hmest airâ€"BETTER COLOR higan D BEETS THROUGH DROUGHT e JARDIN. rc. Treas Belgian Relief Peter St, MONTREAL. wt. «'unstimte yourself COI the hing people, he fought. iuse of Humanity. tray that trust? Have ugh for the people who heir all for Humanity mtgaged in that cause have for the next hun- ? Have we given rhaps we never can do we may start now and. our eiforts to save in- mg women and child-â€" of Bulgium occupied, g starvation. separate tion and compensa- red King Albert. He id: I have done BUT NO! \ilio‘. helping them; 'usting to them to look M MARKET n can V x V of Bel BUT NO! held out, longer than. guinP expected. after the Belgian army had ld to allow the mobili- :Allips, Belgium might tough! BUT HO! lull Hf Brussels, after: mice of Antwerp, Bel- lnding almost. alone 11-- mt powerful military , wnrld. might have in? arms and said ICC fur the North Sea, cking of the German ho Ysor, the Belgian. 'lad been in the ï¬eld her, without reserves might have called out. BUT NO! for this gal bf the Germ ;. 19M, Belg trong prote hordes t0 of one s â€I missvssmn 01' ex- mine lms‘m wuuld have {ritish shipping even iii-day. Thus we owe in Belgium. Have we For this gallant Ally? >f the German ultimatp '., 19“. Belgium might. trong protest. allowed hordes to pass anti DAN MCLEAN. Ear $2.50,tria1 size, 2 00. sent postpaid by Fruit- L Ottawa. tter, and now 1 [2:1 157’â€. petite, relish everything p Headaches are gone commend this pletï¬ant to all my friends â€. Khan, Nov. 28th. 1914. :0 years, I was troubled ion, Drowsiness, Lack of ’eadac/zts. One day I saw ch read “ Fruit-a-tives I like walking on air.†to me, so I decided to 1 a. very short time, I GALLANT DEFENSE BY BELGIUM... an 1)‘. May 3. 1917 U ]E E6 VEARS EJEEEREI] 5†Made Him He! “ 'alking On Air ...... 100t0250 H1 if Carbon \Voyks, took and partxcu- Homestead Bone m QT ibutions t0 “[18 H SOD 1! \V6 OOOOOOOOOOO d May 3... enough [I . 1 also sugar beets th 3 fertil- .~‘ remark- rowth. and Father my nd thrifty, s that had " W l V Black Ferâ€" ood than. .xmps 0 Black his fall, 1 I think give the eps it a. to f Home- and used did ex- beyond BUT NO! Ontario ‘lch N) 110 Mn- f The (gr-om} before the quan sum I’M‘Mutlun. “ hen the SOldlteS l’nsml to obey the command of their E Rags, Rubbers Old Paper M. GLASER with the ï¬nest stock of human hair goods for ladies and gen- :lemen for 1mprovmg the personal appearance. Toflet prepar-z atlons for beautlfymg the complemon. i She will take orders. for the well-kpown Pember. Hair Treatment, for 1m1goratmg your own ham and preventmg 1t. :rom turnlng grey. ' THE PEMBER STORE For the Ladies.â€"â€"Pompadours, Transformations, Waves, bmtches, Etc. For the Gentlemenâ€"The closest imitation of Nature, the PEMBER TOUPE, and at reasonable prices. REMEMBER THE DATE Thursday, May 3. 1917 LATE SATISFACTION GUARANTEED For Mail Orders Write ALMOST A HORRIBLE TRAGEDY Cathedral. Nevsky Prospect, Petrog-rad, during the progress of the Bus- \\'e1‘e «.rrrdered Lu ure, these people kneeled down and the soldiers re- nfl‘icers to fire. Proprietor of The Pember Store Is Sending his representative, Miss G. G. McLean, who is specially gifted in the art of suiting the ladies and know- ing their needs. Miss Mc- Lean will be at the _ HAHN HOUSE, DURHAM Monday, May 7 W. T. PEMBER 129 Yonge St. TORONTO “No?†“He rose 1,000 feet in the air and dropped her a message.â€â€"Birmingham The Experienced Husband. “She threatens to sue for divorce.†“What’s he say to that?" “Nothing. When their quarrels get to that point he always keeps still. He’s learned from experience that the nextvmove will be a flood of tears.â€â€" Detroit Free Press. Roundabout Way. “I see Where an aviator contrived to have the last word with his wife.†“How on earth did he do it?†“He didn’t exactly do it on earth.†AgeoHerald. Fussy. Bank Manager-Now please under. stand, Miss Jones, you must make the books balance. Miss Jonesâ€"Oh, Mr. Brown, how fussy you nabâ€"London Punch. Two Sorrows. The sorrow of the woman who cries out her grief on the kitchen towel somehow seems more sincere than that of the woman who puts on a pretty gown, arranges the sofa cushions and turns the lights low before she begins. ~Exchange. * Sound and Sound. “That young Hercules over them In a great musical composer.†“A sound mind in a sound body, eh?†-St. Louis Star. It is generally more proï¬table in reckon up our defects than to boast of our attainmentaâ€"Culyle. PLESHERTON A very pretty house wedding was solemnized on Wednesday evening April 25, 1917, at the residence of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lever, when thein eldest daughter. Elva Mildred, was united in the holy bonds of matrimony to Mr. Charles H. Martin, a popular young man of East Mountain, Kim- berley. The wedding took place at 5.30 p.m., the ceremony being conâ€" ducted by Rev. James Dudget‘m, pas- tor of the Methodist church. The bride. who was given away by her brother, Harold, entered the room to the strains of Mendelssolin’s wedding march, played by Mrs. Eniâ€" erson Wickens. The bridal party took their place beneath an artist- ically decorated evergreen arch. The bride was prettily attired in cream silk, enriched with silk em- broidered net trimmed with pearl ornaments. She wore a wreath of orange blossoms, while the groom wore a bouquet of the same. The bride‘s bouquet was of carnations, sweet peas, roses and maidenhair fern. The young couple were un-i attended’. After congratulations, about 60 guests entered the prettily decorated teaâ€"room. and partook of a dainty wedding ‘repast. Mr. and Mrs. Martin will reside at Eugenia. The presents were numerous and mstly. showing the esteem in which the young couple were held. A.- mong those present from a distance were: Misses Nettie and Cora Mar-- tin, of Owen Sound; Mr. and Mrs. J. Lever and son. Harold, and Mrs. '5. Henry, of Markdale; Mr. and Mrs. ’Robt. McMullen and daughter, Mil- dred, of Duncan; and Mr. Nat. (las- well, of Proton Station. o't'-.. In the High school competition for the best composition on “How can the Ontario High School Boy by working on a farm this summer. help himself, the farmer and the Empire,†11 number or the pupils here wrote, and prizes were award- ed as follows: we ($5), Marjory Acheson; 2nd (83), Clarence Fish~ er; 3rd-('_$_2), Bessie McVicar; 11': “L The following pupils of the High school here were successful at the Easter exams. and will be given their certiï¬cates after three months work on a farm: Lower school-â€" Marie Madill, Charlotte Porter, Elsie Caswell, Ruby Caswell, Mina Heard, Elda Parslow, Pearl Allen, Clarence Fisher, Lily Lever. Frank Bunt, Normal schoolâ€"D. Wilson. H. Harâ€" grave, L. Muir, M. McArthur, M. Knox, M. Legate, H. McLean, F. Par? THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. liament W. Pattison, A. Allen. Jr. Matriculationâ€"L. Muir. \X. Harri- SUD. Dr. Murray and C. .Richardsnn have, each purchased a new Chevroâ€" lut car: \V. Buskin, \V. J. Bovd. \V. m r and Dr. McLean, each a Ford. ' l‘he fourth quarterly communion ~e1111ce for the year. the last in the Dusterate of ReV. James Dudgeon, \V 11» held in the Methodist churm .11 Sunday morning last. Miss 1.1111111lotte Rowe of Dundalk gave :1 1Vell- rendered solo, and at the mening serVice sang sVV eetly a (vain \ilh a beautifully rendered Violin «bligato by Miss Hulse. \11.Thos. 1111111“ 100s of Toronto spoke in the Presbyterian clmreh in the inter- ests 111‘ the Dominion Alliance, and 14::V'1‘1 an interesting address. .‘Je <‘srs. Joseph and I zank Dun- um, Mrs. J. .\I Duncan and Mrs. \\.- Ruskin were in Toronto over Sunâ€" day attending a memorial service {or the late Gunner G. Scott. who has killed in action at, the front. c nmwr Scott was a grandson ol the lat to John Duncan of Artemesia and Iiwd ‘,at On en Sound before going with hi_s parents to Toronto. Mrs. Joéeph Clintd‘n 01' the Meth- gujist, church gave a, very interest- mg paper on missionary work at The Guild meeting in the Presby- ieriun church last week. Mr. and Mrs. Fake-{"61“ 'Jgoronto W’: ‘ G. P. B. TOWN OSPICE Phone Us 8: We will deliver Tickets Rexall Cherry and Iron. Rexall Sarsaparilla Ton. Rexall Hypophosphites. Rexall Beef, Iron\V me Rexall Nerve Tablets†- Rexall Blood 1bTaets.. Spring Tonics If You Need a Tonic Try One of These: all Straw Hat. Cleaner Will clean your old Hat for .............. 106. All fully guaranteed C. SMITH SONS, Dealers, Durham Ford ) .0 A Car of Proven Quality 100 ket twelve years, surely long enough to have proven its high quality. There is nothing ex- perimental about it. Every part has stood the test of time and proven its stability with hard service. No other car has ever approached ‘the durability records of. the Ford. N o matter what price you pay for a car you cannot get one with a stauncher chassis. Gov- ernment Laboratory tests have shown that the different parts of the Ford car are superior to those in any other car. Ford Vanadium steel has never been equalled in strength. If you want a car that can plough through deep mud, sand and gravelâ€"that can cross ï¬elds, corduroy roads and ford streamsâ€"that can climb the steepest hills with easeâ€"that will give the greatest mileage all the year round with the least expense and careâ€"then there is only ONE car for youâ€"The Ford. tor Company of Canada, Limited am on 2;} short Visit with the'lat- tiers parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Richardson. Mrs. Robt. Best is in Toronto Vis- iting her son, who is in the hospi- tal' and; we learn. shovs but. slight improvement. ' Mrs. A. S. VanDusen returned from Toronto on Saturday and reâ€" ports her granddaughter, whom she Visited, in a very critical condition. A party of oil men motoring here from Midland on Saturday evening metxwith a mishap near Rock Mills. whermmeir car left. the road and was badly damaged in the turn over. The og‘cumnts fm‘tnnalely oscmwd much Injury. The all men, who commenced drilling: horn a week agm cnnlion their «:;wrati(‘m.~‘. and rnprvwnia- runs ul' annlhc-r wmpzmy :zrv lwrv nnw, Will) have secured options. and will mmlmvncc drilling as sunn as mzwllinm‘y van lw plm'ml. Mrs. Jumps Damn Visited lwr sis- {m' at S\\'llll(lll Park last. week. Miss Cnrloita wao of Dundalk \‘isitr-d uwr Hm \ycvkâ€"mul with Mrs. E". H. W. Hicklmgr. mm Visiting HHS wm‘k. Mr. (Ihzn'lvs Hales. Why has 1» absent, nearly H years, returned Mr" V FORD Fisher. :m(l.1i1tlo sgn. her brnthvr m Hw cxty ONTARIO g. Touring $495 Runabout $475 F;O.B. FORD, ONT. ‘03} (l 11 Saturday from Yuma, Arizona, to visit his parents. Charlie has seen much ofcour own west and the limited States since leaving here, and his friends are phased to see him back again. On Monday exening of last week :1 L11 5e number of the you friends of Mis s Elxa Lexeir bri e-toâ€"be, assembled at the home of Mr. and MN. \\ J. Siexxart and gaxe her a kitchen utensils shower. Mr. Mclx'illop, Jr., who has been assisting his father here for some time. has secured a position at Chatham, and his wife will join him in their new home soon. 0n Manday manning: a large com- pany 01' young people assembled at, the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. Lever my»! spam. .- 22 «~11juyahlc evening with New Mid" {and gl'num. befm-u leaving for their new home. -.\t the annual election of olï¬cers in ‘11111 \uung P131111 195 SOCiety in 11111 Methodist church 011 Myonday 11101111101110 f011011i11g “ere. elected. Presidént. Misc \\ allace; vice-pres- 11111111 Mrs. H. “1111131311111: Study, Miss. L111111d1>sz mi~s111111111, Miss La- timer; literarv Mrs. “K A. Arm- strong: (itizcnsliin Frank Thurs- 11111: sncial. Mrs. \\. Moore; mu- sical. Miss Karstedt: secretary, Wes .‘\1‘mstmng; treasurer. Miss Zilla 3111111111111. PAGE 5.