by, May 3. 19!? :ts. The .bonus. con *pusnkm-mng artlcles m milwx-tlsmg plan. mommmvmmal jtcd. Tomato .in strength, 3 be one of these cars and icycle .ymg scraped 01' after several ling require. ant values, caPs :ndability and he wisdo Overlan physicallyâ€"â€" NTO underthe it uniform 0‘ Lgpm cpnsista Being Lot 53, Concession 3, E.G.R., “M11013. cuntaining 100 acres: on premises are new frame barn, brick huusc. sheds and outbuildings; run- nzng stz'vum through pruperty; :1- nmt 1n amps l’larcl'wood bush, rest ;;._ gnmi state“ of cultivation. _For ;;gz'thc'l' particulars. apply on prm‘n- 3,“ 1.. Mrs. .Inhn Staples, R. R. No. I, .nmwlu. wmtaining 100 acres; an (110119;. t Hum†11 Durham. Ontario. \V PROPERTY FOR SALE That splendid residence property in l'mwr 'l‘nwn l'mlonging to the i:1l.¢'.\11'.~'.\\'ilS()n, will be sold on z'vasnnuhln terms: (:«_»ntains ‘31; acre, ulnru â€1‘ loss; mmfurtable residence. 7 mums; hard and soft water; gmu‘l bearing: m'chard and garden: tine situation. Apply on premises, or to Thus. [{itt‘hiv‘ 01‘ Duncan Smellic, .vacutm's. 6'29“ iwflp__ - -» FOR SALE One 14-h.p. traction engine, Wat- ox-lnn: «'mv 36x38 separator, wind- stzu'kvl', dust cnllector, complete, Watm‘hm: one Nu. 3 Massey-Harris Blizzard mm cutter: one wagon and tank. nearly new. Everything in gund order. Apply to R. J. McGil- liVI-ay, RR. '3 ,I’I'iceville. Advertisements of one inch or less, 25 cts. for ï¬rst insertion, and l0 ce vits for each subsequent insertion, Over one inch and under two inches. double the above amount. Yeiirly rates on application. â€"â€"â€"_, HORSE FOR SALE Hood driving horse, eight' years old, blond. Apply on the premises to Chas. Mnrtley, R. R. No. 1, Dur- kuvn .'v\n:n’ Dm'noch). 'l 26 3pd PIGS FOR SALE Yorkshire sow, due to farrow in May. Call one mile south-west of Burhzanâ€"JI ux‘dock. 4 26 '1po â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- .â€"â€",.__â€"â€" »__. 0651‘ FOR SALE Thrm years old; coach horse. Ap- ply to Adam Watson. '26 2pc! LOTS FOR SALE North part of Lot 6, the 91d 8119*.- Tenders will be received for the sale of the 3rd division of Lot 7, and the let division of Lot 8, Can. 1, E.G.R., Township of Glenelg, 100 acres, more or less, up to the [st June, 1917. No tender necessarily acCEpted. __ _ . -_J Lots FOR SALE OR TO RENT A comfortable brick cottage; good m.- wllm': 7 acres 01’ land, more or NH sumnd «:(mcession of Glen- _. Hi; milos past, of Durham: has gum] I'mmv hum on it. Apply-Ln . H. .Iuvks‘nn, l'ulrhzun. :3 18 <5. The um (neat- Dornoch). HOUSE TO RENT Con11‘«.)1'table 5â€"roomed house and summer kitchon, good cellar; never failing well: good garden, with bvaring fruit trees. Apply to Mrs. Moo. \Villoughby, Durham, on tho p1 eml i-‘e :11 Spirella Corsets (not sold in Slores, made 1n Canada, are boned with the indestructable Spirelltt ~my. the most pliable and resilent mrsvt honing in the world; guarâ€" antood not to break or rust in one year of vorsot wear. Appointments by mail or telephone given prompt;..n._\h-_<_ J. (1. Nichol, Box he property of the late Philip, . in thv tnwn M†Durlmm. For: us and particulars apply to J. P. i'ur-d. Durham. '11 18Lf ‘CK‘L U l \L’Luvv in mail 01 telebhone attentiun. â€"â€"Mrs. J. C 107. Durham. Phone h ‘, W-“â€" PROPERTY FOR SALE The undersigned oï¬ers for sale 100 news nf land adjoining the 001'- 1mrathm. «m Durham Road; also :5 acres on Lambton St., with lmildings; also a new brick house nu Saddler St, Durham, With all modern iImprovements.-â€"â€"Thos. Mc- mmb. Prop... Durham. 212m0 S. F. Morlock and Hattie Morlock, Durham, Executors estate Robt. Cochrane, '4 '12 7 Deceased .1371}: "sâ€"{tol Garaffaxa St.., D111:- , and the nurth part Of Lot e), H St. Apply to A.H. Jacksnn. n. nAl n 'l'hm'sday 8 9 and 10 Kincardine St., \pph \..H Jackson. “mu FARMS FOR SALE (mt FOR SALE FOR SALE .\I a FOR SALE SMALL ADS. 3. 1917 70. 9 30M 4 '19 tf '10 26 and‘ In trying to catch a pig, a Plymp- em- {on man dislocated his arm, and um. had to undergo an operatlon 1n Fur Sarniu Generalxflospital. .' 15059 1 Allan (Iowan. a prominent M.1dd1e- ’- I “on farmer, died last week 111 hIS 53tf.68th year. DRS. JAMIESON 8: JAMIBSON (mica and I'e'xsfidvnm'I a â€shaft. (ii;â€" tumfn east of the Hahn House, 011 Lambtnn SL. Lower ann, Durham. HmH- hnnrs: 2 M :3 p.m.. 7 to 8 pm" “XVPpL Sundays. J. G. ‘HUTTON, M.D., GM. 0111130: U\ (31" l. P. â€"leliurds ofï¬ce 11e~z1rly «mpositn the RQ‘fiStPV Omen. lit-511101110: Socnnd 1101130 south of Rvgistry (111110 «m oust. side: 01 Al- !wrt St. Hcflin hnm's: t) tn 1! 3.111., 2 it; (pm; and 7 to 9 p.m. Tole- phmw communication between 0f- ticrr and romdoncv at all hours. Lam Assistant. Ray. Lnndnn 0p- thulmic HOSpital. Eng 211111., and t0 Huldvn Sq. 'l‘hmml. 21ml Mme Hosp. Spo‘t'iulist‘tliyo‘, l‘lul'. Thl'ml! 21nd Nusv. Uliicv: l3 Ernst, St... ()wen Sound. (‘DR BROWN L. R. P. L()\'D(_.).\' EVH Hl'minltn n1 Lnndnn. Ne“ Yul‘k um! ï¬lm-21w. Dismsos Hf Eyv. Ear, Nils“ :Hui 'I'lll‘tmi. ( )21i1ft‘ J. F. GRANT, D.D.S., L.D.S. Hunnr Lirzuluatv I'Tnivm'sity of To- runtn. Graduate Rm'ul (Julege Den- tal Surgeons of Ontario. Dentistry in all its branches. (mice: OVer Town‘s Jewelll'y Sturn. J. P. TELFORD Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. Oflice: Noarly npposite the Registry Ofï¬ce, Lambton St, Durham. Any amount ' D O nf money to 102m at ) per cent. on farm property. - ' A. H. JACKSON Notary Public, Commissioner, C(‘inveyancer c. Insurance Agent, Money to loan. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. A general ï¬nancial bum- ness transacted. Durham, Ontario (Lower Town). ___'â€"â€"-'â€"â€"â€" , DAN. McLBAN Licensed Auctitmeer for County or Urey. Satisfaction guaranteed. Terms reasonable. Dates of sales made at The Chronicle-3 mince, 01' {$111} himself. '1. U. uuuo‘-, â€"-_..--__w (lnnx'eyanu‘r, Issuer nf Marriage Licenses, Muney to 1mm at. lmvest rates, and on terms to suitborrow- er. Fire and Life Insurance placed in thummghly reliable companies. Deeds. Mortgages, Leases and Wills executed on shortest notice. All work promptly attended to. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH- WEST LAND REGULATIONS The sole head of a family, or any male over 18 years old, may home- stead a quarter-section of available Dominion land in Manitoba, Sas- katchewan or Alberta. Applicant must appear in person at the Dom-p inion Lands Agency or Sub-Agency for the District. Entry by proxy may be made at any Dominion Land Agency (but not Snb-.-\;:uncy}, on certain conditions. ‘ l‘)utics.â€"â€"Si.\' months‘ residence Qupon and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A homesteadâ€" Ier may liVe williin nine miles of 1 his hmncslead on a farm of at. least ‘80 acres. on certain cmnlitions. A ‘hahitahle house is required. CXCODt ‘whcrc residencc is performed in {the Vicinity. a A ,1 1‘4... Lllb V LLILLnuv Live stock may be substituted for ("ultn‘atmn under certain (‘Ofldl- Lions. 1 In certain diericts a homesteader‘ in gnml standing may pre-empt a quarter-sectiun alongside his home- stead. l’rice.‘ $3.00 per acre. 1’)nties.-Six months" residence in each of three years after earning homestead lament; alsn :30 acres exâ€" tra cultivatiun. Pre-vmption patent may he obtained as soon as home- stead patent, on eertain conditions. u. - ,l____~.LA'J 1\:.ï¬ [LVVUV‘A'J’ ~.-- DL\.tl\.l l _ - __ - A settler who has exhausted his homestead right may take a purâ€" chased homestead in certain dist- ricts. Price $3.00 per acre. ’ Duties.â€"~Must reside six months in each of three years, cultivate 50 acres and erect a house worth $300. W. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior N.B.â€"â€"Unauthorized publication of this :uivcrtisement will not be paid for. _ 41 16 6m Medical Directorv. DR. W. C. PICKBRING DENTIST Hwy .I. .l. Hunter‘s Sim"). Dental .Dz’rectorv W. J. SHARP, Holsjejl} Legal ‘Dz'reotorv. DR. BURT 0-ov"’ cfluafz'onegr EPROFESSOR RIBTHDORP WAS l TREATED SHAMBFULLY {Toronto Star} mecssor Riethdorf has enlisted as :1 private soldier In the Arm? Medical (30?st in this city and will. it. is expected proceed m'prseas in that. service all in) early date. ---A \4““ u Professor Riethdorf'was a pro-J fessor in Woodstock College when6 the, war broke out. and at once he- gan in the press and on the plat- i form, advocating the cause of the 1 Allies, directing his armiments to 1 Canadians of (ierman birth or des-gi cent. He is himself a Canadian ‘cit- i izen of Gernmn. but not of Prussian I birth. and with a much better inâ€"i‘ formed antagonism to Prussian auâ€" '1 tocracy than it is possible for mestl'. Canadians to possess. i' It. might, have. been supposed that : when a man like l‘nml'essor Rieth-f dort’ took the public platform as: he did as a Canadian citizen. and incurred the enmity of ["ilâ€0â€"(:it‘i‘-' mans because of his activities. thatâ€, the [ample and the authorities here would have upheld him in his i_.'n111"se. It. was not. done. He “"15 allowed to be. crowded aside, by influences that must he. bluntly ties; Icrilied as lit"!lâ€"Gt‘.‘l'llltlll. It. is a re-â€"'; |prnaeh to this country that, such ,intluenees were allowed to i'mtzérate. ' Professor ltiethdort‘ is now a prixnte iin the ranks ml the army and is itliltltli it) leave ftâ€)? the \\':lI‘. lie is‘ now in a service where. it is to he? sumiosed, enemy intluiut'ees have.’ not, the nerve to intrude. and where tit"!llt)t‘l.‘tliitf principles and scht‘ilariy abilities will he turned to useful account. ; .â€"- {S11‘:111".11111 1111.1111111 . \ 1111‘i11 111 si111’1111‘11 s1111‘11\\ passed 11\111 th11 cih 10-11113 “111111 11111 11m“; 5111111111 111 11111 [121ssi11g11\\.1v in T01â€" 1111111this \\'11111{01MI‘..\.1.1\1:11‘.L;11‘â€" 1111 11\-‘;\'1.1’.Th1111g11 it was 11.1111\\11 {11:11 1111 was 11‘iticallv ill his 111311011 111 lriends 1011111 not bring themâ€"g 8111\115 111 b1;'11ie\(1 111111 ‘Alnc†Mm». Lar1111 “as 1111 his death bed. But the big- hearted, \111010- 50111811 11111111 â€.0 We, . has gone, leaving a name that will, be ever revered. i No man in the public- lii'e of Perth‘ County ever quite equalled “thej People’s Alec†in Depularity. Men: were attracted to Mr. MacLaren by his genial personality. and they were held in bonds of close friend- ship and admiration by the solidity and genuineness of his character. Till his last day in this city, he counted his friends not in scores. but in hundreds, and so it was thrmighout Western Ontario. over the Dominion. across the border in- to the United States. and even be- yond the broad Atlantic. And though for some years now Mr. ;MacLaren had been only an occa- sional V'iSitOI‘ to Stratford. the ties of friendship had never slack- ened. am Business integrity and energy de-' voted to the develcrpment of the great dairying industry won for: him the proud title of “the Cheese: King of Canada.†Nor was the ad-' vantage all with Mr. MacLaren. The dairy interests of the Dominion are deeply in his debt for the impetus afforded the production of first- grade Cheese and the advertising, the world over, of Canada‘s possi- bilities. Closer at home, the people of North Perth, will long remember with gratitude the high ideals of public service exemplified by the man whom they were proud to hon- ;or term after term as their repre- sentative in the highest legislative tribunal in the land_._ Service was ll'll’tlllitl Ill llllu lullu. D~,!\,-b v JV‘I a pleasant, duty for Aloe MacLaI‘en. Snllishness he knew not. He gave his best fur the constituencyâ€"and 'a gl'uluful people will mourn 1115 passing,“ away. “ALBC†MACLAREN IS GONE all drumrlsh 7:30. I The little school girls of Hamlet have been selling different. articlm en the market to make money 1‘01: the sc'wldiers. The children have prnvided 42 boxes of soldiers’ cemâ€" fm‘ls in this fay. Large quantities of herring aye 110mg caught. at Pt. Edward, Sarniu. A. cult†barn in Sterling last wank wmghed 1.07 pounds. )1 -O PLAN YOUR SUMMER VACATIOA‘ NOW \1 ranae to ViSit some of the {0110“ - ing pointsâ€"A11 beauty spotsâ€"Close to Nature Muskoka Lakes ....Algonquin Park Georgian Bay Lake of Bays Temagami ‘ Kawartha Lakes Full information and descriptive literature may be secured ‘on appli- cation to W. Calder, Town Agt†Durham THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. C. E. HORNING, D.P.A., Toronto vherv A Sunday despatch from London 3 be- {readyâ€"A new British offensive on a plat- emendous scale is in progress on the HIP French front. The blow was struck s to over a front of several miles in width. «iljSâ€" ; Part of Oppy, six miles east of Arras, 1 . (‘1i- “and the pivotal point of this defensive <sizm sector, is in British hands, together .‘ inâ€" ‘ With an entire German trench system 1 :m- a mile in extent to the south of Oppy. must 2 All of Arleux, a mile further north of ; Oppy, has also been taken by the Can- â€ML adians, who gained positions a mile ivt!1-' and a half in length by a depth of a ll as ' mile. Steward Lyon sends the follow- and . ing to the Canadian press from -Hvrâ€" Francezâ€"“ln co-operation with the that 1 victors of Gavrelle the Canadians have her“ taken Arleux, the spearhead pointing his to Vimy, and have broken the defen- \\"is sive line erected there by the Germans. .‘. by thus performing an important part in 'dusâ€"‘disrupting the enemy’s plans to pre- u i'c- , vent the invasion of the plain of (3am- sm-n brai. The bite taken out by the Cana» umtu. dians was about 2,500 yards in length, ‘lVilU‘ With the penetration of the enemy’s ml is line at the deepest point of 1,800 He is Yards. A m I ‘,i‘ PIVOT TOWNS FALL ON GERMAN FRONT Canadians Take Arleux village and Position Two Miles in Lengthâ€" Haig Bends Oppy Line i “In the grey dawn of Saturday morning, after an artillery bombard- ment of great intensity, the troops ad- vanced under the protection of a bar- rage which swept the ground through i which they had to pass with a hail of | steel and attacked the village of Ar» ? leux. Going forward in steady waves, ieach like an incoming tide, encroach- :ing on the defences of the Germans gfarther than that preceding, our men passed through the remains of what a few days ago' were exceedingly L strong wire entanglements erected or strengthened since the battle of Vimy by the continual labor of thouSands of the enemy and ordered to be held at 111 costs to prevent the further en- 'croachments of the British army up- ' on the plain towards Douai.†( Heavy Fighting near Oppy ‘ g The ofï¬cial report from British {headquarters in France readszâ€"“Sat- ; urday nightâ€"Severe ï¬ghting, in which =é our troops have had the advantage, -‘ took place throughout the day from ' the Scarpe River to the Acheville- ' Vimy road. We captured Arleux-en- Gohelle and enemy positions on a. ' front of over two miles north and south of the village. Our troops also 3} progressed northeast of Gavrelle and _- j YTR“ I- Voc- Vâ€"wvâ€" _ the western slopes of Greenland Hill, between Gavrelle and Roeux. South of the river we have gained ground north of Monchy-le-Preux. The en- emy again delivered many violent counter-attacks with considerable forces and suffered heavily from our artillery and machine gun ï¬re. In the neighborhood of Roeux and Oppy heavy ï¬ghting is continuing. Several hundred prisoners were captured by us during the day.†Enemy Resist Stubbornly “Sunday afternoon â€"â€" During the night a strong enemy counter-attack upon our new positions north of iArleux-en-Gothelle was broken up by our ï¬re. Fighting continues at se- Yeral places north of River Scarpe. Sunday nightâ€"This morning an enemy trench system south of Oppy was captured on a front of about a mile after heavy ï¬ghting. The enemy of- fered stubborn resistance and deliver- ed several unsuccessful counter-at- tacks." Forecasting possibly a resumption of Gen. Nivelle’s concerted oflensive, the Paris War Ofï¬ce statement on Monday detailed “violent artillery ac- tions" south of St. Quentin, around Troyonne, Craonne, and the regions of Hurtebise. British front despatches on Monday spoke of new German long-range cannon now brought up and put intoaction against the British drive. The intensity of the German ï¬re had likewise increased, although as yet it did not anywhere near ap- proach the violence of the British de- luge of steel. British Machines Drive Eight Enemy P1anes to Earth A press correspondent writes: The German airmen had one of the great- est surprises of their lives late Friday. The day had been heavily overcast until nearly 6 o'clock in the evening, when the clouds suddenly thinned and the sun broke through. A few German machines had been sighted well back of their lines during the obscured per- iod, but when the sun shone out sever- al enemy squadrons which had been housed all day came out to stretch their wings in the slanting afternoon’s rays. They had scarcely taken the air when the British machines pounced upon them, and in the after tea-time ï¬ghting that ensued several German machines were seen to crash and eight others to be driven down completely , out of control, which are believed to ihave been destroyed. ROUTED GERMAN FLIERS Man and Woman Killedâ€"Damage ' Property Small German destroyers attacked Rams‘ gate, England, last week, according to an ofï¬cial announcement issued bys the war ofï¬ce. A large number of; shells were ï¬red, brt the destroyers' were driven off by ihe ï¬re from the 1 land batteries. One man and one woâ€" 2 man were killed duï¬ng the bombard- 'z ment, and one man and two woman were injured. The greatest damage; to prOperty was that done to an inn. ‘ Some shells fell on open lands near, Broadstairs. French Fisherman Massacrcd by Sub- marine In Cold Blood A Sunday report from Paris reads: Twenty-one members of the crews of two French ï¬shing boats who took ref- uge in the rigging after therr craft had been attacked by a submarine 01! Au- diennle, were shot to the‘1 last man, ‘1 ......... ‘A‘n in- RAMSGATE IS SHEILED Welland, Ontâ€"“I am glad about Dr. Pierce’ 8 remedwï¬ â€˜ #5†.83. I have recommended Dr. Pierce’s 1 dies to several of my acqugintances. “I have one of - theâ€" Common Sense Medical Advisers and think v hi of it.â€â€"â€"Mns. MAY CLARK, ti115â€? Sgtgltbe St., Welland, Ont.“ _ . C D I. j “a br. Pierce’s Golden Medical Dis,- covery is a tonic and builder that brings new activity to the liver, stomach and bowels in a short time, thus causing sallowness, indigestion and constipation to disappear. Good blood means good health; good health means strong men and women, fnll of vigor and ambition, .vvith minds -â€"â€" vâ€" alert and muscles ever willing. Any medicine dealer will supply on with Dr. Pierce’ 3 Golden Medical iscovery in either liquid or tablet form. Send to Dr. Pierce, Invalids’ Hotel, Buflalo, N. Y., for free medical advice. Spring Personals i v Dr; Pierce’s Common Sense Medical Adï¬sH_ gljeat c_loctor bookâ€"of 1908 -Duv“ â€"v.. pages, cloth boundâ€"answers many im- portant questions. Copy will be sent, customs prepaid, for 50 cents (or stamps) copay wrapping and mailing charges: -- 15;“ Piggé’s ‘i’leasant Pelvlets rémllate and invigorate stomach, liver and bowels. Sugar-coated and easy to take as candy. Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to six o‘clock Sat- urday evening, May 5th, for the er- ection of an outside metal stairway t0 or ï¬re escape for the Town Hall. Lowest or any tender not necessar- ily accepted. For particulars as to character of the work apply to 11 SH 1111111 in mind 111111 111i1Ca- n:1di:111 l’:1i1i1‘1it i11'1'r1i1rs «151111.111 1111111 {mod 111:1111 Sf’I‘ViCi.’ “i111 1110 1111i1<1 pussiâ€" bli1 equipment. including Standard and â€1111111151 Sleeping (11111.9 and Diu- 1111: (13115 111 W 11111111111;- und \zmcouâ€" \i11 In i111i1 111 Hm 111051 [)itilII‘PStlllO 110111119 in h1i1 \11111111. 11' :1 trip 15 ci1n111mplati1d.{111111111i1any (JHPR. Agent 1011 f11111 1311001111119, 011 “rite W’. B. H0\\:1.l.rd Distrim ’ussenger 1.1gm11.111111111110. 0111... A Prominent Ontntio Woman NO CAMP FOR LONDON THIS YEAR Altl‘uimgh tenders for the supplies required for a camp at Carling Heights were called for some time ago, a. rumor was current in mili- tary circles last Friday that no camp will he held thorn this sum- mer. The rumor has not been veri- fled. ARE YOU GOING WEST THIS SPRING? 099060000900009069000000“ §§§§§§§§§6§§OOMW NEW SILKS TIES LACBS CORSETS MEN’S OVERALLS SHIRTS (in stripes. plain blue and black TENDERS WANTED C. L. GRANT Shoe Price's Are Still GoingUp We caimot guarantee present prices any length of time. In fact‘: some lmes we cannot. get at all: others cost more than presen selling price. With Kid leathers coStin more than .00 and 5013 50001‘ 800-. What will kid shoe;z cost? $6 per pound We have still some. lines at old prices: some hosiery at tempting prices. Headquarters for Trunks, Suit Gases. Valises. Etc.; also Mitts. Gauntlets and Gloves. REPAIRING AS USUAL. Just In l. S‘ Mcllraith : The.Down Town Shoe Store J. P. Grant, Chairman Property Com. worn-out I used ‘Golden Medical Discovery’ and ‘Favorite Prescrip- tion.’ It is true that they are grand remedies, and I found that they built me up and made me feel like a new person. I believe I used seven bottles in all. sateens) tired-out and . A. BELL U N DERTAKER and Funeral Director\ Picture Frammg an shark's notice. The School is thoroughly equipped in teaching ability, in chemical and electrical supplies and ï¬ttings, etc., for full Junior Leaving and Matric- ulatinn \x'nrk. PLANING MILLS Durham High School Miss J. Weir, B..,A Queen’s Uni- versity. \pm 1.111s! in Art. Subjeots: Latin. A11. Literature, Composition, Reading, Geography, \11cient His- toi‘y. / Miss M. Cry derman, B.A., Toron- to l’11iwrsi1itvy also Certiï¬cate in Phx 510.11 (Julturo. Subjects. En- glish Grammar. French. British and Canadian Histom Composition, \Vriting. Thos. Allan, Principal. lst Class Carliï¬l‘ah‘. alsn Certiï¬cate in Phy- sical Culture. Subjpcts: Soiencc, Mutlmmalivs, Spelling. Full line of Catholic Robes, and black and white Caps for aged people. Intending students should enter at the beginning of the term if pos- sible. Board can be obtained at reasonable rates. Durham is a healthy and attractive town, mak- ing it a most desirable place for residence. The record of the school in past years is a flattering one. The trusâ€" toes are progressive educationally, and spare no pains to see that teachers and pupils have every ad- vantage for the proper presentation and acquisition of knowledge. ZENUS CLARK DURHAM H. R. KOCH, Chairman The undersigned begs to announce to residents of Durham and surrounding country. that he has his Planning Mill and Factory completed and is prepared to take orders for Has a national reputation for thor- ough, progressive and advanced educational work. The keen de- mand for our graduates is proof that it pays to attend our school. Enter any time. Catalogue free. Shingles and Lath Always on Hand At Right Prices. FEES: $1 per month in advance. SHOW ROOMSâ€"Next to Swallow'e Barber Shop. RESIDENCEâ€"Nat. door South of W. J . Lawrence’s blacksmith shop. Embalming a Specialty Yonge and (3%195 Sts.,'Toronto Custom Sawing Promptly At- tended To SASH,DOORS -- and all kinds of â€" House Fittings ENTER ANY TIME for a thorough course in any one of Shaw’s Seven Business Schools, Toronto...Write for free Catalogue. .Home Study Courses also provided. TH E sooner you buy your Spring Shoes. the more money you will save. 52211: are Buying Now Why Not You? PAGE 7. ELLIOTT W. J. Elliott, Principal. W. H. Shaw, Pres. J. F. GRANT, ONTARIO Secretary.