West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 12 Apr 1917, p. 7

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917. common >urity of to make :55 to use 2: clothes rub the m able to do my own st every suffering Lydia E. Pinkham’s um}. and find out for >d it is."â€"Mrs. Cm 1h Ava, Aurora, 1]]. r of unsolicited tes- t the Pinkham Lab- rhich are from time by permission, are e of Lydia E. Pink- _C9_xppound, in th. flth by Lydia E. table Compound. to do my house- work, I WAS giving up hope of ever be- ing well, when my sister asked me to nn’s Vegetable Com- bot‘tks aqd today I aman in Canada is bwrite to the Lydia ne Co. (confidential), special advice. It in. on health and may :vtry cal: nut" 1H ml TIMBER IS FAR XHAUSTED rmaic trouble, Wltn sevme pains in my back and sides unnl I became so weak I could hardly walk from chair to chair, and got so nervous I would jump attho slightest noise. I was_ entirely_ unfit 30 SICK. dfiNTHS OI 1116 'II :11ng on the HP took hold it. but it did witlmr' did he m .Coming in lights were ll about, SIX abnut one u ng months Ml like ntly there When he surpnse 1 (3mmâ€" sizzling 0f the WM tips Shortly mm was {ICCODP 191‘. The stormy 3 Uf the w-turned .\l«.‘DOW- finds Of 5 no inâ€" ‘tin this ,nut'ac- crating . Land u! just. ducting icating moist in one 115 lav mg mrisn ,unber oper with F855. OI )lina the all Ida '11P 113 3t. BEING LOT 53, CON. 3, E. G. R.. Glenelg, containing _ 100 agree: NORTH PART OF LOT 6, THE old skating rink site, Garafraxa ureet, and the north part of lot 5. Albert street. Apply to A. E. Jackson. 9 30a LOTS 8, 9 and 10, KLNL‘AKJth street, Welt. App 901:. 1y to A.H. Jack- 4 1 15 U THE DURHAM SKATING RINK. one of the beat in Western Ou- tario, is offered for sale; agood paying prOpositinn; good reason [or selling. Apply J. A. Brown, Durham, _Ontario. Advertisements of one inch or less, 25 cts. for first insertion, and 10 cents for each snhsequent insertion, Over one inch and under two inches, double the above amount. Yearly rates on application. GONTAINING 100 ACRES MORE or less; all cleared except five acres cedar swamp; good barn and stone stables; brick geneer- " â€"-â€"--n . 01.1 on premises are new frame barn. brick house, sheds and outbuild- ings; running stream through property: about 10 acres hard- wood bush, rest in good state of cultivation. Possession giVen on Nov. lst, 1913. For further par- ticulars, apply on premises to Mrs John Staples, Rural Route No. 1. Durham, Ont. 944pdtt One 14 h.p. traction engine, Watâ€" erloo; one 36x48 separator, Wind- stacker, dust collecter, complete. Waterloo; one No. 3 Massey-Har- ris Blizzard corn cutter: one wagon and tank, nearly new. Ev- erything in good order. Apply to D .T MoGillivray, RR. 2, Priceville ”u -‘Uv-hâ€"_ Philip Eva, in the town of Dur- ham. For terms and particulars upply to J.P. Telford, Durham. 11,18.“ nuugu “v '-â€"-â€"~ I am prepared to accept contracts for moving houses, barns or other buildil'lus. Satisfaction guaranteed, and pricvs moderate. Apply to Wm. Runnings, R. R. No. 1, Ch_atswor‘tt\1 3 15 (Sum COMFORTABLE BRICK COT- tage; 00d atone cellar; 7 acres 01 more of less; on second concession of Glenerg, 1% miles frame barn on it. Apply to A E Jackson, Durham. Ms _..~â€" BAT SPLBNDID RESIDENCE property in Upper Town belong?- !” to the lute In. Wilson, will be sold on reasonable terms; eootdnl Xacre more or less: comfortnblo reddence, 7 room: hard god .0": water' good hear- ing ogclurd and g on; line sit- ally suitable for bee-keepers. App'y in Mrs. Geo. Willoughby, A Ibert St , Durham. For Sale or to Rent executors. Mrs. Wm. Falkingham will offer for sale by public auction at her residence in Durham on Saturday, the 7th day of April, several arti- cles of household goods, conmsting The second and third Divisions of Lot 16, Con. 1, E.G.R., Glenelg, con- taining 100 acres, known as the McKinnon farm. Apply to J. P. Telford, Durham. 3:29 4 “603601.00... . Durha Some fine brood sows LWU m [1mm due to {arrow this week. Call at. once. Leaxe orders for young pigsâ€"One mile southâ€"w est of 1-1 . _ _.,. 11‘1wflnpk 4" a 2pd Farms for Sale. J. MEGillifiay, Lots For Sale {ink for Sale 01‘ April 1'2. 1917. m.â€"â€"Murdock. HOUSE _MOVIN§ For Sale PIGS FOR SALE 10, KINCéRPII‘EE SMALL ADS.‘ two Of 3 29tf Drs. Jamieson lamieson. FFICE AND RESIDENCE A short distance eut of Knapp’s Hotel, Lamb ton Street. Lower Town, Durham Office Hours: 2 to 5 p.m., 7 to 8 pm., except Sundays. OFFICEâ€"Over 5 P. Telford’s office nearly opposite the Registr office. ReSIdence Second house south ot Registry oflice on east side of Albert Street. Office Hours 9-11 a.m., 2-4 p. m.. 7-9 p. :11. Telephone communica- tion between office and residence at all hours. pate Assistant. Roy.London Uphmalmic Hoe 3:13;. and to Golden Sq. Throat and Nose Hoe. SPECIALIST . EYE, EAR, THROAT . NOSE n‘_,__ ‘-__.I U York and Chicago. Diseases of Eye, Ear Nose and "Iron. Will be at the Hahn House, Dur- ham, Jan. 21, Feb. 17, Mar. 17 and April 21. Hours 1 to 5 p.m. OFFICE: J. F. GRANT, D. D. 8.. LI). 8. HONOR GRADUATE, UNIVERSI- ty of Toronto. Graduate Roya College Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Dentistry in all its Branches. Ofiiceâ€"‘ * 1. P.1'elford. BARRISTEE, somcrron. ETC. Ofice. nearly opposite the Registry office. Lambton St..Durham. of monev tn loan a? 5 par c . er, Conveyancer, Agent. . Money to L0: riage Lxcenses. A gen ness transacted. DURHAM ONT. ( Licensed Auctioneer Count. of Grey. Satisfaction guar- anto . Tums reasonable. . Dates 1. G. Hutton, M. 0., Holstein Conveyancer. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Money to loan at lowest rates, and terms to suit borrower. Fire and Life Insurance placed in thor- oughly reliable compnaies. Deeds, Mortga es, Leases and Wills, execute on shortest notice. All _LL-_,:AA 9n SPIRELLA CORSETS (NOT SOLD STORES), Made in Canada. are boned With the indestructible Spirella stay, the most pliable and resilent corsetb. oning ' the telephone given pgompt tion.â€"Mrs. J. C. NIChOl, Box 107. -- -- 1n 9.6 A. H. Jackson. NOTARY PUBLIC, QOMM‘ISSION- -_._ _AA DR. BROWN L. R. C. P., LONDON. ENG. RADULATE of London. New DAV“. -'â€"â€" Durham. 15hone 70. )IT. FOREST BUE DA. McLachlan, L ‘- VJ? ‘ ' I! BE UNDERSIGNED OFFEBS' for sale 100 acres of land adjoin- ing the corporation, on Durham Roai: also 25 acres on Lambton street, With buildings; also a new brick house on Saddler street, Durham, with all modern improvements.â€"Thos. McComb. Props Box 27, Durham. 2121110 I I mince: 13. Frost St. Owen Sound. Medical Directorv . Dr. w. 0. Pickering Dentist. ‘E: Over J. J. Hunter’s J _â€"A'â€" IT WILL PAY YOU. to get your business educa- tion now. It will pay you to school. Our connection with Stratford and Toronto Col- leges enables us to offer you the advantages of city schools nearer home. Indi- vidual instruction; gradu- ates p‘aced in positions: enter any time. Write to-day for Journal. tbâ€"fer bouglas’ J ewellerv Store, Dental Directorv. DR. BURT. . J. SHARP ONT. (Lower Town.) aTrcer; I c. Insurance to Loan. Issuenof Max:- A general financxal bus:- cflua‘ioneer BUSINESS COLLEGh Ian. L.. . Fleming, to. 10 26 ' HOW’S THIS? 2 We ofi‘er One Hundred Dollars Re-l ward for any case of Catarrh that‘ Icannot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh gCure. Hall‘s Catarrh Cure has been 'taken by Catarrh sufferers for the past 35 years, and has become’ known as the most reliable remedy for Catarrh. Hall’s Catarrh Cure acts through the Blood on the Mu- cous surfaces, expelling the Poison. from the Blood and healing the disâ€" eased portions. After you have taken Hall's Catarrh Cure for a :short time, you will see a great im- iprovement in your general health. Start taking Hall‘s. Catarrh (lure at. once and get rid of (latarrh. Semi for , t<’:stini<‘)11ials. free. ‘ l“..l. CHENEY 00.. Toledo, Ohio. I PLAN YOUR SUMMER VACATION NOW Arrange to Visit some of the follow- ing pointsâ€"4AM beauty spotsâ€"Close Muskoka Lakes ....Algonquin Park Georgian Bay Lake of Bays Temagami Kawartha Lakes Full infuxmution and descreiptiv literature mav he seemed 0n appli- cation to SHINGLBS FOR SALE Ontario Cedar Shinglesâ€"a car- load just in. If you want am,‘ speak now.â€"-â€"J. N. Murdock. 3295f Tenders will be received by the undersigned up till 3 um. on May 3, 1917, for that choice farm of \Vell- ington County, known and describ- ed as Lot 3 of Ctmcession 5 of Arth- ur township. containing 200 acres, One acre in orchard, ten in hard- wood hush, ten in pasture, remaind- er in good state of cultivation; all well fenced. Hard and soft water at house and well at barn, and creek running through back corner of farm. Extra large barn, with rool’ and part of stabling new; stone 'pig-pen and frame implement shed. Eight-room concrete house. Five miles from town of Mt. Forest and village of Conn, and convenient to FARM FOR SALE ‘ I l l Sold by V Albxuct: both public and separate schools. Clear (100d all, «men. L'se of farm can be arranged with present tenâ€" ant, \Vlmsv present lease expires March I, 1920. Highest or any ten- der not uncussz‘wily accepted. 1‘? "p H. DUNCAN, Mt. Forest. WESTERN CANADA NEEDS THOUSANDS OF MEN FOR SPRING SEEDING SYNOPSIS 0F CANADIAN NOB/[Hi Dominion Lands Agency (but not . g Sub-Agency). on certain CODdithDB. I ; Buckle-Six months’ residence! 1 upon and cultivation o! the land 1 iin each of three years. A home-' gateader may live within nine miles iof his homestead on a farm of 'at least 80 acres, on certain condi- Ztiona. A habitable honaeqia r03- 1901' Tickots and informatiun apply W. Calder, Town Agt.., Durham ”1' U.» R. L. Fairbairn, Gnu. Pass. Agent. (38 King St]. .11, 'l‘nruntu. STEADY EMPLOYMENT GOOD WAGES A. H. JAt’jKS(_).\', Iml'hum. Low Fares in Effect an dIuggi 4'11 ts to Nature THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. J. 1‘]. BURNING, D.P.A., Toronto 75C. mam BATTALION nncaums l FROM DURHAM AND VICINITY The following is a list of men from this vicinity who have volun- teered to do their duty with the 248th Battalion. Young man, why is your name not included in this list? It is your war as much as their war. Have you a reason, or only an excuse"? Come along and help. The names followed by an asterisk C, haVe been rejected, owing to some physical weakness. Francis .1. 1’111'1'iV'211 3111:1{21}: 11111 N1111111I‘ \\’1l11 1'215111111 1111'1111 1'111';_"1111 1'111111111< in 111VV11 51111111 111111111” 212.111 2112191111 2111113: $131, VV21s 111111111111 1r11111 11111 (1111111111 prisun 1"211111. \V11111'11 111,1 112111 11111111 S111'V'ing 21 1111'111 1'11r 01111‘11' 1111111111115. l1V' (11111512111111 Simpkins. 1111 '1‘11111'51121V' 12131. 1111 1'211’1111 1111 1.111 1'111'g11rV' charges 1111.1'11 211111 “”115 1'11111- 1111111111 111 Barrio, for trial. ()11 '1111151121y 1111 VV21s 51111111111 1111 111 .51‘\'1‘ll V11211's in Kingstun 111111i111111i2'11V. 1111 VV21s burn in ;\11V\ [11211211111 3'1: V11211's ago. 1111 was in 11111 81111111 African \Var. but 1111s111'11111. Since 11111 111114.- 11111 VV 211' 1"11mn11111c111l 1111 11219 111111 11 11V'111'al 13211121110115.1111 11111 111C11- gland 1111 111111 1111121sion, 11111 VVas 1'1:- 1111'111111 as 2111 undesirable. McKay has 112111 many 111111V'i1:1i11ns against him in 11111. last, 15 V'1121r... 11111m ma- i11ri1V 111' 11111111 111111111 1111' 1‘111'1r1‘1r'. 1111. claims 1111 m2 -'1r1 11111 2111 l8â€"V112 1r- 11111 (111.21VV21 girl, 11111. 2111111 21 1"11VV VV 111116 1111801100. was 11112111111 111 111 '21111 11111.â€" 111'21111'111'111 “31111135. Aloxamler. Robert, Durham C). Harbor. thil, \‘aruoy ;"‘ Bayou, Revel. Boutinrk. (.Zlurkv. John. Boutiurk {" Curl-iv. Russell. Durham ( Dumm. (hmrgo. Durham U lirviu, Hurry. Brmiuck. (iilvs. Rtmald. Durham. Hughns, William. Sholburue (‘ Hull. Richard, llnlstriu. Lumvrsun, .lvzm. Durham fl AS a 50mm] to the mmviction if thu prnpriciur 01' the Arlington 1mâ€" in], Lisluwvl, I'm' soiling beer mnâ€" taining six per cent. alcohol. actimi was taken against, Hm IDI‘(3\\'DI' mi advico of the License I‘MpaPtnmIIt, and another film of $75 guthm-ml in. making :1 total (if 95208. Inspcwim‘ Elliott, thvn went to Atxvomi, where he learned 1'1’0m Hm iixpi'vss (In. that. :1 cortnin nearby l'ui'mnr hzul 1‘0.- nnivnd Iwn "58809 of whiskey and AS :1 scam-.1 lo {bu p1'1’)[)1‘i(}lnl‘ 01' tel, Lisluwv], I'OI‘ mining six per Cc L:111g'ill.l:1nws Hrntinrk. Milmrhlzm. (1:1111..l)11ri111m 1‘ 3111:1110. Earl, 11111011111111 MrllVridr. \\illi:1111. l)111i111111. .\lr(;u\\‘;111. Arthur, 1")111‘h211'11. Mulrnrk, Arthur. llnlst'rin. ;\lr(_'.;1sli11. JHSPph, Buntinrk 11‘ Nmmun, .Josvph. 311111111. Forest. Shurpn. All'rvd. 111111121111 Xinmwr. Nnrnmn. l)11rh:1111. he learned from the Express (in. that. t :1. certain nearby farmer had red eeived [we tnses‘ of whiskey and one Of gin, 36 bottles in all. The farmer admitted receipt. «if the gmiids. Claiming they were t'ni' his uwn use. Sixteen days. had passed and the Supply had dwindled down te fen? hettles Uf whiskey and eight, of gin. The farmer Claimed the stutT had been censumed by himself, and wife, and son. The inspector then enquired fer the empty l’il‘ittles. and was told they had been ground up and fed to the (chickens. Actinn is likely to fol- 1t )\\'. l‘iui'ids of tho control by regulation (Nor newsâ€" rmpors advertising of liquor is un- der consideration, and will prnbab- 1y he inlrmlucod when the House LilkPS up tho 'I‘Dmporuncv Art, 8- nwndmr-nls agilulimi‘ for that would put a curb (in newspap- zidwrlising by liquor mar-chants l'rnm .\l<uitr0:1‘., lhu n- 1 511" {‘1‘ rhiofly Operating and tho mullor was raised in :1 muplo of weeks up», that it Huuso William Hearst. intimuting gwus under consitLlcruiinn. It is now slnlml. while dirc‘ct 1(3" gislaliun putting: tho ban on liquor 'ill not advertising in the papers. \\ .lw introduced, the gm'm-nmvntu'ill sunk to effect. that purpose by giving the license hoard considerable lmwvr in rogulatirm tn dmil with “such questions. SEVEN YEARS IN THE PEN. .'L. L- Brown, Allâ€"an Brown, Cecil Eccles. -Jr. IIIâ€"Irwin Ferguson, Clarence Dailey, Pearl Dailey. Sr. 11~Emerson Lawrence. .lr. IIâ€"Cora Lawrence, Eva Eccles Iâ€"Mary Brown, Eva Lawrence, i' Martha ' Eccles. Harold Lawrence, Edgar f. M. Renwick, Teacher. lugâ€"v, H1. While direct 10-- .‘,-_-’ ”10 ban on liquor the papers will not the government. will CHICKEN FEED v, R‘mbid Haas, Ruby Matthews, Elva Lawrence, Reta Lawrence 9 â€" Tired ? â€" Weak .7 Every spring most people feel “all out of so ”â€"their vitality is at a low ebb. Through the winter months shut up a great deal in heated house, ofice, or factory, with little healthy exercise in the outdoors-e-eating more than neces- saryâ€"the blood becomes surcharged With poisons! The best spring medicine and tonic is one made of herbs and roots with- out alcoholâ€"that was first discovered by Dr. Pierceâ€"years ago. Made of Golden Seal root, blood root, with glycerine, it is called Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery. Ingredients on wrapper. It eliminates from the blood disease-breed- ing poisons. _ It makes thefibloo‘d rich and Euoré, and furnishes a. foundation for sognd, physipal health: . i “ For saleb ydruggists; or send Dr. Pierce, Invalids’ Hotel, Buflalo, N. Y., 10c. for trial package _ -_ ___‘L “â€" Piérce, by fetter, free. Peterboro, Ont.â€"“Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery has been beneficial to me. I have taken this medicine as a ‘spring tonic,’ to tone me up and take away the lan- guid feeling one ; sometimes has in spring-time, and I found it to be very €004..__Iihave 9.13.0 V . TV “L "I @775- lets’ and found then T fie “H t? a... to be a very good ‘i " medicine. I can highly recommend Dr. Pierce’s medicine. gs bemg of th_e_vcry_ {muffâ€"Mas. JOHN P. BROWN: 216 Woodbine Ave. The Daily World, $2.75; The Sun- day World, $2.50 a Year... At this Office. sum at, unctiun at I’ikw Bay for and a heifer. rising Lhron yours 'l‘vndvrs will be rocoiwd {'01- the? sale (if the 3rd division ”1' {ML 7.‘ and ”’10 lslwiivirziun (if Ln! 3. (Ion. I, I*3.(i.R.. 'l‘uwnship (if (:li‘nvlg‘. m0 iH‘I‘PS, 1mm». ”3' lvss, up in lhv lst, .‘Imiv. 1917. NH lvndm' i'iwms:iiil,\' tum-MM. S. F. Morlock and Hattie Marlo S. F. Morlock and Hattie Morlock, Durham, l'lxvt'lilui's (-siutv Rubi. UN‘hl‘fllU‘. ’t 127 “nevusml Q vâ€"â€"â€"â€" éicfi'geopleiavrgfinvited to consult Dr. .erce, y letter, free. Applications will ho I'ovoivml by th«'* undorsignnd up in Hm 15!, of May for UN" fulluwillg I'l'lunicipzll posiliuns. \‘iZ.Z (longstuhlv. (invetukvr nf 'l‘uwn Hull. Sanitary [I)S[H'('1m', and Tax (lulhi'ctur. .'\[mli(°.at.inns are 1m 1w fur the pnsilitms separ- :m-ly. Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets best f“ omach and Liver. 'l‘lm \Viurlon livlm tulls Hf :l April 11, 1917. §§§§§§§§¢§§§§§§§OO§OOO§M 99900090009900.9000”... NEW SILKD‘ TIES LACES CORSBTS MEN’S OVERALLS SHIRTS (in stripes. plain blue and black MUNICIPAL NOTICE C. L. GRANT Shoe Prices Are Still Going Up \Ve cannot guarantee present prices any length of time. In fact, some lines we cannot get at all; others cost .more than present, selling price. With Kid leathers costing more than $6.00 per pound and sole stock 80c., what will kid shoe-s cost? We have still some lines at old prices: some hosiery at tempting prices. Hcadquarters for Trunks. Suit Cases. Valises. Eta; £130 Mitts. Gauntlets and Gloves. REPAIRING AS USU AL. Just In I. S‘ Mollraith : The Down Town Shoe Store FOR SALE iised ‘ Pléhsant Pel- sateens) W. B. Vollet, Clerk. (‘OW $126 $93. A. BELL U N DERTAKER and Funeral Director\ THOS. ALLAN, Principal, lat Class Certificate, also certificate in Phy- §i_cal_ Cultnne. -_ Subjects: Science. l‘he school is Lhoroughlv equipped: - teaching ability, in chemical and elec- trical supplies and fittings, etc.. for full Junifr Leaving and Matriculation wm- '. Durham High School MISS J. WEIR, 3A., Queen’s Uni- versity. Specialist in Art. Subjects; Latin, Art, Literature, Composi- tion, Reading, Geography, Ancient History. MISS M. CRYDERMAN. B. A. Toronto University, also certificate in Physical Culture. Subjects: En- glish Grammar, French, British and Canadian History, Composi- tion, Writing. Mathematics, Spellihg. PLANING MILLS Intending Students should enter at the beginning of the term if possible. Board can be obtained at reasonable rates. Durham 18 a be"; thy and at- tractive town. making it a most desir- able place fer residence. Full line of Catholic Babes, and black and white Caps for aged people. The record of the School in past year‘ is a flattermg one. The trustees are progressive educationally and s are no ains to see that teachersan pupils ave every advantage for the pro- per presentation and acquistion of knowledge. ’zcture Frammg on 51107105 notice. H. R. KOCH, ZENUS CLARK DURHAM Has :1 national reputation for thor- uugh, pr't‘;gr'(essi\'n and advanced educational work. The keen de- mand for our graduates is proof that it pays to attend our school. Entnr :my timn. Catalogue free. W. J. Elliott, Principal. The undersigned begs to announce to residents of Durham and surrounding country. that he has his Planning Mill and Factory completed and is prepared to take orders for SHOW Roomsâ€"Next to Swallow! Barber Shop. RESIDENCEâ€"Nat door South of W. J. Lawrence’s blacksmith shop. Shingles and Lath Always on Hand At Right Prices. FEES : $1 per month in advance Yungn and Chzirles Sts; Toronto Embalming a Specialty on Tuesday, April 10, and merges into Summer session from July 9. No forced vaca- tion. No waste time. Come. Free catalogue. Write Shaw’s Schools, Toronto 393-7 Yonge Custom Sawing Promptly At- tended To SASH,DOORS â€" and all kinds of -- House Fittings PAGE 7. SPRING TERM OPENS Chairnmn. THE sooner you buy your Spring Shoes. the more money you will save. Some are Buying Now Why Not You? ONTAREO J. F. GRANT, Secretarv

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