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Durham Chronicle (1867), 10 May 1917, p. 9

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On Saturday night fast thu young; ladies 0f the Minstrel Show (lN'fiIJNJ to giVe the soldim- buys a :«winl ov- ening, and accordingly got up :1 dainty luncheon, which was served FINLEY GRAHAM, th. a large patronage. The subscrip- tion HI 3150 :1 vmr‘ guns intn effect, next “09k. Graham Advanced Method at Central Drug Store, Durham The Sheihurne Free Press entered last week on its 43rd year of publi- cation, and is in its 33rd year un- der the management of the present prOprietor Mr. R. L. Mortimer, whom we hme known since 1878 as fellow-students in , Collinng.ood Twenty years ago The Free Press was destm} ed by fire. but rose at once from the ashes and went for- ward with increased vigor. It is a clean. nexvsy paper, and worthy of FREE EYE TESTING Mr. McCaiw. mail mimx'im- nn RJL N0. 1, Varney. tnld us Tuesday 1m saw-an aprnplm‘w passing: over Var-- nev that Dunning. going vast. IL Was high in the air and appeared quite small, but he could hear the engine distinctly. The starting of the cement mn-ks has already 1.;I'ougrht back a few at those who left town. So far. the emplnyres are engaged in making repairs. and alterations, and some time will elapse before cement making proper can be‘engaged in. From The Chronicle File May 3,1897. When a Methodist m" ypOSite the fish stories, 09; Schutz. look out for somr' the season is pm home by Sharp, who L-nderson paint. big trout. .lan. with a 19“ at um , on have anything to s We him: a stack of Ground Feed that we are offering for $40 per £011 for the next few days. sacks includ- ed. If ynu want cheap food, buy now, as we have only a limited quantity to offer.â€"-â€"-R0b Roy Cereal Mills Cun'uvany, Limited, Durham. Wedding invitations and an-; nouncements in the létest correzti styles of type and stationery, can! be procured on short notice and ut‘ right prices at The Chronicle Of ‘ fice. Just take a glance at your label and see what it says. If you have not renewed, we’ll be pleased t» have you do so. ‘ The purest, and best paint for inâ€" side and outside workâ€"Brandram- Henderson. Sold by F. Lenahan. Lf t tv'x’ , bu have anything to sell, put ,_ mile ad. in The Chronicle and get quick results. Over zoo Opticians throughout Ontario are now practising my system VFARM IMPLEM ENTS , and Repairs DAVID MADILL, Markdale, Ontario 20 YEARS AGO Eyesight Specialist PAGE 6. ISL m‘ yposite 051; Schutz. High 2pd by the using Sold 4 12tf E; IS 1 30tf Quite a number from here were out to the Bl’rntint‘fk S. hill. north of Allan Park. on Tuesday night, to vtlw hill-climbing contest with the ‘MPLzlllClllilll and Chevrolet cars Both cars made the grade once, we ’are told, but failed to repeat in the [somnd attempt. Just what object Was to be gained from the test, we cannot understand. as the hill is one mass of stones, and soft gravel, and both cars stuck because they couldn‘t get a footings We weren’t lthern in time to see the successful‘ trips of either car, arriving just as the McLaurhlan made its second at- tempt. but if. as one party said, the lust meant anything. the Chevrolet was the. better (f‘ll‘. as it accom- plished the grade mister. tl'mugh we don‘t llzirk the Iwrl'm'mance will be.I the means of selling many cars for, any firm. The test was the outcome of a nmvspawfr (“entroversy be-l tween G. B. Smith, Ford dealer at! Ayton, and J. Kalte and G. Francis, Thw prwlmmti::11 that hip-morrmfitfll 151i ’nl'tez'mmn be made a general Cleanâ€"{THE NEIGHBORS SAID GOOD-BY. 11p day. brings a suggestion from a} As Mr Neil McCannel haq sold his rilizen that h? t ’ 0 V ' 3 ° 3 i 1 __ _ _. t ‘7 9““ cunml haVe: property, and Intends Ieavmg for a t w ttmrt hall ploperty cleaned 119 time at least. his friends and nein'h and put 1n better shape. He more-thms of SS N0 0 ‘md other plages‘ nver suggests that they tune the' to tho number of 60 or 70 assembled lnml plnughed and let it out to citâ€" ' at his home mi Tuewi'w eveninw , t ‘ “ -‘ â€" 4» ‘-.- b \ i7.~n.~' tn use for garden ptlI‘fntNBigsav {mud-1w and give some (”(qu ' I s : ‘s‘ . g 1 W ' ”w v 'x o 1 . ‘ ‘ . . r. “'V l J ‘ I ’A - good «mo, and proper cultn‘utum 1(1lequ below wqq I‘G‘ld by Miss ’ ' ' ' f 4r. "1 \ (u I . L . -1 . ( k 4 â€" ‘ for a yeztr or me \\ ould 5n: ”1‘\-'.hdn:1 thchle, and the presentation surroundmgs a more zesthetlc ap‘Fmade by Miss Eliza Patterson Short marzmce and enhance the value f! v. - I 0 inddrebaes of good-W111 were made the [)I’t'tpf-‘I'ty- Slfir “Infimnn NA“ 'Mr..77--1---3- - . va- ’00 a lit used \ “Mme: '1 Mr. Matt. Beckett. License In- spector. was in town‘Monday 3.0 1::‘cvsw1'utc alleged charges of vio- lutinn of the Canada Temperance .1111. by hm residents of Glenelg. against whom information had been laid by the 1:110 Constable Arrow- <111itl1.Tho oxidence was not suf- li1’iontlx dear for Magistrates Laid-1 I m and Young: to make a conviction and the case “as postponed 101 11111111.. the oxidence of Mr. Arrow- smith from his mwscnt home in? Saskatchewan. The decision will, 1w gnen {1.9 511011 zl< the evidence iS ;1\11il11blo_. i -- ‘.;L.r\_,v‘ VI iine Pflwfiiieson’s residence. Thelthe Hanover agents for the Mo- h“ ‘ 1‘ warned on Thursday they Lauehlan and the Chevrolet, res- Jlild soon have to go overseas, pectively. The Ford man failed to and received orders to leave for‘show up. claiming the test would Owen Sound on Monday morning. prove nothing, and after viewing An enjoyable evening was spent, the. hill, we believe he is right. and the luncheon was appreciated.‘ The hill, however, has been climbed On Monday morning a goodly in a Ford by at least one Durham number were at the C.P.R. station man. who says he made it before to witness their departure, and they ' the stones had been raked off, and showed a higher degree of happi- when it was in a much worse con- ness than those they left behind. dition than on Tuesday night. We wish them continued happiness and a safe return after the final victory. t . Mr. E A. Goodwin, of Hamilton, was in town yesterday. An Enamel-Ware Safeguard. Enameled cooking receptacles can be saved from cracking and chipa ping, if, when they are first used, they are thoroughly greased with butter. The Red Cross workers met at the home of Mrs. Wm. Weir an Friday. Twehe pairs of socks and six suits of pyjamas were sent away. The collection amounted to $5.65. Misses Ella and Nina McFadden, Mamie Haley, Messrs. John Arnett and Lawrence McFadden, spent Sunday with Traverston friends. Rev. Jas. Binnie, Parry. Sound, YiSith last week with his siséet‘, Mrs. John Bell. Mr. and Mrs. W. Jacques spent Sunday at Varney. Mr. Archie McDonald, and sister, Miss Katie, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Neil McCannel. Mr. Binnie, of Erin, agd Mr. White. of Shelburne, visited last week at Mr. John McGirr’s. Miss Weir of Cleveland is on an extended visit with Mr. Wm. Weir and other relatives. Mr. Joseph Atkinson is among the farmers to enjoy a Ford car. S. S. No. 9 Sabbath school re-op- ens Sunday, with Mr. W. J. Ymmg as superintendent. Mr. and Mrs. John McGirr spent Sunday before last with friends at Varney. DARKIES’ CORNERS Mr. and Mrs. Art. Hunt and fam- i1\.und Mr. and Mrs. John Bailey \lla'n Park, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Lindsay. Signed on behalf of your neigh- bors and friends.â€"-Mrs. Samuel Pat- terson, Edna May Ritchie, Thomas Bell. \Vm. Weir. {be much missed in the different spheres of life, both in business and social circles. By your helping hands and good adVice you had aidâ€" e1! 11111.1 moored us at many times 31.411111 life’s pathway seemed dark and diflhult. Words an express but little, and we assure you both that we 111111ieciate to the lull your kind wouls and deeds and that they 311111 all he gratefull3 1emembered 1.13 311111 many friends. Some of us may not have a more fitting oppor- tunity to tender our good wishes,} so as a slight token of regard we ask you to accept this gift as a. slight token of our remembrance of past friendship. E | Dear Friends,â€"It is with feelings i of sympathy, mingled with pleasure, that we have met here toâ€"night to spend a happy hour, as we often did before. Learning that Mr. Mc- Gaunel’s health is such as to induce him to make a change of climate, we sincerely hepe the divine hand of a \‘loing Providence, who doeth all things well, will soon restore him, and our prayer is, you may both return in the near future, ben- elilml by the Change. We canpot let. you go without trying in some small way to express our sorrow at your dl'3parture. You will both Glenelg, May 8th, 1917. To Mr. and Mrs. McCannel. sion of their kindly feelings. The address below was read by Miss Edna Ritchie, and the presentation made by Miss Eliza Patterson. Short addresses of good-Will were made 115' Messrs. Geo. McKechnie, and J.S. McIlraith, of town. and Messrs. Jos. Atkinson , Wm. Weir, Reeve Mc- Cuaig, W. J. McFarlane and J. Ur. Wilson of the section and adjoining neighborhood. The following is the address :â€" - 3 Mr. M. K. Richardson. registrar, gis nut very well, and has not been g«._wer from Fleshertog for the past ; three. nr four weeks. ‘ Messrs. R. J. MeGillivray, Fred Hurst. Glenelg. and Geo. Lothian at P3,, ‘emont, are recent purchasers of Ford cars. The celebration advertised for the 4th of June. in Durham, has been cancefled. Mrs. J. J. Smith and sister, Miss Isabel MacKenzie, are in Toronto this. week. Tlm New Discovery Hair Food used according to directions softens and nourishes the hair, restores dry and faded hair to its natural healthy color, making it glossy and fluffy. Relieves irritation, removes and cures dandruff. For sale at Macfarlane’s Drug Store. Put 111), only by R. M.‘Brunt, Hum wer. 5 10 20 My 38 years’ experience as a barâ€" ber should .{convinee you that I know something about the care and treatment of the hair and scaip. A SHORT 'TALK ON HAIR CULTURE Knowing that you are interested in an articlt": that; is a real benefit I want. to talk to you about the New Discovery Hair Food. D. W. Cameron is getting every- thing into shape in the creamery. The season’s operations will com- mence next Monday, the 14th. Messrs. Gohurn and Boyle are the cream drawers for the season. Mr. Wm. Nelson is getting into line for the erection of his new residence. ‘ Margaret Irvin, a‘ little three- year-old tot, strayed away Monday afternoon and was found by one of Mr. T. Kirby’s boys, who was comâ€" ing to Holstein on an errand. She had gone about a mile from the house, and had passed through a large piece of bush and over a runâ€" ning stream near the rear of the farm. She is none the worse of her experience. J. D. Main of Waterford, came up to attend the funeral of his uncle, the late Wm. Allan. The I.O.F. and Patriotic. Society" have joined hands and purpose giv- ing a patriotic concert on Victoria Day. Good talent is being secured. Last week’s casualty list contain- ed the name of J. J .‘Merchant, who had been wounded, and the .follow- ing day he was reported as having died of wounds. He is a former Holstein boy, and a brother of Miss Robena Merchant of this village. His brother, Melvin, has also been wounded. These young men en- listed at Prince Albert, and went ov- erseas a year ago. Dr. Dixon of Chioago, and Erwin Dixon of New Liskeard spent last week with their parents. They left for their homes on Friday. Mrs. Nelson of Owen Sound was the guest o_f her son, Wm, lately. Mrs. Mark of Mt. Forest spent Sunday _in the village. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. HOLSTEIN If the cup in which molasses is. measured is greased with a little butter or lard, every bit 01' molasses will come out. When creaming butter for cake making, try pressing it through an ordinary potato ricer. ‘Much time and labor can be saved in this way. iMRS. T H. MCCLOCKLIN of orchid, sweet peas and lily of the valley. During the signing of the register, Miss Elsie Pickering, cou- sin of the bride, sang “Beloved, it is Morn.” After partaking of a dainty luncheon ‘the bridal couple left for a trip to Buffalo and other points, and on their return will be at home in Brantford .â€"Mt. Forest Confeder- ate. BRAUNDâ€"SKALES A quiet wedding took place at the ? home of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Skales. when their only daughter, Ellen, was married to Mr. Cecil Braund, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Braund of Brantford, the Rev. A. C. Eddy officiating. The bride, who was unattended, looked charmâ€" ing in a light grey French suitwith hat to Inatch and a corsage bouquet Ruth ' David ol Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Backus. aged DIED. Backus.â€"-At Phippen. Sash, on May lst, Neeland Alvin, infant $011 one month and ten days. W W ' PASTURE TO LET About 20 acres, well watered. For Even though prices have advanced in nearly every line this year we have secured our millinel‘y stock for Cash, at the Oid price, and will give ‘our customers the benefit. You are invited to visit our Millinery Parlor on Lamhton St., one door West of Standard Bank, and inspect the array of models. We have this season an entrancing dlsplay of Imported Amer- ican and Paris models. When Greaming Butter To Save Molasses. The Newest and Best in American and Paris Models. Spring Millinery particulars, apply to G. A. Watson, R. R. No. 1, Priceville, or on the premises near McWilliams. 2pd Try '1‘. HENDERSON’S Phone II and Get Rig to Call QUALITY Bread, Buns and Cakes T. HENDERSON’S May 10th, 1917 If You want in your Miss Mel’lmeters, w" the winter months w" Mrs. \Varmington. left 'in Drayton on Friday It will pa Chronicle ads Beautify your home "Brandram-Hendersun by F. Lenahan. The purest and best side and outside work Henderson. Sold by F. Mrs. Campbell. am "1813}? Camffiwll. r0 from a fortnightfs \‘1 to friends. Mr. R0131. Laidlnw. 1. Toronto. was home m Mother‘s Day was uh: special s¢.>,1'\'iC(-. in th church last, Sunday «m ‘Pianh for salesâ€"Sq man, in good conditio cash buyer.â€"â€"~Mrs. A Durham. Miss Irnnr‘ Latimor. r. Bank stair. Owen Sum“ day with new parmns h Mrs. :RQV.‘ Win: 11.1! for Hm pas! H]! is ropurtmi tn ho If you have anythim a {ittle ad. in The Ch! get quick results. House to rent office. House to rentâ€"Op; school. Apply to J. Scfi The I‘if‘t‘ ("Pops in Ind are reported PXCPDHnna 12.30 11mm «'Vc'tr'y ’I‘huj noon [PHD] May 1 In S14 Mr. and Mrs. N. M vacated their prvmis .‘ street. and, after Visit a week or tvw. inte Just take a glance and see what it says not renewed, we‘ll have you do so. .Mr. \\'. H. \Vhih'hm town the fart" 1mm Hf H Mrs. W. L. Fulkingl interesting address a land, her native land worth League meetin: odist church lust Mo left Mr. day suit Estimates will be Saturday. May ‘26. fl of shingles from th church. and roâ€"shing Apply to .l. .1. Smith. The Port, Arthus says: "In these days we had to 100k twic‘ before we realized 1 Highlander in kilts other side of the m ored in receiving 1 of £1 (85) each. T thriving well, and some, says The DI Order your city par the Chronicle. Inside of two we cutter will be in to‘ scriptions on heady meats, now erecte requiring work don Allan Bell. Wedding invitatfi nouncements in thq styles of type and be procured 0n shoi right prices at. Th flee. a number availed a privilege. Unfortul tice was a little too who came to town v ed at. finding the st: Last. Friday afte: claimed a general c The triplet. child Mrs. Frank Phelaz now six months old We are glad tn hav All MOM} ml VOL. 50-NO T. C. Morton night, and ¢ as the cemen return NEWS 33" 3'01] Whaley ND Imprq PP OI A1)

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