West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 19 Apr 1917, p. 7

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1917. Irma] nement a], less than (1, compared ago 10C l“ system of much of industry. at all this 8 counsel 5 of On- ?n urged grain 0| are to f the rials, END and ING LOT 53, CON. 3. E. G. 3.. aglenelg, containing 100 acres: ‘â€"-->_-A Ln...‘ KORTE PART OF LOT 6, old skating rink site, Ga street, and the nprth par THE PROPERTY OF THE LATE Philip Eva, in the town of Dur- ham. FOr terms and particulars supply to J.P. Telford, Durham. # 11,18.tf LOT 8, 9 and 10, KINCARDINE street, Went. Apply to All. Jack- son. 4 1 15 tf «Haw- __.__.-.‘~ ._ -_. 7-.....__. THE DURHAM SKATING RINK. one of the best in Western 0n- tario, is offered for sale; agood paying prOposition; good reason [or selling. Apply J. A. Brown, Durham, Ontario. Property for Sale THAT SPLBNDID RESIDENCE property in Upper Town belong- ln: to the lute Mrs. Wilson, will be sold on reasonable terms; cont-1n! {acre more or less: contornble residence, 7 room: hard and no“ water good bear- lng orchard 1nd 3 en; tine eit- utlon. Apply on Emmi!“ or to Advertisements of one inch or less, 25 cts. for first insertion, and 10 cents for each subsequent insertlon, Over one inch and under two inches, double’the above amount. Yearly rates on application. CONTAINING 100 ACRES MORE or less; all cleared except five acres cedar swamp; good barn and stone stables; brick veneer- " ‘ » 3 - .‘MI ulvu‘r‘h, â€"Vâ€"_-- on premises are new frame barn. brick house, sheds and outbuild- ings; running stream through property: about 10 acres hard- wood bush, rest in good state of cultivation. Possession given on Nov. lst, 1913. For further par- ticulars, apply on premises to Mr: John Staples, Rural Route .\0. 1, Durham. Ont. 944pdtt One 14 11.1). traction engine, Wat- erloo; one 36x48 separator, wind- stacker, dust oollecter, complete. Waterloo; one No. 3 Massey-Har- ris Blizzard corn cutter: one wagon and tank, nearly new. Ev- erything in good order. Apply to R. J. McGilliva‘ay, RR. 2, Priceville Jackson. HOUSE MOVING I am prepared to accept contracts for moving houses. barns or other buildings. Satisfaction guaranteed, and prices moderate. Apply to Wm. Runnings, R. R. No. 1, Chatsworth ( or Phone to Store at Dornoch) 3 15 6tpd COMFORTABLE BRICK COT- tage; 00d stone cellar; 7acres o! Inna more of lens; on second conceal-ion of Gleneng, 1% miles out 01 Durham; has a good trame barn on it. Apply to A B Jacknon, Durham. 51% FOR SALE OR TO RENT The second and third Divisions of Lot 16. Con. '1, E.G.R., Glenelg, conâ€" taining 100 acres, known as the McKinnon farm. Apply to J. P. Telford, Durham. 3 29 4 For Sale or to Rent Tenders will be received for the sale of the 3rd division of Lot 7, and the ist division of Lot 8, (Jon. 1, E.G.R.. Township of Glenelg, 100 acres. more 01‘ less, up it) the {st June. 1917. Ne tender necessarily “u“ ”EVA-IV ~vâ€"wâ€"vâ€"â€" ed house; Well 'Watered; 2):; miles West of Durham; lots 64 and 65, 3rd con., Bentinck.â€"Robt. Webber, Durham. 12 21 15t1 M n+¢¢..o¢¢oo¢o¢§o§¢o++¢§ooo90¢+o¢o+¢+¢§o¢¢§++¢¢o¢§¢oo ¢ Arm: NH Farms for Sale. xecut Rink for Sale lots For Sale W April 19, 1917. MUNICIPAL NOTICE cations will be received by lersigned up to the lat of r the following municipal is, viz.: Constable, Caretaker In Hall. Sanitary Inspector, ax Collector. Applications For Sale OPS For Sale S. F. Morlock and Hattie Morlock, Durham, rs estate Robt. Cochrane 7 Deceased FOR SALE 191 the positions separ- SMALL ADS. W. B. Vodet, Clerk. 'OOQOOQO Ids 61" Bakery Goods; and Cured Meats. short distance east of Knapp’s Hotel, Lamb ton Street, Lu «vet Town, Durham Office Hours: 2 to 5 p.m., 7 to 8 p.m., except Sundays. " FFICEâ€"Over J P.Te1ford’s office nearly opposite the Registr- ofi‘ice. ReSIdence Second house south of Registry office on east side of Albert Street. Office Hours 9-11 a.m., 2-4 p, m.. 7-9 p. m. Telephone communicar tion‘ between office and residence at tion‘ betw all hours. Drs. lamieson 6:. lamieson. \2'2‘102: AND RESIDENCE A Late SPECIALIST .- Eva ”EAR,“ “1599! MUSE DB. BROWN L. R. c. P., LONDON. ENG. g"! RADULATE of London. New J York and Chicago. Diseases 01 Eye, Ear Nose and throat. Will be at the Hahn House, Dur- ham, Jan. 21, Feb. 17, Mar. 17 and April 21. Hours 1 to 5 pm. OFFICE: Officeâ€" vâ€" vâ€". ty of 7 Toronto. Graduate College Dental Snrgeons of Ontario. Dentistry In all its Branches. Agent. Money to Loan. Issuer of Mar- riage Licenses. A general financial busiâ€" ness transacted. DURHAM ONT. (Lower Town.) Licensed Auctionee Conn of Grey. Satil 1. B. Hutton, M. 0., G. Holstein Conveyancer. Issuer 0! Marriage Licenses. Money to loan at lowest rates, and terms to suit borrower. Fire and Life Insurance plac oughly reliable compnaiee. Deeds, SPIRELLA CORSETS (NOT SOLD STORES), Made in Canada are boned with the indestructible Spirella stay, the most pliable and resilent corset‘o oning the world: guaranteed not to break or rust in one year of corset Wear. App-ointment by mail or telephone given prompt atten- 1r H A. H. Jackson. OTARY PUBLIC, COMM‘ISSION- THE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS for sale 100 acres of land adjoin- ing the corporation, on Durham Road: also 25 acres on Lambton street, With buildings; also a new brick house on Saddler street, Durham, with all modern :Nhrn‘YOMPntS-â€"Thos. DICCOmb. J. F. GRANT, D. D. 8.. L. D. S. ates p’aced in positions: enter any time. Write to-day for Journal. MT. FOREST BUSINESS COLLEGE. DA. McLachlan, LA. Fleming, Assistant. iRoy.London Uphmalmsc H03 and to 6013611 Sq. Throat and Nose Hos. saga, “v-vâ€"iihâ€" buildings; new brick house . on Prop» Ofice. 70mm): 13. "Frost 81%. Owen Sound. Medical Dz’reclorv . Spirella Corse_ts IT WILL PAY YOU. to get your business educa- tion now. It will pay you to investigate the merits or our school. Our connection with Stratford and Toronto Col- leges enables us to offer you the advantages of city schools nearer home. Indi- vidual instruction; gradu- Over Douglas’ J ewellerv Store. Dental Direcz‘arv. Legal ‘Dz’rectorv ! Auctioneer for the of Grey. Satisfaction guar- Term. reasonable. Dates mud. at the Chronicle of- DR. BURT. . J. SHARP IN SEASON Dentist. Over J. J. Hunter’s Confectioner and (irocer cflztafz'o’neer to. HOW’S THIS? 3 We offer One Hundred Dollars Re-l ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. Hall‘s Catarrh Cure has been taken by Catarrh sufi‘erers for the past 35 years, and has become known as the most reliable remedy for Catarrh. Hall’s Catarrh Cure acts through the Blood on the Mu- cous surfaces, expelling the Poison from the Blood and healing the disâ€" eased portions. After you have taken Hall's Catarrh Cure for a short time, you will see a great im- provement in your general health. Start taking Hall‘s Catarrh Cure at once and get rid of Catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. 19.}. CHENEY (30.. Toledo, Ohio. Sold by all druggists, 7330. PLAN YOUR SUMMER VACATION NOW Arrange to Visit some of the follow- ing [mintsâ€"A11 beauty SDO[S-~CIOSB Muskoka Lakes ....Algonquin Park Georgian Bay Lake of Bays Temagami Kawartha Lakes Full information and descriptive literature may be secured on appli- cation to SHINGLBS FOR SALE Ontario Cedar Shinglesâ€"a car- load just in. 11‘ you want any, speak nowâ€"J. .\'. Murdock. 3295f Tenders will be received by the undersigned up till 3 pm. on May 3, 1917, for that choice farm of Well- ington County, known and describ- ed as Lot 3 of Concession 5 of Arth- ur township, containing 200 acres. One acre in orchard, ten in hardâ€" wood bush, ten in pasture, remaind- \V UULL .IJu-Du, DUAL “u Ina-v...“ -, er in good state of cultivation; all well fenced. Hard and soft water at house and well at barn, and creek running through back corner of farm. Extra large barn, with roof and part of stabling new; stone pig-pen and frame implement shed. Eight-room concrete house. Five miles from town of Mt. Forest and village of Conn, and convenient to both public and separate schools. Clear deed at once. Use of farm ant, whose present lease expires March 1, 1920. Highest or any tenâ€" ider not necessarily accepted. WESTERN CANADA NEEDS THOUSANDS OF MEN FOR SPRING SEEDING Live stock may be subsututeu 2for cultlvation under certain con- gditions. In certain district; 8 home- Iieach of three years after earning abomeatead patent; also 50 acres Eextra cultivation. Pre-emption ‘patent may be obtained as soon I -- anncfnafl natent. on certain For Tickets and information apply W. Calder, Town Agt., Durham “1' to R. L. Fairbairn, Gen. Pass. Agent, 68 King St. 13., Torontn. as homes 0 conditlona. téad patent, 7 A settler who has exnausteu mu homestead right may take a pur- chased homestead in certain Dis- tricts. Price $3 00 per acre. Dutiesâ€"Must reside six months In each of three years, 50 acres and eredt a house worth STEADY EMPLOYMENT GOOD WAGES A. II. JACKSON, Durl'lz-‘un, Low Fares in Effect FARM FOR SALE to Nature H. DUNCAN, Mt. Forest. who has exhguated {11; u. E. HORNING, D.P.A., Toronto THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. ACTIVITY IN BALKANS 3 Eastern theatre: During the day lthere was increasing enemy artillery activity in the zone comprised be- ;tween the Cerna bend and Lake Pres- }b After a bombardment with pois- ;onous shells enemy detachments at- ; tacked last night the Italian positions g on Hill 1050. Met by a lively fusilade ithey were compelled to withdraw. {West of Koritza, in the. direction of lMoshopole, skirmishes took place to Iour advantage with bands of Alban- glans supported by Austrians. French :aviators bombarded the revictualling ; centre, Bogdanci, in the Vardar valley. Paris Reports Heavy Artillery Fight. ing on Macedonian Front The report from Paris reads: A local attack attempted by the enemy against Zrova (west of Monastir) Sat- urday, failed. Very yiolent artillery activity occurred in the region be- tween the Vardar and Presba Lake, notably in the Cervena-Stena region. The enemy bombardment of Monastir destroyed seventeen houses. Bands of commitadjie, aided by Austrian units, attempted to take the offensive in the region west or Koritza (Albania). They were repulsed. British aero- planes attacked with success the avia- tion camp at Drama. Italian aero- planes repulsed an enemy squadron which attempted to bombard the Ital- ian sector. Official report reads :â€" General Maude (the British commander) with- drawing his advanced detachments on the right bank of the Diala River, has succeeded in drawing the bulk of the enemy forces on this flank in a south- westerly direction, toward Deltawah. The'fighting had to be temporarily sus- pended, owing to the mirage, but up- ycuucu, uvvaub wv vuv ...--_...U-_, on this lifting our offensive continued. Our guns, with the able assistance of our aeroplanes, rapidly asserted their superiority. The enemy was driven from his advanced positions near Ghaliyeh, ten miles north-east of Delta- wah. We are following up the Turk- ish forces, which are falling back to- ward Dolys Abbs. It is ascertained that the Turks lost 700 wounded, 200 Turkish dead being found on the bat- tie-field. CANADIANS AS NAVAL MEN Report from Ottawa says: There are now 376 young Canadians, in the patrol service of the British Navy fam- iliarly known as the submarine chas- ers. Of these 264 are sub-lieutenants and 112 are chief motorboat men and motorboat men. The sub-lieutenants are officers of the craft and the motor- boat men are the mechanics in charge of the engines. Reports received by the naval service department are very laudatory of the work of the Cana- dians. They have all “made good” and are a great credit to the Dominion. Of the 112 men in charge of the mot- ors, 43 are from British Columbia, 20 coming from Vancouver alone, 32 from Ontario, of. whom 11 are from Toronto, ,1..‘ \Illbul Lu, v.- 'I--'_â€" ._-, and 6 from Ottawa, 21 from Quebec, of whom 15 are from Montreal, 9 from Alberta, 4 from Saskatchewan, and 3 from Manitoba. H.R.H. the Duke of Connaught in- spected the Canadian camp at Witley, near Godalming, Englangl.1_on Satur- General Maude Draws Enemy To- ward. Deltawah u; u““----â€"- day. The troops regarded the visit of the Duke as a delicate compliment to their brothers in France, whose prow- ess has won encomiums from the Em- pire and its allies. The Duke of Con- naught spent two hours inspecting the camp and then witnessed evolutions on the parade ground, including gas drill. He afterwards separater inspected the various units, giving special atten- tion to the infantry battalion recruitâ€" ed mainly from Irishmen in Canada who displayed the colors recently pre- sented to the regiment by the late I Two Hospital Ships Sunk g The British hospital ship Salta was { sunk by a mine in the English Chan- |nel on April 10, the War Office an. nounces. Fiftytwo persons were gdrowned. The British hospital ship ' Gloucester Castle was torpedoed with- § out warning in the English Channel on “"31'011 30. All the wounded on the 0 A‘L Duchess Duke Young A report from Cape Town says:-â€"- At the South African party congress Saturday. Hon. F. S. Malan, Minister ot‘ Mines, announced that the Union Government had decided to grant the Imperial Government one million pounds sterling, in recognition of the proceeded the war. TURKS DRIVEN BACK Generous Acknowledgement of Bri- tain’s Protection There were 450 wounded, including a few German prisoners, on board the hospital ship Gloucester Castle, which was torpedoed without warning in the English Channel on March 30. All of ' ~_â€"A’ these INSPECTS CANADIANS in were saved GIVE BRITAIN $5,000,000 of Connaught Visits Canadian Camp at Witley Canadian Enjoys Hunting the Sub. were saved. é; fiâ€"sfial, notwithstanding In the Spring Is It a Cough .7 Hamilton, Ont.-â€"“I am a great be- liever in Dr. Pierce’s medicines. I am " g from the actual use of them and :Ke great benefit I have deriyed therefgpm. the great benefit I have derived therefrom. Shortly after my marriage I began alhng, had a very bad cough and got very thm and was run down. My people thought I yvas going into a decline. They got Dr. Pierce’s ‘Golden Medical Discoyery’ and Kilbride, Ontâ€"“When I was only eleven months old my mother procured ‘Golden Medical Discovery’ for me. I have taken it several times myself since and about one year ago I gave it to my two children. They recovered very quickly with no bad results, after taking one bottle. I have recommended it to uite a number of late.”â€"MRS. W. J. mxms, Kilbride, Ont. The best time to cure a cough is when it starts. Ordinarily, a. few doses of Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery will cure a cough at the beginning. But even when the cough is deep-seated and the body is wasted by emaciation, Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery will in most cases effect a permanent cure. {Ins vinwedjéihé completely cured £119., ’â€" Mns. ADELIA HUBBARD, 26 Cheever St. Get it to-day from any medicine dealer; it is a powerful blood purifier, so pene- trating that it even gets at the impure deposits in the joints and carries them out of the system. Remember it is not a. patent medicine for its ingredients are printed on the wrapper. It’s a pure. glyceric extract of roots, made without alcohol. Depend upon this grand remedy to gi e you the kind of blood that makes the skin clear and puts ambition and energy into the entire_body: You _wpll notjhe ANOTHER TRAGEDY IN TORONTO AS TROOP TRAIN PULLS OUT $53 minted. For '1 free advice, write Dr. . M. Pierce, Bufialo, N. Y. Trial package tablets 10 cents. HOUSE T0 RENT Comfortable 5-roomed house and summer kitchen, good cellar; never failing well; good garden, with bearing fruit trees. Apply to Mrs. Geo. Willoughby, Durham, on the premises. Ontario Women’s Advice. $9990006900900000000090094 §§§§§§§§¢O§§§O§OOOM m NEW SILKS TIES LACES CORSETS MEN’S OVERALLS SHIRTS (in stripes, plain blue and black sateens) Shoe Prices Are Still Going Up We cannot guarantee present prices any length of time. In fact, some lines we cannot get at: all; others cost; more than present selling price. \Vith Kid leathers costing more than $6.00 per pound and solestock 80c., What will kid shoes cost? We have still some lines at old prices: some hosiery at, tempting prices. Headquarters for Trunks Suit; Gases. Valises. Eta; also Mitts. Gauntlets and Gloves. REPAIRING AS USUAL. '33 L8. MollraithzThe Down Town Shoe Store Just In . L. GRANT 4 19 tf .IELL U N DERTAKER and Funeral Director chture Frammg (m shark's notice. The school IS thoroughlv equipped teaching ability, 1n chemical and elec- trical supplies and fittings, etc., for full Junior Leaving and Matriculation work. Durham High School THOS. ALLAN, Principal, 1st Class Certificate, also certificate in Phy- sical Culture. Subjects: Science. Mathematics, Spelling. MISS J. WEIR, BA., Queen’s Uni- versity. Specialist in Art. Subjects; Latin, Art, Literature, Composi- tion, Residing, Geography, Ancient History. MISS M. CRYDERMAN. B. A. Toronto University, also certificate in Physical Culture. Subjects. En- glish Grammar, French, British and Canadian History, Composi- tion, Writing. Intending Students should enter at the beginning of the term if possible. Board can be obtained at reasonable rates. Durham 1s a be; thy and at- tractive town. making it a most desir- able place for residence. The record of the School in past year. isa flattering one. The trustees are prog ressive educationally and s are no aims to see that teachers an pupils ave every adv mtage for the pro- per presentation and acquistion of knowledge. PLANING MILLS Full line of Catholic Robes, and black and White Caps for aged people. H. R. KOCH, ZENUS CLARK DURHAM Has a national reputation for thor- ough, progressive and advanced educational work. The keen de- mand for our graduates is proof that it pays to attend our school. Enter any time. Catalogue free. The undersigned begs to announce to residents of Durham and surrounding country. that he has his Planning Mill and Factory completed and is prepared to take orders for SHOW ROOMSâ€"Next to Swallows Barber Shop. RESIDENCEâ€"Next door South of W. J ‘ Lawrence’s blacksmith shop. Shingles and Lath Always on Hand At Right Prices. FEES : $1 per month in advance Embalming a Specialty Yonge and Charles Stsf Toronto Custom Sawing Promptly At- tended To â€"â€" and all kinds of â€" SASH,DOORS House Fittings THE sooner you buy your Spring Shoes, the more money you will save. Chairman Some are Buying Now W Why Not You? PAGE 7. W. J. Elliott, Principal. ONTARIO J. F. GRANT, Secretary

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