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Durham Chronicle (1867), 12 Apr 1917, p. 5

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{IBAIIUN ISDNINB icle File 1897. :ently on bowels, strengthens the e nervous system. :0, trial size, 250. ant postpaid on it-a-tives Lum' 'tod, Condition Many Well eases. I‘ll 001.81 S AGO MARKET n \V \\ AGAINST UBLE :lfl' K \V 800 to 1000 h '. of Appetite It may pro- nlessness. It ilf ll It absorp- e matter. 1 r: Aulo- m, Goat, be 23/201: onroade": :1 g them- alilY last. anderful 112 2)! often l 5m Monti): O“ of UNV- tlli h ”ll-- )mt t1]( In! H III“ 0]! DE II} I.“ The weather is keeping extremely cold, and an early spring opening need scarcely be looked for. The sudden calling by death of i the late Inspector Campbell came asi a great shock to the people in this‘ vicinity. The better we came to know him the better we liked him.j Mr. John Thompson left last week} for the west, to assist his son. Wel-l lington, with the work on his big! farm. ' r . . l [he trustee board ol our section- ister to teach, on cor Basses her exam. f( mom m 1][)11 Just (If ifi( BLYTH’S CORNERS wful to, p} 1 the side, ml why 80 36" To C ity, Town and Village Dwellers in Ontario. M] ’V b CG and poultry prices, the like of which have seldom or never been experienced, certainly make it worth anyone’s while to start keeping hens. By doing so you have fresh eggs at the most trifling cost. At the same ndid satisfaction of knowing that time you have the sple you are doing something towards helping Britain, Canada and the Allies achieve victory this year. -n-v- __ The Ontario Department of Agriculture will give stance by afl'ording mforma’uon about every possible assi . bulleun Whlch tells how poultry keeping. Write for free to keep hens (address below). “ A cvnfln*fl!\ln Gaff-Ian “A vegetablegarden for every home” war. - t ' ., increase production by growing vegetables. Even the smallest plot of ground, when properiy cultivated, pro- duces a surprising amount OI vegetables. Experience is not essential. A. A ._“‘L“‘A "#11 56,111 April 12. 1917. not essential. On request the Department of Agriculture will send valuable literature, free of charge, giving complete direco tions for preparing soil, planting, cultivation, etc. A plan of a vegetable garden, indicating suitable crop to grow, best varieties and their arrangementin the garden, will be sent free to any address. Address letters to “Vegetable Campaign," Department of Agrictflture, Bmldings, Toronto Ontario Department of Agriculture which \V ilbl Miss Mary M. McAl- on condition that she )z‘u‘l am. for a 2nd class ch we hope She will. 0 gradually becoming . except odd newly laces, which are to, plunge through. side. we never could Increased production of food helps : the high cost of living, but it help urgently needed surplus of Canada’: It saves money otherwise spent for at high prices, and saves the labc effort is needed for more vital war v 1’10 m in grading up longer or shorter that way, instead more than 'what with gravel. With rs it really does ' taste they have “KIDS Dath- .cnvise spent for eggs and poultry‘ cl saves the labor of others Whose more vital war work. ..... .-‘-d At the close of the address and pre- MORE POWER FOB .svntation. Mr. Allan made an ap-i N0] wron‘iae * H‘ (r ' -’ - .11.!“ 1t. .aIm.J_ fuilfil'n.LT t‘;_).l}.-.\I’1 I“ There IS a steady d6 i «.111 Beta $15 ll Inlbtlt'niu.‘ t0 :1 b.ta- p0“rer in the Sinlcoe- {mu In tho west album 3300 1111185 devplnpments at the north of \Vinnipeg. and 10ft. 0n this Raggegl Raplds bec‘ffi] :' x , , * K 1 - 0' . .- , -< u utmos a yearago. ilillefllil} mmn'lpn t1_‘11n10.1 hl: {1113- Falls were linked u é91011 hold. lhn Mllnwmg Is {the power plant at Eu i “‘1‘11'9553 ‘ turned in to swell the ‘ Dvux' \] 1' \Ilzm: I th a latter a numner 0 ‘ ° ‘ ‘ villages came into tt nfklxroo {\nron R.\IYI Knowing ut' ynm- I-vw-nt ummint-l Signed on behalf of Knox congre- gation by the undersigned Commit- tee: Archie McDonaM. John Morice, Dnnulcl MCIlVl‘idP. Doubtful Compliment First Artistâ€"I receixwi :1. magnif- icent, tribute to my skill the other day at. the exhibition. Second Artistâ€"Inflow. what was First, Artistâ€"You knmv the pic- ture, “A Storm at Sea?” Well, a man and his wife were looking at. it, and I overlleard the fellow say, “Come away. my dear. that picture makes me sick."â€"â€"Chicago Herald. it Toronto 11 There is a steady demand for Hydro power in the Simcoe-Grey zone. The developments at the Big Chute and Ragged Rapids became taxed to their utmost a year ago. Then the W'asdell Falls were linked up and later the power plant at Eugenia Falls was turned in to swell the aggregate. \Vith th , latter a numner of new towns and villages came into the ircuit. among others, Owen Soum , Flesherton, Durham and Mount Forest. The latest proposition is to further develop the plant at Eugenia Falls, adding thereby possibly 1500 horseâ€" power, while over at the Big (‘hute the plants are to add at least 2000 horse- power. For these betterments the supplementary estimates presented to the Legislature on Monday make pro- vision, the proposed expenditure for Eugenia Falls extension being placed at $216,897. and that for the Severn River extension 8121.238. “’ork on these, it is understood. will he entered upon as soon as the vote is” passed by the Legislature. At the same time the extension of the Orillia plant will also be rushed, probably being completed by next September. in the aggregate the betterments will supply to the Hydro system at least 5.50” additional horse-power, 1.51“ at Eugenia, 2.000 at Big Chute, and 2,000 which will he released by Urillia. In additiOn to this Orillia may have a surplus which, of course, being in the hands of good business men will pro- bably he offered the Connnission at a price that can he disposed of without weighing heavily on the patronsâ€"- Collingwood Bulletin. SHOT BROTHER IN LINE FENCE QUARREL During a quarrel on Saturday morn- } ing last over the ere:tion of a fence on : a piece of practically valueless property on the lake shore on the western side of Collingwood, Philip \Vhite shothis brother Edward VVhiLe, with a shot- gun, inflicting such injuries about the. face and neck that his life is despaired of. Immediately after the shooting Philip made away, and successfully eluding the police, walked to Stayner, Where he boarded the afternoon south- bound train. Chief Ross of the Coiling- wood police notfied the authorities of the surrounding towns to be on the watch for the man, with the result that he was taken into custody at Barrie on Saturday, and was taken back to Collingwood on Monday morn- So far as the police were able to learn, the shooting is the sequel to a series of quarrels between the bro- thers regarding their properties, which adjoin, and both of which have water- fronts of little or no value on the out- er harbor. in v- -aw- ‘7‘,- Philip \Vhite was given his prelim- inary hearing at Collingwood on Monday. when he was charged with shooting With intent to commit murder.â€"â€"Sheiburne Free Press. (Received too late for last week.) The weather has been mild these last few days. with quite a lot, of rain, but tOâ€"duy we had quite a fall of snow. Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Watson spent one day last week with Mrs. Watson‘s parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Morrison, near V'arney. Mr. John Kennedy has engaged with Mr. Jas. Hopkins for the sum. mor months. Mr. Abram Htimpor has purchased the McLeod farm, adjoining his 0W1]. We day. LkL IL; -v- Mr. Geo. A. Watson was confined to the house for a few days with an attack of quinsy. Mr. John Whitmore \is a hale, hearty man -for his years. He was 84 on the 27th of March,' and he walked over a mile to the bush and spent his birthday chopping wood. --- -1. ‘LA holidaVs at his home beze. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. \Ioore spent Easter with the latters mother, Mrs. D. Firth, Of Edge Hill. in. W. L. Dixon is spending the wish him many returns of the McWILLIAMS NORTHERN ZONE THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. lung, mving Ln its biitt‘w ("<‘)1(1 \Vim x'wvm mu .\li'. Alt. ()‘NDH :‘iI'L'ix'mt humu from Sti'ult‘m‘it «in (hunt Friday. \\‘ili_.'l"t! it!) has iwvn conx'ulvscing trim) a recent upci'zitinn t'ni' :ilipmiilicitis. Mr. and Mrs. TIME. 1‘]. Blair and family, «if Durham, havoboon spund- in: tow days on their turn) :it Zion. W. 'l‘immins made a big cattle (.tvzil tmvzu'ds the close (if the wool-1, willing twn cows and '12 bond 01' ynung stuck. R. E. Bryans traded off :i tine. yuung‘ mum to his brutho‘ at Var- my, getting :1 team instead; but. we prosume the other fellow gotquito :I hit to 1mm. Missy Jean Hepburn, and 1101‘ brother, Wallucv. are holit‘laying at Hm Davis lmmestcad. M 1‘s. Hugh Firth has been sorious- ly ill during the past. week, but at. “11330111.. is svmlmvlmt in'lurrwml. All hum! for a speedy recovery. Miss Winnie Black came up from 'I‘nrnnto for the Easter holidays. Word came to our homo on Sat-â€" nutty of the. death that morning of Mrs. S K. Correll, in Toronto. She was first. cousin to our better half, and has Visited Glenolg relatives sworul times. Sho has been a $111" form from 1.):11'alysis for some years. \V. H. Wallace is enjoying the hnliduys at his home in Normanby. Mrs. M.‘Smith's sale on Wednes- day of last week was :1 Splendid success. The day was a beauty, the crowd came from far and near, and Auctioneer D. McPhail drew PPL‘ONI prices for all kinds of stock. Miss Flossie MeV‘icar underwent} an operation for appendicitis on Good Friday, Dr's. D. B. Jamieson, J. (i. Hutton, and R. D. Lane of Price-" \‘ille, being the surgecms in attend- ance. The operation was highly; successful. 1 A pioneer father, a most. highly; respected and esteemed citizen. :1 ' man of wonderful Vim and Vigor, energy and activity, was Mr. A. J. ltohscm, who passed (We? to the (firuat, Beyond at '10 o‘clock on Good! Friday night at the age of eighty. years and two months. For over a7 year his giant strength has been failing. but Up to a day before his death he was. able to be up, read ‘1‘ ”1‘ 1917 will he remnmlbm 33%er ‘\ i TRAVERSTON. Grant. .31 Mum's ugh. :lml _lllw uninn has homn :1. Very happy and; pl't'lsl'lol'ous mu‘. '1‘” thvm \Vmw“ hum Ull'f‘f‘ suns and l'mn' (laughâ€" lors. all living; and haw homx highly snccvssl'ul in lil'v. nzmwlv: Aggie) :MI'S. \V. H. Clark, 01' Edâ€" monton: Miss. May. who gave up an vxcollonl, lsituati(m in caring for him: Maggie (Mrs. Thus. .I. Flindl, 0f 'J‘urt‘n‘ltu; and Abbie (Mrs. Geo. A. May}. Hf Saskatmm. ".l‘is 39 yours since the family came to liw on lot. 10 «m the 7th cmwession. and they haw.- m'uwd the), must huspit- ahlv, lunmsl. helpful, and I)1‘!lglf'('§S<- iw 11(1-ig'hlmr's. MI'. linhsnn was In man-1y lifn :1 momlmr of tho Angli- lczm (:hum'h. but, SiIlCt‘ (arming h) the. IT ALSO PAYS TO BUY THE BEST It will Pay to Use FORMALIN STOCK TRY OURS ~â€"-â€"- 25 and 50 Cents Bottle this Year HAVE A COMPLETE n.‘_ arawg; 11111:;l111111‘l1m11l joinml in \xilh H10. .\l11l|1n1lisls. and has M'ur lawn «1110 nl' Ziun's musi lilwral snppurlvrs. H11 lwlungml in H111 Urangn (11'11131‘, \\'as 11 \‘111111‘1111 «of ll11~ llml lliwr 1‘1)- lwlliun. 11111! :1 must «"11H111s111slic (1011s111'V11liV1'. 'l'hc- l'1111111'11l limk placo al. i\\'11 111111111 «111 l-Iasi 11‘ Munday in 7.11111. \Vlwrv his pastm‘, Row. 1'). S. Mnym‘. 14111111111011 :1 most 111111111111'11111', 111111 ghtl'ul. and cum- l'orling' svrvirr. after \\'hi1°l1 the 1‘11- 11111ins \wrn laid ln rust. lllldl‘l' the “shadim' of H111 snlir 111111} in the com- 11111‘V.A\111011:: 1111- nmurnvrs was Ihis hruthm‘, .\s11.1'1'11n1 Dauphin, Who, «1111) rvmaining 11101111101‘ 111 the . l'amih of 1011: his sister-in-hnv, Miss Ma ggic larr. of l{in(_'.111‘dine, ’Mr. and Mr. (1.11. (irant. Durham. "l‘hn [11111-110111‘ors worm Mossrs. \V. J. Cook. James Banks, \V. .l. and John 0. (2:1'111111\\'nm"l. \V. ll. Jark and your scribe. We. shall miss Mr. l‘iuhsm’1 surely in the church and in the cunummity life of tho. neigh- burhuod, as he. was 11 1111111 of strong inlollvrl... rclcntiw momorv and :1 brilliant. 1unwr511tinn11lisl. PAGE 5. (if :1 train Hf F lighting ulnn «‘11

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