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Durham Chronicle (1867), 19 Apr 1917, p. 1

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Eltton Hill (1 Mrs. . Arrowsmith } with Mrs )chi M PS. Durham EWW Cflfl with Mr. and hie VlSlte iends spent Sun- ~ Lime Mr. rr spent .‘Xb. ND- 00 that In- makm this and lSt 13 House to rent. office. arran Droflt OI‘LG W on] was received nerre 1. .»esday by Mr. Robt. McMeeken announcing that his son, Bohert, who has been at the front for the 1mi~t two years. has been killed in action. 1y NI VOL. 50~NO. 2616 OI It Pte Pu )lle Mr Mr lit! Mr. George B. Dingman. who has been in business in the Central Drug Store since August. 1915, left on Tuesday for Stratford, where he intends to take a few months“ rest for the benefit of his health. Mr. Dingman was well liked by every- body, and the community regrets to have him leave. We hope the rest may do him good. The business has been purchased by Mr. F. Gra- ham. who is now in charge. llett und OI‘ l( 1d n ll NEWS AROUND TOWN Lcep Tuesday, May ist event of the season-â€" xstrel showâ€"the entire which Will be devoted >55 work. Watch for -ticulars next week. agnod time to buy flour be- it3 gets too high.â€"â€"Begg s Store. N U Harold Vollett, son of Mr , of this town, is repo ed in action. Thomas McCumb has been ill for the past four or five v» Spirella goods have arrix ed, will be sold at reduced prices 0 they last. On displav at the 115 of the corsetiereâ€"Mrs. J11. 1111. George St, opposite Town the Ford 891184 )Il'c' Salemâ€"Working VI Binkley, Hanm Killed in actlon. weather keeps cold. and lit «1 Cross‘celebration is being rd for Monday, June 4. A11 will be devoted absolutely to me purposes. Further par- a later. I1 {USES 1nd I] orge Damm, who has beer for J. H. Harding, has left t a. positinn in Wingham. nt of the season. need of monuments, Orr-in- :1s on monuments already make your wants known to 311, and get his prices before I showâ€"the entire :11 will be devoted mrk. \VatCh for 1111‘s next week. 5 Em and Florence Henry, law Luke. spent their Easter with their grandmother, mes McMeeken of town, and ncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. McMeeken of Egremont. Tuesday, 3 lay 1st open U well able flmu' makes mud! DP. Ill1 May ist open for sale, suitable 750. per bushel. Durham. Apply at this 11 30tf 1n lUleI‘ makes more bread.â€"Beggs horse. Ap- re proceeds spending the ad to Red daughter, Mrs or furtherl Penetang. Sly The purest and best paint for in- f Mrs. .13 side‘ and outside workâ€"Brandram- reported! Henderson. Sold by F. Lenahan. tf SPF? L ladies’ proceeds to Red further eding. hoped ladim 0f .‘L 1U\. UL. wyx 1‘, special ex'angi ld‘ Baptist. chum 3. Sunday morni continuing in lMay 30th. a» The Red C lelthe Ladies‘ A d, House to rent.â€"Opposite High school. Apply to J. Schutz. 2pd Order your city papers through Order your the Chronicle We guarantee our flour, and it‘s a good time to buy.â€"Beggs’ Store. Beautify your home by Brandram-Henderson paint. by F. Lenahan. House to rentâ€"On Albert stre Durham. All conveniences. Am to F. Lenahan. ' 12 Fire Chief G. W. Thompson 01 Owen Sound, has tendered his res- ignation by request of the council House for sale or rentâ€"Apply to Arthur McClocklin. 315 tf Mrs. allm: .lnimllmn Goforth,‘ For Saleâ€"New Singer sewing hnnlfl .m flu-1mg] from Hanan, Chiâ€"Z machine, rotary shuttle. Never was nu. will deliver a missionary ml-Zused. Will sell it cheap f0? 590‘» dress. in the Presbyterian clmrc-h on l caskâ€"The Chronicle Office. Sunday morning. at. '11 am. i “Imam" inviminn: and an Auction sale of househeld effects, theatre chairs. electric motor and fan. etc. at residence of Mrs. George \V illenghby. on Saturday, April 21.. -â€"-â€"D. McLean, Auctioneer. ‘3 Mr. George Redfox yesterday removing his father, who died to anotehr plot in here. Our Flesherton correspondent re- ports the death of two sisters with- in a couple of hours of each other, and our Priceville correspondent tells of :1 brother and sister who died within two days of each other. Smith, 111 filled. Regina movement, fob attached, gold locke with monogram. Finder on leaving it at this ofl‘u turning to Alfred Sharpe the Ladies A10 DI L1H: I’LCJUJ w.“ inn church. by Messrs. John and Charles )IOfi'at, brought in about $5.10. The sale of the beef on Sat- urday Inst netted nearly $140. We are told the highest price paid was $1.05 a pound, and some of the cheaper cuts were purchased at about '20 cents. MI We congratulate lIiSS Vivien Crawford and Miss Mary Petty, who have secured positions on the Toronto school stafl‘. Their practiâ€" cal work during the Normal and Model school term has been of a high order, and the Toronto school board is not slow to recognize evi- deuce of abilitv in the young \Va tch and Mrs. \Vm. Davis of Pais- vlehrated their golden wed- -)11 the 27th of March. hf. mum 30th ang. She also paid with her daughter, '.Di‘. Spencer xxili conduct 11 evangelistic services in the st church, commencing on. 13' morning, May 13th, and min: until Wednesday night, IUI‘iC has 'strâ€"In Durl' 1 movement, l, gold locke ram. Finder \id of the Presbvtel- Redford was in town loving the remains of 0 died some years ago Wintf the returned, after 31“ with her Berthelot, 1n 1am. gold- black silk L inscribed rewarded cemetery a short Mrs. J 3:. USIHS Apply 12 U Sold 412M” 80 41.9“ Of P0- Bestr. \Vhaley went to Zorra yesterday, and will retrun‘ to-mor- row night. Mrs. (Rem) Whaley has been vis- iting her mother at Zorra for the past two weeks. Mrs. J. Bryon visited her father at Kincardine, and brother at Listo- We]. recently. If you have anything to sell, put a little ad. in The Chronicle and get quick results. Just take a glance at your label and see What it says. If you have not renewed, we’ll be pleased to have you do so. Speed the spade, and make the back yards yield a profit. Increas- ed production is necessary to meet the world’s demand. Rev. Mr. Potter of Toronto had charge Of the services in the Methâ€" Mist. churches here and at Zion on Sunday. Advertising locals are charged at the rate of five cents a line, with a minimum charge of 250. About six words make a line. Wedding invitations and an- nouncements in the latest correct styles of type and stationery, can be procured on short notice and at right prices at The Chronicle Of- fice. The condition of the fall Wheat and clover in York county is not favorable. These crops came through the winter all right, but. the recent weather conditions have been against them. One report says fall sown fields will have to be ploughed up fer spring grain if the growth does not start immediately. The big victories on-the western front in VVhioh Canadians are en- g1ged are bringing correspondingâ€" ly big casualtV lists of killed and wounded and missing. We notice in MondaVs list the names of J. L. Crawford of XV111rton, VV ho was killed in action; .E. Walter of KimberleV, XX'hO died of VV ounds and N. H. Campbell, OVVen Sound, C.XX. chN11llV,Dur1111m, andJ. S. LiVing- ston, Harriston, among the VV ounded A mass meeting in the interest of the 248th Battalion will be held in the Forester’s Hall, Dornoch, on Friday evening, April 20, commencâ€" ing at 8 o‘clock. Lieut.-Col. Rorke, and others will speak. Rev. T. H. Ibbott of Holstein will give an il- lustrated lecture, with a hundred beautiful lantern slides of noted war pictures. Good music will be rendered by Miss Rita Irwm and Lieut. Yule of Durham, and by Mr. Rupert Legate and Piper John Mc- Keen of Owen Sound. There will be no admission charge, and abroad invitation is extended to all. Ev- erybody is invited, and a good pro- gram is assured. RED CROSS BABY BEEF The Ladies Aid of the Presbyter- ian church desire to express their gratitude to all who assisted in making the Red Cross Baby Beef contest such :1 magnificent success. TheV a1e specially grateful- to Messrs. John and Chas. Mofi‘at, \\h0 made the generous donation. The following is a statement. 01’ moneys 1eceiVed all of which \1ill go for Red C1 1135 purposes: Collected in East Side ...... West Side ..... Collected in Country: Garafraxa Road, N S 25 00 Edge Hill ......... 22 50 Centre G1ene1g.... ll 00 Gravel Rd., Bun- - -A essan ........... No. 9, Glenelg.... Varney ........... Second Concession South Bentinck. Total for Total for Country. . . . DURHAMUONT , THURSDAY, APRIL 19, 1917 Total' Collections Proceeds of Sale 'o 000000 lUU 41'.) 1 1 Alexander Stewart, the 311nm. .â€". farmer charged with using sediâ€" for Town 3232 8..» , gtions language, pleaded guilty at ad in Country: gthe spring assizes in Guelph. He Road. N 8 25 00 lclainied to have made the alleged ......... 22 '0 '(iisloyal remarks as a joke. The‘ melg 1100 budge reprimanded him severely,l ., Bunâ€" izind allowed him off on suspended 3 00 ls-xitence on furnishing rec0gniz- 3ne1g.... 23 50 gang-es of $2,000. ......... 18 00 l - , ‘ incessmn l A report from Detrmt says: “Hen-- i tentinck. 14 25 in" Ford, at the request of. the Brit- tish Government, has wan-ed all for COUDtI‘V.... $117 25‘patent rights 011 1118 farm tractor, ' _.___ f and has cabled the specifications to _1- Collections $400 10 England, so Great Britain can eeds of Sale 139 90 manufacture tractors for use 111 the {British Isles and in France. It is , ' also announced that Mr. Ford hopes Total $5“ 00 ito have thousands of tractnrs ready ISABEL MACKENZIE, {for use in the United States and in ‘ Treas. Ladies’ Aid. Canada by the first of August." Town: 3 176 60 106 25 A quiet. wedding was solemnized at, the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mortley. Dernoch, on Wednesday, April l-lth. when their fourth dz‘mghter, Caroline Isabelle, was united to the man of her choice, Mr. .Inseph Askett Allen, youngest. sen of Mr. and Mrs. James Allen, of \\'illiamsford. The ceremony was performed in the presence of about thirtyâ€"five relatives and friends. At five o’- clock, to the strains of the wedding march played by the bride's sister, Miss Margaret Mortley, the groom took his place under the arch dec- orated for the occasion. The bride, dressed in White georgette crepe, with veil caught up with orange blossoms, and carrying a. bouquet of white carnations and maidenhair fern. was given away by her father. Her pastor, Rev. Mr. Mills, tied the nuptial knot. After the ceremony‘, the guests assembled in the dining room, where they partook of a sumptuous dinner. The evening was spent in games and music. The groom’s gift to the bride was a ten-dollar gold- piece, and to the organist a gold brooch. The many and varied gifts to the bride were both handsome and useful. The happy couple will reside on the groom‘s farm near Berkeley. EMBLINB WARNER DOUGLAS 1 On Tuesday night, about 9.30, death came unexpectedly to Miss Emeline Warneir Douglas, at the home of her brother, Mr. Robert Douglas, in town. The deceased was born in Beverly township 61 years ago, and spent the greater portion of her time in Toronto. For some time, years ago, she lived with her brother, and was well- known by many in town and vicin- “3. It was known her heart was afiected, but she was able to attend her duties till about three months ago, when she 33 as taken somewhat seriously ill and came to her brother’s home, where she 33' as kindly cared for. She leaves to mourn her death, one brother, Robert. and two sis- ters, Mrs. Aaron Vollett, of Norman- by, and Martha, in Toronto. She was a member of the Methodist church. Interment takes place this afternoon in Durham cemetery. Mrs. Noble of Toronto, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Fallaise, is seriously ill in the Cottage Hospital, and her relatives and friends are very anxious. Her trouble is from anaemia and bloodâ€"poisoning, and she is in a VOI’V weak condition. A Very interesting experiment was tried a short time ago 113 the infu- sion of blood. An artery. or Vein, was opened, and her sister, -Violet, volunteered to furnish the blood Though slightly improved, it is not known what. the result VVill be. W 9 hope for a oomplete restoration to health. Mr. Noble, her husband, is just recovering from a very serious ac.- cident, and we hope he will soon regain his former vigor. He enlist- ed for air service, and while train- ing in England something went wrong with the machine and it fell a distance of 750 feet, injuring his neck. We are glad to learn he is so far recovered as to be able to engage in munition work. GAVE HER BLOOD FOR SISTER ALLENâ€"MORTLBY the M into $++++++++++++++++++++++++ew++++++++++++§+++¢§++++++ {DEDEDEDEPPDDDDO VEDE>>:D>D>:>>>D $1.00 PER YEAR

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