Gun. 1. B.G.R.. (Honelg. con- mining 100 acres. knuwn as the lex'innnn farm. Apply tn Whitman}. Durham. ‘0' 103‘ Mr. John .uuruuuz Sound Monday and business. \. :0 z§0§§§§§§§§§§§§§0 O > . §§§§§ QQQzQOzQQOzzQOQOOz; Ow: an 5.04,. J. MEGinix‘u-ay. 1.1 just in. an ‘L' “I ‘|\\' _-â€"-.I . 92115. HO“ Rink for Sale Jots For Sale Farm for Sale MUNICIPAL NOTICE March 29, 1017. For Sale For Sale SMALL ADS; rdock “w, B. Vollet,, Clerk. was in OWE-D. Tuesday on G. a"? D g2r83:{ rbarn.i :build-q La.) Lrough I Of: d__i .313“: DJ 629$! , FFICE AND RESIDENCE A; short distance east of Knapp’s Hotel. 2 Lamb ton Street, Lower Town, Durham; Office Hours: 2 to 5 p.m., 7 to 8.? p.m., except Sundays. . ‘g FFICEâ€"Over J P. Telford’s office nearly opposite the Registr office. ReSIdence Second house south of Registry oflice on east side of Albert Street. Office Hours 9-11 a.m., 2-4 p. m.. 7-9 p. m. Telephone communism tion between office and residence at all hours. Bate Assistant Roy.London Uphmaumc Bus 8112;. and to Golden Sq. Throat and Nose Hos. SPECIALIST : EYE, EAR, THRQAT _ nose Drs. iamieson Jamieson. DB. BROWN L R. c. P., LONDON. ENG. ,‘ RADULATE of London. New Cr York and Chicago. Diseases of Eye, Ear Nose and throat. Will be at the Hahn House, Durâ€" ham, Jan. 21, Feb. 17, Mar. 17 and April 21. Hours 1 to 5 p.m. OFFICE: vâ€"' vâ€"‘ ['1 ty of- Toronto. Graduate Roya College Dental Snrgeons of Ontario. Dentistry In all its Branches. Officeâ€"Over Douglas’ J ewellerv Store. 3. E. Hutton, M. 0., C. l. P. Telford. BARRISTEE, SOLICITOR. ETC. Ofiice. nearly opposite the Registry office, Lambton St.,Durham. Any amount Jf monev tn loan af 5 per cent. on farm propertv v _______ L‘ er, Conveyarcer,' 8m. Insurance Agent. . Money to Loan. lesuer of Max:- riage Lxcenses. A general financial bus:- ness transacted. DURHAM ONT. (Lower Town.) Couintx' of Grey. Satisfaction guar- anteeu. Perms reasonable. Dates of sales made at the Chronicle of- fice. or with himself. Hulatezil Conveyancer. Issuer‘of Marriage Licenses. Money to loan at lowest rates, and terms to suit borrower. Fire and Life Insurance placed in thor- oughly reliable compaaies. Deeds, Mortgages, Leases and Wills, executed on shortest gojtice. All work promptly attended to. SPIBELLA CORSETS (NOT SOLD STORES), Made in Canada are boned with the indestructible Spirella stay, the most pliable and resilent coraetb oning the world: guaranteed not to break or rust in one year of corset wear. Appointment by mail or telephone given prompt atten- n \T:-1.A‘I unv 1n7 A. H. jackson. mum PUBLIC, COMMISSION. J F. GRANT, D. D. 8.. LI). 8. [ONOR GRADUATE. UNIVEliSI- Lmy Vuv tion. -Mrs. 5.1-. . E. fiichél, Box Durham. Phone 70. Huh, v-O‘ -'- vâ€"â€" by proxy may be made at any . Dominion Lands Agency (but not iSub-Agency). on certain conditional Duties.-â€"Six months’ residence} to get your business educa- 3 tion no“. It will pay you to 1 investigate the merits or our school. Our connection with ' d ulti ti 1 th 1 d c . upon an e va ono e an ' . and Toronto (301- . . “ranord C , ff . tin each of three years. A home- leges 911313195 “0 ‘0 0 .91 :steader may live within nine miles \011 the advantages of mty ;of his homestead on a farm of ’at least 80 acres, on certain condi- qchools nearer home. Indi- ‘ . , :UODB. A habitable house is re- ” ~ ‘ s ru tion; Gradu- . . . “(ital ‘ m I. C f1 squired except where residence is 1-1105 3) need 121 positions. :nter performed in the vic’uity. any time. Write to-day 101‘ t Live stock may be substituted :ior cultivation under certain con- JournaL 2 ._ ,ditions. . . BIT. FOREST BUSINESS COLLEGr.‘ In certain dJ-BtrlCtB a home- steader in good standing may prE- D"" McLachlan, L‘A' Fleming, Eempt a quarter-section alongside _________________’____â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"--" 3 hi;) hgmestsead. Pricfi §3 00 Ider acre . I ' . ‘ 2 u 'esâ€" ix mont s resi ence in .””’”’.. .‘...”w 2 teach of three years after earning at :fhomestead patent; also 50 acres . gextra cultivation. Pre-emption I‘l-lr'a Q ; patent may be obtained as soon HE UNDERSIGNED OFFEBS‘ for sale 100 acres of land adjoin- ing the corporation, on Durham Roai: also 25 acres on Lambton street, with buildlngs; new brick house . on Saddler Medical Directorv. btfice: 13. heat St. Owen Sound. Dr. W. 0. Pickering Dental Directorv. Legal “Directory IT WILL PAY YOU. BR. BURT. an McLean . SHARP cflua‘z'oneer 107. 10 26 The present year will see it. great ‘ increase in the number of urban poul- zgtry keepers. The almnat prohibitive. 3 prices of eggs. and poultry during the ipust winter have. caused many Cun- i eumers to seriously consider the home lpxmiuction of thew: very- necessary and useful cox‘nmodinies. IL is import- ant also that any efi'mts put forth in 1 ! . C l 0 Q . , this dn-ecunn result sutls'mcuin-xly. WILL ASSIST URBAN POULTRY KEEPERS (I‘zs‘tx-y. l’ructicxléy e‘ccrv Luge LUWH um! city has its {HO-'11 poultry Associa- t‘mz. ll: is suggested that, each Aswwi-‘I' :l'mn give auxin-- publicity in the sui- muluy nf thrifty well mz-Lt-uz‘ed pulleza in; pmfitu'ule “inter- egg production au‘tl 'Ldvertisethe hut lebt'nc ASS«_Mti.L Minn IS prepared to constitute itsvlf :1, medium u) arrange for the hatching and rearing of pullcto this spring and fur [new dchveryin the fall. It. ("01119. he announced that, orders wnu‘d 1):» taken during the m:mth of April and Lin: first part, of May. All those desir- ing pullecs in this way could be requir- ed LU join the Assucianion and make 2:. sum.“ deposit covering Lhe number re- quired. . I .‘I .I Y- The ASSUCiElLiOH could then m 1km ‘ cunh arrangements as might be necess- I ary with nearby Uo-operative Associa- ntlons. farmers and breeders for the growing of the pullets, a minimum price to be decided upon for the ditfer- ent breeds and varieties. In the fall these could 0e assembled at some central depot in each locality and tie distribution made in time to permit of the 'proper housing 01'" the stock in permanent winter quarters before the severe weather set m, say by the lust of October. in order that greater effectivmiess may be given to this proposal. the Dominion Live Stock. Branch is pre- pared to extend. to all Associationsi qualifying under these provisions. the; same assistance that is given tol Associations desiring to purchase other kinds of pure bred live stock. namely, the payment of l'tfdb‘Lnlétbic tr:u‘elliu~,zl expenses. during the time required to conclude the purchase and transport the stock to destiimtioii, of representâ€" ;LtiVes or ASSUClétLlLHIS. in any section of Canada, d siring to purchase pull~ ets in lots of 300 or more. Should it he desired, the Live Stock Commissioner .wili also nominate a suitable person who will bedirected to accompany this representative and assist him as far as possible in the selection and shipping of the pullets. -1... -RL’-,_ -‘A“‘ ()x'dimu'i Clint-Ir...” v- -_â€"_ I" ,. In the general interests of the poul- ! try industry throughout the Dominion : and the urgent need this year for in-‘ creased production of eggs and poul- try and the releasing thereby of a large surplus for export to Great Britain. it is hoped that as many Associations as possible will take ad- vantage of this proposition. All Associa- tions desiring to become active in this direction are requested to write the Live Stock Commissioner, Ottawa. at once ior further advice and instruc- E tion in the matter. ht FOR SALE Hand-power circular saw, speciâ€" ally suitable for bee-keepers. Apply to Mrs. Geo. Willoughby, Albert St, Durham. Adam owned the earth at one time. His. experience should be a warning to those who want it now. WEST LAND REGULATIONS» Iportance has occurred. On March The sole head of a tamily, or 23 a violent bombardment on both ‘ any male over 18 years old. may sides took place. The enemy directed , homestead a quarter-section o! numerous incendiary shells against available Dominion land in Mani- Monastir. British hydro-aeroplanes toba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. bombarded Pradesta, Kenali and Or- Applicant must appear in person fano.” The enemy communique con- at the Dominion Lands Agency or cerning the engagements of March Sub-Agen'y for the District. En- 20-21 is false. We have maintained try by proxy may be ma at any all the important positions conquered ,Dominion Lands Agency (but not north of Monastir.” ‘iSubâ€"Agency). on certain conditions} - Duties.-â€"Six months’ residence: Home For Sick Canadians E anon and cultivation of the land: Viscount Milner has placed his‘ 7‘“ each 0‘ til-1‘98 37981'5- A 110918" beautiful house, Sturroy Court, Canter- :steader may hve within nine mlles bury, with a residence adjoining, and :of has homestead on a farm of also a staff of servants. at the disposal { ’at least 80 acres. on certain condi- of Lady Drummond for the benefit of I :5003- A habitable 1101183 15 1‘8“ Canadian officers on sick leave. This} aauired except where residence is place is among the most beautiful in performed in the vic’nity. Kent. Officers will be sent there 2 Live StOCK may be substituted through the Canadian Red Cross Lon- i for cultivation under certain con- don Bureau. Mrs. H, B. Yates, widow SYNOPSIS 0F CANADIAN NORTH: war-“theatre read: “No event of im- ‘ ) ditions. of Col. Yates, who died here, will have ' In certain districts 3 home- charge, steader in good standing may pre- , ________._â€"â€"â€"~â€"â€"- ‘36th a quarter-section alongslde Claim 350,000 French Prisoners ibis homestead. Price $3 00 per acre 4 A Berlin paper says: Having print. , Dutiesâ€"Six months’ residence in ' ed in the French language the names 333011 01 three years after earning of 360,000 French prisoners of war C 3homestead patent; also 50 acres and the places at which they are be- ,iextra cultivation. Pre-emption ing held, the German Government is mpatent may be obtained as soon beginning the publication of the :gas homestead patent, on certain names of French soldiers buried be- ,‘con-ditions. hind the German lines and the loca- : A use“-.. who has exhausted his t ion of their graves. ever. if the matter w m:-u,ic;x.lly by poultry the difficulty could incidentallv, serve 21 using: i:1t91t‘5t in an: U Federal Assistance Plan Proposed THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. L: a. mean) 3 poultry ,(»e :L great u-ban poul- prohibitive during the“ ssmrizu’jt m overcumt o obtain hol '19 Vt’d. 111 ill 3 29tf Great Numbers of German Troop. Massed on Northern Front A despatch from London says: Alluding to the military situation in Russia and the effect of the revolu- tion on the men at the front, Renter’s Petrograd correspondent says: “War Minister Guchkoff’s Statemem that the foe is at the gate is no mere figure of speech. The slightest re- laxation of vigilance and tne enemy Would be at Petrograd." The correso pendent then cautiously refers to the l‘epereussive action on the. troops of the consciousness that the army has been the arbiter of Russia's. destiny, which has nmnit’ested itself ’11 de- mands incommztihle with linings; dis- ” , . is news from val Prevalence of "se( issues- a proclamzz peOple of the men to uncover secrets fence. The col: spies in Petrograd was pointed LJ' as one element cf dange‘ which steps were innnctl'atciy nit-t;- Sary, while the other menace \zxzs named as the concentration by the Germans of "great quantities of 11111;);-1 tions, supplies and men" on the. liar sian northern front. Other (les;.)at_<:iu-:3 told of a conference between Ge 1. Kornileff, the new commander of. the tr00ps in the Petrograd district, with the council of workmen’s and soldiers’ delegates, concerning the German con- centration along this front. and of a great meeting of soldiers on the Riga front attended by Gen. Dimitrieff and delegates of the Duma at which it was resolved unanimously to strain every effort for the defence of Russia. Huns Wake Up' On Canadian Front. Fiying Men Busy A Despatch from Canadian Head-i quarters in France reads: As his re-| treat in the Valley of the Somme Blackens the enemy begins to wafâ€"zei. up again on t'ie Canadian front. liis patrols are increasingly vigilant, and his artillery, which for a time was so quiescent as to induce doubt as to whether he meant to tight or w th- draw, is now returning the fire ot‘ the Canadian batteries with new Vigor. Aerial observation is also better and keeps our flying men and Arc} ies busy. Men along the front are great-l 1y heartened by the news that the enemy is at leastheading for hmne, though such wanton destruction as cutting down fruit trees angers inâ€"‘m almost as much as if Germans were ravaging Niagara Peninsula. '1“: l way in which all British troops i.7~':ii to regard the soil ot’ France, in «je- fence of which so many 02' the bra st have laid down tl-eir lives, gt an iindication that the alliance of hymn": ‘ and the British Empire will last long nand become even more intimate. ts- ! pecially if. Russia, France’s ether ally, ibecomes a constitutional monarchy ior a republic, and is modernized in- ;dustrially. These matters are far ! more discussed at the front than even ithe progress of the var. The great gevents transpiring south of Arras have made niost people optimistic, and once more the cry is heard “Christmas in Canada.” l l t. ’J Borden, Deseronto and Vancouve: House 1,000 Aviators me, and 533 Toronto. with Mrs. Henry Ilugtzan in. the chair. Mr. Paul Meredith, Lieuten- ant of the Royal Flying (form, re- turned from the front, told something of the needs of the 400 men at that R.F.C. barracks on Givens Strca t. They are entirely under Imperial or- ganization, and do not get the, grants the local battalions do for buying things for the men. This is a. growing branch of the service. and they hope to have 1,000 aviators by the end of the year. There may be three camps â€"one at Borden, one at Deseronto, and perhaps one at Vancouver. Mr. IMeredith told of the need of a con- ivalescent hospital. Some slight acci- ldents are bound to occur in training, and, while bad cases will be sent to . the military hospitals, there should be lsome place for those slightly injured. RUSSEA'S WARNEEKEG STRAFING CANADEANS The official report on the Eastern war theatre read: “No event of im- portance has occurred. On March 23 a violent bombardment on both sides took place. The enemy directed numerous incendiary shells against Monastir. British hydro-aeroplanes bombarded Pradesta, Kenali and Or- fano.” The enemy communique con- cerning the engagements of March 20-21 is false. We have maintained all the important positions conquered north of Monastir.” Camps For Canadian Airmen Lynch-Stanton, elder son of Senator George Lynch-Stanton, was mum in Mesopotamia. ‘ Bombard Macedonian Towns ? was announced that all bat- .s in the Toronto \1 L.a.v Dis- would be sent ov er: cz. s :33 the 3...; f ari cond thougm: aticm warnir at the army has RLssia’s destiny, ed itself in de- with military (115- at alrea d} [11": AS fr01.us of LAB d 11101122112. Le MM I 0 on plows has been. _Canada is concerned. 8 {10 'uction as gers thanl Lfia. Jue oops Loxhx 100, N: de- hc brgvest , >iv:s an For Hang-on Coughs, Colds For the coughs that rim into con- ; sumption, a remedy is needed that Will i work on the blood, make it pure, rich l and wholesome, build up the wasting E tissues and put the body, into condition for a fight against this dread disease. '1 Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discov- i cry fights in the right way. Its first action is to put the stomach, bowels, liver and kidneys in good working order; What makes digestion good and assimila- tion quick and there; it makes sound, healthy flesh. That’s half the battle. ITAKE THIS CASE FOR INSTANCE. St. Catharines, Ontâ€"“I owe forever a great debt of gratitude to an army officer . -- . .. and a particular «(a/97‘7" friend of mine for .5 . ‘ recommendmg Dr. 1?. p. Pierce’s medicine, Pierce for discover» .-._ .' ing and preparin ' \\- suelywonderfu .‘ngNA modicmes. I had '; " '54 ’[’t as well as to Dr. ’ :3 ”If” Q been a great suffer- . er for twelve years __ A , with bronchitis, Wigs <5 ’ which I contracted ‘ while doing service in India. I have been engaged in nearly every country in the world and from hav- ing to sleep out in all kinds of weather the bronchitis became chronic and I was afraid of consumption at times. The doctors gave me no hope lwut that it would eventually mean consumption, I was so bad. I had tried every known remedy and physicians in foreign countries but got no ,relief. After returning home a friend, ad- vised me strongly to try ‘Golden Medical Discovery.’ I did so and took eight bottles / ,.. ”A” â€" w... in all and toâ€"day am entlrelf free from bronchitis. I honestly believe I would not be in the land of the living toâ€"day were it not for this wonderful medicine.”â€"Cm. A. W. STRACHAN. R. E. \Villiam \\ Hum. :111 Adiala 131112114 liv 111g 11 mile :1n1i 1-1 h; 1|f ~1111lh of ”(11 k- iey. in a. fit 111 1i1~sput1d11111 3 , 1 11mmitt- 11i~ui1:i11ehy l1: 111gi11g l1i111s1~1f in his 1i1ivi11g-sl1ed1111'l‘-!1111~d:1_\. Sthinst. ““ LL (lrivingfihed (m Thursday. 8th inm. Ahnut the middle of tho. alternmm he sent, his himd man in the burn LU do fhnrps‘, and when thv lath-r return- ed to the huusu at, six O’clm-k he found that his employer was not in. Guing back to search for him. 119 was hnrrifi- ‘ ed on opening the driving-shed (1001'! to see his lifeless hndy suspended by n ruru frnm a. beam. it is prulmhle that \Vilson. whn was alum? in the house when the hired man lei'L 10 (in the (ihi'il'es‘. went in i he (ll'lVlllg'Sl'lUd blHH't' ly afterwmds :thd mnk hi:: life. After securing the rope to thv beam. he had stand on a (hair In i'uslvu it about; his neok. then kickvd Llw chair from un- i i l , idvr him. u- - w 11mm, wlm was about, seventy- thx 99 years of age, \\ as highly respect.- ed in the comnumixy and Stmw. years ago served in Adjnl't township council for several terms. He had been in !“ heaithfor :t year and at, times was melam'holy. His wife died some years ago. Hun. Edward Brown. m'nx'incizll txmnsxn‘vr, :unmunws Munitokm‘s {lib-- plicatinns «m the new war 1mm will run up in liftnvn millions. The Grain (h'mvvrs‘ (anlmny subscrib- vd 8250.000 of this. ADJALA FARM FR HAN GED HIMSELF MANITOBA GIVES $15,000,000. NEW SILKa‘ TIES LACBS CORSETS MEN’S OVERALLS SHIRTS "in stri Shoe Prices Are Still G oingUp “'9 cannot guarantee present prices any length 01 time. In fact, some lines we cannot get at all: others cost more than present selling price. W'ith Kid leathers costing more than $6.00 per pound and sole stock 800., what will kid, shoes cost? We have still some lines at old prices: some hosiery at tempting prices. Headquarters for Trunks Suit Cases. Valises. Eta; also Mitts. Gauntlets and Gloves. ' REPAIRING AS USUAL. Just In I. S‘ MellraithzThe Down Town Shoe Store (in stripes. plain blue and black sateens) A. BELL U N DERTAKER and Funeral Directorw PLANING MILLS chture Frammg (m shoric‘s notz'w. Durham High School THOS. ALLAN, Principal, lst Class Certificate, also certificate in Phy- sical Culture. Subjects: Science, Mathematics, Spelling. MISS J. WEIR, BA., Queen’s Uni- versity. Specialist in Art. Subjects; Latin, Art, Literature, Composi- tion, Reading, Geography, Ancient History. ,MISS M. CRYDERMAN. B. A. fToronto University, also certificate in Physical Culture. Subjects: En- glish Grammar, French, British and Canadian History, Composi- 'tion, Writing. intending Students should enter at the beginning of the term if possible. Board can be obtained at reasonable The school is Lboroughlv equipped ‘ Leaching ability, in chemical and elec- trical supplies and fittings, 9.th for full [unior Leaving and M atriculation work. F 1111 line of Catholic Robes, and black and white Caps for aged people. rates. Durham 18 a he“; thy and at. tractive town. making it a most desir- able place for residence. The record of the School in past year‘ is a flatter-m?l one. The trustees are progressivee ucationally ands are no ains to see that teachers an pupils ave every advantage for the pro- per presentation and acquistion of knowledge. ZENUS CLARK DURHAM H. R. KOCH, The undersigned hugs to announce to residents of Durham and surrounding country. that he has his Planning Min and Factory completed and is prepared to take orders for EASTER TERM OPENS APRIL 10 Shingles and Lath Always on Hand At Right Prices. their graduates during the . has had an enormous demand for SHOW ROOMSâ€"Next to Swallows Barber Shop. RESIDENCE -Next door South of \V. J Lawre’nces blacksmith shot) â€"â€"v'.â€" year and a half...Get our catalogue and arrange to enter now. Open all year. W. J. Elliott, Principal. FEES : $1 per month in advance Embalming a Speciaity rYonge Charles Sts., Toronto Custom Sawing Promptly At- tended To SASH, DOORS â€" and all kinds 0! â€" on Tuesday, April 10, and merges into Summer session from July 9. No forced vaca- tion. No waste time. Come. Free catalogue. Write Shaw’s Schools, Toronto 393-7 Yonge House Fittings PAGE 7. SPRING TERM OPENS Chairman . THE sooner you buy your Spring Shoes. thv more money you will save. Some are Buying Now Why Not You? ONTARIO Secretarv

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